Reproduced from poor material BEST COPT AVAILABLE u 3 "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND THS GLORT OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZEHS. I .. - jr ----- . BY W3I H BAYJfE RMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : .onum, fnj"aal lhe end of9j monlhs 3 00 r at the end of lhe year 3 50 I for he first, and thirty cent I,r aactl subsequent insertion. bf M "" " -ii i WmrrroA arcordln? vertiainff y we year , T P advertisements, &c. 35 per cent hither. Lv and rn.uaeipus, i D SUMMER GOODS, consisting of general Lrtm-ntof t SHOES AND GROCERIES. La we w.ll LI4tj!!e'0-8'rk1erJPinh. Vpril 6, J844. " ROBERT W. HARDIE, OKSELLER AND STATIONER, JVVIN'O located himself in FayeltcviU--, on it ,) ...,. V-mn Mr tia!c'8 Book w.l! keep constantly on hands general sa .'e it. .f Books and Stationery. He invites the lie to call and examine hi selections, whether -on of pmchasing o not. ,.m a Bookbinder, and provlJed with a complete r.fiools and apparatus, he is prepared Inesecute linds of binding, from the plainest lo the most . . . ri.:. r.n .;i;.n . 4 solid's le paironaae oi - Lit evil le nnd the surrounding country. bljf. 17. 1341. - WANTED. BUSHt-LS UP lmme- .lCF diately, for which a fair price will be W M.-.L. McKAY. irch 9, 1344. 263-tf. NEW r warding and Commission IT 0 IT S R i 11 J J u a BALL & HALL TTOJLD Inform the meichants of the interior V ik.r .- hiveln conn cliou with the cn- - ---j . . . . . r-. . 'rocery business, added that ol trie r crvtro- anJ hiving lare anrt c-imnioaiuus w are ... .,n hank of the River, are prepared to Iu. . n-t forward Goods UDOr. SUCll UlTlU Will all competition, our chaises and expenses be ne tliird less on the freight b.l!s than any other e in the plco. II Q tods rhip'd to ti. W. U.ivia ol umi l7 ihc interior, and not otherwise dirrctcd, wiil kind li our pjujeasion. fcg. 17, 1844. 874-lf. larness Making. le gubscriber has on band and for sale, atre l r.r-OJ i; aitnif hiraKU. aasorted. and a tew e trio'imins, &.C., low fur caah, or on juort I to punctual customers, a lit! barouche tens, and harness el all kinds ted. and carriages re-trimmed in beat style, rt notice, and at low prices. toAllordera will be promptly attended to, and rk done in the most tasteful and aatisfaclory er.or no charge made. M7.'44.-tf JAMES SUNDY. Just Received. By C. A. BROWN, )0 GOOD COCOANUTS. 24,1 S44. ONES & DUNN .KE fiis method Vt inform th-ir frienda and customers both in town and country, they hava inat received their stock tor the and Su n iter trade. As we have teiecu d io Ij fro n the boat and cheapest assortments m ir 4et. we f el confident we are enabled to fcntlre satinfacti n to those who will favor na heir custom, both in the price and quality ot bo N. Our stock consists in part ot a Cuba Coffee, Poito Rico, N. Of leans Coat Susir, Liverpool sack. Alum, Blown lahni Silt (inb"il.) W.urieans ana v ei Mo asgHS. 8wede, E-i'lih and Mountain English and American B!iter Stesl, Nails, loceih-r with a general assortment ef table ckct Cutlery, &c. &e. ALSO, led and u-iVeached Dom 'Sties ; Bed Tick rlmlin; M'ulin de Lams; Irih Linen; Al 1 Calicoes; Kentucky Jeana; Cotton and S Ik Is and Hanke; chiefs; Ribbons; tlala; Shoes; its. &c. &c. ,W IN STORE & FOR SALE bbls. prime Mullets, lbs. Western Bacon, lbs. prime Lard, (in small Firkins,) bushels clean Corn, do. Oats, do. Peas, t t I of whi.-h will be sold at the lowest mar ices for CASH, by JONES & DUNN, 17, 1 844 273-tf. Foot of Hay mount. ARDWARE STORE, Person Street, opposite the Bank, of Cape Fear. E Subscriber announces to the public in eneral, and to his Iriends and old customers color, that he is now opening an entiie new Stock of Goods, Consisting of Hardware and Cutlerj, Saddlers' Materials, rriage Makers' Materials, Carpenters lools, aints, Oil, and Groceries. kasmnch as quick sales are desirable, all may Ite with perfect confidence on getting good ne. JAMES BAKER, i 19, 1844. 868-tf. The Inclined Water Wheel. PATEni. 'MlttlS va' iiilun upplicutiuu -M. of water .ower, is now completed and in suc cessful operation at the Cool Spring Mills in tbi Towu. Tha invention was designed to save water in its operation, and thereby remedy tne dilticiilty now existing on account of its scarcity. This wheel wiil perlorni the san.e labor w ith lees thun half lhe water required to drive the tub-wheel, und if ap plied in place of the flutter-wheel the saving niual be still greater. 1 he number ol Mills (now in op eration by these wheelf) that become scarce of wa ter io the summer, is supposed to avera gr 80 or UU pr cent. Il tbi-se Mills can be succtesiully operat ed with even half the water now required, it is ob vious that the supply of water will be abundant. The Inclined W ater Wheel in its construction can be placed at any elevation to auit the condition of the pond, thereby securing a sufficient head above lhe wheel, which is important to all mills where the water is at any time liable to become scarce. In this particular the Inclini-d watr wheel bus a decid ed advantage above the Overshot, which requires a sufficient fall and constancy of water, and is also expensive in its construction: Whereas, lhe In. clined Water Wheel can be built at much less ex pense can be successfully applied to any mill or machinery that is propelled liv water, and will run well in back water. This Wheel is said to rank in power with a high breast wheel, anj can be geared with either Cos or bands, but tlio latter hein con sidered che. per and more durable, I h ive adopted them. Having obtained a Patent in December last, have abstained trom givin? publicity tothe inven tion, or offering to sell any Right's until oih- r. as well as myself, should become satisfied of its arivan taxes. I am now ready lo dispose of the right lo .isa said invention hy counties, districts and States as also single rights. .M ill wri?hr., Mill owners. and the public generally are luvited to call and ex amine the invention. The machinery, as represented in the plate above, can be made more simple, by which one halt ol tha expense ot construction Will be di minished, hut the amount of water saved will be less. I shall havnhoth modes f construction w ith a statement of materials for each, printed in hand hills, which I design for those who wish further in formation on the subject. JOHN T. OILMORE. Fayeitevilie.Oct SI. I843.--243-V. F R E S II C0NFECT10NARIES. JUST rt-ceived by the last arrival iVorn Xew York and Philadelphia, viz : PepperminlCandy, Lemon Candy, Sugar do Cream do Birch do Peppermint Barley, Hoarheund do Lemon Lumps. Peppi rmint Lumpa, Cornells aasorted Plums, Cornucopia s d x luros, ivissea with JVlottos, Fre:ich Jujube P.tsie, Ciunaoion Comtits, Sugar Almond, Red Kock Candy, Burnt do W hite do Large Plume, Yellow do Caraway assorted Plums.West India Preserves, Ciunamon Bar Candy , Essences, lur Cakes, Scotch Carvaya, Tamarinds, Peppermint Drops, Citron,' Suar Sand, aaa'd colors. Cordials, &c.,&Ct etc., tLSU Raisins, Currants, English Walnuts, Filberts Cbt-vtnust. soft shell Almonds, Butter Nu'S, Lem ob Syrup, Port Wine in hottl- s, Pepper Sane, Ca pers, Olives, Pickles by the gallon or jar. Mustard, aiweet Oil, Table Salt, soda, baiter and sugar Bis cuits, Cheese, New York dried Beef, ground Cin namon, Spice and Cloves, Nutmegs and A! ace. An assortment of Children's Willow Waggons, Cradles, and Chairs, together with a supply of French Baskets for La- A fresh supply ol German and French larj-e Dol heads, wax and commor., large and rmall Brass Cannons, Toy Guns and Swords, Whips, Drums, Flutes, &c, itc, &c, &c. NEW FANCY ARTICLES. Consisting in pari, viz: Hir, flesh, whisker, naf, tooth and shaving Brushes, Buflaloe and Imitation Riding, tuck, and aide Combs, Silver and G.nnan, silver Thimbles and Pencils, with a splendid cal ection of Glass Work and other articles too tedious to mention. PERFUMERIES. Military and Navy Shaving Soap, Wash Ball Soap, Cream, Bell, Rose and other scented Soaps, Macassor, Antique, and B ara Oil, Pomatom, flesh Puw-dcr, powder Boxes and Puffs, Otto of Roses, Preston Salts, assorted. Ladies' Fancy Smelling Bottles, Lip Salve, Court Plas'er, assorted colors. Cold Cream, Macnasor Cream, Bear Grease, willia general assortment of Extracts of Perfumery for Hankercluefs, Orange Water, and genuine t rencn and German Cologne Water. rXLXEXCXFS SZ.GAXIS Of choice Brands. "Reealias." "La Norma," and Ladies'Segars; Mrs Miller's Scotch and Macco- boySnuITiii bottles and bladders, uul and omoK- ing Tobacco, and a supply of fine and common German Pipee. MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING. SIX gross of the above article, very soperinr and cheap, 6 do.. Mason's Black and Blue Ink, as sorted sites. Fresh Oranges. C. A. BltOWN. Not. 9. 1843 240-y. IN SEASON. SALMON, Shsd, Mackerel, No. 1., Trimmed Herring, : Roe Herring, Shad Roe in pickle, j Venison Hams, Rock do. A few Barrels superior Apple Vinegar, with almost every article in theGrocery line. JAMES R. GEE. ALSO Best Chewing Tobaco, Common do . Smoking Tobacco, So off of all kinds all of which will be kept on hand until Polk and Dallas are elected Hoke too. J- R- G- Jan S9, 1844 S79-tf. FAYETTE VILLE, SATURDAY, a xinvj goods Just received from New York and Philadelphia, by WILLIAMS & LUTTERLOII, a general assortment ot merchandize, embracing al most every article in the Grocery.Dry Goods, Hard ware, Cutlery, and Crockery lines, to which public attention is invited. They flatter themselves that an examination of their slock wilt insure sales. Their terms are as heretofore. March S3, 1844. y. One Hundred Boxes of BAR SOAP. THE subscriber offers lor sale ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manuf.e. lured at the "Farettevillo N. C.l Candl. Factarv " and warranted equal if nut superior to Colgate's oesi ix o. i. Bei iff determined to devote all neceasarv siren. lion to lhe business, and uffrins-it at a reduced price, (5 cents a oiind bv the box,) he hopes to icceivo a aue snare oi pun lie paironage. All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May S4, 1841. 274-lf. iiB'tr o-oors. JOHN D.STARR HAS receiv-'d by the 1 ite arrivals fiotn New York, his slock ol S;ring eud Summer GOODS, Comprising a large and extensive assortment of Ory Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, .Shoes, Umbrellas. Parasols. Cotton and Wool Cards, w r iing and wrapping Paper, Coffee and sugar, Uruga and Medicines, ace. etc., we I worthy the attention of country Merchants which will be offjred at low prices for cash or country produce. JOHN V. SI AK.ll. April 20, 1844. 2G9 tf. Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fevers cured in one day by Dr. Champion's Vegetable A?n Medicine. Persons u ishico to purchase ill And the above valuable Medicine at J. H. HA WLEY'S Store, in Favetteville. ALSO, Dr. Champion's Ami-Billious, Anii Dispepnc rurifying and Cathartic PILLS-the b-at Hnli B ilious or purgative Pill now in use. Purely Vegetable. J. H. HAWLEY has also for sale all of Mr Thompson's valuable Medicines. J. H. U. has also a good stock ot Groceries of ail kinds. June S2, IS44. 278-y. HOUSE PAINTING AND C5LAZING. AXSOM BIRD wou'd inform the pub'ic that he is engaged in House Painting-,' and is prepared lo execute an v work in town or country entrusied to I. in, in plain or fancy colors, and all kinds of grain with neatness, durability and despatch ; and most respec'fnlly solicits a trial from all wishing work done in his line. When not engaged in the country he may be fvind on app'itarion at Messrs J H & J Marline's, Fayell-ville, N. C. tie takes the Ijber'y to refer to the following gentlemen for whom he has worker : Rev J B Buxton. Fayetteville. Wm H Wri-ht, E-q do. Daniel McDiurmiil, Cumberland county. Louis D Henry, E-q., Raleigh. DrH H Itobinson, E izuhethtown, Bladen co. Dr Wm L Andrews, Bladen Co. Thnmn Smith, Esq. do J Medley, Esq.. Anson co. Fayetteville. June I, 1844. S75-y o-soCTi-ias. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Hats, Shoes, Crockery and Hollow-Ware, Besides a General Assortment of 9 Ao.on? winch arc Pi'ot, Beaver, Doe Skin and Mole Hair Cloths; Cassio.eres; VustinF;Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans; Flannels; Blankets; s; Bomba zines; Alpacas; Merinos; Winter Shawls ; Fancv Prints; Uimilys; Jaconet, Swiss. Mull and Book Muslins, and Bishop i-awns ; White and colored Cambrics; Sheetings; Irish Linens ; Shirlinss; While and bl'k Hose and Half Hose ; Worsted, Elast jr and Cotton Suspenders; Sewiny, Spool and Flax Thread ; Coat Trimmings, &C&.C.; which 1 am determined to sell low to those who will favor me with a call. (Next door to E. Fuller.) D. McLAURIN. Oct. 2, 1843. 241-tf. AGENCY For the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores. HAVING located mys.-lf in Wilmington for he nurooaa of sel'ing Tl MBER LU.vlBER, TUKPENTINE, TAR., &c,I would say o the public, that nothing shall he wanting on my part to the &tmg ol enure aalisfaction. l taKe mis op portunity of acknowledging mv obligations Io those w ho have patronized mi, and nope to snare a por lion ol the business ot the public generally. STEWART PIPKIN. Wilmington, N.C., March 16, 1844. 264-ly. $25 REWARD. RAN A WAY from the Sub scriber, in the latter part of March last, a negro man named LAR RY, about thirty years of age. about five teit seven or ejghi inches high, tolerably black, and and will weigh about 140 oounds. He has a scar on the back of one i Uia Knt T mtrf-haaerl thn said bov from Havnea Richardson, formerly of Bla den county. I suppose ha is lurking about the neighborhood where he was raised. I will give the hove reward for the confinement of said negro ao that I can get him again. Any communication re specting him will be" thankfully received, tone ad dressed to me at Dumas' Stoer, Richmond county, N. C. H. B. BILLINGSBIE. July 5, 1844. ' 15 L A N It S. R. W. HARDIE Has just re- reived a supply ol BLANKS, mostly used by Clerks, Sheriffs, and Constat lee, printed on nna paper and well executed. SEPTEMBER 7, 1844. NEW SPRING GOODS. JAMES K1TJLE HAS just received by the late ar rivals from the North, a large as sortment of Among which are f ranch and English Lawns, Premium Prints, (new style.) Alpacas, colored and black. Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, Gimps and Fringes, assorted, Irish Linens, Lswns, and Diapers, Bobinet Laces and Edgings, Black and colored Lace Veils, Superfine Cloths and Cassimercs, Merino Clotb and Kentucky Jeans, Drab-be-te and French Bombazines, French and Irish Linen Drilling, 34 to 6 4 bleached and brown Domestics, Carpeting and Hearth Ru?s, Pennsylvania and other Jeans. With many ot her articles, comonsins a very large assortment ; all of which, being purchased by the Package for Cash.wi II be offered at very low prices for Cash, or on the usual time to punclnal cus tomers. V. arch S3, 1844. S85-). JUST rec-' assortment of SPRING AND SUMMEl GOODS, among which are Fine fancy stints and Lawns, Balzunnes, aid Balzarine Mualins and Prints, Muslin and Crape de Lames, Organzie Mislins and Ginghams. Bombazines, Alpaccss,' and Challeys, Black Gii:&hams and Lawns, Summer Clufhs and CassimTS, Gambroons, Drillings, and Linens, Rich Barragi and Filit Shawls, Silk Lice ani Filit Cardinals and Caries, Bogle Gimpi, Silk Fringe, and Gimp Trimmings Rich Camelitn Brocade Silks, Thread and G impure Lace and Edgings, Lisle Throad and Maclin Lace and Edgings, &c GROCERIES. 100 hags Rio, 10 hags old Java, 10 b igs Cuba. V Coffee. 15 bas Laquira, 3 l.i os Si Domingo, 10 hhds. Sujrsr, assorted. Loaf and Powdered Sugar, n hhdi. retailing Molasses, 150 bbls. New York (On-) Alum and aack Salt Green and black Teas, &c, &c For sale bv GEO. McNEILL. May 11,1844. 27z-y. Just Received : Clack and second mourning Balzotines, Do do Lawns and Muslins, Some very handsome new styled Prints, Plaid and Book Muslins and Caoibi Jcs, Paper Mualins and Cambiics, Black, blue, and while Crape Leisie, 6. 4 anl 4-4 black Crape, Crimped dimity Capes and Collars, Fine fancy dr ss caps and Capes, B ark and fancy entered Mitts, Ladies' black silk Umbrellas. ALSO, A few barrels Coffee Crushed Sugar; none such In town. Above, together with my stock on han 1, makes up a ?nnd assortment lor the retail trade, and will be sold at the lowest possible prices. C. CAISON. June 8, 1844. 276 tf. Turnip Seed, FIRST aUALITY, f r sale by THOS. J. ANDERSON. August 10, 1344. WOULD respectful ly inform tho citizens of Fayetteville a nd the public geneially, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by t,. J. Clark, on Gillespie r.Streef, 5 donrs South or the Market Square, where ho will r "manufacture and keen con startly on hand an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing lo purchase would do well to call and examine his stoc-K before nurchnsinr else where, as he is determined to sell as cheap as any other mnnutacturer in Ihblate. BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in th lis test style, and best manner. Also UU 1 1 iUUINU. Aug. 17, 1844. S61-y. NEW CHEAP GOODS. WILLIAM McINTYRE HAS received and now off -re for sale at reduced rates a new and choice assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS. Comprising Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, Baizorines, Muslins, Bombazines, Alpacca, L.uslres, lassi. meres, Summei Cloths, Pantaloon Stuffs, Vestings Elandkerclieifs, Cravats, Neck Stocks, Hosiery, Glovis, Ribbons, Threads, Bleached Shirtings, Irish Linens, Bed Ticks, Buckram, Canvass, c., in all their arious styl-. J1LSO- Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Parasols, Straw . Bonnets, Hats of every kind and color. Shoes, dressed and sole Leathei. Whitlemore Cotton and Wool Cards. GROCERIES. Imperial and Gunpowder Tea, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Spices, &c. HARDWARE, c. Pins, Needles, Fish Hooks, -Knivfs and Forks, Pens and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Buttons, Combs, Bar Iron, Cast Steel, Collins' Cast Steel Axes. 30 bbls. Mess Pork. 25,000 Principe Cigars. May 4, 1844. 27l-6m. BATTLE & BISHOP, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMlVflSSION MERCHANTS, Receiving and Forwarding AGENTS, WILMINGTON, .V. a A. J. BATTLE, V H. MV BISHOP, 380-301. SB BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR YOTJBTG LADIES. FAYETTEY1LLE. PlfTR & MRS HARDIN, desirous of maklns IvJL their School fully adequate lo the wants of mis commanity, and ot tnis section ct the Stale nave associated with tbemeelvf Mrs Mary P. Byrne, (a near relation of Mrs H..1 who has 'bad considerable experienoe in teaching, and will add much tothe general efficiency and usefulness of the Institution. The School Room will he in the build ings occupied by Mrs Byrne, who will be prepared, by the opening of the Winter Session, to accom modate a number of vouns ladies with hoard. These young ladies will bo tinder our joint care and supervision. It is requested that early application be made, by letter or otheiwlse, to the undersigned or Mrs Byrne, for those who are intended to be entered aa Boarders or day Scholars, in order that suitable preparations and accommodations may be provided in time. The Winter Session will commence on the 13th of October and end on the last of Fobruarv, with a recess during the Christmas holidays. Tbe sorinf session will commence on the 1st March, and ter minate on the 15th of July. By this arrangement it will be seen that the sessions are made about one week less than has been customary in this place, bnt it has been adopted by advice, as necessary to sustain such a School here as is proposed to be established, where families who do not remain in town all the year, removo into the country by the middle ot July, and do not think it sale I o return before the 15 th of October. Young ladies from a distance, whose friend may not wish to lake them home during the summer vacation, will be provid ed with board at our respective country residences, where the) can pass th-ir time pleasantly ar.d pro fitably, in a prescribed couiee of reading, lessons in music, &c TERMS s Board and Tuition in the Eog- iian, J3Q3 laj pr. session. French, 3 00 pr. quarter Music on the Piano, 8 00 Duto on the Guitar, 6 00 use ol riano, 1 60 Incidentals, 25 T j- Payable quarterly In advance. All loiters in relation lo the school will be ad dressed to Mrs Mary P Byrne, until the 20th Sept after that time to lhe subscriber. For information in relation to the above school, apply at the Office of C P Millett, Hay street. W. H. HARDIN. Fayettevlllb, Aug. 17, 1844. 286 tf PRIME BACON. U lbs. choice SIDES, SHOUL JIOUU DERS AND HAMS, for sale by COOK&TUOY. August 31, 1844. SPLENDID LOTTERIES FOR SEPTEMBER. J.G.Gregory & Co., Managers. 35,000 dollars ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 33 fur 1S44. To be drawn at Alexandria, D- C, on Saturday tne 1 4 in sept., isn. CAPITALS. 1 prize of $35,0C0 1 do 12,000 1 do 7.CO0 1 do 3,271) 60 do 1,000 &c &e. Tickets SI 0 Halves S3 Quarters 82 50. $30,000 Capital ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Extra Class No. 34 fur IS44. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday Sept. 21, 1844 PRIZES! 1 prize of $ 30,000 1 do. 10,000 1 d. 6.000 1 do 3,000 1 do 2,500 1 do 1,017 1 do 1,000 100 do I.Q00 &C. &C. SiC. Tickets S10 Halves S3 Quarters $2 50. SOMETHING BRILLIANT. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY Class E, for 1S44. To be drawn In Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday tne SSlh S. pt.. 1844. 78 number lottery, 13 drown bnllola. About one prize t n blank ! GRAND SCHEME. 1 splendid prize of $50,000 1 do 25,000 1 do 15,000 1 do 10,000 1 prize of 7,000 1 do 6,000 1 do 3.500 1 do 2,610 2 do 1,257 60 da 1,000 20 do 600 20 da 400 20 do 250 25 do 200 300 do 160 &c. sc. Whole tickets $15 Halves $7 50 Quarters S3 75 Eighths $1 87. Certificates of packages in the above splendid Lottery will he sent as follows : Certificates of a package ot 36 whole tickets, 9170 jju do zo nan ao oi Do do 26 quarter do 42 50 Do do 26 eighths do 21 25 j Orders for Tickets and Shares and certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries, will re- ceive the most prompt attention, and an official ac count of each drawing sent immediately after it is over to all who order from ua address. 7. ? Grfory co, .Vanafert. Washington City.D. C, Volume 6 Number 289 spattered with mud, was usbered before u? Guessing the rank aud character of Houston, he approached him, squeezed his hand, nt which Houatou awoke, aud Gen. Santa Anna then announced himself, iu a state of great ucrvoui agitation. "Sir," said the Texan Commander, point ing to a medicine chest close to his head, "ba seated. Such accommodation aa we have at your service." Santa Anna did as he was reauested. and then demanded some opium, which, having, been furnished him, he appeared somewhat more composed, and said to Houston, ''you were born to uo ordinary destiny you ba.e conquered the Napoleon of the West !'' We could not forbear smiling, though re garding the vaunter with auch vast hatred ; for tnougb ready to sympathize with any brave but vanquished warrior, me massacm vf w Alamo, Goliad, and Tampico hid filled our bosoms with sentiments so bitter towards this man, that pity had no abiding place. Hous ton turned the conversation to these subjects, when Santa Auna defended them, on tha ground of expediency aud ..having received strict orders from his Government ! This was quite as absurd as if Caesar, or Crom well, or Napoleon bad spoken of orders ; every one knowing that be was and still is, military despot and dictator in Mexico, rul ing people and patliament by the sword. lioustou then resigned his tent to bun, plac ing a guard of officers around to prevent the vengeance of the aoldiers, who, furious at the cold-blooded slaughter of tSejf companion, cried aloud for htm to be put to death. bile, all fait be desirved any fate which might be fall him, yet were all aware that, as a prisoner of war, be was entitled to our piotection, and that his having violated every divine and hu man maxim would be uo excuse for our doing the same. Next day a convention was signed between Houston and Santa Auna, who ordered Gen erals Filisola and Saona to retire to San Au tonia de Bexar, aud Urrea to Victoria. A. final treaty was on the 1st of May entered into between "His Excellency the General-in-Chief of the army of operations, President of the Mexican Republic, Don Antonio de Santa Anna, for oue party; and His Excel lency G. Burnet, for the other . parly :" by which the former bound himself " not lo lake up arms, nor to influence their being taken up, against the people of Texas ;" and thus ended the first war of independence. Generals Filisola aud Urrca then com menced a retreat ; a tetieat disastrous iu the extreme, aud attended by every dismal cirrurn etauce which could add lo its natural disagree men It. 1'be Mexican Generals in the first place. monopolized the wagons to cany their own private plunder, the baggage of the troops being left behind. Raiua pouring down up on tho rich alluvial soil beiweeu the Brazos aud the Colorado, had changed the green prairies into aeas of mud, iu which an Indian canoe might have floated. At one place cal led Atasquito, says one writer, "they suffered most. Here they were overtaken by dreadful cold rains, in the middle of a swamp, through which with the utmost diffirulty the progress of a day was about three miles.' By dint, however, of great exertion and courage, they succeeded in dragging the artillery aud wa gons through these dismal swamps. Gen.' Kilisnla, iu a dispatch (of this retreat I lely wholly on Mexican authority, having beeu de-patched to Galveston directly after the cap lure of Santa Auna) to his own government, peaking of the 30th April says, "La noche fat horroroia. Artillery, cavahy, sick, bgg age, mules, everything that accompanied the army, was a chaotic mass, buried in mud." There was no wood to cook, no provisions to be cooked, except a few bears and a little s!t;' ammunition wet, muskets rusty, men sick aud dying, no doctors nor medicine. " Had Ibe enemy," says Filisola, "met us under these ctuel ciicumstances, on lhe only road that was left, no alternative remained but to die or' surrender at discretion." Such was the battle of San Jacinto and its. results. The fate of Santa Auua is welf known. Liberated by the Texan govern ment, he returned to Mexico, under a pledge to obtain the recognition of our independence.. His first act was to fit out expeditious against Texas, again to be defeated, aud finally de stroyed. Hints to lovers or flowers. A most" beautiful and easily obtained show of ever- greeus in winter may be had by a very aim pie plan, which has been found to auswer re markably well on a small scale. If geranium' branches are taken froniheaTlby and luxurious trees just before the winter sets in, cut as for slips, and immersed in soap and water,' they will, after drooping for a few days, shed their leaves, put forth fresh ones,' one!' continue in the finest vigor all the winter. By placing a number of bottles filled in flower baskets with moss to conceal the bottles, a show of evergreen is easily insured for a whole season. They require no fresh water. Married, in Dover, New Hampshire. Mr Hiram P. Snow, to Miss Rbxana 0 Gentle man. We read that people tarn to grass ; ' And one was turn d to salt, we know j But stranger things now come to pass A Gemtlkmam has turned to Snow. "Il is good for me that I have been afflict ed," may be said iu many senses, but in none so true as a religious oue. It is our own weakness that makes ua seek for support it' is the sadness) of earth that makes us look up"' to heaven'.

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