RBLSHAZZAR'S FEAST. It is Belshazzar's festival ! A thousand lights are in the hall, The king appears in regal ttate, A thousand lords before him waif, And alt the beauty of the East, Is theieto grace the royal feast. Inspiring wine, the festive crowd From many a brimful goblet quaff; The revelry is growing loud, Willi fearless jest and spreading laugh. High flushed then bade the impious king, His menials to the banquet bring The golden cups, the temple-plate, AV hich to Jehovah consecrate, Did long his solemn worship grace, 'Till war had swept his ho'y place. He filled them each with foaming wine, The king, the prince, the concubine Their cups deep pledged, and in their mir.h, Reviled the God of heaven and earth, And praised in many a drunken strain, The god of every pagan fane. That giddy hour a human band, Before the king, in sight of all, : In silence cam by God's command, And wrote upon the wall. The king beheld and pale he grew, His face assumed a death-like hue ; ' Bi ins in, be cried w ith troubled look , And as lie spoke his body shook ' Bring in the men of magic-lore, Astrologers, the wise atid o!d, And let them read this writing o'er ; And he by whom its meaning's told, A scarlet robe, a chain of gold, A scat the second from my throne, Shall make his rank and station known. The wise men came, but tried in vain The mystic writing to explain. They gazed but baffling all their skill, Thoee characters unravelled still, Stood frowning from the lamp -lit wall, And terror shot throughout that hall. A captive Jew was brought at last, A prophet of the King of kings ; His looks betokened years long past; A heart absorbed in heavenly things. 'Art thou the captive Daniel ?' said Bclbazzar; trembling still; 'When thou these characters hast read, And by prophetic skill, Hast ail their hidden meaning told, A scarlet robe, a chain of o!d, A seat the second from my thione, Shall make thy rank and station known.' 'Thy gifts be to thyself, eh kiug! Thine honors take who please, 'Yet W.II I read that awful thing, The Lord in wrath decrees. The God most high, the father ave A realm whose greatness grew, 'Till whom he would his power could save, And whom he would he slew. But while the wo: Id before him bowed, His heart had haughty grown, 'Till He who can abase the proud, Deposed hint from his throne. 'Nor raised him 'till an humble mind His provider.ee adored, And fell that kingdoms and mankind All hung upon his word. 'And though his son, thou knewest thi J, And heard the curse on pride, Thy heart more arrogant than his, The Lord ofhraven defied. 'These cups thy riot and excess, Thy sacrilege proclaim, The idol-gods thy songs address, Shall leave thee to thy shame. 'And now that God who gives thee breath, To whom thou owest all, Those tidings sent ofspeedy death, And wroto them on the wall. AJKNE, MENEHo hath numbered, Doomed for aye and sealed thy fate, ; TEKEL In His righteous balance Thou art wanting found in weight, This night r pentance comes loo late. FERES Lo! thy kingdom's sundeied By the Persian at thy gate.' The prophit ended e're the light On Babel's lofty turn ts shone, The fo luii turned Euphrates' tide. The gates of brass were open wide, The noise of battle woke the night, That ball had many a b'oody stain, Bclshazzar was among the slain, The conqueror had seized his throne. Miscellaneous. From the South Caro'inian. (VuaIlficatioii3 of a Statesman. Before I commence the graver part of my remaiks on this subject, 1 would recommcud every man who is a candidate for a seat in the Legislature, to read a certain conversation which once took place between Socrates and a young Athenian. This conversation may be found translated into English somewhere in Rolliu's Ancient history, as I presume so.ne of our candidates would prefer the En glish to the original Greek. Those who do not know what part of the history to refer to for this dialogue, will do well to commence ut the first page and read until they come to it lhey will be certain to recognize it as soon as they reach it, for it was intended for tho special benefit of candidates. Indeed I think it would be well if some men I have seen aspiring to distinction in the political world, were to devote a portion of their time every day in readiug this history ; for I am confident 1 have known capdidates in my lime, who have never read it, and perhaps are . i.n( ii.it not aware that sucn a dook is these men supply their deficiency in talents nd intelligence in another way. ney ore theciviltest fellows iu the world, just before u election what the mass call clecer fellows. They "smile and smile'' and shake nanas with every body. Like the old norse-jocKey 11 the Vicar of akeheld. .thev have got a tow avorite sentences by rote, which lhey make serve thein on every occasion. "How do you do, gentlemen ; how do you do? I'm glad to see you. Did you leave all well at homer Have you hne crops in your neigu borbood? GooJ season., I suppose? Any news from your section?" These interroga tories, with a tew otners, and tne approin who expressions of joy or soirow at the answers. nnetituttt lira merit on which many 01 our candidates base claims to popular favor. "Alas, the times ! alas, the customs!" and las, the Candidates ! Some of the poor tel- lows, if they were asked, could not tell you the difference between a high tariff and a Giraffe: and ihev are orettv ceitain, from what they have heard of Nullification, that it . w, i i u. : was captured at iteugai, auu uruugui iu uu iron cage to America They probably take it for a species ot the royal tiger. Now, U is lor this class ot men, who set themselves up as candidates for office, and whose ambition so far exceeds their under standings, that my remarks are chiefly inten ded. Iu the Hist place, (hen, a Candidate for a seat in the Legislature ought to be a states man, and a statesman should bi a man of ;ood general education. He should not only understand the rudiments of all the sciences, (for it U not to be expected that any man can be profound in them all,) but he should be irellreadin history, and not unacquainted with literature in general. He should by all means make himself perfectly acquainted with the science of government and political ecouomy. A knowledge ot mis is, in tact, tne sine qua non of a .statesman's education ; or iu plaiu English, cue cannot be a statesman without this knowledge. It would be just as reason able to say that a man can be a good Carpen ter, without having learned his trade, or a good Surgeon, without havingstud.ied anatomy as to say he can be an able statesman, with out understanding the science of government and of political economy. He ought to un derstand the law of nations, the common law of England, and the laws of his own country. I do not mean that he should be an able and profound jurist an advocate at the bar, or a judge on the bench but that he should have a good general knowledge ol law, and espe cially of the laws of his own country. Is it not an absurdity to set a man to mak ing laws, who does not understand the nature of law? Would it not be equally as rational, to put a man to constructing a watch? No one, I believe, has ever been guilty of such folly as to attempt the latter, yet we are con stantly practising the lormer Another very important item among the requisites of a statesman, is common sense, which is the great regulator of all other qualin cations and accomplishments. I regret to say that this is a desideratum among many of our finely educated gentlemen, l hey have learned eveiythiog iu theory, alone, and have entirely neglected to notice the practical re sults, which always widely differ from the theoretical, in every species of experiment. In the physical world, for instance, in calculat ing the multiplied power ol the pulley or the lever, we must always make some allowance tor friction. Just so in the moral or politi cal world, we must always allow something for friction, if I may so express myself. Aud last, though not least, honesty should be re garded as an indispensable quality ot a states man, or any other public character. Without this, the highest faculties and endowments, in all probability, will bo perverted to tho worst of purposes. Learning, wit, and genius, without honesty, are a curse, rather than a blessing, to the country in which they flour ish : "A wit's a feather, and a chief's a rod ; An honest man's the uoblest work of God." There are, too, a species of men among us, whom we may term political weathercocks ; men who shift with each popular gale, for the purpose of retaining their station, or of rising still higher, and ot fostering a misguided ambition, rather than from any depravity of character, or want of honest feelings. They lack the proper fortitude, to brave the storm of opposition the proper degree of moral cour age, to maintain ihe principles which they believe, and often know to be correct. "They see the right, and ihey approve it too; Condemn the wrong, & yet the wrong pursue." Such prostitution of talents and abilities is much to be regretfed ; aud if those who yield to it, could see a little deeper into human nature, they would soou discover; that such a course will more frequently prove their ruin tnsn tneir fortune. It is always better to "pursue the rugged path of duty,' however great the opposition we may have to encoun ter, man knowingly to depart from if, what ever may bo ihe temptations, rewards, and emoluments of such un warrantable conduct. It is not only morally wrong, but the worst of policy, for a man to suffer himself to be swept away by the current ol popular prejudice, when his better reason dictates a different course. But so it is, we loo often find ourselves un able to resist the temptations which surround us ; as well those which attack our religion as our politics. At best we are but a frail, hckle, and inconstant race: of mere creatures of circumstances more phases than the moon herself, and as many lints and varieties of color and aspect as tho enamel ion in favor of no class of men, except those of true and genuine merit. A blacksmith would suit me as well as a lawyer, tor a representa tive, if he possessed suitable merit and ability' CATO. From the Saturday Courier. Chapter for the times. Text. In the midst of the greatest plenty that ever fell ou the lot of auy country, we are crying our eyes out for distress ; and the Na tional Cow, with a swimming pail of milk un der her, seems determined to kick it all over. Coleman. Comment. When, where, and on what occasion, the above was spoken, does not now occur to us; but a truer saying was never uttered, especially as conveying to the miud an idea of the state and condition of things in this country at this time. Amidst the numberless blessings which nn allwise Providence has seen fit to shower up on mis ungraicmi peopie, wu are wout to ljs ten to naught save hitter complaints and piti ful waitings as to the hardness ot the times. The fields, from the shores of the valleys of the Kocky Mountains, groan with superabun dant "crops," and yet, forsooth, no one anil pears satisfied, thankful, or happy. J I 11 Had there been a famine in the laud. could not in this respect, have been ' mr&jaave come to you as a dernier resort'." What a river is. Without caring to puz zle our wits in polishing up . a riddle which hurries across our conception at this moment, we may just remark mat a river is, Ever in bed, yet never asleep ; Always in motion yet staying there still ; Running forever its bed to keep, Aud yet only strange when it runs up hill. Slim business," as the tailor said when he measured Calvin Edson for a coat. Here break we off,' as the pipe-stem said when it fell on the floor. If you strike Til run," as the fireman said to the bell. Pa V Well, my dear, what is it V Didn't you tell me this world is round V 4 Yes.' 'Then I'd like to know how it can come to an end?' My child, how often muit I tell vou not to talk when you are eat ing 7' There's a metc-lual feeling between as the cat said to the kitten. Prettt fair. "Bill, I've been trying about town all day to borrow five dollars, aud worse, for the Deonle would have onlv coted out then, that ihe times were hard, and bread and meat were not lo be had for money or price. Now, the cry is " Such is thepfcnty such is the superabundance, that the laborer is but poorly rewarded, and the merchan and the speculator, they cannot get rich now, be cause wheat, instead of being at two d liars the bushel, and controlled in the market by a few, is only at nitfety cents, and wiihia the reach of all : Verily, " the National jL'ow, wilh a swimming pail of milk under her, stems determined to kick it all over." When will the world grow wiser? But again : It is not many days sine we read4that a poor woman, in one ot our popu lous cities, died from actual starvation! 1bis, too, within the sight of overloaded storehouses, and ships full freighted with the products ot the earth, begging for a market ! It is difficult to reconcile these things satis factorily to the mind ; yet who doubts that thev exist in the varied and strange inconsis tencies in which we have represented ihero in this brief commentary ? The ingratitude of man deserves to b of tener rebuked . "When thy judgments are in the eoitb," saith Isaiah, "the inhabitants of the woiU will learn righteousness." Yea, and dern your resort!" said Bill, 'I'm short of tin too." The Boston American recently asked the editor of the Portland American, how his narm did to which the Portland editor replie as follows: "She's nicely, aud in the enjoymc;t of good health, aud a clear conscience, own to her thorough Democracy." We recollect when Ave were to start pfilrom parental influence into the woild, ijov the good old lady placed her spectacles?1 uside down on the tip end of her blessed andrewr able nose, and among other excellent a.'ljks warned us, as we valued our peace of nil, to be true to our country and "Old Hicko. " Take care of them ere r ederals, son. 1 were toriesln the Revolution, and haveb so eer since. Don't have nothing to do J them." That's the right sort of " Alarm Professions without practice are like wells without water. They show open mouths, which are but the avenues to baser hearts. Economy, not less than humanity, requires you to keep all your farming stock in thriving condition; for a working animal in good order, will do much more work and eat less than a poor one ; while the rest of your stock, well kept, wilt yield more of every thing, than double their number, if half starved, as such mmals often are. To "save at the spigot, and let out at the bung," will soon empty Ihe biggest hogshead; so will economy in small matters and waste in large ones, speedily squander the largest estate. In all your farming operations, never for get that time, like money, if once lost or mis spent, is forever past recovery. Constantly arrange beforehand, the daily work of your farms. Then none of your la borers need never be idle in waiting to be told what he has to do. Provide a place for every thing 9nd mis place nothing. No time then will ever be spent in searcbiug for what you want. Keep double sets of such plantation imple ments as are most used, and most exposed to wear and tear. The whole cost of extra sets will be amply repaid by saving the whole time lost iu waiting for repairs, where only single sets are kept. Tlever resort to what are called "make shifts," when it is possible to avoid it ; for they, encourge carelessness and sloth, of which they are almost sure signs. The very reverse of the lawyer's maxim. "tie minimis non euirat Lex" the law re- Cicero says, That it does not so much matter what an orator says, as how he says it.' To foreign climates my old trunk I bear,' as the elephant said when he left Asia for America, at the invitation ot a managerie man. ' There is a time for all things,' as the mou key said when he shaved the cat. ' Heads you lose,' as the guillotine said to its victims. Agricultural. From the Albany Cultivator. Maxims and precepts for young Farmers. Regard all persons whose time and labor a re) wholly at your command, as beings whose heal h, comfort and good conduct in this life you will be held most fearfully responsible tor in the life to come. Never forget that both moral and bodily health depeud on the same thing ; that is, temperance in food, drink, and all sensual indulgences ; and temperance iu the use o the means to Ejet rich. beings the having "Men change with fortune, manners change with cumes, Tenets w ith hook?, and piinciples with times' At present times are hard, and we need not be surprised if we witness many changes, as wen in policy as politics. As there is some degree of prejudice exist mg in certain sections of our State, against lawyers being elected lo the legislature, it may be thought by those who entertain this prejudice, that myiutenlion is to advocate their claims. I entirely disclaim auy such intention ; for many ot them I know to be as badly qualified for the offices of a legislator, as any that might be chosen from any other profession or calling. My predilections arc IIunc for fun. The last Tennessee Review states that the grand jury of Campbell county, Tennessee, has found a true ana in st Gen. Smith, John II. Todd, Lof Duke, James Pearce, and Leroy Brown, ihe murder of a slave belonging to John Jail er. They had all gotten into a drunken spree, and under the influence of liquor, enticedthe negro into a loft, and hung him for fi,iiii- tending to cut nim uown in a moment or J wo before life should bo extinct. Their drunk en frolic was carried too far ; the negro died, and a similar death or a long and painful- im prisonment awaits the perpetrators of the act. Like many other frolics of the same kind, it cost dear in the end. Preaching by Example. Yes ! h your example you may preach tho Gospel, and preach it with mighty power. CondVt is a language that all can understand, that all can (eel ; and the conduct, the example of every one speaks for God, or against Him. Tiue as it is that "actions speak louder than words,' so true it is that you may speak for Christ, however humble your sphere : that you may preach the distinct, and earnest, the eloquent language of a holy lite-' You may plead for religion wilh living arguments. " What time is it, Tom ?" "Just time to pay that little account you owo me!" "0, indeed! well, I didn't think it was so late! so I must be off or I shall lose my dinner." If the devil ever laugh, it must be -er'fltSo. ernes ; iney are me greatest uupe$ ho has they serve him better than any others and receive no wages ; nay, what is still mr. et traordinary, they must submit to greater mor t ideations logo to hell, than tho sincere? nristian to go to iieaven. lacon. 'Skin tor skin, all that a man has ,;n he give for his life,' as the rat said when he broke inrougn me steel trap and lelt his tail behind ti.:j i j- -j ... jTiciuHiuu muy ue uiviaea into three rUps ni i i f .i . - iwasc a nose wno learn irom ine experience ofothers they are happy men. Those who learn im.il iu mucu iney nro- wise men. iinu lastly, uiose who learn neither irom meir own nor irom other people's exic Speakikg IN A riveu in great nasie, his eves starting r.mla . ' -; HIIU 1J w JIURRY- A ttlOSr,r4 nr. artinor nrwl hi hair streaming in the wind, at an eastern city some rears aiiice, exclaiming at ;he top his voice " me njiycr uisworth has hi'le her bu'ster ! 1 he Klivef Olsworth has bi'led ncr ou ster : t r . . . . t'Ai i. i man planted his 2n the other day, instead ot a wild plant which he naa gatnerea rn tne woods. He did not discover his error until it began fo tp0. NEW VFLOITB, FAM1L.Y FLOUR (red brmnd,)Sap-rfine; frlno and Midlingg, for sale at the Cool Spring GEO. McNEILL; Mills, or at the store of July 2, 1842 NEW GOODS; I HAVE RECEIVED and am now opening, my SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, whicH comprises a large and extensive assortment 6f DRY GOODS, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. ALSO H En HHDS. SUGAR, JL9Jf 6o Bags COFFEE, 50 cases Fur and Wool I tats, IS do Palm Leaf ditto, 10 do Bonnets, 15 do Cotton Cards, 75 kegs White Lead, Indigo", Madder, Patent Medicines,&c. Which will he sold at unusually low prices for Cash er Country Produce. JOHN D. STARR. Fayettcville, May 28, 1842. 170-tf. NEW n n n ii o UT U 1 If At Prices to suit Hie Times. I HAVE just received toy full assoitment of fjlxmIs a. V7XTiTnn goods. Embracing Broad Cloths, various color, and some nets; Kentucky Jeans; Beaver Cloth; Blankets; Kerseys; white and red FlanncU; Merino and Silk. Shirts and Drawers; black, blue black and fancy colored Silks; Muslin-de-Lains, all qualities; Gen tlemen's Scarfs, Stocks, Collars, &c, &c, A full assort ment of eards not the smallest matters must be the GROCERIES & HARDWARE. . ... . I O I ---: I at t m farmers guide, or his largest concerns cau oome ucauuiiii ana 01 uhuha, common ana nne CROCKERY, HATS and SHOES, White Lead, Linseed and Winter Strained Lamp Oil, &c. All of which I am disposed to sell low, very low, tor CASH, or in exchange for Country Produce. H. LEETE, North West Corner of Market Square. October28, 1842. 192-tf. FHoSFEijTITs FOR THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX. These works have such a wide circulation, and have been so universally approved and nought after by Ihe public, that we deem it necessary only in this prospectus to say that they will be continued at the next session of Coi)ns.', and to state, sue- cintly, their contents, the form in which thev wdl preserved without the cordial co-operation of be printed, and tho prices lor them. 1 The Congressional Globe is made up of the daily all. " nrM;.. nrn,. t u,..,, ..- r ti... epeechi-s of the members are aliridsed, or condens ed, to brin j them into a reasonable or readable length. AH the resolutions offered, or motions nade, are siven at length, in the mover's own words; and the yeas and naysol all tin: important quesluna. It is printed Willi small type brtvier and nonpareil on a double-royal sheet, in quarto form, each number containing 16 royal qtiarto pas.es. It is panted as fast as the business done in Congress furnishes matter enough for a number. riie first four we -ks of a session usually furnisher natter enough Tor one number a week; and tlm balance of Ihe session for t o or three numbers a week. The coming session of Cosiaress will fur nish matter enough, we suppose, for twenty-five or Hurt v nuinlicr.4. never prosper as they might. To keep good gates and fences, saves much lime sind labor in Dreventius trespasses, mucn loss of croDS from depredations; and Oest ol nil. it saves much wraiisliosr and ill will , ., . ii among neighbors, about mischievous stuck. If you would excel in your profession, the diligent culture of your mind is as indispen sable as that of your fields. Never commit the self-burtful folly of look D2 upou any of the honest trades, professions and callings as inimical to your own ; tor there is a natural bond of interests and amity between the whole, which cannot be possibly Encourage, both by precept and example, the true spirit of husbandry; lor it promotes harmonv. e-od will, aud social intercourse amons all with whom you deal ; it tends to elevate your own class to its proper rank; and and above all, it advances the vllare ot your country, by promoting the most important of all her great interests. Never flatter yourselves, as some silly peo ple do, that you know all which can be known, even of the most simple branch of your pro fession, or you will soon know less than thou sands of your modest, less assuming brethren. The Appendix is m -de up r-t the President's an- But always act under the firm beliel lhat there nual me-sage, the reports ot the principal officer ot ' . .11--.. .: Mno ;n t,ie Government that accompany it, and all the lon is no asceitainaDie limit io our acquniuu.u ,lH:echM ,.lmemhera of Cungiess, written out or 11 or uuy unit lo wish well, is not enough ; you most lso do well, r your beuevolence, like faith without good woiks, will be dead aud utterly worthless. Ever bear in mind, that useful knowledj; nd a proper application of it, are to the health of the soul what wholesome food aud appro priate exercise are to the health of the body. Value as you ouuht the expei ience ofothers, nd your own will cost you far less than with out such aid ; since to use theirs costs only an effort of memory, whereas the price paid for your own will olten be the loss ot hcaitti, fortuue and character. The more you strive to enrich your minds with every good thing which men and books can teach, the greater W'H he your power to gain wealth, honor, fame and every rational enjoyment. Trust not others to do for you, what you can readily and as well do for yourselves The farmer ' who is ashamed of manual abor, will very soon find cause to be muru . -1 - ... more asnamea of nimseu. If vou ever make a business of your plea sures, they will most assuredly soon make an end of your busiuess. Leave show to spendthrifts and fools, while . I 1 " 1. I . I vou and your lamiues consult oiuy tasiciui . - . . . . . - ti simplicity, comtort and usetuluess lit an your arrangements and expenses. Love not money for its own sake ; still less for the power it gives you to gratify sel fish and sinful nassion. lint fail not to re gard it as the most efficient means to accom plish all benevolent purposes. You will thus mnke it a blcssins instead of a curse, both to yourselves and others. Truo economy consists not so rrrnch n savins money, as in spenumsr it wneu awue, solely and judiciously lor purposes really use ful. This annually increases your profit?, instead of diminishing or keeping them sta tionary. any art or science wnatevcr cultiea, which constant, diligent study cannot overcome. Your progress, then, towards the hmhest attainable point in which you ever prefer, will be as sure as fate itself. The ac cidents and vicissitudes of life may possioly a . 1 interrupt your course; uut onty persevere. and you will finally conquer, with absolute cerlaiuty, all objects that are not msupera ble. And now. Messrs. Ldttors, suffer me in conclusion, to address a few deprecatory re marks to the older class of your readers, lest ihev should nossiblv suppose I was vain enouh to believe, that there was somt new to them in what I have just written. My only purpose was to endeavor to render some service to my youtnlul brethren, upon whose characters aud conduct so much ol their country's good depends ; by imparting for their special use, the result ot many years experience and observation. In executing this put pose, it occurred to me that to give these results the form of detached maxims aud precepts, would probably be more opt to se their attention, than it 1 presented them in the more diffuse, connected style of nn essay or lecture. H ith this explanation I leave them to their fate; but with the conn dent hone that all will approve the motive which prompted them, whatever some may think of the matter and manner of the author. Yours, with regard, JAMES M. GARNETT. Avoid debt as yon would a pestilence, for it humbles, debases and degrades a man iu his own eyes; subjects him to insults and persecutions from others ; but still worse, it is a perpetual temptation, however anxiously resisted, to fraud, lalsenood and thelt nay, not unfrequently, to despair and self-murder. To lake advantage in a bargainis virtual ly to take monev out of another's pocket, who is not aware of it. Wordlings call it "fair play," but all honest men call it cheating and swindling. The only just means of increasing wealth. are constant industry, true economy of time as well as money, well directed labor, ani the regular application of a portion of our fair profits to increase our capital. Never expect your lands to give you much if you give them little, nor to make you rich if you make them poor. Therefore, always manure them to the full extent of your means, and they will ever make you ample returns in rapidly increasing productions. Study lo be what you wish to seem. NOTICE. GY virtue of an order of the County Conrt of Cumberland, passed at September Term, 1843, I will sell on a cr dit ol six months, at the ieurt House door in the Town ofFaycttevillc, on tho 14th nf November next, t .vo nejrro men. via : Feter and Joe; lh3 property of the Heirs at Law ol Irwin An drew, clee'd: lor tne purpose ol maKing acivis ion anions saul Heirs. W. G. McDONALD, Commissioner. Oct. 17, 1S42. 183-2t. SKK) VViVHD. RAN AWAY from the Sub sciiber the following slaves, for the apprehension ol either a re ward of" tilt v li) liars h ill be siven. DAVE, whoranaway in Ala bama, formerly, belonsing to Ai Wat'On and Wm. Purcell, of Robesnn county, sometimes called Dave Watson. Also, another slave named DAVE, purchased of Vm. G. McDonald of Cumberland omnty. The above reward of fifty dollars will be given lor the apprehension I without iniurv) of either of the above named slaves. ti. YELDELL. Any information will he furnished to P. P. John son, Fayetfvtlle, N. C. Nov. 3, 1812. 193-tf. Miniature Palntin?. -jafTiss Batnp. will leave Fajetteville, about the If JL last ot XNovember .Persons desiring a one ness will therefore ma ke their a rrangemcnU accord ingly. Her prices are from 8 10 to SI 5, according to the qxialliy of the painting desired. t3"She will execute sketches on paper, and color them for S2, and warrant a likeness. Having two copica of each of the Paintings now at the Bookstore of Mr Hale and at Mr Beaelev's, she would sell cither or both of those at 10 each. Oct. 23, 1312 revised ny inemxeives. It is pru.t' d in the same form as the Congressional Globe, and usually make annul ine same ntimitrr ot pases, f. her are not so many numbers published the ft" t weeks of a es.-ion, as Ih re are numbers of the Congressional GloSe: b cause the memlters f s'ow wrilinif out i heir speeches. But towards the cloe of a session h numbers are published more frequently than the Congressional Globe.' Each rflhess works iscomp'ete in itse'f: but it is necessary l.vr every sub-c !et who desires a full knowledge of the procrrding of Congress, to have both; because, then, if there should ht nnr ambi guity in tho synops s of Ihe speech, or any denial of s correctness, as published in Ihe Goo, ressional Globe, tho rearh r may turn to the Appendix to sec tnespeeen at lei-gin. corrected by the member hitn- S'lf. Iow, there is no other source but the ConsrcA- sional Globe and Appendix, from which a pero:i can obtain a full history of the proeecdini s of Cou- er-ss. Gales and Seaton's Ke-ister of Debate. which contained a hisiorv, was 'suspended irr4ho year IS37, and has not sinco been resumed. It cost about five times as much for a session as tho Congressional Globe and Appendix, and did not -cor; tarn an equal amount ol matter, a sreat portion ot ine current proceedings neing omitted. 1 ho speeches of both parlies are published in the Daily Globe, and in the Congressional Globe and Ap pendix: other papers publish their otci tide only. We are enabled to print the Congressional Globe and Appendix at ihe low rate now proposed, by hav ing a larze quantity of tpe, and keeping the Con gressional matter that we set up for the Daily and Semi-weekly Globe standing for the Congression al Globe and Appendix. Complete indexes to both the Congressional Globe and Ihe Appendix are printed at the close of each session, and sent to all subscribers for them. The reports ot the Congressional Globe and Ap pendix are not in the leaft degree affected ' by the party bias of the Editors. They are given precisely as written out by the Reporters and the members themselves. And the whole are subject" to the re vision and correction of the speakers, as they pass in review in ourdady sheet, in case any misunder standing or misrepresentation in their remaiks should occur. We make a daily analysis of tho doings in Congress, and give our opinions in it freely; but this ;s published -only in ihe Daily, Semi-wcekfy, and Weekly Globes. The Daily Globe is $10, the Semi-weekly Globe $5, and the. Weekly Globe $2 rer annum, in advance. The? Weekly Olone i. printed in the same ioroa aa the Oongrrsional Globe and Appendix, and a com-, plcie index made to it at the end o! each year. Both Houses of Congress take the Congressional Globe and Appendix for ihvir committee rooms, and for the libraries of Congress. So confident ar we that all w ho may subscribe for these works will be pleased wilh them, that wc hereby pledge our-' selves to take them back and refund the money to all who shall be dissatisfied. If any persons shall have any of the previous volumes on hand, and shall wish to dispose of them, if they will send them to up, we will send to them the like number of the fu ture volumes. Tho Whig members of Congress, who did not subscribe for these works at first, are now almost compelled to have the back numbers,. to enable them to understand the previous legisla tion of Congress. Wo have hack numbers on hand ; but we can aispose of thein, and all that may be returned to us. TERMS. For tho Congressional Globe, SI per copy. For the Appendix, $1 per copy. Six copies of either of the above will be sent for" &.r ; twelve copies for $10; and so on in proportion' for a greater number. Payments may be transmitted by mail, pottage paid, at our risk. By a rule of the Poet Office De partment, postmasteis are permitted to frank letters written by themselves, containing money for suS seriptions. The notes of any bank, current where a subscri bcr resides, willie received by us at par. To insure all the numbers, the subscriptions should be in Washington by the 10th of December next at farthest. f rCP'-V'o attention will be paid to any order unlets the money accompanies it. BLAIR & RIVES. Washington City, Oct. 20, 1849.