" i i " " 4" - a r ? - 'w . - '- ' .. -:. ... . , f : - ; . i . . ! - - :- - aaw ; .tor Hia u i-xrrv j . ... . Br ?3IVH HAV.VK-i i -V.Jl AKACJXER IS A' raFORTANlT TO5taTE3 AS i?' lipbxts THE .NORTH CAROLIi&N.. :J Pur aii.iuin.ii pai in advauce, .SsWJ D lfnairfatttic end ot won tins, S'OJt Do if j4idiattTiendHfth5(rt-, 3-5tK .Sixty cents per 3-!u.rc,forUi6 first.a.wtlhiryceinH i"vr ecii subsequent iMseftiflns.'V " "4 A liUaraldo-Juctiorr will be uiadeto aifverfisei by year j -i .t adver;i3!Joats and Shrifl' sal wSIlfeeUii,! aosorrment efgpris'gotrif fir1adisiAin-;ed.-? Nj5 c t. higher thau Jie iMthmtes. Lttemcqs'wear. . V - t - fc - Ji7-i-'ff1-ti.:.:K' -"Crfa5 tor pdblicat.ioR should hdve J SeautoV All artTcteain iUe.r6rVpCwrt'' li, i i.;yf-i':-.;tlifv, ,1i tnaerla tijg; TOfrES JIST RECEIVED toia 8apptjMr spang iTU. ftfads coiiistin( in part, of , Black andWliiteia D, Mourning do. Printed d$urime cloth,'' " ; . tDVapde EtoGaxnhloum - " TL.me drliliny. Men's lapfrsHk govea rienisfitpbM Cambric Ilartdkerchicfi i. , 9 w .- . A varieHr-ot keaulitul prwTrs '" spring, an ":y' in," i - ' F S 'it A;' rrlONe ND' LIVKR tifoMPr Ai7 plain, Jaconet, antf rrrci ; .Jtt JL.ioenjiJ Linen Lawns, Dpcrs. Calicg'priivta Vaioi,wff T. beautrful aBWtmetit fMerino rO,Ot!re of nooi.. -vk,,J ..i i. ti cw h-.Uh ,k snalY " do Iir;ffti .Oil - t-f3 II i.aper discontinued until arrearage arepaid, except at the option of the Editor. - 7 No subscriptii n received forlesthan twelve months. "T ' : . -.. - lij uuuwia w it iitir I it&ao im v. i - - - ishnBnt, inu,t bn adJrcssted V M.ll. 4jaTN, Kay?jlor of the "Xorth-Carolinian.ahd in air cases i JJCU . 1 r . .. . . - . I . if f saa'criaers wislirnsio mane rriMmancro by mail, will romember that they can lo so free-of postatre, as Potni ist"t s ar'u authorised by lw to tranlv letters enclosing rennltances, it wnueu uy tlmniscivea, or the cotitdla known to them. I rices or Job Work: . JJAXD CILL.-S, priiued on a'liiediuni, roya', ral sheet, for 30 copies, - s" " J . . , - , or snirr roy: ') copies, For id for every additional 100 copies, UOUS:"" nil.LS, on a sheet from 12 to teti.-s sii'i ue, j uiM-t IS Over IS nu lies, and not exceeding jl', n " C' A llOS, lartre si '.e, sinjilu pack, s 3 And for every ad. litipnal pack, . 23 Sin-il:rr si 7.es in proportion. . ULAlNKS, when printed to'orderor J quire, 00 And for every additional quite, under 5, 00 Exceed in:.' 5 quires, 75 CUlCUhAUS, 1NVITVTIOX TICKETS, aiu! all kinds of IJOUlv &. JOB PRINTING, executed cheap for CASH. , R Kept. THE FOLLOWING L A N K -S ! constantl v on ftaud M'CALLUM & LARK, (SM.tcessors of Mettry Kfamberl,) riP?peciiiiv iniorni nn.-ir triemn, and trie public that they have p11rarh9ef.il the enti- stck n( Henry ErambertV, arul intend carrytna" the ahovarbuai--nessjat'the SEV Store, on f fay street, next dooV to M.-s Browtl's Millinery es tallilMiifiit, and 7 do-rs nljt of J. & J. KylajJ stoae where ttiey will always thankfully rcce'nc trll" or ders in thcif tne,amf wwriMit aHVork tob as vtll done as at any etlwr eslablishmcnt in tovu. They mlicr tlia; pa'rooaje el the old customers of M r II . Evambairf, .Jintl the pnljhe "enetally, Mid ati3ure tmjse that think propsr to trnp'ov lliein that no pains wiJf Ije spared tp eivcVatrsfarctmn. All avork tlmt don't suit vill ot be ulloaved to be.takn from thi!irshr.p. Prices vill ran oe a.folloavs: For jnaking twrded or bound coats, jrt plain, . " y " - r panTalamns, plain, -1 aO vcst,p1in, "l 5IH JAS. D-McCAl.LilAI, D.4JNIEL CLARK. FareltrviMe, aiarch 31; 1842. 20r--v- AM) Kt)ll SAI.i: AT THE CAROLINIAN omen : CUbOKS, on IJauii of the Ktate, and Cape l-ar IJank. PROS ECU ITOX BOXD, Supr.Ct. -MARRIAGE LICENSES VE.NDI EXPO., constables levy COMMISSIONS totuke depositiousin eiui tv, "and Snpr. court AIVE VllANCE BONDS WRITS , Superior and Co. Ct. CA. SA. Suit. Ct. INDICTAIENTS for AlTray, and Assaul and Baiterv. Co. ami Sup. Ct. CER riFIOATES, Clk. Ou.Ct. JtJlvV" TICKETS ORPER.S to overseers of Road3 -n STA ft l V RO.VDS Tax receipts witness tickets ejectments patrol notices L ETT E RS of A U.MIN 1ST R AT I ON Bonds Deeds, common, Sheriff's Deeds, Coiiit-ihles C:i. Srt. Bonds, Do Delivery tlo Appeal Bonds, Kouity Sulipivnns, Superior Court Vi. Fa. Caninty Court Sei. I'a, to re vive judgment. County Court Subpctuas Superior Court Warrant., BoikIs for Col'rd. Apprei.:ires. For Sale or Barter. -Tennessee Land. 5,000 ace s, lvinr in D.vis County, on the wafers of Charles Creek. Thetit'e ii goatd, amla barani in ly. be had, as the owner has no intention- ol set tling 01 it, and is desirous to dispose of it. It will be nold low for cash, of bartered fur Cot ton, Corn, Fiour or B icon, at niiirket prices, or changed for properly in lie neighborhood of Fy cttevjlle. . . For further particulars enquire r' this ofTice. .SeptMnber 3r 1841. NATHAN B00T& SI Kl$S, SHOE MAKER. Ill ESPECTFULLY informs bis olaj- custoni-r3 MMf and the public 2' nernlly that h? Will, ciui iriuesi 1 raanulaetiire BOOTS and SHOES of the best materials, in the most fasbionafde manner and :it the shortest noliee, at liis eld stund on Gillespie street. 4 aloers South of the murker. REPAIRING promptly attended- to. Jan. I t, 1812. 2'3-tf. ' SELLING OUT AT COST! r 1 1 Ll iSubscrib'r, as ssurvivin: Parlner ! J. C. JL Sc. CJr. I - ikin?, respeti"iity iiivi'cw liie ai tention of their toavn and country customers, and all who buy coods in Fayetteville, to their- exten sive, well assor'ed, and fresh stock ofooJs. .- As usual, wn have on hand a well, selected sup ply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats and Caps, tBonnets, Boots' and Shoes, Drills and Medicines; Stationary, Crockery, Glass Ware, &c., &.c. Our country customers will continue their trans actions as. heretofore, anil Will be furnished at prices' tlecidedly lowVr than ever. Cash purchasers will find our coods very low, as we are determined to sell out at cost ! J. C. ATKINS, Surviving Partner, Fayetleville, April 22, 1843. 217-tt. HARDWARE aud CUTLP.UY. Ill AVE just rce.ived per SfeanicrIL;iirielta,'tlie following articles: " 10 hhds. Brown Suar, COO lbs. Loaf and. Lump f?u?ar, 50 bags Rio ColT e, 5 bags Javrl Coflee, 6 bhds. Molasses, 50 kcjis Nail,8 tons English and Swedish Iron, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 ban Buck and Drop Shot, 15 kc3 Dupont's Powder, 30 pairs' bright Trace Chains, 6 doz. No 10 Coiton--Cards Wlntaniore's best; Giner Pepper, Spico, Copjic ra, Salcratus, Iiwlru'o, Madder, SnutT jn Bladders and Buttles, Soap, Brinutoue, Camphor, Nntmejfs, Castor Oil, Salts, Oi'odeldoe, Ink, Blacking Brushes long ami short handle Shovela, Spades; Case Knives, Pocket Knives, Blacksmith's 'l'ools, &c. .'1LSO--DRY GOODS. Crockery, Hollow' Ware, and an j assortment of II ATS and SHOES. All of which will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. IX McLAURIN. Sept. 30, IS 12. , ' ' LAaMf orL. (pure) arvery suBefiof crtirfe. War-i Klafory fa a wirniiirratiyS attf pltet Iran? - -v, wn ur nai iowr toan ever TaetnrC JO0 on .- bM 1 "fceMtet Jt.art M -!frctoo of all wonts." i4' or,in-tfaoas wri- fr!t naJTVrte Jr" eiiVral assorhfie'nf of superior ar ticle for ladies and gentlemen s ep.ring and auim mer wear. ' - "v . gUMMEIt HATS, BONNETS, &c, for ladies and jrcrTtlernen, and missi s. SHOES. . A general ussortment of ladies, gen tla9men8 and 'children's Shoes und Boors GROCERIES, HARDWARE -AND C.UT- ILERY, CROCKERY AND; GX.A5j VVAllfc, DR"uvS, JNJElJlCHiSU.e, sec. se., -c. . i flnr tffcrtii ntrtf a till totvn friends and traders will ntVase call at oaf old stand iiast Corner Square, bforl! purchasing eLsew here. . S : fc R.S. CAIN. April 15, 1843. 2 16-1 y Market A Card.' . Henry Erambert would ruep'Tthilly iiHiirm tbe public atJ. liisYusioinei s, th it lie has s..U out hi? entire est blilme lit to .Mr Jas. D. MeCailurn and Daniel Clark, of this place, and from his knowletie of their superior workmaui'hip, can r C"Uiincnil thcin to all Ids old custoincrs, and hope they will patronize them ; and all favors bestowed oil them will be thankfully acknowledged Jiy him. rCTj N. B. All persons indebted to H. Erambert will please call and settle the same. Dec. 31,1 342. 20 1 -if. Harness Making". 1 he subscriber has am liaod and for sale, -at re- carriage trnnniincs, &.c, l.nv for cash, or oh dhort credi: to punctual customers. Gijr and baroiichti tps, and harness ot Uiu-ls repaired, and cariaces re-lriiuined in best s-tIc, at short notice, and nt low pries. ICTJAll orda-rs will be promptly attendeal to, and the woik done in the most tasteful and satisfactory manner, or no charge made. Jan. 1 Mf, M3-tf JA M E3 SUN D Y. SPUING t& suivi:dteii The subscriiaers have jnsi rco ived from New York, rr L'ocnl assortment ad IDHS CiXDiDQ GROCERIES hariihakk & CROCItEB.-:, lircii wi.l be sold-at the lnjvesr marki-t prices. PETER P. JOHKSOX & CO. April 13, i84'3.-2H5tf . trOO DS. At Pi-ice?' to nit tfttf Times. 1 HAVE jujK rceived.uiy full assortment of FAIL dtCTXWTjm GOODS. Embracirrjr rToad tCIoths, varipus colors, and some very snueripr- plain aqd fincjE Cassinieys; Satli--neta; Kentucky Jtans; "B3M'er C.I6th; UlunkeU; KeYseys; white 'and red Flannels: Merino anal SiTk LShiits una Drawers; black; bhle black and fancy coloreal Silks; M us-do-Lains, nil qualifies; Gen tleinea'a Scarfs, Stc';s, Collars, &c, &c, . . . a t'ul assort ujent ttf ) CiROCEIUKS .S-r.HARDWARS. TSojne lieanl Hul sets of CHINA, common and 6nt CRT K.'K.ERY, irATS arid SJ40ES, Whilt Lcairf, LiiHaucdaud JViuier Stfainfd Lamp Oil", Scc. All of which I am disposed to Sell pw,very tew, ' for CASH, or in exchange for Countrj! Produca. rlf . LEETfc, North AVest Corner of Market Square. Ortobergj, IS43. 19-3-if. T V A arc and ;eneal assoi tonrnt of Candles, kept contahiiitly on liAnd, at wholesale ancDrctair. Betnp detenu ittcal- to dvoto-rrfl necessary at'eo tion to the MOULDING of bits Cnndles, and hav ing spared no rins tai iHq.rove their qualRy and appatirance, hopes to receive a due share aW pa' ronajre. VM, fAAcL. McKY. Fayetteville Oct. 14. 1943, - I9f-tf . il 1u0n imhiI ancf often proved successful, even in difficult and f apajently afmost hopeless cases, i ha it lie proprietor fetlsio hesitancy in reedmiiieridM'ig it to'aay and allwQo unfortunately may hiave occasion to renrf fOaijie mean of iecova7ry,tysician.s familiar will its effects prescribe it ifl their pracfia;, and wih tjie medical faculty geutKaU it has jnet vith aui-oiamon approbaffoiy- t"ha following' reniarKs werfi taken from a recerrt nunbsr of th Medical Magazine : . 'Tfco surprismg effect produced by the genuine Dr 'I'lylor'a BaNatnr -of Liverwort, jnade t 355, Bcflety,in consunrglive cases, cannot4ail seiitui' a cciand thrilling inieresfthroiihout, the, world. W:(ye so lflfl4be"ieved ibis afisajase irra.'-unfble, Ilia it We he; se ith. s ditScult to credit our seftses wlitur PCoiiV aa4deuri v nsumptive, restored to Ve. it kt a lact oTadaily occinwcnce." . 3ije lallawir. certifieat,e. wipiven us lately bv rsp.Bpofliahelh cify, K. C: 'Bein- eon- i stititiifttallv cfadifposed to camumpnou (aaumber ojm Hmilv lipTias Jie ot this atisrase) am Ijiv in .iuBered iverol y Inn irrkat ian of the, lungs, J p-axiirjnif iVX"' a-oujus an ra,isin iiianer antt TCooi, ilvelaaeTWiUi a p:un in-my sioe ana ureasr, Illl supposeaFi" or ii:aiiiu itwaaiir, uris ui - adsice of Dr. Xerkiue, ?a a last ratsVirf, to. or'sBJsaui of Liverwo ; I have taken 6 n i. I . . . .1 - - . nail. 1 oeaii i iiup:uvo.uucr aue nisi nd wbia"iikig $ie thitd, waf so (arreeav-. obe able to iet aoout .ince tflncii lime l t rrttoraal, alio aMe-u etl ng laTii v puai' " Persons sufferiu from eon "ha a nd atluc- (jatioflMlv ear, earnestly reeommond it. Ded)( K: olfC'ity, Dee. I IJ 1812, (signed) Jai. C fSrn' ' "Over CawaaJaf nt and General Ueuility I do eori- I almost mnH:uM. , i-w-ns ivei-up-i diicet mr battle, eredasff L-am piBe new. JT I St ttrs vr : - mm r safe, m J .-iwt-i'ar skier mv cure by IwotAvsiciaris and told to preparaj fo.-j dttath wa so weak J voufd riot "raise rhy banal to my heaftl.' Iryasintbis low slate. whean a frii-nd ut me. a boitleofDr. Taylor's Balsm of Liverwort, from 375, Bowery, and before I had used up the hi. life "H was able to sit up in bd, by tje turilier use 1 laave ajompleterj regained my helMi. Aii shouiat use it ' -i . '- -GEO. W ELLS, 23 John k ViolenjjPain in the Side I have. been cured of a Violent -"' in the (aide, extending tiirousb to the shoulder, Bidiestioo, dizziness, lose of appetite, andJ. general dkility, by the use wt I Wo bottles ot Ur. Taylor's Ktlsam of Liverwort, from 375 Bowery. J 1$ H. ALLEN, Ndt 7 Merchant's Row. . roraalal "He Ur istoro ol Jas. a.AJicKie; Peraap stiaraie Agent foe Fayetleville and vicinity. J.& J KYJL.B HAXfu just 'received "by -the late arrivals from .t be North, a large and general .assortment of. DRY GOODS, vns anal D'aps,-lea?-bi.ack silks, in and'liguied ditto, JMmong which art Superfine printeS hawns," I" reiia-h, Kli2.lish and Domestic punts, : ' m ; , l.ini-.jl3, lira aim iiiiptTS, Klauie anrl'l Colored Pte Liiieaj paalaioon stulis. Cotttofi ditto dffto, Hampton Jeans,. Kentucky ditto, Jatloiiet and ean'ilaiic muslin. : AVitk na.iiiy oilier Gooals ; all of which nein" pur- cliasc.d belore the late "itse in Goods, aftlle late Packj;e SfesTor cash-, w iil Ue oflereil at' very le dajced pric(.B or orf liuiex punctual customers. Jttrte "7, lS43.-y. THK SUBSCKlBi:U OFFERS his mechanical services ta the citizens of FayeUeviJJe anrl vicinity, soticitina; their patronage ; fluttering birfrself by punctuoj atten- Uon to render h:mst3f worlby Uie same. 1S43. . JOS. S. DtUNTN. 2S9-3t. July Ii w THE Fu!)fcnber'has just received by late ar itvala tine assortment ot FISH far family use. SALMON. CuuncelicutSbiul, Na. 1. Mackcra I, No, I . . storr, eticap ior cash "r produce, of all hinds. , Jufy 15, 18 13. ' MMMaaaaBaaaaaMBa ia'vx July 10th, a. a'te tTuited S 0fh ou tiio writr''s . - .. .1 o arwarii in- aaaui crraTefTron-! L A N D FOR aSAL-E. HESubse-iber oflT-r fit aafe tho place of his present residence containing about 3000 acres of land, on Carver's Creek, S miles North of Fav a-ltev-iU-c-t .The pnscssioii is-gooaj lir Ifurmign;, lunv lier, timber, tar of tirrpchtine. "WUI be sold jn whole or uiviocer to sun purcnasei s, Any a ivapury is referred "to Archibald McLauch liu of Fayetttvaille. - . . ALEXAXDEil AlcLENiAN. 4pril 13K 1313.' - - ' . 2Hj-tf. ZST. att 0 ! a CALS, DYE-STUFFS, &c.&a-. The subscriber, by ihc recent arraAals has received a larc anal "ciieral ass oraaiout of Dfuers. JVIedi cineSj-Clieniicafs, anions bich are the WIowr ms: ,Oxaaic nand, nun is to-, mUie, acetic acids, alcohol, aloaHi, sal amowc 'dor benzoin, blue mass, cubebs pul, lu'pis calattiUiaris, diitatis, elecainpane, erot, jrnHi kino, hikji assarretiala, tra.iraatiirr, iodine, jalap, James' powders, manna, weet oil, castor o.l, orotoo oil, qurcU silver, roots ot nil kinds, tamarinalf. lart-arjv acial, n(lit-lz anu sua pow- djM-; snaafl blue vitriol, Prussian BTne, TJnrrunafy pncn, cologne, cloves, otacK anu real ftik, balian ointment; barldy, t ali ine'd charcoal, hairpowder, aScc. ALSO, a larre lot ofjatent Mdiclrfg., "all of which he will sett atlns usual low price. March 18, lS43.-y - JAS. A. AJcRATi IIATS &:,CAPs7 D'AVIO GEE, HAS just received and ofrcis Tor "sale cheap for- CASU . Snfterior fine Fur, . . Cassi incre, Leghorn, ami ' . . . I'a'rnelto, Uals. Turbans for Intanls, .' " Youth's V a ps, , - , - " A rwBiipp'y ajf Halters' Mateiiu's. " m . May y, IK4J. 2I9--. , , NEW ftOODk. will i am 3ici n t x 12,4 received from INpw I mk a general and desirahrc lot of Foreiitiaml Domestic I 19 V ' g g HTtl ta HARDWARE &; CUTLERY, I UuibrcHas, Parasols, bun Jjfrades, Honnets, Hate, Shoes, Crockery and Gla'8 Vare. " For parlicujnr9id item plCaoC cull noonor scud.. - May 13, tS43. - 22TJ-6m. ly inform the citrzens I of h ayettevifle and the public genet any, mat he has taken the st'ind recently occupied uy I-.. j. .urn, on U:Jle-pie .Sine!, 5 difors Snuth of -the Market Square, where he will manufacture and keen con artly on baud an assortment aaf TIN 'AND SHEET IRON WARE i cisons w-rsmns to parctiaso -would do well to ca l and examine lnsToa. before purchasing else where, as be is dfctermitied to sell as cheap as aay ono'i liiariinacturer ir inr iaie BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. J.tti.2S, I313.--205-Ci. Y s an iimi i inea t State if North Carolhia M re Counljr Court of fkas arl Quarter Sessions Jlpril Term, lt43. i 'I. IInr Wi vs. Wm. Lelvis, Jvbn Lew Is, Ma. atom Graham at (Pclilion furpartilion w,ite Patience, atkl Nr- ol Lands.- . man iviartm & wif; Sa ral hcifs at liaiv oj Jcfm Lewis, d.yi'ti. IT appearinctaj he satisfaction of the Court that William Lewis, one tire ih lenda ills' in tliis case, is rrot an iobaMtant ofthis State, it is fhcretbre order- V&i ihat-puk-licntioi be made in the 'North Carotin jnrf fix wek.sr P4ity ma the said alafendant to p pear al the next Court of Plensaqd QuaYtfr Ses Miw, ""ohetea l for tttVvai.l Otoawt v,a t the Court IJeuse in-Cartliage, pn the fourth Alajuday in July nt;r, arraj pleat, answer or demur to said" Pclitiorrr uj-alie eaine will be takirn pro eonfeiso as to him, and heard aecolingly. ' , Witness AlexandaT C. turry, C! rk of our said Coryf, at OHie in Calhnje, tJie4Menday in April, A.D. lS43, and C7tfi vearof Arnericn l dprjndence. - A.' C. 0URHTE Y. 224 6w. pr. adv. S3 25. Staic of North CaroHiiaCiinibcrlniid County. Court, of Pleas pnd Qitrfrfcr Sessions June Tenikl iS-13., Afiftram MelnlyrejVs. JessD -Ha. Original Attach nenl, levi'eal on-175 acres aii land on fclollingnvorlh's Cceek. W appearing to te-satisfaction ofthe Court that the alatfendant im thfaa ease rfath abaenn ceals himself so that the usual procass offa'w cannot oe servea on turn, n iHheretore ordered that pub lication be made in fhje 4Vortlr Carrdinian far ciadit w eeKs notdyirlg aaid tlefemlaiU of llp issuins of this atlaclunent, ami riquiria; him to appea at the next term of this Court to bte'tield IV.r the nni f vaiuiui.iMuii, i uie oun MapusC'in r ayarttevi le. ou me urs aaonajayin septemixy neit, and replevy, plead or demur, oi iuW-'in . nt bvdnC-nrlt will ! ren dered against him, andtlie land levied on will be sold tfl satisfy the Praintiff's demands Witness, John McLaurin clerk of s4hf .Court at . otrice, the lirst Atoiurhyf J-ure, Ano Domini. i843. ' JOHN Met. Turn i . Jue 2i.v-22CSt. 1 , t"!h,ffi', and lTr sale h much larir- S-a"'"1 "I voik than usua cunsist- AV now on. Jurfa and iti -tock or t:'arriagespBaroiK.iiCS BUggie8j Wtatc of Xortlt (taroMna Bfiaiswrck cWtvTtIrS0"S "TSi'lr,. to. hut'- J'0,,1d i we" and -..' xnnune a- "ma ad prtces, which have been JOH X xM cL AU R.IN. pel" adv3 2 ". Sttperfor CeurL of Zuur. .S..i.V,j.- ")v.rf - - isrz. Hcnty F. Howard, ) - ' vs. iPctitroii for Dvnree. Alary C. B. Howard. . . , A Copy ol lahe Petition ,and Subpxcoa having -iTlalL' lSlfd iir this- aiase "rfnal return b'nvan" hea-n tanaald Ihcfeoa, that rjijdefenllant couAl not befound, procraTuaiwrras nrdt-rcd tot publicly .made, and is accordingly publicly mode atJho dooral'tha Court House, forh aul defendant to annear and an swer as commanded bv thaisubnaTmia.or tha rwf if inn wirl ba taken pint conjessft aainst hci ahd set ftfr hc3Ti!5 emparte Bird it1s ordered that notice of the foresroinr; ptpchgnation be nven in the Wilmin.. ton Chronicle, and in the North Carolinian, nub- fished at t aycucville, for three rnorlths. - ' 'jxnm imowrt; Clerk, June 3, 18i3.-v223-v3ai. . pr adv. $5. iv'Jfl APf Y FORftti y " Oi., OF TANNIN, Or. Leatbasr Restorer ; a new Chemical Discajverv Alost l .1.. i. .u... ..i.i . i - . i.iv jiho't aij-ii mous anu niaiM m nnn .jiJ.j .. .. .. ... . ""a .-..u mwieauier oy me use ot annul extracted iuau cenain oarKS, cic. waen 8pe force and strength of the Tannin ig "oru euiiealtier coma s dead, hard, dry, brittle. cracKcu, cavered Willi a crast, ftcc. I his all know I o restore then life, sofiness, moistness, streicib smootlmcas, and remove all crust, fly, or blietalr reslore nae Tannin. This substance the lenther never can-receive second tune : but the whole vir-' tucsofitirein this atlkle, the Oil of Tanuin wnicn petMtrates the stillest and, hardest leaf Iter f H fias berit twenty years in use: and if it tears easily wi the nosers, itiniparts at once a strencm vaw y taarreoinie umii ptx-n. it rrheamc8 use new 1 inrjn all raepects, with . a .fteligliSfol aotYneas ad nolfsh. anaf makes all lent) ier -om. plelely. fAaperviors 4o water particajkirly boots. - wt.aigja?iujay mrni.a, imar, aauiiaasr, anu in fact all things made of leather, givkf a splendid' pan.isii, even msher than new leather lias, aud at .hjaet doubKrig its weaaand dirrability, in whalova?r Uivinricrtli leather is used. I hese areiai ts . T Lose who will may wear oldhoes, jrroan jv Wi corns, ride w ith old carriage-fops, baye a!d tuyrrelis, u.iu in row them away Hall ugpu, looK mthy llirm selves, ond all about (Item, expend double -what is necessary for artitJos 61 leather, tolheir ttcartscon teut, for what weScare, if tlieir prejudices are so strong tbav ill ol Irv a new diascov"ery. We have nu favo4b ask of them, thay are trie greatest snflerers. jfjd we bg for itoboafy's irUstom or patron. agrr- NoeentIemen, please yoursa Ives. jC? Nonalenuinrt Hnless ,witb t,he fac siniHe" si?B?lre of fCOMSTOCK & CO, Wholesale Drug.Jsi 7 JfflimJB Lane, New Yoilf. Entered accordiu to act ot Conasrvs, in the year 'Jy Corrralock &.J9., in the Clerk's clTice f the Disirir-t of fheHiled Statti fqr the Southern D,s,'ittof New York. Fors.ila .i ttwi Dru fetoro of Jas. A. nl aci ak. Pa-rson street, sole A)tJr Faytttv:llaartd vj- cinjiy M a di 4, ;?43.-210-ly. rtourage Ilonie JM-ftnufactures. .. CAM plIi .... .i i: . coHtniO? the rol'.a oihik i-.ciisto, ;i ue- &;., which ha .naturely delivered ot four pei 3 from Jan .wo S?y nd two gwU. Six liuiidr-J WIJ soioe hours, .audit stored burut, ligkWe all datie vveH had timated ,t thrTematu,"e 03 "e7-were all oday WlJ- . I ne lacv .auw.ia.iwa tarred ou the Ohio aod Mississippi rivers. and on the lakes. A portkiu were emigrants going to the far -West. Two hundred and fifteen murders, Ly guns, pi.slol.s, Uowie-kiiives, fee. Forty-six by fire-arms, imprudently ban died. ' . Fiuly-five by clothes taking fue. Forty-six by lightning. Forty-three by lalU from horses, upsetting carriages, c. Eighty-six by suicide. the birth of Christ to 4he y resent time. Crvil ijisfory is the history f nations ; and has raviation lo the establishment, con liuiinoce, and fall of empires, kingdoms, states or citres. 1 ' . ' SacYeti hsslory is that pntf, both ofuncienl and inodetn, avhich lays before the myste ties and ceremonies of. religion, 'recorded jn the Old ajK JKw. Teslamtfiits , Profene hiaylorv is, 'pronely, the his'dry c: ihe 4'abiiiotis cods, uemi-sodd." sud beroe- aiilttuhy ; but all records of am ieat liine; lire SriipHft'e exraBrfted, are, someitruos fl.v.x itiitutniliiteal. " " The'nyost atfefent hisfory 1 that vhi 11 rs con'aincd inlhc Ohf Tesrftment iving an account of the crealioti of (he wxrld,. The crpafion of flte world was 4004 Ireforc Ihe l.iilh of Christ. Tbti Assyrian was the "first unTven:ii oui pire that ever exi.-sleJ : louiided ut Babyloti. n ihe diphrales, by N inn tJ, the grauu'i'or; of Ham, A. M. lSOlt . . ; " The Seconal aiuiversaT empire was the Persian; founded by Cyrus upon Ihe ruins of . Ihe Mediari' and Babylon iati kingdoms, A- M. S46.8. ... Th4hrrd universal erripire .was the Gr cian ; founded bv' Arexander tho G reft ;. B.C. ' , .te arrives by 0 Alexander - was at d Friday liu)-ril. account ' urts at 10 o'clock, on Mou lin vj.afa4y anal Friday nioiouits. Grv :v WILMINGTON AND CHARLESTON. .a'A'lL, via. CLINTON ami WARSAW, arrives on TuesJay, Thursday, and Sat'dayr' at about 4 ' a. m., and departs on Sunday, Tuksday and Thurs day, atC o'clock, p. m. . . The LAURENCEVILLE MAIL arrive s by 5 o'clock oft Tuesday eVBnang,is closed and departs at 6 o'c1ockort Wealnesafa y mornirii'. The NjORTIIEUN MAIL arrives daily by 3 oVlock i n the. tnornirj", is closed at 5, atd depaits daily at 6 o arfnek jn the even in jr The SOUTHERN -JUiflta arrrves rTa by 5 o!clatk in the afstu'rioon, t closed at 3,- and departs daily at 4 ee'aak in Ue morning. pa " ' l i ' " a "(' ouerajd i ctMjnayjn regular strccesin., it jsivjoea ... "v or"etart. nuffoct" aod moderd:, which niay ljcwti- !T . , 1 . 1 i! '1 DROWN M, ' "The headway to gtjt nt" uf the trsuUerorntTr visitors, me ntes, is to tin n glass tumbler about two-thirds full cPsusp suds, over Which. place cr ust of corn Brea!, "the leside plas- lered -wrtu hooey or fnotasii with a b6le in the middle big enough for Itw fiuger to pass. Set Ihe tmnhlcr or tdmblers thusurrparett, in ' Hght placa,and you-U send a great- Biimhat to their lotiff honre t a .sh5rt linfe. Belter. burn Ihose drowjied, br they' miiht come tr life ngainx ns Ihey wruki be-veryliki1y to do Farmers1 Jtdrbcme. There is a geulrfenian iu'TJoslou so feTuJer- hcnrled, that ho tefuseo totatXw milk. becnue1 hederxives tho innocent calves of it. fZx. It hows that be entertains his.h rcnrd for his brethren, arall events. ,V. O. PV. Anal you dain't appear to thank hint for bis onsidci ut foil. Spirit of the Hge. v The 0de! Time When (he slamn' act' was repealed, lir. Franklin, who fvas Ihen iu ner aiiOftlcKetliaii, ' IAGB MAKERS. rediicru . a. itinirs. We warrant our work, Us nsuaj, for one year. tCj RP"nieiUy executed at short nf, anal at redtU-'ed pfiees. I afi I I Va May 20, I84X SUMMER BONNETS. JWSTrelva byfl,Jaitatriva, - f 'ricCeVB0ETS'--Tnse nrii ol cneap tsonnetfi e.. h,, . ciiir , iJiiin-r wm pia-ase call attliaStSff.oT, , , C.A.BR-OWN. - Fayen3yiiie, June 31, 1813. G-v. 3V?? " fT f fresh LEMONS. 8"Pf;ly of Candy and Su-ar Plums ofall F sale at P, iorV ot, , T June uii. 226-y. , . . C. A. B. has resulted rather cnrmj5.ry, as -ATtf ' he seen by tae annexed advertisement, which we find iu the Clearfield (P.) Banner r To those concerned Whereas Martha Stage, of Cur wensville, claims, to have been married to' Ihe undersigued ou 'J'hursday evening, the 25th of May last, and may desire to pass her self us my wife the public are herpby ih-j formed, ibat T never was married1 to the saicf Martha Stage, ner is she my wife. The facts' are, that on the night ofthe review, she anil' myself by accideW, Iwpened at a taier'n a mong a t-ornpa lijr of ybting- rjeop'le' wur were' amusing theniselvas ,-tiaj lor the sport of tho company, and vabeut. any serious- Mrtnfioa iiher oi hef;ruFt' f eu miner-a' rdBrriage acercmony a sakl, wKricH F haye siaate beeir informed, she lutendu t regard as. JegaWetid" binding, aud hk-r she di& nbt 5' regard nt that time,' as f .ran provti" 6atisfaefort1y f theretbre "caul ion- all persons aga i nst tarust ing hertni my account, or with a bope.of afraking ic resuonsiSie lor atry of her debts,-abc is nt any viltv ad I will neVer' pay- one cent of debt utlier coiiiracljng". . . . . , ; MOSES WISE. IENTAt. Skli.. -A getitJernan residiug1 m Cinciiiriati, who had iosV by di-sease and it surgical brrt.-raiioii a'piuf of his palate bone.' th entire left , cheek bone, and a portion of the rower rate of the left eye thus deprived r t. j. .f -e i. J .Lii-' ai'v ri . . I speet n, auo so artiorrneu mat nis irrenaa ouW -stcarcdly recogrjise him has been for tunately relieved by Lr. Cratiie, oK Ciucibuatll Thfs skilfail denlist.tDok but a single cast of tiie rrlooihi and mtT few days he inserted a' pn!a1ex a j-iib-strtrile tor ihrj checft hone, and London, wrote lw bis wife mi 1'hrladeluhia. sending her nt rhe same" time a new dress. In bis leftef be sat-sf- " " "As the stamp net is at length fepenre'd, 1 am Wllliti" vcu shotibr hnre a new jitviii. which you may suppose 1 did tOVseulrpT!bajl. air er, as I knew you would najt Hke to lm finer Jj, as crenf (nan your neighoors, unrtss mi a gown en yorir ajwrt spinnirig. Find the trade between 'tho two countries' totally ceased' it was a cdrnfort fo mo'lo recollect flint I bad once been cloth ed from head to foot in woolen and lineu of wire's nutntrntcturc ; that I Was ngver one complete half of the upper tcclh, with an ftttilMMat -gumi, so perieciiy adapted, and iff such perfert uiiitiu With the natural -teeth op poif, that the decept rim" cannot bc deteeled. f&a couftpietcJy sui-cessful was rrie whole per- HMiiiHwJ4.inr HvuiiHgliu, V1U3 gwmiaBlllwiv HV Kpeak as conrecuy, and iib as great ease as Jm ever could; atid tho' defajrfnity of his tiee is entirely renrrovedt These liacrs are stated by Mr 'McGilligu'ri' himserTitr a felrer edrlrtissed ro the editors of the Cincinnati Gazcita.'Penhslvaiuan. my praiiider of fHiy ilre. in my Tife, ntial that she and her daughters ' might do k ngaiirj if ne cessaiy." " Ti-ASTtc Operation. An operation for the formation of a Hew eye-lid was recdiily pot formed iu Vpper Freehold, Monmouth co., by Dr. AVm A . NeXved, f linlaystowii. Tlio rooteiisil ,frorn which it was litfrnred was cul Trorn trie cheek of the paticut, who bad suf fered much pain and inconvenience for 14 yerars, from co'ntinual exposure, "ofthe eye to light awd the" atmosphere. The ripoalion was o TfsirccessuKvs to leave scarcely a ves tige of ihe unsightly deformity. -JHofimoutfi tW J. Enquirer. impw DisEASE.-The Bairhiwe Re-1 publican states that a-dreadful diselfee, eafl! Ltf-e can t come tr, ' nas uroKe ont in me poor whig"ranks, and that large doses ot Clayflave been administered-, but the patients- gtoW worse "daily. It is thought to be iiicuiabrc. lioisTEROos. Prechinc.-A" celebratett divine, who nns rcmaikable in the first' pe riod of bis nitn'&i'ry foi" a fctid artd boisterous mode of p each in jf, suddenly -changed4 hi whole raauner iu the pulpil, and ndopted a mild' and tjispnvsioHato nodo a&f delivery. One of his bietbreM observitig it. inquired of bun wHaf had induced birr) to make tho- changed He a-tisweVat, "wbenI tiaS young. I thought H was the 1 no truer mat killed (lie people ; but wlieil I grew Wi;fer, f discovered ihbt'it was llie lighfuing mo I determined to thunder hessud lightning more iu filiate.'' his a pity alf preaiheis bad not- made tho same dcovwy. - r Btnr-STREET BaN-MoT. :A lady wenl into the Pel ice Oflicc. Bow Street, aod in quired the rice of some lur and sHk articlo. fTownaend-quizzingly "replied, "Oh, maam,' we're all fair and above Doara we ve nr cloaks here." I really thought that ibis was ihe eclebrated pelisse office. " . 1 ' .ft i .... i V