"CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT, ISi TO INIHTIDLS; AND THE .GLORY OP THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." jsY VM II BAYNE FAYETTEYILLE, SATURDAY. M ARC H 29, IS45. Vol u mc C Xiiin icr 3 1 S n u H 4 i-i f 4 4 V 5 "4 tit 'I 4 : I I i t... i ; 1 j i - i i - 4 I -'? Of ' I t TSftMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I i-Vr annum, ifpaid in advance, S2 5U " ,f paid at the end of six months 3 Ojj ct the end ofthe year 3 5j Rates of Advertising : Sixty cents per qi.in fir 'he first, and thirty cents for e tch snbequent insertion. Adve. tnu ig by tii' y--.r vii! be charged according ti t!i q itity f nuMer i ise rted. C 'iit Jvertisem-mts, &, -15 ier cent higher. A r ii!it ls or uunne by Fire. THS WILLIiIS3UaG' PiatS INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL--S!03,000. OJice in Grmd tieir First Street, IVllliams bunr, nooostle the City of Jew York. Jtgewj Ojice, Well Building, 02 trail si., JVmc York. DIRECTORS: -:i a i Zibrisk e. Abr'.i. T. Bo.-kf rck, Franeis St i beil, Sini I. Clapp, J h i Legetf, Chas. O. Ida ndy, Lemuel itichards n . Andrew U. B-netiic Frederick V Favre, Jermii tU Johnoii, J 'm Sk ilhna o, Snil. Will t. Niehula WyckolT. L!,M JEL RICHARDSON, Pr -s't. AvnaF.TT B. HjosesS. c'tv. WASillN'Gr TON PJS T, A.it, New York. Tilli VViiii.unsburj Fire I-isitra n-c Company, hivin h'e i i iiiNr;)'"-ite I by an act of ih j L..'jjis!a 1 'if of tlits State of New Yok, for ihe Mir;ioss ot't''ii I'MnniricH, tiie Dirctir oft'er to Insure their t'.-l'.o v-ci iiivn :h--oa2'nit t!ie United State " Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On tJ li'dinj, Go d- and Mrf-binlife, a-id P r i'Vif Property ir'fierally, ns.nriaif ihi-in that the atrtira oi tlie C im.Kiny, sia?I !.e eo idnet' d vi h neb f;iir:i!j, can l.r an-I liberality as i-y truai viil entitlj it to public rni lenee a.'tn patrona.. The S ilxrriber, Aytit Tr the above Com pany, will jrive any firther in'ormation that tua' !sire i bv thon wlio vv:s'i t- I insure. J A M KS MA R 11 XE, A .", J lay Street. Feb.S, I3 4:. 3 1 1 -tf. State of Nortb Ciroliiia Kobesoti county. Superior Court of Luw Fall Ttrm, 1S44. Sarah Jane Alln vs. Flu ah Roy Alien. Pe'itio i for Divorce. IN thi case it wa urderfd by fbe Court that pub lication b made i-i thu North Carolinian for three hi ntln tor th defVjn l.nU to !ipp--ar at th next t-;rn :" this CoUif, to be li!d at Lu nbi'r'on on th- l'b I on l:i y of March ti'-xt, and plead, nr tbf prti vi-r of ih ix?M io:i'r v hi- hoard exparte and j,i liT'n ii r':n ler'd ai :ordi,nI v. Witness, h-i!i.n Davis, Jr , Cl'-vk of our snid Curt at office the lirsst. M n 'av after the 4th Nl nday i;i 'otfm er, - . D . 'S-t 1. AS s A f.O vt r V ViS, Jr., C. S. C. Fi-b. 3, 181 ".. 31 I.-J-n. oRcniiin a niss. in B-.ihe1s Orchard Gra.-.i Seed, for fair bv GULO. AJcNiiJLL. Fafi: . fHi - - , - - - BirreU e.ip.-ri -r N. O. MoLises (new cr-p.) 25 Hod-". t')l1lIS' S. For f;de Fc. I , !34... GL'O. MeNFJLL NO T I C E. TAKEN UP and coimnitted to tde Jad l Cu'iiifr'.i.-'! C'Hj''tv, N. C, on S inda v, the. 2f!b day o!" Ju'inai v. 1315, a nejr man who s;tyr his name is SIMON, and says that he wap sold in Charleston try a man hv the name of Mc'venZ'e, and was carried to Al-ibama or Geor gia and lb-re left his in i'er. Said neirro w,.3 for merly tV" prop -rt y of Benjamin Gas rd Caui'b-n, S. C an i nan tak-n Irom lliis pi iee ln1 Felirnary hv Mr G is. Said neif'o i s abon ft feet 4 iich-s hi'i, (I ir'; compl '.i n. and about 4ft nr 50 years nf Tin! mvii Tff said iicnni M Jrrthv notifi-r' l-i co iv I rvard, prove proper' v sir '.es, a- t tK! hmi uA't,', or he win be rie:ilf wi'h ni-coi-rnn' to law. W. L. CALL AI.S, Jailor. Jan. 23, 1815. 310-tf. .ROBERT W. 1IARDIE, trs eats IKS' tit W IMS' nkld OOXSELLEfl AND STATIONER h'.S T TE 1 fj 2 & .V. C. J WING l n atei i icin-' It in F i venev id , n 0L3L ' l ysireet, 3 d mr iro n Mr Hale's Bo. k 'it ore, w U 'n-cep co istan'iv on hand a -feiiera! an j.nt ne it l' Bo ksa'id tatiooei v. lie invi'es he jn lie to call a id ex.im oe hi Selections, whether do?-n i- ol p tit h is1!!" o n t. nr a B o'hi id -i , a Ht provided w i'h acomph te pet of to iU ii-id nppar.it ns, he W prepared ex. cute al ki ids of biudm, f "om the ',dui ie- to the most Cos IV. fl dici's the patronase nfhis fellow citixi r.sof Favt'evdle anrl he surrounding country. Nov. n-14. ?f.t-v. D7"M"C'L A U 11 1 N , I uld.iioi to a r nera! assort metit oi" Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery Shoes, hats, &c, is now opening a choice selection of seasonable Vix : Fieb!ue, black, in.i-ible i-reen, and - teel mixed Cloihs ; fancy Ca-stmeres ; Satt ioett?, K n t'K'i y Jeans ; Kerseys ; Bl a nketi. Alpaca, Mus lin de-Lnns ; . wor.-ted SIvimIp; Be,1 Titkiiir; Shirtin, and a variety cf Pun's, Vesting, Cuat Trim mi nj, &c. ALSO 4ih proof Jamaica Rum, ' Coguiac 3randy, Holland Gin, Pine Mudeira and Port Wine, Mad eira, T'oeriffe, and Malarn ditto. fb nh ive (Hoods will be -o'r low fir Cah, Country Pro.uu-e, c.T charged to those who liave here..tor bv,en pMc!l,aL D McL. beotemW?, 1944, 29-y. BUCKWHEAT- FLOUR ! 10 bbU. and hlf bhU. BuckwiW Flour. MOUNTAIN BUTTER. f.r;ehy COOli & TROY. 3t4-3w. March I, 1845. WANTED. 4515 ?,,J!Ll?lF ASHES. dutelj, for which a fiir price will be March 3, 844. 263.tr hh. PRIME extra Inre Yellow PlaVinns I HIS 11 PO 1'ATGES, j re ceived and for sale by II ALL.& HaLL. Fb. 1. 310 CHEAP FOR CASH! rTrlK .ub?criberF, thankful fur pasrt f;ivr3, take ii this method to mf .nil their f iends end the public th it th y Have now on hand and for sale, a f tir assortment of seaonab'e Goods; compriin2 in part as I'd ows. Any or aU of which they will sell at the lowest market price for Cash : "GROCERIES. Rio, Cuba, and St. Doiiitjo Co3;e; Porto Rico, N 0.1e:ni, ;-nd Loil'S"'.'a!; Soap, Slsireh, Epsotn Salt?, Camphor, Ind:g, Madder, C- ppera-, Tea, Satt, &.c. &c. - Dry Goods- Alnarca", plain tinned ; Mooslfi d'Lasnef ; Broad Clotb-; Sa !i in.-t.- ; nd sd't II i dke.-c.hi (. Acnm Cheefi"- Bed Ti T.-5 p : C ; ibfO ; ottin wool and sjik S'lawl.-.; ii'ir; Fiaun l.J; B .nnet-; i'Jar,d-fo.x -s: Rtbbo'.f; Arffieia!-; Hats, Boots, and Shoe?, &e. Ntc. Cna'i.'b and Svv d- s Iron ; Enlis i and American Sf'-ef; Naiis; pocket and t ible C-it!ery; Ho-; t ra'ff and baiter Chains ; Pad o. ks; Drawing Knives ; table and tea Spoons, &c. &e. CROCKERY, A general assor nint. Now in store and for sale, 50 BitrsCofr-e, Iod Su its Salt, A Tlhds. Suirar, 20 Hhds. Mo!as--!, 20 Bbl. planting Potatoes", 2 tor.s Swirl f fro . n-orted, at our o'd stand, foot ol Ilayoionnt. JONES & DUNN Dec. -21. t 14. SiM-tf. Cncouraze Home Manufactures Gardner Sc BCcliletiian, HAVE lait;ly m -.de tonsi.i- ruble improvein nt in their -! 1 - of v ork, shkI liave now mi hand a G .N EttAL." ASSORTMENT, ..n..s of Curriuijes, Buroiif-hes, Buggies, Ciigs, Suikeys, Waggons, S;c. Which for lc-arice or shape sind tioih, and dura i i f i f v it-1 I ! f - .f fl r i I 11 u ti v lit n i 'f 11 I li 1- ft Sl it. iod exami t-o;n wiiii;, as we ha ve d teitnj .1. d l r-e'.t LOW foi t'adi. nrup rove iinte-s. If.jVMri' onrernp"i fi.-t iat- Smi lis, we ae prepar-ci do any lion work la i 'a'r??lfa'&rffV1n wnrTT f be of cood and fa'th- fid wmkm u'fh p end m f ti ds, f r one year. rVZr" REPAIRING faithlul y ex- ctaod at no'iee, and n lea-on.dtl lenn-. Faye'tev II. , ;Febr a y 3 13-15.. y. ;hort FOR SALE. FEOvV ER POTS. u " -Lzcd PiCKLE JARS wiib cover- C. LU1TERLOFI. Feb. 6, 18 U. 3M -tf. BUCKWHEAT FLOUH, For J..n 4 .-al ; : 1 1? 4 5. GEO. McNEIlL. fTorwariliiag' and Commission H 0 U S E. U jb th it I .ni.ir . l:ie iien .i.cils .t I lie I ilel ior ib 'V h ivei.i conn ction withtlie rn- eral rroct ry husines-!. added that of the F.rard ur; and having !ars" an I c imieo ii-.U3 Ware hou-s on the bank of the River, ar-p erared to receive and forward Goods upon such trms a. will defy a'l competition, our charges and expei-sop be in : one-third lesson theireighl b II than any other huii -e i n the place. Al! G.nih i'dpp d to G. W. Davis of Wilnii-jy-ton. f i the i n'ei ior, and ;oi .otherwise di reel e.c, will be fonni! in our p isseesien. Aug. 17, 1344. 274-1 f. Cal l a t t lie W AGON YARD fSJIHE Suhci i!er if no'v ieci iviee f(. 111 ' w M y r;-1 it rreneral and cucr'etr a rt'not d HATS.B00TS& SHOES, HARDWARE CUTLERY, Crockery and Groceries, vjt eve- v (i i;i h ' v ami 11 Per u in. lor Mil ,rry low forC-sh, or in exchange tor unv ki'id t eountry nr-doce. THOS.J. MIMS. hoA sw.iid hand tni..v a good s-f ru vv, and two ises iioil ii, n-.ui", for salt: or hire. Dec. 14, !t44. 03-tf. 500 FLOVvEU POTS Fm sale by TV. PRIOR. Fb. 15 1S45. 312-6t. JOHN 13. 8TARB HAS receiv bv ti-.t 1 i,p arr.viiis fom New York, his Slock ol FALL and Wl.N I ER GOODS, Comnristnz a larce and extensive .insortment o Drv Gootls, Flar!war and Cutlery, Ha;, Bonnet-. Shoes, Umbrellas, Pantsols, Cotton aed Wo. Cards, wr ting and wap' i ;g Pper, CofTeeand uar Drns and Medicines. &c. &c, wed worth the attention of contiy Merchant- winch will be offered at low prices lor ca.h country P"oce. JOHN D. STARK.. Oct. 2G. 1844. 269-tf. FOR SALE. . X. ii. ..ftUtOi KERY, GLASS, A LARGE CHINAVSTONE, AND aUEENSWARE,rnm- n.r,,,-, Te Coffe. and Chamber Scis together with almost evf rv art le in that hue. ! cratta m-smted for the Country trade. 6 dozen Flower Ptt. " 6 ditto Pickle Jarf. TTERLOH. Peb'j !5, 1845. JUDGMENTS t& s EXECUTIONS ; OF ALL SORTS, For sale at the Carolinian Office. A. M. C AMPBELL, HAVfN'.i be.-is apooi ntr-d AU CTIO N M !i 11 . lor the Town ol Fayeltevi I , is prepared to attend to the sale oi any goods which may be eniruved to Uim. I CONSIGNMENTS from abroad will be pram pi !y attended to. " , October 10, 1344. 291 6 u. JUST PRINTED. NEGOTIABLE SO I Lti, .4 tin- various kinds u-d.just printed ael for pah at li i-1 ( fi'i e. . 10 HHUa. (uew t ron) . MOLASSES," for a e bv GE'J. .(.iNEi.L. Jan 4. IS I ft. CLARK & MclJALl.UM, HAVING re noved ihHr Tailo in : E tal: ishgen om their 1 tte S mp t the hoi oinr former! jf ee-cnpi-d by Wm. L. t.-of r, nearly opposite ! 'he Laiaye te Hotel, en May Ptrei f, re?p.ctfiil V rm their friends and cor orners, t ha t thev wi'l ron"n'ie to tarry on the T A I LO. U N G B SIN ESS in the most, approved and fashi eiaolc in.inv r. T iev re'urn tu.-r thanks for t he liberal share oi hot,ess they.h-ive received, and pledge theni-el ve to merit a eo itinuance ofit, by strict aft ntnn and elsill. Lat-'Ht fishions regularly received from New .York. Di.c 14, I S 14. " " 2i'3-tf 4: VvrE have just received from New York and Phila-d-lphia a large asso;tnient of FA! L & WINTER CONSISTING OF T O-OODS. i' Groccriss, Hardware, Crockery, &c, &c., which we will .-el' at the lowest market price. PETER P. JOHNSON & CO. Get 14, 844. 295-3w. BAR SOAP. I HE Ja. DRE'J B 'XES OF BAR SOAP, manufac Uiredat tlie "F.t yeite ville (N.J.)Canle F.ier.ir-," ami warranted ' qu j I it n.l uj. rior to Oid-ae' bet No I. Bei is determined to devote all necessa,-v nttrn lion lotlie bii.-iaess, and r.fl rin il at a reduced price, (5 ' r is a i onml t tin- hox ) he hopes e receiv a doe share of ;mh;t- pii'ronai;e. '' CU Alt n-rjers thankfully received und prompf . ly attendtul u- : - .v; McL. McKt Fayetteville, May 24.841 FOR SALE, 140 ACRES OF LAND on the east sMe of C. !(- I'Yar nvi r, iii-nr t ie pl-iniatien furmeili owned by Cel. A-h-', nfyout nine imlcs lt in to e. O ie half cleared ard fenced, t be. r--8t heavily lim bered. J. C. HOOPER. March 1, 1845. 314-lm. TO TRAVELLERS Arid Sojouriiet-s In Fayettevilh- 31RS. E. SMITH is tiM ie ar tl t . n'er t.iin (ieoth-iiicu a .ii L .di -s t -a vel Ii 12 tiiiou;ho. sojooinu p in Fay M vi le. H r t: b'e is ulivavf ,ns tood ;:s th ' market afiord-!. She has good ides aod ho-eless, and attentive ail' is, nod re spec'fol'y sol c ts a co-.t n'inee of p-.iblic p-'tronaee Her resiucnce is so w II known that it re eds no de scri;tinn. No cxeriious will be s-ared to eive sat'si'action. Feb. I, IS15. 3l-lf i 00,000 Acres Valuable SALil!. THE Snbicrib r has porclnis-.i a ! th LANDS belo'i n. t. the Estate of Abram D.ibo , i e'd., ly iii "prmcipally 10 R !esori county, an. I on b i:n i-:es of Luinber li ver, the .htr rent cn veys um Mmiii ov r CNE ILNDUEO THuU-A;D ACRES ; a 1 irgu part tinel v T-mber.-d aiul.oi-v-oieot t . Lniu'ier Riv 1, wh realnie qu tili y ot ri n! r is n iw raded 'o 'he Georgetown mar ket.. Th s an sar.- v rv. va'nab!" b ih'or t:.e !"i idor "til Torp n ne. fir w; ill pHo-e a lar .f pari is w I' s died, !iei ij n a rt-g-o 1 vle r- 'he . ii-pectin-' yi i 6 .oor - a tinda tl. tha-a yothr s t-5i..:i .f ih t Slaw . S'iie Lnis w di e sold al ;. ow pr ce. a id :n q 1 n i 1. s t . s 1:1 p 1 c'i; s. ri I .f rmiti n r- .-- u . fh t ie en. be o'-tunrd bv :ipp! i ig to f!ie Ho i. ilolie t St a ih-', Jaiue- C O. b'.in, Esq., A A T S.ioth, E-q., (Aiioi c.es a 1 Law.) I u.iderstn d tie re are many tr spie-?erson th' Sf. lands, to il o ttlioni no' ce :s hcitbv iv tha tlie la"' w II le enforced a jai il a I s ic! offc; 1 1- rs. Anplw-eti -n ' r auv prt tr the L-md- ccn le made to myself o to .lobn Wins'ow, Efq.j who will be duly uu'hoi iz .d make s de f the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayefevrl", N. C, March !, IS4. , 314-tf. State of North Carolina Sampson county. j Court tf FUns and Quarter Sess. oris Feb- ruary iet in, 184 o. EJm-.nd tut-m and other?, ' VS. Benjamin Sutton. Administrator of Thoj. Sutton, d- c'd, and o'-heu Peti ion for d si; jb iti n. IT apraring to the atisracdo- of theCourt tha' Henrv B Sb rar l ami wife. J .VuL ran an wil Nancv. Divid, Taoi-ss Pennv. Zi p ii Dutm i and Margaret Cotlel', Thoni t SuHim, C reit McColU n and hi-- wife E izah.-th, Sun McUui len, and Henry Glisso i 1 and w if Haney. defe -anl3 in this caso, rpsidfi Kivnii 1 the !i nit's ofth" Statt- ; on motion., it is ordered by the Crmrt that poblieaf.on be rua 'e 'for ix wef-k in tbfe No-t! Candnvan. pn'.hsbM at -- Fayettevill noi'yie'2 hem of the fih ig of -aid pe'i'ion, and also rqnir ing th. in to ap:ar at the next tern of t'iiCurt on the 31 Mondav in May nex and tht and tbr. p'etd, answer, nr dem-ir tf id petition, or the came wil' ha taken pro co.ifesso and heard expar'fc ax to them. ' - Witness, Thou I Faiaon e'ork of said Ceurt at Of fice the 3d Monday of Fehr iarv. IS 15. THOS.I.PrISON.Clk. March I, 1845 314 6t. - per ad f3 25. Oj-OOJDS: FOK ,7 uuhU tpeclful- V Iv i:!brtlJ I he i-il,7,.c ot r ayrUiVille andtht- ptii.Jic geneiailylhat he has taken tiie stmd recently-"occupied by E.J.Ciark. r.n GiIIiup rStrt et,5 dnnrs Sou:,i of l!ie AiarK,ei Square, where he will , . - - . v j v. aim IVUS'U COU sta t!y on h.nd an assoitment i?f TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. i ei sons wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine his -lock before nurchasinc , else wbere.as heis determined t sell as ciicap as any other manufacturer in the Slate. ' ERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING one in tlU Jatest st vie, and beet manner. Also GUTTe RING. Au-- I7- 134-1. 261 y. .1 :m I lirTll.l nn.l T-A . ' -Wtm. e-.-jr;? NEW GROCERY PHUIT Ss CROCKER? T 13 E Siil.sci iber has taken the Store on Ilav sf et di cc:!y nppll8;te his o d stand, where lie is n-'w re. 1 1 vie " a STOCK OF GOODS. C'Hitii)o ?n piri r,f Brown, n .va oi. loaf, ernh "d. and fowdred Su gars; Pea; C (T -; P -pper, A'liefe-; ai-llfrt Sah laliis; Starch; M ic'iere ; Shad; Sal.m.n: Pickle: O iv, s; Cap. rs- I. ii ter, tai. r, and -(ir!a Crocker-; Che- s- ; Pete,..r Sl ue; Campb-.r; Ind Cas-ia; Nutinejfs, Cit.-ofej Mace; Sni--( and Ca-tor Oili chew in 2. .-'lid siimkine; T b icco- Priocipe and Hs vana Seja s; S. o ch. VI aec .boy, ar.tf Rapp e SnnfF S..I rm Cand i-s; powder and f-hot. Fpson and lai.le Salts. Lamp Oil; Black in y; Vine:, a r; !a bira Sle rry, and nw et Malaga AVine? A' inonds, Filbe-ts, and Vladeir-i Nuts"; ia'tpelre; snl phor; diini; Hrrioirs; currant, anrl Gu tvi J. ilv o jij aiicnorr .j.iure; Fa tunes, v h mot catsuu .;..i.i.i r... ... ' . -r pickled Ov -si-rs c'ov,. ; -ae inr P pper ; cil'-. 1 - ' ' , l.O'- rant; Mustaid; S11 jar House Molasses; and n'mnrf t-vnrv articl-usn 'd en!! d lo-iuii G,nci-ry Sforrt whi- h be v. id sed as low as :nv ona in the place, for Cash, 01 tn aprr ved cftdjf. ALSO 1 , W. PRIOJSUs NwS9th, 1344. Cft I aas JAMESKYLE HAS j-isl rect-ived by the hit j-.i rivals irom t ie Nonti, one hund'cd and tv ntv 1 acageg And foi'V- wo pack a ;-' BOOTS dlYD SHOES. All of wh'ch, b"i g purchased by tne Packng for Ca f'i, s i i .ce 1 he I e dee' i ii in pi ic, will be offer eil unco Ho n! low i.r iJASil, or on time to punctual custom' r Th"se h hVnj purchase bv whob-sn'e or re rail ' id pi ae.ea I and exami, e, its great barga i n ma be expecled. NEW (i-.ODS by everv airival. Nov. 3 11, IS 44. " -301.y. .. '1. c ? Or O i ail f Z ', z. rr m 3 ti is St' r . r. 5s I? 5 .. ? L rr o - m - 1 f us " 3 . 5 - C3 S O r - - t !J 5-3 7r ri. ? is? KEWAII5). P A V AWAY fom 'Mr-James Tv! D.iihe oi tle 7ih ,f Dm m-t-erlat, my mgroinah ARCHY, lute th- pr-'peri x o! A. B; be-, ri. c'd. H- is about 5 f et S or It) inches - high, his a Ion jf.smont'i, b'ack f ee, with full j ron i .ent e,es, an I js lame in me ot nis e". He is su posed to te1nrk- im about F.iye'.'cv lie, . C A reward oi Sti wll lie paid toe bin f 'a'trnaml lei eJinanv in i I i i i St 1 1., or'So ji tiki ii a I-i ! jfti in J: i' 11 any ot'ier of t:.e Siaf-s, so : hit I v n . ct h m niram. J M. sTCO.NO.' Fav- ttevj I . N. C.,Fch. Z2. tS13 HI3-4w. SJafe of North Carorii.a Uuplia County Court if Fleas and Quarter Sessions Jan uary 7Vjvj. 1S45. Ziloha Pollock m. h i t la w of Wm. Pollock. Pi t tion f r Duwi r. IT a ' pearieg to th - Oonif thai Jsm -s Wilkin and w fe '.Maria, and Win Po iek, d fendantS in (h'tcMs-va emit inhabitant of thi? State, it M here!ore ordered t'ar pnb icatio t be iiinde fyf s x w. yks in the North -'aru'ii:in. a newspapj r pr n e. in Faye'teville, N. C., frth sid dele td in? to atm -ar nt the o'-xt C'.'.u-i of Pleas sint Ctnarier "Se-s'n, to h hdd fbrthe cou-itv f Donlin at 'he Co-rt IInse in K'-naiiyvillt, on the 31 Monday it Aprd n x!, the i-.nd ih re I plead answer, or de mur Ut said peti'io t, nir rw the same will le ta ken pro C'-nf-s -nt hart exp irti. Wim-s. Jnmes Di-ksrn, CI- rk of our said ror y at offi the ?d Mandav i i Janniiy. -id 6Jlh year - American Indepnder.e v A IX 1345. ; - Jam e 5 dicsson. cierk. March 13, 1845. 316-6t per ailv. 93 ?5- &4 f- .s - - s il 'zn 4 - h 1 .3 7 TT 5 TH RE E DOLL A R 8 RK WAR J) Raouvviiy t;i.i tfii.' iuh-cri Jcr m Fritiay n gh' the I4ih inst an in (ented b:i:hi mu'a'tto .irl about 15 ears or., s ender ma le, ""with s-trai ht black ha if, by tike na ec i AiAUV A N N BO W EN . It is FirppoftSllphe i i n the neighbor! ood cf Gt,odw in Bow et, a free man of color in BLtb n county, on the Wilmington road, alout C miles bt low the Wcsibrook PostOrRnas h r mii:r, Polly Bowcn, who took In-r a way, deciaud vhei die wuj hiring a hers-' and Carryall for that purpose, that she was jroin to Goodwin Boen?p, o Barim com tv. Th" above rewar-.i and all rca.-onnblc chiirses i I be paid or returning snid ri to me, or f uMif glu r into any Jail in this fctate and giving inf.jriiiat;on throuoh th Post Orfice, so that lian net her aain. .11 jersoos ;i re caotiioied against tmpb ing, har boring. r cnierfainin r f-aid iil in a.nv way, as I siiall prosecute them rigoroosiy nceorrhoo- to 'n w. JOSEPH ARE Y. March 22, TStft. 317-3. -Stale of ?forth Carolina -Moore couut. " Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions Jan' unry 'term, 1845. James MG lvary ail d Thomas B. Tvson v. Jc g. .C.Tyson. , O.iginal Atticliment. . Joh i Tyson summoned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of theCourt that the defendant in this cji-e. Jam. s C Tysrm, hath abs-cond- d or so conceals hiinselt tliat the ordinary process 4 h w eauno be served on iiim, whereuptin it is ordered by the Court J ha t publication he made f t six .wcelcs in the Nor'h Car..lnian, notifying! sahrTyfon oi the issuing 4 said attachment, ami rt qui ring him to appear at the next term of said Cmirt, to he hi Id on th- fourth Monday in April, IS45, an! lliei and there replevy andpbad, ir ;udrin' nt by d- fiult vji: he awatnW ai.ampt him, and the thoJs littatdied u ill ho condt -tnucd to the sitisf ittir.n i.fphiir.tiff's d mand. Witney, Alexander C O.irrv, e'etk f our aid Court at OfHc in Carthage, th f utth Mnndav in January. A O. I 45, and the tfDth y ar "l .American I de; e ndenee. A. C. CURRY, Cle k. March 22, !845..t7.Ct. per adv. J 25. ,p NEW GOODS. Tf L. on' scr her h .-- j isi .ec ive i u.te pi.rthascs tif SEASONABLE GOODS, f m Ph li' e plva and N -w Yoil.-, puth rs fine iress sdks, a'pnc s. c ape de-p--ten n I mns'i . Ih lams and ti te" prmts, wmied andTii b. t -haw's, silk s-cails, crape lace, (whte b..ek and Idue,) zni!i and gymp cord, lute n;,l hi ck r ss ood m rn-nj: crape, extra fi.io hair pins, w i'h a v..r e iy i f head ornaments, long white parly "loves, kid and b aver do. A!ao, ge: t!emens fine black nd fincvasi m -rr s fi e b'ack ; n I Idio f!oth, b st tp'ali v of coat trimoij gs, together w ith a geotral nsvso i,"i jit of such ar id 's ;,re u-u l y kep: in drv got tU stores whieli will be sold as low as c hi hu li.und eis:w hi re. JOHN. D WILLIAMS, South-Wegt. cot tier of uiai k tt t q " rr. F b 1 5, TcrtT. is. " 3ta-v v4wafli.j-i-. 'iO-.-.liiJs, ll.OoSCSa . - C dl!t S'Par, Z 8 t-.ns iron, With na Is, t rate eh: i 8, hay fo-ks, par'cp, s'm pots, rivi ns, skidds and lids, tmiigo. mno'd r, Fp stiui salts, c.-pp-ias, CVciin' Hi pr n i e ax' s, cot broad iron, a tine as-o-i lie nt of .'.ddl s, cheap. A!-o. Liiih Ricr n-ml'ir's and yarns a'ways on !ia;el at u an.d'icti'rer's p icr s. J. D. W. OTICE. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of re! urn -uig ilerw -rnes1 thanks to their fiends unci pa rocs, and th" fiii!i!ie generally for their bheial pa I ro a"e hi stowed u on tbctn ; also f .r the kind sympith es man'ite-ted to t!n rn in ihr- l.ileeahni ii y in the !es!r"ciio i of ih--ir entire St-ck f Goods on the morning of th- ISth irtsf.; anrl t Ca t J A J Bradford, Ci pt. U. S. Ord.: and Mr G A t hw-aiiznian, of US Arsenal, fo.- tliesr kinduers in givirg them not'c", and others in the inrn-und. ui i i'e ghhorl ood ot the fie, by t he di-charce o' cannon. Mjivini open d the Stoie n- aily opp i e, iliov ti- po -oon In rum'' le'id nes, a . r! would in s' r spec' fill! v so'i-i t t he psitronagr-of I heir f iend and '-ti - pnb c. a:-.d sJiaH h.-pe to ire ri l a plvire of pub it: pa'roi.fge. rI Ie y h;.ve on hind intb-ir Wa t hoiise, Salt, Iron. Molasses, Su?ir, Sni'lhs' B I'ows a -dVie LoChains, 6 upe' i r Wroiiilif I ron 'Mjil Cranks. AIo,' Anvil.--, Vises, Trice Chnins, and le-a vy nr' i les of HaHwar'. nnrialty da ma ged i 'i 'he ri i e, a 1 ' of w h i eh hey will s';l !ow 'oi Casli or Prod-c. They would a'-o earnpstlv rqn st id I those indthfid totlnin by nof" tir ic eounr 'o make inoiied'n'e pa mi nt ns it will enable thrn i'i close thrir frni'-r bnin'ss nnd riin r. mence an I hop" t hn indehte ! w tli tike i lie t allies! o: pcetunitv io settle their accounts. J. H. & J. M ARTISTE.' arch I, IS 15. 3 It -if. ALSO, T'eey hnve jns" rrC' ifJ. !.-.!e "uppri"r Br'dy port 3 ' Iv S- ioe 4'wme, ii cols St'rt Pckmg-jjfam, Vani'lii. S re5a-d Ref l!n: . ! hfel. w let r utriiin e i Soer-'i L ttnn Oil, V, b'ds. Trnie O.J, 3 '( galls. Linseed Oil, Wh tiemore's real C t-t.n fird, CofF c M i'!s. cast o-fio.l Wagon nnd Cart Il'ne?, 5D gross Y,),)d Screws, 20 ho assnilid Hoop Iron, w ith a smal' as-oititent of S w des end Eng lish Bir lion ; tog' ther with a he.-ivv .'fo k tif flat, rmin I, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nail Rot's, contained in shed j oining tht ir Store, 4 it slisVitlv ipjiiretl. - MAMi s& MA Si ID "57"OULD in orm the pub ie that they have ntoved f.'om ih' i old stmd t' th store latelv occur Ted bv M srs C J & R M One!!, and k mvi as He Yd'uw Bui'.'i is. Haiing larg-H-icr as d thi i- sick of GROCERIES, thev are n.-i a.' d to .ff r indue moms in the wm of trad -. ih'ifwt I ieto th" i ite e-f of purchasers geetaiH t3 Si1- t em n call. Their stoc t will Coiieiit in pa;t f . 10 T ms Sive 'ea as 1 Ene'ii'i Iron, 5 0 ih. C ist. BliMnr, and German Su ef, 50 Ps. Hollow- Ware, 5 0 l'. Bir Lea', 40 B.tg Shot, a-sorted, ' 15 K"" Pob r, '"300 lbs. Ensom Suits, tj u'! Ins. Alum, ! 0 is. B. r it, J"tt0 lbs. Copperas, 1 53 lus jndiio, . . t C ' Snl . rat us, J 50 sid s o!r I.wthe', ' Js? ' , 7.V R2 Ria Coffee, jr. Hhd-. Por'o Rte.t ?ugar, inoo lb, si :!e anI d .ii jlt rt fined and Coflcr crHH."d ugar, Jnn 9iek Liverpool SIf, . 530 bushels Aln'n d. ' ALSO, . gn T!oe. Be t a. Vf . An i?, Cet'fm Curd--, Oorrv Com', Porket Onllerr. Patent M.-r'f . rins Had o k a Syrup ai PowH.'rs. rar. Crnphir, LH'tirWil, f ami, Putty, CrOffs, e.&C, S?pt. 14, 1 844. . Jttd IMPOETA1T5P 1 , " TO LUMBER i M EN. - THE Suhseribere, having wifnes ed t-'e rrrv siic-riil.ea:iori of HOTCUlvIcSS E!t U- CA L W ATER WUEfcLS, al AiC .tb-id G i a' a m V M il in Fayr tlevilie, in Alay ai.d Jin last, vrne -inrluced to purt hasejhe Right o' the- rnt r htnto f North Carolina, nd uowt ITer mdi idual Rigl ts--for sale oti very rasonab'e" teifns. They hae now on hand vei t n lull s ts oi vvnuu, anu have made arrangements to keep a to.islant sup ply. . --' , .... .. '-' ' Besides being gen-ra!!jvtidipjcd in the Notthern States, there, are nlr ady twelve fnws in succesi-ful operation iu ihjs Slate, himI eiht o hers in pit res" ot erection. The astonishi-.g l ower nrd se. tl of these W heels ha v been wittussttl by huii hct's f c;tirns cf this State, w ilh univi rsal apppro' a'ien. And. we desire all w ho may f 1 1 ait lt ere-t in 'he subject to exau in the Mills of Aicb'd Gn lidm, Col. Ah xV Murehison, Cl rlo) htr Ahimor, A' .V Wilnam, Arch'd McLaurinrJ. MrDamrl. Join Cade,-Mrs. -EflTv McFadcn, in this County ; Ctd. John C- McLa'ti in, in Richmond Counl v;" 1 lio. C. So.i h in Bladen County ; nnd Hardy" Roya'l in" Sampson County; to each of whom we fief t-r for information as to the ; radical operation of Ibcso 'Wheels.- -; 1 Person w-ho 'apply soon for Rights can havn thr m put up by work m n w bo have been instruct ed by Mr Hptchkiss hiui-r If. r The Proprietors of the right of ll:'s Wheel in the State cf North Carolina, h.;ve received the follow. I.ir certificate: v : , FayetfeviTe, Ftb'v 3. 14. We, the Subscribe s, r riding iu th ?- Cm 'y t P Cumberland and State tf North Crtro'in-', having been enjjngrd in the tn tnufacture , f Lumbr f.vinf tv yeai, tie d fnllv warra ted to .atin ', that II tch k'sss VERTICAL WATER Wi.EELS, a d 'h. ir appendages are wo thy of lht par oia ee t ; II odlt owners, an t h it we h i v e full couiitlei ce n their superiority; that the value if Mi 1p will l.u vety nint h rnhanctd bv their i iiro('iu'i n. 1 l;y are mere dnrab! and easie; I, j f in o r'er v'jt pr pei!y put og thr th ai :l.e c - n Flutter Wheel: they w i:l wave at Ie; st nc-'lird i the watrr, ami run well i i f.ek . v a'e- uii.n ll.tr i a bead above. T'P si rd ol the S wis i-c tuMii lioui oiie-Jia I !o tlonl Ie the s'o kt s per mil. uu. ALEX. WIL I 1A v 8, DUN ANMUMIOK. CHRIST PHI R MUNROE, .. .JUHNMcr'AmES;.. - , C P. MALL1 TT. - . AR Hi BALD GlfAHAM, JOHN M.D ' N1EL. ALEXM iViUR-' HI0X Alt H'D Mt-LER AN. DAN'L MeDlARMlD. ANGUS CAMERON, (MiTvri ht )r JOHN C. McLAURlN. . ( it ichinon I County. V THOMAS C. Si: I H, (Bladen.. Count.) They hav also rc- ived a ceit fit ate froin't Wd. Ah xander M urefii on ( w hieti w ini h- poLfishwl he ea Iter anion otle-r in handuitl form.) iu whit b llUl.ll ;,' -l . . n Ii J j Mtj l!ll IiisShw will cut 50Q0 C-etLtjiiit it vr nmne rTav tiel .reli - w r .'e. 413 J Ie. t of I inch Q.ua' 'er B nrd ; m ikes 240 -trok in a oiinoic; h t one half of ihe vtate issivd; am! conclndia by rec immendini its !opt:on to M ill owrit rs. Oih -r ceriificates. winch lu ve been promised, will ba pu tlisii d lieraft't, ARCHIB LO MeLAUCFILlN, DUNCAN McNEJLL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville, Match 15, 184.5. Slf-rfc -.Th fll wing aitielcfron th- N. Y. Tribune of the 4th lib., ili kIioh- in it hat 'BMuiation lh'-cO Wheels r h-1 I by the high audio- i y of tiie Amer ican IiiStitet" : - Fr mtlis N. Y. Tr hu ie. u arc h kiss's water wheel. This h;e , ;l ft. r f;a ing beet.- ud j It ti In FOUie hu o'r- 1 of nidi owii -rtt t n the D. iewi.re, Susciie.. tiaunah, and in ctSr i I mde-ing ions, w. s i e as.iterl to-ct.mpeiiiion at the la e f i- ol he Am r i ;au Institu'e, anrl there tea uw trded I w o pr-in-inms by :iler''i'f C mipute. e lir s -fh l m Wit'ec Wlited r a M ill fu'vi L . s b n o n? ol the fnelnsl inv tilin :s snbm t td ill t: e Fair. Ii hrt lie n exfi nsiv 'y n'Vp t-d i 1 1 : great pint- r?i-tticts of t ' f-mfi ; an i is rnp:d Hid -mo'iih txe-ntinn, p r'ec: im.r.u ity from nr or back w ater, and ot iier t c.n m ej a e sti ore ft it u very uenera! pi feret cs The llivepror i t.ot on bis way so ith, nnd miv he a l.'resped at Aur u-l i, Ga.. or nt hi res; lent Win ;s-.r, Br r cooo.y , N. Y. I's .I'lvant s a-e u onod as foi ows : 1. Tho Ver ieal VVn.-. I. wh ii eotel I". r Saw Mills, requires re. icirin fo pr- rlece lr t" 125 tu 3 dl s'rokes ofthj saw per minute. 2. Th -v ar as eie.iplv co i ricterI as the cem- moa Flofter W I re!, s.mlui i ' h uhle the busi tirfi wit h the fi.nn' ! ar 1hi e ot he w att r. 3. Back water is no impediment when there ia a head above. 4. Ice cmnnf f.f-n on the whels. ft. They oi cupy I as space thn a Flutter Whet ! Mill C. The incea-d spe-l of the s-w nmk s b. ttr liimbe, c t" t'e sa ne ditoee v:ib r-.is?anco and the siw-dnsf i- freelv tb nwn off. whi h t.lten lelurns wub ihe saw, causing ii to bind and heat, w ith slow M Is, ..- . 7. Th"y ean U: placed on the shaft, of n eem-non Fiutti r Wii' fl M:'l if n "Ocxl tinier, and hurr up on th" saine b--arin tf snfiicirntly t-truug to auK lai i ihe power f the wheels. 8. Th"? whee! tteins of cast iron, wdl last an age. They also eons' i' ul e hejfeqni-'iie Fly or Balance Wheel, set u ring a imi'o in mol'on, in 1.' parts of Ctieb revc.ful Of); 9. The in'ridnt-tim of mills i fdiwd fii a plain system, so ih;.t if Ihe h at of vt at. r is known, th-rr suit i a m tlhemqT e ij rtainf v. 10. Any work nut favit th" pit'ris a model, and la le o! ca cul ition can location w.tb uerlee' sueces.- adapt na!! to any II. The imiiovil inol if 'iseling is nnc') p P' r ved ,ei ir.'o ti-r Mfflli'f I if. Ju-i j-e-ei on c si gtioitf , ii,.. rwn ii; w rk of two ti n r ii re Wag. n. Alot qji- f 'r horo Waoi wi'.bcm.'f'r, e.na.il e. r-ady f.r lbs r sd. A.l f tthjeti mrf. w. r " ted t th" f-t ma feritl and workmanship, n dw li be sold 1 w lr cash. AUa lor sale two likely vooeg MPL FS. "J AS. S. GRANT. Mnr.h IS. !43. 316 tf. Just Received on Consignment, F ench B-andy, Holland Gin, I Amerfca n Brandy, - 4J box No. 1 oa-. . A. M. C MF8ZLL. ; March 15, 1345. Sl tf. D.MCLAURIN, HAVING a aoclttstl wfih him hrelher. th b t-inea wi" b'mft-r b ro 1 ducted la h nam. of D. X W, McLAURlN. . ..w,kr v ILL! M McLAUUIXu Fjttvi!2e.Msrb ;i,45. .7 ! V 'v ' -..i i : ' .1 - . - J

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