' 're 4" ' f. "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; ANB JUt QLORT OF THE STATE IS THE COMlvioN PBOfERTT OF ITS CITIENSi W JiV II. BAYNE, Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, lfJ42. Voliime 4. Number 194 TERMS ' . - OF - THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. - Per annum, if paid in advance, $2 50 Do ifpaidattheend of 6 months, 3 0O Do if paid at the end of the year, 3 50 Rates of Advertising; x Sixty cents per sqnareifor the first, and thiry cents for each subsequent insertion. A liberal deduction will be made to advertisers by Court advertisements and Sheriff's sales, will be charged 25 per cent, higher than the usual rates; All advertisements sent for publication should have the number of insertions intended, marked upon them, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, - and charyed-aceerdinsrly. ( No paperdiseentimed until arrearages are paid, iCpLetters on business connected with this estab. l ishment, must b addressed Wm.H. Batnk, Editor of the North-Carolinian, and in all cases post-paid. 'r-3 Snhvnhin wishins ta make remittances by mail, will remember that they can do so free of postage, as Postmasters are anthorizea y law to frank letters enclosing remittances, if written by themselves, or the contents known to them. ria nf J nli Work I HAND BILLS, printed on a medium, royal. or super royal sheet, lor do copies, For 50 copies, A i.l f.ir fiprv additional 100 conies. , riflRSP. RILLS, on a sheet from 14 to 18 inches square, 30 copies, Over 19 inches, and not exceeding 30, CARDS, large stJie, single pack, And for every ad jitional park, Smaller sizes in proportion. CLANKS, when printed to order, for 1 qnire, 2 And for every additional quire,undcr 5, 1 Exoeedinjr 5 quires.- C.l R.CT7L A. RS. INVITATION TlCKtTS, aiu! all kinds of BOOK & JOB PRINTING, executed cheap for CASH. THE FOLLOWING BLANKS'. Kept constantly on hand AND FOR SALE AT THE CAROLINIAN OITICE : CHECKS, on Bank of the State, and Cape Fear Hank. PROSECUTION BONDS, Supr.Ct. MARRIAGE LICENSES VE.VDl EXPO., constables levy COMMISSIONS totakedepositionsinequi tv, and Supr. court APPEARANCE BONDS WRITS, Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Sunr. Ct. INDICTMENTS for Affray, and Assault and Battery, Co. and Sup. Ct. CERTIFIC ATES, Clk. Co. Ct. JURY TICKETS ORDERS to overseers of Roads BASTARDY BONDS TAX RECEIPTS WITNESS TICKETS " '-. I EJECTMENTS PATROL NOTICES LET TERS of ADMINISTRATION Bonds Deeds, common, Sheriff's Deeds, Constables Ca. Sa. Bonds, Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, Equity Subpoenas, Superior Court Fi. Fn. County Court Sci. Fa, to re vive judgment. County Court Subpffinas, Superior Court Warrants, Bonds Coir Col'rd. Apprentices, Gardner and. McKetlian, CARRIAGE MAKERS. M AVE now on hand, and for Sale at very Re duced Prices, 4 Carriages, 6 Barouches, 4 Buggies, " 5 Buggy. Gig, ? ' 'j '4 ouiKies, t 8 Spring Wagons and 3 Chain Wagons. Also, a very large assortment of work which we are daily finishing. Also a general assortment of Coach-Maker's materials kept constantly on hand and for sale. PersoiR wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine their work, as Ibev feel confident thev can make their work as well, and sell it as low as it can be had from any tegular .Northern kstabhsh ment. All work made and sold by them is warranted 12 months, and will he repaired without charge, il they lail by bad workmanship or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Orders thankfully received, and promptly attend r.d to. FayetteviHc, September 1C, 1343. 56-tf. NOTICE. WOULD resperf fully in form his fricn's and the Public generally, that he still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, ' on Gillespie street, a few floors South of the Market House. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. October 2. I?4I. 13G-6m. ENTERTxlINMENT. LOOK AT TIIIS. MY HOUSE lias been thoroughly repaired. I will ke p Entertainment at very reduced pri ces, and be glad to welcome me return ol :ny mends nJ customers. Call and sec. E. SMITH. Fayetteville, October 13, S4I. 133-tl M House is on the corner nf Gillespie and Mum- ford Streets, convenient to the Maiket, and near the State Bank. E. S. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS x- T'lIfKVIlT RITi EIvS. for sale rtl tie Post Office al Lzmherlon by JOHN N DORK, Jisenl, c, Tlicsb Medicines are iifdrbted for their name to their manifest and sensible action in purifying tin springs and channels oflif-.and enduing them with renewed tone and viaor. In many hundred certified cases which have been made public, and in :il.no-t cverv species ofdiseBse to which the human e o lisitln. lite hannv eiTects o( MOFFAT'S LIFE PtLLS AND FHCEMX BITTERS have hce:i TraiCI'u.ly an. I ptib!iclV acknowledged by th hnm filled, and wild were previous ly nnacquaidted With the beaut. fully philosophica princi.'lt!" upon which they are compounded, and TAKEN up and committed 1 the Jail of Cumberland County, on Monday the 17th inst., a negro slave who says his name is Samp son, and sa vs he belongs to Cbrisr tian Brinkly of Salisbury, Rowan county, N. C. Said negro is supposed to be between 45 and 50 years of age, dark complejion iliif-fc lino inMlii slow when SDoken to. 5 feet 9 inches hiah, hair a getting gray in spots and had on when taken up mixed dress coat, white woollen vest and pantaloons, black wool hat stitched down, shoes. "Toe owner is hereby notified to come lor ward prve property, pay charges and "take him WIIT4ir he will be dealt with according to Law. . rJt w T r r I A Iff T:l. REMOVAL. The su!srriberhas remov ed from the stand reeently occupied by him on Hay street, wert of the Lafay- ett; Hotel, to the fire-proof building, 1 door below the store of Messrs II. A I'. J. I-illj, where he will be happy to nii ou his friends who have here tolbrc favored him with their custom, and the pub lit generally who may feel disposed to patronise him ; trusting by strict atten tinn to business, with a desire to please, to receive a liberal snare ol support. liis charges, as hcrerolore w.ll be moderate, to suit the times ; and all work entrusted to his care will he warranted, as to fit and workmanship : and being regularly in the receipt of the reports of the r-ashions, Irorn the north, his style will be as gooc as that of any northern city. Persons who wish to have their clothes made at home, can have them cut as carrtully as if he were lo mane ineni m nisei r. HENRY BAKER, Jia street, 8 doors east of Ijofiyelte Hotel. Aug. 20, 181-2-6 mo. A few articles of ready made elolliing on hand. I. : . . l iIibu Aiiafmipnllv Zlf-f- pi. r IFF. MEDICINES recommend themSelv-c in dis-aes of every form and description. Thei first operation is to loosen from the coats of the sto n.t hnwels the various impurities andcrudi ientlir settling around them ; and toremove . Ir.r.lnr.,-i! fieeea which collect in the convolu f the smallest intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leaVe such collect hpl.i.irlns to orodiice liabitual costive naa ivir i nil its train of evils, ofr sudden diarrhoea with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known t nil regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice of those well informed men asainst quack medicine or meu rlint nersons. The secoud effect of the Life Med icines Is lo cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, nnd by this moan, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity f the nrinarv orans. The blood, which takes its red color from theagencyof the liver and the lungs before ft passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part ol the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming check. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been thoroughly tested, anJ pronounced a sovereign rem edy for the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitalion of Heart, Loss of "Appetite, Heart-burn and Head ath, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever of ah kinds, Rheumatism. Gout, Dropsies of all kinds. Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scurvs, Ulcers, Inveterate Sore, Scofbtltic Eruption and Bad Complexions, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt -Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the hu man frame; J n Fever and Ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have most eminently successful ; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. " CLOVER SEED For Sale by - GEO. McNEtLL. MISS BINGHAM'S School was resumed on the 3d of October. Oct.8, 1342- -189-Ct. NEW DRY GOODS. WILLIAM Mcl-NT YRE oilers for sale Beav er, Pilot & Bear skin cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinnrtts, Kentucky Jeans, Glasgow Jeans, Flan nels, Rose & Striped B'ankets, English & French Morocco, Bombazines, Cha II ies, Ginghams, Calli coes, Jaconet Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Swis Mus lins, Plaid CassimereShawls, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Vest ings, Bed Tykes, Apron Checks, Spool Thread, Pattent Thread, Canvass Padding, Sew ing Silks, Lasting, Satin and oilier fancy buttons. Hardware & Cutlery KniveS St Forks, Table & Tea Spoon, pricket and Pen knivfey. Scissors and Shnres, carpenters Locks, Pad and Stock Locks, Spades, Shovels, weeding Hoes, Trace Chains, Collins' Axes, Whittemore Cards. Boots, Shoes, Hals and Bonnets. GROCERIES. Sugar, Coffee. Tea, Crockery and Glass Ware, PowdCr, Shot, Bar Lead, Window UluSs, While Lead. &c. Sept. 24, 1842. tS7-4m. . J MX W IjtUUW Uncommonly Cheap. - J. & J. KYLE HAVE just received by the late arrivals from the North, a large and general assortment of DRY GOODS, Purchased at the late reduced prices, among which are French Lawns and Prints, Ginghams, plain and figured Muslin, best black Silks, figured and I lain ditto, some very superior dress Shawls and Capes, newest style London Stw Bonnets, com mon ditto, Calicoes, checked Mui-lin, Jaconet and Cambric, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, 3-4 to 6-4 brown and bleached Domestics, Spool Cotton and Sewing Silk, Tuck and Side Combs, with many other articles, forming the largest assortment in this State, all of which are offered at reduced pi ices for Cash, or to punctual customers on time. July 2, 184-2.-l75-lf JL7AJVOS FOR A LOT of land containing 50J acres, 2 or 3 of im. wtich are cleared. A tiouse and well in I be yard. About 1! miles below Daniel McNeill's bridge, Hockfish, on the Lumberton road. ALSO 26 acres of land on Buckhead Creek adjoining the Cotton Factory lands on Little Rock fish, part overflowed by the pond of said Factory. ALSO a halfacrcLot on NorthStrect, west side, with a dwelling Ho ise, known as the Kcrven Lot For information and terms applv to AMOS KIMBALL. June i8, 1842. 173-tf. PLANTER'S HOTEL, FOOT OF UAYMOUHT, Faytllrtrllle, iV. C fill HE subscriber having opened that large and JL Commodious House on IJay Street, known ns the PLANTER'S HOTEL, is now prepared to ac commodate Boarders and Traveller., upon moderate terms. She trusts that strict attention and her i nti- mate acquaintance with the business, will ensure a liberal nortion of the oatrooajre of the public the table wilt be lurni-hcd with Hie best tbe Market at-fbrrfs,-and the stabfes with careful and attentive On- lers. ANN EROWiN. November ' 3, IS 11. 142-y. Has just received his Fall and Winter ttotk ol Dry Ciootls, Groceries. &c, ( Pronounced to be the most tasletul assortment of Goods in the market) embracing a large and gene ral selection, suitable for town and country trade, consisting nf fine cloths, cassimeres, sattinclts, Kentucky janes, flannels, blankets, nesro cloths, calicoes, inarinos, niousliu djrLaines, dial leys, fash ionable silks, fine Florence and straw bonnets, hats and caps of fur, seal skin, glazed, &c. Hardware and cutlery, fine crockery, fine double bam I guns, irrn and Steel, nails cut and wriiuhf, white lead in oil, window glass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, cotton bagging, and rope; in short, neatly every article usually kept in a dry good and grocery store. Call and examine thestbek. Piices low, ns Usual. Fayetteville, September 24, 1842. 187-tf The subscriber would inform his triends, and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the noith, Ivs FALL & WINTER stock, consisting of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Cotton bagging, Bale rope, iron, nails, hollow are, trace chains, weeding hoes, Collins' and Simmon.,' axes, co:ton and wool cards. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. UKLiUfc.Ulf.S. Best loaf anl brown susar, coffee and tea, pbw der and shot. Indigo, riladdr r, Spanish brown, epjotn anu glauDer salts, crKery ware, etc., &.C. A larse and general assortment, of Candles, kept constantly on namt, at wnoiesale.anu retail. Being determined to ilvote all necessary atten tion to the MOULDING of his Candles, and hav ing spared no pains to improve their quality and appearance, lis hopes Id receive a due share of p.i tronaee. WM. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville Oct. 14, 1842,.- 190-tf S TAnriAeeaa T-MM3 it trjAn Ji3-v rri n i r r-i., ",aZ in gravis county, on the waters marhl klPreek- The'e S""d, and a bargain ftwt-1. ,Mtno owner has no intent inn of set toe r,Bo!d ,ow or cahi or bartered for Cot eh?t2ir lo,,r or Baconi "t market prices, or ex rfSvfn ProPerVT e neighborhood of Fay- -Lfurt,,er Pr'iclars enquire at this office. NOTTflK aVJIG taken letters ot admir.i stratioD from UM nnrt nf PUa an.l O Hd-.u- c ; r Til eLoli, decM, and bavmz obtained an -7m wnr wr intui whim , the BJ- owMg t0PertT longing to said estate, viz: S-x liktly join; NEGROES,two of whom are first rate w:.on-nakerB, house carpenters, and painters. The others S'e two young men and two girls, of the age of 140115 years, all under good character. Two B4rW,ef,i ncat'y finished, and 2 SulUeys. C road wicnis, new and warranted ffood. Terms of sale tilth' ahov described property. Cash. A!o, the tollowing property will be sold on a kso able credit, viz: 3 new and first rate sets of bfcckmith tools, a great variety ol wagon makers' tlj, carpenters' tools, implements for painting. terming tools, one cotton gin, 7 head of horses, nes, large and well broken, 100 head of hoes, olhe best breeds in North arolina, a number os and sheep, and Household and Kitchen Ffcrn ure. f ALSO EttO acres of LAND on ihe Dry Fork, and 500 oil te White Oak reck, both tracts improved Slc9 take place at my residence to commence at ! clock. tSct. 3, 1842. 184-ts. ITtB. All nersons bavins claims asainst the Es tBef Alex'r McDu?ald, dee'd, will please present IBn within the time prescribed by Law, or this fit will be plead in bar of their recovery POSTPOJYEJIIEJVT. gle above sale teas to have taken place on Me 0th of October, but has been postponed tKte oum oj jiovcmucr, tlESu to his United States district Court off BRllt,IANl LOTlPERIES HATS & CAPS. THE SUBSCRIBER returning his thanks to his friends for their veiy liberal patron age, would inform them that he lias just received fro n the North a large assortment or HATS AND C APS of the latest London and Paris fashions, ti wit : Fancy Turbans for children, cloth glazed Scal ene, Fur-seal, otter sal, muskraf, and hair caps, for men and boys. He also continues to manufac ture all kinds of Hats; including Chapcaus and other military caps. To Country Hatters tie would say that he has a general assortment of Hat Materials, which he will sell low lor cash, and invites them to call. DAVID GEE. Oct.8, 1843. 18&y. BUTTER. 5J(D FIRKINS prime Mountain Butter. 2000 pounds BUCK-WtlEAT FLOUR. GEO. McNEILL. Oct. 22, 1842. b.-ciiber is now receiving, in addition former Stock, a rcncral assortment of ilS anil UU.MMUPI CROCKERY. Ucinz a variety of the latest French and En- lipatterns, viz: 'cacts of plain and raised fi cured China, and hi, blue.and green uranite, DiunerSets of white ,(ue figured Oranite, Plates, white blue, ereen : --1- I - i , " t, piiiK, auu sprigea; uuio wnue, oiuc, green, i, pink, and "lass Ci.ffec Sets: Pickles, white. dirigged; Bakers, white, blue, brown, rcen Adnk: Soup Tureens, white and b'ue Granite- s, wn;te, niue, Drown nnd sprigged; blue, brown, green, pink, and spriff- ec and tea, raised figured China; usara, and Crenma, every variety: and Basins: Chamber; Mii"9. white, blue. rVVand pink; TwifHin, blue edged; Manias, mij iincr, rTitfo; Teas.' painted and fi-rured; Tftmblers, painted; Mugs, ditto; Glass Tumblers, Cue nd common quality; Do. Molasses Jug; Do. Sallcc lars; Do. Nappieis. Also, a large assortment of . Itrv i ureen llnu, M'hite, lee; ups, cuti T-arots, si 9. c(- j Set Fx vs. Lands SaniCi SahiCi State of North Carolina Moore County. Cour of Picas and Quarter Sessions JIugiisl Term, 1842. Alex. C. Curry, 1 VS. Fedrick, Rollins, ad'm. John G tinier, deceased Alexander Kelly, vs. Same. John Iluskc &. Son, vs. Same, John Baker, vs. Same. Same. Henderson Jiidd, vs. Same. Same, John McFarland, vs Same. Same. IT appearing to thn satisfaction of the Court, that Thomas Calvin Giinter, William Atlas Gun tor, John Castlebury Guntcr, Cornelius Sulli vant and wHo Mary, Isaac Gunter, Daniel W. Kelly and wife Nancy, James Wammack and wife Sarah T., are not residents of this State ; on motion it is or dered llijai publicatiiyi he made' For six successive weeks tt the Notth Carolinian, notifying the said heirs at Law, to appear at the next term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County aforesaid, to be held at the Court House in Car thage, on l he third Monday of November next, and shew cause if any they have, why the lands which desended to the heirs at Law if John Gunter deceased, shall not be sold to satisfy the several claims of the plant ifls according to law. Witnesi, Alex. C.Curry, clerk of our said Court at office the third Monday of Auzust, A. D. 1842 A. C. CURRY, Clerk. Oct. 1st. 133 6t.--pr. adv. f 5 2o Hardware, Cutlery, Medicines, &c. Susars, loatj lump, and brown; Cofloe. Rio Lagut--i nni Java; Alolasses; Salt; Iron; Nails; Steel; Collins' Axes; Steelyards; Table and Tea tioons; TabkCutlcry, fine and common; Gun locks, 20 dozen; Shovels; Spades- Brooms; Bucket'; Bellows-Anvils; Vices; Waggon Boxes: Trace and Hilt'cr Chains; 8 by 10, and 10 12 W indow Glass; Putty; White Lead; Scotch and Maccoboy Snuff, in bottles nhd bladders; Tow and Jute Bale Rope; Toiv and Hemp Cotton Bagging, 40 to 44 inch's; Balin"T:1c; Sole Leather; Powder, Shot, and Lead; Ilot'bw-Ware; 125 reams large arid small Wrapping P"rcr; Table Salt, in bose; Starchy Pep per, Spice and Ginger; Principe, Cigars (Steamboat brand;) Bed Cords; Cotton and Wool Card; Col fee Wills; Spirits Turpentine; Opodeldoc; Bate nisui's Drops ; British Oil; Godfrey's Cordial; Cay enne Pepper; Brimstone; Epsom Salt; Aliiin; Salt-pttic-Lampb'ack; Copal Varnish;'Copperas- Salcfa-tus-Spanish Bro'n; Annait; Indigo; Madder; Black-in- Mustard; Nutmegs; Cinnamon; Camphor, Castile Almond, nnd eommon Bar Soap. DRY GOODS 1 7 tjses gentlemen's fine & common Fur arid Silk Huts Men's and Boys' Eur, Cloth, Sealskin & Selette Cap; 10 cases Men's thick Broans and Russi t; Wnlow, Amazon, Silk and Straw . Bonnets; blue, ''lack, ad steel-niixed C'Bths; Cassimeres, and Sattini-'f; Kentucky Jeans; Mus!in-dc-Lains; Or leans Cloth; C'rcastoans; Calicoes; Cambrics; blaek and blue Silks; Satin Taglionis; Flannels; Buffa lo and Pilot Cloths; Bed Ticking; Shirttnss and Sheetings; Cotton Umbrellas; Negro Blankets; Cotton add Pla Id Shawls; metal, horn, and lasting Button."; Ball and spool Co'ton thread. A II of vhich will be sold low for Cash, Country Prodi-ce.'or on t me to prompt customers. i J. D. WILLIAMS. Dcubyr 5, 184-j. i89-5t . JApIES DODDv H.VSkEMOVED to the tbmer Recently occupied by Isaac Dodd, where ho is now opsins a splendid assortment of V (jOODS: Superior broad cloths, various ; Cassimeres, veslings, Kentucky jeans, Eng. i. Silks. li(ifnha7.inf'K. hllc .llk velvet. K;itini lirovvn Holland, Silesia, merino fhirls, bull easbme rrtte tnouslin doLaine shawls; Thih t, and other slia Is ; Diaper, black and brown drill, bhirtings; j-h-afin, Ginghams, Flannplsj &c, embracing fery thing ,iSUOly kept in a dry ;ood store. STOCKS, COLLARS and fiOSOMS, a variety HATS AND CAPS; a variety of fine STRAW anJ other BONNETS, for ladies and misses. 100U PAIR BOOTS AND SHOES, besides iiilis and misies Shoes. GROCERIES. &c: Suirar. Java CofiV, Tea Spirits bl various kinds, Cheese, Tobacco, Powder & Shot, fine double bar rell Guns, Cotton haggiwr, sperm candles, bale rope, and all articles in the jrncerv business. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, &c, Spadns, Shovels, knives and fnrtta kptttfe fi vlntr nans fk.tr. White ea( infoil, Collins' axes, best cigars, fine hnneydtw chewing tobacco, iron. stcel, nails, trace chains, fine otter, Coney, sealettc, and cloth caps, pcri,u"Jinii caps, superior, &c. &C, lor sale by A good many articles In the dry good and gro cerj (--, unnecessary '6 be enumerated in an advertisement, all of which Will be sold cheap for casl' or country produce. Oct. 15, isi-2. 190-tf. FOR SALE OR RENT. l1 i Two Story Frame House, near the Arse- JL on, recently occupied bv Mrs. Watts. North Carolina IN BANKRUPTCY: w - Notifce to shew cause asainst Petition of Josiah Tyson, of Moore Cnuntr. Armrr. lor his discharge and certificate as Banlriiptrat Wilming ton, on Monday, th-j 19th day ef December next. Isaac Jonesj of Moorenunty, Farmer, forhis dis charge and certificate aa Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on lvionuay. mo istti lav ol Urrrmber next. Jethro Denson. of Moore Count v. Mechanic, for his discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, st Wil mington, on Monday, l be 19tn day ot December next. - . . Brinkley PliOljas. of Moore Conntv. FarUef. fhr his discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, at Wii- iiiuiyiun, w Aioouay, tne. lath day ol December next, -i .'.y. ; - -fl-Jeeee.f'. Muse, of MoqnCminit.i'tnnrr. fof bU on . on monnay, me I9t!i day ofUecember next. Amos Bridges, of Moore County, Farmer, for his discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, at Wihning on, on Monday, the 19lh day of December next. James Riddle, of M oore County, Mechanic, for his discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, at Wilming ton, on Monday, the 19th day of December next. Charles Wise, of Rowan County, Farmer, for his discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, at Wilming ton, on Mrndav, the 19lh day of December next." , Publication ordered. II. POTTER, D. J. U. S. .V. C Fayettcvill", September 1 4. 1842. 182-9. GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY. I HAVE just received per SteamerHenrielta, the following articles: 10 hhds Brown Suar, COO lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar, 50 bags Rio Coff-c, 5 bass Java Coffee, 5 hhds. Molasses, 6;i kcrs Nails, 8jdns English nnd Swedish Iron, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 bags Buck and Drop Shot, 15 kegs Dupdnt's Powder, 30 pairs bright Trace Chains, G doz. No 10 Cotton Cards VVhitamore's best; Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Coppe ras, SalerattM, Indigo, Madder, Sntiff in Bladders and Bottles, Soap, Brimstone, Camphor; Nutmegs, Castor Oil, Salts, Opodeldoc, Ink, Blacking Brushes long and short handle S bote Is, Spades, Case Knives, Pocket Knives, Blacksmith's Tools, &c. IIjSO DRY GOODS, Crockery. Hollow Ware, and an assortment of HATS and SHOES. All ot which will be sold low for Cash of Country Produce. D. McLAURIN. Sept. 30, isn. - State of North Carolina Moore couuty.. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session's 2it- gusl Term, 184 2. Matilda Gunter 1 vs. Pet ition fur dower. llVira nf John Onnlnr IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ttiat Thomas Cavtrt Gunter, William Atlas Gunter, John Castlebury Giinter. Cornetlitis SuMvant and wife Mary, Isaac Gunter; Daniel W. Kelly and wife Nancy, James Wammack and wifo Sarah T arc not . residents ot this State; ton motion, it is or dered tliat puhlicai ion be made fur six suctoeasive fecks la the Nwia CAnliniaa. Uoliiv ion tbe aad Heirs at La W, to appear at the nest teHn of the Court of Pleas and Q.uarter Sessions fbr the county aloreinl, to bo i held at the Court Mouse in Car thage, on the 2d Mnbdsy of November .next, and answer lb said petition, otherwise, it will be beard expartc and Decree granted accordingly. Witness Alexander C. Curry, Ch?ik ofoiir said Court at Office, the 3d Monday "in Aosust. A. D 1842. A. C.CURRY, Clerk. iss-c. FOH "NOVfcfoBEK. (i. Gregory Se Co. Manageraj CAPITAL 40,000 dollars. - Fifteen ahiikii baRot, ' VIRGINIA LEESBTJRG LOTTERT, Glass Pj tat 1844. : " . Tb be drawn at Alexandria, Vlrgima; on Saturday, theiath of Novemberj - fiRlLLlANT SCHEME, prize of . ' 40,000 ,'". 10,000 i 10 10 10 15 400 dd dd dd dd dd drt d.t do do NEW DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. JS ear Liberty Point , Person Street; FJ1YETTEVI LLE, JV. C. mirfc rnitlii. subscriber liavmir opened a eeneral as JL sor.ment of DRUG Si MEDICINES. &c &c-, nearly opposite the Bank bfCape Ffear, in this place, solicits the patronage of Country Merchants, Physiciatis, ahd others. He trusts that he will be prepared to furnish almost any article usually lo be tnund in establishments ot this knlU, a lid on very reasonable terms. . The Subscriber has also on hand a large assort ment of Patent Medicines; among which are Dyott's family jYledicmes, and Vicker'sand 1 hompson s Medicines. JAMES A. McRAE. Oct. 20, :842. 19t-tf. $50 REWARD, Stolen froui the Subscriber in the Conntv of S-impSon, a few days since, a riero cirl aged about 16 years, narked Maiinda. Suid girl is of a dark1 yellow complexion; is about 5 feet high, and her upper fore teth are decayed. I will give the above reward lor the delivery of said pegro to m- in the county of Sampson, ir Will gfve one hiitiilrr d dollars fur hor delivery and proof sufficient to convibt the thit f. haul nei'ro girl w;ts raised ry canaries dicrcns, E.-o , from whom I procured her J " JOHN BASS. Oct. 32, 1S42. ' 191 4 pJ- 1,900 1,800 1,700 ,1,600 1,000 00 300 200 . 150 rickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 $0. Certificate of a package bf S6 wholes f 130 00 26 halves 00 00 " M 96 quarters Su CO $30,0OOj-20O prizes bf $B00! amounting to $100,000. UNION LOTTERY Class No; 14, Pot 1842. To hb drawn-nt Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday, j-jin oav oi J. oven. per, IB42. GRAND CAPITALS; prize of $30,000 I tlrt 10,000 1 do . 6,000 1 do 3,000 1 Ufl 2,287 1 dd 2,000 1 Htt l.lrOO 1 dd - 1,800 i dd i,roo 1 dd 1,600 2 do 1,600 3 do . 1,300 5 dd 1,260 200 dd 500 Quarters $2 50. SI 30 00 1 65 00 "35 quarter 33 50 3 prir.es of $25,CdO Amotloting to $76,000. VIRGINIA LECSBUBCj LOTTERY, Cta(l, for ' Ti NS rfrawM mi A UMmn Jrii; Vn-rlnia.' on Saturdar. II nh.U J HI I J W ine znn amj ot ivovcaaDeri IB-t. GRAND PRIZES; 1 prize of 826,000 1 prize or 36,000 1 prize of 25,000 3 prites of $2o,0(j0 are $75,000. $7,000--S5,000 $2,227 50 (iiiifces of $1,000 50 ot $300 50 of $250 130 bfS200. Certificates of packages of 26 wholes )$l3o 00 in art hub halves 6$ 00 Do Ho 0136 quarters 33 50 IE?" Alt ..rder lr.m a distance will receive the most prompt attentive, and as soon as each drawing is over an account of it will be tent to all who order from us; Address J. G. GREGORY & CO. Manager, Washington City, D. C. Oct. 34, 1S44. - NEW -firOOBS. Wholes SlO llalVes $5- Ccrtificate of a package of 35 wholes " S3 halve terms win be verv moderate. Dodd, or at this Office Apply . to The James TEIE Subscribers arc How receiving by the late arrivals trotn the North, their F A Lli STOCK Of merchandize, embracing nearly every article usually kept in stores; As usual the stock is heavy, and We invite country merchant" and our friends at large to call and ice 6s. We sell on time to punc tual customers: J. C.&G. B. AT"KJNS. Foot of HaymoonT. FaytlteVilleiOct. 39, 1842. 19S-y. State of N. CaroliuaCumberlaiia count y. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions September Term, 1842. William Blanks & wife & others, " Vcn-Us, Petition for James Martin-, ad'm. of Sarah ". rale of slaves & Holmes the Representatives of distribution. Thomas N. Holmes dec, & others J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Couft that the representatives ol Thomas IS. Holmes deceased, reside bevond the iimits of this State, it is there fore ordered that pub'ication ho made for six suc cessive weeks, notifyina the said non-rosidents per sonally to appear hi lore our said Coilrt ol Pleas and duarter Sessions to he held for I he county of Cum berland at the. Court House in Fayetteville on tlie first Monday in December next, then and thereto shew cause' if any they have why the prayer of petitioners should notbe granted, otherwise it wdl be taken pro. eonfesso and heard expar'e as to them.. Witness John McLauria clerk of ssid Court, at office in Fayetteville, the fir, t Monday of Septem ber, 13 12, aiid of American Independence the 67lh year. Oct. 32, 18U- JOHN McLAURIN. I9l-6t Si 62 IVkiggei-y taking passage by Steam, for the head waters of S A I' T RIPER. (t5 TWO VALUAfltE PLANTATIONS For Sale,! BEING desirous of retnoVing to the West, I off-r for sale all my real estate, consisting of two valuable Plauaiibhs situated about 30 miles frdm Fayettevillelon the Fayetteville and Salem road, a.id abnut luJmlles from Curt base. The tract on wlncb t reside cbotalna aHout IOOO aeroa, about 3M0 of which ate cleared and in a high lateorculti vaiion well adapted to the culture ot cotton, corn. w heat, &c.' Tbe buildings are extensive, lately re paired and very comfortable. On this plantation is also a fine Cotlon Gin. The other plantation is adjoining and embraces about I3'i0 acres, about 3)0 of which are cleared rjorxl buildings valuable Grist Mill. . Both Mutations are 4uatthy and have a plentiful .upply of good water. . Terms Will he liberal.. Per sons "f-omtic low country would do well to ex amine this property as it combines health with fertil ity. DUGALD McDUGALD. Get. 39, 1843-193 S50 liEWABD. rTTIllE Subscriber will give the above reward for JL the apprehension and confinement in Jail of a certain man who calls himself JOHN CAMP BELL. He was discovered a few days since in the upper part of Robeson county, making his escape trlth a negro woman belonging to Mra. Campbell, Of Marion District, S. C Tbe said Campbell is about 35 or 40 years of are, light hair, about half ot it pre ; his neck has some appearance of being marked with small pox, and his chin has a hollow in it. He hs rather an impediment in his' speech, and walks with his body a little inc'ined forward. He had on a white bat with a broad brim, black jeans homespun coat,and pantaloons, tolerable fine. It is supposed that his tree name is fTfd Camp bell. Ho was last seen at the house of Mr Alor dock Campbell, in the county of Ciimberland, C, and in all probability he is still lurking about the said Campbell's. qjorGE J BETHEA. ' Marion District, S. C, Oct- IT, 1343. 19S-3ni mi ''teii 3 J e-'v-

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