I , M.1 mm BBS fw fit ffl Jirrtfi I 0 CHARACTER IS A3 IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO IXniVIDUALS; AND THE OLORV OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS. Volume 6 Number 323 ; BY IV3I H BAYNE FAYETTEYILL.E, SATURDAV. MAY 3, ISL 1 f l. : 1 it s 3 RMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Zr annum, if paid n advance, $2' 50 jf paid at the end of six months 3 00 at the end of the year 3 5q Hates of Advertising I Sixty cents per squ ire for the first, and thirty cents fure.mii subsequent insertion. Advertising bv the year .vill be charged according to til's quantity of matter inserted. Court advertisements, &c, 25 per cent higher. Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL SIOS.OOO. Ojjice in Grand near First Street, Williams- burg, opposite tht City ofJSeio York. Agency O'Jice, Wells Building, 02 Wall st., JVeio York. DIRECTOR3 Christian Xabriskie, Andrew C 13 n edict, Frederick W. Pavp , Jeremiah Johnson, J tin Skillnun, Abi'us T. Boskerck, Francis Steinheil, Sam I H. Chipp, John I-.ei.2Ctt, C1.U-. O. Handy, L : unci Richan'son , W t nl. Will t- .Ni'-hofu Vc!;oi7. LtlVIUEL IMLTI ARDSON, Prs't. AvOHEW 15. I IoiG SfC'l V. WASHING TON L'Jri L', Ag'mt, Sew York. THE V i Vi-'i i".r JZ Fire I inram e Company, bavin iiicorit. mited bv an acl t the Legisla- tur9 of th SUte of New York, for the purposes of Fir I iimriMW. the Directors otTer to Insure their IelIo.v-citiz.en-i throughout the United State Against Loss or Damage by Fire, ill fJ uldins, Good- and AiT'liiitiflise, and rer ouil Pronertv '"nn?ru:i r. assuriu-r them that the aTiirs oi tin Company. s!ia!l !u conduct.' d with si Mf!i f-iirne, can hr an i liberality as they tru-it wi 1 ntis!-i ;t it) p riliir i-.i!ifi Jnce ana pat ronajjf. The S'lhcr ibtr, Ageut for the above Cum pmv. will give any ftrther information that may h r dc-dred bv those who wish t' Insure. JAMES MARTI NrE, Aeent, Hay S.reet. Feb. S, 1815. I -If. N 0 T ICE. TAKEN UP and committed to the Jail of Cumberland count-, N. C, on Sunday, the Cth day of January, 1845, a negro man who says hl3 name ia SIMON, anil says that h-i waa sold in Charleston) to a man by the name cf Mclvenzi?, and was carried t Al ibam t or Geor gia .-:vl tli'Te left his matter. Said nejri vvhsfor utrrU t'r- P'- ' ty of Btj i mi n Gas of Camdtrn, y. C. an 1 was taken trom this pl..co last F' bru::ry by Mr Gts. Said noirro is aluvit r fe't 4 inch -5 liit'i, d.irk complex i on . and about 45 or 'y) yearn of aj;-. Tiie own'T of :iid neuron h Tehy notifi.'.! tit Of; forward, prove proper V, p? V chursies, a:d takv turn aw;vf or h wili b-i dealt vi-!i affording t,la.v. W. L. CALLAI V, Jailor. .Fa .. '2, 131.). 310-tf. UO U XT V'7 II AUDI E O w W -x Mil uara iKJat essu turns ;00KSEL AND STATIONER, J ?f W1NQ I .catfJ tm.w.-lt in Fayetteville, on JlS. Htya reet, 3 d ior- Iron Mr Halo's fionlc Jlore, W'U keep co:i3t.fntlv on hand a gem-rul ;is- j.rt'1'.s it of Co ks and stationery. Ho invites the ,)u!dicto c i i i a ul naini no his selections, whether jui.ro I -i of p tlfh:iS!0g O-- 11 of. Ce ng a Uoo'vbind.;r, and prov i-Jetl with acomplete pHf of lo'jls and apparatus, lie i- proriared to execute ali hi. ids of bimlin-, f'om the itunet to thu most c-iS 'ly . II. s soIicHs t'c p;tronai;e of his fellow citizer.sof Faj'rticville anil the surrounding eoun'ry. Nov. -iii, 13 11. 2G!-y- VA BUSHELS OF AallES, imme dia'el v, for s hieh a fiir pi ice will he ul. March 9, W. M.-.L M.KAY. S44. 2fi3tf. SPRING & SUMMER HE subscribers are now rec-tivin Irrni New York and Philadeli'h'n, a laree and sr lendid stock of STAPLE AND FANCY dry goods; Consi:ing of !-up-ifiae Cloths and Cassimeres, nrtd a Iare assotnunt f Prints, LJalz n i-ies and Silks, very hanil3-rita ; H .niuaii.)- s and Alpacas ; ricu Ca.nelion Shawls ; black and colored Kid Glovr; Silk M itts of all quali ties ; gf-nilrtiuen's Htin Scarfs and Cravats ; Silk and Marseilles Vesting; Dmp-de-fa, Gamoroons and Linen ; S li; Hfse and half Hose; Si!.: II inHke chif U; superior Needles and Pins ; bleached and brown Slvrtmss ; Umbrellas, Parasols and Sun Shades; Straw, Flor ence, in J Lawn Counetts ; Bonnet and cap Rib bons; Palm Leaf, Lilhorn and Panama Hats; also fashionable I-:aer Hots. A LSO, 3000 pairs SHOES & BOOTS, assorted; antl a great many other articles in the dry Goods line, too tedious to mention. As lho above Goods were purchased at red need pries, wc will sell veiy low. Those wishing to purchase will u'.ease ca'l and examine our Goods and prices. g. &; n. McMillan March tif), 1845. 3l8-6w. State of N. Carolina Cumberland comity Court of rieas $ Quarter Sessions JMarci Term, 1845. Aretiibal J McMay vs. the Heirs at Law of Mary I3el isle, deceased. Scira Facias. H"1 appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Vh f,tlowin;, persons, heirs at law of Marv Kehsieidtc,d t wjt. John Fs4rreIJ William H ;n. ,etol, and the heirs cf Silvy Oglesbv, are not lawca ftl,isS!ate nndtheuBiial process of edthatD10-16 "rvetl on them; it is therefore order ; ik. v,,hl'c,)tion be made for six successive weeks a newspaper published in .iA.n. , yeuev'He, requiring the aid non ti ll h,lV?nrP?tCar at lhe nt te.m of this Court, i vWnX' Cumberland at the ?n ill Zt Fry"ville, on the first Mondav M R I I h,ew cause why the land, of Mary BeI.Sl, deceased, which descended to them, 2 T hi T "fe Plantiff'. claim. flS M.cLf.? r'n; C,kof said Court at An tnJ,ye(teilJZ'he fir8t Monday of March A.D., 1845, and 69th of American fndepen- iTn.o JOHN McLAURIS. Clk. April 12, l845.320-6t. pr adv. 33 25. A fb bbls. PRIME extra large Yellow Planting IRISH POTATOES, jnt re ceived and for aale by H ALL & BALL. Fob. 1. 310 Encourage Hume Manufactures Gardner & SScKletliaii, HAVE lately made considerable improvem nt in their stvl of Work, and itave now on hand a G-iN ERAL' ASSORTMENT, ;onsirin2 of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for tlegance of shape and finish, and dura bilitv, will compare w ith any made in the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to cail and examine our work, as we have determined to seM LOW for Cah, or approved notes. ri.-ivinir in our employ firt rate Smi'hs, we are prepar' d to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms, We warrant ail our work to be of good ami faith ful woi k m-i nrhip and innteria.1?, for one year. tCZr REPAIRING faithfully extcuted at short notice, and on reasonable lemn. Faye'tf-vdle, Februarys, 1845. y. FOR SALE. G (Joz. rceii hzed FLOWER TOTS. G " la.od PICKLE JARS with covers- C. LUTTERLOI1. Feb. C, 1811. 311-tf. MEW Forward ins and Commission II 0 U S E. WOULD inform the .nejeuants of I he interior that, thev have in conn ction with the gen eral grocery business, added that of the Forward iuT; and havinsr lar'"1 arid emmodious Ware housson t!ie bank ofthc River, are prepared to rf-ce v an-' forward Goods upon ueh torm js will dt.-i'v ail competition, our cliarge and expenses be in one-third less on the freight b.U than any olhc house in t he place. All Good-: shipped to G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, for the interior, and not otherA-iae directed, wi!! be found in our possession. Aug. 17, 1311. 271-tf. 500 POTS W. PHI OH. For sole by Feb. 15, 1345. 312-6U FOR SALE. LARGE asporrment .,f C RO'JK ER Y, GLASS, CHINA, S i ON!-, AND Q.U i'ENS W Ali E, com prising Dinner. Tea, Coffee, and Chamber Sets, toetht:r with almost vtrv ait'de in thftt line. '2.0 rratcs .Tsoited for the Country trade. 6 duz-m Flower P ts. G fliito Pickle Jars, wit''! ei.v-"r. C. l.UTTERLOH. Feb'y li5, 145. 3!2 y, JACKSON JOHNSON HAS on h irs 1 at tho Wagon Yard, for HIRE, ALSO, Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a view . f accommodatir g persons w ishing passage to anyol the neiijlibniing Towns. . April J, 1845." 319-rf. Hi RANAWAY from Mr James McDidiie, on the 7th of Decrm ber !ast,mv ncirro man AUCHY Lie the property of A. B' b e fh-cM. Ihi is about 5 feet S or I inchfs b'gh, has a long smooth black face, with full prominent eves and is lame in one of his 38SIS23S3S5 la s. He is supposed to he lurk- ins about Favetfeville, N. C. A reward cfS' O v.il! be paid f-jr him if taken and lodged in any Jail in this Sia'e, or $25 if taken and lodged in Jaii in any o'her of the Stat-, s, so that I can 'i th m aam. J. M. STRONG, Fayetiev Ve, N. C, April 12, 1815. r A r,rn 1v IS In. 3-20-tf LIVERY STABLES. fff thos. j. mims, Agent of the Lafayette Livery Stables, RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that he has a supply of excellent Saddle and Harness horses to HIRE ; al?o, two Sulkies, one Bugsy, and will in a few days have two more splendid Buggies to hire, on the' follow ing terms : For Horse, per day, SI CO Busev," " 75 Sulkev," " 50 Horse" and Buggy.or SulKcy, I 50 Horses will oe boarded on the following terms: Board, prr day, SO 50 week, Ll' month, 1;1 00. . year, 25 0-1 A two horsft Carnage kept for the accommoda tion of those who my want passage to any p ace offofjlhe re2u?ar s,aSe lines. , . The Subscriber's rxDeriencein the above busi ness, together with his complete f lock of Horses and Vehicles, will enable him to give Uul satislac tion to all his patrons. . Orders lor Horses and Conveyances will be at tended to, if left at the Lafayette Hotel. T. J. MIMS, Ag't. April 11, 1845. 320-y. JUDGMENTS & EXECUTIOSS ; OF ALL SORTS, For sale at the Carolinian Office. REMOVAL.. CLARK & McOALEUM, HAVING removed tlieir Tailoring Establishment from l!:e:r late Shcip to the building formerly oc cupied by Wm. L. Cofer, ncar'.y opposite to the Lal;tyett Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that thev wi'l continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the must approved and fashionable manner. They return their thanks for the liberal share of business they have received, and pledge them?elve3 to merit a continuance of if, by strict attention and nkiil. Lalf:tt f;siiions regularly received from New York. Dec 14, 1814. ' 203-tf. BAR SOAP. FTT1TJE suberit)t r offers for sale ONE HUN JL DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Candle Factory ,V and warrantcv qu:il if n.jt superior to Colgate's best No. I. Bei ir determined fo !evot.e all nccessa. v atten tion to the business, and oirrinir it at a reduced price, (5 cnts a pound hv the box,) he hopes to receive ' a due share of public patronage. - idr A II orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. MeXAY. FavfftteviiU, May 21,341 lOO.OOO Acres Va lublc FOK' SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd., lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the diff-rent surveys con taining ovr ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a 1 Hire part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, wh're a large quantity of Timber is now raited to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are vt-rv valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being m a region where ihe Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the Staif. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in qun'ities to suit purchasers. Information a -peetiu the tille can be obtained bvappUinjrto the Hon. Robert S trans', James C Dobbin, E.-q., A A T South, E.-q., (Attorneys nt Law.) 1 understand th'-re are many trespassers on these land, to all of whom notice is hereby 2'iyn, that tiio law will be enforced aaint a!luch offenders. Application f r any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to Jonn vv ms:ow, Esq., who will be duly au.'horiz d to make ?:.la cf the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayet'evfile, N. C, March 1, 1845. 314-tf. State of JJorth tJaroiinn Cumberlautl'ffeouutv. In Equity. Malt om R. Carmichac 1, Adinnnst'r of John Ray; Michae l Carmichael in hi; own right, and thai ot his wife Alary, and hi-s said wifh Mary, Archibald Co'quhoun and wife Flora, and Christian, Flora, John, Joseph, and Catharine Carmichael by t'nir guardian and next friend Malcolm R. Carmichael, Against Archit'ald liov, Adin'r. of John Ray, Anus Ray, Janies Ray. J.-hn Rav, Daniel iay, fcltTy Roy, and Catharine Ray, and John, Alary Ann, Lauchlin, Archibald and Duncan Colquhcun. IT appearing by the affadavit of the complain ants that Catharine Ray, John Ray, Daniel Ray, and John, Mary Ann, Lauth in, Archibald and Duncan Colqohoun. are not inhabitants of this State, publieation is t her tore ordered to be made for six weeks in the North Can linir.n, for the ab sent defendants to make their personal appearance at the Court of Equity, to bo held for the county of Cumberland, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 6th Monday after tiie 4th Monday in March, 1345, th'-n and th"ie to plead, answer, or demur, or the said bill wi;l be taken as confessed and heard exparte as to them. Witness, Arch'd A T Smith, Alster of our said Court of Equity at office, the 7th Monday after the 4th Monday- in September, 1344. ARCH'D A T SMITH, C. M.E March 29, 1815. per Adr. $3 25. "NEW AND CHEAP JAMES KILE Has just received by the last ar rivals from the North, a large- and splendid assort ment of SPRING GOODS, Anions whioh are Balzorines, Batiiste, French Lawn, printed Muslin and Jaeontts, 1543 pieces Calieoes, 192 ps fri-di Linen, Lawns, Di;ipers, Table C;oth and Linen Cambric, 'Handkerchiefs, block and colored Si Iks, Silk M its. Gloves, Cam bric and Bobinet Lace and E !g-ng, superfine C!oth, Casimeres, Vesting?, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeers, Kip?kin Slippers, C-4 to 3-4 bit ache ) and brown Sti rling and Sheeting, Boot?, Shoe, Sic, all of whieh being purchased for cash by the package at public and private sale, will be offVred bv wholesale or retail at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers. March 20, 1345. NEW FANCY CI I E A P FO Jt CASH ONLY W. (r. BIATTHEWS IS now receiving- his SPRING and SUMMER Gr O O I S, Of the latest and most fashionable styles, consist ing of new and fashionable Goods foj Ladies' Dresses, such as Cobaitines,Organdies, Charlatir.es and Barages; Black, colored, figured ant Salin stripe Batzorines; Pans blue Chine ditto, ami a variety of other new styles. Also, super blue-blcek and black Bombazines, De-Iains and Alpacas; Ptinted and Luce Stripe Lawns; Muslins and Jaco nets, &c. For Gentlemen Cassiraers; Drap-d-Ete; Linen Drillings and Gambroon; Vestings; Neck Haad kerch efs, and superfine Satin Scait's. Al.ro, Ladies and Gent'eraen,s black and colored Gloves, (prime articles:) white and black Sdk Gloves and Alius; Linen and Cotton ditto; Ladies fine plain and hem stitch Handkerchiefs, (Thread Cambric;) log-ther with Straw Goods of all de scriptions, Napoiitan, Lace and Hair Bonnets, (latest Spring fashion;) Bonnet Rtbbonsand FJ'w. ere, of the finest kind; fine Uaskets; Silk Cravats and Point?; and a variety of other Goods not men tinned. Call son and see, a tht above Goods will be sold at the lowest Cash prices. CTNorth East corner of Mark et Square. April 5, 1845, 319-6 WuujjU respectiui ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public geneially, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E. J. Clark, on Gillespie iss;aS3r Street. 5 floors S.-ijjtli nf th s&3&iz-Zjf Alarket SGuare. where hi will . 'manufacture and kevp con- star.tly on hand an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON VARE. Persons wishing to purchaie would do well to call and examine hisstock before purchasing else where, as heis determined to sell as cheap us any other manufacturer in th". State. B AKEltS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in th Nteet style, and best manner. Also GUTTE RING. Aug. 17, 1344. 26 1 -v. GROCERY FHXTIT 8c CROCKERY ST THE Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay street directly opposite his old stand, whore he is now roeeivinj? a STOCK OF GOODS. Consisting in part of Brown, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gnis; Tea; Coffee; Pepper, AlU-pict; Ginger; Sale ratus; Starch; Mackerel; Shad; Salmon; Pickles; Olives; Capers; butter, water, and soda Crackers; Cheese; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indigo; Casia; Nutmegs, Citron; Mace; Sweet and Castor Oil; chewing and smoking Tubaccu; Principe and Ha vana Scgars; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappee Snuff; Sperm Candles; Powder and Shot; Epsom and table Salts.,; Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vinegar; Madeira, Sherry, and sweet Malaga Wires ; Al monds.Fiiberts, and Madeira Nuts; saltpetre; sul phur; nliiin; Herrings; currant and Guava Jelly, Prunes; Anchovy Sauce; sardines, walnut catsup; p'ckled Oysters ; cloves; .Cavenne Pepper; cur rants; Mustard; Sugar Huse Molasses; and almost every ?ri icle usual ly called for in a Grocery Storet which he will sell as low as anv ona in the place, for Cash, or on approved credit. ALSO, W. PRIOR. Nov. 3th, 1344. 29S-v. c o m a 5 o S a & b- c. 1 t a go TO TRAVELLERS And Sojourners in FayetteviJlc 5IRS. E. SMITH is still prepared to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelli ng throujyhor sojourning in Fayetteville. Her table is always as good as tho market affords. She has good sta bles and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so w 11 known that it needs no de scription. No exertions will be sarcd to give satisfaction. Feb. I, 1845. 3!(j-tf. D. & W. MCLAURIN A RE now receiving from New York and Phila JL. delphia in part, the following SPRLVG AXD SU 31 31 Eli Cambrics, Musrlins, plaid Silks, Lawn, Irish and Brown Linens, Shirtings and Sheetings, white and brown Hose and naif Hose, purple, black, and fncy colored Victoria Prints, Gambronns, Nan kins, Marseille?, silk, and blick satin Vesti'igs, fine, plain, and figured Silk Cravats, Suspnndeis, superior Ntedh-s and Pins, black, blue, irern, and invisible jrreen (ioth, plain and fancy seasonable Cnssu'r.eres, fashionable Hat, Shoes and Bonnets, some verv fins. 50 Bags Rio Coffee, l0 do. Laoira and Java, 8 Hhds. St. Croix, P. Rico and N O Sugars, 10 Hhds. Molasses, 30") Sacks Salt, 5 Tons Swedes Iron, &.e. &c. Together iriik Hardware, Cutlery and Crock try ; ivith fine Liquors and Wiues of ecery description. We are confident that the qualities of the Goods will please, and are determined that the prices shali be satisfactory to those who call. D. &. W. McLAURIN. April 19, 1845. 321 -y. A. M. CAMPBELL, Having been appointed AUCTIONEER For tha town of Fayetteville, is prepared to attend to the sa'a ot any oods which may. be entruatd to , Consignments from abroad will be promptly at tended to. April 19, ISIS. 3Sl-y. NEW 5- 3 5 C3 Br f. CO 2. re S 1, " " S ' if ! s. j-n --ot;u w re crj rg?2 5. W -3 S3 EST 5S- S y - . - &3 3 V J "X 5 2 IPS -. s " 2 2 r- g 00 n - E3 2 a f S?3 NOTICE. IHE PUBLIC HOUSE at Liberty Point is now open tor the receution of Travellers,. The proprietor will use his best endeavors to ren der the sojourn aareeabie to all who mav give him a call. " JAMES FOS TER. Fayetteville, April 19, 1845. 321-Im. THREE DOLLARS REWARD Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday nighi the 14!h inst.,an indented bright mulatto sjvi about 15 years old, slender made, with straight black hair, by the name of MARY ANN BO WEN. It 16 fmpposi d she is in the neighborhood cf Goodwin Bowen, a free man of color in Blao'rn count-, 011 the Wilmington road, about 6 miles below the Wi stbrook PostOffice.as h-r mother, Polly Bowen, who took her away, declared when ihe was hiring a hors and Carryall for that purpose, that she was iroing to Guodnin Bontn's, in Biadtn county. The ab ve reward and ali rearonablc charges will be paid for returning said girl to mej or putting her into any Jail in Ibis State :;iid giving information throuah th- Pust Office, so that I can et her ai n. All persons are cautioned against employing, har boring, or entertaining said girl in any vay, as 1 shall prosecute them rigorously aecordins to low. JOSEPH AREY. M arcii 22, 1S45. 317-St. NOTICE. THE Subscriber take this opportunity of relum ing their wurmest chunks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bi stowed upon them; also for the kind syrnp itmes manifested to them in the late calamity in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the lPth insf.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr GA Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kin Jness in giving them notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store neatly oppo site, they hope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronageof their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of public patronage. They have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, Sugar, Smiths' Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Vrought Iron IMill Cranks. Also, Anvil, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially damaged in the hro, all of which .hey will sell low tor Cash or Produce. They would a!?o earnest I v request all those indebted to them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable j them to close their former business nnd recom- j mence.and hope those indebted will take the eailiest oppoitu!)it v to settle their accounts. J. H. & J. MARTINE. March i, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO They have juat received, bale superior Bridgfpoit 3 ply Twine, 3 cods Steam P icking Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Raff Rope. 1 l.hd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, SO bh!s. Trair. Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whittemore'a real Cofson Cards, Coffee M ills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with r small assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a llfarv Stock of flrt, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightly injured." Removal. AIEi &, HAILIi OULD inform the public that they have moved from their old stand to the store lately occupied by Messrs C J & R M Onell, and known as the Yellow Buildinss. Having largtly increased their stock of GROCERIES, they ore prepared to offer inducements in the way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a call.' Their stock will consist in pai t rf 10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel, 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, 15 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1500 lbs. Copperas, 150 lbs Indigo, I Cask Salaratus, 50 sides sole Leather, 75 Baas Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Susar, 1000 lbs. single and double refined nnd Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. AiLiSO, VYairon Boxes, Bellows, icrs, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery. Patent Medi cines, Hadiock'a Syrup and Powder, Cassia, Camphor, CatorOil, Paints, Puttv, Drugs, &e. fcc, Sept. 14, 1814. 290 Mik F0R RENT THE tw- storv frit rriA tu.o!tir nn H... n...ni - - - - ' . . ..... u "Mill!- .1. . ..L I . I If I I I I j near the U. S. Arsenal, now occupied bv Mr G W Rose, will be f.r rent from and after thcSth of May next. For terms apply at thia Office. NEW SPRING GOODS. Mrs. Mclntyre MAS just r.cei.ed h-r SPRING STOCK OF GOODS, consisting cf Siik, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, Engiish Lacp, Misses superior Straw nnd Modina Bonnets, assorted Gimp Cords, Bugle Nfcklacs, hair pins, white satin beads, &.c. &c, which will he sold low for cash, or to punctual cn-tomer?. April 19, 1315. 32l-3t. lT37f GOODS. JOHN ID STARK HAS received hv the lits arrivals from New rk, hi stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOOD S, Comnrisins a large and extensive asrortmnt ot Drv Goods, Hardware end Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, UmbruMas, Parasol, Cotton e.d Wool Cards, writing and wrapping P-ir, Coffee and Sugar, Drug9 and Medicines. &c. .c, we?! worthy Ibe attention f country Merchants which wit! be offered low prices for cistin' country produce. JOHN D STARR. April 19. 1343. , - , CLOVER SEED- " fctflMfh Lb- RED CLOVER SEED, OHJVMV For sale by April 19, - GEO. M cN EI LL. IMPORT AWT TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, having w itnes-ed the very successful operation of HOTCHKISS'S VERTI CAL W ATER "VYHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill in Fayetteville, in May and June last, ers induced to purchase the Right lor the entire S;at if North Carolina, and now offer individual Rights for sale on very reasonable terms. They hava now on hand AV vei. let n full sets of Wheel j, and have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. "BcshJeH being generally adopted in the oithr, States, there are already twelve raws in soccstff'il tpr-raiioti in tbis State, and eight osiers in prce3 ot'erec'ion. The astonishing power and sperd of these Wheels have been witnessed by hundreds ot citizens of this State, with universal appprotation. And wc desire all who may fori an interest in tha subject to- examine the Mills of Arch'd "Graham, Col. Alex'r Murchisnn, Chiistopher Mumoe, Alex'r Wiliiam, Arch'tl McLaurin, J. McDaniel, John Cade, Mr". Efiy Mi Faden, in lhis County ; Col. John C. McLaurin, in Richmond Count v;Tbo, C. Smith in Bladen County ; nnd Hardy RoyaM in umpson County; to each of whom we Befur for information as to the practical operation of lhc Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can have Ihem put up by workmen who have been instruct ed by Mr Hotchkiss himself. The Proprietors of the right cf this Wheel in tho State of North Carolina, have received the follow . ini certificate: Fayetteville, Feb'y 3, Jfe45, We, the Subscribers, residing in the County of Cumberland and State cf North Carolina, having been encased in the manufactuieof Lumber for ma ny vears, feel fuilv warranted in stntinir, that Hotth kiss's VERTICAL WATER. WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of all mill owners, and that wo have full confidence in their superiority ; that the value of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more duriible, and easier kept in order when properly put together than the coxinon Flutter Wheel: they will save at least one-third of tha water, and run well in LRck water when there i a head above. The ppeed of the Saw is inorsated. from one-half to double the strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE, CHRISTOPHER M UN ROE, JOHN McFADVEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCH1SOX. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURIN. (Richmond County.) TI I OM A S C . S M IT H, (Bladen Count).) They have also rec ived a certificate from Col. Alexander Murcfmon, (which will bo published hereafter among others in handbill form,) ia which he. speaks of I hit aa "the greatest improvement made on Saw Mills in my his time says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day ; it eaiually cut uiiti.o l-y lfi-rn Km Wrole. .1f;. J tect Ot II inch Q.uurter Boards ; makes 210 Mrokes in a minic; that one-half of the water is saved; and concludes by recommending its adoption to Mill owner. Other certificates, which ha vo been prumjja will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, -ALFRED A. McKETHAN. FayetfMille, March 15, 1845. 316-tf. The following article from the N. Y. Tribune of the 4th ult., u ill how in what estimation thes Wheels are held by the high authority of the Amer ican Institute : From the N. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This W heel, afti r haying been adopted bv soma hundreds cf mill owners on the Di leware, 8ufque hannuh,and in oilier lumbering legions, was pre sented lor competition at tho late lair of the Amer ican Institur-, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees first as thu hurt Water Wheel for Saw Mil!; secondly, as being one of tho five best inventions submitted at the Fair. It has been extensively adopted in the g rest pine districts of the South ; and its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or back water, and other economies, are securing it m very general preference. " The Inventor is now on his way south, and miy be addressed at Augusts, Ga., or at his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. Its advantage are summed as follows : 1. The Vertical Wheel, when used for Saw Mills, requires iu gearing to produce from 1 75 to 300 strokes of the saw per minute. 2. Thy are as cheaply constructed as the com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double tha busi ness with the same ndvantuge of the water. 3. Back water is no impediment when there is a head above. 4. Ice cannot form on the whe!e. 5. They occupy less space than a Flutter Wheel Mill. 6. The increased speed of the saw makes bttr lumber, cut" the sau.e distance with less resistance and the saw-dust is freely thrown ofT, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and heat, with slow Mills. 7. They can be placed on the shaft, of a common Flutter-Whrr.I Mill if in good order, and bung up on th". taiiie bearings if sufneientfy strong to sus tain the power of the wheels. 8. The wheels being of caft iron, will last an age. They alio constitute the requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in all parts of each revolution. 9. Tho introduction of mills is redied to a plain system, so that If the head of watf r is known, the result is a mathematical certainty. 10. Anv workman bavin the patterns, a inodoi. and table of calculation, can adapt mills to any location with perfect success. , 1 1. The improved mode of feeding Is much ap proved of by thus" wbo have adopted it. Just received en consignment, tha running works of two four horse Wagon 3. AUo one fenr ho.sa Wa?;on with cover, &c. complete, ready far the road. All of which are wammted t the hai' ma teria! and workmanship, ar.d will be sold low for cash. JA3. S. GRANT. March 15, 1845. 316-tf. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 boxes No. 1 foap. A. M. CAMFDZIX. March 15, 1S45. 316-tf. B L A N K..S. R. W. HARDIE Has just re- raived a supply ot BLANKS, west! y used by Clerk. Sheriffs, and ConstaMes, prints en ftia paper and well esecated. .1 t - 4. -4 i -X-

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