-.'. - j , v , -a Ji . r".' :: -. IITfAiVTHK.GLORrli!. 1 "CHARACTER IS AS IjfpMANT STATES AS IT IS TQ i1 BY VM II BAYJrtsp FA YiiOTElIIiI-E, TERMS OF THE NORTlIf CAajtlNIAN I Per annum, if paid in advance,, ?2 5q il paid at the end of siljnootas - 3 Oo at lha end of the Jeac,- 3 5y Sixtj cents psr square for'the Rrjai. and -flbirty foretell slcru:nt insertion. Jst i Adrerti.sin by tlie yir tvitl be chwiflwco I j cents to th nmntil y of matter inserted. tr Court dverti98ui?nts, &c, 5 pei'crnt higlbcr I N B E I N I T Y: Against loss q, ama gc by Fire. s. I . THE WILLIAMSBURG HREINSU RANCE COMPANY. K CAPITA S lO5.,0OO. Ojffice in Grand pear First :Strett iVilliama- , burgopposile the C7y qfa etfrijiZoWi Tetv - DIRECTORS Clirislian Zalrikie, Andrew C. Brnetlicf, Fredojick W. Favr, JertiA "li Johnson, John illmnii, Sirnl.-V'H'-t, Nicholas WvckofT. Abr'm T. Co?kcrck, Kranrts Steinheil, Saml H. Clnpp, Jfih.i Lejiirctt, Clias. O. I land-, Lemuel Richardson , LK.VHJCL RICHARDSON, Tres't. Adtikw li. tlonGi-;5, StMj'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Aj;ent, New York. TflE WillimsburH Fire Insurant e Compnny, having been incorporated by r.n act o the Lojiifia tur of thrr Stale of New 'York, for h: purposes f Fire Innraficf, the Directors oiler to Insure ihoir fellow-citizen ihroo"hot the Utiited f-'tutcs Against Joss or mmanc uv iH ire, On Cojldinj, GootN and Ale rchandise, and Per- ronal Property 'eneraily, afsurinw them that the nlTirit o( the CJompaoy. shall be conducted with eur.b fairness, candor and liberality as they trust will eotitli it to publiv coufldence aim patronage. The Snhfseriber, A;ent for tho above Coin puny, will give any further in'oimation that may b3 tlesjred lv thosi? w ho wish to Insure. JAMES MAIUINE, A cent, Hay Stn t. Feb. 8, 1845. 311-lf. "SALE OF NrGllOES." TY Tjitoe of a i )f-rec ol 1 h Court ot Pleas and llnartnr Sessions of December Term, 1S4 1, I expose tor sale ' Three Negro Slaves, the prooerty tf th estate of Daniel McTven7, dee'd, (br ih i purpose of ntakin a dist ribiition a moo th" next of kin of said dee'd. Tlie si'e wdl lake place at ihe Court I louse in Fa veifville on Monday the 3d flay -f Maich next. A credit of six months will be iven.tbe nirchaser givin" I od and seeuritv below th" property ill be ilebvered. VM. L. .MtDI ARM 1 1 , Feb. I, 1341. .Ill-is. Commis'r. State of Nortli I'r rnlin.i Kobesoi county. Superior isourl oj Iaiw tall J trm, IS44. Mary J-H10 AUrH vf- ""y'1 ry Al'''- Petitio n for Divorce. IN this caf ,T ,va' onb-retl by the (ourt that pub lication beriade in the Noith Carolinian lot three nontls!' for tht defendant to appear at the next tenn of this Court, to be held at l.u nberton .m the lib Monday of March nest, and p'ca-l, or the pravr of the petitioner will be heard exparte and jndwmerit rendered ac onlin rl v. Witness, Abhui Davis, Jr , Clerk of fur said Court, at office the first Monday after the lth Morula y in September, A. D., IS44. ABSALOM DAVIS, Jr., C. S. C. Feb. 8, IS4j. 31 I -:m. THOS. J. JOHNSON rtn WOULD respeett'ully fc I . jnffirni lua ciitomcrs, and ihe Roet 1 .. ...I Shot: luiviii" Kiddie ''enerallv. th t he i - enijaged in his business si the stand Ibimci ly of ' bv C. I. Malbtt, F."q , a f.-wilo -rs West of be Market llfinse, .Noi th unlc til Hay strict, at lie- s i -j. n o! The 1SOO !', where lieiu iv be found at linu-s ivin h s im thvi1ed attention to his Iumuic-s. He feels thank ful fr p-t t;iV'r.s, and hopes llu v Mil! not only be contiiui' fl, but increased. A number of j'o..d wurktuen are in hi employ, and he expects ihiily n acq'iisiti.m ihereio. The a'.iovc is a sufneiont guaranty to him to warrant all work tlone by h:m. ilf-" liepairi done as usual. Tutwii'MKiil Bootmakers constant en)Ioyment will b- "iven, with oimI wages. None need ap- id v but sobrr men. 1 .1 JUll.NSU.'.. 1, IS I". 31 l-3w Fave'leville, F b ORCHARD 10 Bushels Orchard Grass Set I, for sale bv geo. McNeill. Fb. I. IS 15. 0 Htrn Is supciior N. t. Molasses (new crop.) 25 Ilhds. Molasses. For Feb. I, UN.'. sale lV GKO." MeNEILL N 0 T I 0 B . TAKKN UP and committed to t .: Jail Cuuibf lla .-d C'Hl'lt V, . . '.,f'i S.md.i v, the HCt'i day of Januaiy, IS!5, :i ne.ero lean who says his name is SjMCN, and say thai ii-' was sold in Chjricstoo lf a man bv the name McKenzie, ind was carrieil t Alabanri or Ge-ir- -ia and there letl his master. S:ud negro u.is lor- ...... I v tin- nrooei tv ot LJeniamm tjrass ol Lamilni, S. C. anl was t.-.uen trom ims piacc st February Mr C ass. Said negro i s about 5 feet 4 inch' s liigb, dark coiopl- wion, and about 45 or 50 years of j nc o of r oi said negro is hereby notified io come forward, prove properly, pay harges, and ake him awav, or he wi'l be ilealt mUi accorning Q an-. W. L. CALLAI5, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1S45. 310-tf. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. .FAMES KYJLE i AS just received by the late arrivals Irom the SrArt.li. one hundred and twenty packages ' GOODS Aa ffifiYD SIOER AU of which, being purchased by the Packags lor Cash since the late decline in pi ice, will be offered "unco-Vioonly low lor CASH, or on time topunttual customers. . , it. Those wishing to purchase by wholesale or re Jail will please call and examine, as greatbargains jnav be expected. NEW GOODS by every arrival. Nov. 30, 1314. 30'- - B li A N R.iWi" H'ARDIE Has jusira- teired a supply of BLANKS, mostly usedby Clerks, Sbenffa, and Constat les, printed n fine paper and el I executed. ' - -: JDATf m SHI AW HAS just received a. fresh supply of those ffods usually kept.itt "Jiis lirftsiong thich are fAvcrdpJ5iinch RaisinsJSoswash Cigars.- - Maccoboy and tJcetch Snoff. 1 TllO;r null, hii ler boxes lot of fancv Flair Powder, fif '' Prunesjn v arious sizetllEss. Lemon and Jeppcr- mi in. -4Atda m -m. &rfit; UcTUort TSeana Cloves. Sointi'. Cassia and Nutmjrs. !so, a larse lot of supe rior TOYS. Pepper and Allspice N. B. CANDIES of a snperir quality (.inanuiac- tured by liimsclf ) are krlt constantly on hand, and io:i(lr; tresli to order at prices to suit, tlie times wbolf-salc 25. viz Retail price, ") cents per !b D. 3UI S. tf. Fayetteviile, N. C , Nov. 28, 1844. CHEAP FOR CASH ! rWHIE subscriber?, thankful for past favors, take JQ ibis method to inform their friends jind the public that they have now mi band and for sale, a fur assortment of se.i-ontb'e Goods; comprising in part as follows. Any or aM of winch the' wi II soli at the lowest market priced for Cash : GROCERIES. Rio, Cuba, and St. Domingo Cof)ee; Porto Rico, N Orleans, and I.oafSna'; .Soap, Starch, lipsom Salts, Canqdior, Indigo, " Madder, Cepperas, Tea, Sa't, e. c. "Dry Goods- , pbu'n a imI figured; Monslin d'Laines ; Alpaeeas I'.road Chillis; Sattin-ts ;i nd silk 1 1 iri'iliorclii' (' Aiiron Checks: lied T ; Iversvvs; CaMeo ; (main : ; wool and silk Shawls; ckinir; Flannels- l-unets; r5aiil-box s: Ribboi ; Artificials; Hats, 13oots, and Shoes, &c. Nit-. W v S""v WW. m.t "Is ind Su'... s Iron ; Kn;bsh ami American Sjcel; Nails; run kct and table C'.it'cry; llc"s; trace a nd halter Chains ; 1 table ami tea Spoons, C II o .ullo.ks; Drawing Knives; ic. &c. a k i: n y, A ceneral ns-or- merit. Now in slort; mid for snlo, f.il P. es Coif e, loll Sacks Sail, 1 1 Ihds. Snirar, I I lids. Molass s, til) Bids, plantinir L'otatnes, 2 toi.s Sii eib-s I ron, as-fortC'l, at our old stand, fool ol IS avmmint. Dee. -2f , 114.- ' f)UN :fol-n: V NOTICE IS hereby given that the Franklin Library has transferred to the Favetteville Library I nstitule Institute its entire Library, inc'uding all Rooks and pamph lets in the hands of individual members, and per sons not members. All persons having Books belonging to the Franklin Library, are therefore rou-sted to deliver them to the proper oliicers til" the Fh vet tevi'le Library Institute. JOHNC. LATTA, Librarian Frank I in Lib. Ins. A I! persons bavin g Rooks belong i ng to t be Fran k'iu Ijibrary, are requested to return !he,n tome iniHtedi.ite! v. Several valuable sets of Standard Works are broken. a'id as th" nussinjr volumes are known to be in the pn-essinn ofl- o rowers, tin ir immediate return is required. A. E. I (ALL, Librarian Fa vcttei die Lib. Ins Feb. 1. 1S45. 310 -t'". Gardner 8c McISletlian, HAVE lately mule considerable improvement in their stvle of Work, and have now on hand aUiN Eli A L ASSORTMENT, consis'iug ol" Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, (Jigs, Sulkevs, Waggons, ve. Which for elegance of shape and finish, anil dura bility, will compare ith any made 1:1 the U Slates. Persons wishing to buy, would do well lo call and examine our work, as wo have determined to sell LOW tor Cash, or approved notes. Having in our employ first rate tSniiih vi e are prepared lo do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful win k ma iirhqi anil matciials, fir one year. REPAIRING I'aiihl.dly executed at short no! ice, anil on reasonable terms. Favetteville, February ! 1 5. v. foXsale" 6 tloz. green oJuzed FLUWKlt POTS. 6 " glazeil PICKLE JARS with covers- C. LUTTERLOIL Feb. G, 1S-U. 31 l-tf. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR" For sale by Jan 4, JS 15. " GEO. MeNEILL. m-mit-a;- jrjfffi Knn 1!aufacl ures r WZv r N E W Forwarding and Commission H 0 U S E. HALL & HALL WOULD intorm the oicichants of ibe interior that they have in connection with the gen eral grocery business, added tliat tif the Forward ing; and having large and commodious Ware houcs on the hank ofthe River, are prepared to receive and tbrwartl Goods upon such terms ns will defy all competition, our charges ami expenses be-ingone-third less on the freight bills, than any other house in the place. All Goods shipped to G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, for the interior, an. I not otherwise dirrctctl, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1344. 274-tf. OF ALL SORTSir -T . For sale at the Carolinian Office. RY A. M. C AM P BEL -'HAVING beeo appointed -r' for tbo Town Favetteviili is: pffeoared tlli to the sale ol anjr goods hfelnajrVbe entruitf him. -' "v. v.;---'.--S-"? CONSIGN M ENTSfiorn abroadVill be pro October 10," I844afev: 294u ti f 294T JiK If itfttt&yof Pnich"aT:i t r price wilf be paid. '" V. MeL.A1cKAY; March 9, S 14. 263-tf. For tlie sale of Timber, Lvimber, and Naval Stores. MAVING benteil myself in Wilmington for the purnosfi of selling TIMBER. LUMBER, TURPENTINE, TAR, ik.c.,1 would say o the public, that nothing shall be wanting an my part to theiving of ent ire satisfaction. I tike 1 hi3 op portunity of acknowledging in v obligations to those who h ive patronized mr, and hope to ihare a por tion of the business ot the public rzenerallv. STEWART PIPKIN. Wilmington, N.C., March IG, 1844. 2G4-ly. JUST PRINTED. NEGOTIABLE NO TES, of all the various kinds used, just printed and for sale at this Oiice. 10 HHDS. (new crop) MOLASSES, for GEO. M cNElLL. a'e by Jan 4, 1315. ME MOT AIL. CLARK & RlcUALLUM, HAVING removed their Tailorin" Establishment from their late Shop to the building formerly oc cupied by Win. L. Cofer, nearly opposite to the Lafayette Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their li iends ami customers, that, thev wdl continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manoer. They return tner thanks lor the liberal share ol business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance ol if, by strict attention' and skill Latest fashions regularly received from New York Dec 14, 1814. " 203:;f. WE have just received from New York and Phila flefphia a large assortment of FALL & WINTE CONSISTING OF Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, which we will sell nt Ihe lowest market price. PETER P. JOHNSON & CO. Oct 11, 814. -205-3v. BAR SOAP. THE subscriber offers for saie ONE HUN DRED BONES OF BAR SOA 1 manufac tured at the "Fayeltevi!le (N. C.) Candle Factory," anil warranted equal if not -npcrior to Colgate's best No. I . Bei ig determined to devote all necessary atten tion lothe business, ami offering it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage. fl".'.!3 MI orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W.McL. MtKAY. Fayetteviile, May 24,8 44 I AM now receiving and have in Store, 350 Bags Rio.Ctiha, Java, and St.DomingoCoffle, III Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 5u0 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 51 Barrels do. I5uil Bushels Alum Salt, 100 Kegs Nails, 10 Tons Swedes ant! English lion, 500 Sides sole, upper, harness, skirting, and bri dle Leather, 75 B ixes 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 Glass, 5 I Pieces cotton Bagging, 40 Coils Rope, 250 lbs. superior Indigo, I Pipe best French Brandy, I tlo Swan Gin, I do Jamaica Rum, Id qr. Casks Wines, assoited, 3 Baskets Champa i wne, 1 1 Cases Shoes, assorted, li do lints and Caps, 5 Barrels Tanner's Oil, 1 Dos. Currying Knives, at $3 50 each, I0i 0 lbs Bar Lead, 50 Bags Shot, 25 Kegs Powder, ion Pairs Trace Chains, III Boxes Axes, S Sets Blacksmiths' Tools, 10 Bags Pepper. Spice, ami Ginger, I Cliesl ol ihe very best Tea, 10 qr. do. fair quality do. Nutmegs, Cloves, Soap of various qualities, Cast ings, Muscat Wine in boxes, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks, &c, with manv other articles for sale by T. S. LUTTERLOH. ALL Goods sent to my care will be taken care of. And produce from the back country sold or shipped as theowner may direct. T. S. L. Sept. 16, 1844 289-tf. PUBLIC W0RIU TH E Undersigned will let to the low est bidder, at the Court House in Lumberfon, on Wednesday the 12 of February next, at the hour of 12, M., The building of a New Jail in this ( Robeson) county. The proposed plan will be submitted to any who wish to contract oo that day. or previously, on ap plication to any t f the Commissioners. The contractor will be required to give bond for the faithful execution of the work. JNO. W.POWELL, WM. C. MeNEILL, JAS. BLOUNT, RICH'D C. RHODES, Commitsio ert. Luniberton, Jan. 4, 1845. 307-fiw. 5 generally,- that he has Utaih'GenlUmen and Ladi tvellin- tbroh - the a4and reeenUj. occupUtft by Ei JL Clark, oniGiIJespiV f -Strcet. 5 door Soutn of :th"e arkfSquar, vrei ill mannfaefhre tnditMif.-tvin. ri.i.i, un naiiu 4(11 assortment ol .Mfi!""..-" "- j vFti uiiun assortment ol "H ""? TJN AND SHE-iIRbSarARE- Persons wisbinff to nitrehAfiP nniibl An. wot lit,. L!' nd esrmip his stock be4br purchasings else -Pete.as be is determined td.'felUs etieap as riv manHfacturer tn-an Sfata RAKERS of an entirely newnatted -tSOOFlNQ xiAh in th 1ate af yleand best NEW GROCERY FRUIT & CROCKER? HE Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay street directly opposite bis old stand, where he is now receiving a STOCK OF GOODS. Consisting in part of- Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, AlUpicr; Ginger; Sale- ra us; o...rc..; xvc.rc, o..a.; oa.moii; r .ck.c, (111 VPS- CnrfM-s: loitlcr walpr. ann rtHa I .rar kw I ... , - 1 - , " t -., , Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; Nutmegs, Citron; Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana Segars; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappee Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powuerand Shot; Epsom and table Salts. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinegar; Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al monds, Filberts, and Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; sul phtir; alum; Herrings; currant and Guava Jtdly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; . Carenne Pepper; cur rants; Mustard; Sugar House Moh"isses; and almost every article usually called fo- in a Grocery Store! which he will sell as low as anv one in the place, for Cash, or on approved credit. ALSO, CROCKERY. W. PRIOR. 298-v. Nov. 9th, 1S44. ROBERT W. HARDIE, 00KSELLER AND fTATI0NEffi MAVING located himself in Fayetteviile, on Hay street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book Sytore, will keep constantly on hand a 'general as sortment of Books and Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desirous of purchasing or not. Being a Bookbinder, and provider! with acomplete set of tools aod apparatus, he is prepared lo execute all kinds of binding, from the plainest to the most costly. He solicits the patronage of his fellow citizens o Fayetteviile and the surrounding country. Nov. 23, 1844. 261-y. SUMMER HOUSE. FOR SAiLE. THE Subscriber has tor sale 150 acres of LAND, on Little Cross Creek, about three mil' a from Town, with a farm of 20 acres under lencc, on which is a good DWELLING HOUSE, Kitchen, Dairy, Smoke House, aud other Out Houses, and a good young Orchard of lOO Tree, a first rate Spring, and a Well in the yard, with a substantial Dam and Mill Site. 37 O acres of I a A X O n ear M n r h's I miles from Town, oo the Wilmington Stage Road, a rare chance for Timber and Turpentine Makers. This Land will be sold in tvo parcels if necessary. 17G acres of L.AXD, not far from the above, known as iho "Watery Biaueh Land ' For particulars apply to A. J. ERA M BERT. Jan. 19, IS 15. 308-1 f. MenniKovall. MAJLjL & MAjLIL WOULD inform the pub'ic that they have moved from their old stand to the slorc lately occupied by Messrs C J & R M Orrell, and known as the Yellow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in tho way of trade, that will he to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a call. Their stock, will consist in part of 10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steal, S0O Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, 15 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1500 lbs. Copperas, 150 lbs Indio, I Cask Salaralus, 50 sides sole Leather, 75 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. single and double refined and Coffee cmshed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Had.Wk's Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paints, Puttv, Dru-s, &c.&c. Sept. 14, 1844. ' j290 GRAHAM FLOUR ! For sale by Jan 4, 1845. GEO. MeNEILL. PS -I )i jkx-. m mit "n A-:Liftjfc SHaA b:. 8M1T1I is stirl i.rei.red to emer.ivi gojourpro- injfajetUVi .le, ' llet b8Wr tWa is - oodis the market affords. ; &hLi st- hostlers, and alteMive waittirsiul VrtL .Fec.i.u.y solicits a conr.m.tuicc liSWr Mna - nejjesfKJeucets so well Kiwnh i ... .it . r.n , fHESE PILLS.have now become the domestic medicine of almost every family. They are tbon sidered by all u ho have given them a trial, to be the most pleasant, sate and effectual metlicine in use they have the sanction and approval ofthe most eminent Physicians w ho have adopted them in their practice, purchase them by the dozen boxes tf the agents, administer them to their patients, and recommend them as being superior to any other vesetabl1 Pills before the public. They a re not on ly Vegetable in name, but in sub-dance, and act as a friendjto Nature in all her operations. They may betaken by persons of any ape ; and the feehle and the infirm,th nervous and delicate are strengthen ed by their operat inn ; because they possess tonic and restorative properties, independent of their aperient effects. A nd Ft males will And them to he decidedly the best medicine in use fir the com plaints peculiar to their sex. In sick-headache, eostiveness, and bowel-complaint, they stand un rivalled. The habitually costive should not fail to give them a trial, as their action is ent irely different from most medicines recommended for this com plaint, and they leave the bowels in a fine and healthy state, as may be seen by the following cer tificates : The following is from JWr Isaac M. Thorn - as. Merchant, at Talladega CO., .71. ' " J Tai.adeca Spki.vgs, Talade;a to August 17th, IS42 This is to certify that I have been afflicted witl sick-heache, dyspepsia, liver-complaint anil eos tiveness for the last 8 or 9 years, during which time I had laken, as well as I can recollect, about 60 boxes of Beck wit h's pills, 12 boxes of Peters pills, and a number of boxes of Champion's and Braudreth's pills, all of which afforded ine but little or no relief. At hist I was recommended to try Dr Spencer's Vegetable Pills, and well I d-d, for I nevet had but one attack of Ihe sick-heacacbe after I commenced tak ing the Pills, (now about 6 months) ami l canoiiiiy coiitess, tliat i naye ucnvcu more real hem fits trom the use el Speiicr r's Pi Us, than from all the oilier medicines and pills that. I have ever taken : and I would earnestly recommend them lo all as bcnin, in my opinion, the bet. medi e-.ine in use for all lingering complaints. The pills have ilonc me so much good, that I would not feel willing lo be without Ihem lor 5 a box ; and I can not but feel very grateful to Dr SoeJicer for .having ic,nM Is" a" thing 7f ihe- utiost imrortarici tnat every lamuy snouid have a supply ol JJrSpen cer's truly vamable pills constantly on band. ISAAC M. THOMAS. . SOA1E "cry humbug from envy, some from jeal ousy cry hnmbujj, and some from sheer ignorance of the thing cry humbug. I do neit believe eiery thina that shines is gold, nor do I believe thai which is hastily e!enonnc el is humbug. Prove a thing and then judge it." HULL'S PILLS are no humbug: wherever they have been used, they have invariably given the most decided and un equivoeal I'alisfaciion. The testimony oxi.-ts on every side I hnii;hout this vast country from the Log Cabin of the cstern Wilds to the City Pal ace nf the millionaire there, arc thousands ol" wit nesses to the unrivalled t llicacv ot 1 1 1 1 invaluable medicine. It generally cures the Chills and Fevers the first day, and does not sickm the stomach or proeluce any dis;irree ible sensaiion in t!e system. Obstinate cases of CHILLS and FKVElt, when other preparations have t'iiil -el, have yielded at once to a few doses of Hull's Pills, witknu! any disposi tion of a return. They require no puHiii', it is un worthy of ihem. The iVIcdical Faculty are now prescribing them wfih unexampleil success, mt on ly iii Chills and F--ver, hut in Krvms of all types, graeles and character, and considers thi rn the most safe and harmless yet the most certain and prompt febrifuge. lh;it t:an possibly bo udniiui.-tcrcd in Ihe remediate management of Fevers peculiar lo this country. Full eli reel ions for use accompany each box. Price One Dollar. HULL'S VvOU.M LOZHNO F.S are the lt. aie.-t discovf ry ever maile for dispelling Ihe anous k inds of worms liiat so tr rjuently snJ ilistrersingl v an noy both children and adults. From Ihe Spuria Cjtazette ' From our own knowledge we take 2reat pleasure in recommending to the public Hull's Worm Lozenges as the best omi medicine extant- Children will pat them a they would cautb antl cry fr ihem." To parents we say, do not b without these Lozenges at any time, as ou value the live's ef your children. ALSO DR HULL'S :cmoi I II For the relief ot coughs, colds, consumpt'on, Aeih ma. whooping cogh, catarrh, tightness ofthe luns or chest, brnnehitis, and all pulmonary affections. Several thousand boxes have been sold within the last six months, giving immediate relief to Iboae who Jiava been afflicted with the ni"f-t eiisfressing coughs and colds, and restoring to health persons in almost eery ataee tif ptilaionary aff.-clions. This whole wr.rld should know that Dr Hull's Coui'Ii Lorenges area certain cure for all disease leading to consumptions, and death. They are recommended by thousands who hav lted them, and sav that thev give relief whn all other means fail. Price 55 cents pr box. with fall directions. DR. LA COUNT'S VEGETABLE TOOTHACHE ELIXIR, .1 certain and immediate cure. Pric 60 cents per Phial.) idp For sale in Fayetteviile bv S.J.HINSDALE. " " -Lumbertonbv R.'W. FULLER -" " Elizabeth bv J.W. WHITE. And on enquiry mav be fonntl in nearly all the towns and villages throughout the Southern States. 399-3m. 'f r trt ,jc l ! -irt " t. .a - J ' '.- .. ??W.."W,2,B: - 1 Wmailjp ,Mof MWJW.i1H,llXfe!Tfd-t WrarfRi J--W4elh of lh&fknti?$ iJhdXtAfZ - l--k1r f t ' s, T iTj 1 Jj . ?2 .air flin iiDtT theo!diVrs of America, ate fighting fo qu.ilily find freedom." lq consequence of ihis, ten days t" mourning were appointed. This mniirnint; was lo cutijiist 0f'a bhclv ci ape nunpeuded lo ull ihe color of toe repub lic. 1J( the First Cnimul stripped not ihere he had a noble nnd simple solemnity prepared in the Church of ihe Invalids a church colli ed, in the ephemeral language of the day, the Temple of Mara. The color taken i 11 Eg) pi had not jet been presented to ihe government ; Geu. Lanncs was appointed to present them on ibis occasion to the minister of war. under ine rnngmnrcnt dome raised by lha. great king, as a monument to aged valor. On the 9th of Fehuary the 20lh oi Pluvione all Ihe authorities beini? assembled at tha Invalids,Gen. Lannes presented to the minis ter of war Jierlhier. 96 colota. Uiken. at tha. Pyramids, at IVlouut Thabor, and at Aboukir. He pronounced a brief and warlike harangue. Lierthier respouded in the same spirit. Tho letter was .seated between two invalid, each of whom had attained his hundreih year ; 114 fiont was ihe bust of Wnsbinglun, shaded by a thousand colors vicloriouly captured from Europe by the armies of republican France, Not tar aloof a rostrum was prepared ; one who had been proscribed was seen 10 ascend, il, one who owed his liberty to Ifoe policy o( Ihe First Consul; it was M. de Fontanea, a brilliant and pure writer; the lath who employ-:, ed that old French language, once ao perfect, bin now vanished, wiih the eighteenth centu-i ry, in the abyss of by gone limes. AL do Fontanes pronounced in a studied, but sjunerb style, 11 funeral eulogium ofthe hero of Amer ica lie celebrated the warlike virtOes of Washington, his valour, his wisdom, and iis- interesteduess; far above military talent, nStirbrffy vv-ifir gives peace tMhe worlej, Together wTtli lh - V auciuu i aKiiiugion, nejnvoRed tnose ot Catiuat and of Conde, aud as Jf speaking inr. ihe name of the g'eat men, he uttered praises, in the most delicate and noble form, which were at this lirne full ol' dignity, because they were lessons full of wisdom and sagacity. "Yes," cried be, ns he c losed his discourse, "thy counsels .shall be heard. O, Washing ton, thou warrior, legislator, citizen without repitach lie who, while but a youth, ha surpassed ihee in victories, shall close, like thee, ihe bleeding wounds of his country, with triumphant hauds. Soon shall we see his strong will, and his wariior genius, should they be necessary, our besl defence; soon shall tho h mn of peace re-echo through the shrine of war; then shall a universal sentimont of joy efface ihe recollection of oppression, and injustice ; already Iho oppressed forget their woes, and fix their faith upon ihe future. The acclamations of all ages shall accompany ihe hero, who lavishes his benevolent gifts 011 France nnd en ihe world, which she has toq long harassed !" "The discourse ended, black crape was appended to all the colours, and the French republic seemed to be in mourniug for the founder of iisAmerican sister, like monarchies which put on mourning one for the others losses." Thiers' History of the Consulate aud tho Empire. Turkish Parable A traveller who spent some time iu Turkey, telates a beauti ful parable which was told him by a dervis, and which seems even more beautiful than Sterne's celebrated figure of the accusing spirit and the recording nngel. Every maDy said he, has two augeU, one 011 his right shoulder and one ou his left. When he iloetj anything good, the angel on his right shoulder writes it down and seals it, because what is once w don is done for ever. When he does evil, Ihe angel upon hi3 left shoulder writes it down, but does not seal it. He waifs till midnight. If before that time the man bows down his head aud exclaims, 'Gracious Allah ! I have tinned ftrgiv me I' he angel tubs it out ; but if out, at mid night he seals il, aud the angel upon the right shoulder weeps. P IV Chandler. A Polk Majoritt. A day or two before the election in tbis country, says the Missis, eippi Guard, two uegioes were discussing politics, and from words they came to blows. The owner of one of ihe uegroea hearing of the rumpus thrashed both of ihem, giving the Clay negro ten lashes and the Polk negro 15. The latter, after walking about a hundred yard-, shrugged bis shoulders, and shouted at the top of bi iuugi, " Hurrah for Polk jite a -head yet !" Singular Food. A cow, belonging to JJr liaker of this borough, was slaughtered on Monday last, and there were fouud within her paunch, 33 naiis, 1 iron buckle, and a piece of iron ahout an inch square, weighing in til over 6 ounces! Gettyslurgt'Pa.' Sentinel. - "' " 'A

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