NORTH-CAROEINIAN. Wm. H. Iiiwrie Editor and Proprietor. tl YET TB YIL.L.E : " Saturday Morning, August IP. 184' FOR PRESIDENT, James K. Polk, OF TENNESSEE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, - George M. Dallas, OF PENNSYLVANIA. MARKET. Business bas been as usual for Ibis season during the week, and we have no change of importance to make. We heard of a sale of cotton from second h nds at 7 cents, but 61 is about the standing price. Our quotation for corn is full high. Wool has advanced 1 cent, and lard a half. WHO TAKES IT ? The North Caro linian may be had from this time till the first of December next for SO cents. Now Jet's see what the democrats can do in the way of exteudiug a democratic paper's circu lation. A little exeition would procuie 100 iu any coiiuty. It is cheap enough. NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION. We have received returns from 61 counties, which give Graham 36,690 and Hoke 33,646, being a mnjoiity, so far, iu favor of Air Gra ham, of 3U44. ' . The counties to be heard from are, Ashe, Caldwell, Cherokee, Currituck, Cluavelaud, Gates, Hyde, Henderson, Catawba, Mcr,u, and Tyrrcl, and Yaucy ; which counties gave Morehead, iu 1840, a majority of 670; and in '42 gave a maj. for Morehead, of 134. 1942. Morehead. Henry 1844. Graham. Hoke. Anson, A she. Dlaltn, Brunswick, Ber!i. Buncombef and Henderson, Beaiitort, bti.keT&part ii niKiir 11 n n 1 1 Km rtl .... ... . 'neruker. thallium, -jtiilumbu', L'asw ell. E.aven, Currituck, . . Ftt pt.TOt jru -t atleuvelnnd, Camden, n.:.l .Uplir), I fFrankli:i, : j Greene, ; 1 Granvi le, : I Gafs, 1 ieriford, Halifax. Hsy wood, Hvde, Ir. dell, I Johnslo i. I -, Lenoir, I Lincoln, I Moore. IMeckli-nbur?, I Munt;:micry, iMartin, tvl.iCon, LNash, Vew Hanover. Northampton, Jnslow, Orange, i asquotank, Person, 'lit. "Purquimons, ilockinjfliam, Hutherford, R.ichimnrl, ftubeson, kanoVph, iowan, Slanly, ' btokes, sorry, Sampson, rvrrcll, ' Warren, avne, Vashington, " 995 372 1073 5UG 473 527 3.JI 43 271 499 233 3--J9 335 311 4J0 474 5o7 4(j9 1450 493 875 496 750 593 832 4S3 1514 399 604, 191 558 6SC 603 1070 61 j 3i.'2 759 477 363 M3 993 7u7 1153 794 1-29 351 ISO 342 244 1109 277 Ji83 243 221 331 201 549 656 630 612 73 367 233 34 2 140 m. 324 353 453 77 17 91 505 354 1220 434 911 653 1S2 801 251 878 74 1135 118 1410 353 646 361 7i0 1615 .418 1920 463 274 193 250 204 901 858 976 935 313 427 292 231 80 m. 567 419 569 373 465 216 365 327 332 16 t 1473 252 1527 379 557 530 63 585 213 12S 195 153 216 377 193 36 673 1579 911 1728 521 5U4 534 513 764 1132 8i8 1242 1 16 165 536 81 22G 577 316 523 424 160 80 763 7i( 796 201 835 233 1101 512 430 154 m. 187 531 183 553 1576 1472 1761 1555 631 144 593 177 310 545 287 622 572 " 379 GD7 441 353 94 366. 217 333 954 449 9S1 1366 173 1402 435 655 92 687 113 534 557 553 589 1154 309 108) 3l8 1130 914 809 736 536 I l-7 1129 1180 1105 1165 984 950 9 m. 385 63 458 732 283 1 06 113 730 127 716 953 1185 1073 1271 216 630 216 846 1333 109 1323 167 364 53 237 m. 292 493 LEGISLATURE. Anson. Senate, Philip G. Smith, 373, D. D. Daniel, 262 ; Terry, dem, 195. Com mons, Trull, 917, WaddiTl 789, Hargrove, 733. All whigs. Smith, Trull, and Waddill elected. For Sheriff", G D Boggari, 6 1 0 ; Y H Allen, 506.. Brunstcick. Commons, Col II W Wal ters, whig, 350, A Bryan, dem, 306. Mr U'oodson elected Sheriff Beaufort. Commons, Hon Edw Stanly, S71, Grist, 31, Williams, dem., 539. Stan ly and Grist elected ; both whigs. Mr Elli son elected Sheriff! Beaufort and Hyde Senatorial District. Mr Tayloe, whig, elected without opposition. Bladen. Commons, Dr Hemnn H Rob inson, 451, Andres, 285. G W Mel- 39,586 34,994 36,690 Graham's majority, 3044. 33,646 Includes the vote of Anson aud the pstt Union which has been taken from it. t I he vote of Buijcoiiiba and Henderson. his vear thev vntc spiwniolu t The vote of Burke and nart of Caldwell. kmibincd in 1840 and '42 ; this year Mc- weii county voted to itself il Montgomery aud Slanlv combined in P40 and '42 ; this year they vote separately. S i no vole ot Kowan aud Davie combined 1 1840 and'42; this year they voted separately. We cannot but rejoico at this result. AI- 0"gh we have not elected our candidate, we ve so far reduced the whig majority, that ky have nothing to brag of. And as for the enable loss of the Legislature, the democrats erved the loss of power there, for ihey lid t know how to use it when they had it in And we are so well pleased with our candi te and the manly fight he has given his op nent, that we hereby nominate Col, Heke the democratic candidate for 1846. What y you democrats ? St5 Four bales of coltnn of tha new rrnn M received at New Orleans on the 23d of too?s and lbe feat bale at Augusta on viu elected Sheriff. Bladen, Columbus, and Brunswick Sena torial District. Robt, Melvin, dem., elected over .J I MeDugald, - whig. We have only the vote of Bladen and Brunswick, which gave Melvin 494, McDagald 407. . Bertie. Senate, Lewis Thompson, whig, by 62 votes over Mitchell, dem. Commons, Cherry and Bond, whigs, elec led over Ravner and Pugb, democrats. Buncombe. Commons, Fagg aud Thrash, whigs elected. " Burke. Senate, Gaither, whig, no opposi tion. Commons, Caldwell an J Burgia, both whigs, elected. Avery, dem, defeated. Cumberland. Senate, Dr Thos N Came ron, dem., 619, David McNeill, whig, 343. Commons, Duncan Shaw, dem, 9S2 ; lienj F Atkins, dem, 902 Wm I) Harrington, dem, 257; Wm McMillan, whig, '619; John Winslow, whig, SI ; James llollings- woith, whig, 101 ; Cant R McRae, 24; Dr J. W. Mclvav, whi;, 106. Messrs Came ron, Shaw, and Atkins elected. Alexander JohiiKon re-elected Sheriff. Chatham. Senate, Win Albright, whig, 573, Win Foshee, dem, 424. Commons, Hackney, whig, 1155, Haughton, whig, 1121, Guthrie, whig, 10S4. R C Cotten, dem, S93, J J Jackson, dem, S'50, O L Burrh, dem, 767. Messrs Albright, Hackuey, Haughton and Guthrie, whi, elected. John llarmun elected Sheriff. Casicell. Senate, L A Gwinn. Com mon.8, Culvin Graves and Levi Walker; all democrats. Jrio K Brooks. ShetilT. Columbus. -Common, Nathan L William son, dem., 342 ; W M Baldwin, "why, 207. Sheriff, Joshua Williamson, dem, 310; Miiuls ty, whig, 202. Currituck. Commons, Jno B Jones, dem., elected without opposition. Caldwell. Commons, Win Dickson, whig elected. Camden. Common?, a whig elected. Davie. Commons, Miller, whig, elected Craven. Senate, Pasteur, dem, elected over liutney, whig, by 16 mnj. Commons, Washiugtuu and Prentiss, whigs, elected. Carteret. Commons, Whi'ehurst, whig, elected over Marshall, dem. over Clement, dem. Rowan nod Davie Senatorial District, elected Boyden, whig, over Carter, dem. Duplin. Senate, Jai K Hill elected over Oweo Swindon, both democrats, bv 159 mHj. Commons, Dr J G Dickson and I B Kelly, dem. Davidson. Senate, A Ilargrave, whig, no opposition. Commons, Payne and Bnnnmcls, whig, over S Hargrave and WnrP Richards, liems. Edgecombe Senate, Gen L D Wilson, dem. Commons, Joshua Barnes aud li R Bridges, dem; no opposition. Petway, Sheriff. Franklin. Senate, Win A Jeffries, dem., elected over Pearce, whijj, by 149 maj. Com mon?, Collins aud Martin, dem, elected. Go-tin Perry elected Sheriff. Guilford Senate, Linsay, whig, uo op position. Commons, Doak, McLean, and Smith, whigs, elected. Granville. Senate, Geo C Eaton, dem, elected over J Bullock, whig. Commons, Bullock aud Stone, dem, aud Lilllejohn, whig, elected. Greene. Commons, Jas Harper, whig. Gates. Commons, R Gathiug, dem. (fates and Chowau Senatorial District. W Stalling, dem-, elected. Hertford. Commons, R G Cdwper, whig, elected by 28 votes over G C Moore, dem.; Jacob Sharp, whig, over Britt, dem., by 86. Halifax. Senate, Joyner, whig, elected over Whitaker, dem. Common", Gee and Moore, whig, elected over Ptirrell Si Savage. Hayvcood. Commons, Keener, whig, elected over Edrnoiidsxni, dem. Haywood, Macou, & Cherokee Senatorial District. M Francis, whig, elected by 24 majority. Iredell. Senate, Bogle. Commons, Reid, Emmersou, and George ; all whigs. - Jones. Senate, Hellen, whig, elected over Cox. dem. Commons, Foy, whig, over Fds cue, dem. Johnston. Senate, Sanders, whig, elected over Tomlinson, dem, by 49 maj. Commons, Adams, whig, and Richardson, dem, elected. Lincoln. Senate, Stowe.- Commons, White, Wilson, Reiuhardl, and Rankin, all democrats, elected.- ' Lenoir. Senate, E G Speight, dem, elect ed. Commons, Jesse Jackson, dem. R W King, Sheriff. Mecklenburg. Senate, J Walker, dem., by 153 majority, over D M Lee, whig. Com mons, Lenimous, J A Dunn, aud J Kirk, all democrats. Martin. Senate, Asa Biggs, dem, elected over JesseCooper, dem, and Williams, whig. Commons, Woodward, dem, elected over Roebuck, dem, and Ellison, whig. Moore. Commons, Donald Stfeet, whig, 601; Wm D Harrington, dem, 504. Win Wadsworth, Sheriff. Moore and Montgomery Senatorial Dis trict elected Jonathan M Worth, whig, over Col Neill Nicholson, dem.. Montgomery Commons, Cochran, hig, eloeted over Bruton, whig, by 197 maj. Northampton. Senate, J" M Moody. Commons, Barnes and Odom; all whigs. JVeu Hanover. Senate, Owen Holmes, dem, 515 Hall, whig, 61. Commons, Jere miah Nixon, dem, 1078 ; Mclntyre, -lem, 1034 ; McRae, whig, 293 ; nnd McRee, w., 281. Owen Fennel elected Sheriff. wVai. Senate, Dr J H Drake, democrat. Commons, W D Harrison, dem, no opposi tion. Thos Cooper, Sheriff. Orong-e. Senate, Waddell, whig, elected over Bracken, dem, by 84 maj. - Commons, Leathern, Mebane, Pratt, and raueett, whigs, elected over Smith, Patterson, TabscoU, aud i f arish, (Ibois. Turrentine elected Sheriff. . Onsloio. Senate, lhos Ennelt. Com mons, Edward W Saunders, both democrats ; no opposition. t ' '. . , Person. Senate, Hester, dem, elected over Holleman, whig. " Commons, Cunning ham, dem, elected over Satterfield, dem.' i tit. Senate, J S Foreman. Commons, S H F Harris and C Perkins, all whigs. Perquimans. Whig erected to Commons Pasquotank. Commons, J C B Ehriuir- haus, whig. Senatorial Distiict of Pasquo'- tauk and Perquinions, elected Wm B Shepard, whig, over Granbury, dem. Richmond. Commons, McNair, whig,' 227, Isaac Dockery, whig, .216, H Legrand, 203, S M Ingram, S9. J C Knight Sheriff. All whigs. McNair and Dockery elected. Robeson and Richmond Senatorial Dis trict. Genk Dockery, whig, elected over Mr Thompson, dem. Rutierford. Senate, Thos Jefferson. Coinnious, Mills and Davis ; all whigs. . Robeson. Senate, Thompson, dem, 316, Dockery. whig, 419. Commons, Col Neill Regan, 624, McNeiil, derri, 59"2 ; Graham, whig, 575, Sinclair, whig, 649. Jno A Row land, whig, sheriff, over Col Watson, by' 172 majority. Rotean. Commons, Loid, whig, and. El lis, dem., elected over Carr, dem, and Holds houser, whig. Loog, Sheriff, Rockingham. Senate, Geo D Boyden, dem., no opposition. Commons, Col P Scales, and Dr R P Williamson, dems. S C Edwards, Sheriff", Sampson. Senate, Gnviu, dem, 371, Draughon, whig, 117. Commons, Beamnn, dem, 753, Murphy, dem, 710 , Carr, whig, 495, Williams, whig, 45. All democrats elected. A mon Chesnut elected Sheriff. Stanly. Commons, Locke 256 ; Parker 171 ; all whigs. Cabarrus and Stanly Senatorial Distiict. Pharr elected over Meli-hor; both whigs. Stokes. Senate. Jno Reich, dem, elected over Dr Withers. Commons, Jno F ' Poin dexler, R DGolding, whig", and W A Mitch ell, dem, elected over Jacob Shultz, Washing' ton Payne, dems, aud W Walker, whig. G G H ill, Sheriff. Wake. Senate, Mr Thompson, dem., elec ted over Manly, 177 maj. Commons, Messrs Shepard, Wilder, and Mangum, dents., elect' ed. Mr Edwards elected Sheriff. Warren. Senate, Hon W N Edwards, dem. Commons, Jno F Hawkins aud A F Brame, dems , elected. No opposition. IVaynt. Senute, John E.vim. no opposi tiou." Commuis, C II Brogden and E uarnes, elected all democrats. Mr Loor is elected Sheriff. Yancy. Repoited that Fleming, dem, is elected to Commons. Buncombe, Henderson, and Yancy Sena torial District WoodSn, whig is elected over W eaver, dem. WHIG GAINS. In the Senate. Bertie 1 Johnston Orange 1 Sony & Ashe 1 Noithampton 1 In the Commons. Brunswick; 1 Chowan 1 Bertie 2 Beaufort 1 Washington 1 Bmke 1 Chatham 1 Johnston 1 Northampton 1 Hertford 1 Orange 3 Buncombe 1 Stokes 2 Carteret 1 Sorry 2 Hyde 1 Moore 1 Craven 2 Ashe 1 DEMOCRATIC GAINS. In the Commons. Franklin 1 Rowan 1 The above table shews that the whigs have, so far, a majority iu the House of fourteen, and a tie iu the Senate. They claim more, but we do not rely upon their information, aud prefer lo wait. ' ..,' The Senate is composed of 50 members, and the House" of Commons of 120 members. 1'he democratic majority in the last Legisla ture was 10 in the Senate and 14 in the House, which latter, we believe was by some occurrence increased to 16 iu the House, making 26 on joint ballot. fr The Register of Friday morning says that tho whigs will have 32 on joiut ballot , -but no one can m.ike it more than 16! ac cording to the Register's own figures! to wit: In the Senate, 26 whigs 24 democrats. I u the House, 67 " fi3 93 . 77 Oat of the above figures the Register says there w ill be 32 whig majority ; but its only 16. FIRE! A small untenanted hous', belonging to Mf John W.Howell, was burned to the ground on this (Saturday) morning, about four o'clock. There is no doubt that it was set on fire, but we have not heard who is suspected. Not one of the engines started for the fire.- FRAUDS. A whig paper called the! 'Buckeye Sentinel," daled July 16, 1844, published three columns of namesyand a great glariug head, "800 renunciations of tocofoco- ism," &c., and - went on to name the States iu which these 800 live. . The Boston Post happened to receive one of the above papers from Ohio, and has exposed the trick, so- far as Massachusetts is concerned. The Post says thai in the first place there is no such paper irr Massachusetts as the one from which it is pretended these changes are taken ; and next, that the 17" democratic members of the last Legislature who it is pretended has left tocofocoism, are the firmest democrats in the Slate. . Now if the statement as to Massachusetts is entirely destitute of tiuth, it is more than probable the whole S00 is a fabrication. It is a great pity that men should be so unprinci pled as to practice such contemptible tricks. K,The Suo, a little daily, published at Savannah, Ga., and edited by G R Lilli bridge, Esq.. is the only one who has had the temerity to inc ur the penalty which we de clared would await any one who said " ram's horns" lo us after we received that " Polk stick;" namely, a knock down. ' We make it a rule never to hector over lit tle folk:;, therefore, Mr Sun, "your siie pro jects you," as the little fellow said to the giant, who had iuswlitd him.' . tj- We be" those gentlemen who have for warded us election teturns, to accept our warm thanks for their attention. Several complete tables received from counties where this paper circulates, we should be glad to publish, but our supply of types fur tables is insufficient ; which latter We hope to remedy before we are much older. A letter from Wadesboro', daled August 2, says : - ; " ' " A man by the narno of Reuben Uildreth was attacked near his house last night while on his way home, and was desperately cut with a knife, until it is said there is no chance whatever for his recovery. The person sus pected haa been' sent for, but the Sheriff has not yet returned. There , has been several cases ot stabbing, but none more seriou3. None of the cases resulting, however, from he excitement from the election;" Dr. Audrows, of Wnyne, who was running for the Commons against Mr E Barnes, both democrats, was defeated by the casting vote of the Sheriff of the county ! TOO BAD. A fiiend who is one of the craft, writing from Washington city, informs us, that at the whig printing -office where he was employed, there were printed fur gratuit ous circulation, 53.000 copies of a' speech, purporting to have been delivered by J. J. Hardin, in the House of Representatives, abusive oflhepritaU as well as public charac ter of Mr Van Buren, (a second Ogle affair, we suppose) which, sincn the nomination of Polk and Dallas, have all been suppressed ; a dead loss. - This is a truth for which we can vouch, knowing the character of our author. Aud such was the stuff with which those vile political murderers of private character were going to electioneer against Mr Van Buren. We thnnk beaten that they were disappointed iu their prey. POLK AND DALLAS ENTHUSIASM. Extract of a letter lo the editor, from one of the enthusiastic thousands who celebrated the 4th at Shuter's Hill, near Alexandria : " About 8 o'clock we were all assembled in fine.order, well trimmed from top to toe, and drawn up in pleudid order, of procession for a trip t.i Shuter's Hill, Alexandria. We start ed with about 1200 of the ' bone and sinew " of the City alone, and about as many more from Georgetown and tho neighboring coun ties. of Maryland. Arriving at the steamboat wharf, there was a geoeral panic of surprise nt tho unprecedented collection of Old aud Young Hickories there assembled. Tho ball gathered as it roiled from the Globe office to the wharf. There were too large steamers chartered for the occasion ; and there could not have been less than a thousand who h-id to go by way of the turnpike to the place of meeting, owing to the immense nouy tnat crowded ihe decks of the steamers. We start ed from the wharf with the characteristic en thusiasm of all good democrats, with on ex cellent band of music melodiously sending forth our national airs, iu a spirit of true and heartfelt patriotism. Every man appeared to be infested with the spirit of their forefathers on this occasion. We arrived at Alexandria about 1 1 o'clock, A. M.. where we were wel comed by the most enthusiastic cheers that ever echoed along the banks of the majestic Potomac. A splendid company of Cavalry from Fairfax were awaiting our arrival as an escort to our head-quarters foi the day. Pass ing through the principal streets of the town, we were greeted on all sides by the ladies, (who, by way of coutrast, in 1S40, held out long black mourning rags,) waving their white siguals duriug ths continuance of the proces sion. After proceeding about oue mile be yond the town, we came to Shuter's Hill, the most delightful spot t ever visited. Hero was a splendid collation served up for the compmiy present. Having taken a piominent position, I was enabled lo make observations of every thing around. We had on the summit of the bill about 600 ladies, prrncipnl!y from Alex andria, who, during the ceremonfes, kept their white handkerchiefs waving in tokeu of admi ration of our proceedings. I believe it was the first assemblage of ladies at any democrat ic meeting ever held in tho District. Now for the slump. Our first mitn ws Jas. S. Hoban, esq.' He slatted with the his tory of the Great Western Coon, i. e., Henry Clay, and wound up with the great whig for tressthe U..S. Bank. I have never listen ed to such eloquence, such' unanswerable ar gument, as vas brought forward by him on this occasion. He Was foHowed ' by Mr Payne, of Alabama, as pare n democrat as ever pulled in the traces, he Was listened to by the crowd for more tfiau hour, during which time the most deafening peats of applause reverberated throughout the mighty mass theie assembled. He promised an overwhelming majority for Polk and Dallas im Alabama. Next came General Dawson, a nonpareil at slump speaking, who, after touching on some interesting political topics, delivered one - of Ihe best orations (suitable to the day) that I ever listened to. George B. Wallis also ad dressed the meeting for about twenty minutes iu his own original style, and drew from the crowd a well-merited applause. I must draw to a close, after informing you that every day brings fresh converts to the cause of Polk and Dallas in the disfranchised portion- of this free Republic CALUMNIES.- Under the head of cal umnies refuted," the Pennsylvauian publishes au article from the Ohio Statesman, which shews, as we exnected coukL ha ln iUi the charge brought against Mr Polk, by the Whig papers, of votiug against the Pension bills, is the mere work of malice. The Ohio Statesman has overhauled the printed Journals of the House, and show that Mr Polk voted in April, 1S26, against postponing (which would hsvo been tantamount to defeating) a pension bill ; on 1st May, 1826, he voted for a good amendment to the hill ; on the 2d May, 1826, he voted against layiug it on the table. In January, 1827, he Voted against laying on the table the bill for the relief of the surviving officers of the army of the Revolu tion ; and also voted agaiust postponing the bill to a distant day. In February, 1S29, he again voted tor a bill to amend an existing act. . On the 28th February, 1S29, bo voied for the bill pensioning the wife of the gallanj Commodore Decatur. In 1 532, be voted to grant pensions to those who defended our frontiers in the ludiau wars, from 76 to the treaty -of Greenville in '95. In tho same year he voted for a supplementary net to one of the above bills. We think the above is enough to satisfy any man that Mr Polk is not opposed lo re warding the old soldiers of liberty for (heir hard services. While it may be that he has voted against some propositions as charged, yet it is unfair to argue from lhat, that he opposed every'hin.r of the kind. " For a man may be an enthusiast in favor of a certaiu measure, aud yet vote against certain modes or forms of accom plishing that measure. Aud as we mentioned some weeks ago, we have no doubt that if Mr Polk ever voted agaiust any propositions of the sort, il was for reasons that would be satis factory lo any sensible man. Indeed, the above recital of a number of his votes is sufficient to prove that it is but calumny to attempt to make him out opposed to the pension bills, fr- Would it be too much to ask those who have published him as voting against those bills to refer also, to the above that he voted for? They will never take lhat trouble to be just, we fear. : ALSO Mr Polk has beei charged with hard heariedness W refusing1 to vote for a pro position, giving to the poor of Georgetown, D. C, 30 cords of the public wood from the Capitol. Mr Blair of South Carolina moved to amend that motion by making it read so as to authori2e the Sergeant-at-arms to deduct one day's pay from each member to be used for tbe purchase of wood lor the poor. But the previous question was called which, cut off Mr Blair's proposition, and the majority of the House voted away the public wood, instead of taking the money from their own pockets. Mr Polk submitted a few remarks (as reported in Gales & Seatoa's Register of debates) ex olainiog lhat he was unwilling to sauction such a precedent ; but that " he would vole for Mr Blair's amendment with the greatest pleasure." This shews how- badly off are his opponents to find something against him. While Mr Clay's public and private acts are assailable at every pniut, Mr Polk is in vulnerable. The friends of Governor Dorr in Rhode Island are bestirring themselves : holding meetings, and passing resolutions of indigrJa tion at the high handed measures of the char ier party. We should not be surprised if this imprisonment of Dorr for life, revolutionizes the State as regards political opinion. The Augusta Constitutionalist of Aug. 1st, contains t.vo communications severely rebuking three whig orators who made speeches in Augusta ou the 27th ult. " Mr Yeadon of the Charleston Courier was one; and it is said that his spoech, for vulgarity and obsccnily surpassed auyihing ever heard in Augusta foT many a day. vt are inclined lo bull eve lhat Mr Pit ;ii a. ih m November, what Col. lloka has lsftoftho whig majority., " - The Hon. Joel Holleman,'N"formeily member- of CoDgrcss fri.Rj the., Norfolk District: died at hi jesidenee in jSmilhfield, Va., oti. Thursday last, in the 37 th year of his age, of a chronic affection of the liver.' MARniEn. . In this vicimlv. on the 6th lnr k E-L...:-- Rae Mr Astlev A. People, formerly ofPitt comvty, to Harriet r, eldest daughter of Khoda, Buckiohain. In Orange county, on the 24th ult.,Revj-Willtaoi' C. Sutton to Miss Martha A. VVilso,n,-r Turnip Seed, f FtRST apAtlTY, for sale By - THUS. J. ANDERSON. August 10, 1345. FOREIGN NEWS. The steamer Cale donia arrived at Boston ou the 3d inst., in twelve days aud a half from Liverpool. Thero is nothing important' except that cotton has fallen' one-quarter of a penny. fr New sweet potatoes were in market from Robeson on Tuesday last. 70 cents per bushel. . ELECTOR. Wm. J. Alexander has been nominated as the democratic Elector for the Mecklenburg district. Tbe Observer announced with a flour ish on Wednesday last, that Mr Graham wss " triumphantly " elected. A" poor " triumph" we should say. He had better have exclaimed with a certain celebrated General, Another such victory, and we are undone. CHARLESTON. The market unusually dull ; 7 cts highest price now for cotton. 7500 busheU N. C. corn bronjsht from 46 to 53 cts. Bacon, for shoulders nnd sides 4 and 5 cts per lb. ..... "'Nathaniel" J. Palmer, of Miltou, in this State, hitherto a leading locofoco, has de nounced the party and come out in favor of Clay and Frelioghuysen." Observer. From what we can learn of Mr Palmer, you are welcome to all such " leading locofocoa.'" Just Received. By C. A. BROWJf. . M boxe- frsh Soda Crackers. Freirh Peart tiarlpy. Fresh Tomato -Catsup. Bordeaux Cor dials. Northern Beef Tongues. Prime Cheese,' A!ao, a fresh "supply of nuts of different sorts. Augi-st in, 181-1. , - 286 31.- BATTLE & BISHOP, WHOLESALE GROCERS,' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Receiving and Forwarding AGENTS WILMIJS'GTO.Y, A. C. -A. J. BATTLE, It. M. BISHOP, - - 285-3m. THE diosi valuable MEDICINES in the Unit ed States have just been received from the, North, and are now offerer), for Ihe first tiine, to the citizens ot'ihis Siae. They Consist -of THE BLACK (or Allebnsi'a) SAL.VE, ALLEBASI'S HEALTH PILLS, and ALLEBASrS POOR MAN'S PLASTER. . The SALVE is an invention of old Dr. Kiltride of Mass. It affects more cure , ami in a greater ' variety of cases, than any other Medicine w e evr knew-. It is a certain cu're.fbr, Fever Sores, Ul cers, Tueiors; .Abscesses, Eruptions, Felons, Sore Thrgat, Q.uinsey, Leals, Punctures, Burns, Sealds, Bruises, Rheumatism ihronic or inflammatory, Inflammations of evr.rf description, Swellings oC every kind, Dropsy; Scarlet Fever, and swelled nt-ck, &c. &.c. In some of ihesu complaints ALLE BASI'S HEALTfl PILLS should be used. A, pamphlet furnished by Ihe agents, will give full direction. THE PILLS possess many advantages over an v other Pills in usej for white thcy.are a thorough cathartic, mild in their operation, leaving the bow-, els in a strong, active, and healthy condition, they possess alterative virtues unsurpassrd by any me dicine we ever knew. .They collect all the impuri-. ties ot the system and discharge them fiom the body, lennsin the very, fountain cf life, end le novatinjj the whole svstem. Thev cure imtnediaet- ly ail complaints that have their oirgin in the stomach, such, as Bilious and Scarlet Fevers, Cholic, Pyspepsy, Fever ar-d Ag3", Headache, JDiztiness in the head, Jaundiie, .Worms, Cosrive uess. General Debility, Colds, Lung and Liver Complaints, &c. &c. For testimonials, get a pam phlet from the Agents see directions in pamphlet. - THE PLASTERS, only I ? cents, are warran ted superior to apy other Plasters in use. Im provements have been made in thrse Plasters which fcupply the deftct which judges notice in all . others. The immediate cj)ii:ort. and ultimata health they secure to those who use them, justifv us in sayin;, buy these Plasters for ali'pains an'd weaknesses in the back, bow els, side, chest, loins, muscles, Chrome Rheumatism, Luiis and Liver Complaints, coughs, colds, nervous sffYctinna, &c! &c. For certificates aud particular directions, see pamphlet furnished bv the A jrnts. JCj Lyman W. Gilbert, No. 214 Fulton street, N. Y., wholesale dealer iq Drugs, Medicine,' Paints, Oils, &c. &., is Proprietor of these Medi cines. ItZF- For sale by JNO. C. LATTA. J. H. HAWLEY. April, 131844. 268-lv. Arrivals &. Departures of the MAILS. Post Office. FayettevlUe, If. C. The LUMERTON MAIL arrives at 4 o'clock Sunday, Wednesday and evenings, isclosri and departs at 6 o'clock.Tuesday , Thursday au3 Saturday ni'ornings. The CAR PHAGE & SALISBURY MAIL ax nyes,at 5. P. M. on Wednesdays and Saturdays,' is closed and departs at 6 A. M. on Mondays and Thursdays. The ELIZABETHTOWN MAtL arrives by 8 o'clockon Sunday , Wednesday, ar.dFriday morn ings, is closed anddeparts at IU o'clock, on Mon-' day, Wednesday and Friday mornings . Th SOUTHERN MAIL arrives dailv bv t o'clock in the afternoon, and departf- daily at S o'clockin the morning. The WILMINGTON AND CHARLESTON MAIL, via. "WARSAW, and CLINTON arrives; on Tuesday .Thursday , and Sat'day, at about 4 a. m.,aixl departs en Sun day .Tuesday and Thurf -dav, at 6 o'clock, p. m. The L AURENCEVILLE MAIL arrives by ft o'clock on Tuesday even in g,i s closed and departs at 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning. The fiOKTHEKIS MA1U arrives da ily - (ex-. cept Mondavi by 5 o'clock in the morning, and departs daily (except Sunday ) at 3 o'clock in the evenins. . . . PRICES. CURRENT. Corrected weekly for the Jfortli Carolinian. PAYETTEVILI.E. , In or Jerto obviatea ny mistake, we stat f that I h pricesi n the tableshelow, are quoted, fojal,lprod' , rom he country , at the prices at which i t is sold wholesale from t he wagons. 6 , 1 Bacon, lb' 71 to 8 JLead. bar , Bale rope, Ih 8 Lard, lb 7t to' Brandv, peach, gar 42 I Molasses sal 30 Brandy, apple, "35 Nails, cut ' M 61' Beeswax,. - lb. 37 JOafs . 32 Candles, b 1 f !o I 5 Oil, linseed gal 85 Cotton', , lb 5J fo6j!Powder, keg 6 Cotton yarn, 16 to 17 Salt bush 45 to 50 Cotton bagging, yd 18 sack-2 00, Cffee, 9 Sugar, brown, 9 lo II, Corn, bush 55 lump 12 Copperas, lb 3f . loat .15 Flaxseed, bush 9'J 'Tallow , 7 lo 8 Fealhers, 3!1 Tea, per Ih 75 to I 95, Flour, bb! 4 50 to 4 75 ITobacco, leaf 2' Hides, green lb ,4 Wheat 80 do drv JO jWhiskey 24 to S71. 1 rnn ni rrn wide 6 Ryo 60 Butter, 15 Beeswax, 11 Brandy , app.le, 37 Codec, 8 Cotton ,per t b . - Flour,per bbK 4 7o Lime, bbl Molasses, Pitch, atStijls, Rnm, N. E. Sugar, brown, Rosin , - DO - . 25 . 1 121 . 30 8 "2 05 Bacon , , Beeswax , Coffee, Cotton, Corn, Flour CIIBHAW. - 7 Feathers, 25 Iron; 12 Molasses, 6 Nails, 40 an Sugar 4 00 " 37 y

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