W0 x t h ML "CHAllACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES A3 IT IS TO IHIMTIDUALS; AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS.' t SI n I I' S I I -A "3 ''I J I i BY V M II BAYSE TEKMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN ' I'er annum, if paid in advance, 82 So if paid at the end of six months 3 Oo at the end of the year 3 5ij Katea of Advertising : Sixty cents per square pr 'he first, and thirty cents lor each suhequuit insertion. Advertising by the vr be charged according tn tin quantity of matter inserted. C urt advertisements, &e, -25 fer cent higher. INDEMNITY Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL-S 105,000. Office in Cm rand near First Street, Williams 6ttg, opposite the City of JYeie York. Agency Office, Wells Building, 62 Wall si., JSTew York. DIRECTORS Christian Zahrikie, Andrew C. B-nedict, Frederick W. Favre, Jeremiah Johison, John Skithnan, Sam!. Willis, Nicholas WvckofT. AvDRKU' 1. Hon-TEI Abi'm T. Boskerck, Francis Sttinheil, Sam I II. Clapp, John Le srgett, Citas. O. Handy, Lemuel Richardson, RICHARDSON, PeS't. .Sec'ry. WA SHING rO.N" I' JS r, Ag.mt, New York. THLI Williamsburg Fire Insurance Company, having been i :i-:urpnr;ited by an act of the Legisla tnr of'tb St;t!n of New Yurx, tor too purposes of Fire I run ranee, the Directors offer to Insure their fdlow-eitixern I hro'ihmit the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On iJ.i i! Ji n, 0 '!- and Merchandise, and Per aoml Property "enerully, assuring ilium that the affiirs fil thi Cmnpan v, shall he conducted with sneh fairness, caniir and liberality ax they trust wi'I eutill'i it to p'ibl it- con ii Jence aim patronage. The S'lb-jfiihcr, Agent fir the nhovo Com panv, will give any further i n'orniat.ion that may be (iijsireil !v tho? who wis'i to Insure. JAMES MARTINE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 3, I S 15. 31 1-1 f. folate of North Ca rotina Hobcsoit county. Superior Court of Law Fall Ttrm, 1S44. S.trah Jane Allen vs. Hugh Roy Allen. Petition for Divorce. IN this rase il was ordered by the Court that pub lication bo ma Ii; in 1h: North Carolinian fur three months for th" 'IcIVti la ot to iip;-ar at. the next term of this Court, to be hold at Lunlerton on t!i lib Monday of March next, and plead, or the pr.-ivcr ol'tb- nciitioncr will be hoard exparte and jii l 'rni-nt rendered accordingly. Witness, Absalom Davis, Jr , Clerk of our said Court at office the first Monday after the 4th Monday in Sm!em tor, A. !., 18-11. ADS A LOU DAVIS, Jr., C. S. C. Feb. S, 1313. 3M-3ro. ORCHARD GRASS. 10 rjushels Orcliard Gras Seed, for salehv GEO. McNKlLL. Feb. I, IS 15. 2'1 R irrels superior N. O. Molasses (new crep.) 2't H'nds. Molasses. b or sale iy Feb. , 181... GEO. McNEILL NOTICE. TAKEN UP aud committed to tte Jail of Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26fh da"y of January, 1845, a noirro man who says his name is SIMON, nnd says that he was sold in Charleston to u man by the name of Mcl.enze, and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and tb-re left his master. Said nero was for merly t'i' pr") 'rty of B"njamin Gaps of Camden, S. C. an 1 was t.ikr-n from this pi ice Inst February hv Mr ( iss. Said neirro is about ft t'ect 4 inches hli, dirk compbw ion. and about 45 or 50 years of a The own r of sai'I nejrn is hereby notified t co il' forward, prove property, py baresj and take bun awi;, or he will be dealt wi'h according to law. W. L. C ALLAI.S, Jailor. " Jan. 23, 1315. 310-tf. ROBERT W. ITARDIE, 300Z3inD3B5 BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, I 11 AVING located himself in Fayettevi lie, on &JJL Uy street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book tore, "'ill keep constantly on hand a ireneral as joitmeut ol'lkn'ka and Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desirous of puichasMi or not. Being a Boo tbjnder, and pro ideil with a complete set of tools and apparatus, he i prepared to cm cute all kinds of binding, from the plainest to the most costly. He solicits the patronaeo of his fellow citieensof Fayetteville and I he surrounding country. Nov. 23, 1344 gfil-v. "TOI"5 L A V R I N , IN addition to a general assortment of Groceries, Hani ware, Cutlery. Shoes, hats, &c, is now opening a choice selection of seasonable "Viz : Fixe blue, black, invisible green, and steel mixed Cloths ; fancy Cassiiueres ; Sattinetts, K n tucky Jeans ; Kerseys ; BU nkets. Alpacas; Mus-lin-de-Lains ; worsted Shawls; Bed Ticking: nirtin, and a variety of Prints, Vcstings, Coat Trimmings, &c. ALSO th proof Jamaica Bum, . " Cogniac Brandy, 'c Madeira and Port Wine, 4b MaJeira. TenerifTe, and Malaga ditto. rn,, p C 'oods will be sole low for Cash, beret, tor. i "r ,arged to those who have Hereto ore been punctual. D. McL. Ptember 292-v 5E.CK5YPEAT FLOUR! M.rch I, IS45. TllOV. WANTED. S0 BUSHELS :OF ASHES, immo. v diatcly, lor whn-b a fair price wilt be aid W. AJcL. McKAY, March 9, 41 263. tf. . ii ii ceived and for sale by HALL & HALL. Feb. 1. 310 CHEAP FOR CASH! THE subscribers, thankful tor past tavors.tane this method to infrni their friends and the public that they have now on hand and tor saie, a fair assortment of seasonable Goods ; comprising in part as follows. Any or all of which the? win sell at the lowest market prices for Cash : GROCERIES. Rio, Cuba, and St. Domingo Coflee; Porto Rico, N Orleans, and Loaf Sugar; Soap, Starch, Epsom Salts, Camphor, Indigo, Madder, Cepperas, Tea, Salt, &c. &c. Dry Goods. AInacoas. nlain anil figured ; Moushn d'Lames ; Broad Cloths; Sattineta; Kersays; Calico ; cotton and silk Handkerchiefs ; wool and silk Shawls; Apron Checks; Bed Tickin?; Hannels; Bonnets; Band-boxes; Ribbons; Artificials; Hats, Boots, and Shoes, &C&C. English and Swedes Iron ; English and American Steel; Nails; pocket and table Cutlery; Hoes; trace and halter Chains ; Padlocks; Drawing Knives; tabic and tea Spoons, &c. &c. CROCKERY, A general nssonment. Now in store and for sale, -0 Bi's CofT. e, I 5U S u ks Salt, 4 Hlids. Surar, 2') Mhds. Molasses, 20 Bbls. planfin Potatoes, 2 tor.s Swedes Iron, assorted, at our old stand, fool ol Haymount. JONES & DUNN Dec. 21, IS 14. 304-tfl Encourage Home Manufactures EESL G-ardncr 8c 3VCcICetli.an, 11 AVE lately made considerable improvement in their stvle of Work, and have dow on hand a GriN ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made in the U states. Persons wjsl'ing to buv, would do well to call and examine our work, as wc have determined to sell LOW for Cash, or approved notes. Having in our employ first rate Smiths, we are prepared 10 do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful workmanship and materials, fir one year. iCZf REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Fayettev lie, February 8, 1345. y. FOR SALE. G doz. jir.-en glazed FLOWER POTS. 6 " sTazed PICKLE JARS with covers- C. LUTTERLOH. Feb. G, 1844. 31 1 -tf. NEW Forwarillng' and Commission HOUS E. & OULO inform the meicliants of the interior that they have in connection with the gen eral grocery business, added that of the t orward mg;and having larje and commodious Ware houses on the bank of the River, are prepared to receive and forward Goods upon such terms as will defy all competition, our chatges and expenses be in one-third less on the freight bdls than any other house in the place. All Goods shipped to G . W. Davis of Wilming ton, for the interior, and not otherwise directed, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1344. '274-lt. Call at the WAGOA 1AKU riJlHE Subscriber is now receiving from New U Vcrk, a general and complete assortment of HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Crockery and Groceries, Of every quality and description, for sale very low for Cash, or in'exchange for any kind of country produce. " THOS.J. MIMS. hoA second hand buggy as good s new, and two rses and two mules, for sale or hire. Dec. 14, 1844. 203-tf. 500 PLOAVER POTS For sale by W. PRIOR. Feb. 15, 1S4.5. 312-6t. s.TrstS JTOMN 3D . STARR HAS received bv the late arrivals from New York, his stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, Comprising a large and extensive assortment o Dry Goods7 Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets Shoes, Umbrellas, Parasols, Cotton and Wool Cards, writing and wrapping Paper, Coffee and Suar, Drugs and Medicines, &c. &c, well worthy the"attentioii of country Merchants which will be offered at low prices for cash or county oroduee. Oct. 2G, 1S44. 269-tf. flrthlbls. PRIME extra lar-e leiiov ifcHV Planting IRISH POTATOES, just re FOR SALE. A LARGE assortment f CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA, STONE, AND Q.UEENSWARL, com prising Dinner, Tea, Coffee, and Chamber Sets, together with almost every article in that line. 20 crates assorted for the Country trade. 6 dozen Flower Pots. 6 ditto Pickle Jars, with cover. M C. LUTTERLOH. Feb'y 15, 1S45. 312 y, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, For sale by GEO. McNEILL. Jan. 4, IP45 FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY. JUDGMENTS & EXECUTIONS; OF ALL SORTS, For sale at the Carolinian Office. REMOVAL. CLARK & McCALLUM, HAVING removed their Tailoring Establishment from their late Shop to the building formerly oc- cupied by Wm. L. Cofer, nearly opposite to the j t c rtT i n... ' I. Lafayette Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that thev wiU continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. They return their thanks for the liberal share of business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, by strict attention and skill. Latest fashions regularly received from New York. Dec 14, 1844. 203 -tf. WE have just received from New York and Phila delphia a large assortment ef FALL & WINTER CONSISTING OF IDEoT GOODS. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery4 &c, &c, which we will sell at the lowest market price. PETER P. JOHNSON & CO. Oct. 1 i, 841 295-3w. BAR SOAP. rryiHE subscriber offers for I HE subscriber offers for sale ONE HUN- JL DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayetteville (N. C.) Candle Faerorv,' and warranted equal if not superior to Colgate's best io. 1. Beinr determined to devote all necessary atten tion to the business, and offering it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage. CZF All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. XV. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 TO TRAVELLERS Ami Sojourners in fayetteville AIRS. E. SMITH is ctill prepared to enter,- tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling throughor sojourning in Fayettt viile. Her table is always as good as the market affords. - She has good sta bles and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so well known that it needs no de scription. No exertions will be scared to give satisfaction. Feb. I, 1845. 3Io-tf 10U.UUU Acres vainaM FOR SAILE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd., lyms principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber Ritrer, the different surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES : a lare part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large oart is well suited, beins in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other - . . . . r i i T Oil - I I seel ion ot the State. i tie Lanas win de soia at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respectiug the title can be obtained bv apnlvinffto the lion. Robert strange, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application f-r any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John "Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale ot the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C, March I, 1845. 3I4-tf. State of North Carolina Sampson county Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb ruary Term, 184o. Edmund Sutton and others, vs. Benjamin Sutton, Administrator of Thos. Sutton, dee'd, and oinera. Petition for distribution. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Hcnrv B Sherard and wife. J McLeran and wife Nancy, David, Thomas, Penny, Ziiphia, Daniel and Margaret Cosdell. Thomas Sutton, Council McCullen and his wife Elizabeth, Susan McCul len, and Henry Glisson and wife Haney, defend ants in this case, reside beyond trie limits ot tni.s State ; on motion, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for bix weeks in the JNortn Carolinian, published at Fayetteville, notifying them of the filing of said petition, and also re.quir ing them to appear at the next term of this Court on the 3d Monday in Mavnext, and then and there Dlcad. answer, or demur to said petition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard cxpartc as to them. Witness, Thos I Faison clerk of said Court at Of fice the 3d Monday ot Febr.iary. 1845. THOS. I. FAISON, Clk. Mareh 1, 1845. 314-6t. per adv ?3 25. State of North Carolina Cumberland county. In Kquity. Michael Carmichatl, Administrator of John Ray; Michael Carmichael in bis own right, and that of his wife Mary, and hi said wife Mary, Archibald Colquhoun and wife Flora, and Christian, Flora, John, Joseph, and Catharine Carmichael by their guardian and next friend Malcolm Carmichael, Against Archibald Ray, Adm'r. of John Ray, Angus Ray, James Ray, John Ray, Daniel Ray, Effy Ray, and Catharine Ray, and John, Mary Ann, Lauchlin, Archibald and Duncan Colquhoun. IT appearing by the affidavit of the complain ants that Catharine Ray, John Ray, Daniel Ray, and John, Mary Ann, Lauchiin, Archibald and Duncan Colqvhoun, arc not inhabitants of this State, publication is therefore ordered to be made for sfx weeks in the North Carolinian, for the ab sent defendants to make their personal appearance at the Court of Equity, to be held for tho county of Cumberland, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on, the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in Alareh, 1345, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or the said bill will be taken as confessed and heard xparte as to them. Witness. Arch'd A T Smith, Master of our said Court of Equity at office, the 7th Monday after! the 4tli iMonoav in cseptcmoer, 1514. ARCH'D A T SMITH, C. M. E March 29, 1845. per Ad?. 83 2S APRIL 5, 1845. WOUlD respectful ly inform the citizens of Fayettevilla and the public generally, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E.J. Clark, on Gillespie .Street, 5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will : manufacture and ke?D con stantly on hand an assortment of- TIN AND SHEET IROIST WARE. rau "j " Purnase wouia ao we. to call and examine his stock before nnrchasmcr else MdVaAn a.:ML:AA- I I 1 1 II where, as he is determined to sell as cheap as any other manufacturer in the State. BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in the lastest style, and best manner. Also GUTTERING. Auf. 17, 1844. 261-y. NEW GROCERY FRUIT & CROCKER? JSEl THE Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay street directly opposite his old stand, where he is now receiving a STOCK OF GOODS. Consisting in part of Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, Allspice; Ginger; Sale- ratus; starch; MaeUere bnan: Salmon: Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, water, and soda Cracker; Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; JNutinegs, Citron; .Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana begars; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappee Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powder and Shot; Epsom and table Salts. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinear: Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al monds, Filberts, and Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; snl phur; alum; Herrings; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; Cayenne Pepper ; cur rants; Mustard; Suear House Molasses; and almost every article usually called fo- in a Grocery Storet which he will sell as low as anv one in the place, for Cash, or on approved credit. ALSO, CROCKERY. W. PRIOR. Nov. 9th, 1S44. . ;.298-v. 5" 3 Ill o 2. re cr C! SO 3 09 S 2 w w or o " . c a. a -t co a S 3 O. p o o 2 tOS5 n . -1 to C o a o 3 p a. a. State of North Carolina Dupliu County Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions Jan uary Term, 1S45. Zilpha Pollock vs. heirs at law of Wm. Pollock. Petition for Dower. IT appearing to the Court that James Watkins and wife Maria, and Wm Pollock, defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, a newspaper print ed in Fayetteville, N. C, for the said defendants to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Duplin at the Court House in Kenansville, on the 3d Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur to said petition, otherwise the same will be ta-k-n pro confesso'and heard exparte. Witness, James Dickson, Clerk of our said Court at office the 3d Monday in January, and 69th year of American Independence. A D, 1845. JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. March 15, 1345. 316-et per adv. 3 25. State of North Carolina Moore county Court of Pleas and Quatter Sessions Jan uary Term, 1S45. Alexander C Curry vs. James C Tyson. Original Attachment. John Tyson and Win D Tyson summoned as Garnishees. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case, James C Tyson, hath absconded or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, whereupon it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, notifying said Tyson of the issuing of said attachment, and requiring him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in April, 1845, and then and there replevy and rlead, or judgment by default will be awarded against him, and the debts attached will he condemned to the satisfaction of plaintiff's demand. Witness, Alexander C Curry, clerk of our said Court at Office in Carthajje, the fourth Monday in January, A D, 1S45, and the 63ih year of American Independence. A. C. CURRY, Clerk. March 22, 1845. 317-6t. per adv 35 25. ENTRY TAKERS' NOTICES, For sale at the Carolinian office. 10 HHDS. safe by (new crop) MOLASSES, for GEO McNEILL. Jan 4, 1815. JUST PRINTED. NEGOTIABLE NOTES, of all thj various kinds used, just printed and for sale at thw Office. "-?"JJ"" T KZ MrffThl Ml SMI o J o a. OQ 5?. M ) SL SS 2ia f" S. 5 g " s J? 5 US 3 s S3 . - s S3 i 3 w THREE DOLLARS REWARD Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday night the 14th inst., an indented bright mulatto girl about 15 years old, slender made, with straight black hair, by the name of MARY" ANN BO WEN. It is supposed she is in the neighborhood of Goodwin Bowen, a free man of color in Bladen county, on the Wilmington road, about 6 mile3 below the West brook Post Office, as her mother, Poily Bowen, who took her away, declared when she was hiring a horse and Carryall for that purpose, that she was going to Goodwin Bowen 's, in Bladen county. The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid for returning said girt to me, or putting her info any Jail in this State and giving information through the Post Office, so that I can get her again. AH persons are cautioned against employing, har boring, or entertaining said girl in any way, as I shall prosecute them rigorously according to law. JOSEPH AREY. March 22, 1S45. 3l7-3t. State of North CarolIna--Moore county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan uary lerm, 1845. James McGiIvary and Thomas B. Tyson vs. Jas. C lyson. Original Attachment. John Tyson summoned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case, James C Tyson, hath absconded or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, whereupon it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for si x weeks in the North Carolinian, notifying said Tyson of the issuing ot said attachment, and requiring him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in April, li?45, and then and there repleyv and plead, or judgment by default will be awarded against him, and the debts attached will be condemned to the satisfaction of plaintitl 's demand. Witness, Alexander G urry, clerk of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the fourth Monday in January, A D, IS45, and the G9tb year of American Independence. A. C.CURRY, Clerk. March 22, lS45. 317-6t. peradv.$3 25. NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received late purchases of SEASONABLE GOODS, from Philadelphia and New York, such as fine dress silks, alpacas, crape de-pe rens, and muslin-de-Iains and fine prints, worsted andThibet shawls, silk scarfs, crape lace, (white black and blue,) gymp and gymp cord, white and black dres9 goods mourning crapes, extra fine hair pins, with a varie ty of head ornaments, long white parly gloves, kid and beaver do. Also, gentlemen's fine black and fancy rassi meres fine black and blue cloths, best quality of coat trimmings, together with ageneral assortment of such articles as are usually kept in dry goods stores which will be sold as low as can be found elsew here. JOHN. D WILLIAMS, South-West corner ot rnaiket square. eb' la, IS45, 312-v 10 hhds, molasses, 6 ditto sugar, 8 tons iron, With nails, trace chains, hay forks, spades, shovels pots, ovens, skillets and lids, indigo, madder, Ep som salts, copperas, Coliins' turpentine axes, cut broad iron, a fine assortment of saddles, cheap. Also, Little River osnaburgs and yarns always on hand at manufacturer's prices. J. D. W. NOTICE. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of return ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them; also for the kind sympithies manifested to thern in the late calamity in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the 19th inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in givingthem tiotic, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store neatly oppo site, the' hope soon to resume business, an J would most respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of public patrot. age. They have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, Sugar, Smiths' Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron I.V1 ill Cranks. Also, Anvils, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all of which they will sell low for Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable thtni to close iheir former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will takethe earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. H. & J. MARTINE. March I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, AJani!Ia,Seine,and Raft Rope, 1 hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls.Trair. Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whitfernore's real Cotton Cords, Coffee M ills, cast good Wauon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundTes assorted Hoop Iron, with a 6ma!l assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar hon ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slishtlv injured. MALL & MAlLilLi WOULD inform the public that they have moved from their old tand to the store lately occupied hy Messrs C J & R M Orrell, and known as the Yellow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in the way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a calf. Their stock will consrsl in part of 10 Tons Swedes and Er.glrsh Iron, 5f0 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel, 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, 51)0 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, J 5 Keg Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. 100 IM. Alum, Borax, 1500 lbs. Copperas, 1 50 lbs Indigo, I Cask Salaratos, 50 sides sore Leather, 75 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Suar, 1000 lbs. single and double rsflned and Coflee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Card. Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patewt Madi rines, Hadlock's Syrup aorl Powder. Cassia, Cmnphor. Castor Oil, Paints, Putty, Drags, Jte.fce, Sept. 14, 1844. - "to Volume 6 Number 31 9 IBIFOHTZ1ITT TO LUMBER MEN, THE Subscribers, having witnessed the rctf successful operation of HOTCHKISS1S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill in Fayetteville, in May ai.d June last, wr inducer to purchase the Right tor the entire Statt of North Carolina, and now offer individual Right for sale on very reasonable terms. They have now on hand Seventeen foil acts of Wheels, and have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. Besides being generally adopted in the Northern States, there are already twelve saws in successful operation in this State, and eight others in process of erection. The astonishing power and speed of these Wheels have been witnessed by hundreds of citizens of this State, with universal appprobation. And we desire all tvho may feel an interest In tbe subject l examine the Mills of Arch'd Graham, Col. Alex'r Murchison, Christopher Munree, Alex'r Williams, Arch'd McLourm. J. McDaniel, John Cade, Mrs. Effy McFadyen, in this County ; CoL John C. McLaurin, in Richmond Countv; Thos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy Royal I in Sampson County; to each of whom we Relor . for information as to the practical operation of these: Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can have them put up by workmen who have been instruct ed by Air Hotchkiss himself. The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in th State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: Fayetteville, Feb'y 3, f845, We, the Subscribers, residing in the County ot Cumberland and State of North Carolina, having been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber lor ma ny years, fee! fully warranted in statin?, that Hotch kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of all mill owners, and that we have full confidence in their superiority ; that the value of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more durable, and easier kept in order when properly put together than the common Flutter Wheel: they will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when there fs a head above. The speed of the Sw is increased from one-half to ilouble the strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE. CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, JORN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHISON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwricht.J JOHN C. McLAURIN, (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen County.) They have also received a certificate from Cof. Alexander Murcbjson, (which will be published hereafter among others JWJrn,dii'U loan. I lit- which ni rrcaia wi i7lir-as nni greatest j approvement innJo on Saw Mills in my his time says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the da y before he wrote, 4683 feet of I J inch duarter Boards ; makes 240 strokes in a minute; lhat one-half of the water is saved; and concludes) by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which have been promised, will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 316-tf. The following article from the N. Y. Tribune of the 4th nlf., will show in what estimation these Wheels are held by the high authority of the A rear ican Institute : From tbe N. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Wheel, after haying been adopted by some) hundreds of mill owners on the Deleware, Susque hanna!), and in other lumbering regions, was pre sented for competition at the lale fair of ihe Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees firft as the best Water Wheel for Saw Mills; secondly, as bains; one of the live best inventions submitted at the Fair. It has been extensively adopted in the great pine districts of tbe South ; and its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or back water, and other economies, are securing it a very general preference. The Inventor ia now on his way south, and may be addressed at Augusta, Ga., or at his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. lis advantages are eommnl as follows : r. The Vertical Wheel, when used for Saw Mills, requires no gearing to produce from 17 to 300 strokes ofthe saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply constructed as the com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the busi ness with the same advantage ofthe water. 3. Back water is no impediment wfcen there ia a head above. 4. Ice cannot form on tbe wheels. 5. They occupy less space than a Flutter Wheef Mill. 6. The increased speed of the saw maks better lumber, cuts tbe same distance with resistance and the saw-dust is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and heat with slow Mills. 7. They can be placed on the shaft, of a common-Flutter-Wheel Mill if m sood order, and hung up on the same bearings if sufticif ntly strong to sus tain the power ofthe wheel. 8. The wheels being ct" cast iron, wiflfaf an agr. They also constitute tho requisite Fly Or Balance' Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in ol! parts of each revolution. 9. The fntroduction of irdlls is reduced in a plain system, so that IT fh head of water is known the result is a mathematical certainly. 10. Any workman having the patterns, a model, and table of calculation, ran adapt milts to any location with perfect success. 1 1. The improved mode of feeding is much sp proved of by thos" who have adopted it. Of Just received on consignment, the running works of two four horse Wagons. Alo, one feur horse Wagon with cover, tec. complete, ready for the road. All of which are warranted ot th best ma terial and workmanship, and will be sold low for cash. Also for sale two likelr vun MULES. "JAS. S. GRANT. March 15. 1843. 316-tf. Just Received on Consignment,: Freneh Brsndr, Holland Gin,' American Brandy, 40 boxes No. 1 oap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15, 1345. 316-tf. , J. 3ICLAURIN, HAVING associated with him hs brother, the business will hereafter be conducted in the name' of D. fc W. McLAURIN. DUNCAN McLAURIN. WILLIAM McLAURlf, F-rttevilIe, Msreh 19, 184B. ... , r

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