SSjBSasgganaeeaajaskM aBBgB&BaamlmBm """' ; ''' ; " ' "character is as iokTAytv. states as it ixoiirwvif ' , : -'r'f;J Volume O ' TBBM6 Tflfi NORTH CAROLINIAN PraM,ifpWinalTaiic,' . S3 50 Do - fWtthefdlirt,;3 00 .;;:';dDo if J-ai: at the end of the year, i 50 - . R&toa ef AdTeMI Siacy cent per qaarefor the first, and-tiiiry cent forcaash ailiaeouent insertion.. . ... A liberal deduction will be made te advertisers by titewMi' ;-'' ' r - , ,-'. ray- g Cdttrt advertjacments-and SiwrtlTfnleV fffi pwW '-enA usdal rates. Gardner and McKetlmn. CARRIAGE MAKERS. f win ar Ijb9 war-v . . s. . -, ; j No subscription received for lass than twelve months. ICJLetters on business connected with this cstab lishment, must be addressed Wm.H. Btne; Editor af the North-Carolinian, and in all cases post-paid. C3" Subscribers wishing ta make remittances by mail, will remember that they oii do so free of Postage, ns Postmasters are authorized by law to rank, letters enclosing remittances, if written by themselves, or the contents known to them. Prices of Job Work 3 llAND BILLS, printed on a medium, royal dncM KncasjrV . 52 i i 50 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 75 or super royal sheet, for 30 copies, For 50 copies. Aid for every additional 100 copies. HORSE BILLS, on a sheet from 12 to 18 inches square ,' 30 cop'is, ? Over IS inches, and not exceeding 30, 5 CARDS, large si?.e, single pack, 3 And for every ad jitional pack, t 1 Smaller siz'es in proportion. fiLANKS, when printed 10 order, for 1 qnire, 2 And for every additional quire, under 5, 1 K.'.f 3 nnire!. CIRCULARS, INVITATION TICKETS, Urtd all kind of BOOK Ss. JOB PRINTING, executed cheap for CASH. THE FOLLOWING BLANKS! , Kept constantly oil hand ASD tOlt SALE AT THE 6AROUNIAN OTTXCZi CHECKS on Bank of the State, and Cape . Fear Bank.' PKOSEClrTKUN BONDS, Supr. Ct MARRIAGE LICENSES TENDl EXPO., Constables levy ' COM MISS IONS to t Jke dcpositiors i n cijni tv, and ftupr. court Appearance bonds WRITS, Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Supr. Ct. , INDICTMENTS for Atfiay, arid Assault and Baj,tpry, Co, and Strp. Ct.' CERTIFIC ATES, Clk. Co. Ct. , , jury tickets . . .; -. ORDERS to overnerf of Roas BASTARDY BONDS TAX RECEIPTS , WITNESS TICKETS EJECTMENTS . PAT tfOL NOTICES , . Letters of a dministr ATfoN Bonds Deeds, commKVnj Sheriff's Efceds, , . Constables Car. Sa. Bomfe, J. . Do Delivery do Appeal Bonds, Equity SubpoMias, . , Superior Court Fi. Fa. County Court Sci. Fa, to re vive judgment. County Court Subpcsnas, Superior Court Warrxnts, Sond for Col'rd. Apprentices. TuTATB now on hajad, ind ftfr Sale at Tory Rp 4 Buggies, 3 Buggy Gigs, 4 Sulkies, 8 Spring Wagons and 3 Cliaiti Wagons. Also, a rery large assortment of work which we are daily finishing. Also a general assortment of Coach-Maker's materials kept constantly on band sttid fo'r sale. Persons wishing to buy, ould do well to call and examine their work, as they feci confident they Can make their work as well, and sell it as low as It can be had from any legctlar Northern Establish ment. All work rrtade ah'd sold by tdem is warranted lS months, and will bo repaired wilh&tit charge, if they fail by bad workrnansliip or materials. Repairing neatly executed at short notiCcjarfd oft reasonanie terms NOTICE TAKEN up ai the Jail of Can . bn Monday the 17th ipst-a Sofr, and saya M4rf toCht' tian Brinkljrt rXim - yJMrn. county jNi i 'i'"- d W toppoeeLt Za M years f r--u A utcdea Ins h tair r'f - . as. j t-. -jay-- v v aai nia Mmnat -w - or Cirter. JaWandi: ri . "'jiu" s arofWl .t . t "- cot: lhrffiJ2LriLV4.t. nrket prices, or cx- r.a ettcuire Jt thi. rl ".-..VIUVV. Orders thankfullv received, and h'rbmntl v nffnrl A j to. Fayettcville, November 16, 1 32. sei-tf. WOULDrespectfully in form his friends and the Public generally, that he still continues to carrv on the TIN & SHEET IRON WARE MANUFAC TORY, at his old Stand, on Gillespie street, a few iloors South of the Market House. AH orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. October 2, IP41. 136-Gm. ENTERTAINMENT. Oct. S3, 1842. W.L CALLAIS. Jailor. I91itf. NEW GOODS, Uncommonly Cheap. J. & J. KYLE HAVE just received by the late a arrivals from the North, a large f' and general assortment of Tk V n C! N MM. M. . J J 3-J Z1 .,. are French Lawns and Prints, Gingham?, plain O ana ugurea mupiin, nest Diacn anas, ngurea anu r luin unto, some very superior areas fehawls and liif r.. . t i o. r 'H tifon ditto. Calicoes, checked Mut-lin, Jaconet and Cambric,- Silk arid Cotton Umbrellas, 3-4 to 6-4 brown an (J bleached Domestics, Spool Cotton and Sewing Silk, Tiick and Side Combs, with many other artifcles, forming the largest assortment in this State, all of which are offered at reduced prices for Cash, or to punctual customers on time. Nov. 2, 1842.-l75-tf IV n Monti llWt effeet 1 shall expose tT pub- I United State's District - r vNoith Carolina. TTN BANKRDPTCV'. tv : .: UL Notice to shew causa aJasi PetAion nl J. . Joaiah Tyaon, of JVloore County, Farmer, for his discharge and certificate aa Baafcrupt, at Wihinnj- ton. an Mondtv. ihf I9ili ! arTJMsember nXt. Isaac Jones; of Moors CoanfTi Parmar, for Msls-;4 febaree and certilfcafaas Bankropf. at Wiimrnsrto, n IJnndaV thai ISfl. tWrmhir nrst. - -, . Jolhrp Inson. oj Moare ciqitr, Mejbhaalv fa 1 1 - Court , of i fliRlt T.f irtt i.rirfelSflis5 iSktopi at :-WH 9lh day ol MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS & PHCENIX BITTERS. fdr Sole at Iht Post Office of Lumbcrion by JOHN N. DORR. -Igtnl, Ac, $. un. UflHieines arc indebted for their name to their nr'ariifet and sensible action in purifying the sprirrs and cTfifnrfels ot lite, ana enaumi incin to tin and 'i"or. In mnv hundred certified cases' which have been made public, and in almost every species of disease to which the human ffin?e r. HablerT.bap-py of MOFFAT'S Life Wlls anet phTcKnix bitters have bVfcn enneftflfy .nd, publicly acknowledged by the personsf beHffiie, (Vd who were previous 1 unacnuafnted with the beaut.fully philosophic-, princfples updW whieff they are Compounded, and floor which they cftViserinently acf. . The LIFE MSDICINES recommend themselves t dirfeat-e of every forrh'antl description. Their first operation is to loosen from ie coats of the sto mach and b'owels the varlons impurities and crtfdi ties cmstntly settling around tf.:m ; tffid to remove the hardeWe.1 fteces "which collect in the convolu tions of the' smallest intestintes. Othcf medicines i n.rt;9iiv eleiner these, and leave Sucff cotleet- IS80S dcjiihu as lu . -. . 1 1 : t i.riHArifs nr RiirKieii 111:1 1 rn;i:ii. . j.Wrtr 'I'l.itf iari.u waii Known c . l .Ara nnARk rneflicim?- Or meu IUIIIICU ini-nn-"'"- .... . icines prcparea ana ntsraiu i f- " -y m nersons. The secoud effect ! the Life Mt &- icmcs is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this mean-, the liver and the lungs, the healthful rwhieh enf irelv depends upon the regularity r ih nrinarv orirans. The blood, which takes it If red color from the njrencv of the liver and the lungs before it passoa into the hcart,bein2 thus purified by them and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part ol the system, and triumphantly mounts lbe banner of health in the blooming cheek. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES have been . ui.. on J mnnnnneed a aovercisrn rem- dv far the Dyspepsia, Flatulency; Palpitation of Hiart, Less of Appetite, Heart-burn and Heaa acn. Restlessness, 111 -temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fever ab kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consumption Scnrvs, Ulcers. Inveterate Sore, Scoibalic Eruption and Bad Complexion, Eruptive Complaints, Sallow Cloudy, and other disagroeableComplexions, Salt llheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and Influenza, ana variona other complaints which afflict the hn ,f:am' ln Fever arid At?ie, particularly, the Lite Medicines have m8t eminently successful ; so "u:Bilhiltjn Pcve' "5 Aoe districU, rhy ''uxMy pre-crThe them. TOA'i?ABLE MEDICINE I COalkAONTOMraOT. LIVER. Gelatine Cap-u es ofl c?V?- by p c Col'Hyha Balm, for sale TW tKi- Tfci-.r.i. . . JAMES DODD. . LOOK AT THIS. My HOUSE baa been tboroagbly repaired. will keep Entertalnmrnt at very rrdnvxl v ces, ami be glad to welcome the return of ny friends and Customers. Call and see. E. SMITH. Fayctteville, October 13, 1841. ISS-tf Mv House is on the corner of Gillespie and Mum- ford Streets, convenient to the Market, and nearlhe Stale Bank. E. S. REMOVAL. The sii'l5K.riber hns remov ed from the stand recenily occupied by him on Hay street, west of the Lafay ette Hotel, to the fire-proof bpildinz, 1 door below the $tore of Messrs H. & K. J.' itilly, where fie Will be happy to wait on Lis fifends who have here tofore favored firm with their custom, and the pub lic generally who may feel disposed to patronise hfm ; trustrng.fry strict atten tion to business, with a desire to please, t!o receive a liberal share 6f support. His charges, as herefojbVc Vriil bo modcra'te,' to suit the times ; and all work entrusted to hia care will be warranted, as to fit and workmanship ; and being regularly in the receipt of the reports of the Fashions, from the north, his style will be as good as that of any northern city. Persons who wish to nave their miotics made at home, can have them cut as carefully as if he were to make them himself. HENRY BAKER, Hay street, 3 doors east of Lafiyette Hotel, Aug. 20, 184-2-6 mo. A few articles of ready made clothing on hand. NEW DRY G00DS7 WILLIAM MclNT YRE offers for sale Beav er, Pilot & Bear skin cloths, Cassimeres, Sattin netts, Kentucky Jeans, Glasgow Jeans, Flan nels, Rose & Striped Blankets, English & French Morocco, Bomhnzines, Challies, Ginghams, Calli coes, Jaconet Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Swiss Mus lins, Plaid Cassimere Shawls, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Vest ings, Bed Tykes, Apron Checks, Spool Thread, Pattent Thread, Canvass Padding, Sew ing Silks, Lasting, Satin and other fancy buttons. If ardware & Cutlery, Knives & Forks, Table & Tea Spoons, pocket and Pen knives, Scissors and Shares, carpenters Locks, Pad and Stock Locks Spades, Shovels, weeding fjoes, Trace Chains, Coif ins' Axes, Whittemore 'Cards.- Boots, Shoes, Hals and Bonnets'. GROCEltfES. Su'sar, Coffee, Tea, Crockery and Glass Ware, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, Window Glass,' White Lead.&c. Sept. 24, 1842. l8?-4mV . PLANTER'S HOTEL, mil U.ll OOT OF HAYMOTJJfT, riflHE subscriber bavin? opened that larseand JLL Ccmrnodinui House on Hav Street, known aa the PLANTER'S HOTEL, is now prepared to ac commodate Boarders and Traveller upon moderate terms. She trusts that strict attention and heri nti mate acquaintance with the business, will ensure a liberal portion of the patronage of the public tbfe table will be furnished with the best the Market af fords, and the stables with careful and attentive Ost lers. ANN BROWN. jscvenroer .3; TS4I. 14S-y, - P. TATLOB. txas just received nisi- all and w inter t Dry Goods, Groceries X Pronounced to be the most tasteful id - havin I shall expose ttf pub n the i3Nh dav of November. 1 843, the fol nrnnertvbfclnn?inr to said estate,, viz: Six NEGROES, two of whom are first rate ilmukers, house carpentcrc, and pairiter s. The are two young men and two g'ris, oi ine sge fcr 15 years, all under gooa cnaracter. l wo thes, neatiy nnisnao, ana a ouirljs. o rau is, new and warranted good. Terms of sale above described property, Cash, r. the following property will he so'd on a Lnhle credit, viz: 3 new and first rate sets of w . , . smith tools, a great variety oi wagon matters' carpenters' tools, implements for painting. farming tools, one cotlon gin, 7 head of horses-, le? large and well broken, 100 bead of hoS, iT.ti t. IfMnfl. ... 13..4l. n I n nnmkar nl eueep, anu iiouscnoia anu tvueuen ;is an: 'feure. coughs, colds, diseases of the liver lertam cure -r ber knows from experience, and frr-V-' the sub8Ctl" ' cfctliers who have tried it! lrom tn testimony HATS & CAPS. THE SUBSCRIBED ietdVninj? hii thanks to his friends for their Veiv liberal natron- age, would inform them that he Has just received fro it the North a large assortment or HATS AND CAPS of the latest London and Paris fashions, tow-it : Fancy Turbans for children, cloth glazed Seal ette, Fur-seal, otter sew I, muskrat, and hair cap's, for men and boys. He also continues to manufac ture all kinds of Hats; including Chapeaus and other military caps. To Country Hatters He would say that he has a general. assortment of Hat Materials, which he will sell low tor cash, and invites them to call. DAVID GEE. Oct. 8, 1842. 189-y. BUTTER. (D FIRKINS prime Mountain Rider. 2000 pounds BUCK-WHEAT FLOUR. geo. McNeill. Oet. 22, 1842v JIT" lock r r Sr. IK nx mm k -- m. -- ral selection, suitable for tovn LV consist inr of fine cloths, cashncres. Kentucky ianes. flannels,' ManTtets, rieer ralicoes, murinos, ninuslin deLaines, challejs, ionable silks, fine Florence and straw bonnets, and caps of fur, seal skin, glazed, &c. Hardwi and cutlerv. fi'.ie crockery, fine double barret gu iron and steel, nails cut and wrought, white lead i oil, window glass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, cotto (tagging, and rope; in short, neatly every artirl usually kept in a dry good and grocery store. C. and examine the stock. Prices low, as usuaL Fayetteville, September 24, 1842. 187-tf ALSO tO acres of LAND on the Dry Fork, and 500 e White Oak reck, both tracts improved. Jtotake place at my residence to commence at L-lock. It.3,l842. 184-ta B. All persons having claims against the Es- ,f Alex'r McDngald, dee'd, will please present within the time prescribed by Law. or this te will be plead in bar of their recovery. The above sale was to have taken place on 20i of October, but has been postponed y,t 3Wh of November. JlifE Subscriber is now receiving, in addition to his former Stock, a general assortment of k'E and COMMON CROCKERY. Abracing a varie ty of the latest French and En- -h patterns, viz: aScU of plain and raised fi cured Cli'na. and ite,biue,and green txranite, Uinnerbetsot white blue nzured Uranite, t'lates, wnite blue, green. n.mnk. and sprigecd; unto wnite, blue, green. 'it. pink, and glass Coffee Sets; Pickles, white, .Vigffed; Bakers, white, blue, brown, green jik:. sMip l ureens. wniie ana nine vrraniir; 'JBorecns, white, blue, brown and sprigged; Xi. blue, brown, ereen, pink, and sprie- ka and Tea, raised figured China; s; Chambers; Mugs, white, blue btiscWse and cartificale mtagteaj?on Monday, the Brink Lev PhUUrta. nt MobYa Caantv. Aifirr. r diseharae arid certificate aa Bankrupt, at Wilmins- on . on lUnndav- the I9rti da of December next. Amos Bridges, of Moore Cofinty, Farrner, ar hia discharge and ccrtiOcate as tSanKrnpt, at vv iimmg. ort: nn ivinnn.iv. mtt iHin dav ol lecemoer nt. , James Riddle, of Moore County, Mechanic, for bis I discbarge and certificate as Bankrupt, at w munit ion nrr MnnHav. the 19th dav of December next. Charlrk Wise, of Rowan Conntv. Farmer, for hia discharge and certificate as Bankrupt, at Wikning- ton, on Mondav, the I9lli day ol uecemuer nexi. Pubricatloft ordered. H. POTTER, D. J. V. S. JV. C. Fayeevilt?, September, 1842. 182-9. GROCERIES,- HARD WAKE and CUTLERY. - - - H nraWKWg to 0100,000. 1 arawaai AC ml aw . aajBjiaJluMAaBAr--'' 1 I t 1 1 1 1 i 3 5 200 do do do do do Sii do do do "IT HAVE just received per SteamerHennetta, Ihe JL following articles: 0 hhd Brown Sugar, 600 Ibi. Loaf and Lump Sugar, 50 baga Rio Coffee, 5 baga Java Coflee, 5 I 1 . I CA N.:i.!fi lima ITn rrlial, nrl Swedish Iron, 5(K lbs. Bar Lead, 40 bags Bffck and n.r. Sl.nt 15 keirs DiiDOnt'a Powder. 30 pairs bright Trace Chains. C dor. No l6 Cotton' Cards' --t-. f ni. ' c : av VVhitamore's nesi; linger, i-epper,.s3picc, ,yy- ras, Saleratns, Indigo, Madder, Snuff in Bladders and Bottles, Soap, Brimstone. Camphor, Nutmegs Castor Od, Salts, Opodeldoc, Ink, Blacking Brushes lonir and short lianrile ahoveis, ispaaes, ase Knives, rocket ivnives, i oois, etc. flL.SU DRY GOODS. Crockerv. Hollow Ware, and an aasnrtmentofHATSand SHOES. All ot which will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. D. McL.AUK.IiN. Sept. 30, 1842. S50 REWARD. Stolen from the Subscriber in the Countv of Sampson, a few d va ai nee. a nero jirl aired about 16 vears. named Marinda- Safd ffirl is of a dark vellow eorrrplezlonf is about 5 fert bih, and her upyer fore teeth are decayed. I will give the above reward fof the delivery J"fr., of said pegro to me m the county of Sampson, or will siv ne hundred atollar toe 'I MS iSrfk; Twifflin, blue edged; Muffin ers, ditto; leas, painted anu figured; ers, painted; Mog, ditto; ixlass J timblers, d common quality; Do. Alolasses Jug; Do. lars; Do. JNapp'ers. Also, a large assortment of 9. The subscrilier would inform nis friends, and' tb public generally, that he is now receiving from th north, his FALL & WINTER stock, consistle t HARDWARE & CUTLERY Cotf6n bagging, Bale rope, iron, nails, hollow'war trade chains, weeding hoes', Collins' and SiimaVMi' axes, co. ton arYd wool cardn. Hat. Caps, Coota an Shoies. GROCERIES. "0i .ined Said negro girl was raised by Charles StcVorui, t.q , from whom I procure a ner. H JOHN BASS. Oct. 22, 1842. J9I4tpd. Be.'' loaf and brown suzar, coffee and tea. M oer anu snoi, inoigo,maaarr, cpamsn nrown, and glauber salts, crockery ware, &c, etc A Targe and general assortment of Candles, constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail. oemg determined ;o devote all necessary aTTCi Hon to the MOULDING of his Candles, an'c ing spared no perns' to improve their quality aad appearance, no liopes to receive a due share tronage. WM. McL. Mcl Fuyelteville Oct. 14, 1842,.- 190-tf Fresh Drugs, Medicines, at the NEW DttUG ESTABLISH MENT, Person street, hearly opposite the Bank of Cape Fear, Fayetteille, N. C. The subscriber, in additfort to hfs former stock, has received by the late arrivals, a fresh supply of" Drrfgs, Medic among wnich are the following articles i, Aq fortis, muriatic, nitric, prussie, and acids: antimony, arsenic, arrow root,' sp nia?, alcohol, alues, sal amoniae, borax blue vitriol, barley, bole Armenian, Prus burgundy pitch, blacking, military ana paste, pulverized yellow bark, tlor benzoin, mas?, flesh and' shoe brushes, est belladoni biem'ith, bjzilicon o'ntment, cubebs pul, can mile flors.caniclla pulv, canthiaridea cobalt. bo pulv, colchicum colocynth, lapis calamimns, chalk prepai'd, camphor, calc charcoal, caIomel,co logrje, ext cicuta,'cloves, digiiatis; elm bark; etier, elecampane, emory.'ergot, Fowler's solution, ase mc, glue, gum aloes, gum shellac gum myrrh, gtm, guiac, gurrt kino, gum assafoctida, gum gamuo;e, gttm Arabic, gum tragacanth, ga ls, hair powder powder puffs, hive syrup, hyd potash, indigo, ipf cae, ifnk, black and red, iodine, jalap, Jamea' po defs, rfqoorfce reffneff,, lunar caostic, magnesia c and carb", manna, madder, matcnes, musiaru, phate m'orpbine, acet morphine,' nux vomica, acti ttardware, Cutlery, Medicines, &c. Sugars, loaf, lump, and lrown; CelToc. Rio Lagui ra and Java; Molasses; Sail; Iron; Nails; Steel; 'Collins Axes; Steelyards; Table and Tea Spoons; I Table Cutlery, fine and common; Gun locks, 20 dozen; Shovels; Spades; Brooms; Bucket!; Bel lows; Anvils; Viics; Waggon Bores; Trace and Halter Chains; 8 by 10, and 10 12 Window Glass; Putty; White Lead; Scotch and Maccoboy Snuff, in bottles and bladders: Tow and Jute Bale Rope; Tow and Hemp Cotton Baginr, 40 to 44 inches; Haling I wine; tSole r; rowacr, snot, and Lead; Hoi ow-Ware; 125 roams large and small Wrapping 1'aper; i ablesalt, in boxes; atarcn, fep- per, Spice and Ginger; Principe, Cigars (Steamboat brand;) Bed Cords; Cotton and Wool L-rd; cot fee Mills; Spirits Turpentine; Opodeldoc; Bate- man's Drops ; British Oil; Godlrey's Cordial; Cay enne Pepper;. Brimstone; bpsortt Salt; Alum; Salt- petre;LamriIack; t J opal Varnish; Uopperas; ibalera tiisjSpanish Bro'n; Annatto; Indigo; Madder; Black ins: MuStard; Nutmess; Cinnamon; Camphor, Castile, Almond, and common Bar Soup. , 1 7 eases gentlemen's fine & common FurandSdk Hats Men's and Boys Fur, Cloth, Sealskin & Selette Cap; 10 cases' Men's thick Brogans" and Rus't; Willow, Amazon, Silk and Straw Bonnets; blue, black, and steel-mixVd C'.6lhs; Cassimeres", and Sattinetsj Kentucky JeanS; Muslin-de-'Lainp; Or leans Cloth; Circassians; Calicoes; Cambrics; black and bfuo Silks; Satin Taglionis; Flannels; Buffa lo and Pilot Cloths; Bed Ticking; Shirtings and Sbcefings;; Cotton Umbrellas; Negro Blankets? Cotton and Plaid Shawls; nfetal,' born',' .and lasting Buttons; Ball and Spool Cotton Thread. AH of which will be sold low for Cash, Country rouuce, or on time to prompt customers. J. D. WILLIAMS. October 5, 1S42. i89-5t State of N. Carolina Cumberland county; j Court of Pleas and Qdarler Session, September Teriri. 1842. William Blanks & wife & others,) ,,. Versus, Petition lor . James Martine, ad'm. of Sarah sale of slaves & Ho'mei the Representatives of ) distribution. Thomas N. Holmes dec-, &. others j .. IT aunearins to the satisfaction ot the Court that the representatives of Thomas N. Holmes deceased. reside beyond the lirriit of thfs Stotc, it is there fore ordered that publication be made for six soc ' I eeasive Wbcks. notifvin" thesifid non-resident per sonally to appear b tore our said ioart oi fleas ana Q narier Sessions to he held for the countv of Cum berland at the Court House in Faetteviile 6W the first Monday in December next, then and there to shew carise ffany they have why the prayer of petitioners should notbe granted, otherwise it will be taken pro. confesso arid heard exparte as to them. Witnesa John McLaurin clerk of said Court, n't office in Faveleville..theffrt Monday of Septefn'- ber, 1842, and of American Independence the 1 7ear iOHN McLACRX Oct. 22. 1512. 191-Gt J 84 Wholes fid Unites $0 du'nrter 2 60. Certificate of a package of S wholra fflSO 00 25 Italfea W OT " 25 auarters 32 SO 3 prices of 25,c6'0 Amounting to $7ff,t)fj0. VIRGINIA 1E$BUR6 LfrrTERY, Claw Q, for i$42. To be drawn at A lexandria,' Virginia, on SaicrdCy, the 25th day ol November, 184. G II ANfJ PRIZES. i prise of 26V600 ifrhebt. t ptiieot ... v. 10tijbO 3 priies of $25,000 aire 75,000. ff0: prixes of STl.UOf 60 at $300 50 6f $250130 61 Certificates of packages of 26 wholes Do' do of 261 quarters t!F All rdars lrom' ii distance will most prompt a'ttcntior, and. as soon.i's each drawing is over an account or it ill be sent to an wnn orucr from us; . , ..." Address , J. G. GRfiGpRY & CO, . Managers, Washington Chy, D. C. Oct. 34, 1842. i - rniHE Subsirbers Ars now receiving by the fat Jc arrival Irani', the Nortfc their, ... , FALL STOCK Of merchandize, embracing yearly every Article nsaal Jy kept in' sts'rs; if s" usual (be stocR is boa vy. Jina we invite country inert" aiili" ana nnr irwrraa wn ufgc to call arid see us. We sell on time to punc- lual customers. toiti 60 63 00 St o raceveTbe f7 1 Miniatrire Paint Ing. iss fcTATNE win leave r ayeiieviuc, wowun last of November- Persona desiring a Ifke- ness will therefore make tlieirarrangemcn:s accord' e' J 1 . . Her prrces ar from SfO tcr SI5, according to (he aitnlitv of the painting desired. ltT7She will execute sketches on paper, and color them for 2. and warrant a likeness. Having two copies of each ot the Paintings' no'w at the Bookstore ol Mr Hale and at Air lieasle,' she would sell either or both of those at $10 each. Oct. 29, 1812 , colin s'wt off, castor oil, croton on,' opodeldoc British - il, opium, peppefime, peppermint, quassfa, quiksiler Roots ofall kinds,-sar Tartar, Tartaric acid, seidlitz and aoda powders, anp fcirb soda, uva urai, Wedjjf wood mdrtars,1 maccoboy. and'. Scotch snuff , Wright's pills, Godfrey'seoYcfial, BUtemrfn'sdrofJ, capsules, medicanientum, cephalfck snnif; Henry's magnesia, Turlington's' balsam, tamarinds', spirits Turpentine, white lead, putty, window glass, &i, &c., &c. The whole at prices designed to be satisfactotf and to insure a continuance ol the custom' of tbost who purchase at the establishment. J A MES A. McR AE. ICTP' Dr. James T. Gilliam having removed hi office to the new Drug establishment en Person street, may be found there when not professionally engaged. November 12, 1842. 194. CLOVER SEED For Sale by GEO. McNEILL "rUlES-DODD, I EI nOVED to the corner recently cppiea yr tsnnc voaa-, wnere new now pfetntig a splendid a3sortmen(of DKV GOODS: S'J'perior broad cloths, various' colors; Cassimeres, vest ings, Kentucky jeans, Ehg: merino, silks, bombazines, blk fjtk vervef, satins, brown Holland, sitesia, merino snffts, biff i-ashine-rette, monslin deLairie shawls ; Thibet, apd other shawls ; Diaper, black and brown drill, shirtings ; h-atinga, Ginghams, Flannels", &c, cmWracm every thing usually kept in a dry sond store. i STACKS. COLLARS and BOSOMS, k varfety "ATS AND CAPS; a variety of fine STRAW and other BONNETS, for lad ies and misses. loon Pair boots and snots, besides larlfss and misses Shoes. , . GROCERIES1, &.C ; Sugar, Java Coffee, Tea Spirits of various kinds. Cheese, Tobacco, Powder Shot, fine double barfed Guns, ,Colt rt. baggin-z, sperm eand lea, bale rope, and nil articles frf the srocerv huinoa ,11 ARDWARE" & CUTiER-r, &c, S'phd'es, "Vels. kriives and forks, kettles, frying pan$, &c. I "hite lead in orl, Collins' axe, best cisars, fine 4nneydew chewing tobacco, fron, steel, trails, trace ams, fine otter, Coney, stt1ette, arid cloth Caps, DCrcusainr. iUi I.. :i l- .i c i i. r ; . v.po, superior, etc. lur ra ic uj. ry Ifne, unnecessary to he' .enumerated fn an advertisement, all of whielnvilr be sold cheap for casii or country produce. IjOct, 15, 1842. 190-tf. SSALE OR RENT. fl1 . Two Story Frame House, near the Arse- .j "'t.'ecenUy occupied bv Mrs. Watts. The rTLTT wi" '!e vcr.v moderate. Apply to James Hoaa,.or at this Office. Fayctielle.-Ocf. 29,' 184. i. c. & G: b: ATkir3; .Foot of Ha lyriiount. l-y. KANAWAY. lrom the Kiib. scriber the following alaves, for tfhe npnrehension of either a fe- Ward of fifty dollars wfl be givf'n. UA V t, wnp rano way in ri. hitna. formerly, belonsing to A y"at-on and Wrtf. Purcell, ,.of Robeson county, sometimes called Dave Watson. . . Also another slave named DATE, purchased of WnV. G. McDonald ol Cumberland C-Minfy. The above reward of fiTtv dnllirs will be given lor the apprehension (without injwy), of either of the above named slaves. - R. " ELDELL. Any information will be furnished to P. P. John son, Fayetteville, N; C. Nov. 3, 1842. lU3-tf. -aa :-.-. TWO VALUABLE PLANTATIONS F6r Sttle!! BFiNG cfesirons of rcroovirV Jto tne I off.-r for sWle afl.nif real estate, consist fug of two Valuable Plantations situated about 30 Unites from Fayetteville on the Fayelteviils and .Sa,lcm road, a .id about 10 miles from Cafthage.( TSte tratt ori which I reside contains aSout l66b acres, about 300 of which are cleared and in a high atata of culti vationwell adapied to' the culture ot cotton, corn, wheat, &c. The buildings are expensive, lalaly re paired aria very comfortable. On this" plantation s also a fine Coiipn Gin. The other plantation .is rfdofn ing arid embraces about 1200 acres, about 2DO of which are cleared good buildfngs -valuable Grist Mill. t Both' situation's rc healthy arid have a plentiful supply of good water. Terms will he liberal. Per sons 'fpoin t le low country rrofifd do well io ex amine thfs property as it eombm'ca health with fertil- . . , , bUG ALD McDtltfALD. Get. 29, l'542-f92 S50 HEWM0I rjTfHE Strbjcriber will1 gfye Ihjri above, reward foV JUL the apprehension and confinement in Jail of a cerfniriimin who. calls himself JOHN CAMP BELL. He was dfcvered a few days since fn the tipper part of Robeson county,' making hfa escape with a negro woman belonging to Mrs. CarWpbelf,' rM.nll rrii.l'rii.f !t Ci. The atirl CarWMtBll la abbut3? oV 40 year of a'::, light hair, aborit half of it grev ; hia' neck has some appearance of being marked with amalUaTf1 ' "" V.V''- in it. H has ra-m i and walks witli h. leans' homespun y It is snppoaea tnn ,. , . befl. He was last sren at the lroa bfMr"; Mur dock Campq'nM, ip the county of Cumberfarid, N. C., and in all probability he is atifl lurking about Ik. mmiA r!lnnktl'di . - . GE6E6E J. WSTOEt. Marion1 District. S. C, Oct. 17, l4t. 9-3m NEW FLOUR. LY FLOUR (rad brand, )Super NEW GOODS At Prices to suit tUe Tfmesi HAVE just received my full assoilment of Embracing Broad Cloflis", various color,' and some very superior; plain arid fancy Cassimeres;- Satti nets; Kentucky Jans; Beaver Cloth; Blankets; Kerseys; w hlfe afol red Fannels; Merino and Silk Shirts and Drawers; black, blue b'ack and fancy colored Silks; Muslin-de-Lains, all qualities; Gen tlemen's Scarfs, Stoc is; Collars, &c, &c, A full assortment of GROCERIElS & HARDWARE. Some beautiful sets of CHINA, common and fine CROCKERY, HATS and SHOE3, White Lead, Linseed and Winter Strained Lamp Oil, &e. All of which I am disposed to sell low, vety low, for r ASH or in exchange for Country Prodnte. ' H.LEETE, North West Corner or Market Square: Octdber 23, 1842. 192-tf. FAMILY FLOUR (red brand,)SuperBne, rme and Midlings, for sale at l!he Co6fSprrn2 GEO. McNEILL. Mills, or at the store of July 2, 1842. MEW IHAVE RECEIVED and am "owopfng , Wr SPRING AND SUMMER STOCR, wbftb: comprises a larffe and extensfve assortment of DRY GOODS, rfARDWARE & CUTLERY, AI-SO HHDS. SUGAR. 60 Bass COFFEE. 50 cases Far and Wont HafaV 15 do' PalirTLeAf'dilflo, 10 do Bonnets, 15 do Cotton Cards, .75 ke-s White Lead, ..f?' MdPMIciiie,fcc. Which will he aold alnnusually low prices for Cash or Courilty Piriduce. ' . aJ,.0JQHD-STARR. FayeleviWe,May S 1842. 170-tf. is