'TERMS OPTHjS NORTH "CAtOfilNIAN" l " Per annum, if paid in' advance, ; rv:.v0 ' L - ri'liat he cud of i iiwulhat 3, I ' ; : ' at Ihe end pf the yr y. 3 6q rv - Uatet of Ai veftiin ? . ' JStJy eants p.r '.zrr fr 'lie Srsi, aivdthirty ccots frti" flicTi s!ibequ'Mit insertion. " 'v- ,: :. A Ivariisin hy the yv.ir wilt be charged accorling " to th i quantity of matter -inserted- ,-V- ?n G-iirt u f yertimnis, &c, 35 per nt higher. s" -1 N-.Dt E?M-NI1T -Against loss or, damage Sllfn 1ITTT I T .VTo'llltlTfl-Vlrfif f 1 Y FTret THE WILLIAMSBURG-FIltUlNSU- .Vflic Forr. " T'- . CIREQTOK$7 ' Chr'nlian Zahr'ti'kie. 'Au'r'ui T. BosUon-k, Andrew C. B -nedicf. 'Francis Std'uheil, Frederick W. Favrp,; - fa nil ll.Clapp, .Jercmi h J oh -i 3 on i"'-. ' Jh,i I-jjrctt, John Skillman,- " Chas. O. IJandy, ; Svful. Willct, ' LnmuEl liiMjarc's n, " - " Nicholas WyckofT. " LEM V. RICH A R.DSON, Pfes't. -' ''SOiiKir T. Uon;K, Sr-c'ry. VASIII.aTON POST, Aif:rt, New York. TETC VVil!iainH'nrj; t ire Insurance company, havin" lioen incurporMted hy an act of lln; Lcgisla lir-of the State of New York, for tli.s purposes of Kire Insurance, the Directors oflbr to Insure their Mlow-ciiizoin ihronhout tlioU r. ited States Against Toss or Damage by Fire, On 'Bnildinsf, Goods and M'-rch;inilise, and Pi r Honil Property irenerally, assnrin tlicm that the afTiirs ol the Company, shall !e conduct -d with Hindi fairnei"?, candor and liberality as ! Irust wi'l entitle it to public confidence ana patronage. The S'tb-jcriber, Agent Cr the above Com pany, will uive any further information that may h desired bv tbosn vvlio wish to l'inre. JAl !-;S M A 11 I I NK, A.M.t, Hay Sin.ct. Feb. 3,1845. 3ll-tf SALE 0F NEGROES. PY virtne of a L)-cree ol lh- Court ot Pleas and (Linarter Sessions of December Term, ;! 3 14, I will expose for ale Three Negro Slaves, the prooorty of tin estate of Daniel MeKenzie, di'c'd, for th ; pifjnse nf making a distribution amo-i i th" next of kin of said dei'd. Tli si'e will take place at the Court House in Fa vtf'-ville on Monday the 3d day of March next. A credit of six months will be jjvrn,the purchaser giving B'nd and security hefoie Jh property will he dohvered. WM. L.. McDlAUM I D, Feb. I. 1344 311-13. Lommw'r, Co ran Superior Court of Law Jt all i crmflS44. Sarah Jane Allen vs. lluh Roy Allen, retitio t for Divorce. IN this case it was ordered by the Court that pnb-' lieation he made in the North Carolinian for three nionths for th defendant to appear at the next frm or this Court, to he held at Lunherton on th- 1th Monday of March next, and plead, or the lraver of the petitioner will be Iieard exparte and jn 'mnt rendered aeeordincly. Vritnes, AbsTlom Davis, Jr , Clerk of our said Corf at office the first Monday after the 4th Monday in SeptomNor. A. O IS 11. ABSALOM DAVIS, Jr., C. S. C. Feb. 8, 1843. 31 I -3m. o r c iLi ii J) a n.n ss. 10 Bushels Orchard Grass Seed, for salebv geo. McNeill. Feb. I, 1845. 2t R irrels superior N. O. Molassrs (new crop.) 25 Hhds. Molasses. 1-or Feb. I, 18-15. sale hy GEO." McNEILt NOTICE. TAKEN UP and committed to t lif Jail of Cumber'a vl rnuotv, N. C, on Sunday, the f.(h day of January, 18 J5, a negro man who says his name is SIMON, and says that lp was sold in Charleston to a man by the name of Mclven7.!e,and was c arried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left bis master. Said negro was for merly: the property of Bet ja min Gass of Camden, S. C an 1 was takn from this pi. ice last February hyMr G iss. Said negro is about. 5 feet 4 inches high, d.trk 'o:npI -wioil, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The owii'-r of said negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, p? y charges, ami lake him awav, or he will be dealt with aecorriinnr to law. W. L. CALL A IS, Jailor. Jan. 20, 1S45. 310-lf. KEWAUD. BAN A WAV from Mr James McDuflie on tfie 7ih ot Decein bcrhW, niy negro man A I! C HY, lat ' the property nf A . Belie-, die'd. He is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has a long, smooth, black face, with full prominent i'.cs, and is lame in one of his legs. lie is supposed to be lurk- i ng jai I Jail ahout Fayetievdle, N. C. A reward of$IO be paid for him if taken and lodged in any in litis State, or 325 if taken and lodged in in any other of the States, so t hat I can et J.im again. J- M. STRONG. Fayetteville, N. C'-,Feb. 22, IS45. 313-Iw. ROBERT W. HARDIE, SOOSSIHDSS. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, r.i i t: r r r. r, k, v. MAVING located himself in Fayetteville, on "Hay street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book Store, will keep constantly on hand a general as sortment of Books and Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desirous of purchasing or not. Being aBookbinder.and provided with acomplete s?t of tools and apparatus, he is prepared to execute all kinds of binding, from the pla-incst to the most costly. H-t solicits the patronage of his fellow citisensof Fayetteville and the surrounding country. Nov. 23, 1344. 26I-y. MOUNTAIN BUTTER! 00 lbs superior, just received. Jan. 25. lt T TIIOS. J. MIMS. $25 Vi,;--T Tc .inr.lv nf J i f A N-KS J rjot I T !SK Clrks, Sheriff's, and ConiBHrt,' prinlcrf.v. 'fiantr and .well executed.' . '.yV?"- Nwcrp Burtclfllnisins, VttlHfbtei half.a'ftd quat Spa mh C sit -ter hoses ' - 1 A b?a tf i ful .lot of- fancy IFT.nirfnwdr ----- iinn r i;icrts. cl ortltatts, V tireSNBi Mace and Cloves. Spirit?. A Iso, a larjie lofol snpc nor TOYS. Cassia and Nutmegs. Pepp'T and Allspice. TV. B. CANDIES of a 3uperiroua!ity -lnanutac- tured bv himself) are kept constantly on hand, and made fresh to order at prices to suit the times, viz : Retail price, 30 cents per lb., wholesale 25. D. S. Fayetteville, N. C , Nov. 28, 1844. 3UI-tf. CHEAP FOR CASH! r&iiiE FIR subscribers, thankful for past favors, take U this method to intorm tneir inenus ?nu uie public that they have now on hand aud for sale, a fiir ussoriment of hoasoruible Goods ; comprisini in part as follows. Any or a!! of which they will sell at the lowest market prices for Cash : GROCERIES. Rio, Cuba, and St. Domingo Coflee; Porto Rico, N Orleans, and Loaf Sugar; Soap, Starch, Epsom Salts, Camphor, Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Tea, Salt, Sec. &.c. Dry Goods. Alnaceas. plain ai.i film red : Mouslin d'L a ines : Broad Cloths: Sattinets: Kersvys; Calico ; totton :ind silk ll.indkerchiefs ; wool and silk Shawls; Apron Checks; Bed .Ticking; Flannels; Bonnets; Band-box- s; Ribbons; Artificial?; Hats, Boots, and Shoes, &c. &c. English and Swedes Iron ; Lnbsh and American Steel; Nails; pocket and table Cut lery; Hoes; trace and halter Chains ; Padloeks; Drawing Knives; table and lea Spoons, &c. &c. CROCKERY, A general assoriinent. Now in store and for sale, 50 B igs Com e, . . 150 Sticks Salt, 4 Hhds. Sugar, 20 Hhds. Molasses, 20 Bbls. planting Potatoes, 2 Ions Swedes Iron, assorted, JONES & fnNN"' Dec. 21, IS 1 1. 3n4-tu NOTICE IS hercbv given that the Franklin Library Institii'e has transferred to the Fayetteville Library Institute its entire Library, including all Books and pamph lets in the hands of individual members, and per sons not members. All persons having Books brl.mginsr to the Franklin Library, are therefore requested to del i ver them to t be proper officers of the Fayetteville Library Institute. JOHN C. L ATT A, Librarian Franklin Lib. Ins. All persons having Book s belongi n to the Fran klin Library, are requester! to return thorn to me immediately" Several valuable sets of Standard Works are broken, and as the missing volumes are known to he in the possession ot ko rowers, th cir immediate return is required. A. E. HALL, Librarian Fayetteville. Lib. Ins F(-h. 1. 1815. 310-lf. Eticotirase Gardner & 2YEcIetiian, HAVE lately made considerable improverrtent in t heir st v It: of W or k , a nd have now on hand a G jIN ERA L ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, SiC. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, wilt compare v ith any made m the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW lor Cash, or approved notes. Having in our employ first rate Smi'hs, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate forms. We warrant ad our work to be of goo J and faith ful woi km-i ruhip and ii.iIm pi!s, for one vea r. ICTP' REPAIRING faithful y extent' d at short notice, and n leasonabl" terms. Fa vc'teville, Febmaiy 8, I S 55. y. " FOR SALET- 6 doz. preen laz-d FLOWER POTS. G " s.lazed PICKLE JARS with overs- C. LUTTERLOII. Feb. 6, 1844. 31 l-tf. BUCKWHEAT FL0UIL For sale by geo. McNeill. Jan 4, 1845. NEW Forward ill sr and Commission H 0 U S E. HALX. & HA.X.I. WOULD inform the met chants ol the interior that they have in connection with the geii eralgrocery business, added that of the Forward ing; and having large and ; commodious Ware houses on the bank of the River, are prepared to receive and forward Goods upon such terms as will defy all competition, eur charges and expenses be ing one-third less on the freight bills 'than any other house in the place. All Goods shipped to G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, for the interior, and not otherwise directed, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1S44. " 274-lf. HAS-just received jXreshif fip, X of those gwds'uSuflyeh; J line,' among whicji are;- 3 YZrijJJjZ. ISome Manufactures r- lor rhi - J'q.k I .- i pMalely ior'iyhieh'a? i irprlce'r,; March 9,841. , " 263-tf. For the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores. MAVING located myself in Wilmington for the purpose of selling TI MBER, LUMBER, TURPENTINE. TAR. &c.,l would- say to ther public, that nothing shall be wanting on my part to the giving of entire satisfaction. I take ibis op port u :ii ty of acknowledging mv obligations to those who have patronized mr, and hope to share a por tion of the business ot the public 2r;leraWv. STEWART PIPKIN. Wilmington, N.C., March I G, 1344. 261-ly. JUST PRINTED: NEGOTIABLE NOTES, of all the various kinds used, just'printed and for sale at this Office. 10 HHDS. sa'e bv Jan 4, 'IS 15 (new crop) MOLASSUS, lor GEO. McNElLL. . CLAHK & McCALLUMi HA VING removed their Tailorin g Establishment, from their iate Shop to the building formerly oc-, enpid by Win. L. Cofer, nearly opposite to the LafayettoHoiel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends ami customers, that, thev wiM continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. They return thfir thanks for the liberal sbare of business the3' have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, by strict attention and skill. Latest fashions regularly received from New York. Dec 14, 1844. 203-tf. WE have just received from New York and Phila delphia a largr essortment of , CONSISTING OF Groceries, Hardware, CrockefyJ &c, &c., ' whieh wo will sell at the lowest market price. PETER. P. JOHNSON & CO. i Oct. 14, 844. 295-3w..'i ' BAR SOAP. THE subscriber offers for sale ONE HUN DRED ' BOXES OF BAR SOA P, manufac tured at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Can-Jle Factory,'' and warranted tqual if not superior to Colgate's best No. 1. . - ; Being determined to devote nil necessary atten tion tothe business, and off ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage. Cf All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 I AM in Store, now receiving and have 350 Bags Rio, Cuba, Java, ami St.DomingoCoffie, 111 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 5u0 Sacks Liverpool Salt, : 50 Barrels do. , 1 5u0 Bushels Alum Salt, . 100 Kegs Nails, I 0 Tons Swedes and English li on, -500 Sides sole, upper, harness, skirling, and bri dle Leather, 75 B xcs 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 Glass, ' . 5 Pieces cotton Bagging, -..J 40 Coils Rope, 250 lbs. superior Indigo, Pipe best French Brandy, I do Swan Gin, 1 do Jamaica Rum, -I" qr. Casks Wines, assorted, 3 Baskets Champaigm, I O Cases Shoes, assorted, 1G do Hsts and Caps, 5 Barrels Tanner's Oil, 1 Doz. Currying Knives, at $3 50 each, 10 0 lbs Bar Lead, 50 Bags Shot, 25 Kegs Podcr, lO i Pairs Trace Chains, - . ; Boxes Axes, a, 8 Sets Blacksmiths' Tools, 1 0 Bags Pepper. Spice, and Ginger, I Chest of the very best Tea, lO qr. do. fair quality, do. Nutmegs, Cloves, Soap of various qualities, Cast ings, Muscat Wine in boxes. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks, &c., with many other articles for sale by T. S. LUTTERLOH. ALL Goods sent to my care will be taken care of. And produce from fhe back country sold 6r shipped as theowner may direct. T. S. L. Sept. 16, 1844 289-tf. NO T I C E . TAKEN UP and commuted to the Jail of Cumberland county, en Saturday the 1 5th in sr., a ne gro woman, who says her name is SUSAN MITCHELL, aftd claims to be free; but from her contradictory statements, is sup posed to be a runaway slave, and owned by John Tilley, of Granville county, N. C, . Said woman is. of a copper color, with good teeth, large hps, tolera bly stout built, measuring in height 5 feet 4 inch . and is about 18 or 20 years of age. The owner '4?' saia negro- is requesteu io come lorwara, provl property, and take her awayor she will he df with as the law requires. W.L. rALLAIS, Jailor. Feb. 20, 1SJ5. 315-tf. - ' 1w jf ( NEW GROCERY! FRUIT & CROCKER? TP' HE Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay street dirce: ly opposite his old stand, where he isnow receiving a STOCK OF GOODS. Consisting in purl .of Brown, - Havana, loal, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, Alldpic-; Ginger; Saie ratus; Starch; Mackerel; Shad; Salmon;. Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, water, and-soda Cracker; Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; Nutmegs, Citron; Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana Segars; Scotch, Maccoboy, . and Rapp?e Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powder and Shot; Epsom and table Salts. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinegar; Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al monds, Filberts, and M adeira Nuts; saltpetre; sul phur; alum; Herrings; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; Cayenne Pepper ; cur rants; Mustard; Sugar House Molasses; and almost everv article usually called fo in a Grocery Storet .whieh he will sell as low as anv one itv the place, for Cash, or on approved credit. ALSO, CROCKERY. W. PRIOR. Nov. 9th, 1 344. - . 298-y. 4-NEWWrB-CHEAft (GOODS. JAMES KYt,E HAS "just received by the late arrivals bom t'ie North, one hundred and tu enfy packages . . And forty-two packages BOOTS AND SHOES. All of which, being purchased by the Package for Cash, since the lale decline in pric?, will heoffered uncommonly low for CASH, ort.ii t i me to punctual customers. Those wishing to purchase by wbolcsnle or re tail will please call and examine, as greatbargains may be expected. NEW GOODS by cverv arrival. Nov. 30, IS44. 30I-y. SUMMER HOUSE. FOM SAiLE. ON MONDAY,' 3d of March next, at half past 12 o'clock, will be sold. al Ihe Market House, in Fayetteville. the following properly: ISO acres of LAND,on LittleCross Creek, about 3 rinh s from Town, with a farm of 20 acrs under fence, on which is a good DWELLING HOUSE, Kitchen, Dairyr SmoKe House, aud other Out Houses, and a good young On hard of l00 Trees, a first rate Spring, ami a Well in the yard, with a substantial Dam "and Mill Site. 37 O acres of L, A X O near Marsh's I f -miles from Town, on the Wilmington St;iu,c Road, a raw chance for Timber and Turpentine Makers. This Land will be sold in two parcels if necessary. 176 acres of LAND not far from the above, known as tho "Watery Brain h Laud ,' Term-; Very Liberal, and made known on the day of sal. A. J. ERA M BERT. V- K W WILLKINGS, Am!.' Jan. 19, IS 15. 30S-tf. lBllCIrIIlS. MAUL & MA1LIL WOULD inform the public tint they have moved from their old stand to the store Intel' occupied by M. -stirs C J & R M Orrell, and known. as li.e Yellow Buildings. Having largely iacreased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in the way of trade, that wul he to the interest of purchasers generally to givl them a call. Their stock will consist in pa rt of .10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel, 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, 1 5 Kegs Powder, ""30Q lbs." Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1500 lbs. Gopperas, 150 lbs Indigo, I Cask Salaralus, 50 'sides sole Leather, -75 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porfo Rico Sugar, -1000 Iba. single and double refined and Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, iWagon Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton T,!Sip! i i if-a fiilSf Vrds, Curry Corubf , i'ocket Cutlery, Patent Medi Sies, Hadloek'a Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Vmphor, Castor Oil, Paints, Puffy, Drugs, &c.&e. Bept. 14, 1844. 2:0 i - : W Z- JiM i ff ,T-r.. , THESE PILLS hate now become the domestic medicine of almost every family.. They are con sidered by all who have given them a trial, to he the most pleasant, saffe and effectual medicine in use they have the sanction and ajprova! oflhe most eminent Physicians who have adopted them in their practice, purchase them by the dozen boxes of the agents, administer them to their patients, and recommend them as being superior to any other vegetable Piils before the public. They are not on ly Vegetable in name, but in substance, and act as a friendjto Nature in all her operations.. They may be taken by persons ofany age ; and the feeble and the infirm, the nervous and delicate are strengthen ed by their operation ; because they possess tonic and restorative properties independent of their aperient effects.' A ml Females will find them to' be decidedly the best uo-theiiie in use fir the com -plaint:; peculiar to their sex. In sick-headache, costi veness, and how- 1 -complaint, they stand un rivalled. The habitualiy costive should not fail to give them a trial, as their action is entirely different from most medicines . recommended for . this com plaint, and they leave the howtls in u Hue and healthy state, as, may be seen by the following cer tificates : The following i$ f, cm Air Isaac Jtf. Thom as, JJcrclianl, at Talladega co-, JHa. Talil'ega Springs, Taladega co. August 17th, 1842. This is to certify that I have been afflicted with sick-heache, dyspepsia, liver-complaint and ens tiveness for the last 8 or 9 years, during which time I had taken, as well as I can recollect, about GO boxes of Beck wit h's pills, 12 boxes of Peters' pills, and a numb. r of boxes of Champion's and Braudreth's pills, all of which aflbrded me but little or no relief. At last I was recommended to try Dr Spencers Vegetable Pills, and well 1 dd, for I nevei had but one attack of the sick-heaeache after I commenced taking the Pills, (now about 6 months) and 1 candidly confess, that I have derived more real benefits from the use of Spencer's Pi lis, than from all the o hi r medicines and pills that I have ever tajten : ami I would earnestly recommend them to all as bein, in my opinion, the bet. medi cine in use for all lingering complaints. The pills hae done me so much good, that 1 would not feci not but tee! very grateful to Dr Spencer for having prepared such a valuable medicine, and the distri bution ofil is conferring a very great favor on the public, as it Is a thing of the utmost importance that every famdy should have a supply ol Dr Spen cer's truly valuable pills constantly on band. ISAAC Al. THOMAS. SOME "cry humbug from envy, some from jeal ousy cry humbug, and some from sheer ignorance of the thing cry humbug. I do not believe every thing that shines is gold, nor do I believe that which is hastily denounced is humbug. Prove a thing and then judge it." HULL'S PILLS are no humbug: wherever they have been used, they have invariaoly given the most decided and un equivocal satisfaction. The testimony exists on every side throughout this vast country from the Log Cabin ef tiits Western Wilds to the City Pal ace of the millionaire there are thousands of wit nesses to the unrivalled efficacy of this invaluable medicine. It generally cores thoChills and Fevers the first day, and does not sicken the stomach or prodtic! any disagreeable sensaiioit in tho S3'stem. Obstinate cases of CHILLS and FEVER, when other preparations have failed, have yielded at once to a few doses of Null's Pills, without any disposi tion ot a rctorn. They require no puffing, it is up worthy of them. The JUedical Faculty are now prescribing tbem with unexampled success, not on ly in Chills and F. ver, but in Fevers of all types, grades and character, and considers them the nioxt safe and harm'ess yet the most certain and prompt febrifuge that can possibly bo administered in tfie remediate management of Fevers peculiar to this country. Full di rections for use accompany each box. Price One Dollar. JJULL'S WORM LOZr NGES 4);JusxMteL discovery ever made fordispelling the various kinds of worms that so !r quentl v and distressingly an noy both children aud adults. From the Sparta Gazette ' Fr-nn our own Knowledge we lake rear pleasure In recommending to the public Hull's Worm Lor.engts as the b-st uorm medicine extant. Children will eat them as they wou'd candv and cry I t them." To parents we say, do not be w it bout these Lozenges at any time, as you vbIuh the I ive's of 3 our children. ALSO DR HULL'S mm Ilnlfl For the relief of coughs, colds, consumption, Asth ma, whooping cough, catarrh, lightness of the lungs or dies', bronchitis, and all pulmonary affections. Several thousand boxes have been sold withfn the last six months, giving immediate relief to those who have been afflicted with the most distressing coughs and colds, and restoring lo health persons in almost everv stage of pulmonary affections. - Tho whole world should know that Dr Hull's Cough Lozenges area certain cure for all diseases leading to consumptions, and datb. They are recommended by thousands who have used them, and say that ihby give relief when all other means fail "Price 25 cenls pr box. with full directions. DR. LA COUNT'S VEGETABLE TOOTHACHE ELIXIR, .2 certain and immediate cure. (Price, 60 cents per Pbial.) ICTP' For safe in Favetteville by "S. J. HINSDALE. Luraberton by ? R- W.FULLER. " Elizabeth by J.W. WHITE. And on enquiry maybe found in nearly all the towns and villages throughout the Southern States. 299-3m. immm THE Subscriber has just received late pnrcoMtt : SJbOIV ABLE GOODS; from Phdadelphia a.uNew York, Such Aim' s r r c ,s crapR d-p-w.- le-tams and n-ie prints, worsted nndTh bel hawli7 sdk scar s, crape l8ce, (wh te black and blue ) gymp an,l gymp c0,d, white ami blcklre oodr iv or i. :.r.i ' ' . . u ,e "air yma' w,, 1 U' ! H.IIIil.lllS litnr aa. a M : mm ml ririf.niirnt I ' and hav.r .to ' I'"" Kia ASso gentlemen's fie black nd fancy raMU'. meres hue biav ,nd blur cJoths, best qualiTof roar trimmings, together with ot siwt. i;,.!.... ;. .. .7". 11 lire llll;d!l' llfi. in .1 . JOH.nwit.I lino of market square. Feb'. 15, 1845. """I"" est tornf-r '4 J 20 hags Rio coffee, iu Hhds, molasses," fi ditto sugar," 8 Ions iron, - With nnils, trneo chains, hay forks, spade", Morels pots, ovens, skill. Is and lida.-indigo, madd r.K ' sou. salts, copperas, Coliins tuipeT.line mx-u. cut A !sft I .i 1 1 1 .. , r "S:'nt of saddU-., cheap. i Y.T V """"'K' ana yarns niwayt on 1 1 ci 1 1 ij aii 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 1 ri .if 'i iirnr'o i -. "w-v "T'lO!1. J. 1J. W. Am JT OUTN JO. sta jaw GO 0 D S. Comprising a Iarw nA : n,.- c i ri 7 BBsoruiieni ot. Dry bonds, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats. Bonnet var ra, wr.tmg and wrapping- P,Mr' pn.. . r Snar.nr,,: u.j;. fper, Coffee arcr afi i . the attend . .rai41. W?fI o.lcrtd at low prices for cash . . "'"ruianis which will K.. or country bfndur. JOHN D. STARR. 269-tf. . Oct. 2G, 1844. Call at the WAGON YARD-' U v uw""Vnoi receiving from Nev -M- Vork, a general and complete assortment of HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, . HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Crockery and Groceries, Of every quality and description, lor sale very low lor Cash, or in exchange for any kind of conntrV CoCC" t THOS. J. MI MS. hoA second I,and buggy as good as new, and two' rses and Iwo mules, for i,ale or hire. Dec. 14. 1844. 203-lf: 4UTDhbls- pRIME extra large YelW A JElrt",7,RISH POTATOES; just re ceived .no for sale by HALL & flALL. i-ob. 1. 3,0 D. MCL A URIN, IN addition to a general assortment of- Groceries, Hardware, Cutler Shoes, hats, &c., is now opening a choice selection of seasonable Vz 1 !l,,e b,ck, invisible green, and Meel mixed Cloths ; fancy Cassimerea ; Satiinelts. Ken tucky Jeans; Kerseys; Blanket. Alpacas; Mus-hn-de-Lams ; worsted Shawlg; Bed Tickinifsr Shining, and a vanciv of Prm's, Vesting., Ctfa Trimmings, &c. B ' 1LSO 4;h proof Jamaica Rum. " Cogniac Brandy, ljioMandi3in, a .inf iia ami i on w me Sicily, Madeira, Tenenffe. and Malag, tU6 Th, above Goo.ls w, be sold low for OasW Country Prodoce. or charged to those who ha v heretofore been p.i net uaf. D MT September 11, 1344. W-y RICHARD S. CAIN, WILL attend promptly to the collection oftnvie' counts, notes, judgments, or, other debts, due irr Bladen county, to edizens ol said connty, or thea o,n.nvco.,ni,cs Person, placing acenta in h,V hands, may Uk for prompt returns. feb. 15, 1845. 3l2-3w. Dr. Taylor's Balsam Liverwort, . Jaynea' Expectorant, Dr. Hull's Conch Dr Zers, and many other valn.ihle o.K , . ?'by S. J. HINSDALE. Feb 22. 1815. n..,-.L. THE Maeigtrates of CumiH.-rland County are red ilea, el to med at the Cnurt llii Fayetteville, nn Thursday, the 6fh day of jMreh next, at 12 o'clock. J. McLAURIN.- Clerk of Cumberland County Feb. 22, 1815. 3l3-2w. J auu misneis sjjutsu UATS, for wml by COOK Sc TRriv J en. 'Z'za, 313. GRAHA3I FLOUR ! Por sale by GEO.MeNElLL. Jan 4. IS45. ENTRY TA K E RS N OTICES, For safe at the Garoiinwn office. i-cb. 15, 1845.-31 2-6!. V-r ? : 'Tj ,'nvJ