m II "character is as important to states as it IS TO IXniriDUALS; AND the glory or THE state is the common property of its citizens.' jjY Ur3I II BAYXE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY. APRIL 19, 1845. Volume 6 Number 301 - I 5 i i '--.(f y . 4 .. i t '.;! 1 1 "Jt-:' wst : '4 TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per annum, if paid in advance, $2 So if paid at the end of six months 3 On at the end of the year 3 5q Rates of Advertising: Sixty cants per square for the first, and thirty cants for each subsequent insertion. Advertising by the year -vill be charged according to th; quantity of matter inserted. Court advertisements, &c, 25 per cent higher. INDEMNITY Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL-S 105,000. Ojjice in Grand near First Street, Williams burg, opposite the City of JVeio York. Agency Office, Wells Building, 62 Wall JVeto York. DIRECTORS : Christian Zahriskie. Andrew C. Benedict, Frederick W. Favre, Jeremiah Johnson, John Skillrnan, " Saml. Willt.s. Nicholas Wvckoff. Abr'm Franc T. Boskerck, s Steinbcil," Saml H Clapp, Chus. 0.Hn'dy, Lmiirel Richardson , LliMUEL RICHARDSON, Prea't. AsniiEiv B. IlaDcn.Scc'ry. . WASHINGTON POST, Agent, New York. THE Williamsburg Fire Insurance Company, having been incorporated by an act of the Legisla ture of the State of New York, for the purposes of Fir Imurance, the Directors offer to Insure their fellow-citizens ihroujhout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On Buildings, Goods and Merchandise, and Per sonal Property generally, assuring ilium that the afftirs of the Company, shall be conducted with nudi fairnes.", candor and liberality as they trust will entitle it to public confidence antfalronage. The Subscriber, Agent for the above Com pany, will give any further, information that may b) desired by those who wish to Insure. JAMES MAR TINE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. S, 1S43. 311-tf. NOTICE. TAKEN UP and commiited to the Jail of Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26th day of January, 1845, a negro man who says his name is SIMON, and says that ha was sold in Charleston to a man by the name t AlclVcnze, and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and I hero left his master. Said negro was for merly the property of Benjamin Gass of Camden S. C, and. was taken trom this pl;ice last February nv ivi r vjrms. said nero is anoul it teet 4 inches high, d irk complexion, and about 45.or 50 years of a'!. lhoowm-rof saidnegro is hereby notified it co-iie forward, proVe'property, py charges, and ak-; bun away, or he will be dealt with according tn law. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29, IS 15. 310-tf. ROBERT W. HARDIE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, FJMVEVTEYIL.L.E .V. C. IT WING located hnnsf.lt in Fayetteville, on fl"U Hay street, 3 duor from Mr Hale's Book itore, will keep constaniiy on hand a general os ai.rtnie i t of BoL'ks and Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desirous of puichasing or nt. Be;ng a Bookhjnder, and provided wilh acomplete aft of to'iis and apparatus, he is prepared to execute all kinds of binding, from the plaine.-l to the most cosily. He solicits the patronage of his fellow citizensof r ayetteville and the surrounding country. Nov. 23, 1844. - 261-y. 1)TM c L A U R I N , IN addnion to a general assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery. Shoes, "hats, &c, is now opening a choice selection of seasonable Viz: Fine blue, black, invisible green, and tecl inixed Cloths ; fancy Cassimercs ; "Sattinetts, K:n tucls y Jeans ; Kerseys ; BI i nkets. Alpacas; Mus lin -de-Liins ; worsted Shiuls; Bed Ticking; hirtin, and a variety of Prin's, Vesting1, Coat Triinming-', &c. ALSO 4th proof Jamaica Rum, Cngniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Fine Madeira and Port Wine, Sicily, Madeira, Tonerift"-j, and Malaga ditto. Th above Goods will be sole low for Cash, Country Produce, or charged to those who have heretofore been punctual. D. McL. September 27, 13 14-. 29-2-v. WANTED. BUSHELS OF ASHES, imme diate! r, for which e f:iir price will be W. McKAY. aid. March 9,814 263-tf. NEW SPRINCr & SUM3IER THE subscribers are now receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a large and splendid tock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Consisting of superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, and a Ure assortment of Prints, Balzorines and .K very handsome ; Bombazines and Alpacas ; ijcti Camelion Shawls ; black and colored Kid 'ove.., Silk Mitts of all qualities ; gentlemen's iscarfs and Cravats ; Silk and Marseilles Yt nS Drap-de-ta, &hroonB and Linen ; Silk hlHoe; Sils. HaHdkerchiefs; superior K.!fin Pin9 ' bleached and brown Shirtings ; n. ! i-t rM2l"nd Sun Shades; Straw, Flor- 3&tgsr and Panama Hat,i aUo ALSO, 3000 pairs SHOES & BOOTS, aworted; apd a great man, other article in the dry Goods line, tpo tedious to mention. As the above Goods wre purchased at reduced prices, we will ell very low. Thoae wishing to purchase will please call and earoiae our Goods and prices. , G. & h. McMillan Matches, tJ 845. 319-Ow. 4 bbls. PRIME extra Urge Yellow Planting IRISH POTATOES, just re ceived and for sale by BALL. & HALL. Feb. I. 310 CHEAP FOR CASH! THE subscribers, thankful for past favors, lake this method to inform their friends and the public that they have now on hand and for sale, a fair assortment of seasonable Goods ; comprising in part as follows. Any or all of which they will sell at the lowest market prices for Cash : GROCERIES. Rio, Cuba, and St. Domingo Cofiee; Porto Rico, N Orleans, and Loaf Sugar; Soap, Starch, Epsom Salts, Camphor, Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Tea, Salt, &.c. &c. j Dry Goods- Alpaccas, plain ai.d figured ;" Mouslin d'Laines Broad Cloths: Sattfrvets; Kerseys; Calico ; totton and silk Handkerchiefs ; wool and silk Shawls; Apron Checks; Bed Ticking; Flannels; Bonnets; .Band-boxes; Ribbons; Artificials; Hats, Boots, and Shoes, &C.&.C English and Swedes Iron : English and American Steel; Nails; pocket and table Cutlery; lioes; trace nd halter Chains.; Padlocks; Urawing ivnives table and tea Spoons, &c. &c. . - CROCKER Y , A general assortment. JNow in store and tor sale, 50 Bags Coffee, 150 Sacks Salt, 4 Hhds. Sugar, 20 Hhds. Molasses, 20 BbU. planting Potatoes, 2 tor.s Swedes Iron, as-sorted, at our old stand, foot of Haymount. DUNN Dec. 21, 1844. 304 -tf. Encouraze Gardner & JYEcKetlian, 11 AVE lately made considerable improvement in th:ir style of Work, and have now on hand a GclN EllAL ASSORTMENT, consis-ing o! Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, aBd dura bility, will compare w ith any made in the U States. Persons wishing to 0uy, would do well to call artd examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW" for Cash, or approved notes. Having1 in our empmy first rate SmUhs, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate term?. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful work manrhip and materials, for one year. Itp- REPAIRING fa'ubful y executed at short notice, antl on reasonable term. Fayctteville, February 8, 1 845. y. FOR SALE. 6 doz. green glazed FLOWER POTS. 6 " glazed PICKLE JARS with covers- C. LUTTERLOH. Feb. 6, 1844. 311-tf. NEW Forwarding and Commission HOUSE. T757"OULD inform the merchants of the interior that they have in connrction with the gen- eral , in" rocery business, adtieainai uimerorwiira and having larg and commodious Ware houses on the bank of the River, are prepared to receive and forward Goods upon such term3 as will defy all competition, eur charges and expenses be ing one-third less on the freight bills than any other houe in the place. . All fin.n!g shinn d to G. W. Davis of W liming ton, for the interior, and not otherwise directed, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1344. 274-tf. 500 FLOWER POTS 'For sale by Feb. 15, 1S45. 312- W. PRIOR. 6t. -X,SKfSSB HAS received bv the late arrivals from New York, his stock of FALL and WINTER GOOD S, Comprising a large and extensive assortment o Dry GoodsT Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets Shoes, Umbrellas, Parasol?, Cotton and Wool Cards, writing and wrapping Paper, Coffee and Sugar, Drugs and Medicines, &c. &c, well worthy the attention of country Merchants which will be offered at low prices for cash or country produce. JOHN D. STARR. Oct. 26, 1S44. 269-tf. FOR SALE. A LARGE assortment if CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA, STONE, AND Q.UEENS WARE, com prising Dinner, Tea, Coffee, and Chamber Sets, together with almost every article in that line. 20 cratcs-assotted for the Country trade. 6 dozen Flower Pots. 6 ditto Pickle Jars, wilh covers. CH LUTTERLOH. Feb'y 15, 1845. 312 y, JACKSON JOHNSON HAS on hand at the Waggon Yard, for HIRE, HORSES AND BUGGIES. Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with la view of accommodating persons wishing passage to any ol the neighboring Towns. April 1, 1845. 319-tf. KK. Home Manufactures BIZXiZTilXLlT JUDGMENTS & EXECUTIONS : OF F or sale at ALL SORTS, " the Carolinian Office. REMOTATL, CLARK & McCALjLUM, HAVING removed their Tailoring Establishment Irooa their late Shop to the building formerly oc cupied by Wm. L. Gofer, nearly opposite to the Lalayette Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they wi'l continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. 1 hey return their thanks for the liberal share of business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, by strict attention and skilL Latest fashions regularly received from New York. Lec 14, 1841. ii3-tl. BAR SOAP. ntlHE subscriber offers for sale ONE HUN- JJL DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, rnanufac and warranted equal if not superior to Colga e. best No. 1. Beiii" determined to devote all necessary atten tiontothe business, and offering it at. a reduced price, (5 cents a pound bv the box.) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage. . All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayettevillr, May 24,844 100,000 Acres Val 11 tole FOR SAL.E. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to 1 he Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd., Ivins Drincmallv in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different surveys con tsinins over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a large part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity ol Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large nart is well suited, beins in a region where the Turnentine vields more abundantly than any Other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respectiu; the title can be obtained bv aDDlvingto the Hon." Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby jriven, that the law will be enforced against all such onenders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Winsiow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayettevitle, N. G., March 1, 1845. 314-tf. State of North Carolina Cumberland county. In Equity. Malcom R. Carmichael, Adniinist'r of John Raj'; Michael Carmichael in his own right, and that of his wife Mary, and hi said wife Mary, Archibald Co'quhoun and wife Flora, and Christian, Flora, John. Joseph, and Catharine Carmichael by th ir ouardian and next friend Malcolm R- Carmichael, Against Archibald Ray, Adm'r. "of John Ray, Angus Ray, James Ra, John Ray, Daniel Ray, Effy Ray, and Catharine Ray", and John, Mary Ann, Lauchlin, Archibald and Duncan Colquhoun. IT appearing by the affadavit of the complain ants that Catharine Raj', John Ray, Daniel Ray, and John, Mary Ann, Lauch in, Archibald and Duncan Colqohoun, -ate not inhabitants of this State, publication is therefore ordered to be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, for the ab sent defendants to make their personal appearance at the Court of Equity, to he held for the county of Cumberland, at the Court Housein Fayetteville, on the Gth Monday after the 4th Monday in March, 1945, t.h"n and thore to plead, answer, or demur, or the said bill will be taken as confessed and heard exparte as to them. Witness, Arch'd A T Smith, Master of our said Court of Equity at ofrice, the 7th Monday after the 4th Monday in September, 1344. ARCH'D A T SMITH, C. M.E March 29, 1845, per Adv. S3 25. "FOR RE NTT" Two comfortable FRAMED DWELLINGS. Possession given immediately. Inquire at this Office March 29, 1845 318-tf NEW AND CHEAP GOOIS. .JAMES KYLE Has just received by the last ar rivals from the North, a laro and splendid assort ment ol SPRING GOODS, Among which are Balzorines, Batrisle, French La wn, printed Muslins and Jacontts, 1548 pieces Calicoes, 192 ps Irish Linen, Lawns, Diapers, Table Cloth and Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, black and colored Silks, Silk Mits, Gloves, Cam bric and Bobinet Lace and Elgmg, superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Kipskin Slippers, 6-4 to 3-4 bleached and brown Shirting and Sheeting, Boots, Shoes, &c, all of which being turchascd forcash by the package at public and private sale, will be offered bv wholesale or retail at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers. March 29, 1845 . PLOUGHSTSADDLERY & SMITH'S BELLOWS. COOK & TROY ceived Freeborn's PLOUGHS, Nos. 10, 11, 12 and Corn, and 200 extra Shares. Smiths' Bellows, 24 to 34 inches. 50 Nova Scotia Grindstones. Boxes Tin Plate and Wire, Nos. 10 to 16. Ladies' and" Gentlemen's Saddles, great variety. Bridles, Collars, Whips and Cow Hides. April 5, 1845. 31'-3w. MUSIC. fc The Undersigned will give instructions on the PIANO. FORTE AND GUITAR, In Fayetteville and wfibinity, for three mouths. He will giveths instructions at the residences of ladies who may honor him with their patronage. He will learn a pupil to perform on the Goitar, accompanied by the voice, in the course of a quar ter's instructions. ict His price is $15 per quarter for instructions on either fnstrnmsnt. He can be found, when not enarer, at Mr Samuel Mime'. S m ' CHARLES PETERSILIE. an blBoaaf mwln stem to Pii ao cfe&rg made wlUkont savtisCaeUom tm April 5, imi. 3tS-3t. WUUlJJ respectful ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E.J. Clark, on Gillespie fStrret, 5 doors South of "the Market Square, where he will u-rs"-""'m.inufacture and kep con hand an assortment of sUr.tly on cTIN AI AND - SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing to Durchase would do well tn call and examine his stock before purchasing else- wcere, as lie is determined to sell as cheap as any other manufacturer in-th State. BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in the iastest stvle and br manner. Also GUTTERING Aug. 17, 1S44. 261-y. NEW GROCERY FRUIT & CROCKER? rrJiHL, Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay -la. street directly opposite his old stand, where he is now receiving a , - 'STOCK OF GOObS. ! Consisting in part of Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, Alldpict; Ginger; Sale ratus; Starch; Mackerel; Shad; Salmon; Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, water, and -soda Crackers; Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; Nutmegs, .Citron; Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana Segars; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappee Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powder and Shot; Epsom and table Salts-. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinegar; Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al monds, Filberts, and Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; sul phur; alum; Hrrirrgs; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; Cayenne Pepper ; cur rants; Mustard; Sugar House Molasses; and almost every article usually called for in a Grocery Storet which he will sell as low as anv one in the place, for Cash, or on approved credit. ALSO, CROCKERY. W. PRIOR. Nov. 91 by! 844- . 298-y. State of North Carolina Duplin County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan uary Term, 1845. Ziloha Pollock vs. hens at law of Wm. Pollock. Petition for Dower. IT appearing to the Court that James Walkins and wife Maria, and Wm Pollock, defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of thie State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, a newspaper print ed in Fayetteville, N. C, for the said defendants to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Session", to be held for tho county of Duplin at the Court House in Kenansviile, on the 3d Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur to said petition, otherwise the same will be ta-k'-n pro confesso?and heard exparte. Witness, James Diekson, Clork of our said Court at office the 3d Monday in January, and 69th year of American Independence. A D, 1845. JAMES DICKSON, Clerk. March 15, 1345. 3l6-6t per adv. 83 25. State of North Carolina Moore county Court of Pleas and Quatter Sessions Jan uary Term, 1S45. Alexander C Curry vs. James C Tyson. Original Attachment. John Tyson and Wm D Tyson summoned as Garnishees. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case, James C Tyson, hath absconded or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, whereupon it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolia an, notifying said Tyson of the issuing of said attachment, and requiring him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in April, 1845, and then and there replevy and lead, or judgment by default will be awarded against hm, and the debts attached will be condemned to the satisfaction of plaintiff's demand. Witness, Alexander C Curry, tWk of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the fourth Monday in January, A D, 1845, and the 63tb year of American Independence. A.C. CURRY, Clerk. March 22, 1845. 317-6t. per adv S" 25. TO TRAVELLERS And Sojourners in Fayetteville MR8. C SMITH is still prepared to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling through or sojourning in Fayetteville. iler table is alwsys as. good as the market afiords. She has good sta bles and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of publie patronage Her residence is so well known that it needs no de scription. No exertions will be spared to give satisfaction. ' ' Feb. !, 1845 31W-tf BrBSSSBBBBBBBSS 3 5- 5"3 i-rl 5 SS o- e 2 S " " 2 a" g (-3 r - s- 3 a. g. Z O -g ra o 2 p- 5 s UTXk - ?S .a. ffl I' i S 2 55 to - f S3 ?:5 IrTI -- p 0.0- M 3 5 fcj S - I B - p " r s. is? : t ""B o o O THREE DOLLARS REWARD Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday night the 14th insU,un indented bright mulatto girl about 15 years old, slender made, with straight black hair, by the name ot MAR V ANN BOWEN. It is supposed she is in the neighborhood of Goodwin Bow en, a free man of eclor in Bid Jrn county, on the Wilmington road, about 6 mile below the West brook Post Office, as her mother, Polly Bowen, who took her way, declared when she was fairing a horse and Carryuli for that purpo, that she was going to Goodwin Bowen's, in Bladen coanty. The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid for returning said g:rl to me, or putting her into any Jail in this State and giving information through the Post Office, so that I can get her agai n. All peisons are cautio.ied against employing, har boring, or entertaining said girl in any way, as 1 shall prosecute them rigorously according to law. JOSEPH AREY. . Marcit 22. 1845. 37-3t. State of North Carolina Moore county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan uary lerm, 1845. James McG:lvary and Thomas B. Tyson vs. Jas. C.Tyson. Origiuttl Attachment. John Tyson summoned as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of thCourt that the defendant in this cas-e, Jumes C Tyson, hath absconded or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of taw cannot be served on him, whereupon it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in tho North Carolinian, notifying said Typon of the issuing vt said attachment, and requiring him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in April, 1S45, and then and there replevy and plead, or judgment by default will be awarded against him, ajid the dfbts attached will fie condemned to the satisfaction of plaintill 's demand. Witness, Alexander C Curry, clerk of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the fourth Monday in January, A D, 1845, and the USth year cf American Independence. A. C.CURRV, Clerk. Match 22, 1845. 317-6t. per adv. $3 25. NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received late purchases of SEASONABLE G00D, from Philadelphia and New York, such as fine dress silks, alpacas, crape de-pe-rens, and muslin - de-lains and fine prints, worsted andThibet shawls, si!k scat Is, crape lace, (white black and blue,) gymp and gymp cord, white and black dress goods mourning crapes, extra fine hair pins, with a varie ty cf head ornaments, long white party gloves, kid and beaver do. Also, gentlemen's fine black. and fancy cassi meres fine black and blue cloths, beet quality of coat trimmings, together with a general assoitment of such articles as are usually kepi in dry goods stores which will be Fold as Sow as can be found elsewhere. JOHN. D WILLI A MS, -South-West corner ol market Fquare. Feb 15, 1845. 312-y 1 20 bags Rio coffee, 10 hhds, molasses, 6 ditto sugar, 8tons iron, With nails, trace chains, hay forks, spades, shovels pots, ovens, skillets and lids, indigo, madder, Ep som salts, copperas, Collins' turpentine axes, cut broad iron, a fine assortment of saddles, cheap. Aiso, J-iitticKiver osnaburgs and yarns always on hand at manufacturer's prices. J. U. W. WO TI C E. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of return ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them ; also for the kind sympithies manifested to them in the late calamity in the destruction of th-ir entire Stock of Goods oh tfie morning of the 19th inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in givingthem notice, and others in ihe surround ing neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store neaily oppo site, the3 hope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronageof their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of public patroi.age. They have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, Sugar, Smiths' Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron IMill Cranks. Atao, Anvils, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all of which 'hey will sell low for Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to' close their former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will take the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. H.& J. MARTINE. March I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, They have just receivled, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply SHne Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Rft Rope, 1 hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls.Trair. Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whitfemore's real Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a smali assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and squaie Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightly injured. ELAMi &-- MA1L1L WOULD inform the public that they have moved from their old stand to the store lately occupied by Messrs C J & R M Orrell, and known as the Yellow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in the way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a call. Their stock will consist in part of 10 Tons Swedes aad English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast. Blister, and G errnan Steel. 600 Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 the. Bar Lead-, 40 Bags Shot, avsorted, 15 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Bnrsx, 1500 lbs. Coppers, 150 lbs Indigo, 1 Cask Salaratus, 50 sides sole Leather, 75 Bags RioCoff, "JO Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. single and double refined and CoSee rushed Sugar,. 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alu do. A1LSO, Wagon Boxes, Belta, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Hadloek'e Syrup and Powders, Cessta, Camphor. Castor Oil, Paints, Putty, Drugs, &e..o, SspC 14, IfrU. V t90 TO lumber: men. THE Subscribers -having witnessed the very successful operation of HOTCHKISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Gral.am's Mill in Fayetteville, in May and June last, wero induced to purchase the Right tor the entiro Ssato of North Carolina, and now offer-individual Rights for sale on very reasonable terms. They have now on hand Seventeen full sets 01 Wheels and have inada arrangements to keep a constant sus-piy- . . . , ... Besides being generally adopted In the Northern States, there are already twelve saws in sucuesrpil operation la ibis State, and eight others in process of erection. The astonithrng power and spetd of these Wheels have been witnessed by hundreds ot citizens of this State, with universal appprobation. And we desire all w ho may feel an interest In tbe subject to exaftiin? the Mills of Arch'd Graham, Col. Alex'r Murchison, Christopher Munroe, Alex'r Williams, Arch'd McLaunn. J. McDaniel, John Code, Mrs. Effy McFudyen, in this County : Col. John C. McLnuiin, in Richmond Coanty; Thos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy Royal! in Sampson Coouly ; to each of whom we Refer for information as to the ;,ractieal operation of thesw Wheels. . r Persons who apply soon for Rights oan have them put up by workmen who have been instruct ed by Mr Hotchkiss himself. The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina have received the follow ing certificate: - .. - - Fayetteville, Feb'y S, 1645, We, the Subscribers, residing in the Countvof Cumberland and State yf North Carolina, having oeenengagea in me manufacture ot Lumber tor ma ny years, feci full v warranted in suiting, that Hot eh kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of all mill ownes, hnd that we have full confidence iu their superiority ; that the value of Mills w'ill be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more durable, and easier kept in order when properly put together than the common Flutter Wheel: they will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when thero Is a head above. The speed of the Saw is inereafeti from one-half to double the strokes per minute - ijr-. V lL.L.J.O.iVI j3, DUNCAN MUNROE, CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCH1SON. . ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID, ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, (Richmond Coupty.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen County They have also received a certificate from Col. Alexander Murchieon, (which will be published her a Iter among others in handbill loim,) in which neepeaus oi tnis as ''tho greatest Improvement miide on Saw Mills in mr IfaiJ.i V y his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day before he wrote, 4G83 feet of inch, CLuarter Boards ; makes 240 strokes in a minute; that one-half of the water is saved; and concludes by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which have teen promise will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD MeLAUCHLIX, DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 316-tf. The following article from the N. Y. Tribune of the 4th ult., will show in what estimation these Wheels are held by the high authority of the Amer ican Institute : v From the N. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL- This Wheel, after haying been adopted by some hundreds of mill owners on the Dvleware, Surqus hannah, and in other lumhenng teoionn, was pre sented for competition at the late fair of ihe Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees first as the beet Water Wheel for Saw Mill.; secondly, as being one of the five best inventions submitted at the Fair. It has been extensively adopted in the great pine districts of the South'; and its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or back water, and other economies, are securing It a very general preference. The Inventor is now on his way south, and may be addressed at Augusta, Ga., or at his residence, Windsor, Broome coDnty, N. Y. Its advantages are summed as follows : 1. Tho Vertical Wheel,. when Hsed for Saw Mills, requires no gearing to produce from 175 to 300 strokes oft he saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply conslructed as the Mm- -mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the busi ness with the same advantage of tbe water. 3. Back water is no impediment when there is a head above. 4. Ice cannot form on the wheels. 5. They occupy lss space than a Flutter Wheei Mill. 6. The increased speed of the saw maks better lumber, cuts the same distance wilh less resistance and the saw-dust is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and heat, with slow Mill. 7. They can be placed on the shaft, of a eotnm&n Flutter-Wheel Mill if in good order, and hung up on the same bearings if sufficiently stroog to sus tain the power of the wheels. 8. The wheels being of cast iron, will last an a jr. They also constitute the requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in al! parts vf each.rewolution. 9. The introduction of mills is reduced To e plain system, so that if the head of water is known, the result is a mathematical certainty. 10. Any workman having the pattern, a model, and table of calculation can adapt mills to any location with perfect success. . 11. The improved mode of feeding is much ap proved of by those who have adopted it. Just received on consignment, the running w.irke of two four horse Wagons. Also, one four borse Wagon with cover, Ac. complete, ready for the road. AH of w hich are warranted rf the best ma terial and workmanship, and will be sold tow for rash. JAS. S. GRANT. 3l-tf. March 15, 1845. Just Received on Consignment French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 boxes No. 1 &oap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 13. 184S. 316-tf BIANES. R. W. HARDIE Has jurt re- ceived a supply ol BLANKS, mostly used b Clerks, Sheriffs, and Constat Ice pf,BS; paper and well executed. I ( 4 ) ! - i 4 'J 4 - i j - r)

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