a? X: 5ft BAYxVE, Proprietor. T J3 It M S OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. W- dr. St. " Per annum, if paid in advance, $i 50 Do if paid at the end ot G months, 3 00 Do if paid at the end of the year, 3 50 v Kates of Advertising : ' ixtj cents per square, for the first, and thiry cents tor each subsequent insertion. A liberal deduction will be made to advertisers' by tha vcar. V fcjourt advertisements and Sheriffs sales, Mill he . enarjea 25 per c -nt. higiier than me usual rates. .. IVll advertisements sent lor nublicatlon should -,vi -T IDftnnmVr nt llx.-rt irill 1 nTenden. Innrkeil nnnn Ahem, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, awl charsd accordingly. m No pap:r di ico:itintied until arrearages are paid, xcept at the ontiosi of the Edi'or. S ifo jiubsrii't'um received for less than twelve ',: months. . lCIjaL.etters on business connected with this estab lishment, must le addressed Hoi.mks St Batnk, J; Editors of the NorthCttrolinian, and in all cases " post-paid. t CT Subseribcrg wishing to make remittanc s by mail, w':ll rrm-mher that they can do sa free of - postage, as Po-tlmnstTs ar autiioi i.-d by laW to ?i frank letters enclosing remittances, if written by v them-telves, or the content s known to them. lrlce of Job Work ! HAND BILLS, p'iim-d un a medium, foyal. or supr royal sheet, for 30 cop cs, lnf 50 copies, Aid for every additional 100 eop es, 1 HOUSE BILLS, on a sheet ffoitl 12 to 19 inches square, 3 ' cpi s, 3 Ovr 18 indie, and not exceeding 30, 5 CARDS, large si 'e, sini.1 pack, " 3 Ad for every ad Jit'iO'ial pa- k, 1 Smaller si.'-s in proportion. BLANKS, when printed to order, fir 1 quire, 2 00 And for every additional otiiic. undi-f 5. 1 00 Exeeedin 5 ouircs, 75 CIRCULARS. INVITATION TICKETS, an. all fcinds of BOOK & JOB PRINTING, executed cheap tor CASH. $2 5 3 HO 00 0 00 25 ml? Apply a j Scpt.2Y rmiiu assort til SI Fur at StcX 1 'race t Together w All t f whichV cliing d for COv give me a call befolw Hay strew Sept. 10, 184L 13.-0y JLrWiVV P VAN A SEGAllfcw 0i) I ucie i .r rtia i, received ami lor sale at the STfcw October 16, 1841. -138: f Tte ft THE FOLLOWING LINKS! kept constantly on hand ASli FOR SALE AT THE CAROLINIAN OFFICE CHECKS, on Bank of the Stale, and Cape , l ear 1 5a ok . P'ROSEOU HON BONDS, Supr. Ct. MARRIAGE LICENSES VENDI EXl'O., constables levy commissions totak. depositions in cqui ty, and Supr. court APPEVRANCE BONDS WRITS, Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Sui.r. Ct. INDICTMENTS for AflVaT, and Assault and Pa't'-ry, Co. and Sujt. Ct C ERTIFIC ATES, Clk. Co. Ct. JURY TICKETS O'lDER. to overseas of Roads HASTARDV BONDS TAX RECEIPTS AVITN'ESS TICKETS E.TEC TMENTS -PATROL NOTICES LET TER of ADMINISTRATION floods Deeds, common, Slierifl"'. Deed, Constables Ca. Si. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, Equity SubptiMias, Superior Court Fi. Fa. County Court Sci. I'a, to vivr judgment. County Court Subpenas, Superior Court Wain nt", Bonds for CoPnl. Apprentices. re- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ! For sale by Nov. 10. ISH. geo. McNeill. (iRAYSON BUTTER. A ra geo. McNeill. Nov. 1 0, J 84 I . FISH ! -n RBLS. TKIM'D HERRINGS. JLHJHV 10 Bbls. Roe do. jO HalfBarrels Shad. 10 Barrels Mulh-t. -TI,TT T Frsale'bv . GEO. McNLILL. Nov. 10, 1J41 roiVFKC TIONBB. TTTT AS iust received a Fresh and General Sui p! y U-U rnltwin articles, which he oilers uiw for CaB'i, viz: Soft shell Almonds, new crop iJU v., - , Palm Nut- and Filherts. Butter v.ra.kers, htnreli. j i - i ninn s. Currants and ana V.IWIMI, vr.fic aim - ' . . , cj..:ji-t, rvr1..r Imii nJ J-anieire, co in Common Ci-ars, Mnccboy SnuiT, Sco ch do. in bottles, Hair P i ...,., s. ofLemon and P pM rmint, Oil of Cinnamon and Ks nee of Peppermint, British Oil, Opetle!dtc, &c. 'A lar'e assortment of CORDI ALS, Pon and Madeira V I N ES.COGN I AC B RAN DY, JAMAI CA RUM, HOLLAND GIN. A general assort ment of TOYS, &c. &c. ' . .. N. B. Country Merchants and oth-rs wisluig to purchase Con'ertinnarien, wh th. r by h .1 . sale ,r retai', will find' it to their advantage to call. 1 He wholesale price of Candies is 2S cents per lb. re tail pric; 35 cent per D Favetteville, Nov. 13, 1840, 142-Ct. State of North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Octo ber Term, 1841. 1 Original Attac'-.ment Lev J ied on one negro girl named f Charlotte, and summoned I. J B. Kelly as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satodaction ot me youri mai thePdefendant in this case is not an 'nhaluUnt ol this State, It is therefore ordered, that publication he made in ihe Nor h Carolinian, a newspaper prin- Pd in Favetteille, for six week., for the saia aior William Bonus, vs. Alonzo B. Williams, to B. Williams personal! to Detnu P ' c. "iv next Term of said Court, to be held for the County of Duplin, at the Conrt House in Kenansvi le, on . r . . , r t noit. then and there to me iniru muim.j j . . . . i plead, answer, or replevy to said aitaci.menr o ner I . ? . ? i Ko r-ntored against him. wise tudsmeni nnai - - . . ' Tnd the property l yied on condemned to sal.sfy ihe Plaint ff'a demand. Witness James Dickson, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 3d Monday in October, A. D. 1841, and in tne ooiu year y ' m"J ' 146 -6U JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. FRUIT, SNUFF TOBACCO. TtT EPT constantly on hand at the Store of the Jfkv. Subscri'ter, bolt and hard shell Jllmonds. lirazil and .Madeira JWits, Filberts, liaisons, 're$, Citron, Crackers, .Mace, JSnhnes, Cloves, Cinnamon, mm . . Macaboii and Scotch Snuff. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Mustard. ALSO, a ood assortment of STUART'S CEL EBRATED STEAM UEFINED CANDY. W. PRIOR. Oc'ob-r 1G, 1841 138-tf TTWTOULDrcspectndly in- w W lorm h;s Inen 's and the Public "tneially, that he still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, on Gillespie striet, a tew !oors South of the Markit Hnu'. All orders thankfully rect-ivd and promptly at tended to. Octeb. r 2, IF41. 136-6m. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers for Lal, at the Store Iat I y occupied by Alessr Benbow, & Co., on flay Street, a varn-ty of BNGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN COLOGJEafld FLORIDA WATER, BEAR'S GREASE and OIL, ANTIQ.UE OIL POMA TUM, CIRCASSIAN and COLD CREAM, OX MAR HOW, PRl'STON SALTS, EXTRACTS, SHAVING SOAPS AND CREAMS; HAIR, CLOTH, TOOTH, and FLESH BRUsHFS; POWOER PUFFS and BOXES; RAZORS; PEN and POCKET KNIVES; SCISSORS: SHELL SIDE, DRESSING and l OCKET COMBS, Steel Pens; Pi-.ekct Books; Backrammnn Boards; PiCh Boxes, Raturdoors iitiri Birds, Lentlemen s Df'slnj Casi s; Hooks and Eves; Fihin Lines and Hooks; Percussion C.ipS. (ribbed and p'ain;) Matches; Snuffand 1 uliacco Boxes; 1 lated Corks, for dccanteis; Maibh s; Slatts and Pencils; Wafers; Note Pap'-r; Sun ijrl.ise: i frinitig Kings; it. Hemmiiiir Son's dri lfd eyed Ilerdies Silver Thimbles': Silver Ev r-point'd Pencils: Black sfttips; Glass Inkstands and Ink; Q.ni!ls, &c. &c -ALSO A "ood assortment of VIOLINS, FLUTES, AND Ff FES, Violin Hows, Strings, Bridges, and Scrctcs; Clarionetl Herds; Tuning Forks, and .Music Bores. All of which will be sold cheap f .r CAS. W. PRIOR. October 10, 1S4I. 1 38 tf NEW GOODK rtjl HE Snbsc:ibers are now receiving by the la'e JL BTivaU f-em the North, their FALL AN D W INTER SUPPLY OF MERCH ANDIZE, con risting of a larjre and general assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hats and Shoes. Bonnets, and Um brellas, Foolscap and J .etler Pa per, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Sad dles, Bridles, &c. &c. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Black smith" s Tools, IIolloic IVarc, $c $c Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES Of alt kinds ; ail of which will be sold at the lowest pricr for Cash, Rack-C'untry Produce, or on credit for approved notes. The Stock i very heav and worthy the atlerition of Country Merchants and the public in general. J. C. & G. B. ATKINS. Fooi of Havmoint. Fayctt. ville, Sept. 25, 1S41. ' 136-y. NEWFIKM. fniHE Sobseribers have connected themselves in -IL the Mercantile Business, under the firm of T. V.. G. II. ATKINS. They intend keep inr a Hrg-e and ijeneral assortment of Merchandize, at wholesale and retail. They will be found at the old Stand of G. B. Atkins, where they wish to sec their friends and customers. JOHN C. ATKINS, G. B. ATKINS. Fayettcville, Sept. 25, 1S4L 136-tf. Loco JPoco FRICTION 3IATCHES. FAfi GROSS, HOLMES' Improved Fric MK tinn Matches, just received, and for sale bv the Gross or Dozen, a snperior article, and warrant, d. Apply to JAMES MARTINE. A constant supply of the above kept o hand, and will be sold low. to sell again. Fayetteville, September 5, 1840 "-tf of the uriT red color from before it passes into the heart,! them, and nourished by food coming stomach, courses freely through the veins, reneN pvrrv d.i rl ol ih- nxtpiii and triinnnhnntlv mount J l ----- . j t r j the banner of health in the blooming cheek. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have L thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign r edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitatio Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-burn and Head i Kestlessness, Ill-temper, Anxuty, Languor Melancholv, Costiveness, Diarrhtea, Cholera, Fev of al kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of al kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Sciirvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbiric Eruption I and Bad Complexion, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disarecabb Complexions, Salt HFieum, Erysipelas, Con.mon Colds and Iiinuenza, and various other complaints which afflict the hu man frame; In Fever and Asne, particularly, the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in Ihe b ever anu Aue districts, Phy sicians almost universally presciihe them. REMOVAL. HAVE removed to my former old Stand, one door West of the Bnnk of Cape Fear, where I am prepared to attend to the AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, as usual. All orders will be attended to. AMOS KIMBALL. December I, 1S41. 144-tf. NOTICE. rTIlIIE Subscribers having qualified as Ex ccutors to the last will and testament of Foun tain Lain, deceased, at the December term of Cum berland County Court, i841: All persons having claims against ihe sai 1 e;-tatc are requested to pre sent them tor settlement within the tim- prescribed by law, or this not:ce will he plead in bar of rceoveiy; and all persons indebt d to the said estate, are earn estly rrqui-sfed to come forward and settle the same as longer indulgence cannot be ojven. john 3. hall, constant Johnson. Dec. 7th, 1841. 14C-6t. LANDS FOR SALE. r'niHE SuSseribers will ex: ose for sale on a crcd JjL it of six months, the following valuable tracts of Land, belonging to the Estate of the late Stephen IT II- a.-..JTL. .1 i.- I no: : in swui in, ueci 300 At-rcs in Cumberland Con ty, uo Diancn c.n 15 do ownfd joinily !y Hollingsworth and Barksdale on the Ga'tberry. SO do j billing the borne place. -ALSO-A few tliousand feet of - Tli-r sale wi'l take place al the late residi nee o Stephen Ilollingsworth, dCcd. On Monday; the I7lh of January next ROBERT MELVIN, ) G. T. BARKSDALE, S Ex'rs. December 21, 1341. 147-ts. EXECXTTRPS NOTICE. ALL p-rsofis having demands against the estr.te of Stephen llollingsw o:th, deed., are reqtist ed ti present them for payment, as it is important to -ic-irl.iin ihf condition of said i s'ate. ROBERT MELVIN, G. T. IA l December 2 1, !S4l-l47-4t G. T. HARKSOALE, A liM.tj Amendatory of tile several Acts es- tablisliins tlie Treasury lieiartmeiit. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oj the United States in Congress assembled, That ihere sh.ill be, and hereby is, crealed and established in ihe Treasury Department at the seat of the Gov ernment of the United States, a Board, to be called the Exchequer of the LTnited States, to he composed of ihe Secretary of the Treasury for the lime huino, the Treasurer of ihe United States fur the time being, and three Commis sioners, to be appointed bv the President with the advice and consent of the Senate; one of the said Commissioners first appointed to be ap pointed for two years, one for four years, and one tor six years, and vacancies subsequent ly oc curring, to be so filled as that one vacan cv shall regularly occur at the end of every period of two years; the said Commissioners not to be removed liom olhce, except lor pny sical inability, incompetency, or neglect or violation of duty; and iu case of any such re moval it shall be the duty of the President to lav the reason thereof before the Senate. A 'id on the first organization of the Board, one of the three Commissioners shall, by the mem bers thereof, be elected President, who shall hold his office for two years, when a new elec tion shall be made: and in like manner a new- election shall take place afterwards at the end of each successive period of two years. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall have au tboritr to appoint aU such inferior officers as in the judgment of the Board the trausactiou of its business may require, tne amount o -SA geneiaf ted States buro."' andVToj . v i ot tne : shall, the said principal shall give b.'in amount and in the Treasury slv performance ci, Board of Excm, shall paj;'"'-.', thereon bv tfiei reai and by all disbursing officers. the Lrovern merit having authority such drafts or orders. And every su metit shall be made at the option of the entitled to receive it, iu gold and silver or in I rcasury notes. Sec. 4. Jind be it further enacted, That the said Exchequer and its officers i-hall per- orn? ine amies ot commissioners ot 'Loans, in receiving subscriptions, transferring stock. and paying dividends and interest thereon, Under the directions of the Secretary of the 1 rensury, anLshaIl render to the 1 reasurer of the United States all necessary facilities for transferring and disbursing the public funds as shall be required by him, and shall perform ail the duties of pension agents under the reg ulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, and shall render and perform all olher duties and services in relation tathe collecting, kerp- Mie and disbursing of the public funds as shall be prescribed by law or by the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 5. Jind be it further enacted, J hat it shall be lawful for the Exchequer at the Scat of Government, and its several agencies, to receive on private deposite gold or silver coin or bullion, the property ot individuals, to be held as in other cases of deposite made by in dividuals fo'r cofrfeftfottce and sccu'rifv: and to issue certificates of the fact of such deposite having been made;Ohich certificates shall al ways- be redeemed on presentation at the agen cy where issued. But the amount so deposit ed, shall never e.tceed, in the whole, fifteen millions of dollars, to be distributed by the Board among i!s several agencies, according to the extent of their business respectively; find for issuing such certificates, no higher premium shall be demanded thau shall be suf ficient to indemnify against the nazard of loss, and remunerate for the safe keeping the de posite, and in no instance to exceed the one- half of one per cent. Bttt paper issued by the Board and Us several agencies, whether in the form of bills or of ceitificates of deposite, shall be redeemable only at the place where issued, unless the hoard shall see cause to order otherwise. Sec. 6. Jind be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said Board of Exche quer, within three months aftei its first organ ization, to establish such by-laws and rules of proceeding as it may judge expedient and proper for the regulation of its concerns and ihe government of its agencies; and copies of all existing by-laws aud rerulatioas shall be laid before Cougress every year at its annual session. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, Thai the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author ized and directed to cause to be prepared Treasury notes cf denominations not less than five dollars nor exceeding one thousand dollars, which notes shall be signed by the Treasurer of ihe United States and counter signed by the President of the Board of Ex chequer, and made payable to the order of the principal agent at each ageucy, and shall be bv him endoised when issued at such agency, and which notes shall be redeemable and shall be redeemed in gold and silver, on demand, at the agency where issued; and Treasury t nve nunarfc Jm uiaiy.iiig.Miuu y n iongefcie than thirty days from dale ; and bills drawn on places more than five hundred miles from the place of drawing shall not be drawn for a longer time than thirty days from sight. 3. In no instance shall more be demanded from the seller of such bill, by way of interest or exchange, than an interest not exceeding six percent, per annum for the time which the said bill has to run, at a rate of exchange never exceeding the cost of remitting specie, and in no case to exceed two percent. And it shall not be lawful for the Board of Exche quer, or any agency, to purchase any bill drawn by or upon any member r officer there of, or in which such member or officer shall in any way be interested ; nor to receive any deposite of any money belonging to any such member or officer. And no bill shall be pur chased or di aft sold at any agency, without the assent of at least two officers of such agen cy ; nor by the Board of Exchequer without the assent ofttvo of its members. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That no agency established in any State under the provisions of this act shall, contrary to nny law which such State may enact, receive any olher deposites thau those of the United States, or make ot sell drafts, or purchase bills, other than such as shall be necessary in the colleclion, transfer, and disbursement of the ptrblic funds.- Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That if at any time it shall be found necessary to carry en the operations of the Exchequer Board, and its agencies hereby created, the Secretary of the Treasury may cause to be prepared, issued, and delivered to the Exche quer Board certificates of stock of the United States, in ihe Usiml form, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per cenHfm per an num, to an amount not exceeding hre tnil- ions of dollats, the interest of which shall be pnVahte semi-annually, and the principal shall be redeemable a! the pleasure of the Govern intnt after the expiration of twenty years from the issue thereof. And if shall be lawful for the said Exchequer Board to sell and transfer the said stock tor gold or silver coin, or bul lion. And it shall be the duty of ihe Exche quer Board to provide for the punctual pay ment of ihe interest on the said stock as it shall become due, aud for the reimbursement of the principal from the profits and other means and resources of the Boaid and its ageucies. But the faith of ihe Government, nevertheless, shall be pledged for the pay ment of the i nt ere-1 and the ptiucipal of such stock. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted. That the Board of Exchequer and its several agen cies sh-jll keep separate aud distiucf sets of books, for the purpose of entering and record i nil, in one set, all transactions' respecting its El jfr 1 any or any of use, in any way. a posited with or belon a ny of its agencies, or belon ed States, or fell nihr Mnnn . . . . - - miT Aa rinnli.lllliM K.ilL . 7 J n 1 agency, d$ csau bo deemed euilty of felon v. and, on coyktian thereof before any court of Ihe U. Stalerf competent jurisdiction, shall be sentenced to1 imprisonment for a term not less than nor more than . . years, and to a fine equal to twice the sunt or value of the property embezzled. Sec. 20. Jind be it further enacted, That if any officer or member 6f fhe Board Of Ex chequer, or any of its agencies established under the provisions of this act, shall give or sign a false certificate of a deposite having been made with any agency, or phall issue or shall dwliver any draff or bill of exchange without having received the full amount there of, and caused the receipt of the same to be duly entered iuto the books of the san e ageu cy, or shall be guilty of any other malpractice by which any responsibility of the said agency or of the Board of Exchequer, or of the Unit ed States, shall be improperly creatwj or in creased, he shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and, on conviction thereof iu any court of thetJuited States of competent juris diction, shall bo sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than one year nor more than seven years, and to pay a fine equal to the amount" of the false certificate so given, or of the bill or draft so issued or delivered, or to the amount of the responsibility so created or increased. Political. Committee of .'6iicres. ..--. i. 4 .... in oar article ot yesterday we alluded to the organization of the committees as pre senting au iusuperahle bar to the introduction of ftieasures for which, as a party, the Demo cracy could be responsible. A glance at tho leading corrrniittees will show at once how en tirely the Democratic side of b.-ith branches ia shorn of iuflueoce iu the preparation r pre sentment of measures. . Iu the Senate, the Committee 'of Foreign Relations is composed of five members. M r Buchanan, formerly the head of the commit tee, is the only Democrat left on it, and ho i put below Messrs'. Rives and Presfon, and is hedged up by Messrs. Tatlmadgeand Choato on the other aide. Thus bound hand and foot by opponents, he can do nothing on th? committee, mr through the committee, with lh Chamber or the Departments. 11m Committee on Finance, tho most ir nnrtant rnmm5l! in orcanirerl in tho n- r. ' ' ct ...... j - - ... ' ' . . - j the collection, keeping, disbursing of the pub- way our to one. The former able chau man lie revenue, and transmitting the public mo- ot that Committee, Mr Wright of New York, neys from place to place for (be service of lis removed frm it altogether. Mr Evans is

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