WJI.-H. lAHTN-E, Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, JUNE II, 1842. or. THE NORTlfAROLINIAX. Per annum, if paid jrt advance, . S2 50 Do if paid at,e .end of 6 months, 3 00 Do if paid a Jtlie end of the year, 3 50 Kates ilAdvertislng: Sixty cents per Ba.reMT,lae first, and thiry cents for each subsequent Insertion. A liberal deduction wif be made to advertisers by th year. ''t Court advertisements j -Sheriffs sales, will be charged 25 per cent."igher than the usual rates. All advertisement sen' -publication should have the number of insert intended, marked upon them, otherwise tliey -vUlbe inserted until forbid, and charged accordi No paperdi3eotttinu.it ujitil arrearages are paid, except at the option of thf Editor. So subscription rec iyed for less than twelve mnths. "-f.L 1-4 jCZpLetters on. basincf (connected with this eetiO lishinent, rnii't her-acie esifcd Holmes t. Batne, Editor? of the Xotth-C4clinian, and in all cases post-paid. subscribers witiIt; maRc remuiancis I) i frank letters enclosing (trmttances, n written themselves, or t he cont;1ts known to them. Irice of 'fob Work : II.VXD BILLS, printer n a medium, royal, y niui., will reinembe lat they can do so free of ostare, a Post in after are authorized by law to uy rS0 copies, S2 3 I 50 00 00 18 3 5 or super royal sheet, i- ir ') copi'-s, And for cverv additic al'100 copies, HOUSE BILLS, on a hect from 12 to i iches square, 30 cop "8 Over 18 in lies, and i tie xceeding 30, CARDS, large size, sir'le jack, And for every adJitio'al pack, Smalier sizes in propTtion. BLANKS, when printei to order, for 1 quire, 2 00 And f .r every additio alqnireunder 5, 1 00 Kxeeedinir 5 quires, : CIIUJULABS, INVITATION TICKETS, and all kinds of BOOK & :DB PRINTING, executed cheap for CASH. ,. 00 00 3 00 1 25 THE FC'JLOWING B LAN K S ! Kept consta -Ji$ on hand A NO FOR. S',? AT THE CAnoLiNi.N orncE: CHECKS, on Ba 'k of the State, and Cape Kcar Bank. Vll )SKL'UTIOBONDS, Supr.Ct. MAUltl AGE LI ifeS'SES VEND I EXPO., bnstables levy COMMISSIONS o take depositions in cqui tv, and Supr. c .irt A 1V !: V 11 A NC E I IQ N DS WRITS, Superio and Co. Ct. C A. SA. Supr. C INDICTMENTS 'for Affray, and Assault :t riI Baltr-ry, Ct and Sup. Ct. CERTIFICATE.. Clk. Co. Ct. J URV ticket.;;? ORDERS to over eers of Roads BASTARDY B( NDS TAX RECEIPT-Js fi WITNESS TIC. JiTS EJECTMENTS 4 PATROL NOT! ES LETT ERS of AD OK 1ST RAT ION Bonds Deeds, I'jvSmonj Sheriff's Deeds, Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds, Dc i- Delivery do Appeal I ornjs, Equity S.ibjJcenas, Superior Court Fi. F.t. County (ouft Sci. Fa, to re vive udmenl. County Giurt SubpCEnas, Superior ZJotirt Warrants, Woods fo Col'rd. Apprentices. Gardner and Mclvetlian, CARRIAGE MAKERS. 4 Volume 4. R ijmlicr 112 MW GJOOIDS. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. C. C. SKITB I n i HAVE RECEIVED and am now opening, my ENTERTAINMENT. 1 i i JsZ LOOK A'V THIS. ' V HOUSE has bee .thoroughly re paired. I wii' Uc p Entertainment at verv reduced pri ce, nn.l be sjad t weltoi J the return of my friends and customers. Call and sec. M E. SMITH. Fayettcville, October I , J8lt. 1 33-tf My House is on the con r:r of Gillespie and Mum- frd Streets, convenient t th Market, and near the State Bank. E. S. TAKiatup A Nl committed to the Jail of Cumberland court y on t ri- dav the 28th of January laf-t, a NEGU'K MAN who "says his name isSIBdON, and belongs to John Li scomh of South Carolina. Said ne jo-sis well known about this pla --ie was carried off b MrThcralL. Whitlock. Simon is about five feet and a hai'high, dark complection. The owner of atd slate iUsjereby notified to come forward, prove property, riy charges and take hiral away, or he will be dealt i jq as the law nirocts. 'HV.L.CALLAIS, February 2, 1842.-154- Jailor. J. & J. KYLE HAVE just -recjiyed from the North, a iarge-an: splendid assort ment of SPRINC land SUMMER I R IT' C;4 ODS. .lmonff t hteh arc Superfine Printed X.aw 2,000 pieces prints; rich French Sdko, plain ai jj 2u red; Irish Linens, Lawns and Diaprrs; 'Line Qrilling; Georgia Nan kin; 3-4 and 6--A bleechet. nl brown Doiwestics; Apron Checks; Cotton, an Silk Hose; Kentucky Jesns, and Bulfinsr Cloths Jh many other articles in the Dry Goods line.' 'A " of which, being pur chased for Cah, at ihe-latc Jiackae Sales, are now offered at REDUCED PI CpS, by wholesale or retail. . , 'a March 2G, 1S13.-l6l-tf - JUST RljQEIVED 11 6h 6:Ah RE i alia, principe v Bn X.ante a marinas, '-i now on band, and for Sale at very Re JUL duced Prices, 4 Carriages, 6 Barouches, 4 Buggies, 3 Buggy Gigs, 4 Sulkies, . 8 Spring Wagons and 3 Chain Wagons. Also, a very large assortment of work which we are daily finishing. Also a general assortment of Coach-Maker's materials kept constantly on hand and for sale. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine their work, as they feel confident they can make their work as well, and sell it as low as it can be had from any legular Northern Establish ment. All work made and sold by them is warranted 12 months, and will be repaired without charge, if they fail by bad workmanship or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend ed to. Fayettcville, Mar. 2G, 1S42. 5G-tf. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS & PH(EIX BITTERS. for sale at the Jost Office at Lumberion by JOHN JN. UOKK, Agent, ?., hese Medicines are indebted for their name to their manifest and sensible action in purifyinsr the springs and channels of life, and enduing them with renewed tone and vigor. In many hundred certified cases which have been made public, and in almost every species ofcliscase to which the human frame is -liable, the happy effects ol MOFFAT'S IFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS have been gratefully and publicly acknowleded by the persons . bent fitted, and wfio were previous ly unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they "are compounded, and upon which they consequently act. The' LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves in diseases of every "form and description. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the sto mach and bowels the various impurities and crudi ties constantly settling1 around them; and to remove the hardened fa?ce3 which collect in the convolu tions of the smallest intestines. Other medicines n!y paitiuMy el' anse these, and leave such collect ed masses behind as to produce habitual t ostive m ss, witn all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well knoyn to all regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death ; and br-ncc the prejudice of those wall informed men against quack medicine or med icines prepared and heraldi d to the public by igno rant persons. The s coud effect of the Life Med icines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and bjr this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. 1 lie blood, which takes its red color from the agency ol the liver and the lungs before It passes"into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food comi ng from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of liealth in the blooming- cheek. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of H eart, Loss ot A ppetite, Heart-burn and Head ach, Restlessness, Jll-temper, Anxiety, L,anruor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diirrhoea, Cholera, Fever of nli kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbulic Eruption and Bad Complexions, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the hu man frame; In Fever and Ague, particular!', the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in the Fever ano Ague districts, Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. WOULD respectfully in form his frien ;s and the Public generally, that he still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC- TORY, at his old Stand, on Gillespie street, a few doors South of the Market House. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Octeber 2, 1841. 13G-6m. d -AJLVANASEGARS. 1 iveir Aante urriiti. 6 dozen best Must fM 2 do Lemon Syi, 1 do Guava Jell 3 1 cask superior OLq ORT WINE, 100 lbs. Scotch Snufl ir bladders, I Jar Maccoboy X3KS 4B iT POTATOES. 6)1ri BBLS. planting Potatoes. Feb. 12, IS42. For sale by GEORG EMcNEILL !55-y. Jl HATS. J Zi. & ID. &3E9 RETURNtheir thanks for thcliberal Patronage they have received and take pleasure in in forming their Friends and Customers, that they con tinue to Manufacture all kinds of HATS, also, to keep a supply from the most Fashionable Factor'us in New York, and Philadelphia. FURS, HAT-TRIMMINGS &c. &c. ICJVanted, at the above establishment, one or two journeymen hatters. March 12, 1842. 140-y NOTICE..- 7 MAYING removed my business entirely from Fayettcville, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to me. that they will save costs by calling on Messrs. S. & R. S. Cain, and makin immediate payment on their notes and accounts due me. SAMUEL A. M1MS. Fayetteville, Feb 4, 1641.-15.5-tt TEA. Tf 7K7"OULD inform the citi V V zens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, that 'jy1 he has located himself in Fay- ettevillle, in the store adjoin . insr Mr. James Baker's, where Vlt'' he intends to carry on the iqn, rrresg WATCH and jewelry -BUSINESS, in all its various branches; and from his long experience, does not hesitate to say, that he can give entire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He is prepared toMANUFACTURE any article in the way of Jewelry, having a complete set of Tools for the purpose. Particular attention will be paid tothe-UF.P-Am-IJiG-QE' "fil isny part of the same trial may be deficient will be made new, and war ranted to perform well for one year. November 12, 1841. 142tf. HOUSE CARPENTERING. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Kaj-etteville, and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above business in this p!,ce, and by despatch and punctuality, hopes to merit a liberal share of public patronage. L. SOLOMONS. P. S. Persons from the up-country, cin be sup plied with doors, blinds and sashes, doer and win dow frames, at shortest notice and on rjr.ost reason able terms. sCPHe will be found at all times at his shop, ou Grove street, near the court House. Two white apprentices wanted to the business. April 18, 1841. 140-6m. " NEW GOODS. THE Subscribers are now receiving by the late arrivals from the North, their FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY OF MERCHANDIZE, con sisting of a large and general assortment of DKY-GOODS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hats and Shoes. Bonnets, and Um brellas, Foolscap and J etler Pa per, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Sad dles, Bridles, &c. &c CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Blacksmith's Tools, Holloio Ware, Qc. $-c. Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES Of all kinds ; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices lor Cash, Back-country Produce, or on credit for approved notes. The Stock is very heavy, and worthy the attention of Country Merchants and the public in general. J. C. & G. B. ATKINS. Foot of Haymount. Fayetteville, Sept. 25, 1S41. 13G-y. MOLASSES. HIIDS. prune new rrn)i Molasses. Forsaleby GEORGE McNEILL. February, 1 2- 1 842. i SS-y. PISHT BBLS. TRIM'D HERRINGS. 10 Bbls. Roe do. jO Half Barrels Shad. 10 Barrels Mullet. For sale by GEO. McNEILL. Nov. 10, 1S41. State of North. Caiollna Sampson Count y. In Equity Spring Term,' 1842. Deborah Robinson, vs. Frederick Merritt, and wife, Ann Jane, and others, heirs at law of Matthew Prideon, deed. Petition for Sale of Lands. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants, Frederick Merritt and wife, Ann Jane, James Green'and wife, Jemima, Rebecca Sellers, and Luke Pridgeon, heirs at law of Matthew Pridgeon, deed., reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub lication he made in the North Carolinian, a paper published in the Town of Fayetteville, for six weeks, for the said h-irs at law to appear at the next Court of Equity to b-i held for the County of Sampson, at the Court House in Clinton, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, and shew cause why the Lands described in Petition should not be sold, or the same will be decreed to be sold accordingly. Witness Pairick Murphy, ClerU and Master of the Court of Equity for Sampson County, at office in Clinton, the fifth Monday aftr the fourth Monday of M arch, A. D. 1842, and 66th year of American Independence. 168 6 PATRICK MURPHY. EXECUTED WTTH DESPATCH. PLANTER'S HOTEL, FOOT OF HA Y MOUNT, JFatftleville, V. C flflHE subscriber having opened that large and JJL Commodious House on Hay Street, known as the PLANTER'S HOTEL, is now prepared to ac commodate Boarders and Traveller upon moderate terms. She trusts that strict attention and her inti mate acquaintance with the business, will ensure a liberal portion of the patronage of the public the table will be furnished with the best the Market af fords, and the stables with careful and attentive Ost lers. ANN BROWN. November 13, 1841. 142-y. ,,slrl 8,,lo fi 1 T"- CHEESE! TTDINE APPLE CHEESE JIT tor sa'e by May 13,1342. GEO. McNEILL. 16S-V. D. K. McRAE, .Attorney at Laic, Fayetteville, JV. C, MAVI'NG returned from bis mission to Mexico will resume the practice of Law in the Coun ties of Duplin, Wayne, Cumberland, and the Supe rior Courts of Sampson. He will also attend to ca ses of Bankruptcj at Chambers. April 9, 1842. 163-tf. NEW GOODS. A good March 13, !642.-160-tf. tor saic Dy June S, I842.-171-y. PRING AND SUMMER GOODS, assortment opening. Forsale by GEO. McNEILL. June 2, 1842.-171-y. BLANK NEGOCIABLE NOTES, nnMin. comprises a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. . I ALSO 171 : hhds. sugar, -U-JJ6o Bas COFFEE, 50 cases Fur and Wool 1 lats, 10 io faim xeat amo, 10 do Bonnets, 15 do Cotton Cords, 75 kes White Lead, Indi 20. Madder, Patent Medicines. &c. iS-h4i ill aoldatun usually low prices for Cash CbuntryTro'tJuce- JOHN D. STARR. Fayetteville, May 2S, 1842. J70-t TAILOR, J"cxl door JS'orlh of the Bank of the State, corner of Franklin and Gillespie streets, MESPECT FULLY informs his old customers, who pay for iheT work when done, that he will thankfully receive and attend to their orders, at his usual high prices. Gentlemen cannot expect to have fine ork done unless they pay ine pi ices for it. He employs the best workmen in town, and has to pay them the best prices given in town he does not trust his work to boys. He Jegs leave to as sure those who may lavor him with their orders tint no pain.4 shall be spared to give satisfaction, and if the work done by him does not fit, it will not be suffered to be taken away. CUTTING done to order, and warranted to be as well djne as if cut to be made in his shop, chen made as cut. Maj 28, 1842. !73-3m. NOTICE. THE Subscriber having located himself perma nently in Wilmington, offers his services to his fri-mds and the public general!', as an ajcnt for the sa'e of Lumber, Timber, Naval Stores, and all other Country Produce. He will als give attention to the purchasing of any kind" of MER CHANDISE. His purpose is to remain in Wil mington both Winter and Summer. L. MALLETT. May 28, 1842. 170-4t p. MORE NEW GOODS. IN addition to the stock on hand, the subscriber has just received some very superior JWiislins and Isttitns, black and while; Ginghams; Crape Camblet; Erminetts; Gamhroon and Summer Casimeres. Those in want of CHEAP GOODS, are invited to call and examine for themselves. P. TAYLOR. June 4 171 -tf. The Observer will copy for times. FOR SALE, "Tprinted and for sale at the Carolinian Office. , 1 June 4, 1S42. THkT Large and Convenient DWELLING HOUSE, in the Brick Row, foot of Haymount, known is the residence of the late John M. Dobbin. Also, a capital Garden Lot, in the rear of the same. Terms will be favorable. For particulars apply to ; J. C. DOBBIN, Executor, June 4, 1842171-4 FOR SALE OR RENT. THE Two Story Frame House, near the Arse nal, recently occupied by Mrs. Watts. The terms will be very moderate. Apply to James Dodd, or at thi3 Office. Junb,l. 1812. 171-tf. Political. FACTS: . Wliig Preaching Versus Whig Practice. Tlic people of North Carolina called to judge of tlic Whig party, by its deeds. READ AND DECIDE. "Thfs Government is now a practical monarchy. ; The President of these United States ex ercises a power superior to that vested in the hands of neaijy all the European kings. It is a power far greater than that ever dreamed of by the old Feder al 1 arty. It is an ultra Federal power. It is des potism." Gen. Harrison's speech at Dayton, Ohio, in 1840. What a bright expression was this for a candi date for the Presidency! But notwithstanding all the monarchy and despotism, the whig party seem to be very well content; they have not curtailed any of the powers of the Executive or of Congress. They art rather enlarging them. Congress is ta king upon itself to dictate to the States how ihey shall elect their members of Congress, and the Ex ecutive is taking to himself the power to oppress th people of Rhode Island, in their righteous strug gle for a Constitution, instead of an old English Charier. "We declare the leaders of the party in power, unworthy the confidence of a free peo:.Ie, because they have violated every pledge thf-y have given to the nation." WThig declaration in Convention in Raleigh, 5ih October, 1840. We know not what thry could have meant by this, unless they intended it as a cap to fit their own heads. And we now place the cap upon them, by de claring, and producing proof of the fact, that "the leaders of the party in power a re unworthy the con fidence of a free people, because they have violated every pledge given to the nation." "One of the first things to be done when a new administration shall come into power, will be to separate the Goveir.ment press from the politics of the country." Webster s speech at Richmond, V a. in 1340. Has any rfch law been passed? Has even an attempt, by the tchig party, been made to pass such tors belong the spoils. Did not the dis tinguished person who is to be advanced to the head of this Government expessly take ground against such a sentiment in a bill he introduced into Congress? Do not his sentiments stand recorded against it? We practise 01 a principle like that? No sir, no;' tAi system of proscription is itself to be prescribed. I stand on that ground; and so help me God, I will, so far as I am concerned, act upon it. believe those who are to be at the head of the Gov ernment hare put themselves upon the same ground.11 Preston's speech in Congress. We all know how this promise has been kept. See the proscription in the whig Legislature of N. Carolina. - Extract from the Raleigh Correspondence of the North Carolinian, dated Raleigh, Dec. 24, 1340: "Messrs. Editors: As all the officeus, w.'ose p pointmeMt will b conferred by present LAfisla tarsprreTibw made, it may not be amisino Mjbrm your readers who are the "office holders.." After the bitter denunciation of the dominant pa'rty against the "spoils to the victors," and proscription for opin ion's sake, 3'ou would scarcely suppose that these pure and disinterested patriots would accept an of fice thou h thrust upon them; but how stands the case? The Legislature have elected 2 Senators, 2 Judges, 2 Solicitors, 1 Attorney General, I Secreta ry of State, I Treasurer, 1 Comptroller, 3 Engross ing Clerks, 3 Colonels of Cavalry, 2 Lieut. Colonels, 2 Majors, and 7 Counsellors of State, making in all TWENTY-SEVEN, and out of the whole" NOT ONE DEMOCRAT has been elected!" After reading that, read the following extract from the speech of a violent whig, in the last Legislature, and mark the difference; remembering that this is from an opponent of the Democracy: "Remember, sir, that the party which we have so lately opposed in fierce conflict, although we called them revolutionists, disorganizes, locofoeos, and agrarians, and although they did many thing which we thought calculated to weaken our institutions, during the long ten years night of their ascendant, never once put their rude hands upon the Judiciary of the State. To their Insting credi! be it said, they administered this part of their power with credit to the State and great advantage to the people. They sustained the strength and purity of the Judicinl system, by a series of excellent appointments, taken mostly from the ranks of their adversaries. Now look at this: "Our doctrine is, that a political party coming in to power, is at once charged with and responsible for, the administrative operations of the Govern ment, in all its departments and places, and that it is its right and its duty to conduct those operat ions, mainly by the hands of its friends. We respectful ly commend this just and ntcessani rule to the notice of the President, FOR A MORE EFFICIENT OB SERVANCE AND ENFORCEMENT, than it has yet received at his hands." Address of the Sy racuse, (N. Y.) Convention, in 1841 after the elec tion! "He learned his democracy in the school of '9S and '99. It was very different, he confessed, from the Democracy taught nowadays in hi-h places. The Democracy of Jefferson asked a candidate for office if he was capable and honest, and would sup port the Constitution." Mr Clay's speech at Nash ville, in 1840. We should like some whig to point us to one offi cer, appointed since the whig party came inf o pow putto Bela Badger, the great pipe-layer, appointed Naval Officer at the Philadelphia Custom House? Were they put to another great pipe-Iaj-er, by the name ot Tallmadge, who was made recorder in N York City? Were they asked of Wm.C. Lord, who was appointed Collector at Wilmington, for partizan services? In fact they were ask ed of no man. Partizan services during the election er, to whom these questions were put. Were they of 1840, wer.; the only recommendations called for from any candidate for office, and it can be proved. "It is said that Gen. Harrison is so much in fa vor of a protective tariff, that he would insist upon its continuance, though, under its operation, the grass were to grow in the streets of Norfolk and Charleston.' This charge is a gross and wanton calumny upon Gen. Harrison. But why is the subject of the Tariff brought forward at all? It was setiled years ago by the compromise act. Who proposes to disturb it? Who desires to jtf crease the duties? CERTAINLY NEITHER GENERAL HARRISON NOR ANY OF HIS FRIENDS." George E. Badger's speech at Gran ville, in 1840. Whether Gen. Harrison was for a tariffor not, if concerns us not now to know. The concluding par agraph of the quotation attacts our attention. We presume it is not worth while for us to produce ex tracts from whig speeches to prove that the whig" party proper, headed by Clay, have settled upon a high tariff, as one of their measures. All who have read Clay's speech in tie Fajetteville Observer, and who have read this paper, know the fact too weM to need further proof; but should an whig, individual or press, deny the fact, we shall publish the proof from the proceedings of Congress. What base deception' George E. Badger asking "who desires to increase the duties? certainly neither Gen. Harrison, nor any of hisfriends,n and then in a few months the whole whig party trying 10 saddle us with taxes! Was there ever before such mise rable trickery practised upon the people to gain power? 'Next it is said that Gen. Harrison fivers a Bank of the U. States. THE CHARGE IS FALSE. His opinions on the contrary are against a Bank." George E. Badger's speech at Granville, in 1840. This paragraph proves one of tw o things: It ei ther provrs that Gen. Harrison was really opposed to a Bank, or that the whig party merely election eered against a Bank for popularity. If the former, Gen. Harrison would hae retoed the trd bills ve toed by Mr Tyler, to which vetoes by Mr Tyler the whig newspapers attribute their failure to regulate the currency and make "good times." If the latter, then the whole was a humbug a mere party trick to catch voters the idea of regulating the currency and making good times never entering their heads as one of the things to be performed. The Clay partv may make much of either or both horns of the dilemma. This is the rock upon which the (great?) whig party split. They told lha people they were not for a Bank, and when they got elected, the first thing, almost, the whig Congress done, was to mature two Bank bills, both of which Mr Tyler (the Lord pre serve him) vetoed? And why' Because he knew that the whig leaders had electioneered against a Bank, and his principles were always opposed to it. This is matter of recent history. All can judge whether we are telling the truth or not. Here is the speech of Badger before the election, and here is .- -. - ,- -- - , r - 4 Cabin'et because Mr TyfA frouJ not sign a Bank bill!!! U "Whilst we are scant . the moet prominent Stieaf history, we can- i the consideration ot J Icy and hollowness ol , f to thecrced of Demo 'il it democratic to vote ISdioO and repulsjve I'fiocratfc is it consis ts tnat he snouiu m fverntwnt to more than af.-wlen the fuCt has tTABLISHED that will ' conduct tts ope- "s-i-Report of general vcnUon which notni- i yU Government r:- '-Suit n from public of the Navy facts in Mr" Van Burcn' not refrain from submittii the Convention, the utter all his professions of devc cratic faith. for the TARIFF in its forms. V . Is it tent wfth Democratic prir crease the expenses of ihi 39 millions of dollars been IK REVERSIBLYI FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF Dof rations with rigor and fad committee of whig State nated Gov. Morehcad in 1 j Not only have the exj documents, that the whl Secretary proposes to increase the eJ Misea in his department alone, nearfy a million ofdJlars. The list of offi cers in the Navy has beenifriatly increased, adding thousands of doJIars fo tl J-.um necessary to sup port the Navy, fe'i 1 ,s What is worse than aU.f&i whig chairman of the Finance Committee of thetStfiate, in his speech on the Treasury Note bill, mtiiij calculation showing that the national debt at ttand of the prescntyenr, would be beventeeu milfoil of dollars. Mr Van Buren left a debt of only, fare !r six millions, as can be shown npon whig authirfr. Although this fs not clirvcf a pledge to adminis ter the Government upon 14)00,000, yet certainly it is natural to conclude, anfJ'tH people did conclude, that the party who so alu4 Ifr Van Buren for ex travagance, would reduce evI f xpenses of the Gov ernment ddwn to the amocil (hich fby said VouId conduct its operations. j ' ... Here is the great whig SUf5 Convention of 1840 declaring that "the fact ha 6(',n irreversibly estab lished, that fifteen mill ion fief dollari will conduct the operations of the Govetnint with rigor andja cilly.,, And here in 1 311 fcOCf '42 js Henry Chiy, backed by the whole whi !tfiy, ssying that the taxes on imported goods'. (Iwnff v&ch arc the nc cessarfes of fife,) must bfesed t as to produce TWENTY-SIX MILLIONS (hiurfy twico the amount) for the support ofthef3ovlnment!! And what did the rfesfdrril KfrfTjl'er, say lie expended in carrying oil ls"ljovBp'ment, from 4th of March 41 to 4th of MaijLh' -4 He says it cost 7,025,070 70!! Nearly jj.oOOO more than Mr Van Buren fpent the ifil egrbf his "reign," public debt and all!! Is Mrtiter'roof of false hood and deception wanted T' j EClLet the caMfija for the Legislature, of Ejemocratic party, in each Cophyfake these facts and lay themilfbir'e the pub lic, and if the jijplc' of North Carolina, with tVm ; felits before their eyes, will support these men, who thus m'each&0 le 'ihiiig and practice another, jfrjojder to get into power, uieyf CKaerve to be cheated and I mm bulged! The two sides tjj'tlie KTfdal. The Georgia Times falk ourvottention to a letter in the Riehmondjj Vjhig of the 20th May, which the said Whl lomraends to pub lic lltentiou, as "a briiCani letter" and the Times asks its, to contragtivhat the Whig now ae celebrated Oc- lave 'accordingly such a brace ol says arfff what it said tfn& tober sun of 1840. X looked into the record tac portraits is truly amusing Ecce I September, 1840. f ft I May,1842 "L t Virginia come andj g f hear Mr Webs er, ebslen too. is w .n. M , drfufy tickled, and glu- Republican Virginia uirig to the rescue administration; of Tylef is the nomi nd he, a Hartford mtion Federalist, tho head I Jj XmtI. il'eb ster, the KtM?f Federalism, and f'Asl4 0 morvd lepers." V Jrgi fianow " giving aid nnUf nfottto I). Webster, Ihhltrier sanation of al' she 1 wet fbfev wtit cijtt acrnti repudiated politically, jjcfi the honor of her No living man can command, booth of the Potomac, where he has never set his foot, such curiosity to see and hear him, who, in the power of ratiocination even in the estimation of English judges, istiiefirs intellect of t le age in which we live. ''We hail Mr Web ster's vUit. and the extra ordinary circumstances of the country, which are every where indue nz greater freedom of political jbrmvjeUnd the modesty and intercourse, with the most vii&tqoi ner fair, nave ever lively satisfaction." feoltM front morally." The same article (184);eprecates the at tempts which had been pe 'n Virginia to expose him (o censure.- t-ll says, that "Mr Webster has bee for ttoetfyiyearav in Va., re garded as a concentrationpiMl that was odious and detestable in polita.j Hi very name has been an friefthausiiblfi tpd'n? capital to a certain trafficking schc .1 pf Virgiuia poli ticians and President-ma !f b have used it as a rawhead and 4ldoc ipe Whenever it was desirable fo inflani ttfc paJaions of the mass. The day of ths J grading political school baa passed forever. I -'he People know and feel the Federalism t 9 Washington and Marshall and Websl " chnol, was mod eration and '98 Repu fcnisro compared with grinding oppressio ? J- modern Do mocraVy,' &c, &c. W lk'"i nal v'0 serf, when we say, that Sf jejKbt3 have tio more faithful friends and; tfrenueus suppott- rs than the honest port! Party" of course, Mr V 1 and now, how they porfMOUW in less than the told FctlerM Weriwas then one) 3f,'the Rich lot o verj V irgfnia to 7h. mini.tr!iinn Mminir intft rtnn-i rfto I tsadffer ana Hives eieciioneermz asainsi a uann afd repudiate the itdarnous maxim thut, to the before the elec tion; Badger resigned his place in the two years ! See the contrast ! In Whi? is allemotin? to ' ' ry - - I C7 Ir? the Federal ranks, by crvi FP Uamel v eb- sters Republican principl Jj-n4 now, when it is attempting to heaif ap4ain Tyler, it abuses Daniel Webster, bfjraet he rejoices at the great defeat of Henf Ctays parly in Virginia! At neither el .fciye we any confidence in Mr Webstei i,jiociples. Tho jva ; mj ii. ii f ' yaises or abuses him, according to itipaltry interests ! Rich. Enquirer.

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