7 1 ? . ; ' , . - tCIIAJUCTEH IS AS IMrORTARitOTAleSuisJT IS Ttf WraUALSri.HE CLEr Of THE STATE IS ThI'cPMMOX PROPERTYOFITS CiTIlfiSS."' i1;'. "'"'iL i ' ? ' ' W1I. II.OJAYiXE, Pioprielor. T FAETTEVH.LK,SATOr4Y, APKH 16, 1S42. 17 TJKIt M S - THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. -Per annum, if paid in advande, S"2 50 v Do ipiiid at theend'ot'C months, 3 00 , Do if paid at the end of the year,-3 SO i.atcs ot Advertising: ty'scnt.? per'square, for the first, and thiry cents It cad snhscqaent insertion. .lCtiberal deduction will be fnadcto advertisers by : the yiar. " . , -"-M Court advertisements and Sljcrifts sales, will be charged 25 per cent. i0ti;r than the usual rates. - All advert tscinenta sent for publication should have r tUtmuinheCinsertiofjsiittcridedy Uiarked upon I FRUirySJfUFF,lpBACCO,V Gardner and: IclCdtlianlS H Statbf North Carolina .117" F.PT rnnatanil'i nti! hand at tlie Store of Ufa 1 n -M-fc tK ' t'.ti r --Tr -XlfX-Ai'T ffT ti li i? t ..t.t it -ivt r V volt ana hard sneM'Jlimonas, f -: - - , - - - .w w1. , ; Y .i , 7irr,7 aJ VlatUim Auts, fitierlk SsM& JM :!mS -l IWtuar?t vs. Saily StuartPetition: U DU tiilbx "No "p"acHlijo'iitmiicd 4uUirr;arff.Sf c paid, except at the ojdioil of the Editor. '-' . ' ,Va''.4iili4 ritilinn rirffsvit fur Inss than twelve AodiibsK-riplion received IV-r less than twelve months. " ir"jrL.etlers onjmciiiess connected with this et:il l inliiiiciif, iiiust le addrtf!fed IIoi.mks it I'avnk, EJitorS of llie North-Carolinian, and in all cases jot-paid. -.XZj yuhsrriliers wishing to make remittanc s by mail, will rcnu-tii'ier llr.it they can do so free of pfstuu, :is in-jst;rs an! aut'.ioriz.ed by law to frank letters ,nehisii remittances', ''H" wril ten by liiein-e!vc3, or the contents known to them. ... lBricc of .lob Work: IIAN1) niLLiS, tri:itcdion a medium, roy al, or smir tiii'm 1 slifi l fur .1(1 i nimr. l 7-'" I w - JMT 50 COJiii'?, A -id for evi-rv additional K'li nmic IlOUSl-; DILLS, on a short fio::! i to 13 inches s(jn. ire , 3 copies, '" (,)vor IS in lirs, :iii! nof -n c('in.' C A linS, larire si.e, siiij j.ink, o Anl for every ad-lilional p;i k, 1 Smaller sizes jn riiorl ion. ULAN KS, when printt d to order, Cur 1 tiire, 2 And j'jr cvciy additional jnire, under ", I Lxeeij-diii f quire-;. C 1 1 1 C I J L A I : S , N V I ' I ' . - ' V I o n ' n r I v i 1 s , al! kinds of IJIM Wv&JOlJPUlNTlNC';, executed 1 5t (to 00 00 (! CO liaisons, Primes, Citron, Crackers, Mace, Jutmcgs, GJovcs, Cinnamon Alacaboy and Scotch Snuff, v -Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Jlliislard. ALSO, a cood assortment ol STUART'S CEL EBItATED STEAM IIEI'INE1 CANDY. October 16, IS41-j3S-lf W-PitlUlt- ' )? ... . --- 1 on oo 7r an! cheap lor CASH. THE FOLl.l VING BLANKS! Kept constantly on liantl AM) l'OIl SAI.K AT TIIK CAROLINIAN OmCE! : CHECKS, on Dank of the State, and Cape Eear Dank. PROSECUTION P.ONDS, Snpr.Ct. M A RRI ACE LICENSES VKNDI EXPO., constables levy COMMISSIONS totakedeiosilionsiii eipii . ty, and Supr. court A PPE A R A NC E DON OS :-WRlTS, Superior and Co. Ct. C A. SA. Supr. Ct. INDICTMENTS for Affray, and Assault and Ualli-ry, t'o. and Sup. Ct. CERTIFICATES, Clk. Co.Ct. JURY TICKETS TC-.HafKRS i ovrsc-rs of Roads ."TfiAs-rAitnY P.ONT.VS TAX U.ECEIPTS WITNESS TICKETS E.I EC I'M E. NTS PATRt H - N( )Tlf:ES LET PEDS of A UMINISTRATION Dotids Deeds, cominoii, Sl.ciill V Deeds, Const i Ides Ca . S Do Delivery A ppeni Bonds, K(iuity Siilprnns, Superior Court Fi. County Court Sci. viv'f Ulo;iU(MlL Cuity Court, Sulipdnas, Superior Curt W:nrrnt:, Bonds for ColVd. Apprentices Bonds, do Fa. to re- (JUAYSON BUTTER. PRIME ARTICLE, For sab-by " CEO. MeN Kl LL. Nov. in, ISM.- T m ) i ) s l c a 1 1 r i : n t i : 1 1 1 n ; H I- Subscriber iespe-tlu!l v n dorms t be cit r.' iis ot Fa yettevilb imI its vjeinitv, that be has and I commenced the above business in Ibis place, by despatch and punctuality, hopes to merit a libera share of public patronage. " L. SOLOMONS. P S. Persons trom the up-country, can !e sup nlif.l with doors, blinds and s.i.-hes, door and win dow Iranics, at shortest notice and on liost reason able terms. rr' llo will be found at all times at the Jatk sou Hold, Liberty Point. Jai.u uy f, ISO. MO-Cm. ENTERTAINMENT. u d. i I.OOIv AT THIS. 1 K HISE has been thoroughly rep; kc- p En'eitainnient. at very p-duced pri es, and be lad t web tune the return of :uy Iricuds and customers. Call and sec. E. SMITH. Favetteville. October 13, ISO. CJS-tf Mv I louse is on the corner of ( illespie and Mum- ford Streets, convenient to the Market, and near the State Dank. S. TAKEN UP ND committed to the Jail of A: Cumberland cotmtv, on Fri day the itb of January last, : JNEGKO MAN who says bis name is SIMON, and belongs to John Lipscomb ol South Carolina Said nero is well known about this place ho was carried oil by Mr 1 bou as L. hitlock. Simon Is about five feet and a half bib, dark eomplection. ri... ,,.r of said slave is hereby notified to come f .rw-ard, prove property, pay cbarqes and take him awav or be will he ileall nun as int.- i..w uirecis. a. , v. II' I -H I AH -tf February 2. IS 12.-1 5 t FOR SALE L CALL A IS Jailor. A DWKI.TdNG HOUSK and LOT, situated in a healthy part of the Town, on the corner ol .Moor and Me chanic Streets. A rood bargain will .n n if amdied for soon. C. CAISON March -2lT. IS 1-2, - 101-1 For sale by ! BBI.S. TUIAri) HEBIUNGS 10 Dbls. Ron do. j0 Half Barrels Shad. 10 Barrels M til let. GEO. McNElLL. Nov. 10, lt4L TrOtJLDrespcetfulIy in r. Vw form his friends and the Public jreneially, that he still continucsto carry on the 'IN & SHEET IKON WAKE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, -- on Gillespie stre"t, a few doors South of the Marki t House. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. October 2, IP1J. 13G-Gm. U. S. District Oourt in Lfaiik riitcy. FOR N( )U I II CAROLINA. At Cmamef.ks in Favkttkvili.e. 3rl February 18-12. foilov. it.r Fo'tiis am! iluies ate adopredby the (otut. vi'. : FORM OF PETITION BY BANKRUPT. To lie District Court of" the United Stales fur the District of JVortli Carcliaa. A. D. of the County ot' ,aiul Town ol" it" he live in a town, and describe his occupation y Petition represi tits to the (Joint, that be is ov- i ii ir clems uiueti have not. hecn created in conse- pience of a defalcation as a public oflicer, or as ex ecutor, administrates, guardian, or trustee; that In: owes debts, and is under en iraements which he is unable to meet, and that he accordingly app'ies to the Court lor Pie bem lit ol the Act, entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of Dankruptcy tiirou 'liout the United Slates," passed A iiiust litth, 18-11. And the Petitioner fun her stales to the Court, that the schedule maiked Aj ami duly at tested by him, contains according to llie best ol bis knowledge and belief a lis1dfti!l his creditois, with the places of llieii respective residences and occupa tions, and the amount due to each, and the consid eration ot their indebtedness. And the Petitioner further states to the Court, that the schedule mark ed i. contains, according to tue best ol Ins know ledge, information, ami belief, an accurate invento ry ol bis property, rights, and credits ol every name, kind and descririt ion, and the location and situation ot each and every parcel and poition thereof. A. D. Fay. tteville, N. C, February 2, 18 12. Insert the true date and dace J i be above- described A. D. th's da y appeared be- f:re me, and in my presence subscribed the forc'o- og 1'cfit.ion and by his .oatji.iduly administered by me. versified tlie same. commissioner. (If there be no Commissioner for the County, then the. (;u:i!ilica!inii may be before a J ndge or Jus tice ol the t'cace.) I vorce. - . i wimcann iiriue satisfaction oi ine coiirz. mat defendant Sally Stuart, is not tfn infaabit- T'4r StaTte, It is therefore ordered OT AVE now on hand, and for Sale at very ULU. aucd f rees, nml fltfi,! - if?iuy lhc Vi,fjnsit puMication be made -Cut the? t l!" Carolinian, a pap? printed in the Urtvn of p cucuiite, ano iiriue worth Carolina Stauttard, a JOer panted tn tfieity of Raleiffli, fpi t lire ninths, it?nsa o the defendant to be and arttear at MwWrl ;Hte,:,Ghps ailcI Shoes, C6UoTani (When more convonicnt to the Petitioner, and the inventory of debts and rflVcts is small, these parlic lars may be embraced in the Petition, and the sep arate schedule dispensed with.) Schedule .1. referred to in the foregoing 1'c t it to n. Debts owino; by the Petitioner A. D., viz, : For example To C. D., Merchant, residing m , the sum ot SloO on account lor iiicretiaa'hze, sold and delivered by him to me, ibe day of : . To of 1 ai mer, SI 00. due by note, bearing date the day of . This I st should be very descriptive as to tune, amount, con sideration, person, and situation. ( 'erlifieate of versification same as to the Petition. Scfu-dulc I- referred to in the foregoing Pe tition. The property of the Petitioner consists rf the fed lowing particulars, viz: Deal Estate, describe. personals, describe ;,iul slate all debts, claims, right and credit-, the housc'iod and kitchen fur nil lire situated in .consisting of the following articles, set thtin t" r'b. slaves, describe, provis ions and other fund y stores, cons:stinr of , books or library of the Petitioner, to wit. Jurat as abov e. Petitioner will be careful to discriminate on his inventory the pai t icnlars of bis property, so that, they may be known and taken in possession by the A ssi gnee (The Petit ioo must be plainly written, without ahbreviati"ii of words, and the names of the Peti tioners subsinbcd thereto in full. J CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. I ot" 1 Editor or Publisher, of newspaper, published in , do certify, that in the ma'tcr of A. P., a bankrupt notice, pursuant to Ibe oriler of the District Court of the United States lor the District of North Carolina, dated the day of , has been regularly published on con secutive days of publication, for weeks in said newspaper, to-wit : from the day of to the day of inclusive. -North Carolina,- 1S42. NEW GOODS. f ni I IE Subscribers are now receiving bv the late JjL airivals trom the North, their FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY OF MERCHANDIZE, con sisting f a larire and general assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hats and Shoes. Bonnets, and Um brellas, Foolscap and 1 .etter Pa per, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Sad dles, "Bridles, &c. &c. CROCK EBY AND CLASS WARE, JJUui.s mi tli's Tools, Hollow IVarc, t$c. Ac Also, a large assortment of Of all kinds ; ail of which will bs sold at the lowest priecs for Cash, Hack-country Produce, or on credit for approved notes. The Stock is very heavy, and worthy the attention of Country Merchants and the public in general. J.C.fc G. D. ATKINS. Fool of Havmount. Favetteville, Sept. '25, IS 11. 136-v. TAKE NOTICE. LL those having books beloninr to the rankbn Cilirary Society will please band them in to the Librarian at once, as a recent act of the Soeietv will change he government of the Li brarv department, which makes it doubly important that the books should all be brought in. A failure to comply .with the above notice will betaken as ibe fullest evidencethat the books are designed to be appropriated to private use. By order of the Society. March 20, 1812. 3 Buggy Gigs, 4 Sulkies, 8 Spring Wagons and 3 Chain Wa;ous. Also, a ery large assortment of work which we are daily finishing. Also a general assortment of Coach-Maker's materials kept constantly on hand and for sale. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine their work, as they feel confident they can make their work as weii, and sell it as low as it can' be had from any legular Northern Establishment. All wotk made and sold by llicni is warranted 12 months, and will be repaired without charge, it they (ail by bad workmanship or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend ed to. Fayetti-ville, Mar. 2o, 1842. 56-tf. MOFPAT'S LIKE PILLS & JPIICKXIX mTTEKS. for sale at the Post Office at Ijumbcrton by JOHN N. DOUK, Jlgenl, $c, $ . T Iflhcsc Medicines are indebted for their name to JJL their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs and channels of life, and enduing them with renewed tone and, vigor. In many hundred certified cases which have been made public, and in almost every species oldisease to which the human frame is liable, lhc happy effects ol MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS, AND PHtF.NIX BITTERS have been gratefully and publicly acknowledged by the persons benefitted, and who were previous ly unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they are compounded, and upon which they consequently act. The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves in diseases of every form and description. Their first operation is to loosen Irom the coals of the sto mach and bowels the various impurities and crudi ties constantly settling around them ; and to remove tb; hardened faices which collect in the convolu tions of the sulci I lest intesti --s. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, id leave such collect ed masses behi ud as to produce habitual costivc ness, wit'i all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to ail regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice ol those well informed men against quack medicine or med icines pre pared and heralded to the public by igno rant persons. 1 lie se coud cltect ol the l.ie .vied iemes is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urmary organs. 1 be blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coining from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every pari, ed the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner ed health in the blooming check. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sr.vcreign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of Heart, Loss ot Appetite, Heart-burn ami Head aeh, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor anel Mel.inchol v, Cost.iveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever of ab kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, G ravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbutic Eruption and Bad Complexion i. Eruptive Complai nts, S.ilhw Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Cohls and Influenza, and various other complaints which afllict the hu man frame; In Fever and Ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. JAMES SUN BY, Trimmer and Harness Maker. KEGS leave; to inform the public, that he is pre pared toelo all kinds of C A RRI AG E TRIM MING and HARNESS MAKING, in shorttinie; and on the most reasonable terms for those who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand and for sale at reduced prices; Elegant Brass and Silver-mounted Carriage Harness, Gig and Sulkey ditto, ditto, Buggy ditto, ditto, Japan Gig and Carry-all ditto, Ivory-mounted Trotting Whips, Gig and Wagon Whips, Wagon Bridles and Collars, Riding Whips and Spurs, Saddle Bags, Bridles and Martingales; Coach Lace and Morocco, Knobs and Tacks, fc" Gig and Barouche Tops, and second hand carriages, Nx., Repaired on lhc mostreasona ble terms, and at short nntice. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. " . All work done by me repaired without charge if it fail by fair usage in a reasonable length ol time. Favetteville, April7, 1841. 114-tt JUST RECEIVED Tf fh (Jbdftdb REGALIA, PRINCIPE JIVr9"fJ-4JfHy and HAVANA SEGARS, witfayBtTrVlWarerr mur, or the said petition will be heard ex parted and a uec'cc made according to the prayer thereof. WITNESS Duncan G. McRae, Clerk of said Court, at OfTi'je at Fayette.-viIIe, the seventh Mon day after the fourth Monday in September, A. D. 1841, and of American Independence the 66th year. 154-3m D. G. McRAE, C. S. C. TUTAVlNt removed my business entirely from Fayett ville, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to me, that they will save ceists by calling oo Messrs. S. R. S. Cain, and making immediate payment on their net-s and accounts due me. , SAMUEL A. M1MS. Faye tteville, F b. 1, I811.-155-U NOTICE IS hereby given to all persons imlebtr-d to the Es tate of the late Fountain Lain, to make imme diate payment to the; subscribers, and all pe-rsons having claims against said Estate te present them duly proven tor settlement. All persons owing said Estate, ami not settling in the eourse of sixty days, may expect to lied their notes and accounts in the hands of an oflicer for coll.'e-tion. HALL & JOHNSON, Surviving Partners and Executors to the last. Will ami Tes tament of said F. Lain. March 12, 1812. Ia9-C flfh HHDS. prime new 6rop MoJMses.: MV For sale by GEORGE McNitLv; February. 12. 1842 NEW . K3jlDSi:: I HAVE RECEIVED and aui -now opening, at he Old Stand of Nolt-& Starr, mj FAJJU, nd WINTER SUPPLY, coneitins of - ;V.&: "DRY (DS;fe- HARDWARE i& py.rKRY. -ALSO- (jfilllDS. SUGAR, II AT S. . P.. ir. ID. C-323. METURN their thanks fur theliberal Pationage they have reM-eivel ami lake pleasure in in forming their Friends and Customers, that l hey con tinue to Manufacture all kinds of II ATS, also, to keep a supply from the most Fashionable Factories in New York, and Philadelphia. .11. SO FURS, HAT-TRIMMINGS &c. &c. Idr Wanted, at the above establishment, one or twe journevni'-n halters. March 12, 1812. M0-y 50 bags COFFEE, Loaf anel Lump SUGAR, Pepper, Sp'-ce and Ginger, 100 kegs Nails, 50 bags Shot, 30 boxes Tin Plafe, 100 kegs White LcaeT, 60 boxes Window Glass, IS boxes Raisins. Which will be sold at low prices (or Cash or Conn fry Produce. JOHN D. STARR. November 20. 1841. 143-y. NOTICE. rnflE Subsciiber having qualified at the March JL Term, 1810, ol Cumberlanel County Court, as Exe cutor to the last will and testament of Neill Mc-L-ran, dce-caseel, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly proved within the t i me prescribed b law, and those indebted are requested to come forward and pav up. A . A . M K E' MIAN, Exccu for. Fayett evil lo, March '25, 1842. 152-4. N K VnGS'rA130IM K N T. C. C. SJYIITH, WOULD inrorm the citi zens of Fayettcvdle,. ami Ibe puhlic generally, that he has located himself in Fay ettcvillle, in the store adjoin ing Mr. Janus Raker's, where he intends to carry on the WATCH and J KWIiljK Y IllJS I N liSS, in all its vaiis brnc lies; and from his long experience, Iees net hesitate to say, that he ;in ive entire satisfaction to lho;-c who may liivor him with their custom. He is prepared toMANUFACTURE any article in the way of Jewelry, haviiiir a complete set of Pools for the purpose. Paitie-ul ar attention will be paid tothe REPAIR ING OF WATCHES, and any part of the same that may be deficient will be made new, and war ranted! to perform well for one year. JNovcmhcr 12, 181114211. P fa ANT E IP S-H 01E Ly IIAYMOUNT, i&S crifV, V. JfSt lists l'OOT Ol1' IIE subscriber having opened that, large ami Commodious I louse on llay Stree-t, known as the PLANTER'S HO TEL, is now prepared lo ac commodate Doanbrs and Travedlcro upon moelerrate terms. She trusts that strict all cut ion anel her inti mate acquaintance with the business, will ensure a liberal poition ef the patronage of the public the table will be furnished with the best the Maikct af fords, and the stables with careful anel attentive Ost lers. ANN BROWN. November 1 3, 1 S 1 1 . 14: Keg Zante Currants, 1 1 " Tamarinds. G dozen beat Mustard, eio Lemon Syrup. 9. .!. 1 do GuavaJellv. 1 cask superior OLD PORT WINE, 100 lbs. Scotch Snuff in bladders, 1 Jar Maccoboy SnufK - W. PRIOR. March 19, lS42.-lG0-lf. J. & J. KYLE IIAVK just received from the North, a large and splendid assort ment of SPRING and SUMMER i it y a o o o s . ,lmong trhich. arc Superfine Printed Lawns; 2,000 pieces prints; rich French Silks, pl.iin anel figured; Irish Linens, Lawns and Diapers; Linem Drilling; Georgia Nan kins; 3-4 and 6-4 blecched and brown Doinesiics; Apron Checks; Cotton and Silk Hose; Kentucky Jeans, and Bolting Cloths; with nianv oth-r articles in ibe Dry Gooels line. All of which, being pur chased lor Cosh, at i he late Package Sab s, are now offered at REDUCED PRICES, by wholesale or retail. March 2fi, 1342.-lf.l-tf O1 State of North Carolina Cumberland county, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesssons. JWurch Term, 1S42. Tbomas J. Curlis vs. Thomas L. Whithu k, Orig inal Attachment, levied eui Simon, a slave, the property of the defendant. RDERED by tb Court that the sLve levied en as eh fenda llt's piopcrty beconde mneel sub lcct to 1 tamtiirs final recovery, anel thai advertise ment be made for the space of six w eeks in the JVoith Carolinian for ibe elefendant to appear at the next Tci ni of this Court to te bohb-n tor the County of Cumberland, at thr Court House in Favetteville, on the fir-t Monday ef June next, and replevy anel plead, nr indgmen! will betaken aeaiesl. hint. WITNESS John McLaurin Cb-rk e.fsaid oiirt, at Oilice, the first Momlav of March. Anno Dom J NO. McLAURlN. IGI-G. mi, lcl2. State ot North Carolina Cumberland Coimtj Court of Picas and Quarter Stcsions. .March Term, 1842. Haywood Gainey, Exparte, Pe-tjtion for partition of the Lauds ot Abrain Gainey, dec. ITT appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court -M. that Cullen Gainev, Noel Gainey, Riley Gainev aru! Kidey, Wife of Archibald Andrews, he jrs at Law ot Abram Gainev, ilee-eased., are not inlmbi lants of ibis Stale, it is therefore ordered that publi cation be made in the North Carolinian tor six sue cessivc weeks, IVr the saiel heirs at law of Abram Gainey, !ecease I, to appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the County of Cumberlanel, at the Court House in Favetteville, em the first A Ion day of June next, and make themselves parlies to tins petition, otherwise the matters therein set feilh will be taken proconlcsso as to them and a partition decreed accordingly. WITNESS John McLaurin Clerk or the said Court at Office in Fayetteville, the first Alonday in March, IS42, and in the 66th year of American Independence. JNO. McLAURlN. I6I-6. FORSAIE. By mistake I have come into possession of tveo bound ceipies of, thy Cetngressiotial G lobe, 27tli Conurpss, and would be HJU JUtsrlt ..one- iVtU0?r pjiys-lor the njrjdinljl. j-a-1- WM. tl. Lift Y J fc. I). K. McRAE, -Attorney at Iaic, Paicllcvil'e, JV. C, "ITTfrAVIING returned from his mission to Mexico, 11 U. will resume the practice of Law in the Coun ties of Duplin, Wayne, Cumberlanel. and the Supe rior Courts el Llaeb n. H; will also att nd to cases ol Baiikriiptcy at Chambers. April 9, 1812. When the Banks rfd &ot pay specie, the U- -lusjoh ja lesss complete. Nn their peter T jdpre(Cio acb that a dhTcrence is nwd C iu thV price ofcommodities, when paidJbr'iL- irccieot paper, ttfedlfusion is nearlvndissip. ted.- ; Then the Bank note" ceases to be re : garded fcvinoney, and is looked upon as mere corhricBil paper.' ' Then the, people are not I . ' . delude fcy it iir enteiing iotQ contracts and; y nRnaS"n enterprises ; V. I? r IVTn Ihu BoJhks do nolay sbecle, a licj fr.rjji evcry ipaW'a loaf Df brer, goes fo jSa1' U be taken bod nriTblSi a nan, a nd yeT 1 1 1 be done so dexterously that it may be impos sible fur him to tell how lie lost his bread, or wbo has got it. . , ..-. We do not say, absofftlef f, thaf paper inoncv Banks do more harm wheh fheV are navinir specie, than when Iney are in a' state of sus pension: we only say the question is worthy of coiisitfernlion. The immediate,' sensible, pnlpable evils, are certainly grenlDstf when the Ilfinks are m a state ot suspension: but mcse evils arc not without their advantages,' inas much aw they muke ihose.Jeel who cannot rea son, and thus oen their eyes to the nature of the system. Where lhc Banks nav specie, tho illusion is so complete that titit few even of those who have ihe p'owei1 f6 r6ason, will make a prd'per use of that power. The delusivep- pearauces of prosperity which are occasioned by expansions, deceive them in common with, lhc rest of the multitude, and when contrac tions come, ns come ttVey must, they are apt to attribute the ruin wntch follows to any thing but its true cause. ' For the last twenty years, the Batiks of great Britain and Ireland have paid specie, and while so doing, have, to use the language of Lord Irvcrpoof, "caus6d the downfall of thousa nds and hundreds of thousands, and the convulsion of all kinds of property." With these views of (he subjociy we cannot engage heartily in n scheme of Bank reform, which looks merely to' a resumption of specie payments. It would' be only substituting one form of evil for atrofher. The people ought not lo rest satisfied short' of a radical reform, namely, the substitution of hard money and bona fide bills of exchange, for paper Bank promises. Cttuge's Journal.- t 163-tf. POTATOES. BBLS. planting Potatoes. For sale bv GEORG EMcNEILL Fb. 12, IS 12. 155-y. lapcr Money lianks. It is a question with us whether tho paper money Banks do most harm, when they pay specie, or when they suspend payment. To those who have never studied the principles of the system, this may seem a very strange question, but when they reflect on the fact that it is during the time they are paying specie that the Banks lay the foundation of the evils we suffer during the time of suspension, they may deem the question not unworthy of con sideintioti. Perhaps we shall be referred to the condi tion of the city of New York as evidence of the advantages that arise from the Banks pay ing specie. In New York, last year, between 900 and 1000 uew houses were erected; and in Philadelphia between 1300 and 1400. All lhat this proves is, that the prosperity of the etiuntry is so deeply seated in natural causes, that neither specie paying or non specie paying Banks can prevent the increase of wealth and population. There is much distress iu Philadelphia. Is there less iu New York? Since the re sumption of specie payments, ihe paper cur rency of lhat Slate has increased in one yoar at ihe rale of 90 per cent., increased iu the year following at the rate of 25 per cent., and decreased iu ihe succeeding at the rate of 40 per cent. Such fluctuations must necessarily have caused the ruin of hundreds and of thou sands; bul as "the; Banks continue to pay specie," their ruin is attributed to some other cause than banking; operations. "The doctriue," says Iord Liverpool, "that nothing is belter than a paper circula tion convertible into coin, is true to this ex tert that if convertible into coin, the evil will cure itself; whilst one not convertible will lead lo nothing but ruiu. But how is the cure to be operated? By the downfall of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the convul sion of all kinds of properly. It is true that the evil carries its own cure, but with such terrible consequences that the cure is worse than the evil." The notion lhat so long as the Banks pay specie, ihe ainejunt of currency is jusl the same as it would be if only gold and silver coins wcie permitted to circulate, is all an illusion. Paper money is, even in its best estate, as Dr. Wilherspoou used to say, "about as good a measure of value as a woollen thread would be of length." Under a hard money system, our currency would never fluctuate more than five per cent, per aunum; seldom more than one, or perhaps a half percent. With Banks paying specie, it may, as appears from the N. York returns, and other evidences, fluctuate20, 30, or 40 per cent. So long, however, as the Bauks pay specie, the illusiou is complete. Because tho Bank dollar never changes its name, the people think it never changes its value. Studies for Cougresg. We cut the following from Phrtadefphla! E, Carolinian Office. irrAca .. V C ' ' "71 It becomes the people to respectful in their auimadversions upon the high legislative I k 1 1 a rkl mn- iri 9rr . Fit.'' .. .V. r. .. . 1. l. ....... ..j, v vui lvuiiu , uui w tie: ll iiiuijv uo i dies, or one of them, as is more particularly . . i .. me iasu ui presem, uy a long series ol paltry discussions, and uproarious debate, and culpa ble ueglect of the public interests, place them selves in the position which Ihe second branch of Congress hrs ri6V taken, we feel absolved from all the courtesies due to their . statioii, because Iney themselves, by their owlt self-disrespect, have lhfowrjf ofr)oquy upon the nation, o'nd cot themselves off from its regards. They have proved themselves insensible to the expostulations of honor and patriotism; let them now feel the goadings of ridicule and satire,' if pei'chance those may drive them into action: ' Important Questions for Congress to dig' cuss and settle at once. Iri Politics, tf ere a crow's nest used for a ballot-box, and the eggs for ballot bafts, and should one of these eggs hatch after be nig deposited, and the bird fly away, ought the shell, ot the bird, or either to be counted iu footing up the ballot? In sentiment. Which is the most senti mental looking object a Crow, blind in ofio eye, drawing mathematical diagrams in tho 5a nd, or an owl seated on an Egyptian obelisk decyphering hieroglyphics? t In Natural History. Will a grasshopper that has lost his tail, by accident or otherwise, sing? In Meteorology. Are the atrYiosphefic laws which govern a tornado, the same as those which regulate a tempest in a toepot? In JS"atural Philosophy. Can d ghost cast a shadow? if so, is it the ghost or its shadow that vanishes at the crowing of a cock? In Hcklhyology. Wrhy is it that a porpoise never (urns his tail to the W?ntf. By what taW is it that the shark compels the little pilot fish to move just before him, and point out his path through ihe ocean. Political Economy. If Adam and Eve had used palm-leaves, instead of fig leaves for garments, what is the amount of labor (hey would have sated in sewing them together? In Legislation. What is the difference between the condition of a member of Con gress, who is wailing to make a' speech, and that of one of Job's comforters, who said ha tvas ready to spiitv In Entomology". Why docs a fly, oing 16 bed Sleep with his tail above his head ?' When all these primary and fundamental questions shall have been discussed and set tled by Congress, it would be well perhaps to give some attention to a bankrupt Treasury, and a ruined nation t Keemng order. During the fftirmlfuous discussion of a bill for the relief of the people in the Legislature of Indiana, a motion was made and carried, ordering ihe door-keeper to fetch a basket of brick-bats, to aid the Speaker in keeping older in the House. Wrould not the lower House of Congress despatch more of iheir masters' business, if they were to adopt a resolution ordering the doorkeejter to keep Mr Speaker Whrfe sup plied with brick-bats uatil Congress adjourns?