.i v. . . " . .. . s .. . ' - ' .''CHARACTER ISVA.I.P9TNTT.6'ATATES'4S-IT IS TO ITflHTipUALS; AND GLORY QF, THE.- STATft IS "PUB tCQMMWf FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAVAPRTrl 261: iyoliime;6 Number 322 TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. .. per annwtn, if paid in advance;. it-J&Z.Srji if paid at the end of six months; 3.to at the end of ihe yea .... 3 .5j- Uates of Advertising : . ..- - . ' Sixty cents per square for 'he first, and thirty cenfs fur e.tcli simsequ'MU insenmii. Advertising )v th; yeAr.w ill be charged according to th .j qviAiitily "finaltep iiisrted.c , . ..js Court advcrliftin ;nts, &c, 35 per cent higher. H 1 Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIUE INSU RANCE company, r; - CAPITAL-SS 105,000. Office in (1 rand near First Street, Williams burg, apposite lheOity qf..JS"eio JYork. Jigeni-ij (i)ct, Wells Building., 62 Wall. si., JYctc York. - - , v Cliristi at .tliriskie, Andrew 0. B?nelictt Frederick V. Fa r!, Jereiniali Johnson, -.1 ohri SU il Ima n, . S i nl. Will -K Nicholas WvckofF. Ahi'm T. lioskcrck, Francis Stf inheil, Si.nl H. Ctapp, Joh.i LtOijirett, - . Chas. O. Handy, L.o.ntiel ilit:liardsin , Li;viUi:L ILICFIARDSON, Pros't. Anorkw . JlouttEi.Si'c'ry. , VAlllNti L'O.N P JST, Agent, .New York. Till' Willi. unslmru Fire Insnruace . Company, li.ivin i l).'flii i 1 1 t r i i-; 1 1 e 1 ly act . nf the X-is!u -1nr of the State of New York", "tor the1 pnrjioses of Fir I ii-tiirarien, the Directors otter to Insure their fellow-citi.eo.-i ih''o'ijj1ioiit tlie United States . Against Joss or Damage -by- Fire, On 11-1 iUli ti'r j, Co-d and A1 cr li-in. I ise, . and -. Per son 1 1 Pri;i;rty lr'in-rH y asdurni" iIi mii tli it llif alFiirs of the Company, siall !e eoodoct-d with such fairnep, can lor and liberality as thfy trust will entil 1 1 it to pnMiu confidence ana patronage. The S'llisrrilier, Aetit for the above Corrf p iny, will ivp. an- further, information that may be lsired bv tboso wlio wish to Insure. - z JAM KS MAU I INK, Aent, Hay Street. Feb 8, 1815. 31 I -If. . N 0 T I C E . TAKEN UP aiid.cominiited to the Jail ol Cmnherla vd county, IS". C, on Snnduv," the 2Cth day .of January, 1845,-a ' nero man who says his name is SIMON, J ant says that he was sold in Charleston l ;i man by the name .anil was carried to Alibain- or Geor- and th-ie Iet"t his master.' Said npjfo -wa for-lot-rlv tho or.ipity of lieojaiiiin Gass ot-..Camden, S. ('., and was taken from this place last February by Mr Class. .Said neirrois about 5 feet 4 inches hiLrh, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of air . The ihviv t nf said nero is hereby notified to co ne forwiird, prove property, py charges, :id ' t tkr him awa, or he will be dealt, w ith according to law. W". L. CALLAIS, Jailor. , Ja... 23, 1315. 310-tf. ; UOBliilT W. 1IAUDIF, SOOEBHSTDBS TiOOIvSELLER AND STATIONER, iivkttf:"iJsL.m-i,. v. ..... AVING located linns. lt in Fayettevillc, on ll.iy street, : door from "Mr -Hale's Book 5toie, will keep constantly on nana a general ns lortoient of lio.'ks and Stationery. He invites the uilie to call and examine ins selection?, whether Jcsorons of p'ltcliHfclii.ii o' not. Ueina iJokbindr-r, untl provid:d with a complete set of tool. and apparatus; he i prepared to execute nil kinds of binding, from the plainot to the most cos: ly. . - 1 . He solicits the patronage of hi. fellow citizensof Fayettevillc and the surrotinchng country. Nov. 23, I8H. : : 2G1-y WANTED. BUSHELS OF ASHES, imme diately, for which a fair price-will be V. AJe.L. Mi'KAY, S44. - ,263-lf. aid. March 0, N B W SPRLW & SUMMER id r'HA-lE subscribers sire now recejvins JL Vork and Philadelphia, a, large and splendid Ktoc'.i ot STAPLE A Nil FANCY DRY GOODS, Consisting of up -ifme CMoihs ami Cassirneres, and a lare assortment of Print, Balzorincs and Silks, very hands-nut? ; li mba;in s and Alpacas ; rici Camelion Shawls; black and colored Jvid Gloves; Silk Milts or all piali lies ; oenthiiiien's J satin Scarfs and Cravat ; Silk and Marseilles Vest ins:; Dra p-di'-ta, tJ.im'iroons and Linen; Sdk Hose ami half Hose; SifVlIirrdfce chiefs; superior Needles and Pins bleached ami brown Shirtings ; Umbrellas, Parasols.aryl Sun Shades; Straw, Flor ence, and Lawn Bonnet ts Bonnet and cap Rib bons; Palm Leaf, L-ghorn and Panama Hats; also fashionable B- avcr Hats. " " . 3000 pairs SHO KS k BOOTS, assorted; anl a great many other articles in the dry Goods line, loo tednuT To'nientioh . A "the above Gooils were purc hased at rerbi"ff pricSi werwitf" sell vet y low. Those wishm g to pn ichase, "wilt please call and cxamin- our Goods and prices. - G. & ii. McMillan March 29, 1845." 3I8-6w. tate of X. CaroIlua--Cumberlad-couuty. Court of I'leas i- Quarter Sessions -JUarch Term, 1S45. . 7- Archibald McMay vs. the Heirs at Law of Mary Bel jsLfj deceased. - Scire Facias.' ' . -s ffV appearing to the satisfaction of the Cotirt "that pTe , f'dlowing persons heirs at law of Mr vu c,d l" wix Jhn Farrell, William li inb.h!l0n:ani1 U,e ,,drs of Silvy Oglesby, are not It n2?ti,i'Sufe a"d the "V process of ib pnMr;slS ,h7r " i8 ,herefore in thp Tn.iK?- , nwdt for six successive weeks 'm. newspaper published in HIV vr w V JT UTri lPVlllft ' . . m resioents io appear 8,tthe --n.f ' r-r' :.!,, "": refpnnng me said non- to be held for thecountv Vr:, J"1"' I 'Aiit a aiiqa in h ' m June, next, and : Shew caue vvhv t hp J" 1 f should not be sold to satisfy the plantifF claim r ' Witness, John McLaurirr, Clerk of said Court" at -Office in Fayettevili,the first Monlay of March t A. D.,.. 1845, and 69th of American Indeoen dence. ' JOHN McLAURIN, Clk " - April 12, 1845. 320-t.' ; - per ady. $3 25:' of Mclvn.-e, Ir:m New bblCvPRIMG lextratlarKe; YeHow: aalin IRISH POTATOES, , jiwtrrf-' ceTved and for sale by IlALiL Sc flALEr- ISiicourafr Home Manufactures Gardner & IMEcBLetlian, H AVE lately made considerable improvem-nt in their sty le- of Work", and have oow'on hand a G'iLN LLUAL, ASSORTMEN-3", cordis; in of -: . Carriages, Baroucbes, Buggies,' " Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, Will compare with any made in tlie U States. - Persons wishing to buv, would do veil to call and examine our work, a3 we have determined- to sell LOW. for Cash, oe approved notes. . r Haviiiir in "our employ firi-t rate Smiths, wc'.are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. ;' - ,Wft warrant all our work to be of good and faith fn wot kjo i nrhio and materials, for one year "'JlCP'llEPAlRING fai!hlul:y executed riot ire, and orrreasoriable term-. FaycUevdle, February 8, 1845.; y. at short FOR SALE. G doz. rrreen glazed FLOWER POTS. " .a7.;d PICKLE JARS, with envers- ' C. LUTTERLOH. Feb. G; 1841." - 3lt-tf.. . Forwarrtiiitr and. Commission II 0 II S E. & WOULD inibroi the merchants of I he i ulerior that ihevhavein connection -with the gen eralroeerv business, added that .of tlte Forward- a Ik I bavin."- ar! and. coinmouious. VV are houses on the' bank, of the R"iver, are prepared. -Jo rece'.ve and forward. Goods upon .such terms r.s will defy all competition, our chaises and expenses be in i one-third less orr the froighl b 1U than anj olher house in the place. ,, - - AW Good shippedto'G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, f.Vr the interior, and not otherwise, directed, will be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1844. - , '274-tf. 500. Pt-OW-BR POTS. Fir sale by W. PUIOR. CD. lO, Oli- 61. for sale: LARGE assortment of (JROCKERV, GLASS, CHINA, S iONE, AND CLUEENS WARE, com prising Dinner, Tea, Coffee, and Chamber Sets, together with almost every article in that 'line. " ." mt crates ussoited for the Country trade. ' -.. ,6 dozen flower Pots.. 6 diito Pickle Jars, with covers. - " ' C. LUTTERLOH. Feb'y 13, IS 15. ' 312 y, " - - JACKSON JOHNSON - HAS on han I at the Waggon Yard, for HIRE, HOI5SKS AND'BU( .1LSO, -.Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a-view I iccomoivlaling persons wishing passage to anyol the neiirhboring 1 owns ApVil 1, 1845."" ' 319-tf- $25KEWARD. RAN AWAY from Mr James McDnlHe, on the 7lh of Decem ber fast-, my negro man ARCHY late the property "of A. B. bre dc'c'th Ho is about 5 feet 8 or It) inches high, has a long smooth black face, with full prominent eyes, and is lame in one of hi lcsv"' He is supposed to be lurk ing aboor. Favetteville; N. C. - A reward of $ 10 will.hu paid fvir him i!'talu?i) and lodged in any Jail in till State, or 25 if taken and lodged in Jail in any other of the" Stat s," so that 1 can gt t fr'm asra'm. .. . -J. i. STRONG, Fayetiev lie, N. C., April 12, 1845. 320-ff LIVERY STABLES. , THOS. X. BIIBIS, ;? , Agent of the Lafayette. Livery Stable sy RESPECTFULLY informs the rjublic that- he bas a supply ofexceJlent Saddle and Harness horses to HIRE ; also, two Sulkies, one Buggy, and, will in a few days have two more splendid Bugies:'To hire, on the follow ing terms: ---'- - For Horse, per day,- SI 00 .:"..BtKrgyM..-4t: i-t ' " --75 T Sulkey," " Horse and Buggy, or Snlkey, I 50 Horses will be boarded onThe folLtwing Jerros; : RoaVrfncr lav. . . SO. 5Q . 4t ' 4 week, Z , X v " -V-roontb, ? s. ---TO "0r -0t - A two horse Carriage keptforjtne accomrrroda lion of those who may want passage to any place off of thej-egular Stage lines. j., i ? . "The Subs'criberVexperience in the above busi; nessvtogether -with his complete stoekof Horses and,yebicIrs.wiU enable him to give full satisfac tion to atl his patrons. " . . , , . -v. - s p. Orders lor XJorscs. and Conveyances tvfU be at tended to, if left at the Lafayette Hotel, i,--?. -- - ' T. j. MIMS, A -T-i j .. 1 ;.n Jri( irv SI . p zJ. JUDGMEPfTS . OP' ALL5- SORTS; " V ' For sale at UieCarplivian Office. ' MKiyUOVAIL. . CLAIiK & McCAIXUMj ; HAVING removed their .Tailoring Establishment from theirjate Shop to the. buiktinir iiiniierly oc cupied by Win. L. Cofer, , nearly : . opposite to the Lala vette IIoteT, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, thai ihevwi'l continue to carry on the T A I LO RING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable man-aer. They ret urn tin r thanks for the liberal share of business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, bv strict attention and skill. Latest fashions regulad V received fromNew York. Pec I I, 1844 ,. .. ; : . 2U3-tf. .... BAR SOAP. : THE sMb.-cilber offers, for -sale ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fnyeltevillo N.C.") Cun-!Ic Factory," "anl warranted qual if not "superior to"" Colgate's best No. I. : . "-' , - . Being determined to devote all necessary atten tion to the business, and- off' ring it' .at a reduced price," (.5 cents a pound bv the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of pnldic pafronage.r ICj3 All Orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. , - . . . ' - -. - ' . , . . T V W. McL. McKAY. Faygfteville, May 24.844 '-.'" , " . 1 OO.OOO Acres -V a 1 ulle JPOM SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to ihe Estate of Abram Dubois, de'd., lying principally in Jl hesoii county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a Lrge part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large cjuantity ot Timber now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large rnrt is wV II suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the Statp. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in qu in ines to suit purchasers. "Information respecting the title Can be obtiined by appUinrto the Hon. Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, Esq., . A A T-Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these land, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced aj.aint all such offenders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to myself. - or to-John W insiow,. Esq ., who will be 'duly authorized to make sale rf the same. THUS. J. CURTIS. Fayettevillc, N. C, March I, 1845. - 314-tf. . State of North Carolina Cumberland county ' - " In Equity. Maltom R. Carmichael, Administ'r of John Ray; Alichael Carmichael in his own rightr and that of his wit Mary, and hi said wife Mary, Archibald Co'qulroun and wifr; Flora, and Christian, Flora, John. JoseDh, and -Catharine Carmichael by their "iiardian and next friend Malcolm R. Carmichael, .- . - ' Against ;. - - . - Archibald Rav, Adm'r. of John Ray, Angus Ray, J aiiies Rav. J 'hrr Ra v, Daniel Ray, Effv Roy, and Catharine Ray, and John, Mary Ann, Lauchliri, Archibald and Dancin Colquhoun.. - : "-, " IT appearing'by the affidavit' of the complain ants that Catharine llay, John Ray, . Daniel Ray, and John. Mary -Ann, Lauchm, Archibald and Duncan Colqehoun, are not inhabitants of.thi State, publication's theref. re orilered to be made for six weeks in the North Can linian, for the ab sent defendants to make their personal appearance at the Court ot Lquity, to be held lor the county ol Cumberland, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in Mareh, 1845, thn and thrc to plead, answer, or demur, or the said bill will be taken as confessed and heard f xparte as to them.. . Witness, Arch'd A T Smith, Master of our said Court of Eqi'sity" at office, thf 7th Monday after -the 4th Mondiiv in September, 1844. - 1 ARCH'D A T SMITH, C. M.E March 29, 1845. per Adv. S3 25. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS; JAMES KYLE'; .a a . Has 1 ust received by tlie . last ar- ' w rivals from the North, a large, and splendid assort ment of .c -. ' . - . SPRING GOODS, Amonz which are, Balzorines,Batriste, "French L-iwn, printed Muslin, and .-Jaconets, 1543;pieces Calicoes, in ps Irish Linen, Lawns, Diapers, Table Cloth and Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, block and colored Si Iks," Silk Mir, Gloves,'-" Cam brio, and Bob i net Lace.: and 'Edging, superfine Cloths, Cagsiiperes, V'esliojgs,. Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Kipskin Slippers, 6-4 to 3-4 bleached and brown Sh'rling rind Sheeting, Boots, Shoes, &c".," all of which being purchased fif cash by the package at puUlic and private sale, .-wilt be offered by' wholesale or retail at low prices lor casb, or on time to punctual ustomers. ' i - March 29, 1845. '"" J ' V " NKW FANCY CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY W. ii. MATTHEWS IS now receiving- his SPRING and SUMMER : .GOODS, Of the. latest and most fashionable styles, consist ing of new and fashionable Goods, foi Ladies' Dresses, s acfi as Cobalnner.Organdies, Churlatines and Baraires; Btack, 'colored, figured "and Satin L stripe Balzonnes; jrans biik enme ditio, ami a variety t other newsiyjes. rtisor super blue-ulaeit and black Bombazines, De-lains and 'Alpacas; Piinted and LaceStrTpe Lawns; Mushnsand Jaco nets, Ac:1 . N- For Grentlemen-Cassimers;:Dra)d-Ete Linen Drillings and Gambroun; VestiogSi Neck. Hand kerchiefs, and superfiie Saliu Scarfs. ; ...t "Also, Ladies and Gent!craen,s black and colore! Gloves (prtnio- artifcles":) white ,"and - black Silk Gloves and Mitts; Linen and Cotton ditto; Ladies fine plain and hern stitch Handkerchief, (Thread Cambric;) "together" with Straw. Goods pf all de scriptions, Napolitan, Lace and Hair Bonnets, (iatest Spring fashion;) Bonnet Ribbon and Flow ers, of the tjiaest -aindi fine Baskets; :Silk Cravats ahd.Pcint'ij.a.nd a variety ol oi her Goods not men -tloned. CaH "sojn " and see, as the above Good will be sold at the lowest Cash prices. fCFNorth East corner of Market -Squat.- , April 5, 184 v- Jt9-6w fRTW:UU Ll. tespectful- ly inform the-.citizens Qf Faye4teiHe and the pubiic- generally, That he. .has taken the- stri'nd VeCeritlv occupied jy "E.- J.. Clarkon "GFdlesttie trcetv5 -door 8 cSowt U of U e , Market Square, where lie will ""mannfacture and ket con- startly on hand an assortment of "J TIN ANIT SHKET ilRON WAKE. Persons wishm- to purchase would Vfd vtrel-t'to Call and examine his stock betorc ourchasiog- else. where.as he is determined to sell as cheap .as - any other mariiifa'cturprin i theSf atei BAKERS of an entirely new'pattrrri" ROOFING done in tl fastest styles a ttd best manner. . Also GU TTb RLNG. - - c"- - - v-s Auu'. 17, 1311. - . .. ; .z2Gl-y, NEW GROCERY - FRTJIT &CROCEER7 23 THE Subscriber has taken tlie' Store "on Ilay street directly opposite his old stand.' w here he is now receiving a -. . . . -r - STOCK OF GOODS. . Consisting in part of v " - Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars; Tea; Coff -e; Pepper. Alldpict; Ginger; Sale ratus; Starch; Alackerel; Shadj Salmon Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, wator, and oda Cracker: Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Cassia; JNutinegs, Citron; Mace; bweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha vana Segars; Scotch, Maccoboy, arid rRapp-e Snuff; Sperm Gandfes; Powder and Shot; Epsom and table Salts. Lamp Oil;. Btackinff; Vinegar Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al' inonds, Filbert?, and Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; sul phur; alum; Herrings; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; pickled Oysters ; cloves; Cayenne" Pepper ; cur rants; M ustard;.&'ugar House Molasses; and almost everv article usually called fo in n Grocery Storel which he will sell as low as any one in the place, for Cash, or ui approved credit. ALSO, CROCKERY. W PRIOR. Nov. 9th, 1844. - - ' '": J ,298-y. ra o S0 a a. ' 'W - i -o 6-' rt S a " o : w (I; O o o i3 S 2 , 0. li, B 1-' " o5 o cn-- GO n 3! 5 " S 3 ' o C3 a- to ' 5 ' o -a s o " " 5 - 0q S3 IS a 7T ;-l - r w. ...I. State of North. Carolina Duplin County Court (f Pleas and Quarter. Sessions Jan nary Term, 1815.. , . . Zilpha Pollock vs. heiis at law of Wm. Pollock. ' Petition for Dower. ' " IT appearing to Hie Court that James Watk ins and wife Maria, and Win Pollock defendants in this case, . are not inhabitants of this State, it is iherefore ordered, that publication be made -for. six weeks in the North Carolinian, a newspaper print ed in Fayettevillc, N. C; 'for1 the said defendants to appear at the next Court of-Pteas and" Quarter Sessions,to be held Tor the county ff Duplin al the Court House in Kenaiisville,,on the 3d Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur to said petPion, ollve'rwise the same will be ta-k-n pro oonfess.j'and heard exparte. ' -"-'-" -Witness, James Di;kson, Clerk-of our said Con rt at offien ihe 3d Monday in . January, a;d 63th year 'f American' Indepchdenc". A D, 1845. J A M ES DICKSON, Clerk i- Marcli-15 1S45. 3l6'6t"- ' perdv. S325. State of North Carolina--IHoore county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan ; ... uuri .Term, lS45.--. .-- -; z-- . . , Alexander C Curry vsJ James C Tysons V?' Original Attachment. .' John Tj win and Wm'U . . Tyson summoned as Garnishees. v--i-.JS IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that thedefendairt in tbis case, Jajnes C, T son,, hath absconded or so concealsTiiinself that the ordinary proecss'of law cannot te served On him, whereupon il is ordered'by the Court that publication be made for six w:eekbi.i 4ho .North Carolinian, -nolifin2 said Tyson'ef the Issuing of said, attachment, and ! i uiiui hum n apjiear ai inu im ii term OI saio Court, -to be held brr the fourth Monday -fn April, 1845, and then and there replevy nd . lead, or judgment by default will be awarded against him and the debts 'aftachrd will'Jbe condemucd.-to ibel satisfaction of plaintiff's demandt T " "'' " Witness, Alexander O Ctfry, cefk oT '"onrsaid" ..Court al.j0Tic in Cartbage;-tlie. furtb Monday - m .January-A-T)., 1845, 4nd 4be69vbwear of "American Independence. -. ... " ' A. C. CURRY; Clerk . ' March 22, 1845. 31f-t. per adv 33 25., TO? TRAVELLERS MttS.'E.MMim; w stiIlreparca:to: fntcr-taW- Gentlemen and Ladtestravelling through or sojourn mg i rs Fayettf vini Ut-f table- is alwa rr' as gooo as uje mariset.attords.4 beiia goOtt sta bles and hostlers. and atLcative wai tersj and apectfully aolicfts a coirtfhuance" bfpublie patronage I cswcBce ra o wni Known i nai n neeos ijo ae Feb. : Vr845.-3lb-tC' i - -?v .s e r B - e 3 J I I J" I C s. - ?- 3 5 2, B- e s.r., 1 s . sr-s -x S I ..V t - " a. a- Bl 3 - - - O -s 7 s ic Pi -r. OS CS C 4 1 CO rja A.i t' TJpEIE-iPUBLlCAHOUSEr'at Lfbtty Point is v.-tnW;-0n-tJ'wrU;.fccepiljoii of. TrtLVIrerw. Tjie propt ietor h ilLisahis Jbestjendrayors t rn der the surn aireeablcHo all wbouiay giv him iFayef1vdlsApr il 1 9;n 845: 32 hn: Ronaway fioui The subscriber on Friday night the 14ih4nsr.,anin tented brighf iirula'tto irl abont iji yeara old, sender made. with trainhr :b!ack hair, by the. name of Al A i?.Y, ANN BOWEN. It is supposed sire is fn the neighborhood of Goodwin Boweuja free man of color in Blao n county, on the : W-tlmington road,"" atoul 6 miie below ihe V si brook Post Olfice,as ber mother, Polly Bowen, wdio took, her away, declared when she was hiring a horse and Carryall for that purpose, that she was 4roing to Goodwin Bowcns, in Bladen county. -The 'above-reward and all reasonnble "charges wi:l be paid 1br-reiurning said girl to me, of putting her into any Jail in this State and giving information through the Post Office, so ihutJ. can get her aaain. All persons are cautioned against employing, har boring; or rntertarnhig' 'said gill in any rway," as I shall prosecute them rigorously . according to law. JOSEPH'-AREY March Si, 1815. 317-3'.- . .... State of North Carolina Moore rounty. . Court of Pleas and Quarter -Sessions Jan--v.-T ' ." uary lerm, 1845. . - ,., James McGilvary and Thomas B. Ty son vs. Jas. C.Tyson.-. . . Original Aitacrnnent.' John Tyson summoned as ".-s.-.- -? - - Garnishee- . ,..- 1 -IT-appearing lo the satisfaction of theCouit that the defendant, in ibis case,, James O Tyson, halh' abscondi'd or so conceals himselt that the ordinary process of Ilw cannot be served on him, whereupon it is ordered by -the.Court that publication be made for six weeks in the. North Carolinian, , notifying saidTvson of the issuing of said attaihment, and requiringjiim to appear at Ihe next 1erm of said Court, in; be held Tin the' fourth Monday in April, 1845, jatid then and thre rcpleyy aftd plead or judgment by default, will be awarded against him, and the debts attached will be. condemned to the satisfaction of plaintiff 's cb mahd. W itness, Alexander C Curry, c!eik of our snid - Courtat Office in Carthage, the fourth'Monday in January, A D, 1845, and the ti9lhyar i f American Independence. A. C.CURRY, Cleik.' - March 22, 1845. 3l7-6t. per adv. S3 25. NOTICE.' THE Subscribers take (his opportunity pf relum ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them also for the kind sympithres manifested to them in the late calami! y in the destruction of Ibeir entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the 19th" inst.;"and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr G A Schwartrmnri, of, U. S Arsenal,. for their kindness in givsngtuein noi.ee, and others in the jb ur round- irig neighborhood of the fire, hy the dichare of cannon. Having opened the -ttore -ncaily oppo sile4 they hope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronaeeof their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share ol puonc pairoi.age. iney nave on nanu in tiu ir Warehouse, Salt, Iron,"- Molasses, Su?:ir, Smiths Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron IMill Cranks. Also, Anvils, . Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially Damaged in the lire, allol which mey will sell low for Cash or Produce. T hey would also earnestly request all those indented to them bv note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to close their former business and recom mence, and hope those indebfed will take the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. -it .-.. r. J. li. & J. MARTI NE. V arch I, 1845. 314-tf. . ALSO, They hare just received; bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Siine Twine, '3 coilsSteam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Raff RopeI hhd. -winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bt.ls. Trair. Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, ' Whittemore's real Cotton Cards, Coffee M ills, cast good Wasron and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 Imrwlles-assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment ofSwdes anl Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and sqiiare Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nni's, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightlv injured, j - ' . r ' - - MemovaL' - MAII" & MA iAt WOULD1 inform 'the public' that they have moved from their ohl -stand to the ' store lately occupied hy Messrs C J & R M OrreH, and kno.wn as the Yellow Buildinga. , Havjng-lag?ly increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements '' in the way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to give-.thein a call.. Their--stock "wilP consist m part nf . : .- , ." - : 4 x- ' 10 TonsSwcdes and English Iron, ' 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Strel. "'" 500 Ps HolUiwrWare, i ' "" ' , 500 Ihs. Bar Lead, , . . cxi. . - 40 Bags Shot. ao;tedr w "15 Kes Powder,- " , " -300 IbsC Epsom Salts; " " 300 lbs. AlumJ- ; , - , Klft lb; Borajc, . - -. t .v. 1500 Jbs. Copperas. . v - I50ln' Indigo," " .' ' ' ' . "' I Cask Salarotus, " 150 sides sole Leather, .'". - : 75 Bass RiCofiVe, - j - i ' IP Hhds. Porto Jlico.Suirar, ,. - : lOOO'lb'Ts'inEle" and double refined nruf Cofree '-'tereished'Snyar,''' -" - " 300 sacks Liverpool Snlt," -" ' r' : r 500 bushelBAlum - do .,j. .t.-,; A LSOa " "- VVaon Boxes.', Bellows. Vic-- AnMl rniv.n Cards.Curry Combs,Pocket Cutlerv. Patent Med- emes. HadfM;kV Svrop and - Powdrrs. Cassia. Camphor, Castor Oil, Paints, Potty, Drugs, &e. &e, FOR REJNT. " THE tw efory-frame "dwelling'on Ha vniTMint, near theTJ. SrArsensl.'now occupied by Mr G W Rose, will be or rent from widafter the 8ti of Maf TijexU, . For terma apply at fhi OJUcf t- -. . --.? iVKir srtrxo pqoDs77. Mrs. MclTntvre TTtT Ajost rcei?ed herTSPRr'NCr STOCK OF JLHJ. GOOOS.' eonalatln? bf SflR RibrMMis, Awtiilrial Flowers. En?llah Tjim tfi Bugle NAcklac hair pmaf nrhile salirvbead'&e. April 19, 1845, Ml-St. - - TO LUMBER MEN. , THE, .Subscriber?, .having witnessed the very Viccessfufoperation of HOTCHKISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham'. Mill in F4iyttevrHe, in May and June last, wertr jndiicrd lo purchase the Right for the entire Slutn of Northi.Carolrnla, and now offer individual Rights for snjj "on very 'reasonable terms. They have now. oh. -hand Vvei.trcn full stts ol Whctw, and hnve inadtj "arrangements to keep a constant sup ply " ..vi-'- -v.." , ' ' Besides being gen rally adopted in the lVorthern Slates', tfiere arc :lrcady twelve saws in succasolul operation iu tht State, anil eight others in prnceea Td'ereetion- The astonishing' power and spetd of these Wheels have bee? witnessed by hundreds ol citizen., of this State, with universal appprobaiioA. Aurl we desire all who may feel an interest in the sulJeciTo'examtiie the Mills of Arch'd Graham, Col. Alcx'r Murrhison, Christopher Munroe, A-x't .Williams, Arch'd McLaurin. J. McDaniel, John Cade, Mrs. Effy Mi Fadycn, in this County ; Col. John C. Mt-Laui in, in Richmond County; Tho.. C. Smith inr Blat'cn County ; and Hardy Royal I m Sampson County; to each of whom we Refer for information as to the practical operation of ltiu Wheels. ... . T . Torsons "who a pply s oon Ar Rights can hava th-m tui up by workmen w ho have bseh instruct ed by Afr-Hotchkiss himself. - -. " Tbe Proprietors of Ihe right of this. Wheal in ilio Stale of North Carolina, have received the follow. Ing certificate:" - ''-' -Fayettevillc, Feb'y S, 1645, - :We,;"theSubscribers, residing in the County of Cumberland and State of North Carolina, having been enaired in Ibe manufacture of Lumber for ma nv years, (eel fiillv warranted in stating, that Holah klss's VERTICAL-WATER WHEELS, and their appendage, are worthy of the patronage of all mill : owners, -and that wo have full confidence in their superiority ; that the value of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more durable, and easier kept in order when Vroperly-put together than the common Flutter .Wheel: they will -save at . least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when there is a bead above. The speed of the Saw is iuorsaed from one-half to -double the strokes per minute. . ALEX. WILLIAMS, . . DUNCAN MUNROE, CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFAD YEN, . - C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, JOHN McDANIEL. . ''. ALEX'R MURCH1SON. ----- ARCH'D McLERAN. " DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOJfN C. McLAURIN. - (Richmond County.) - THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen Count.) Tliev have also received a certificate from Co.. Alexander Murehison, (whieh will bo published, hereafter among others in handbill form,) in vthivb he speaks oil hi as the res text improvement made on Saw .Mills in my his time ;" aaya that his Saw will cut 5000 feetln a day; it aotualty cut on the day before he wrote. '4633 feet of 1 inch Cioartcf Boards ; makes 240 strokes in a uiinuts, that one-half of the water is saved; and concludes by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which ha ve buon promi-ic will be publisheil hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN DUNCAN MeNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, 1645. 316-lf. The following article from the N. Y. Tribune of the 4th lilt.-, ill shew in v hat estimation these Wheels are hel.i by tbe high authority of the A mar ican Institute : From the N. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Wheel, after haying been adopted by soma hundreds of null owners ciuthe Ddewure, Suaqaa hannub,and in otlicr lumbering regions, wss pre sented fof competition at the late fair of ihe Amer ican Institute, and thert was awarded two prem iums by different Commitfeca first aa the bst Water Wheel for Saw-Mill; secondly, as being one of the five best invi ntiona submitted at the Fair. If has been extensively adopted in the ;reat pine districts of the South'; and' its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or back water, and ether economies, are securing it a very general preference. The .Inventor is nowon his way south, and miy be addresiied at Augusta, Gn., or nt his residence, Windsor," Broome county', N. Y. lis ad vantage are summed aa follows : I. The Vortical Wheel, wIen,Hsed for Saw Mills, requires no ggarinito produce from 175 to 300 strokes of the saw per minhfe. 2 They are as cheaply constructed as thV com mon Flutter. Wheel,, and will do double tha boat. new with lh same Advantage of the water, v - 3. Back water la no irriDadimcnt ukn tkor ia head atiovei " - -. - "- 4. Ice cannot form on the wheels. ', 5- They occupy leas space than a Flutter Wheel Mill. , - f : ?- - .... , . ' 6. The increaped spervl Qf the law makes bfctlwr lumber, e"t the same distance with lese resiataoce and tiro satir-dnst is freely thrown off, which often returns wii h the saw, causing it to bind and heat, with alow Mills. , , .... . 7. They can be placed on the ah a ft, ofa eomm&n Flutter Wheel Mill if in good order, and hong up on the eame bearings if sufficiently stroug to sua-tain-ihe power of the wheel.. . - 8. The wheels being of pat iron, will !aU an age. They als -constitute the requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, seen ring a uniform motion, in ol! parts of each revolution. - - - 9. The introduction of mills is reduerd to u plain system, so that if fhe head of water a koown, the result is a mathematical certainty. . ' -10. Ahy woikman bavin: the patterns, a Hiodel, and table of calculation, can adapt mills to aay location with, perfect succeas. " "II. The improved niode of feeding fs mneh ap proved of bv-those who have adopted it. JustTeceiyed on consignment, the running works of two ftkir liorse Wagons. Also, one four herao Wagon viilhcovor, &c. complete, ready far tha road. AM of which are wairanted of the best ma terial and workmanship, and will be sold low fur cash. - - r' . . .. . JA9. S. GRANT. r March 15, 1845. -316-tf.- "Just Received oh Consignment, Fiench Brandy, Holland Gin, v American Brandy, '-. 4t boxea No. I Soap. . A. M. CAMPBaXL. . rCiareh IS; 1845. 316-tf. . J.Ii A M IK. e. R.AV.HARDIE h. ju.tre- relveo' a supply ol BLANKS, mostly uaed by Clerks, tSherflBTe, and ConataHee, printed eh tn pear and well execated.

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