L Political. From the Philadelphia Evening Journal. ULTRA PARTY VIOLENCE. The natural policy of the Country" The cause of all our wo." Could an old patriot of 1774, mich as Patrick Henry, rise from bis tomb, clothed in all hi- human faculties, and behold the political strife, and factious agita tion, which has shaken this country to its centre since 1830 and which still continues to convulse it, with the most unnatural and pernicious ferment, would he not exclaim How is this ? I thought our independence was achieved ! I thought our free institutions were permanently established by a written Constitution, onder the social guarantee of Equal Rights! What means all this agita tion and racket! Why it exceeds all that we everinade to gain independence. Surely you have not agaiii -fallen under British domina tion I" . - ' - No ! ! but. we have ; fallen under an eyil scarcely less intense in magnitude and mis chief the domination of the spirit of ultra practice for every Ac'i&a, we have lost TMUj rp CLAY AND A BANK THROWN OVER BOARD. . Since the late elections, the signs are nu merous and decisive, that the distant portion of the whig party have come to the- determi nation to no longer advocate "Clay and a National Bank." They find that a vast ma jority of the people of America are opposed to both; and we are now convinced that i-iay will not be the candidate of that party for Pre sident in I844i Messrs. Webster, Cushing, and Spencer, three of the most influential Federal leaders iu the Northeru and Middle States, have broke ground boldly against both Clay and a Bank ; and the papers of the party in all directions are taking the same course. The Boston Atlas, a leading whig paper in New England, says " It is in vain to try to bring into the field the unbroken force of the whig party upou the the name of Henry Clay; and the sooner hfs friends know it the better." Several of the whig papers in Ohio attribute their recent .defeat in that State to the unpop ularity of Clay and a National Bank. Hear the Cincinnati Times, a thorough whig paper: " So far as heard from, he (Corwin) has run behini the whig candidates for the Legis lature, the cause of which is attributed to the I oliow tne three four untryyw'inatttC r : e- V CAROLINIAN less. You have slaves in your country terwoven with yourjraine of . so? habits, customs, 'and (Jamenta'lc a large portion ot ycuTTfropertySY am told, in slaves. Mashallah! . j lians of tho New World am You live in glass houses, aiyettlr;, at other people." A GOOD STORY WEfJljl. cA sheet with the title of Loconk 'u 1, is upon our table. It 'digeii' v portant question in so pleasant I that our readers, tve dare say, rilV r for copying the greater part of its co ii An unlucky dog of a Jew at L&v " would not eat 'pork, was coudnjjp religion to be burnt at ibetafte way, the crowd that folloyat hisj mensely tickled at the pro.spect.of i r) man burn like a tar-barMrifrful- thfcX. recanting and turniuofQlItistian,hev " i lose their snort. wefeTOFSniLy inc him to stand fas iug tbei c - a meuur r-ay V"ti if 1 'M iltl 0 RTH-CAROLINIAI?iJ m. II. Byne( Editor and Proprletoi JFVf YET TE VI L. L, E : i . Saturday Morning, November 1 9, low- I vnncor 7 . THE MARKET. pTodacecomes in now in plentiful supplies, TrHrade has1 been very active in is weeK. ""ijs-iiowty declining, and surely. The ijce!TOtifible being the top of the market, far ''tis w&tan learn. Flour has declined jffso. , Pork begins to come in, and brings ,i cents, eeherallv. 'we believe. With these -.. "v. : prtc.es remain about tne same - as ceuis, gen Veptions'i linent demagogue, at the 'imn.cwirvv A the prosperity ot me country has declined; labor has sunk iu value; and Driiduce has fallen in price. For twelve years .we have witnessed nothing but panic, excitement, marching and counter marching by the legions of political parties; ball-roll iug log-cabin making, and hard cider drinking; with hickory poles, and Jackson clubs; and what are the fruits? Every drill of the people into ultra parties, has resulted in bitter and . poisonous fruit. OuV noble and useful mer chants are left idle with no commerce to prose cute. Our tonnage has been destroyed by foreign treaties, which never would have dis graced the country, but for this universal agi tation of infuriated parties. The workshops have been emptied, to make noisy politicians ot useful workmen. The farmer has been dragged from his plough in the furrow, to swear and shout in the political labor of some demagogue's club. The smith has left his anvil to turn political stroller, and act strange farces on the stage of the factious juggler! And what, we repeat, has been the fruit? Every change has only plunged us deeper and deeper in'.o political degradation, and finan cial embarrassment ; till all that ought to crown a people with contentment and abun- j dance, has been sacrificed at the Moloch-1 shrine of Faction ; except the bountiful and gracious gifts, which God 'provides even for the most unworthy of his creatures. Yes ! every agitation, every panic, every trans formation ot our ludustnous population into idle politicians has resulted in worse time.- in deeper distress in fruit more poison ous.and bitter. Then why continue thU eternal warfare of ulti a parties? .Why con sume the energies of the people, in a vain struggle to better your condition, by some sbort-iived artificial state ot prosperity, which even wbt-a attained, cannot long -endure t " YVe are one people we live under excellent Constitutions except in Rhode Island our country is noble, fertile, pleasant, boundless and if we pursue the course dictated by Nature and Reason Truth and Justice we shall be happy ; we shall be prosperous; we shall be ere at. Nature has left us nothing to struggle against, but our own passions. The violence of these has torn us to piece Let us study to moderate and subdue to reg- . tilate and tame them. . We have no- eneiry to our present prosper ity, but these unbridled passions. YVe have ' had no other enemy to them in times past. Their riotous indulgence ha? desolated the land. All our present calamities are the fruit of excessive avarice, bloated pride, exhoibi tant ambition, cuipaoie sensuality, and en raged party warfare to which there will, and can be no end, so long as our merchants, mechanics, farmers, and laborers, suffer them selves to be seduced from their occupations, in order to destroy their usefulness, by be coming political brawlers and panic makers. The present organization of political parties, is not ouly, therefore, pernicious iu its cob sequences, but it is made of a fundamental er ror of our whole, system of government a misconception of the seat of power; which, after all, lies in public opinion, independent of political parties ; and which public opinion is now arrayed against any attempt to plunge the country into afresh agitation, as if a new war of independence against a British tyrant was about to be waged. The people now ask themselves, what have we gained by our party squabbles for the last twelve years? What can we gajii by renewing them? k-elve jMttJip-ffft,w-nhnH have Ibe same lediate loss of peaceful com- jsiry. iutry will always ianrwfuuremayradefiance of the ef forts of party, to engraft an artificial one upon its full limbs. No great effort is ever re quired to "keep Nature in her true position and alt the effort of man ' to overcome her laws, will ever prove abortive attended by bis stunning prostration for the temerity and daring of his attempt. - - Let the merchant, then, to whose skill and enterprise we stand indebted for so much of our prosperity as well as the mechanic, the farmer, and the laborer, all meritorious ele ments in our social prosperity interpose their influence to mitigate and assuage the ferocity of faction, and tranquilize the public mind to a successful prosecution of their va rious callings ; under the rational conviction that our truo policy does not admit of such de structive diversity of opinion, or enraged vio lence of fatal party action; Let ns, then, be true to Reason, Nature, Justice, Temperance, and Truth, and Nature will not fail to grant us an ample harvest of her precious bounties. may be taken as an. unfavorable omen for Clay, in Ohio." The Cincinnati Renubli can, another decided whig paper, says "The result ot tne late elections here only proves that our people are opposed to Henry Clay and a National Bauk." The Ohio Free Press, another strong whig paper, comes out against Otay, and says the late disastrous de teats of the party are attributable "to the poli cy of presenting him as the impersonation ol the party." And the Expositor, a whig paper published at Carlisle, Penn., also "breaks ground against the dictator as follows : M llay is not our 'choice for the Presidency, nor do we believe he ever can, under any circumstances, be elected." These are ominous signs of discord among tne coons, and we recommend them to the special attention of our opponents, who seem to evince so deep an interest iu what they are pleased to call the discords in the democratic rauks. What do the Clay whiggery beraabouts say to these signs 1 Mecklenburg Jeffer- soman. Keep iTMHFK-EXCHANOK-- ' (tvThe Editor of the Standard disclaims any selfish motive in his desire for a Peni tentiary. r We are glad of it, and we assure him," that nothing but his mention of Raleigh I as the proper place for a Penitentiary, and his particular notice of its facilities for pto- curing the raw material, &c, would have in duced us to attribute such a motive to him. It looked so much like he meant to say " Ra leigh is a first rate place for a Penitentiary- possesses greater facilities for obtaining the raw material than any other place ; and be sides has a railroad to carry off the work af ter it U done ; and then, it will increase the importance of the Metropolis, and therefore we want a Penitentiary," &C, &c. Such we thought, were the ideas running in the Editor's head, when he penned the article.) It is our firm opinion, that it would ulti- njtire any place it is putfiato ; for it mile TO 1 Smuggling It is intimated in the new., papers that some of the most' violent, advo cates of a protective tariff are' engaged in the arrangements for smuggling, which have been made so extensively on the northern frontier. JV. Y. Eve. Post. Tram the Globe. LORD PONSONBY'S LETTER LORD PALMERSTON. Our readers generally will understand tha Lord Ponsonby is (or was) the representative ot England at the Sublime Porte, and that Ijord Palmerston was lately Secretary of foreign atlairs. vtnile in that station, pur suant to the policy of the British Government ot intermeddling with the domestic institu lions of other nations, the Secretary instruct ed the minister to propose to the Ottoman secretary the abolition of that system of white slavery which has subsisted throughout all the kdst since the days of the patriarchs. The minister as in duty bound, obeysdhis instruc tions with what effect, appears from a letter wnicit b 4vr , to J .orxi i'almeriifoii, lately puoiisnea in soma ot ine .British papers, from wnicn we extract the IoIIowi.i t : "My Lord: I have paid thecreatest atten lion to your Lordship's several instructions U 1T ! rut ... ou iuu suojeci oi slavery in 1 urKey, with the nope ot arriving at some result that would af ford a chance of obtaining, in any degree, me omect your lordship so earnestly desires to accomplish. I have mentioned the subiect. and I hare been heard with astonishment, ac companied with a smile al a proposition for uesiroymg an institution closely mterieoven irilk the frame of society in this country, and intimately connected icith the habits, and even the religion, of all classes of the veonle. from the Sultan doxen to the lowest peasant." 'I think that all attempts to effect vour lordship's purpose will fail, and I fear thev might give offence if urged with importunity. I was asked, 'What would the English Gov ernment think of the Sublime Porte, if it were to call upon the Sovereign, of England, to alter the fundamental law of their country, and change its domestic habits and cuslcms, in order to please the Turks?' "I could perceive, in spite of the cood- humored politeness with which this question was asked, that there was something like wounded feeling in the speaker. The 'Turks may believe us to be their superiors in science, in arts, and in arms; but they are far from thinking our wisdom or our morality greater man ineir own. "I have the honor tobe, &c, "PONSONBY." There is something irresistibly ludicrous in this brief and frank statement of bis lord ship ; and its application to the course of England towards this country cannot but strike every recder. The institution of slavery is erjusilly "interwoven with the frame of society" in mis country; equally "intimately connec ted with its laws, habits, and customs;" and equally a part of the ''fundamental laws of the country." Yet we are called npou by the fanatics of England, and that ministry, which is in some measure dependent on them for its existence, to do precisely what even the gravity of the Turk could not think of with out laughing ; and, what is more, we are stig matised by that philanthropic and abusive na tion with every epithet of obloquy, because we decline this modest proposition. One cannot, on this occasion, forbear re verting to the posture in which - the Govern ment of the United States is placed by the article in the famous treaty of Mr Webster, which stipulates that our foreign ministers shall in future be instructed to do piecisely what has placed my Lords Palmerston and Ponsonby in such a ludicrous position. We will suppose that Commodore Porter, our le preseulative at the Sublime Porte, should, in obedience to his instructions, and in confor mity with the said treaty, propose to the Turk ish minister the abolition of that system which is so obnoxious to England everywhere, ex cept in her own Eastern possessions: would not the grave old Musselman stroke his beard, and laugh outright at the proposition? And may we not imagine something like tho fol lowing answer : "Mashallah ! may you live a thousand years, aud your shadow never be Wrhile the whole industry'" of New 1 wasting away ; while merchants, snip era, ship masters, ship builders, sailoi gers, stevedores, cartmen, clerks, port all who are dependent on commerce,!, is al ol us are,) stand looking in despair ajeact other s idleness, with a blank and hopies future before them, the sleek and caning owners of spindles and factories still A the dear people kindly on the back, aud cm "Stick to your principles ! Stand fustjti th Protective Tariff." With their Tale infinom tariff, they have lit a flame to consuml us they are driving us on to the stake : anufcou wheu our ships lie rotting at the wrarve.lo ship masters and sailors are turned adrif and willing laborers of all kinds are fore to annual idleness, they have yet the ius lence to pat us on the back, and cry o "hold fast ; it hurts to be sure ; but keep i your courage; stick to your principles: roast little ; stick to the protective tariff a I (lie fr ing will do you good. Protective tariff, forsooth! Tt is a bad sit when a man has to proclaim his own merit: If it were really protective, there would be x no need to ding it constantly in our ear Quack medicines have always flaming advt tiseruents. Who are the great advocates for a Protei tive Tariff? Are they not chiefly fine pie clothed in fine linen and faring sumpli ously every day with fat purses to who; employment or idleness is indiffereut? D they want protection? Oh, no! It is forth uear laoonug peonie. I'roieciion 10 Amen can Industry! there is insult in the words, trfve tho people a fair cha k work in their respective employment they want none of your protection. held and no favor," is the motto t, and healthful industry. It is the luxurious, Ibe enervate who require protection. niui"j wish, to' convey .to our "cotton anters. ""-it amounts to this: The new merican Ta'riff has stopped the importation a large amount of Eng'isb goods into this untry, while the new English Tariff has ened the English market to a large amount American produce, formerly prohibited. he consequence is, that the English have to nd us specie instead of paying us back ith goods. This will make the Bank of ngland contract its loans, which will of urse make money scarce, and then of ne- sity, prices must fall, and down will go otto ii, aud other American produce, lower nd still lower than it is now. For ourself, e do not pretend' to be skilled iu these mat- rs of trade, &c, but it seems to us that the easoning is very clear, and the cousequences ery natural, and we think we may safely say jo those ivhii have cotton on hand, sell it im Inediaiely, for independently of the remarks above, we see no possibility of its rising in talue, but every probability of its falling. EXCHANOKf would drive, away ; the Mechanics, and no place can-flourish withoutlhem. -r enough to know (and so does the Standard) that that party would vote, tb a man, for the Penitentiary, and immediately thtt it be- D. Keelyn, Who was commi. f ,y,L k Mm m w I1IV , tnw county, to stand trial for apllinn fire to and burning the old Methodist church and thersonage, has been seutenced to ,ix months irnjaaonment! Incendiaries, now do your work !w in North Carolina is pow. The Next Pbesidenct. The trf principles is the first object for the I cunru trim linfirlcl namurnl . K r - ' J .1 uw V. H ! IV.ll JtJ UllfXIdl , II U llll " of action, above all local, partial, or secl questions, without compromise for the adval ment of men, or the interests of an div or por'.ion of the whole party of the v country, must be the aim of the friend! each of the statesmen who are looking leaders iu the great strife, and greater vid ot 1 844. J-lobtle Register. All right! 'No Compromise of Prii for the sake of Harmon v. Yc wish no a triumph obtained by log-rolling with tectionit-ts. Let there be no dodnin. lurriug of important questions: let ihe li banner ot 'r ree Trade ; Low Duties Debt; Separation from Banks; Econa( NEW -HAMPSHIRE ERECT. he Governor of New Hampshire, in his lessage, speaks the language of democracy, l regard to the distribution money. We ap- eud an extract in his own words : "I received from the Secretary of the Trea ry of our .National Government, a commu- ication uuder diite of June, 24th, 1842, in which he was pleased to call my attention to third section of the act of Congress approv- Sept. 4th, 1841, entitled "an act to appio- he proceeds of the sales ol the public o graut pre-emption rights,'' and , at as earlv a day as pructi- e evidence of appointment of such or agents as may have been designated receive the portion of the proceeds of the es of the public lands accruing to the 'State of New Hampshire, under the provisions :eof the aforesaid act of Sept. 4th, IS 11." o'fo this communication I replied among other rlttnatters, "that the Legislature at its recent feession did not sec fit to appoint any agent l)(for the purpose above slated, and I am aware jry.is the Legislature has made no such appoint- nent, that by the provision of the act I am !ciulhorized to designate a person to receive at for he Treasury of the United States, that poition Jjo-f the net proceeds of the sales of the public no'ands, which would belong in pursuance of ladseid act, to the State of New Hampshire. NA et I caunot feel myself justified iu so doing. )ky ;ilegarding this act of Congress as uuwarraut- Retrenchment ; and strict adherence tlMhe'd by the Constitution of the United States. Constitution,' be kept fully broadly, spt jarl. cannot agree to authorize and direct that that he who ruus may read- and let whliver ny portiou of the National funds shall be will not stand by it in the face of frief or w ithdrawn for the exclusive use of New foe, or'who would yield a jot of the priori lies lampshirc, which in my judgement should it avows or mask a word of its honest Di no- cratic avowal of the creed, the whole crecJ nd nothing but the creed seek frater nity among tne mountebanks who have 'no avoteals for the public eye1 and be lim bered hence forth among the Coons. Char. Mercury A Voice from Silas Wright. A chaut of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., resides in Canton, and who is a neighbor V of onus i rignt was in nis store a tew days since nd conversed freely on the subiect of the I arm. In the course of the conversa Mr Wright said that the "present Tariff worthless and badly devised measure. that he should vote for its repeat T mignt last lor a year or two, butj 1 cTrta would be repealed." Ine sarriMcentle Iso informs us that Mr Wright is conslanf dvising his friends in St. Lawrence Ai nJ f Lrn cotinty not to encra?e in nnv mnnii(i i,,ro r, i : i . upon the continuance of the present Tariff-.' since its repeal is certain ! ' ' The N. Y. Express, a Coon paper! of Nov. 11, has an article beginning H j,n he following paragraph : "Hurra for Free Traue The city of New York has goue for the free-trade Dartv and so has the State. The great commercial emporium of the Union is for free trade. H so is the Empire State. The whias k-ve fought a battle in defence of protection to American li-bor and American skill, andh ve been defeated ; and we suppose, now that this great couteat is over, if we are to draw auv inference from the result of tho election it must be one in favor of free trade. The ' pie the democracy of numbers if ihe baHot box does not lie, are for free trade and direct taxation, against protection and revenue du ties for the support of the Government." 4 DO- There was a large meeting of the de mocracy of Blount county, Ala., on the 19th of October, at which a resolution was passed lecommending the name of the Hon. vm' R. King to the General Convention as a can didate for the Vice Presidency. e applied to the use of the whole republic." " We see that North Carolina will receive le sum of $22,!fT as her portion under the istribution act. How much will her citizens have to pay bck in the shape of taxes on the articles they tte for domestic puipose?, as per table we fibiished some time since ? Cypher that up, conies, and let the people see the result. It is a singular fact, (but one which we e before noticed) that while the American ffhas been considerably raised, amount- to prohibition in many instances, the Go- iiewtif England has found it necessary uce their tariff, in order to relieve their ug population. American pork, Aineri- .ft a m rr . :acon, American breadstead-stuns, are nc all the co in England, unc oi meir l)(tspapers remarks thet, " literally and figur at;ly speaking, American pork is in every Mfy's mouth." OW mucn ueuer is buvij a yutt.j urc j)3rofa Government, than the high protec titr or prohibition policy ? tj-lhose who wish to be kept informed eTlhe doings of the Legislature, as well as the ieral news of the day, such as the skinning ofjeoons, which takes place every election, ether with a smart sprinkling of tales and d jokes, not forgetting all the new udeer- litemenls, will find it to their advantage to subscribe to the North Carolinian. We ex pect great and exciting topics to be discussed in Congress and the Legislature, this winter, d every body will want to be kuowing at is going on. M We learn from a gentleman passing through r&is place to Raleigh, that General Dockery has been elected to the Commons f rom Kich osond county, iu place of Mr Bostick, dee'd. comes a burden to the people (as it assuredly will) they will, to a man, tmn right round aud blame the democrats for the passage of the bill, even should the bill be passed by the votes of only a few democrats joined to the whole coon strength. " The Standard misunderstands us, or mis construes our remarks upon the subject of the offices to be disposed of: we are not " shock ed at the notion of placing democrat? in of fice by the Legislature." Far from it. We wish to see no coon who has made himself busy in electioneering, kept in office. We desire that the same measure shall be meted out to the coons that they measured to the democrats. We have no idea of feed" ing a nest of coons there in Raleigh, who have abused the democratic party publicly aud privately, with all their ability. No ! They turned out (he democrats, and now let them walk in turn. But this is what we did say and do mean: Let those who are appointed to office, be equally as capable to fill it as those who may be removed, and more so. I he standard knows that there were some disgraceful appointments made by the last Legislature. Let none such be made by this. And in all its transartious, let the Legisla ture run into no abuses for which the last Legislature was censured. Such is our meaning, which has been misunderstood by the Standard ; and we have no doubt such is tha idea of the Meckleuburg Jeffersontan. j We intended no "menace," aud as to "coun sel," it was expected to be received in the spirit in which it was given. To be adopted if approved, rejected if disapproved. " Atogether, Governor McDonald's of Georgia Message, is a queer document." Lasi Observer. Reader, would you not like to read a Mes sage of (lovernor Hale"s writing ? It would no doubt be a perfect pattern of a message ! If the people could ouly know what a Mes sage he could write, they would certainly elect him Governor. But do you know why Governor McDon ald's' Message i a "queer document " in the estimation of the Observer? Because Go v McDonald is a democrat ; and any thing de mocratic, open, candid and honest, is "queer" to such grovelling politicians as the Observer. fX?" The late New York elections trouble the Observer man awfully. He is as restless as a bear with a sore head. Great defalca tions ' seem now to occupy his attention. Does the Observer claim for his party the high distinction of being all honest men 1 If so, his impudence is only excelled by his ig norance of human nature. We do not pre tend to say that there are no dishonest demo crats, but we do protest against whig swindlers being called democrats, as in the case of Swartwout. This makes several times that the Observer has tried to shuffle Swartwout on to the Democrats, when he knows, if our in formation be correct, that the coons of N.Yoik nominated bim for the Vice Presidency. Now the Editor of the Observer, were be to be sworn, could not , say, positively, lhat Swartwout is a demociat, (or a " focofoco" fhe pleases) yet for the purpose of injuring the democratic party, he posifvely asserts what he does not know to be true, merely up on the authority of a New York city editor whose body and soul could probably be bought by the Bank for a few thousaud dollars. Teach your own party honesty, Mr Obser ver, and you will be much better employed than in setting it the example of little dirty political tricks such as you are in the habit of committing. ry- In one of the Congressional districts of New York, we learn that the issue was made up between the two opposing candidates the cocjn candidate being a high protective tariff man, and the "locofbco " candidate a free trade man, opposed to protection in any shape, and voted against every tariff bill that was brought up iu the late session of Con gress. Free trade beat his opponent by 800 majdKty ! ! The lard oil business bids fair to prove a profitable traffic to the " Buckeye State." - Governor Swd, of N. York, has re fused to pardon John C. Colt, for the murder of Mr Adams, and he was probably hung yes terday. That is right ; there is but little use in having laws if they are not to be executed. Colt entertained hope to the last, and when ha found there was no hope, be became fran tic. ' ' 'v ''; '.?;" - v ; : ; The treaty between England and the Unit-' ed States has been received at the ' State Department, and published, duly ratified aud in complete form. It is the same, precisely, the one we published soon after the U. S. Senate acted Urban it. There were so doubts at that time as to its being ee, t ice-in the laf" tide on the practice of Ai -' under execution "; the folly, and injuo a law compelling the sheriff of one of our ex it eme western (eastern, northern or southern,) counties fo advertise his sales in a Raleigh paper, when there is a newspaper printed and has its circulation perhaps in the very county where the sale is to take place, and often 50 or 100 miles nearer than Raleigh, must be plain to every one ; and we hope to have the satisfaction of announcing that the present Legislature has ordered otherwise. We have talked with our representatives on the subject, and enlisted their influence. We dont know how it comes that the Ob server made so many sensible remarks ou this subject, uuless it be that he had his eye on the fat jobs he would get from Richmond, Robe son, Moore, Montgomery and Anson, were the law altered. State Elections. DELAWARE The election in this State for a member of Congress (she sends but one) and members of the Legislature, has resulted favorably to the democrats iu the pop ular vote. Mr Rodney, the coon, is elected to Congress by 30 majority, only, when in 1840, this State gave a majority for the coons of 1194, and elected a coon congressman; and every member to the Legislature was a coon ; now they only have a majority of 12 on joint ballot. NEW YORK. The democrats of this State have swept every thing, and licked the platter! Tho AfbaDy Argus? says " it is a victory unequalled in our political annals." Col. Bouck was the Democratic candidate for Governor, opposing Luther B radish, the present Lieutenant Governor, of the State, and is elected by a majority of about 21,000 ! from the best information we have. In the Legislature we make 6S democratic majority on joiut ballot ; 12 iu the Senate, and 56 in the Assembly ! ! Then there were 34 members of Congress elected ; and the coons obtained 10, the de mocrats 24 ! being a gain of 10 and loss of 2 for the democrats, and a loss of 10 and a gain of a for the coons. Our 2 were lost in the city, under the new district system. Un der the old apportionment New York had 40 representatives under the new, but 34. In Columbia County, N. York, where Mr Van Buren resides, the democratic majority at the late election is 913. la the vear 1840 it was only 188. Michigan Election. Tbo New York Commercial says, the Detroit Free Pres-i of Wednesday brings the first returns. In De troit the Democrats have a majority of 190 over the Whigs. The Democratic ticket has also succeeded m Wayne, Clarkson, and Washtenaw counties. Arkansas Election. The official re turns of the election iu Arkansas announces the election of Cross, dem., over Cummins, whig, by a majority of 409S. The democrats have a majority on joint ballot in lbs State legislature of 35. Several of the wbigs are pledged to vote for Col. Sevier's te-electiou to the U. S. Senate Bait. Sun. Dickens, the EnglUb ceulljr w im it mi tbtm ocMJUlry,' wj borne, wrote a book, of course, pa we find floating in the newspapers, Mr Dickens has not given everything in its true color, he pays the following deservedly, high compliment to the character and courtesy of American gentlemen: Speaking of American railroads, their ac commodations, Ice, he says : " In the ladies' car there are a gieat many gentlemen who have ladies with them. There are also a great many ladies who have nobody with them ; for a lady may travel alone from e end of the United Stales to the other, and be certain of the most courteous and considerate treat ment everywhere." This though not perhaps intended as a com pliment, certainly places Americans upon the top round of the ladder of civilization. Chasen, who was committed to the jail of this county for the slaughter of John Grice, was convicted of murder on last evening. A new trial, we understand, has been granted. We leatn that the Solicitor made a very strong and effective statement of the case to the jury. Messrs Henry and McRca wcr counsel far defendant. <hi)iinh