AS 'IMPORTANT STATES AS IT W TO INniriOUALS; AND THE CLOjriY OP THE STATB'IS TTIE COMMON PltOrERTY O ITrTIv - "character is 1. 7 ---:"".. II A BY WM II BAYNE TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per annum, if paid inadvaace, . 2 5q if paid at the end of six months 3 Uo i at the end of the year 3 5q 4 Rates of Advertising : Sixty cent per -.rjH.ire for be first, and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion. Adrertisi-is hy the yar will be charged according to th 5 qH.intitv of matter Inserted. Court advertisements, &c, 25 per cent higher. INDEMNITT Against loss or damage by Fire. THE -WILLIAMSBURG FIREINSU- - -; UANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL- S105,000. Office in Grand near First Street, Williams- burg, opposite the City of .Vetc York. i Agency Office Well Building, 62 Wall st., ml tM w EI RECTORS : C It rial I. in Za1rii-kie. Andrew C. R-neclict, . Frederick W Favre, Jereminh Jofvison, John Skillnian, S v nl. Will-t. Abi'm T. Coskerck, Krani:is Stfinheii, Ssinil II. Clapp, Joh 1 Lejrctf, Chiis. O. Handy, Lemuel Richards in, Nicholas WvckofC . LEMUEL RICHARDSON, Pres'f. AvonP.w B. lIorr:EsS c'ry. " WASHINGTON POST, Aent, New York. THK VVil!i;imlnr'r Firelnsnran e Coinpnny. hivin- ben in:.rpr.ited by an act of the Lnisla jr nf it... St:t f New rlt. for the purposes of Fire.lnsur;Mic5, the Directors ofier to Insure their "IIor-ci'izM- shroosjhoot the Unitea raaies Affainst Loss or Damage by Fire, rn . It. .il lins Go and Merchandise, and Prr-1 'snn-t Pmnnrtc ".Mieni!! v. assurins ihem that the rr.;r ,.t t1i Com-anv . s'lall !e co-idicr'd with mich fairnftff, candor and liberality as lli-y . trus will entitl-s it to public confi lence ana patronagp. The S'llisi'iibcr,' Agent fr the ahove Com Dnv will "ive any fnrtlier information that may b J desired bv those who wish to Injure. JAMES MARTINE, Agoni, . - ' Hay Street, Feb. 8, 1 3 15. 3 lt-if. . State of North Carolina Robeson " county Superior Court of Law Fall Term, IS 14 Sarah Jane Allen v. Htiih Roy Alton. Petition for Divorce. IN tbH case it was ordrfd by the Court thot pub lication be made in the North Carolinian for three tnnnt'ts for th defendant to nppoar at t lie next term of this Court, to be held at Lumberton n fh- lib .Monday of March next, and plead, or the pravJf f tho wetitioncr will be heard exparte and. ju Ijroifnte.odpred accordingly. - 1 , f ,; Vitness, Absalom Davis, Jr , Clerk of our said M..ndavin D 1841. ABSALOM DAVIS, Jr., C. S. C. Fb. S, 1813. 311. 3m. OBfUMJllLMRSS 10 Ris!icls Orchard Gras Seef7'frr"'siile bv GEO. McNEILL. Feb. I. 1815. 5' IVirrels superior N. O. Molasses (new crop.) 2 V Ilhds. Midasscs. For sale by Feb. , 19-1.-.. Giro. McNEILL NO TIC E . TAKKN UP and committed to the Jail of Cumberland count v, N. C, on Sunday, the 2Gth day of January, 1815, a necro man who says bis iinrnc i.s SIMON, and says that he was sold in Charleston to a man bv the name of,and wascarriedto Alabama or Geor gia anil there left his master. Said neirro w;is for mrrly th'; proporty of Benjamin Gass of Onrmlen, S. C an 1 was taken Irom this ire last February byMrG us. Said ncro is about 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The owner of said negro n h-reby notified to co ne forward, prove property. py charges, and take him awav, or he will be dealt i'b nccordin" tolav. W. L. CALL A IS, Jailor. Jan. 2.1, IS 15. 310-tf. itEWAMS), ; BAN A WAV from .Mr James AlcDufHe on the 7i!i of Dept' berla-t, my negro man A R"1 lat the property of fCJC" dee'd. He is ai.;-affrt8or 10 inches iii-b. .";,sa long.smooth, b'ack f""". w,th lull prominent eye-- anf' 's 'amc 'n one f his igs. He is supposed to be lnrk- ino- about Pjyet'evilie, N. C. A rewanl oflO vill be pid'for him d taken and lodged in any jail in this State, or S5 if taken and lodged in Jail in any other of the States, so that I can ct him again. J. M. STUOxNG. Fayctteville, N. C, Feb, 22, 1815. 313-4w. ROBERT W. HARDIE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, lVmE-VTEKL.T,V, .V. C. - fTITAVING located himself in Fayellevillc, on p lj Hay street. 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book tor will keep constantly on hand a general as iortnu:itof Books-T&d Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desi-ous of paichasing ot not. ucing a uooKDinaer, ana provioca h uh acompieie set of ttwtls and apparatus, he is prepared to execute 'all kinds of binding, from the plainest to the most 03'ly. ' He solicits the patronage of his fellow citixensof jFavetteville and the surrounding country. ' 2iov. 23, 1314. 261-y. MOUNTAIN BUTTER! tiUO superior, just receivea. Jan. 25.-It THOS. J. MI MS. "RICHARD S. CAIN, -WILL attend promptly to the collection of any ac counts, notes, judgments, or other debts, due in "Bladen county, to citizens of said connty, or the ad joining counties. Persons placing accounts in his -hands, may lookor prompt returns. Feb. 13. 1845. 312-3w. . : , Dr. Taylor's Balsam Liverwort, Dr. Jaynes' Expectorant, Dr. Hull's Cough Lozen gers, and many other valuable cough mixtures lor sale by S. J. HINSDALE, " Feb. 22, 1845. Druggist. R. W.HARDIE Has just re- a suddIv ol liUAiMiva, mofity useu o Clerks, Sheriffs, and Constal Ics. printed on6ne j ii - i - . paper anu wen cjkcu.tu... . . EPAVIJD 11 AW HAS iust received a fresh supply of those goods usually kept in his line, among which are New crop Bunch Raisins, Spanish Cigars. in whole-hall, and quar ter boxes. Maccoboy and &cotcn Snuff. . A beautiful lot of fancy- Hair Powder. Ess. Lemon and Pepper mint. Prunes, in various sized boxes. New crop Citron. And a general assortment Palm Nuts and r ilberts. Mace and Cloves. cf Cordials, Wines and Spirit?. Also, a larse lot o! supe CasfiaaJid Nutmegs. feppr ami Allspice rior TOYS N.U. CANDIES of a superir quality (manufac tured by himself) are kept constantly on hand, and made fresh to order at prices to sun me umi-: viz : Retail price, 30 cents per lb., wholesale . Faycttei1lc, N. C , Nov. 28, 1844." . '30! -tf. CHEAP FOR CASH! riTlHE subperibers, thankfulfor past favors, take ll this niethocLlo inform their friends and the public that thy have now on hand and for sale-a fiir assort ment of seasonable Goods ; comprisins in part as follows. :"i Any.-, or a!l of which they will sell at the lowest market prices for Cash : w ; r GROCERIES. Rlo. Cuba, and St. Domingo Coflee; Porto Rico, N Orleans, and Loaf Sugar; Soap, Starch, Epsom Salts, Camphor, Indigo, Madder, Cepperas, Tea, Salt, &c. &c. Dry Goods. Alpaecas, plain aial figirel ; Mouslin d'Laines ; Broad Cloth.; Satti nets'; Kersys; Calico cotton and stl Handkerchiefs ; woil and silk Shawls; Apron Checks; Bed Ticking; Flannels; Bonnets; Band-boxr-s; R;bbo!:s; Artificials; Hats, Boots, and Shoes, &C.&C. Enirli-'h and Swedes Iron ; English and American Steel; Nails; pocket and table Cutlery; Hoes; trace and halter Chains ; Padlocks; Drawing Knives; table and tea Spoons, &c. &c. CROCKERY, A general assnr-nienr. , - Now iii store and for sale, . - . 5Q B.2s Co IP e. 150 Sacks,Salt, - 4TIhds. '-If' 20 Bids, planti n Potatoes, V 2 tor.s Swedes Iron, aorted, 1 at our old stand, fool of Haymount. ' . j oralis Si uuiN DecZ21,444.:-: ,- "sHIfe 3tT4 -If. Encourase Manufactures Gardner 8c McKetlian, HAVE lately made considerable improvement in tlieir stle of Work, and have now on hand aG.N ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, c&c. Wiiich for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any ma'le m the U StuJjj Persons wishing to buv, wouhl do well.'.i i i.i i ,iiioeu io and examine our work, as we hsive i ' . T OW for Hi"-'".' .'' it i- . .-ce fcmi lis, wo Having in onreuipioy lirs-t . , ,r riv in the above line are on prepar a 10 oo any iron moderate terms. work to be of good and faith - We warrant.' . r , 1 rf.'lll L' IIIU I' 11111;", UliV W cliJr.AU.iiMjr laiiniui y executcu in siioii and on icasonablo term-. Fayestev.lle, Fcbn ary 8, 1845. y- FOR SALE. 6 doz. reen glazed FLOWER POTS. G " "lazed PiClvLE JARS with covers- C. LUTTERLOII . Feb. 6, 1844. 311-tf. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR For sale by Jan 4, 1S15. GEO. McNEILL. NEW Forwarding anil Commission HOUSE. R.A.&X. & HALL lKTOULD inform the merchants of the interior ;.wV. that they have in conn"ction with the gen eralgrocery business, added that of the Forward ing; and having large and commodious Ware houses on the bank of the River, are prepared to receive andibrward Goods upon such terms as will defy all competition, our charges and expenses be-ingone-third less on the freight bills than any other house in the place. All Goods shipped to G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, tor the interior, and net otherwise directed, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1844. 274-tf. Call at the WAGON YARD fnHE Subscriber is now receiving from New U York, a generaLand complete assortment ol HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, . IT A TOTYYV A T?T7 AV PIT TTT .17 R V Crockery and Groceries, Of every quality and description, tor sale very low for Cash, or in exchange for any kind ol country produce. THOS. J. MIMS. . hoA second hand bug-y as good as new, and two rses and two mules, for sale or hire. Dec. 14. 1844. 203-tf. flnvbbls. PRIME extra brpo Yellow Tfcv Planting IRISH POTATOES, just re ceived and for sale by . HALL&EiALL. Feb. I. -" 310 - rS Home . - v liVYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, niiiiTiiriTr OF ALL SORTS For sale at the Carolinian Office. . A. M. C AMPBELL, HAVliNLi been appointr-d . AIICTIONEEB. for 1 he Town ot Favelteville, is prepared to attend to the sale ot any goods which may be entruste- to him. -'- " CONSIGNMENTS from abroad will be pro;iy:t- !y attended to. - . . " : . October 10, 1844. -J .. ' ' ' 294 6 ni. AV ANTED. flrtftrfh BUSHELS OF ASHES, imrrie diately, for which a fair price wilt be paid. March 9,844. - 263-tf. For the sale of Timber, Lumber, ' and iNaval Stores. . TI HAVING located mvself in Wilmington for itliihe purpose of selling TIMBER,LUA1BER, T U ll PENTINE, TAR, &c, I would say to the pubfie, tliaf. notliing shall be wanting on my part to the giving of entire satisfaction. I take this op portunity of acknowledging mv obligations to those who have patronized me, and hope lo snare a por tion ottne onsincsa ot ine puinn: eencrauy. . STEWART. PIPKIN. Wilm-ngton, N. C., Mare'r I6 4844. 264- ly. JUST PRINTED. NEGOTIABLE NO t ES,-of all the various kinds used, just printed and for sate at this Office. , 10 HtlDS. (new crop) MOLASSES for sa'e by s , GEO.McNElLL. Jan 4, 181;. . ... ' ' CLARK & Mc CALLUM, ; HAVING removed their Tailoring Establishment from their late Shop to the buildin formerly oc cupied by Wm. L. Cofer, nearly opposite toihe Lafayette Hotel, on Flay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that thevwi'l continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. They return their thanks (or the liberal .hare ot business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance 'of it. bv strict att-mtion and sKiU. Latest fishions regularly received from New York. Dec 14, 1814. 203-tf. YhjLve jaJLtPJEejdlJomTv.Yo and 1';!. la deiphia a'fargtr asortnTenrJl ,,-sbLJ-ir '?wsi FALL & W I N Tt wet i CONSISTING OF - Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, which wo will sell at the lowest market price. PETER P. JOHNSON & CO. Oct. 1 1, 844. 295-3w. BAR S0iP.;,:N THE subscriber offers for Xmnnnfac DRED BOXES OP DAIfc; U,red at the Fnyettevin(! and warranted equal D best No. I . ,-,icd to devote all necessary atten Beiiiir deterfy; jufiness, and offering it at a reduced tion tothf .a cents a notind tv the box.) he hones to PiJciv'e a due share of public patronage. r All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,841 I AM now recdiving and have in Store, 350 Bags Rio, Cuba, Java, and St.DoraingoCofile, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 5U0 Sucks Liverpool Salt, 50 Barrels do. 150(1 Bushels Alum Salt, 100 Kegs Nails, 1 0 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 Sides sole, upper, harness, skirling, and bri dle Leather, 75 Boxes 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 Glass, 5') Pieces cotton Bagging, 40 Coils Rope, 250 lbs. superior Indigo, Pipe best French Brandy, I do Swan Gin, 1 do Jamaica Rum, 10 qr. Casks Wines, assorted, 3 Baskets Champaign?, 1 0 Cases Shoes, assorted, 16 do Hls arid Caps, 5 Barrels Tanner's Oil, I Doz. Currying Knives, at $3 5L each, 100 lbs Bar Lead, - ''' 50 Bags Shot, 25 Kegs Powder, 100 Pairs Trace Chains, . " 30 Boxes Axes, 8 Sets Blacksmiths' Tools, ' 1 0 Bags Pepper. Spice, and GingT, 1 Chest of the very bust Tea, 10 or. do. fair quai'ty do. Nutmegs, Cloves, Soap of various qualities, Cast ings, Muscat Wine in boxes. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks, &c, with, many other articles for sale by T. S. LUTTERLOII. ALL Goods sent to my care will be taken care of. And produce from the back country aold or shipped as theowner may direct. T- S'-L.; Sept. 16, 1844 289-tf. NOTICE. . TAKEN U P and committed to the Jail of Cumberland county. t n Saturday the loin ..inst,ra gro woman, who says her aame u SUSArt, jyii icjMK.L.u.-.anu claims to' be Ireej but frqnr-be, JSS contradictory statcmcnts,14 an posed to be jl runaway slave, and owned bjr Johli Tilley, of Granv.illc county, N. C, Said woman if ofa copper color; with g i teeth, large lips.tolefaW bly stout built, masurin, in height 5 feel 4 iitche. and rs about 1 8 or "20 years of age. The owner ol said negro is requested to come fo r w a rd,. prove property, "and taker her awaj, or febe.wilj bje .dealt with as the law requires. - W. L. CALLA15. Jailor. I V Feb, 20, 1845. 313-lt.; . . - . ' . i MARCH 8, 1845. WOULD, reapectiul ly iuforrulheitizens of Fayctleville and the puhlie general ly, t hut he ha? tak en "the stand recently occupied by J.Clark, on G:lle?pie ..Street, 5 doors South ot the Market Square, w Ihtc he will ""manufacture and ke?i con stantly on hand an"assortment of ;fir' T1IN AND SHEET- 1ROX WARE. Persons wishing to purchase would do 'we!. to call and examine his stock before purchasing else- wtiere,as he is determined to sell as cheap as any other manufacturer in thi State. ' , - : BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in thu Intstest style, and best manner. Also GU TTbRING. v . - Auir. 17, IS44. v -?r ..:;. . 2CI-y. NEW GROCERY FRUIT & CROCKERY THE Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay street directly opposite his o!d stand, where he is now receiving a STOCK OF, GOODS. Consisting in part of Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, Alldpicr; Ginger; Sale ratus; Starch; Mackerel; Shad; Salmon; Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, water, and oda Cracker; Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; Nutmegs, Citron; Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana Segars; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappe Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powder and . Shot; Epsom and table Salts. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinegar; Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al monds, Filberts, a nd Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; sid phur; alum; Herrings; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; Cavcnne Pepper ; cur rants; M ustard; Sugar House Molasses; and almost every article usually called lo in a Grocery Storet which he will sell as low as any one in the place, lor Cash, or on approved crcdjt. . ALSO,- ; CROGKEM. i ' - .1& W.PRIOIL. -X SNEW ANDCHEAP .JAM EJICYL E HAS just received by the late arrivals from t ie North, one hundred antl twenty packas-es . " : And forty-Two packages C S T BOOTS yfJ aji e i u i-"S purchased by the Package for P the late decline in price, will be offered JfJo'Tunonly low for CASH, or on time to punctual customers. Those wishing to purchase by wholesale or re fail will please cail and examine, as greatbargains may he expected. Z NEW GOODS by every arrival. Nov. 30, 1844. 30 1 -y. WOULD inform the public, ibat they ;hav moved from (heir old stand to the store lately occupied by Messrs CJ&R M Orrelt d known as the Yellow Buildings. Hrvii larglv iacreased their stock of GROCERIES,: Uey are prepared to offer inducements in the way Ja( trade j ihat will be to the interest of purchasers nralfy to give them a call. Tbeir' stock will consist, in part of a e 10 TonsSwedea and English Iron,'. - - " " , 5O0 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Strel, " 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, . " 500 lhst Bar Lead, , t 40 Bags Shot, assorted, . - ' -15 Kes Powdr. . .- i - - -300 lbs.-EpMO Salts V ' 300 Ihs. Alum, c - " " r liH ii. liorax,: 15I0 IbsiCJMppera.', .t 150 lbs lodio, l Cask. Salratus. ' 50 sides sole Leather, ... '-. - - -75 Bags Rio Coflfce, - ' - ' 10 Hbds; PoHoRico&uar, - ; 1000 lb.- sile and double refined and Coflee - crashed Sugar, .; . " , ' 300 sacks Livorpool Salt,' . - ! 500 bushels" Alnrrr . do. Wann Boxes- Bellows. Vitus' Anvils. Cbifoa Cards; Curry CombsPocketCwtkry PMentltledir-J cmes, Hadbick's yrsp . and , Fowderr vatgw Camphor, Castor Od Paiqts, Putty, Drr!&c. to Sept. 14, 1844. . ' : 1 L -:T$& . S J"P ri S cc ra , n Ui O -' HJ ?" g SySoSS Q S.c-'' s-a. o - ; o S a " H. 5 O -3 n O i" 5 I 7 3 v33.- ? 1-3 2 i ' - 2 3 . flkj io' 2 S- e.- - S fi5 -O" S M SI i-Jr; W l J 2 ' o S o 2 -o 9. ir M P3 . 3 ,-" SJ 5 2 " ii Jii NEW GOODS;; THE Subscriber! just received late frcliasca. of V SEASONABLE G00DS;4 ; front Philadelphia and New York, such s , fine dress silks, alpacas, crape de-pc-iens, and mnsIiA-dC-lains and tine pinl, oriled andThdiet hals, silkfe seal lis. . crape e . (wh te bUck and. blue,) vymu and jjyiap corJX bit and Idafck dress s;ood4 mourning crapes, ezlra fine hair pin!, with a vane' ly of .bead ornaments, long white party gloes, kid and beayer do." . ' - ' i j:AIso,; ger.tlemess fine" MacKund fancy -aE-meres tine bbvck and tlu cloths, beit .qoali'y of coat trmimiiirs, together with a sciifrat usortinviit ot sucn -arueios aKarinfuany Keprin t:r? aiooas stores which will be told as low as can be lound elsewhere. - '.-VJ'- ' ';'' I' ; JOHN. D WILLIAMS, ' '-'if jSouth-West corner ol maiket square. 1 IIS45.- ' W -312-y a - 4 120 bags Rio coflee, 10 hhds, molasses, 6 ditto sugar, . 8 ton iron, i.' , With nails, trace chains, bay forks; spade?, shovels, pot?, ovens, skillets and lids, indigo, madd' r, E -som salts, copperas, Coliins' turpentine ax s, cut broad iron, a tine assortment of sauMbp, cheap. Also, Little River o-naburs and yarns always on hand at manufacturer's prices. J. D. Vf. 0. M' LAURIN, IN addition to a general -assortment of Groceries, Hardware; Cutler a hoes, hats, &c, is now opening choice selection of seasonable z: time blue, black, invisible irreen. and steel- mixed Cloths ; fancy Cassimercs ; Saltinelts, K n' tncky Jeans; Kerseys ; Blanket. Alpacas; Mus- iin-ae-iains ; worsted t-fiawlfr- Bed -Ticking : Shiningrand a variety of Prins, Vestings,,;poat Trimmings, &c. . . ALSO 4ih proof Jamaica Bum, " " Cogniac Brandy, ' Holland Gin, - Fine Madeira and Port Wine, a. , " Sicily Madeira, Teneriffo, and Malaga ditto. ' :' theabc5vc tjroods will be sole low for Cash. Country Produce, or charged to those who have heretofore been punctual. D.'McL. September 27, 1844." , 292-y. ACTS OP ASSEMBLY. An act to cousolidate and amend the acts heretofore passed on the subject Cotn tnon Schools. ' ' ' 7.'" '' lie- it enacted, .&c. &c. 'I'hnl the nett an- rxaal income ofheiter'ary itid, exclusive ot tnouies arisinj;- horn the sales ol owamp Lands) shall annually be distributed ""uJ!r the several cmun Wof this St i fi'Jjj? I loTttieir federal ' pcpTr' by the census neXl .s umguiuu- ""i-! i fiat the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the counties which have adopted the School system, shall, at the Term next preceding the first Monday of October, in each and every year, a majority of the Justices of the Peace of said county being present, appoint not less than five nor more than ten, superintendents of Common Schools, who shall hold their appointments for one year, aud until others aro chosen. 3. That the term of said superintendents shall commence 011 the first Monday of Octo ber, and ihey shall assemble at the office of the cletk of the County Court, on the day thereafter, and appoint one of their number chairman. 4. That the cletk of the County Court shall be ex officio clerk of the Board of Superinten dents, and shall record in a book lo be kept for that purpose, the proceedings of the board, and such other papers touching the subject of common schools, as the board may direct ; and shall safely keep all papers which may be committed to his custody by said board. 5. Thai the share of the Literary Fund to which each county may be entitled, under the provisions of this act, shall be due and pay able on or before the first Monday of October, in each and every year, and shall bo paid to the chairman of the board of superintendents or his lawful attorney, upon the warrant of the Compli oiler. 6. That the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of each and every county, a majority of the Justice betug present, may in, their diseretioii levy ti tax iu the fame maimer thai other county taxes are now levied for other county purpose' which shall not be less than one half of the estimated amount In be received by said county for that year from the Literary Fund ; and the sheriff is hereby required to collect aud pay over the same to the chairman f the board of superintendents on the day of their not meeting as prescribed Jjti the third section oj thtsic t ; and his bond given to se cure the payment , of ihe county taxes, shall contain a condition for the faithful collection "and payment of the school taxes to the person authorized to receive the same ; mid .for a breach of. said condition by the erirT, the f nairraan 01 me ooaio or upiu?enoen naJi have, the same remedies agaui I bim ac4 fate seruMties,4is are grvejctjo- the county Truslee for enforcing the payment orordiuarv' county taxes : except tbat, his '-tiefai nCl action iSt ai ise i'in 'the ; first rday of. November in eaiU and eveiy year, and- the sheriff pniltir aball go lo the use of ; Coritmon Scboofclt io hi . 7". That iho Bcninl of stiperiuteodenU shall have power to lay off in .fbeir coMiities school d isti ic l.9 a n A oundier the sane, C such, for oi and si2e as they may ibie intronSucive lo ih coovVniebces of lJf h&abitauts of said ccHintyy andi to after lae bouodaries of the satney atlsTng said beabdaries and sucli'at- tectioiis to tie recorded boci xnX." !ch tberecor ike. SLTlc!:a free white hir iW rl-t', I 'm --4 - V' ' . - n or uicir preccs3ir- t - . " j wriff-i r i r - r l-t Sf ,ttAr tit fsVttttua' H .fi. Witt .Ti:?.t - year, shall dt by ball,rt ljbfeL malW. V" entitled .1 -ib-Sool vCotritc fetm shall commence'ontKi tJrtt llttCay it. I p!hcrs tre chosen ; audMhdt sati, eTScSlraV."'' J) nooi aiHrtciji severalty f att toe Jfi 3 udaiiUrnay dciisuate ; and . ih tyCpVCi SOU t toe UljriltJSI.HUIIMW.WI WUfj9'f :; sui b tlou hail bo decl9tetf ejected as Dcr school cMnraree?tTheir rerpcetlv du trials ; anci the - super mten4iW "V fc- power to fill any vacoticy- hiclwii,' tcczr itt a id committee Jjy denlb, rernovoJ w ctaef '. .-' - caused J ne cnairmau x-ie noma 01 super . intetroeiits, vhose leitn.of srt i is ltttplrcc oixjhe' first Monday of Oclo&trt shs'.l giVo public noiice In writfr at threa or metaT poV"; lie places in each dutrict, of tse election to ba;- vi,.. ' ?1 held as provided in his section at leist len . v"f I . . . . . . - . . - : relays be tore, inc. day 01 sucn election ;J ana ins.. said board ot superiuleudents shall appoint'; two freeholders of the district to conduct such ' election of the school comrnittee.' -Tbo"- said f 1 eeholders s-hall give to the board of U petinteuclents. whose term ''of service con " menceit on the first Monday of October, on, -- the day of their first meeting, as prescribed ' in the thud section of this act, a cettincato under their hands, of the number of .votes re- ceivea of eacn person : -ana me saia ooara shall declare the three persons receiving the highest number of votes lhe,uscbool commit- fee, " aft herein provided : provided, neverthe less, that whenever the districts fail to moke au election, the board of superintendents shall appoint the school committee, who shall con tinue iu office till others are, chosen at the next annual election: Aud whenever, the people, or any number' of persons of any dis trict, may consider themselves aggrieved by the committee, or any one of the committee men of iheir J respective, districts,' an appeal may. be taken or had to the board of super iuV. Vs lenaeuts 01 common scnopts ; ana saia noaia shall have pojvjrer to appear and decide on Ihe merits of. l such complaints, and also have power to remove any committee-man, who, in their opinion, has violated his duty, and, in . case of such removal, to appoint another m his'-stcado'"'. -. '- M j-. y' , -9. That each committee' of Jihe several school disirf han be, and U hereby coostt uted body corporate, by the nime andslyU' f "School Committee of District number of the county 'of. the Cm, be--; -id - iu 4hat -uottiifTOi purchasing and holding real and personal es tate for school purposes; of selling and-trans- lenng the same; and prosecuting and defend ing an suits lor and against said corporalti. 10. That whenever suit is brought against any "school district," ihe process shall be by summons ; a copy ot which shall ba left vtjXti some one of the committee of said district. 11. That it shall be the duty of the school committee to designate and purchase or lease, or receive by donation a suitable site for a school house, as near the central part of each district ns may be convenient ; to hire, pur chase, build or receive by donation a school house of such form and dimensions as they may deem suitable. 12. That the school committee shall, in one mouth after their appointment, report iu writing to ine cnairmau ot the board ot super-, iutendeuts the number and names of Ihe white childten in iheir districts, of five and under ' twenty-one years of age. 6. rnat it shall be the duty of ihe school committee to contract with a suitable teacher for their respective districts, for such time as the monies to which said district may be en titled, will permit ; and strict regard shall be had to the qualification and moral character of siiid teacher: it shall be the duty of the teacber, at the end of the time for which be was employed, to give to ibe committee the i number and names 'of the children who may. have gooe to his school, specifying the nom -; oer ol days each one went; and, upon his. i renocring in is statement, tne committee haQ Mi pay him by giving an order on the chairmav. And no committre-msn,' whilst acliiiff such, shall be a teacber in any;commoit school. v-. '';--' 14. That any branch of English education J ( may be taught in said schools : and all white persons .over the age of four years ! sbai bo per mil ted to" attend ibe school of their district, . j : as scholars, and receive instruction therein : " Provided, That the children in any oue dts-" , trict may, by the conseut of two or more au pertotendents, attend the schools fa any ad- ' v joining oisurci. - . - . - 15. Thai it shall be the duly of said acbool committees. to visit the schools from time to time, and generally lo perform all such duties as they may deem necessary lo tSe aoccesful opercdon of said school ; and said commit toeajshall have power to nnha wiii individual, or other dutrtetafor the puapose of rauip m sum suGcbnt to carry on their schools fof.tfM longest Si:'::L'y,:-.: ; - 16. That V(.utn niu mnnlk mftmw ih ctw.L. coinmittcehall have reported to rbe cbairnisn ta uutr.ber toC .children in tlkr - respective ". "3 the board, who. sbail' dcternue fan jsaar ft .leadbjeifc'e1cesa ;jt' - tbeircwioly ; ajif the nwniea received. lcr', f tha trhcrsrf Fund and froio tbar ecuoty laafj: j f hail be distltbuted amob racW dritU r : j of ihair cocry in rc:5? fc noestr. jef i"v. 1 -Si i'l --i, J p id if 1 ii ) '.V - i. . 4. .x - - HI. '

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