i. 1 Li: CHARACTER IS AS IMrO!lTNT' to stats as iT"iS:rTd-.jj:otvioiJxr' Ti . JGLORI OP THE.4TATE IS TUS jfcOMMON ' FROERTJ OFITS CITIZENS. WM. II. BAYNE, Proprietor. ; or, . - . T1IE NORTH CAROLINIAN. ..-Por annum", if paid in advance,' $2,50 Do - if'paidatthecndof 6m0nthj-3 00 " ; 5 Do if paid at the end of the yekr, 3 50 : ' Rates ot Advertisiug s BILLIAflD TABLE 82 3 1 3 5 3 1 50 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 75 ? v- I . ly 9Qnia per sauare.for the first, and thirjr cent ,i far tnih-riiipnt insertion. " - " liberal deduction Kill be made to advertisers by Court advertisements and Sheriflfa sales, will be - hared 25 tcr cent, khrher than the usual rates. . " All-advfitisemcnta ncnrt?r puWicatio should have the Ruuiber of insertion intended;: marked unqn r t4ern, otherwise theywil!e inserted until forbrtf, f"' - - ai'dchar5td accordinjrlj ' ' ' Wjaprli3CO'tinwda'iflVrpaagc are )aid, rf7in tjf jhe-oition ofFic Edn'or. - -Jfo iibsctwrTni:-d-fof'lc Uuarf.lwelve - - aMcmr, trtM!T"Tne itcKirrfsr t Editor of the Nortlt-Carolinian, and in all cases post-paid. JC73 Subscribers wishing to make remittanc s Hy mail, will remnnber lhat they can tlo sr free of postage, as Fo.il musters ar authorized by law to franklettcrs enclosing remittances, if written by them-ielrcs, or the content s known to them. lrlccw of .3ob Work : HAND 1JILL.S, printed on a medium, royal, or super royal sheet, for 30 cop es, For 50 copies, Aid fur everv additional 100 conies, HORSE RILLS, on a sheet from 12 to 18 incites square, 3( copies, Over 18 inches, and not. exceeding 30, CARDS, lare sic, single pack, Aa;i for every additional pa k, Smaller sizr'a in proportion. BLANKS, when printed to order, fur 1 quire, 2 And for every additional quire, under 5, 1 Kxceedin"- 5 quire?. ntRniTl.A l!S IWITATION 11' -Ivb. 1 J, aiK all kin.ls of IV )K & JOU PRINTING, executed cheap for CASH. THE FOLLOWING BLANKS! Kept constantly on hand AND FOIl SALE AT, THE CArcoLiriiAiM" orrics: CHKCKS, on liank of the State, and Cape Fear Hunk. PROS ICC U riON F.ONDS, Supr. Ct. MARRIAGE L1CF.NSKS VENDl KXl'O., constables levy COMMISSIONS to take depositions in cqui tv, and Supr. court AFFE RA NC E BONDS WRITS, Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Su;ir. Ct. INDICTMENTS for Affray, and Assault and Rattcry, Co. ami Sup. Ct. CERTIFICATES, Clk. Co. Ct. JUllY TICKETS ORDERS to ovnrser rs of Roads BASTARDY BONDS TAX RECEIPTS WITNC TtOKE ra- - t - EJEC I'MENTS PATROL NOTICES L 'T r EI. of A D M IN 1ST R ATION Bonds Deeds, common, Sherifl 's Deeds, Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds Equity Siilpanas, Superior Court Fi. Fa. County Court Sci. Fa, to re vive judgment. County Court Sul.pff.-nas, Superior Court Wavrt nts, Bonds for Col'nl. Apprentice. Apply at this" OfIiee- ' - . . t' Sept." 25, 1S11 135-tr. mv GOODSASD giieap:, r-TIlIIE Subscriber lias received bis fall and winter JLL -CTpCK OF, GOODS, ernbracma "general assoHrnt ot k ' --'.' " -".i-- ". STAPLE 'DRV GOODS, Fur mutJVoot HatSf1 Selelte and Sealskin Caps, Blankets, Shots, IJardicare and ' ; Cutlery, Crockery and Glass leai-ey- t ' cut - tnd . 'wrDuglu JSlails, ! -' . " : ?. Sittcdes and English Irony assorted,, 4 : Trace Chain; JffoUoiir ware. Scl &c$lc4 -T- - IT 11,1 r J n II. I YUA. - All cf which will hr- sold low for CASH, or ex diun.d for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please give me a call before vou buy. CANNON C A IS ON, Hay street nearly opposite the Hotel. Sept. 10, 1841. 133-6m. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ! For sale lV Nov. 10. 1S41. GRAYSON BUTTER. A PRIME ARTICLE, For sale by GEO. McNEILL. Nov. 10, 1841. now FISH ! IVBLS. TRIM'D HERRINGS. 10 Rbls. Roe do. j() I lull Barrels Shad. 10 Bands Mullet Fr sale by Nov. 10, 1S4I. GEO. McNEILL. State of North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY, ns Veto- Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessio ber Term, 1841. William Bonus, 1 Original Attachment Lcv- : ietl on one nero Crl named ' Charlotte, and summoneU 1 Alonzo B. Williams, K K mv as Garnishee. 7TT appearing to th satisfef ion of the Court thr.t U lh- defendant in tins case is n.i .a tliia State. It is tlviefore ordered, that publication made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper prm ted in Favctto illc, lor six w c ks, ior u. saiu ..u . tJ U. Williams p rroual! to bo and nppear at th next Term of said Court, to be held for the County rn.,r,i.M nt tVi Court House in Kenansville, on the third Monday of Januaiy next, then and there to tlearl answer, or replevy t aici auaenmem, oi ner L:. !jinni final will be entered against him, und the property levied on condemned to satisfy the Plaintiff urntana. Witness Jaraes Dickson, Clerk of said Court, at, office, the 3d Monday in October, A. D. 1841, and In the 6Cth year oi our inanrriiuciic-. 146 6t. JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. State of North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY. nf Tlcn and Quarter Sessions OcloX yiJUt a. v-i a ber Term, 1S41. Original Attachment Led Gibson SiOan, . ied Qn one ner0 gjr namel SEGARS. RINCIPE AND HA- NA SEGARS, a wood ar ticle for retail, received and for sale at the Sfore of W. PRIOR. October 16, 1841. I38if ' FRUIT, JSJYUFF, TOBACCO. TfJT LPT constantly on hand at the Store of the Subscriber, Soil and hard shell Almonds, Jirazil and Aladeira Yuts, Filberts. liaisons, Prunes, Citron, Crackers, Alace, A utmcsrs, Clorcs, Cinnamon. Macabojj and Scotch Snuff'. SnioLinx and Chewing Tobacco; JWuslard. ALSO, a irood assoitment of STUART'S CEL EBRATED ST12AM KEl'INEl) f "AX 13 V. W. PRIOR. October IG, 1841 I3S-tf WOULD respectfully in form his frien s and the Public generally, that he still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC- - TORY, at his old Stand, tc ' on Gillespie street, a tew doors South of the Market House. AM orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Oclwber 2, IP41. 136-Gm. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers for ale, at the Store lately occupied by Messrs Bcnbow, & Co., on llav Street, a variety of ENGLISH, FRENCH-A NT) GERMAN COLOGNE and FLORIDA WATER, BEAR'S GREASE and OIL, ANTIQUE OIL, POMA TUM, CIRCASSIAN and COLD CREAM, OX MARROW, PRFSTON SALTS. EXTRACTS, SHAVING SOAPS AND CREAMS; HAIR, CLOTH, TOOTH, and FLESH BRUSHES; POWDER PUFFS and BOXES; RAZORS; PEN and POCKET KNIVES; SCISSORS; SHELL SIDE, DRESSING and POCKET C03IBS, Steel Pens; Pocket Books; Backpammon Boards; Dico Boxes, Battledoors and Birds, Gentlemen's Drrsin Cases; Hooks and Eves; Fishing Lines and Hook?; Percussion Caps, (ribbed and plain;) Matches; Snuff and Tobacco Boxes; Plated Corks, for decanters; Maibb s; Slates and Pencils; Wafers; Note Paper; Sun Glasses; Teething Rings; R. Hemming & Son's tlri'led eyed Needles; Silver Thimbles; Silver Ever-pointed Pencils; Black snaps; Glass Inkstands and Ink; Quills, &.c. &.c. ALSO A good assortment of VIOLINS, FLUTES, AND FIFES, Violin Jloics, Strings, Jiridges, and Screws; Clarionell llacds; Tuning' Porks, and JWusic Hoxes. All of which will be soi l cheap fr CASH. W. PRIOR. October 10, 1341. 135 tf- - FAYETEViEXS4irX-IDAY, JANUARY 81842. MOFFAT'S LIFEi for sale at the. Post Volume 3. Number 1 50 V X A"IIr 1JV 11 J. 'l Alii. hE AND HARWESS MAKING. u nee at JUumutriourr v JOHN N. DORR, A&nt &c.s&l A fTTlhese Medicines arc indebted for their nrjci" JUL tneir niaoiiesi anu bcbsidic action in pur. thin cnrinors and chanflfels of Hfo'and ondtiin witn reneweo lone aiWtjsgoT. - in roanyrtaw , certified cases which 4av" i made jjublic, f aJiru8t''cverv species of v which, ihe : frame is liable, the M 1 ot MOFPi fcl FE PILLS AND Jpv 13iTTERS4 been : gratefully (and pijafimolodgp&tyAbti,' person s bene Ui tvdfs tiKxraio ! wewf prf-?.' it", unacquainted vxith th Ccintifuily 5jof pnncipies upon mrwcaraey arpr:iwV-yi upon vljich Utey 4wil;frviJ 1 1 Si'bscrilMT bass lea ve to inform thft publ c. rJ 7 9 co,inced the ahove business on arkef 8quare next dr.or lo Mr James R. Gee's, I etc he will kc p constantly on hand and f..r sale, V jfaS'' Parmcljc, Sulky, Carryall, and Wagon MAENEKS. JlD&LISSf rftcery quality and price, short, everyorf i usually foutnl "JP-': Picons wisbing to buy, woi , (and examine, bis work before no hi n urn--nrrr - . . r ""fti-'rr ty rt, . f-: jTr a rat o pcratrou isrto loosen from the coats of the sfoj- mach arut bowel the vaMjjs4(npuritic9L and ertrH' tics constantly settling around them ; and to remove the hardened fasces which collect in the convolu tions of the smallest intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collect ed masses behind as to produce habitual cstive nss, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. Tins Tact is well known to all regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice of those well informed men a gainstjuack medicine or med icines prepared ant heralded to the public by igno rant persons. The secoud effect of the Life Med icines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color Irom the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being ihus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICIN15S have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-bum and Head ach, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever of alt kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbutic Eruption and Bad Complexions, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the hu man frame; In Fever and Ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Phy- sicians almost universally prescribe them. REMOVAL. f" HAVE removed to my former old Stand, one J1L door est ot the linnk ot Cape Fear, where I am prepared to attend to the AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, as usual. All orders will be attended to. AMOS KIMBALL. December I, 1841. 144-tf. JL oUDscnuers im v i u ir u un i iirca- ecutors to the last will and testament of Foun tain Lain, deceased, at the Decern ber term of Cum berland County Court, i84I: All persons having claims against the said otate are requested to pre sent them tor settlement within the time prescribed b v law, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovenrj ana alt jjersens inue.ui.-u 10 lue saiu csiaie, arueaif estly requested to come lorward and settle tne sa as longer indulgence cannot be siven. JOHN H. HALL CONSTANT JOHNSON Dec. 7th, 1S41. 14G-6t. ealfr saiio T1 LANDS FOR SALE. HE Subscribers will ex; ose for sale on a cred it of six months, th-j following valuable tracts of Land, belonging to the Estate of the late StepLen Hol'inrswo'lh, deed. ! 3 00 At-res in Cumberland Con-ly, 25 O lo Bladen do 1 5 O do owned joinlly by llollingswortli and Barksdale on the Galtberry, 50 do joining the home place. ALSO ; A few thousand feet of Tin; sale will take plac at Steimen Ho'lingswi of January next. i NEW GOODS. IIE Subcribers arc now receiving bv crivals t-em 1 lie North, their FAL WINTER SUPPLY OF M ERC 11 A N D1Z istill"r of a Iai"'e and general assortment of HARDWARE A Hats and br TUK'irVft. "fTV Tfc lF the, J p o in a SadJlert uld do well lb iTe, -ass he 18 iteleimined fA VCRV 1 flW fiT ff nsual ijnae to piui' timl cu-. win m niinu Jino prompUy attended to, nnd motlerate xhare nale. J. S. RAiJOTEAy. Spt: 59. 184 1. I36-3m. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS J. & J. KYLE HAVE just received hy the last arrivals from the North, a large and splendid assortment of Id uy goods. f Jimong which are Superbr clo h and Cassimcres ; Sattincts : Kentucky Janes; white, rod, and sreen Flannel, 4-4 and f-4 ; Merinos, French and Englit-h ; 2100 pieces Calico; plain Muslins; Bishop Lawns; Irish Linens. L-iwns and Diapers; Bolting Cloths, brown aid bleached Domestics, from 3-1 to 6-4; with many other articles. All of which, being bought at the lowest Package price, are offered at reduced prices, by Wholesale or Retail, for Cash, r to punctual Customers on the usual time. September C, 1811. -134-tf. HATS. J Ii. & 3D. G-Z2E, RETURN their thanks for tho liberal Pationagc they have received and take pleasure in in forming their Friends and Customers, that they con tinue to Manufacture all kinds of HATS, also, to keep a supply from the most Fashionable Factories in Now York, and Philadelphia. JiLSO FURS, HAT -TRIMMINGS &c. &c. Ociober 30, 1341. i4Qy SW AIM'S XO RTHCA UOL1N A EXECUTOR: CONTAINING the Statutes aueS common Law of this State, together with the decisions ol the Supieme Comt, and all the necessary foima and precedents. Intended as a convenient Manual, and a safe PLANTER'HOTEL, FOOT OF HAVwrbuif T, Wayttlcvttlf, Vi. t rfjinu. sDfritier navuig opened imat large and J3L' CommMlioo8 Uouseon Hay Street krWwn as ti PLANTER'S HOTEL; is now prepared to -commodate Boardrrs af I TjrreUero upu moderate terms, bhe trusts th; f sti ic.attenlion and he? inti- mate acquaintance wjjh Uic buinss, w.Hl '-nsure a lihernl poitioti ftjT tuephlionagWof tl.e public the table u ill be furnished w ith the If.si the Mai kef af fords, and the stables wilheaeeful and attentive Ost Icrs. r x ". .. - - . v V"'. : Vannbrown. v ,Notember J3, 840. . . 142v r : . ' r- adding near six millions to the twenty-three millions appropriated by the Van Buren part lor the jj, ear 1841? take $25,OU0 of the public money topay the log-cabin clecrioneering ex--penscs of one-tnan; borrotv twelve millions of money; suppress debate in Congress; lax us six or eighCmillions more by a tax of 20 cents on ejt'erydbllara worth of Steel, Iron, Mo4as ses, Sugar, ''Salt, &c. &c, imported. B it therefore jt " - Ji Resolved, Tnnt the policy? and practice f the. last Whig Legislature, in utteoiptiDg to Pompeii by law the honest farmers to pay 600,OCO . of other imprudent persons dsbts: tne to T3! Tu l-23eS' nnVi s? inner4r Va riltus'kiii7s a ppoi Iif- cl by the Courts. Clerks. Sberifls and uJI other nub ic otlic rs. In short i: is intended for the benefit of all persons public or private, who are or possibly may be interested in the proper management of the ea tnf s of deceased persons with the least trouble and ejp- nse possible, according to the laws now m force For, besides the legal matter above mentioned encr- ally it embraces the kindred subjects r f wi:li of land & personal property, Legacies, Distributive shares of evtatcs, Rules of Descent, Partition of estates real and p.-rsonal among those entitled, Dower and other provisions for Widows, &c, &. Among the lorms it contains, are. all the ns ceary Legal p-ocess, Wills, Bonds, Oaths, Deeds, I liils ol sale, Leases, rorrn of Account, Petitions, Affidavits, Adertiscments, Commissions, Notices, Wrrits, Returns, Reports, &c. &c. in all. near & hundied in number. And is behevtd. bv erood judges, to bo the largest, as well as the most practi cal and unproved collection of Foims now extant. This Book has just been published. It contains 248 octavo pages, (same size as those of the North Caro'ina Justice ";) well bound in law binding; and, in consequence of the scarcity of moi.ey, as well as to place it with-n the reach of every person, it is now offered for sale at the low'pi jce of $ I 50 by retail. Merchants and others who buy a quantity to sell again, can ha ye a 'reasonable reduction in tho price. IdJApp-y at the Printing Office in Asheborough Rando'pn County, N. C., or at the North Carolina Book -Store in Raleigh. BENJAMIN SWAIM Dee. 8th. 1841. 1 49.-3t. Author & Proprietor. vX State of North Carolina. SAMPSON COUNTY. Couij'i;f tr'd-ul'dvl Quarter Session ' .bv the LandJr'rm, 1S4L Yl S ..ith bv II, I jo s, "iV Icr-amlsjHie uual Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions -JS'o-f ember Term, 18-11. Sabra Porter Real Es:at. of Vr f' ' Dwc- r. Hart well Poitei, doe'd J IT appearing to the Couit thnt John Porter, one of the h- irs at law ef Hartwell Poiter, deceased, is not an inhabitant of this State, it id therefore r dcr d: Thit publication he made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, printed in FuvcUevilltf, for the said John Porter to appe-r at the next teim of this Court, to be held tor the County of Sampson, at the Court House in Clinton, on the 3d Monday in Feb ruary nxt, and plead, answer or demur to said pe tition, otherwise the same will be taken j ro confesso and heard ox parte as to him. Witness Thomas I. Faison, Clerk of said Couit, at office in Chn'on, the 3d .Monday of November, A. D. 1841, and 00th year of American Indepen dence. 1 19-Gt THOMAS I. FAISON, C!k. C. C. State of North Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions De cember Term, 1841. . Joseph W. Evans, Ex'r. of Joiah Evans, sen., dee. vs. The Heirs at law and Legatees of Josiuh Evans, senior, deceased. Will Propounded for Probate. v JOSEPH W. EVANS comes into Court and dc posites three paper writings, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Josian Evans, sen. dec., whereupon the Couit ordered that notice should is sue to the following persons, (the wid-jw, heirs at law, and next of kin cf said deceased, and persons purporting to be interested as legatees.) Sarah Ev ans, willow of deceased, Catharine Evans, widow of 1 nomas Evans, deed.. John Evans, Peleg Pearcc and Alary E. Pearee his wife, Jonathan Evns, Jas. Evans, Dickson Evans, Mary Ann Evans and Cath arine Evans, daughters of Thomas Evans, deceased, and Alary A. Evans, minor, child of Josiah Evans, junior, deceased. AND it appearing to thesatisfanfion of the Court that John Evans and his children, whose names are unknown to the Court, and Dickson Evans are a paper published in the town pf Ffcyeticvilte, for six successive weeks, tc tho end that the said per?. sons may all he present at the term of this Court to be hatd for the County of Cumberland, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday in March next, to witness the probate ol the said paper wri tings, or such of them as maybe adjudged by the Court to be the last Will and Testament of the said Josiah Evans, senior, deceased. Witniss John McLaurin, Clerk of our said Court ; at office in Fayetteville, the first Monday of De cember, A. D. 1841, and of American Indepen dence the 66th. 149-6 JOHN McLAURIN, Clerk. Fiom the North Caro'ina Standard. Meeting; in Orange At a large and respectable mcetiug of the Democratic Republicans of the County of Or ange, held at the High Falls Factory, on Sat urday the 11th of December, 1S41: The meet ing was organized by the appointment of Gen. Benjamin Trollinger Chairman, and Dr. B. Walker and D. A. Montgomery Secretaries. The object of the meeting was explained by the Chairman, in a brief and appropriate man ner. On motion of Dr. Watson, a committee of live was appointed by the Chairman, to draft resolutions expressive of tho views of the meetiuo. h"n 4Jr. L. r . at .son, Wm. Hall, npomt- lurujug out ot ocico e?ejr4rarT3w wiu party tvrannand despotism, and" wilf be re sisted in every shape and form, until the acts are repealed and tho actors turned out ofpo.w er and place. Resolved, That the loaning out largo sums of the people's money tu corporations and companies and concealingtheir defalcations, and the suspension by the Banks while they divide largo dividends of profit, is unpardon able. ' . Resolved, That the lata extraordinaryjtes sion of Congress was a fraud upon the pejbplo, and all its acts of a like character; nuJ that we will set our faces against iheso acts, and agaiust nil concerned, and against all who ad vocate them. Resolved, That we disapprove a National Bank, on individual capital, or auy form, to discount paper. ' , Resolved, That wo approve Pjesident Ty ler's veto on the Bank, and also on tho Fiscal Corporation. 1 Resolved, That seven delegates bo appoint ed or named by the Chair, to attend the Con vention on tho lOtbof January next, at Ra leigh, to-1-select a Democratic candidate for Governor. Dr. E. FWalsori, Dr. B. Walker, Major William Patterson, Col. W. Hall, John Holt, Esq., Col. J. Cant, and Dr. W. Montgome ry were appointed. Resolved, That the above resolutions bo published in tho Standard and Hillsborough Recorder, and signed by tho Chairman and Secretaries. Resolved, That wo, recommend to tho fa vorable consideration of (he Convention, tho iiamu of our distinguished fellow citizen, Bedford Brown, of Caswell county. BENJ. TROLLINGER, CiVn. r United 1.-;; ' Address to tbe People :of the ; ' "F ellow Citizens. -The object of any ad- dressjng you at this time, is not for tho pui-p'oso of justifying myself tor the participation which I have had in the frauds on the elective fran chise, in the State of New- Yotk, in the years 1S3S and 1S39, which produced so much ex citement after their disclosure, und which woro so widely, justly, and severely commented up on by the public print-, not only in this country but iu Euglaud. That I did participate iu these transactions, I admit, and can only, so far as I am concerned, frankly acknowledge my error. The evil is done, and I sincerely regret that I over, iu any way, allowed myself to participate with others in a transaction for which I have been compelled by circumstances to be the only gufTertr. In justice to my country iu justice to my family injustice to my friends in justice to myself I am de termined now, be the effect on myself what it may, to prcsciit to the public a full, candid, true and impartial account of those frauds, iu which I shall " Nothing extenuate, Nor set down auaht in malic 1 am well awaro that dutt adopt this course long since. of ciicuiwitanees, my and my lips closed been branded fro ; tho ether, L and tar; O vs. f C i lottt. iinil mnnmnnpH Alonzo B. Williams, j B Kelly 'as Garnishee. ...nrnrinv to the satisfaction of the Court thd I lJlfend:int in this Case is not an inhal.itat of this State, It is therefore ordered, that publicatuj i ,,., in the North Carolinian, a rn:wspaper prirl led in Fayetteville, for six weeks, for the said AloJ xo B Williams personally io oe ano appear ai TtTerm of said Court, to be held for the Conn of Duplm, at theouri nouse in ociuns.mt-, wmi third Monday of January next, then and there! plead, answer, or replevy to saiu auacumeni, ouiu :.,,lTinent final will be entered against hil D.J , - . i j c. . nd the property leviea on couucuincu iu eausij uiainiifT' demand. Witness James Dickson, Clerk of said Courtj Office, the 3dilonday mueioDer, a. u. ibii,; in iheGGth vcar of American Independence. l46-6t. JAMES DICKSON, Clerk