TFMJE NORTEL CAMIL.IIIOAftr jp CD IB ttH illL From the Magnolia. f The Ruins of Palenque. Oh City of the Post! where sleep thy dea!; Thse mighty warriors, who thine armies led To glorious bat le in ihy palmy days; -And who received from tLee,diy noblest praise! Where nre thy princes now, no longer thine, Though like proud Rome, thou thought'st them di " vino! All gone, all perished in one common doom, Buried beneath Oblivion's Tasting gfoom: - And these lone monuments can onlj' tell, A mighty city flourished here and fi ll. Unnumbered years have passed, ages have flown, Since all thy glorv fled, though not alone, Thy language perished with thee, .and thy name Is lost forever now, to memory fame. Here vhere thy stately palace proudly stood, Now stand the loftiest scions of the wood; While 'neath their jagged root-', far under ground, And spread ia wild confusion all aiound, Lie the tall statues of t hi no ancient rat e, Buried like kings, in their last rr sling place. And here huge walls Ftill rising up sublime, Seem destined to outbrave the hand of timr-, "While on their sculptured sides lho power ofarf, Still lives, to charm the eye and captivate the heart. See lre the figure ot some ancient knight, Clad in fierce armor, ready for the fight, And there his enemy with equal pride, Anxious the doubtful contcft to decide; While on each hand, stmne hieroglyphics tell, Of him who conquered, and of him who fell. Oh, might some genius like ChampoJlian rise, To tear away the veil that blinds our eyes, And bid theso moss-grown tablets to unfold, The mighty deeds thnir heroes done of old; To tell us whence thry sprang, and what the name, Of their great leader now unknown to lamp, And whence they learned those arts, which none have known, Save the wi?o nations of the East alone. Sure then, would science mastc r every clime, And gather up the richest stores of time, Bring from the dreamy past her long lost dead, And waken memories forever fled. ' And Greece and Rome misfit then no longer be, The boasted nations of antiquity; But western empires claim a kindred name Among the during monuments of fame. Sparta, Ca. E. M. P. From Wright's La Fontain. The Ass carrying Itches A Fable. An ass, with rdics for his load, Supposed the worship on the road Meant for himself alone, And look on lofty airs, Receiving as his own, The incense and the prayers. Some one who saw his great mistake, Cried, master Donkey, do not make Yourself so big a fool Not you they wo-ship, but your pack; They praise the idols on your back, And count yourself a paltry tool. 'Tis thru a brainless magistrate la honored for hia robe of State. Miscellaneous. ' The Spectre Mask. A TALE OF THE LAKE OF COMO. It was a still and cloudless night not a breath stirred the leaves on the high trees that surrounded the great villa of Count Minotti, oft the lake of Como, when two figures were seen to emerge from a private door that led into the garden surrounding the house, and descend the stone steps to a little boat, in the stern of which sat a figure muffled in a coarse cloak. Perceiving their approach, the man who occupied the boat, immediately arose and assisted the cavalier and his companion, a fe male of stately form and features, of great beauty, to d:sccnd, which they did in silence, and entered the boat, which was immediately pushed off. There no moon to add beauty ' and effect to the scene, but the heavens were studJed with stars, and the clear blue lake re flected their more intensely blue rays, whilst the lights from the windows of the different dwellings that skirted the shores, were reflect ed in long lines of gold, and the distant bark of the witch dogs alone broke the stillness of the night. Not a word was spoken by either party, until the boat reached the middle of the lakts when the lady laid her small white hand on the shoulder of the cavalier, and looked earnestly in his face for Svme minutes. Dearest Vicenzo," said she, " why so moody and thoughtful ? Yon evening star shines as brightly as on that night wnen you wooed and won my poor heait; but," she continued mournfully, "you are changed, aye, changed aud flow scat cely vouchsafe a wora. Yes," replied he who was thus addressed, as he . cast . from his shoulder the cloak in which ho was thus muffled, " I have words for thine ear to-night which may not be pleas ingMariana, thou hast outlived my love. Hast thou no prayer ready ? for here I shall absolve myself from the vow my folly made thee.'! The lady stared wildly at her husband, for he was no less, and attempted to clasp him round the neck. ",Dear, dear, lord," she said in supplicating accents, "what dreadful deed dost thou medi tate! , Think, oh, in mercy think what you would, do !; Have I offended ?. I Have I, said or 'done anything to : -" Peace !" muttered her stern but cruel part ner j; forcibly r removing her arms' peace, I say, and pray for thy sou!, for thou has not ten mi mates to live !" , , - The lady fell on her knees, before her mer ciless lord, and in a frantic manner besought him to have pity, but 'the fiend had steeled his heart, and he harshly bade her prepare for death; when the tone of his victim sudden ly changed, and no longer a suppliant, she vehemeutlyjupbraided htm for his cruelly. , : Vicenzo IV- said she, as her dark eve flash ed wrathfully, 1 am in thy power, "but rby friends will avenge mo! I ask net for life, for I kjiow thy ' purpose is daadly ; but dread the vengeance of my family, who will demand me at thy hands." . The Count deigning no other reply than a low articulate malediction ; made a sign to his attendant, w ho immediately rising, seized J the lady by the arm. Hurl her into the lake, Jacopo," said Miu notti ; and the words had scarcely passed his hps, when their, victim, forced in spite of her struggles, overthe side of the boat, fell with a faint shriek and a heavy plash into the wa ter, but she almost immediate rose to the sur face, and the Count seizing an oar," endea vored to stun her by a blow on the head. The stroke was ill-directed, and missed the Countess, who, seizing the oar with both hands, supported herself, and thus addressed her cruel husband: " Vicenzo Minnotti, thy days are number ed God shall judge you for this deed; I sum mon you to appear before his tribunal before this moon is out!" Her husband instantly directed his atten tion to return to his villa. Remorse never touched the breast of Minnotti, who was as subtle as he was revengeful and cruel, and he spread it abroad that his wife had eloped from him, and the tale was believed, for he had previously circulated stories of her infidelity. Three weeks and more had passed, when a nobleman on the other side ot the lake, gave a splendid fete, to which many were invited, and amongst the rest the Count Minotlo was the coyest of the gay throne. During the evening he had regarded a lady of exquisite beauty, and now he endeavored to enter into conversation with the object of his admira tion ; but the lady was coy, aud replied to all the the fond things he addressed to her with provoking coldness, and Minotti more than once felt his wrath almost master order. If he handed the beautiful mask an ice, she mod estly. excused herself, and the Count in vain begged that she would partake of some slight refreshment, without which she could not pos sibly support life through the evening. The halls were brilliantly illuminated by enumerable lamps, that mocked the stars above them, and dance and sprightly conversation were not lacking. " Dearest lady," said he, '-'excuso a little gentle force, and let me remove that envious vizor from your lovely face.'' His companion made no reply, and Min noiti construing her silence as an assent, play fully raised the mask from the lady's face but oh, horror ! what did he behold ! the pale countenance of his murdered wife, who re garded him with a look so fearful, that his very blood was chilled, and his knees bent under him. - " Vicenzo !" said the spectre, laying her laying her cold, clammy hand on his and look ing him earnestly in the face, " behold thy wife !" The Count heard no more he recoiled from the apparition, and with a gasp fell sense less to the ground. He was discovered by some of the company in a death-like state, from which though attended by the most skil ful physicians, he did not recover his senses until morning, when ho begged those who at tended him to send for a confessor, to whom he unfolded what had occurred ; but the re membeiance of the scenes in which he had beeu an actor operated so strongly on his shattered nerves, that fit after fit succeeded and ere tho evening bell had rung, the guilty soul of i Vicenzo had fled forever. So far goes common rumor ; but the sister hood of. a neighboring convent know the se quel of the story. The wife w hom her lawless husband would have betrayed to death, was not permitted by Providence thus to perish. Buoyed up by her clothing, and assisted by the oar, which by the trepidation of those who intended her murder was left in her possession she floated a loug hour a living death, upon the bosom of the deep, still Ia"ie. The barge of the nobleman at whose villa the fete took place, rescued the lady as her strength was just exhausted, and the rest the reader knows. It only remains to state that the lady, shocked with the world, betook her self to the seclusion of a convent ; and it was not thought advisable to disahuse the minds of the peasants of the idea of a supernatural visitation for so horrible a crime. Her res cue and subsequent residence were therefore carefully concealed.: From ihe New Orleans Crescent City. Sketches of the West. Mason's (Jang. The navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers was, at au early period in the history of the settlement ot the West, attended with great dangers, the most formidable of which was the existence of or ganized bands of robbers, who had commis sion merchants, at all the points of any note ou the rivers. Very few boats, at that time, succeeded iu making a trip to New Orleans, without being overhaulded by these marauders, who made the green old wood their home, and revelled in intoxicating delights, purchased by the blood and pillage of their victims. Boat after boat would leave commercial points on the Ohio, and never be heard of afterwards. So great was the destruction of life and pro perty, that few speculations were undertaken, the nierchauts losiug all hope of a return of the cargoes shipped. A few miles below Shawneetown, on the Ohio, i3 the celebrated "Rock-in -cave," as it is called for shortness, we presume, but pro perly the "Cave-in-roce." It is a studendous rock, some fifty feet in height, containing- a number of small rooms, connected with each other, which were once the residence of "Ma son's Gang,." if any reliance can be placed on the stories of the time. Mason was an Lnglishman, who, as the tale runs, left the "nation of shop-keepers' . in disgust, and sought the bouudless forests of the West for a home more congenial to his uature, which is described as fierce and uncompromising. His "gang" was a chosen one, from the half savage and baseVoDuTation of dm hnrdfiV ' in ured from childhood to hardships, and haviug no restraint on their wild and malignant pas sions. ; ; Mason s operations were extensive. Boats were captured their crews murdered and his. own, men- placed on board. The cargoes wcjre distfosed;of at Ificksburg, Natchez, and New Orleans, by his coadjutors; and if Mad lame Rumor is to be believed at nil, men now rolling-'ia wealth can be pointed out, who amassed fortunes as the agents of the great ri ver and land pirate. Near the rural village of Steubenville, on the Ohio, resides an old Dutchman named Peter Schoeuberger, who never bends the kuee in prayer, without concluding with a fer vent hope that Mason is at this present time in a very warm climate Peter was among the first of the boatmen who embarked in their cumbrous vessels for New Orleans, and was very fortunate in one of his adventures He reached the city, and disposed of bis flour and whiskey at high prices, realizing several thou sands in gold and silver; shiuplasters being unknown in those days. Few steamboats were at that time navigating the rivers of the West, and it was the custom of the boatmen after selling out, to meet together choose their officers and march for home a la nrilitaire. Having made all right, Peter set out in com mand of some 30 hands, for Ohio, in as good a humor as the possession of the yellow boys, and . the prospect of soon seeing his "frow" and 'kildren' could make him. Tis true, he had some misgivings about 'de tam robbers he might encounter on the road, but he had done every thing prudence and ingenuity could suggest, to frustrate the highwayman. His "dilers" were sewed up in the lining of a pair of buckskin "irovvserloons," stowed away, and the sure old rifle was ever at his side. The company travelled during the day, and camped out at night, with sentinels at their posts. Their niarch was unmolested, and they reached the borders of Tennessee, with out having any other use for their arms, than to bring down some of the wild game w hich crossed their oath. Conceiving themselves entirely out of danger, they neglected station ing sentinels arouud the camp, tor as old Jre ter says, ?'by sure I vas one tousands miles from de tam rascals." This negligence prov ed their ruin. Oce morning, just before day, they were all awakened by the quick report of rifles, aud on rising, found to their utter as lonishment that they were surrounded by a band of robbers. There was no time for par ley. The chief of the band told them to sur render and their lives would be snared. This was a poser to all, but more especially to Pe ter. who had no idea of losing the castings necessary to square the vards on his return. "Will you surrender or not?" thundered the bandit chief. "By sure I dish, for I dosh " replied Peter. Bang bang bang! went the murderous guns of the robbers, and in a few seconds a number of the boatmen were stretched dead on the ground. lhehring ceased tor a mo ment, and the chief repeated the question of surrender. Ihe boatman finding resistance fatal, held a short consultation, and determined to escape if possible, with their lives, by giv ing up their money. Peter alone objected 1 heir hands were tied behind them, and every part of their clothing searched. At last the chief called out "Where is the buckskin pantaloons?" "I don't kuovv," said the boatman he was robbing. "The old Dutchman's, I mean" said the robber, "they've got dollars iuside, and I must have them or blood!" "Der ty vel '." said old Peter, struggling to get his hands loose. The pants wereoon lound,' ripped open, and out rolled the wheels to the mdiscribable anguish of old Feter. It is worthy of remark here, that the robbers knew the exact amount of money in the pos session of the boatmen, furnished, doubtless, by their agents iu New Orleans, who sold the produce. In a few moments the robbers were on the retreat, giving the boatmen money sufficient to defray their travelling expenses. The un fortunate men commenced their march at the first blush of morn, in a state of mind easily imagined, and had proceeeed a short distance on the way, when it was discovered old Peter is among the missing. Guns were fired, and lungs exerted, but no trace of the honest Dutchman could be found. No one could unravel the mystery of his disappearance, and he was given up as lost. In a few days the boatmen reached their homes with heavy hearts, and told of their bad luck and the loss of old peter. Ihe country around was regularly "stirred up" crowds flocked around the adventurers to hear all and Peter's "frow" went on at a great rate, in her lamentations for the loss of the old man -and the "dilers." A few days after, a great change was observable in the conutenances of the villagers. Peter was home, quietly seated by a blazing hickory fire, spinning an unvarnished tale of his last adventure. It ap pears he was fully determined to lose "neck or nothing," and followed the robbers ou foot, without mentioning his intention to any one. The next day they perceived him travelling behind, and riding up to him, told him if he did not turn and go back, they would shoot him. ; Peter told them he couldn't go back without his money to pay for his farm, and would "as leash die ash live.", They rode on on, and Peter still pursued, regardless of the several warnings he received. The better emotions of our nature will sometimes be felt by the most hardened and criminal, and the old man's appeal was so urgt- and hicr de termination so fixed, that Mason gave him his money back! Peter, however, never forgave him for tying his hauds, spoiling his buck skins, : and leading him such a wild-goose chase in search of his "dilers." From the Oxford Mercury. - I Bather Awkward Mr Editor: By publishing the following, I The assistant minister in a not very dis- you oblige a large portion of that very re-jtant parish being violently smitten by the spec table class ot your readers called Bacbe- I charms ot a certain iaay wno resided in a lore I pretty whitewashed iwo-story nouse, within a On Saturday the 14th of May, according I a gunshot of the manse, used, often in the to previous notice, the Hydrophobical Institute I eveuings, to hover around the dwelling of his was at an eany hour, crowded by unwashed I enchantress, like some gnome over tne spot and unshaved bachelors. The meeting was I where its treasure is concealed. One dark organized by calling Unexampled Mammoth- I autumn night he was perambulating as usual Scheme to the chair and appointing Cruel I" chewing the cud ot sweet and hitter tan- Tragedy Secretary. The objects of the meet-I cies," and gazing on the lighted window of mg were tneu briefly explained by Anti- bis charmers bedroom ; out, contrary to usual Hysterics, intermixed with whose discourse, custom, more than two hours passed away, there were occasional touches of the sublime aud still the light was as bright as ever, shin end passages of thrilling pathos. He con- ing "like a good deed in a naughty world." eluded by moving the following resolutions, all of which were earned nem. con. 1st. Resolved, lhat for the better forma tion of a uniform system by which our unfor tunate class may, in future, succeed in winn- jea lousi came over his rever- A twinge of ence s heart. . nat could oe the lair one's long vigil? Could there be another lover in the case? This state of uncertainty was too dreadful to endure. Fortunately, as he .1 C . 1 .1 . . I.t .V I . mg the nearis oi me r air, mat each member tnougni,a rauuer sioou temptingly convenient of this assembly give in the experience of his at the end of the house ; a few turns of it, by courtship, and that a rule be formed from the I his clerical fingers, brought it opposite the history of each so detailed. j lighted window ; the preacher mounted this 2d. Resolvedy That a committee of three I unusual rostrum, and climbed as far as to be be appointed to report at our next- meeting, I opposite to the light, when, looking down into on the most effectual means to secure against the court-yard, he spied the figure ot a man injury from Kicks. moving along witbm a dozen yards of him. In accordance with the last resolution, Ashamed of his position, he mounted beyond Messrs. Bumpus Blubber, Sky Blue, and the whitewashed wall, thinking to conceal him Soloman Lounger, were appointed a commit- J self on the dark slates, but the lover of the tee. Mr J. Stupid Foppington then gave his I maid (who was on a wooing visit himself) experience, the substance of which was, that I knew in a moment the reverend sweatheart when a dirty-face boy, it was the unanimous of his mistress, and, with remorseless waggery opinion of his mother that he icus an excep- I removing the ladder altogether, he left the vic- tion. That he was caressed, be-patted and tim of jealousy to spend the night on the old De-Kissea ny nis mammy-s temaie visitors, an iasnionea stair . shaped game ot the nouse agreeing that he was a little dear, and predict- " Lang and dreary was the night," yet the ing the slaughter he would some day make daylight came unwished for, aud there he was among the hearts of the ladies, lhat in con- found, by all the laborers of the farm, perched sequence of his peculiar promise, it was on his "bad eminence." Ha was taken thought advisable to bring him up to no par- down, amid the ill suppressed sneers of trie ticular profession, thus leaving his talents un- men aud the giggles of the women, looking cramped by any business, but that of con- dispirited, baffled and ashamed, unwilling to ternplatiug himself which was thought to be give any rational account of his elevation, ful employment enough for any one mind, con- 1 ly assured of his character becoming food for sidering the immense importance of the sub- village gossip, and himself the laughingstock ject. of the whole country side. . Nor was he long At five Mr J. Stupid Foppington was in findiug, from the loud waggiugs of scan- breeched, booted at ten, and fell in love at fif- dal's tongue, that he had made a hole in his teen. The object of his passion was oue of manners which only wedlock could patch up; tho3e great nuisances among women, a seusi- and a few months saw him legally entitled to ble spirited girl, who made no scruple of tell- enter the door of that room, for attempting to ing Mr J. Stupid Foppington that he was a steel a peep into whose windows he had been goose. Mr J. Stupid's next flame was more forced to take upon himself, permaturely and "ton-ish." She had fallen in love with his without a kirk oi'his ow n, the hymeneal chains elegant cravat, and was audiblv heard to say, Moral Let no man, who would avoid as he once passed before her at a party, "what scrapes, pry into the secrets of maid, wife or sweet little silk gloues : what a divine head of widow. Kilmarnock Journal. hair; just see what an elegant pattern for a coat ; he is a love." The next day found Mr Foppington courting her, the third they were engaged, but on the fourth (it being Gaxvanisx. The following is a compre hensive and brief history of the of an interesting branch of science: e Fifty-one years ago, an Italian priest, Gal vani, preparing some frogs for his frugal mealj observed, as doubtless many, thousands had observed before, that the muscles of the" ani mals quivered as the nerves connected with them happened to be touched by a metallx substance. He lived in an age of chemical and electrical discovery, and he traced by suc cessive experiments the principle , of a phe nomenon, for which, simple and indifferent as it seems, he could hot account byany law of nature. The investigation led to tbe de velopement of that amazing power, .which, from the name of the d iscoverer, is called gan vanic electricity a power which, in the hands of Sir Humphry Davy, analysed substances, though simple, into previously unknown me-, tals; which, within fifty years, has supplied tel egraphs in some places, superceded the Pru" ter's, engraver's, and sculptor's labor; which nf its triumphs) enables the engineer at a safe distance -a distance of miles, if necessary to spiing mines; or ena bles him, as in the case of the Royal George, to violate the peace of the great deep with tre mendous explosions, himself remaining all the while in perfect security. The last of the achievements of this mighty power, is so won derful that we cannot fort-go the opportunity of mentioning it for the gratification of out fair reader?. It is electrotype painting. A drawing is made no matter how simple uo matter how complicated. The task of copying and perpetuating it is the same (othe marvellous agent it employed; and from this drawing alone, without any recourse to etch ing ground or burin, a perfect copperplate is obtained in a few hours, at the cost of a few shillings a copperplate, if we may so say, copied by the hand of Nature, certaiuly by a natural operation, and therefore more exqui sitely faithful to the original than the most ac complished artist could execute. Good conversation is not to be expected in much company, because few listen and there is continual interruption. But good or ill manners are discovered, let the company be ever so large. A Ivove better From a Taylor to a Mantuamaker. xlE'INANT OF MY HOTES. iUaV 1 De ril)- Sabbath) Miss Seraphiua fell in love with an pe(i from the borders of vour esteem, and - r I - I . I 1 I im - i 7 ucrv i iu i ikji frc j .tJs ixjkju jl tuiii rwuu ujo COOCeaiea me lace OI wnat was SalU IO Oe a hut I am strnmr v stenmnt. in thrt hni nfi-nn i ev - j 1'rencb officer, but what was intact an ex- beautv : mav I never loose a thimble full of drummer and now a dancing master. Mr J. vnilr favor, but von hnv so ninnrrleA th o l : j i i j . .. .i I '. ' '. .. . . . oiupiu was nowever soon cousoiea ior me tJiread ot my understanding with that pretty loss of Seraphina, by a new conquest which outside of yours, that I am stark mad. Odds a uamea coiourea vest nad enectea over tne sensitive and romantic heart of the accom plished Maria Augustiua Turnip Tops. This lady was the daughter of a tallow dealer who had suddenly become immensely rich. She bodkins! I am surely yours, every slilch of me. vvhere ever you go, is my north, and my needle follows you ; blunt not therefore, the poi?it of my endeavors, but let me basle myself to your kindriesss, that I may set the Rather Sharp. Piron, the French au thor, having been taken up by the watchman of the night in the streets of Paris, was carried, on the following morning, before a lieutenant of police, who haughtily interrogated him con cerning his business or profession. "I am a poet, sir," said Piron. "Oil! oh! a poet, are you?" said the magis trate ; "I have a brother who is a poef." "Then we arc even," said Piron, "for I have a brother who is a fool!" If there is any man who may eat his bread at peace with God, it is the man who has brought that bread out of the 'earth by bis own honest industry : it is cankered by no fraud, it is wet with no tears, it Js stained with uo blood. Colman. was much courted by ambitious lawyers, skil- ;,,,,. to vour affections : I lovfi vnn bevond ful but poor ? young doctors, aud industrious mcasure, but vet it is so hard to cabbage one clerks, but she turned up her nose at them all. sweet iook fn')m vo, that j almost despair of Her heart was Impervious, till it felt the heat u-v to ilnUh mv ;. of J. Stupid's red vest and then it yielded to Pray put ?x favorable construction on this. Religion in the human mind is apt to de cline in two different ways, degenerating into fanatic superstition or iuto cold speculative philosophy. Both are averse from its prOper nature; but perhaps the last most so for the first is but excess, the last is defect. The ex cesses of the first startle men and warn them back; but the cold speculative faith seems al most to recommend itself to an intellectual ugf- "J kt hke reason Purifying religious belief, while she takes no more than she can comprehend Yet it is au inclination of the mind to juhetsm, for k fe, a loosening of it from the bond of its full religious obligation. If our rmnds ovye any thing to God, they owe au. , , ...uunug to his service our moral as well as our intellectual beinr, for while the greatest object of thought is presented to the understanding, at the same moment the rreatr est object of affectiou is offered to the soul. Blackieooa's -Juagazjee,, .. , .-- t. me sou name oi love, matters went on swimmingly till the noise of Miss Augustina's wealth laid at her feet a new admirer, who sported a tandem, and kept two outriders, and who besides was adorned with a head of rich and glossy curling hair. For a long time it was neck and neck, red ' vest and mustach vs. tandem and curls, till at length the latter, at the last quarter stretch threw his antagonist off the track by a subtle coup-de-main, which was no other than cutting the pidgeon wing with unparalleled grace and elasticity of heels. ' He won the prize and turned out to be a broken down gambler. J. Stupid made another conquest aud was en gaged, but an elegant pair of artificial teeth in the mouth of an empty-pated coxcomb turn ed the lady's heart. This was the substance of his experience, at the conclusion of which it was resolved: that to win the heart of a sensible woman requires a sensible man: to catch all Augustina's and Seraphina's and languishing, suddenly rich heiresses, a flame coloured vest, ivory teeth, curly hair and mus tache are necessary, and to bind their anec . i - lions completely, thev must he bound with a cord of whiskers, and charmed by a light pair of heels, cased in elegant French boots: and the meeting adjourned to meet this day week. and I shall always sit cross-legged for your sake; being my dearest littlcoHjcer, Yours, SNIP. "Holding the word of promise to the EAR AND BREAKING IT TO THE HOPE. This saying was strikingly verified during our last court, in the case of a juror who had absented himself during an inclement dav pleading that, and the distance he had to ride, as an extenuatiou: And to the very last, he believed the excuse a v.lid one. The Judge said "Mr , in consideration of the very inclement state of the weather the great dis tance you live' from the seat of justice your former punctuality as a juror and the fact that this is the first case under tbe new rule laid down by the Court ; we say, all these things being duly considered, we fine you only So!" Up to the time of uttering the words "five dollars," two to one would have been bet upon the release of the iuror all laughed as they were pronounced, except the absentee ; who, we are sure, although disappointed at the time, was, alter a little reflection, convinced of the justness of the fine. JSIarlborousrh Gazette. Never say to a child, "I don't believe what you say," nor express doubts, it you have such feelings keep your own thoughts and wait with watchfulness. Truth will eventual ly be plain. Repeating the bad language or telling the bad conduct of others in the hearing of chil dren, or allowing them to repeat or tell of what tney nave nearo Dy tne way ot iaie taiK, tq never d;d see such wjud anfj sucb.a l impressing on their minds knowledge which storm," said a man in a coffee room. "And . "l it . . - 1 A I. ' HrpocRlsT. The first consideration with a knave is, how to help himself, and the sec ond how to do it with the appearance of help ing you. Dionysius the Tyrant, stripped the statute of Jupiter Olympus of a robe of mas sive gold, and substituted, a cloak of wool, saying ""Gold is too cold in winter, and too heavy in summer; it behoves us take care of Jupiter." A Dog playing Dominos. A writer in the London Lancet gives the following in stance of the surprising sagacity of a dog be longing to a French gentleman named Leon ard. M. Leonard is a man of fortune, aud the instruction of his dogs has been taken up for his own amusement. The dogs are of the Spanish breed : . After many other performances, evincing the wonderful sagacity and perception of the dogs, M. Leonard invited me to play a garno of dominos with one of them. The younger a slighter animal, then seated himself on a chair at the table. M. L. and myself placed ourselves opposite. Six dominos were placed on their edges in the usual manner before the dog, and a like number before me. The dog having a double number took it up in his mouth, and put it in the middle of the table ; I , placed a coi responding piece on one side ; the dog immediately played, and so until all the pieces were engagp.d. Other six dominos were given to each, and I intentionally placed a wrong number. The dog looked surprised, stared very earnestly at me, and at length growled, and finally looked angrily. Finfding that no notice was taken of his remonstran ces, he pushed away the wrong domino with his nose, nd took up a suitable one from his own pieces, and placed it in its stead. I then played correctly ; the dog followed and won the game. His play must have been the re sult of his own observation and judgment, as not the slightest intimation was or could hay been civen bv M. L. to his doff. a J o One morning, after a tempestuous Jight, during which several trees were roed up, Dr. Vince, of Cambridge, met a friod, who said, "Good morning, doctor; a legible wind this!" "Yes, sir," replied the doctor, smiling; "quite a mathematical wind, for I see it bas extracted several roots." ' the wicked heart turns into a sad temptation, which may follow them through life. All witch stories and the relation of things frightful or shocking to common feelings, and all extravagance in expression, should be carefully avoided on the parent's part, aud disapproved in the child. ra; a" inquired a would-be wit, "since you saw the wind and the storm, what might their color be:" "T.he wind blue and the storm rose," was the ready reply. None are so foud of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them, such persons covet Never speak evil or suspiciously of your J secrets, as a spendthrift covets money," for the neighbors before your children; and more purpose ot circulation. especially never speak to the disparagement of their companions or playmates, nor allow An old offender being asked, whether he them to speak or write- so to . you. If there had committed all the crimes laid to his charge: are eviaeni aerects wnicn tne cnua must see, answered, "l nave uone .siui worse 1 sui- rnention them by .way ot caution sis things fered myself to be apprehended." not to be imitated, and not in such away ' , am m a . 1 - a w V T m . as to ' lead the child to think itself superior. Velsh Tourists. A Welsh tourist, a- AI1 compulsion , in making a child attend mong many other judicious observations, re- to such duties, reading or work, as are pecu liarly unpleasant to it, is a sort of teasing which not only sets the child more against the thing itself, but against you too. Such forc ing leads to dissipation of mind and to dis couragements, if not sulky disobedience, Good .manners is the art of making all in our company easy, and being easy our selves. marked, that the mcttZ-house of Lanark was in a very crazy state. Charity known by its Fruits. An ill- natured cynic, said that the charity of a benefi cent neighbor was induced by a wish to be extolled. " Ay, sir," said the. object of the charity, "if we see the hands of the clock go ntehL we are verv sure that the mechanism inside cannot be going very vcron . New way to Pay old, Debts. Afire happening at a public houe, a man, passing: at the time, entreated one of the Bremen to play the engine upon s particular doernd backed bia request by, the bribe .of a shilling. The fireman consequently complied, upon which the arch rogue exclaimed, -"You've done what I never could do: for, egad, you've liquidated my score!' Gold digging in Georgia. -The Mil-, ledgeville Recorder of "the 1 7th ult. says : " Persons engaged in this pursuit in our gold region have of late, we learn, been much stim ulated in their labor in consequence of the handsome profits they have in many instances recently realized. We are credibly informed; that in the neighborhood of Dahlonega there., are from fifteen hundred to two thousand pen-. ny weights found daily.1 ; At' one time oa Battle Branch there' was lately one lump' found, worth, it is said, one hundred aud ' twenty-eight dollars - It is supposed,' from present prospects, ' that there will be at least from three to four hundred thousand dollars realized in mat section from tbe pursuit with in the present year. The late success in Utis business . is drawing the' attention, of many UlUbis v at. r. f ' : ' ' ' - ip' A gentleman passing mo shop of Mr Has woll, tea-dealer, observed, his name would Uq as te?r without an If. - -

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