r l . 'CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT tOiSTATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; A?i3eiIE CI.ORT OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OP ITS W3I. II. BAYXE, Proprietor. CITIZENS. FAYETTE VILLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1842 Volume 4. Number 174 82 5 3 Of) 1 00 00 00 uo 25 00 00 7.-. i TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN", r Per annum, if paid in advance, $2 5Q : Do if paid at the end ofG months, 3 00 Do if paid at the end of the year, 3 ot) ; Kates of Advertising : Sixty cents per square, for the first, and tliiry cents tor each subsequent insertion. .'; A liberal deduction will be made to advertisers by th year. Court advertisements ?ml Sheriff's sales, will'be charged 25 per cent, higher than the usual rates. All advertisements sent tor publication should have the number of insertion? intended, marked upon them, otherwise thevwillbe inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. No papcrdi'continned until arrearages are paid, except at the option" of the ldiror. jSo subscription received for less than twelve msnths. rt-ULetters on business connected w ith this ostab Ushment, must be addressed Holm ks & Bat.v :, Editors of the North-Carolinian, and in ail cases post-paid. Subscribers wishing to make remittance's by mail, will remember lhat they can do so free of postage, as Post masters are authorized "by law to iranfc letters enclosing remittances, it written by themselves, or the contents known to them. lrices of Jol Work: HAND BILLS, printed on a medium, r.jyal, or super royal sheet, for 30 copies, For 50 eopies, And for every additional 100 eon.es. HOUSE BILLS, on a sheet from 12 to 18 inches square , 3 copies, 3 Over 18 inches, and not exceeding 30, 5 CAUDS, large si.e, single pack, 3 And for every additional pack, 1 Sihaller sizes in proportion. BLANKS, when priuled to order, f'jr ! quire, 2 And for every additional quire, under 5, 1 Kxc.;:liujr 5 quires!. cntCULAliS, INVITATION TICKETS, an. all kinds of BOOK &. JOB PRINTING, executed ehcap for CASH. THE FOLLOWING B L ANKS! Kept constantly on hand AND FOR SALE AT THE CARoZiircxATj- orncs: CHECKS, on Bank of the State, and Cape Fear Bank. PIIOSECU nO. BONDS, Supr. Ct. MA IMLl AG E LIO EN S ES VENDI KXt'O., constablen levy COMMISSION S to take depositions i n equi fy, and Supr. court A I'l'li V II A NC E BON DS V. BITS, Superior and Co. Ct. v. SA. Ku or. Ct. INDICTMENTS for AflVay, and Assault and Battery, Co. and Sup. Ct. !TIFI; ATES, Clk. Co. Ct. JHIY TICK ETS )IU)EI1S i overseeis of Boads - ' nrv p.oxhjs "TAX It i .Yl KIPTS WI FNESS TICKETS v EJECTMENTS PATROL NOTICES LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION Bonds Deed?, common, Sheriff's Deeds, Constables Ca. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, Equity Subpoenas, Superior Couri Fi. County Court Sci. vive judgment. County Court SubpClna.s, Superior Court "War rant, Uonds lor Col'rd. Apprentices. Gardner and McKetlian, CARRIAGE MAKERS. AVE now on Iiand, and for Sale at very Re duced Prices, 4 Carriages, 6 Barouches, 4 Buggies, 3 Buggy Gigs, 4 Sulkies, 8 Spring Wagons and 3 Chain Waarons. Also, a very large assortment of work which we are daily finishing. Also a general assortment of Coach-Maker's materials kept constantly on hand and for sale. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine their work, as they feci confident they can make their work as well, and sell it as low as it can be had from any regular Northern Establish ment. All work made and sold by them is warranted 12 months, and will be repaired without charge, if they fail by bad workmanship or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend ed to. FayetteviHe, Mar. 2G, 1S42. 56-tf. Fn. Fa, to re- ENTERTAINMENT. a if fe ! ; . aJ LOOK AT THIS. MY HOUSE has been thoroughly repaired. I will keep Entertainment at very reduced pri ces, and be plad to welcome the return of my friends anJ customers. Call and sec. SMITH FayetteviUe, October 13,18-11. 1 1 38-1 f M TTnusp is on the corner of Gillespie and Minn- ford Streets, convenient to the Market, and m ar the MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS & PIJCEXIX BITTERS. for sule at the Post Office at Iumherton by JOHN N. DORK, silent, &c. "flirsc Medicines are indebted for their name to their manifest and sensible action in nurifvins ih spiings and channels of life, and enduing them with renewed tone and visor. In many hundred certified cases which have been made public, and in almost every species of disease towhiuii the human frame i liable, ibn happy effects o! jIOFFAT'S i-IFE PILLS AND HiCEN IX Bl I TERS have b e i gratefully and publicly acknowledged by the persons benefitted, and who were previous ly unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical lirimij les iion which they are compounded, and upon which they consequently act. The Lll-T-: MEDICINES recommend themselves in disrates of every form and description. Their first operation is to loosen 'rom the coats of the sto mach and bowels the various impurities and crudi ties constantly settling around them ; and to remove the hardened ftecesJwhich collect in the convolu tions o L.tJ I? small-Vo.lJi 5 ties. .jOfJh e,v..nie,d i u cs only i v -i 1 y xz t tuiis-j , " - - - - ; ed masses behind a-.W to prouuee nanuuai i:9-mc- ness. w ith all its trail of evils, or sudden otarrhcua, with its imminent dahiiers. This fact is well known to all resuiar anatomists, wno examine ine unman bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice ot those well informed men against quack medicine or med icines prepared and heralded to the public by igno rant persons. The sicoud effect ol the L'.le Med icines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which lakes its red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being ihus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, coi-es freely through the veins, renews every pari ol the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming check. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of Heart, Loss of "Appetite, Heart-burn and Head ach, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholv, Costivencss, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever of ah kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies ofalt kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scorbutic Eruption and Bad Complexion?, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints w hich afilict the hu man frame; In F;ver and Ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Phy sicians almost universally prescribe thtm. State nank. E. S. TAKEN U1J A NL committed to tlic.tail ot jC. Cumberland county, on Fri day the -2Sth of January Lift, a NEGRO MAN who says his ii-i mo IS SIMON, and belongs to Tolm Lipscomb of South Ca roiina Said nc"ro is well known ah tut this place he was carried o(T by Mr Thoiras L. "XYhitlock. Simon , ... n li.iTt'lii 'h. dark comnlcction. Jri ofiairl slave is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and lake htm away, or he will be dealt with as the 1 'l.recls. February 2, 1S-1-2.-1 5-t-t f L. CALLAIS, Jailor. T Sr. J. KILE HAVE iust received from the North, a large and splendid assort- I it Y ini u jj .mm sr ttlitch are r..,o -Printftd Lawns: 2,000 pieces prints; rich French Silks, plain and figured; Irish Linens. Lawns ami Diapers; Linen Drilling; Georgia Nankins- 3-4 and 6-4 blceched and brown Domestics; Anron Checks; Cotton and Silk Hose; Kentucky Jeans and Boltine Cloths; with many other articles in UieDry Goods line. AH of which, being pur chased for Cash, at the late Package Sales are now oflSedatFvEDUCED PRICES, by wholesale or rcta.il MaVch 26, 1842.-1 6 1 - tf f FOR SALE OR RENT. T " "lS7"OULD respect fully in- V w form his frien fs and the Public generally, mat nc still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, on Gillesoie street, a few doors South of the Market House. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. October 2, l?ll. 13C-Gin. POTATOES. 51 4fh BBL.S. planting Potatoes. For sale by GEOUG EMcNEILL F.di. 12. IS42. loo- GROUND LOGWOOD! S BARRELS. For sale by June 9, 1S42. geo. McNeill. 172 lv. ItlE Two Storv Frame House, near the Arse nal, recently occupied by Mrs. Watts. terms will be very moderate. 'Apply lo. A'odd, or at this Office. Juno, t, 1842. The ames- i7i-tr. 1. K. McRAE, Attorney at Law, Fayelleville, JV. C., 5 ,rnvrn ,rnfd from his mission to Mexico f HI ". ,;; the practice of Law in the. Conn- fft vlles of Duplin, Wayne, umnena .u. . --rsamnsmi. He will also attend to C s of Bankruptcy at Chambers. I - April y, 1842. and the Supe- ca- 163-tf. TABLE SALT Tf Orfh BOXES TABLE SALT. JirWV 25 Sacks Blown Salt. For sale by June 8th, 1S12. GEO. McNEILL. 1 72-y. State of North Carolina Moore County Cvurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions JIay Term, 1S42. John Patterson administrator ot iviaiconi glacis, deed., and others, vs. Kenneth UtacK ana nugn Black. Petition Jor Partition of Slaves. ITT appearing to the satisfaction cf the Com t, that U. Kenneth Black and H-Jgh Black, defendants in. this case, are not inhabitants of this Slate Ordered BV the Court, that publication be made in the North Carolinian, published in the Town of FayetteviUe, for six. weeks, that Unless the said defendants come in at tfie next termWthis Court, and plead, answer or demur, the petition will be taken pro contesso and heaad exparte. ! ' , , WITNESS Alexander C. Curry, Clerk r. our said Court, at ofKce in Cnitbage, the third Mon day of May, 1S42, and 6Clh year of American In dependence. 172-6 State of Xorth Caroliua Moore Coiiitty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions JJa Term, 1S42. Alexander C. Cuny, ' vs. Jacob Stutts, Administrator, -Sci Fa against heirs and others, heirs at law of William Barrott, deceased. J Jacob C. Stutts, i vs. Same. Same, 3 Kinneth B.Murchison, vs. Same. Same, Lewia Garner, "i rs. Same SiiSae, S Mary Mifrtin, i'. Same. Same, 3 Abraham Stutts, l vs. Same. Same, ST appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Barrott, Walter Barrott, John Moore and wife Charlotte, and Hiram Melton and wife Man', defendants in these cases, are not inhabitants of this State Otdered by the Court, that publication be made in the North Carolinian, published in the Town of FayUtevilic, for six weeks, that unless the said deiendants come in at the next term of this Court and make themselves party defendants, and show cause why the lands that descended to the heirs of William Barrott, deed., at his death, should not be sold to satisfy the plaintiff's demands, other wise there will be orders made by said Court to sell all the lands belonging to said Barrott at his death. WITNESS -Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Carthage, the third Monday in May, A. D. 1S-J2, and of American Independence ihe GCth. 172-6 A.C.CURRY. i - of land containing 50 acres, 2 or 3 of - --" are ciearea. a nouse ana wen in lot MC.rJAbo"t U -mles below Daniel McNeill's joge KocKnsh, on the Lumberton road. ALSO 26 acres of land on Buckhead Creek; jofhms ihe Cotton Factorv lands on Littie Rock- impart overflowed by the pond of said Factory. iJALSO a half acre Lot on North Street, west side, th.a ilwr llinjr Hojse, known as the Kerven Lot. -?For information and terms apply to ip AMOS KIMBALL. jT-Jtwe 18, 1813. 173-tf. FOIt SALE A BARGAIN. flTVgPM PORTABLE House and Lot on Hay- id jrtfjQoininptbe-pTopeirtv of Mr II. L. Mvrovrr, S v - a uuiiiuiu reticence. x nu 11a is I ou f0jit,i running back ISO feet with a ifouse 30 byl7 : Sitoben 15 tet square, the lower room and passawctf the House has been plastered recently, and the lot has a good enclosure with a irrcat many fruit trees of various kinds growing, if the above property ia not sold at private sale befoie Saturday t h 25th inst., it will be then offered at auction for c4b. , G. S. HODGES, a2ent & attornrV tor FW. SILEli. Jnnc 18, 1812. 173-tf. J MATS. NOTICE. I. ?& T. KETURN their thanks for theliberal Patronage they have received and lake pleasure in in forming their Friends and Customers, that they con tinue to Manufacture all kinds of HATS, also, to' keep a supply from the mot Fashionable Factories in New York, and Philadelphia. JLSO FURS, HAT-TRIMMINGS &c. &c. tdP'Wanted, at the above establishment, one or two journeyman halters. March 12, 1812. I40-y " cfricE. " " TUTAYING removed my business entirely from FayetteviUe, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to me, that they will save costs by calling on Messrs. S. & R. S. Cain, and making immediate payment on their notes and accounts due me. ! ,.S-i.UT.Vf A .JUiMS. fresh. Best quality GEO. McNEILL. TEA. Ci REEN AND BLACK 5" for sale by June 2, lS12.-171-y. BLANK NEGOCIABLE NOTES, COMMON do. Together with a variety of other BLANKS, just printed and for sale at the Carolinian Office. June 4, IS42. NEW GOODS. fTflHE Subscribers are now receiving by the late JJL arrivals from the North, their FALL AiNU WINTER SUPPLY OF MERCHANDIZE, con sistiu0, of a large and general assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Hats and Shoes. Bonnets, and Um brellas, Foolscap and J setter Pa per, Drugs and Medicines, Paints and Dye StulFs, Sad dles, Bridles, &c. &c. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Blacksmith's Tools, Hollow IVare, Qc. $-c. Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES Of all kinds ; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash, Back-country Produce, or on credit for approved notes. The Stock is very heavy, and worthy the attention of Country Merchants and the public in general. J. C. & G. B. ATKINS. Foot of Haymount. FayetteviUe, Sept. 25, 1841. " 136-y. 3 MOLASSES. III1DS. prime new crop Molasses. Forsaleby GEORGE McNEILL. A Llper?ons indebted to Thomas S. Memory, arG requested to come forward and make im JiaJt.v payment, and thereby save costs and expenses.-; Indu!rencc"cannot b- given. J, JOHN SHAW, Trustee. TTunc 15,' IS 12 173-2 rrilllE Subsc riber bavin or qualified as Executor iL" at June term 1842, at'ihe County Court of Cajpberland to the last Will and testament of Jannet Aimstrong ileceased , hereby gives notice to all itTbse having claims against said Estate 4o present them prop- rly authenticated according to Law, or tbjgs notice will be plead in bar of their recovery ; aniTall those indebted to said estate, to come for ward and settle the same or they will find their noes and accounts in the hands of an officer for collect ion. ' S FARO. C. ARMSTRONG, Executor une 13, 1842. Further Notice. WILL BE SOLD, at late resid. nee of Jennet Armstrong, died., on the 14th of July next, on a credit of six month, the following properly, to wi: Six Horses; Hogs and Sheep, Sftme fine Cows and Calves, 20 or 30 head of Stock Cattle, One Yoke of Oxen, One Barouche and Harness nearly -fher with other articles too tedious to'mcnxiii. Vo'itd with approved secui itv will be requited, be fore the pconerty will change liands. F. C. ARMSTRONG, Executor. June 13, 1S 173-3 State of North Carolina Robeson County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions JSIay Term, 1842. Daniel McQueen )- 1 vs Original Daniel L. McLaurin and others. Attachment. Levied on two hundred and eighty Acres ofLand lying on the West side of Shoe Heel, borndt-d by JostpTi Wi 'son's old tract, and Al xander Little's old plantation and others, 1st. March, 1S42. EV appearing to the Court that the defendants arc not residents of this State ordered that publi cation be made for six weeks in ihe North Carolini an published in FayetteviUe, that unless the defen dants shall appear at the next term of this Court to I c Ijolden for the County ot Robeson at the Court Hiisein Lurnbcrton, on the 4ih Monday of August ne.v, and replevy the said property, and plead, judg iTictttfinal by default w ill becnte red against them and theproperty Jeviedupon condemned to Plaintiff's use. WITNESS 8h tdrsch Howell, Clerk of said Court li Office in Lumberton, the fourth Monday of Nay, A. D., 1842, and of American Indepen dence the 6Gth year. - I SHADRACH HOWELL. 173-6t. February 12. 1842. 1.55- FISH ! BBLS. TRIM'D HERRINGS 10 Bbls. Roe do. jO Half Barrels Shad. 10 Barrels Mullet. For sale by GEO. McNEILL. Nov. 10184I. v . 1 '- thiJbiir, tiotl 1 t -1. !jg-ilw A.C. CURRY. NEW GOODS. C5P RING AND SUMMER GOODS. A good assortment opening. Forsale by GEO. McNEILL. June 2, 1842 -1 71 - v. WEESE ! TTINE APPLE CHEESE JL for sale by GEO. McNEILL. M ay 1 3, 1 842. 168-v. Miniature Paint in gr Miss Batse will spend a few months in Fay etteviUe, during which time she w ill be hap pv to sfrve the citizens of Cumberland and the ad joining Counties in the line of her profession. She Iras many specimens of her Paint ins, among which are some pieces copied by her from Paintings executed by the first artists of Europe, which have been pronounced equal to the originals. She has also likenesses of Mr Tyler and Mr'Van Buren, all of which the public are respectfully invited to view, whether a likeness is wanted or not. She has miniature settings, gold and morocco, of various sizes. Her room is at the houst of her brother, Wm. H. Bayne, on Gillespie street, nearly opposite Mrs. Smith's Rnarrlincr House. wLere her Paintings fjin al ways be seen ;1ind one or two specimens oa!soLvat J thus before the per centre named in Store. , -; ' .- June 15, 1JZ. THE TARIFF TAX. 3lHimum, and Specific Duties Explained. 3ie all-important subject of the Tariff be Fngbt length befoi e Congress, it is the object of ae writer to make appear, in terms to be umrstood, what the real percentage duty wo id be under the specific rates proposed by thcbill now under consideration in the House frot the Committee of Ways and Means, up on few of the more prominent articles of innort, say fhose manufactured from cotlou ancjwool. A casual observer on taking up and looking under the cotton sec- ini"ht rest satisfied with reading as lo!- iion all manufactures of cotton, Q&of wfrAHi cotton shall be a component part, not otfoiwisc specified, a duty of thirty per ccit ti'ni'the niinimum oiovisions afterwards ia- trofced, if read by any but a merchant, would prelibly be passed over w ithout being thor oujly understood, and therefore taken for gritted as levying a duty something near 30 peiient.; but let us look at the practical ope rati of this matter, let us unmask this most spofous mode of framing a tariff" to suit par tic wr interests, aud then it will be more aj paill what du'ies are levied for protecfiou. aiii.vhat for revenue: If'ji white cotton goods, 36 inches wide Co. per sq. yard. Duty. j ;tnts, would pay 6 cts., or 100 per.-et. on cost. n u n 6 6 6 6 G 6 7J 75 60 50 43 371 33J 30 35 32J 30 "r we first article enumerated above, although out posting 6 cents, is, under this new bill, 'Ham and deemed to have cost 20 cents,'7 aodwys 30 per cent, dutj on that assumed they'll (30 per cent.) is applied, there is no Its than 233 1-3 per cent, added ou to the T U. HKJ) actual cost, to prepare it for the application of the moderate duly of 30 per cent, as named in the bill ! This is the operation of specific or minimum duties; and while they act as a prohibition on all the lower qualities of the above articles, they appear to the world as merely a revenue duty under a moderate rate of something about 30 per cent. The above article costing 21 cents, is "taken and deem ed lo have cost 25 cents," and pays 30 per csut. on that assumed value, being 35 3-4 per cent, on its actual cost. On printed cot tons the niinimum value is 30 cents per square yard, aud. on prints (an. article ofTtjjAre gene ral consumption than any thing etle) it is as follows: . .'" On prints 24 inches'wide : Cost per sq. yard. Duty. 9 cents, would pay J cts , or 100 per cL on cost. 12 " 9 " 75 " IS " " 9 " 50 " 4 9 tt 371 The average of prints now imported cost about IS cents per square yard, duty as above 50 per cent.; while under the present tariff' of 2.S 1-2 per cent, per running yard on cost, they cau seldom be sold at any profit; the lower qualities are almost entirely excluded under our present rate of duty; and it will be perceived that, to prepare the above article. costing 3d sterling, for the application of the 30 per cent, duty, it must be first raised to the 30 cent minimum, which is done by add ing yd5 1-3 per cent, on to its actual cost, then 30 percent, ou lhat gives 100 percent duty!! But this is tiot all; not satisfied with so enormous and arbitrary a duty on cotton goods as is here slated, ranging jjom 30 to 100 percent., a distinction and exception is for the first timo attempted to be made be tween colored cotton goods, "manufactured by napping or raising, cutting or shearing," (called moleskins, cords, fustians, &c.) and other colored cottons, the effect of which dis tinction will inevitably be to exclude these ar ticles entirely; under the present duty, it is only the finer qualities that can be imported to any profit, although they are articles of very extensive consumption, and principally among the working classes, the minimum in the pro posod bill is fixed at fifty cents the square yard, (in ihe tariff of 1S32 it was 35 cents,) aud the real per centage duty is as follows: If 27 iuclies wide - Cost per sq. yard. Duly. 10 cents, would pay 15jcls., or 140 per ct. on cost. in " 15 " 91 3-J " - 15 " 43 Under the present tiirifT, the barely introduce an aiticle as low cost as 9d sterling, although ihe present duty is only 4 1-2 cents per running yard, or 25 per cent, on cost; lid. sterling is now about the aver age cost of what is imported, and if the 4d. and Gd. articles are almost entirely excluded now, what would be the probable revenue derived from them with an additional duty of 63 & 1 02 per cent., to the present rate as provided for above? Of course not one cent; therefore what a premium is here held out for smug gling!! - Only look at the enormity of this dis crimination against the articles of moleskins, (and only yet one manufacturing establish ment to legislate for,) in order to prepare this article, costing 4d. sterling, for the appli cation of the moderate duty of 30 per cent., an addiliou of 369 per cent, has first to be put ou to the cost to raise it to the arbitrary, aud it may well be said, ridiculous value of 50 cents per square yard!?! Surely this is too absurd to pass under the false colors of a re venue duty. Truly, if this be such, I should like lo know what would amount to a protec tion? The above are all articles which con sume largely of the great staple of our coun try, paiticularlv those goods "manufactured by napping or raising, culling or shearing;' and it ought to be borne in mind that the manu facturer has indirectly a large protection on cotton goods in addition to the duty, viz., that which is paid by the foreign manufacturer in the shape of freight, insurance and commis sions on the raw material, as well as duty on the same at the foreign port ol entry; this, to gether with freight, shipping charges, aud in surance on the manufactured article when shipped out here, makes of itself a very large per centage; aud yt, in addition to this, we are asked to levy a tax fur the protection of the, home manufacturer to the tune of 30 to 140 per cent, upon the CQst'.'.'.i'tfuly the time has ariived when it is well , wrfrthy the consideration of those who aie intciisted in the cultivation of the great staple of our-tun-try, bow long tvoutd it probably be, undefSch a course of policy, before the cotton 'gifteir would be deprived of all foreign markets- Aud our shipping interest what would 'then become of our carrying trade? A word more, however, in regard to minimum aud spefcjfic duties, and I have done. It has been often asserted in debate that there is a precedent in the tariff" of 1S32 for specific rates as high as now proposed, (excepting with nioleskius, &c.,) and this seems to have gained general credence; but the all important fact-is entirely overlooked, that, while the specificdntypow proposed is nominally -'"not much jeyond what ii was ieu years ago, yei jn- tue mean mtc the value ot jroods has uuderaone a decli of more than one third, consequently the same specific duty per yard laid on now is a much heavier tax, or larger per centage, thar it was ten years ago; as, for instance, an article of printed cottons then costing 9d. sterling, or IS cents, and measuring 36 inches wide, was deemed to have cost 35 cents, and paid sl5 per cent, on that, or 8 3-4 cents the yard, being 4S 1-2 per cent, on the then cost; now he same article will cost say 6d. sterling or 12 cents; by the present bill it is deemed to cost 30 cents, and pay 30 per cent, on that, which amounts to 9 cents, or 75 per cenf. on the present cost; thus, while the specific duty now proposed is nominally nearly as in 1832, the same article is really taxed 26 1-2 per cent, more than it was then!! The falling off in our imports of these all important articles, even under the new tariff of 1S40, ought to 6e a warning to gentlemen who are Dow advo cating such an exclusive policy; the average of cotton goods imported in the years 1835, 6, and '7, being 314,7S4,83S per annum; in 183S, '9 and '40, $9,265,404 per annum, and in 1840 alone, only-$6,504,484!! if Again, on the following at specific duty' without a minimum) the duty proposed would be a prohibition of all low qualities, for in stance: On flannel, 27 inches w ide Con per sq. yard. Dirty. V 16 cents, would pay 14 cts; or 87 per tt. on cost. 24 " " 14 " 581 " 32 " 14 "-'. 44 40 " " 14 35- V Ingrain carpets 36 inches wide, costing 36 cents, would pay 30 cents, or 83 per ce.U. on cost; cost in? 4S cents, pay 30 cents, or 62J pef cent on cost; Treble carpets costing 72 cents, would pay 65 cents or 90 pCr Ccnt OI1 CljSl. fjrusscls carpets 27 inches wide, costing 9 tint, would pay 55 cents, or 57 per cent, on cost; costing 112 cents, would pay 55 cents, or 40' per cent, on cost , r My the Secretary of the Treasury's bill, fiemp carpeting (used extensively by the poorer classes) S6 inches wide, costing 6d. sterling, or 12 cents, would pay 30 cents, or; 250 per cent, on cost; now it pays 20 per cent.! again, ' costing Sd. sterling, or 16 cents, would pay! JO cents, or 18S per ceut on cost. Lnder (he same bill, goods made from spun silk, (there being no provision to distinguish that from organzine silk,) which' is an article of considerable import, and now pays 20 per cent., would theu pay a specific duly of $2 50 per lb., which on a piece of handkerchief costing 5s. 9d. sterling, and weighing 8 oz. would be taxed no less than 90 1-2 per cent, on the cost! Under Mr Fillmore's bill, cot ton bagging, the cost of which will average about Gd. sterling, or 12 cents, 42 inches wide, will pay 5 S3-100 cents the running yard, or 48 1-2 per cent on the cost. The honest importing merchant will never object to pay any per Centage of duty which may be found requisite for the wants of a proper and economical administration of the Govern ment, provided in attempting to reach the highest revenue point, legislation docs not go beyond what it professes; and thus, (as is the y i ng Uio import i ng merchant fo"a 'fraffdTlHits business and giving, the manu facturer what ought to go into the Treasury. Pure and honest legislation ought to be couch ed in no ambiguous language, but in terms to be easily understood; therefore, if for example it de deemed advisable for the benefit of tho manafacturer to tax the lower qualities of cot ton goods, (those worn by the poorer classes,) with a higher rate of duty than the finer articles, let it be so declared in the bill, in some such terms as the following: "all cottons costing 12 cents the square yard, or under, shall pay an ad valuorem duty of 75 per cent, or 100, or whatever it may be," only let it be express ed as it really is, and not covered over with a veil so ingeniously wrought that few or none but those who are provided with mercantile glasses to see through, can detect the decep tion. As to the argumeut that specific duties are necessary in coarse goods, to prevent un dercharging, the thing is ridiculous, for any man, eveu one unacquainted with merchan dise, will know that Ihe coarser the article the easier is any undervaluation detected no, it is fine goods that some such check is requir red if at all, as there it is sometimes difficult to detect a small per rentage in value. The foregoing will be found a correct ex pose tf the general application of specific and minimum duties. Many other articles might be enumerated, but the above will suffice to couviuce the most casual observer that the system is a deceptive, arbitrary one, in its operation; utiu also, that the bill now under consideration is purely a protective one, and consequently, with or without the proposed duty on tea aud coffee, will neve." yield a rev enue sufficient to meet the wants of the Trea sury. G. t Washington. City, June 13, 1842. N. B. A duty of 25 per cent, on most de scriptions of goods, would give ample protec- quires on coftou goods, laid would raise near 0 per cent. iore reveane than such a bill as is now proposed. The manufacturer looks boyond his own interest whan he asks so much, for he loses sight of the evil, the real evil, which he has to contend with under any tariff that may be passed; it is the fluctuation arising !rom the foreign competition through auction, not the competition of the regular im porter; but when the manufacturer abroad gets into difficulty and sees he is on the rapid road to bankruptcy, he at once, in desperation (to raise the wind) throws off his surplus stock upon our markets, and through the auction system as conducted in this country alone, he is enabled to do so on better terms than tho resident merchant, who, being subject to tox iiktHirjv.n, clerk hire, insurance, &c, is placed fo a great disadvantage in competition with the foreigner selling directly through this channel and the result is, that in depressing times, when our manufacturers may require something' to fcteajjy the .market, (for that is the great object even if prices are low,) it is then they are most subject . to this ruinous fluctuation, produced by ill is desperate gam bling kind of competition, "tinder which an article may to-day bring 40 ccuttjand to-morrow 25, the price not being regulated by the wants of the buyers but by the ionnediate and pressing distiess of the sellers. 7 ""W

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