"CHARACTEJlS' srflMrORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO 1NDIYIDUAC5J: XT. .WJir.'Hb BAYNE, Proprietor i1 : iTpB NORTJtt CAROLINtAN:. Pej'Vnouni, if paidijidvlince, ; $2,50 r-. Do " if paid at the end of 6 month's, 3 00 - Do ' f. paid at the end oft he year, 3 50. 4 Kates of jjkdvertlsing 1 .1- ixtj cents per square; lor the first, and thiry cents for each subsequent insertion. . - A liberal deduction will be made to, advertisers by the year. M f - , Court advertisements and Sheriffs sales, will be -charged 25 per cent, higher than the usual rates. All advertisements sent for publication should have, the number o$ insertions intended, marked upon them, otherwise they will be inserted 6iiil forbid, and charged accordingly. . - No paper di scontinued until.arrettraes arc paid; except at he option of the E4iorf ? iTa ikaiwtriAn noaMw Xir lk n twelve. - nanment, mu w aawwMi 'jvw FA YETTEVILLE, : SATJT - - - -y- RT F THE STATE IS THE COMMOJC PKOFKATT OF ITS CITIZEltL.2? JANUARY 15, 1842. if.. w 5; BILLIARD! TABLE : For Salis Apply at this Office.", r "r 1 : .Sept25, 1841. - ' 135-tf. NEW GOOD AND CHEAP. f niHE Subscriber has received his fa!! and winter f0 JUL STUCK. OF GOODS, embracing a assorimcni 01 STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ftir and Wool Mats Setetftltind Seal-skidl . Caps, Blanbeti, Shoty Hardware and '"' . Cullcryy-'Crocher ipi'd Glass icare, " Xf "dut androught'jyaUsy ; I' t; -flibc'a'es and" English' Iron, 'assorted, ";. Trdce Chains, Holioio isare.' &c cyc. &c. ; Together with a rood 'assortment cf ' !uj r a.. cases t e-2 50 3 On I 00 "-"V' Editors of the North-47ar6tinian, and post-paid. . ' ' 'i ItT?" Subscribers wiihinsrto make-remit! a nc s by mail, wilbrf member ihat theytfitk'do so free of - postage, n rest master are antnorns oy iaw 10 -I rank letters enclosing remntances, 11 written uy themselves, or the contents known to. them. - If AND BILJJ3, printed on a mediup!, royal, - or super royal sheet, tor JU cop-eaa. For 50 copies, '- And fr every additional 100 copies, HORSE DILLS, on a sheet from 12 to inches square, 30 copies, iOvr 18 indies, and not exceeding 30, CARDSIarge size, single pack, Aad foisever additional pat k, Sillier sir.;s in proportion.' BLANKS, when printed to order, for 1 quire, 2 And for every additional quire, under 5, I Exceeding 5 quires, : all kinds of BOOK & JOB Pill IN TING, executed cheap for CASH. IS 00 0D 00 25 00 00 75 r f , THE FOLLOWING B L A N K S! Kept constantly on hand t AND FOR SALE AT THE CAROLINIAN OFFICE : CHECKS, on Bank of the State, and Cape Fear Bank. IMtOSECU riOX BONDS, Supr. Ct. .-Ill A It RI AGE LICENSES VENDI EXPO'.conatables levy COMiVNSSIONS totakedepositionsin crpui ty, aud Supr. court APPEARANCE BONDS WRITS, Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Supr. Ct. INDICTMENTS for Affray, and Asafcult and Ratt.ory, Co. and Sup. Ct. CERTIFICATES, Clk. Co. Ct. , JURY TICKETS "SORDER-S to overerrs of Roads JT BASTARDY BONDS. TAX REORIPTS K.. J ii.1Wi , . ... , t n -rt n J I I. ilD IO ITT,JllII-0 m.m-.m EJECTMENTS PATROL NOTICES L STT E RS of A DMINISTRATION Bonds Deeds, common, Sheriff's Deeds, Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, Equity SubpdMins, Superior Court. Fi. Fa. County Court Si. Fn, to re vive judgment. County Court Subpcfcnas, Superior Court Warrcnts, Bonl for Col'rd. Apprentices. aBt JPBCENIXBrr'l'Elt. - ifII)L1E a xd harness MAKiitc. ffir.tale aitke Post Office at Lulnberfoti by f JUM1N IN. UOUU.'Tr a-c., -, TiXBcse' Medicines are indebted fo their name. to their manifest and sensible 'actron' m po;tyinr epringt! and channels of life, and enduing them a renewed .tone aiiftwionr. In man V lltmdred .ce'rtlfied cases which have been ade public, and in 'almost every peciest)f disease to which the human trame Is liable, the happy eltects oj JvnJr rai o LIFE PILLS AND. PHCEN1X BITTERS have been; gratefully yand publicly acknowledged the persons penenweq, -. ana wno ' were piotiHiua- lv-uuncquaihted with the bcautitatlv ptnioooicai principles trpon which they are com pou JVnd UDotl whitkfeverfnseQuenilv act 4 '-Svr BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ! For sale bv Nov. 10, 1841. Gt:o. McNeill. GRAYSON BUTTER. A PRIME ARTICLE, For Sal. by GEO. McNEILL. Nov. 10, 1841. Fr sale by Nov. in" FISH ! BBLS. TRIM'D HERRINGS. 10 Bbls. Roe do. 10 IlalfBarrcls Shad. 10 Barrels Midkt. GEO. McNEILL. 1S4I. William Bonus, vs. State of North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY, Court df Pleas and Quarter Sessions Oclo ber Term, 18-11. Original Attachment Lcv- ; ied on one ncro sirl named f ri i i . i t Alonzo 13. Williams, j B K 'ag Garnislieo. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this ca?e is not an inhabitant of this State, It is therefore ordered, that publication he made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper prin ted in Fayette i He, for six weeks, forth said Alon r.u B. Williams personally to be and appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held for the County of Duplin, at the Court House in Kcnansville, on the third Monday of Januaiy next, then and there to plead, answer, or replevy to said attachment, other Wise judgment final will be entered against him, and the. property levied on condemned to satisfy the Plaintiff' flrmond. Witness James Dickson, Clrk of said Court, at office, the 3d Monday in October, A. D. 1S4I, ami in the GCth year of our independene. 146 6t- JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. State of North Carolina, DUPLIN COUNTY. Court of Picas and Qvarter Sessions Octo ber Term, 1S41. 1 Original Attachment Lcv Gibson Sloan, wdn one ncro gir naniud A1 ; Charlctte, and summoned 1. Alonxo B. Williams, j R Kd,y Garnishcj?. IT appealing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this Case is not an inhabitant of this State, It is therefore ordered, that publication be made, in the North Carolinian, a newspaper prin ted in Fayettrvillo, for six weeks, for the said A!on zo B. Williams personally to be and appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held for the County of Duplin, at the Court House in Kcnansville, on the third Monday of January next, then and there to plead, answer, or replevy to said attachment, other wise judgment final will be entered against him, nnd the property levied on condemned to satisfy the PlaihtitF" demand. Witness James Dickson, Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 3dMonday in October, A. D. 1841, and in the66ih year of American Independence. 146-61.. JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. All;r which' will be sold -low "for C A SH, or ex- chun'rd for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please give me a call before you buy. CANNON CAISON, Hay street nearly opposite the Hotel. Hept. TU, 1 84 I. I33-6m. SEGARS. H9. fh0fo&h PRINCIPE AND HA- -"-v VAN A SEGARS.aiiood ar tide fir retail, received and lor sale at the Store of W. PRIOR. October 16, 1841. I38tf FRUIT, SNUFF, TOBACCO, ffZ EPT constantly on hand at the Store of the EY T8i subscriber, Soft and hard shell Jlhnonds, liraz il and JWadsira Juts, Filberts, liaisons, Prune Citron, Crackers, .Mace, JSulinegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, JWacaboij and Scotch Snuff, Smoking and Chewing; Tobacco; Mustard. ALSO, a cood assoituent of STUART'S CEL EB RATED STEAM KEl'INEl) ( ANDY. W. PRIOR. Oc'ob-r 16, 1841 I3S-tf WOULDrespectfully in form his fnen 's and the Public generally, that ho still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, ' on Giliesptc street, a tew doors South of t he Market House. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. October 2, jg41. 136 -6m. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers for -ale, at the Store lately occupied by Messrs Benbow, & Co., on Hay Street, a variety of ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN COLOGNE and FLORIDA WATER, BEAR'S GREASE and OIL, ANTIQUE OIL, POMA TUM, CIRCASSIAN and COLD CREAM, OX M A R K O W,PR ESTON SALTS, EXTRACTS, SHAVING SOAPS AND CREAMS; II AIR, CLOTH. TOOTH, and FLESH BRUSHES: POWDER PUFFS and BOXES; RAZORS; PEN and POCKET KNIVES; SCISSORS; SHELL SIDE, DRESSING and POCKET COMBS, Steel Pens: Pocket Books: Backgammon Brnrds: Dico Boxes, Battledoors and Birds, Gentlemen's Drtin2 Cnsr s; Hooks and Eves; Fishing Lines and Hooks; Percussion Caps, (ribbed and plain;) Matches; Snuff and Tobacco Boxes; Plated Corks, for decanters; Marbles; Slatts and Ptncils; Wafers; Note Paper; Sun Glasses; Teething Rings; R. Hemming & Son's drilled eyed Needles; Silver Thimbles; Silver Ever-pointed Pencils; Black snaps; Glass Inkstands and Ink; On ills, &c. &c. ALSO A pood assortment of YIOLLNS, FLUTES, AND FIFES, Violin Jioies, Strings, Bridges, and Screws; Clarionell Reeds; Tuning Forks, and Music Jio.ies. All of which will be sold cheap fur CASH. W. PRIOR. October 16, 1S4I. 13S tf- NEW GOODS. THE Subscribers are now receiving bv the late arrivals t orn the North, their FALL AND WINTER SUPFLY OF MERCHANDIZE, con sisting of a Iarre and general assortment of J3HY-G001) HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hats and Shoes. Bonnets, and Um brellas, Foolscap and J setter Pa per, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Sad dles, Bridles, &c. &.C. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Hlacksmitli's Tools, J follow Ware, i$-c. fyc. Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES Of all kinds ; all ot which will bo sold at the lowest prices for Cash, Back-country Produce, or on credit for approved notes. TheStock is very heavy, and w orthy the attention id 'Country Merchants and the public in general. J. C. & G. B. ATKINS. Fool of Ilavmount. FaycltfvilJe, Sept. 25, 1341. " 136-y. MEW FIRM. THE Subscribers have connected themselves in the Mercantile Business, under the tinu of J. C & G. II. ATK1XS They intend keep ing a hirgc and general assortment of Merchandize, at wholesale and retail. They will be found at the old Stand of G. B. Atkins, where they wish to see their friends and customers. JOHN C. ATKINS, G. B. ATKINS. Fayetteville, Sept. 25, 184 1 . 1 36-tf. RAISINS. GEO. McNEILL. A FEW COXES, fresh, For sale by Nov. 10, 1841 STBTIPi O barrels Camps' refined Svrup. O barrels New Orleans TREACLE. For sale by GEO. McNEILL. December, lSlh. ;J21V ES TjlBLlSHMEJrr. The Llrlfi JVlIiOlCLN recommend themselves in disuses of every fqfni and description ." TbfMr "u iron me cuuia-i wub-t" u nni I I il Jill lu -wrTilFiw k mHH w;yu'-T ties constantly settling around them ; and to remove the hardened faeces wh ch collect in the convolu tions of the smallest intestines. Other medicines only pnrtially cleanse these, and leave Such collect ed masses behind as to produce habitual cestive- ness, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its irnnrnent dangers. 1 his fact is well known to all regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudiceof those well informed men a "ainst quack medicine or med icines prepared and heralded to the public by igno rant persons. The secoud effect of the Life Med icines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the. lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming chck. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-burn and Head ach, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbutic Eruption and Bad Complexions, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the hu man frame; In Fever and Ague, particularly, tbe Life Medicines have most eminently successful.; so much so that in the. Fever and Ague districts, Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. i-?..2 Subscriber bes leave to inform the public, I Jarket Square, next door to Mr James R. Gee's, TJJf wiht Ke- p constantly on band and tor safej ' carthe, Sulky, Carrynll, and Wagon : ifco, oj every qumdy and pricey, '4 TRUNKS AND WHIPS. 1 eVcfV afilt If: MatiaftV f, l1 Person wishing to. buy, would 4I0 well to eii 5 1 -examine his work before purchasing- Plse-frw-f tna he is determined to sell VERY LOW rpr ash, or on the usual lime to nun tuat cus- 'eitoPa 'trict .itilion to his busi. cj 1, merit a wwrn on ot pubbc patronage. iff lKtB.of every fWiptfon in bis -1 riu. remo.vAl. fHA VE removed to my former old Stand, one door West of the Bnnk of Cape Fear, where I am prepared to attend to tbe AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, as usual. All orders pill be attended to. f AtlOS KIMBALL. December 1, 1841. 144-tf. NOTICE. ITTIHJS Subscribers having qualified asEx ecutors to ihe last wtll and teslamentljtriii- tain Lain, deceased, at the December term of Cum berland County Court, 18H: All persons having claims against the said estate are requested to pre sent them lor settlement within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in 'barot recovciy; and all persons indebted to the said estate, are earn estly requested to come forward and settle the same aslonger indulgence cannot be given. JOHN H.IJ ALL. CONSTANT JOHNSON. Dec. 7th, B11. 146-6t. LANDS FOR SALE. THE Subscribers will expose for sale onacrcd it of six months, the following valuable tracts of Land, belonging to the Estate of the late Stephen HoHings worth, deed. 300 Acres in Cumbcland Conrty, 'Zatt ilo liladcn do ISO do owned jointly by Hollingsworth -and Barksdale on the'Galtberry, SO do joining the home place. ALSO A few thousand feet of . The sale wi!I take place at the late residence o i Stephen Hollingsworth, deed, on Monday, the 17th of January next. ROBERT MELVIN, G. T. BARKSDALE December 21, 1S41. 147-ts. j Ex'ra. . MATS. o WMMdi E TURN their thanks for tht-liberal Pationage U ft tliey have received mid take pleasure in in forming their Friends and Customers, that they con tinue to Manufacture all kinds of il A 1 iS, also, to keep a supply from the most Fashionable Factorbs in New York, and Philadelphia. FURS, IIAT-TRI MMING S &c. &c. Oc ober 30, 1841. 1 40-y - SWAI3PS NOR T II CAROLINA EXECUTOR: CONTAINING the Statutes aud common Law of this State, together with the decisions of the Supremo Cou;t, and all the necessary forms and precedents. Intended as a convenient Manual, and a safe guide to E.v cutors, Administrators, Guardians, Juries and Commissioners of various kinds appoint ed by the Courts, Clerks, Sheriffs and all other public officers. In shoit i; is intended for the benefit of all persons public or private, who are or possibly may be interested in the proper management of the es ttitc s of deceased peisons with the least trouble and expense possible, according to the laws now in force For, besiJes theleirnl matter above mentioned tencr- -ally it embraces the kindred subjects of wills of land & personal property, Legacies, Distributive shares of estates,' Rules of Desceijt, Partition of estates real and personal among those entitled, Dower and other provisions for Widows, &c, Among the forms it contains, are, all the ne- j cesary Legal p-eeess, Wills, Bonds, Oaths, Deeds, 1 Bills of sale, Leases, Forms of Account, Petitions, j Affidavits, Aderliscments, Commissions, Notices, ! Writs, Returns, Reports. &c., &c in all, near a hundred in number. Ana- is believed, bv ood judges, to bo the largest, as well as the most practi cal anu approved collection ot forms now extant. This Book has just been published. It contains l 248 octavo pages, (same size as those of the " North State oL.North Carol mar: sampson county: v - f Cow rl of Pita and QnarieT SeSsionsJVo- yemotr jfVrm, lS41i ' f J ohn Robfnson vs. R jchard Ph,' AdmtiYsiKattit of Barrel Register, deceaseiL'H '-.t:r . Pe-riTrox for Distr ibutiok.. " ' ; IT appearing n the Cmii-ilmt'Joei'lr-Rosisfer one of the Distributees of tho E.-rfcnte of Burrel Regl-f-r, deed., is not art inh.flu'tant-of (his Stale, it m therefore ordered, that publication tj'tua. Ic for n-v ucces-ivi wccis in Urartortti Oarotinian, a pa day in FcCTtr nrv nexf. and shew cause, if anlrhe hafn why the said Distribution may not take place, w iinessi nomas I. h nison. Uterk o said Court at Office in Clinrmi, the 3d Monday of November, ncc. Volume a. ITutater X5l ' " ' - T- .. ... at National Hall, Canal street; and sdEneiptk.' er!, I thinl&f at his place of, Mgjjueoh tbel -corner of Broad apd Water peeta.;K?Naah Cobk" traa tSfs tinacvooe of ibe Whijn-. ' didhtes for the Xsseinbljr, from the Citj cf York. After my : rero? I- ,n8t iX9 whole three days of ttoa, alr$t eoa stantb occupied . in - tlrjvate -CcawAiUee robrhtHl NatienaltlaQg' MarahaO. Ro- Derts ol the Mlth tVCtioolc ot Ollth Ward, John - Faulkrrcf thr Seyewh Tard, yur pno, sncu m me ioyn ol ayeUevltfe. Tor the 1 liedney ol the tlSXW arcL nd SQfne 0 ; Sbclw ',,? iStS VV,,Taa, M erSi whose names eX6w receflec Uiw fonrt,-to lie tt-t lor the County of Sampson, 1 - I ' ,r -n i'v' t7t -ir at the Court House in Clinton, on ihe third MonTfs,fed as fn PPrT of the men, andt seefDatX-ilFe'njnr ly disposed of in rereoecnve wardafc and enabled to put tn tbIr votes, Bowen.Elash-" - iora nnd lmherand maw athar iimmiitiiu , J County Creditors- ALL PERSONS having claims against the County of Cumberland, are hereby notified to list the same with John McLanrm, Clerk, on or be fore Tuesday, the 1st day of February next, that they tna be passed upon by the Committee of finance. JFurtlicr Notice, TtlE Sheriff. County Trustee; Treasurer of the Board of Wardens, Clerk and Master. Clerk of the Superior, and the Clerk of the County Court of Cumberland County, are notified to attend at the Court House in Fayotteville on the 1st of February next, for the purpose of settling their accounts, a greeable to the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided. (ill II DON DEMING, DANIEL McDlAlfcUID, JOHN McNEILL.. Committee 0 Finance. Fayclteville, Jan. 4, 1842. I50-3t. MOUSE CARPENTERING. FTMHE Subscriber respectfully informs tbe citizens of Kayetteville, and its vicinity, that he has commenced tbe above business in this place, nnd by despatch and punctuality, hopes to merita liberal share of public patronage. L. SOLOMONS. P. S. Persons from the up-country, can he sup plied with doors, blinds and sashes, door and win dow frames, at shortest notice and on rcoil reason able terms. IcCJHe will be found at all times at the Jack son Hotel, Liberty Point. January 8, 1811. f40-Cm. Political. ICarajina . justice,,";) well boundmJawbindiBg; Well as to place it within the reach of every person, YORTii " 111 Ilia IIO 'UWI t.U IUr M11C Ul (.11(7 IU1 HI IW VI JU UT I puce ot 2 1 50 by retail. Merchants and others who buy a quantity to sell again, can haye a reasonable reduction in the pr'ce. tC3Applyat thePrinttng OfTicein Asheborough Randolph County, N. C, or at tho North Carolina Book-Store in Raleigh. BENJAMIN SWAIM Dec. 8th. 1841. !49.-3t. Author & Proprietor. LIST OP LETTERS EMAINING in the Post Office at Fayetteville, on the 1st of January, 1842: -No- State of North Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY. Coujrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- vember Term, 1S4.1. James Kelly vs. Original Attachment,' Duncan Black, 3 NO Goods or Chatties to be found: Levied on a Tract of Land of eleven hundred and eighty-two and a half acres, on Burnt swamp, adjoining Ray and Rhodes and McAlpin, as tlse property of Dun can uiack, be-ins: his interest in ana 10 ine same, viz: one sixth part. Also the interest of Duncan Black in and to a Tract of one hundred acres, more or less, on the Lumlierion Road, on Massy Neck Branch, adjoining Richard Rhodes, John Powil, and D. McAlpin, called the Sion Best Field, re turned the 27th Jamiarj-, 1841. IT appearing to the satisfaction oT the Court, thi thedefendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, published in the Town of Fayetteville, that unless the defendant shall appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden for the County of Robeson, at the Court House in Lum berton, on Ihe fourth Monday in February next, and replevy the said propeity, and plead thereto, judge ment final by default, will be entered again' nun. VV1 I N ESS, Shadrach Howell, Clerk ot said voun at office in Lumberton, the 4th Monday ot No vember, A. D. 1841, and of American Indepen dence the 66th yeai. 146 6t SDH-HOWELL, Cik.C.C. , ENTERTAINMENT. I.OOlv AT THIS. MY HOUSE has been thoroughly rf paiied.- 1 will keen Entertainment at very r-duc'd pri ces, and be glad to welcome the return of my friends and customers. Call and see. - E. SMITH. Fayetteville, October 13, 1S4I. il38-tf M v House is on ihe corner of Gillespie and Mum- ford Streets, convenient to the Market, and nealhe State Bank. t-. o. 1 PAY THE PRINTER. Goodman Arnet T. J. Anderson George B. Adams B. Mary Jane Buie Graham Baker E. W.B. rry John Burkloe John Q.. Bridges" John Barbara Stephen Bclhca John Bell C. David Cirver, senior Daniel Core James Campbell Ilir y Chavis B-enj. Chapma-i Duncan (ampb II Robert Campbell Jacob Council Uriah Chesson Henry Carter James Chasen James Carrel John Colvin D. Lewis Davis Catherine Draughon H-ir' iet T. DmcJt Littleton Drury E. John E. Edwards F. Dan'u?' Ferguson John Fort r G. Mary Gil more Daniel Graham Mary Gilchrist John Gilchrist H- Elizabeth Henderson Do:cas Howell Crizzy Hints Jo'in Hair Aithur Horn J. Mary M. Jones Joshua Jessop B gus Jackson Pbd. Jenkins Eliza Jones Ann Johnson A. M. Jackson Isabtlla Jackson K. NathanieJ King, sn'or Ezekiel K:n Bjibara A. Kin L. Efza Lucas Hugfi Leslie JOHN McRAE, P. M. Fay. tu-vide, Jan. 8, 1342 :50-3 ALL persons having claims against the Coun'y of Cumberland, are requested to present ihem 10 the County Trost-e for payment on or before tbe 1st day of February next. UAVIU U1LL.IS, M. Harriet Mallctt T. L. Myers William Moore Daniel Morrison Henry Myers Thomas C. Miller Mc. Nancy McMillan Daniel McDanicl Duncan S. McMil'an John R. McLamore Margaret McLean Dogal McPhail Marfan t McMillan David G. McDuffie JohnMcLeod Catharine McNab Wi he McLean John McKinnon Alexander McDonald Neil McLcod Thomas Mc Kay John Mclnnish John R. McKinon Duncan McL.can tN. Hcnrj' Nunnery O. Catharine O'Conncr Enoch Odum P. Alexander P'ummcr Erasmus Poe James Price R. Jejise ltvgcrs Nancy Rials Robert E. Rives Adolphns S, Rutherford Eiias Revels S. Samuel Shaw Samuel Seeing Dr. John Smi'h Samuel T. Smis Simon Smith John A. Shaw Jesse G. Shephard Christian Sluait T. Lucy Toney Mary Jane Torn' r George Taylor Eliza TW ' W. Ns.lhan Wheat William Williamson David S. Willi .ms D. & A S. Williams Weill Wilkinson Jan, 5, 1342. 150 3 Covify Trustee. From the New Era. The Statement of Ci lent worth. 4Ve have glanced over a pamphIetof72 pages, entilled "A O 1 A I lual Ll I UI THE FRAUDS OF THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, in the fall of tin year 1838, and the preliminary renunks the. writer says : I feel sensible thai I have com mitted a great moral wrong I know that I have been instrumental in attacking the puri ty of one of the dearest and most inestimable rights of freemen, I have succeeded bv the aid of others, in consummating a stupendous and daring fraud, nnd I have suffered, and juslly too, for my illegal conduct; but when I look around and see others who were as guilty as myself, men who reaped benefit fiom their in'quity, while I, aud I only, was compelled to suffer; men who have been elevated in consequeuce of their and my unlawful acts, and who are now courted, while I am passed by as unworthy to be their associate, I can but think that I am in the discharge of not ouly a great moral obligation, but also of a du ty which I owe to myself aud the public, to point out the men who were the guilty partic ipators with mc, that they may be known to the public, nnd also to expose the manner in which these frauds were perpetiated, in order that hereafter no such acts can be attempted without a certainty of defeat." It seems that the perpetratiou of the frauds was suggested in the autumn of 1S3S, bv the regular Executive Committee ot the Whig paity in this city, and was consummated under their immediate sanction and patronage. A "Confidential Committee" was raised from the Old aud Young Meu's General Whig Committees, to perfect and carry out the foul scheme. On the part of the Senior Commit tec, Robert Swarlivotit, since appointed a U. States Weigher, by Curtis, Fraucis L. Lip pett, and Redwood Fisher; and on the part of the junior committee, James liowen, now President of the New York and Erie Rail Road Company; Robert C. Welmore, since appoiuted Navy Agent at this port, and Glent worth were constituted the ' confidentials." Swartwout and Glentworlh were selected as the "exchange regulators" between this city and Philadelphia, aud " to carry into effect such confidential operations as might be garei d upon." In reference to the Philadelphia operation, "which icas to procure persons from that city to vole in the city of J"etc York;''1 several interviews were had ut the reg ular Whig Committee room in Broad street and elsewhere. Conspicuous in (he pamphlet we find the names of Edward Curtis Collec tor of the Port; W illis Hall, Attorney Gene ral of the State, one of the " confidential " ex officio ; James P. Freeboru, Potash In spector; Samuel R. Childs, one of the Waa ler Commissioners; Theodore Draper, Jr., now holding a conspicuous station imdc-r the government, Richard M. IJIati hlurd, Simon Draper, George S. Gongherty, and indeed nil of the most prominent of the W big lead rs, and the most disliugui-hed of the active Philadelphia " Whig" paitizaiis. The importation of the hire ruffians, and the modus operandi by which they were trans posed into voters, are thus described : "The men were to leave by the different lines, at seven, nine and five o'clock, the next diy, with instructions to report u Nouh Cook, lrti it j ' drilled preparei 4d Myfii modus operandi tjas witnessed bytba jentid . men named, anprj anorded tDetpmucDMUlMn: ment. 1 fn this oom I saw i'l. Blat(CTarChi hand Noah Cook some money VX " To iTiost of the men a slip of paper was given, with the ieme an residence fitjr were to assume VriJjjph tipbu itl Tnetresi-v dences. in some instances, were furnished bv leading members oflhe party from thedif3er- pnl jL"t rt j sifA uoa-A citli no &Mtit4 maI tw likely to excite suspicipn. -They were princl- pally, I believe, boarding hciises, and sact T houses as were occupied by a number ofla'mi lies. The men were thoroughly, drilled; jjj&oy ; of them, it was represented, were old hands," aud understood their businesst' ,- " The method adopted waa ns follows: - (he men were placed in a row, and, ns before stated, a piece of paper, with, assumed name and residence, was given to them, the usual questions asked by the Inspectors, as to'quali- hcahou, were put to frrem repeatedly,- (mill they could answer satisfactorily, and without embarrassment. Frequently alterations were made among the men during the election, by changing hats and coats among themselves. 1 recollect there were some persons from New Jersey, who were under the immediate charge of rs'oah Cook, I do not know by whom they were employed or ou what terms tney Wcfc there ; they appeared very efneient, and fre quently changed their dress: which charges were personally attended to by JVoah Cook. I saw him put his own coat and hat on some of them several times. These men , boasted, of having voted in several' Wards, and in some ustances more than once in the same ward. During the Fall election of 1 83S, Mr William A. Lawrence, and Jonathan Nathan1, assisted ' in the upper private Committee room at Na-; lianaL HnlLin Brnsin- th- )ncr3 rflEH Whr candidates,, wnicn ucKets were persons who were drilled as .aforesaid There was also a young man by the name of Coggershall, whose father was at that time, or subsequently, the keeper of the City Pri son, who was also employed in preparing tickets. There was a difficulty with some of the men, in consequence of a part of their monei being retained by the leader or lead ers ; and at the instance, and with tVre advice of Messrs Lawrence and Nathan,' I paid them, to defray their expenses to Philadelphia one hundred and ninety-four dollatg, which amount, less some small subscriptions, was returned to me, n few days after the erection, by Mr Richard M. Blatchford'. During ttw three days of the election, many of the acf rte' members of the w hig party were admitted to the private committee room.. I was perfectly satisfied, from the successful management of the operation, that the whig ticket would be elected in the city, and I so expressed myself to a number of the leaders of the party." For the efficient services rendered by Glentworlh, he was recommended to the Got eruor by fhe prominent Whigs as a suitable . candidate lor office. Robert C- Wetmore wrote a strong letter to Gov. Seward in his behalf, in which he says, speaking of Glent worlh, that " he will be recognized as one of the most ardent and indefatigable partizans, to whose untiring exertions perhaps more than to any other in this city, the recent tri umph of our party and success of sound prin ciples may be attributed." How this and the fact that Robert C Wrctmore was one of the " confidential," can he reconciled with the statement made by Wetmore, under osth, in his examination before Recorder Morris, i-ti '.r.B.t.fc. in wnicu ne swears positively mat ne naa no knowledge that Glentworth was sent by any person or persons to Philadelphia in the Fall of 1S3S that he had not the most distant knowledge that Glentworth was at Philadel phia under any circumstuoces that while he recommended Glentworth to the favor of the Governor, he did no, do it "upon. the ground of extraordinary serv ices rendered by him to the party"' is to odr view most inexplicable. The reader will be able to come to a correct conclusion offhfe unscrupulous character of 31 r Wetmore without further comment from us on this point. Ihe significant remark of J. Prescott Hall, when Glentworlh spoke to him of the repeated promises of Blatchford, Draper, Bowen, Wetmore, &c, to stand by aud sustain him, that if these gentlemen were accused they icould all swear through," is a most pointed commentary on tho character of those gentlemen for honor and veracity. This statement of Gtentwoith is interesting, deeply, painfully interesting. It confirms everything stated by Mr Stevenson in rela tion "to the fiaud, and establishes the charac ter oflhe "Whig'T party for villainy and cor ruption beyond doubt or cavil We shall commence to-morrow, unless interdicted by Ihe publisher, who we perceive has secured a -co i- right, the publication of the pamphlet en-tire A

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