xiti Ml i COMMON mopEKTr ITS CITIZENS i i i ii aftii i i. . - m ' ' - , "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND HK nmDv'n ' ;. . " ; v x iik. 3 i a in is THE BY W3I II BAYNE TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I Fee aruidiit, if paid in advance, 82 3q if paid at the end of six months 3 Oo at the end of I lie year 3 5y Rates of Advertising! Six'y cent per srju.ire f r 'be first, an'! thirty cents for each stiUseijuent insert ion. A'ltfortisiug by llic year will be charged according ti Hi; qamtity of muitcr inserted. O'Xirt advert i-K-in mis, &c, 25 percent higher. 1 ,N D EM NTT T Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C APITAL-;$ 105,000. Office in Grand near First Street, Williams' burg, opposite the City of Atv York. Agency Office, Welt Building, G2 Wall si., JVcie York. CI RECTO Pc3 : Chrisri i Z.tbri.-kie. A br'ut T. Bosk-rck, Andrew '- Bm edict, Francis 8t inheil, Frederick V Favpe, S i in I H. C In pp, Jeremi.ih Johnson, Jo'ri il Itna it, S nt. Will t, Nicholas Wvckotr. Joh i Le;irctt, Cbas. O. ilnndy, L i. unci ilichurds in , l!-;m u iuc 1 1 a iidson, pt . S'r. Avorkw I. Hopi;e, Src'rv. V AS'.IINCl TON P JST, Aont, New York. l'Ii-j Willi iniMiir.' Fire Insurance Company, flivirt !. i i ricurpor.iT.c 1 by an act of the Leisla-twr- if t'ie .Stite of Nev York, for ths purposes of Fire I.mu ranee, the Directors ofler to Insure their fv"Ho v-ciii'jn !h o i'iout the UeitcJ States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, Oi 11 li'iliii, Go i'l and Mi-rcli.indise, and Per no 1 tl Property y.rnerally, assiiriiii; them that the .i.Tiir o( the C-nj;an v. s'lall he conducted with iiir.h fiir.ie, can lor and liberality as th.-y triirft willentitl: it to po'ilic conti ienvu anu patronage The S'i!sciil)er, Atetit for thenliovn Com piuy, will jrive any fu.tlier i iitioriiiatiou that may t i ileire l bv those who wis'i to Insure. JAM KS MAUTINK, Aent, 11a v Si n et. Feb. 8, !S.-. 31 l-tf. ROBERT A. STUART HAS renioveil to ttie Store on IVisoo s-treef, rr : -nMy occupK'd ty Col. S. T. Hawlcy sind m-aily pp !ite tiit Ca" F. ar Bank, win re be can supply the want of ;! i bis oi: term-i s in tle DRY (iOODS AND GROCERY LINE. Ii0, rhuico siijinly of Foreign liquors and Wines. . S d.. Ston-t &. AlcGary'ii Old Port Wine. AomI '2G. Ib .".. 3 :i-tf. JMate f V. -Carolina C'Uiiiberlaiid county. r C"ttrt oj . Ira fy Quarter Stxmons .March Term, 1813. Archibald McKay vs. tlt f leira at Law of Mary Lleli -I , deceased. iS' iro Facia. II' appearing to the .ati.:"ai t:in of the Court fhat ill.: following p.-rt'oos, iiei-s at law nl Mary iteli''-, d. tM, to wit: John Farrell, William ii W heatijii, and tin- liusol Silvy Ojlcsby, arc not inhabitants of t!iis Slate, and the usual process oi lv vimint lie !'iv(il o'i th-'iu; it i therefore order ed th l on!d;c-.tion be made for six successive weeks in the Noitb Carolinian, a newspaper published in the fo'Vii of Fayettevilh;, rerjuirni" tin: uid no;i-r..-ili-ii to appear .1 the n xt teim of tins Court, to t h I I lor the county of Cxi nherhind at the Cu!irt House in F.-iyettevillc, on the first Monday i'i Juti - next, and shew en list- why the lands of Marv l ', 'I i;ai-l, which descendeil to them, sViuld not be s. ild to satisfy th-- plant ilP.i claim. W it'te., J.ihn McL iurin, t'h-i kof a id Court at t:iici. i t Fjye tevi!l.-,tli.' iirt Aloinlay of March A. P., I-l.t, nd il'.H b of America ii lodepen- eenc." JOILN -S2D-6t. McLACRIN, Clk. Apjl 12, 1313,- per adv. r niiE suh-cfib r i n recei vin, at the new Brick Store, (mi the north sole ol Hay street, a.lj .iniiii the store of Missis C. T. Haigh & Son,) a n cnti i cly New Stock oi Staple and Fancv flllt GOODS, Coni-tm5 in part id" blue, wool-dyed bl.uk, and invisible .jicen Cloih.-; black and fancy Cassi i. teres; M eri no ditto; mi nine; Co hs ; I )ra p-de-te; G am broons; Kentneky Jeans; tjcoria Nankins; Bro'n Linens and Drillings ; Iri-h Lmen ; a larjrc and hand nine assortment of Prints; Printed Muslins and Lawns; B ilzori m-s; Lupiuas; Vietorias; black nd figured Silks; B'shop Lawns; Jaconet, Sw iss. Plain," and 13 tok Muslin ; fancy silk Shaw ls ami Point's; Silk and Kid Gloves; cut ton ami silk Hose; (ijml. and Gimp Cords; Cords and Tassels ; Cap an 1 B .nnet Ribbons ; i:k and cotton Haitilkrr e'nirfs ; brown and bleached Shirtings and Sh et ins : ' B n Tnks ; Sto ks and Cravats; Limn n.)oinj and Collars. A liso, a tnn assortment of Fur, Wool. &. Palm Leaf HATS; Straw and Florence Bonnets ; silk and cotton Um brellas; Parasols and Shades; Shoes; Buttons and t 'illllll-, &.-. Th-re .:ods were selected with reat care by the subscriber, and are offered at wholesale and re tail, for CASH, or on time to punctual dealers. Country merchants w ill find it Id their interest to cull and examine the stock. TIEN 11 Y LILLY. Fayetteville. April 19, 1345. 32l-8w. IMPORTANT TO lC3P.CHii.UTS Oreat Sale of DRY GOODS, &c THE Subscriber having taken Special Letters of Administration, according to Law, on the Estnteof John Mc Arn, deceased, will expose to Pubiie Sale, on Tuesday the 7th May, 1845, a large portion of the Personal Property belonging to said Estate, onsisting ot a veiy unusually Lr"e - STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Including this Spring purchase, which will be old from the cases. This Stock is worthy the at tention of Dealers from a distance. - - Also, Horses, Mules, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, &c. Sale to take place at the Store lately occupied by the deceased, in the Town of Fayetteville, N. C, and continue frotn day to day until the stock is disposed of. A liberal credit will be given. Terms made known on the day of sale. D. U.McARN, AdmV. May 10, IF45. 324-tf.. Kiicourazc Gardner & McKetlian, HAVE lately made considerable improveimiit. in their stylo of Work, and have now on hand iG.N' Ell A L ASSORTMENT, eonsisriu" of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkcys, Waggons, &c. Which for cleiiance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare ith any made iri the L'SLije. P .-f suns wishing to buy, would tio well to call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW fur Cash, or approved notes. Having in our employ first rate Smiths, we arc prepared to do any lion work in the above line on modi-rate terms. We-warianf all our work to be of good and faith ful win k in. i nrhip and in;it I i.ils, f.rone year. '1CP REPAIRING faithful y executed at short notice, and mi leasonahle term.-. Fayeitevdh-, February S, I84.r. y. NEW Forwarding anl Commission II 0 USE. & WOULD inform the uieichanl.s of the interior that th ;y have in conn-ction with the gen eral grocery btisiueds, added that of the Ferward injf; and hivinir lariie and commodious Ware houses on the lMiik of the River, are preparetl to receive and forward Goods upon mich terms as will defy all competition, onr charges and expenses be iii4 one-third less on the IVeiy.hl b.lls than any other house in the place. AH Good- shipp -d to G. W. Davis of Wilming ton, for the interior, and not otherwise directed, will be found in our pus-session. Aii. 17, 18! I. 27-t-tf. FOR SALE. A LARGE assortment of CUOCKERY, GLASS, CHINA, S I ON E, AND dUKENSWAR K, com prising Dinner, Te::, CofTee, and Chamber S-ts, together with almost i v ry aitiile in th.it line. i-t crates iissmled for the Country trade. 6 dozen Flower Pots. G diifo Pickle Jure, with covtp. C. I.UTTERLOIf. Fcb'y 15, 18-15. 3 I - , JACKS OX JOHNSON H AS on bin I at the Wj::oii Yard, for HIRE, HO KS us AM) I5UiGlKS. ALSO, ii.,.. 'imro iiiuui,' r. iv vl V . . '.. Willi iius a L ivii-iiouorj vv'.' - -- . a vi w i f accommodating persons w lslitn passage to an vol the neighboring Towns Annl I , IS 1 j. 31'3-'f. LIVERY STABLES. THOS. J. MIMS, Jlzent of the Lafayette Livery Stables, RESPECTFULLY informs the pu'die. t!at be has a sunnlv ofexecil nt Sa-ld'e ami Haines- horses j to f'lllE ; "alo, two Sulkies, one Bii'sy, and will in a lew dyys h .ve two more splendid Bu oies to ! hire, on Ihj follow in ti rrus : Ft r Horse, per day, SI i Buirv," 44 - 73 Snl!ie,4-- " 50 Tlorsij'and Bu-y.or Se.lkey, I 60 j Horses will ue boatdedon the following terms: j Board, per day, SO 50 ! . .. Wn'k, 3 n ' month, I" ''J I " " year, I '25 0 ' A two horse Carriage k ;t for the accommoda- tion of those wht may want passage to any p'aee i off of the ri'ular Staj:e lines. j The Subscriber's experience in the above busi ; ncss. together with bis complete stock f Horses j and Vehicles, will eualtle him to ,ive full satisfac tion to all his pations. Orders lor Horses and Conveyance's will be at tended. tof if left at the Lalavette Hotel. " T. J. MIMS, A't. . April 11,1815. 320-y. CLOVER SEED. OjfkfTK 'JED CLOVER.. SEED, April 19, 1345. GEO. McNEILL. l II I' I lr J-' V.. A V JU 'I'AKEN UP and committed to the Jail ot Cumberla - d county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26th day of January, 1S45, a nejyro man who says his name is SIMON, and . says that he w as sold in Cnarles'ton to a man bv the name Home Manufactures of McKenzie.and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his master. Said uero was for merly tlie property of Benjamm Gass ot Camden, S. C, and was taken lrom this place last February by Mr Gass. Said nero is about 5 feet 4 inches hih, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The owner of said negro u hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take htm away, or he will be dealt with accorom to law. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1845. 310-tf. ... . . : . . SUMMER HATS; Just received from New York an assortment of fine double and single brim Leghorn Hats, and about 50 dozen Palm Leaf Hats, for sale, low by JONES &. DUNN. April 13, 1845. ... . 320-tl. F A YKTTE VI L LE,' SATURDAY; JUUUMCXTS wte EXELliTIOXS; OF ALL SORTS, For sale at the Carolinian Office. REMOYAIi. CLARK & McCALLUai,. HAVING renoved their Tailoring E-tabli.h uent from their late Shop to the bni ldin: formerly oc cupied by Win- L. Cof r, nearly opposite to the Lal.i velle Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that thev wi'l continue to early on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable maiiaer. They retuin their th:niks for the liberal share of business they have receivnd, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, by strict att-ntion and skill. Lafect fisblons regularly received from New York. Dec I 1, 1814. " 203 -If. BAR SOAP. THE subsciilier offers for sale ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayett .-viMo (N. C) Candle Factory," and warranted qu.tl it not superior to Colgate's best No. I. Bei i;r determined to devote all iieccs.a,y atten tion tolhe business, and oil rinjr it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound Im the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public pationa;e. iCZP All nrdei thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 21,841 IOO.OOO Acres Valuable TIMBER . FOR SAL.E. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS helouinu to the Estate of Abram Dubois, cbe'd., Iyiii2 princijially in R tbesou county, anil on both sides of Lumber River, the diffreut surveys con. ta'mins: over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a lir5tf part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lnm'ier II iver, wle rc a l ugo quantity of Tim'o'r is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These. laii'ts are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a lare part is well suited, bein'4 in a region where the Tin pemine yii !(Ls more a'bundantly than any other section of the Slate. The Laud.4 will be sold at a low prcc, and iuiju in ities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtained by appl ii i- to the Hon. Robert Strang'', Jaine C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., ( Attorneys t Law.) I understand there are many t r spacers on these land-, to all of whom notice id hereby given, that the lav will Ie enforced asainr-f nil siicli ofTentlers. Application f.-r any pirt of the Lands ecu be made fo myself", or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be du'y auKiori.t. d to make sale r.f tho same. Fayifev:!le, N. C, March !, ISt.i. 314-tl. NEW AND CHEAP OOOIJS. .FAMES KYLE Has iust received bv the last ar- from tli Norih.alare a-.d splendid assort- ' - . 1 !' , . SPKIXO GOODS. .. i. : ..i. .. r . i -r- . . 1. i : iiiiiii; w men art. l.ii-,oi iiies, ijiiiisic, i reiicn L i v n, printed Muslm-' ami Jacontts, 1548 pieces Calicoes, 192 ps Iri-di Linen, Lawns, Diapers, Table Cloth- ami Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, black and colored Silks, Silk Mifs, Gloves, Cam bric an I Bobinet Lnce and E'lijm", superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vstinira, Kentneky Jeans, Nankei'ps, Kip-kin Slijipen?, C-4 to 3 1 !! ached and brown fc'hirl i n 2 and Shertin, Boots, Shoes, &c., all of which bein:i purchased for cash bv ihe package at pu'die and private sale, will lie off red by wholesale or retail at low prices tor cash, or on tune to punctual customers. March 29, IS 15. $5 KE WAHID. liAJVAWAY from Mr James McDnflie, on the 7th of Deeem t.er la-, mv nrrro man ARCH Y lite the property ol" A. B bee dee'd. Hn is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inch b high, has a hny sni'toth black face, with full prominent eyes, anrl is lame in one of his leors. H: is supposed to be lurk- in about F t vettcviile, TV. C. A reward ofS-'O will be paid f-jr him if taken anil lodged in any Jail 1 ii thi Slate, or 50 if taken and looked in Jail in any other of the Stat s, so that I can wet h'm airain. J. M STRONG, Favetn v IV, N. C. Mv 10. 1915. 32i-M" NEW SUM3IER GOODS. D , Xifc.feSA.ia'S;, WOULD call the attention of the citizens oftb j town and the pubiie gen' ra tly, lu his new and cneral assortment of seasonable STAPLE AJ'P FA.YCY UDny (BuoIl. Among winch arc, for ladies wrar, Sdks, "hue, black, and fancy; Balzorines; Tarletan, diff rent colors: Printed ami Lace Lawns; ("rape Lesse ; Silk, Fillet, Crape Les-e and Muslin d'La'ii Seaifs; MukIiii d'Lain, Silk, and Crape Leste Shawls; fine Kid Gloves, assorted color--; very fine Silk d j.; Ribbons, richest styles; Bonn- ts do.; Hemstitched Lawn 11 indkcrchiel!, lor ladies and geutleinen ; silk Under Shirts, do. do.; Hair Cloth and corded Skirls, superior qua'itj ; Linen Cambric; Ldjims and Footing; Laees and Insertins; Fr nch-w orked Collars; Bishop Lawns; Book, Jaconet, and Swiss Muslin; plain plaid and striped Cambric ; Bomba zine ; Gimp and Gimp Cord ; Victoria Girdles ; pointed Muslin; Calico of all sorts; Gioffhams, &.C. FOR GE.rLEME.Y'S IVEUiK, Snuff colored, green, invisible retu, black and blue Broad Cloths, wool-dyed, wide and fine; black and fancy Cassimeres, with a reat variety of .in en Goods tor coals and pants; Damask, silk, plaid silk and satin Vesting ; Suspenders ; Gloves, as sorted ; a great variety of Hats for summer ; fine calf and Morocco Boots and Shoes; Indies Slippers arid Ties; Umbrellas; Parasols and San Shades. XQsS3)h a gd osortmeut of G KO- CERJEs. ' . . - - . " r . April 19, 1845 ' 321-y. " WANTED RTrth4h BUSHELS OF ASHES, imme- diately, for which a fair price will be ft aid. . March 9,844. . at. wl. Men. a r . - - 263-tf. .31y 24, 1845. . T "M -r mi n .... W-i iiW rH.spocllul ly inlorin the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the st:md recently occupied by E.J.Clark, on G;lleiiie LStreet,5 door Soulii of llie Alarkel Sqtia te, where lie w i 1 1 starh- r. .. i.'.'i' j -.-s- manufacture and k e'.p con- V 4 T "Ulllllt'llI oi U AND SHEET IRON c.,II"i,.n',binff.10 P,lr"a-c would .... """ an asoitiii..m WARE. do well to ..7u " r".""1 IUS stotJ- letorc- i.urcbasir. " rise , C. "e,e'rmiricdto scllascli r ;n Hiuta. fnrer in the Slate. '"vF.KS of an enirIv i,iv.- e.-ip us any " ' t,"ne t n the la stes t st vl le, and heft r- aiso tiu it u ring A?. 17, 134-1. 26 1 -v NEW GROCERY F1UTT & CROCKERY V I BtK! rllVE. Subscriber has taken the Store on Hay Jt Kto ctdirecMy opposite his old stand, where he Mow rifcciviii" a STOCK OF GOODS, Consisling in part of Brovi, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su ZarsTea; Coff. e; Pepper. Alldf.ic ; Gin"er; Sale ratus. Starch; Mackerel; Shad; Salmon; Pickles; Ohvk; Capers; butter, water, and soda Cracker-; Chee; Pepper Sauce; Camphor; Indian; Cassia; uttes, Citron; Mace; Sweet and Cantor Oil ehewa anrl smoking Tnbaeco; Principe and Ha vana,iSeifa.s; Scotch, Maecobov, and Rapp e SnuaSperm Candies; Powder and Shot: Epsom Ar-iL lhi La,,,P 0i,i Bhickiriif; Viae-!!.; Madia, Sin ny, and sweet Malaga Wines ; Al mond Filberts, and Madeira Suit; saltpetre; ul phtir;j!uui; Hvirmys; currant and Guava Jelly Prun; Atrehovy Sauce; saidines, walnut catsup'; pick Id Oysters ; cloves; Cavenm: Pepper; eur rantailuyiard; .Vu-ar House Molasses; and almost evervMrliele usually called lo in a Grocery Stont whje.'jlm tvill sell as low- as anv one in -thn (.Ui-c, lor 0;tli, or on apprwe.1 credit. ALSO ' CROCKEIIY. W. PRIOR. No-. 9th, 1344. 98-v. TO TRAVELLERS Ana .Sojourners in Fayetteville- MRS. E. S.MITEI is Hill prepared to enter tari Centlcmen and Ladies f i avelli tlirmio, or ournm in Fa ctt, vi:e. li. ri..b!e is aKvays a-goed us :Jio m-rket allords. S,e has eoo.l sta bis ami Hostlers, una a tler.tive ua i r. rs. a nd re startlnllv ..f:.-."i .. ....,.:., . .- i tlr .W.uenee is . I i 1 fr""'',-e i t r Ktmtnee is o w II known liar u n. .J .u.. , u- exeriioni wiii be y- uedt-, ivi ... . f Si'slaction. "eh. I, IS15.r,i,-t. D. & W. MCLAURIN A R,E ,'mv wivina from New York and Ph,la. Xi. dcluhia in par?, the following SPRIXCi AXI (KD)Q)' SUMMER 9 Cubrics, Muslins, plaid S i Iks, La w n-, Irish and Biwn Lim ns, Shining and Sheitins, white and brwn Hose and ha f Hose, purple, black, and f.t-y colored Victoria Prints, Gambrnons, Nan kis, Marseilles. jlk, and black satin Vetjutrs, fin, plain, and figured Silk Cravat-, SuspendeTs, suerior Needles and Pins, black, blue, iirtcn, and mi.-ihle e-reen Cloths plain arid fancv sesnable Cssimeres, fashionable H it., Shoes and Bonmto, sole v rv fine. 50 B.i?s Rio Coffee, ; 0 ib. Lauira and Java, , o HMs. St. Croix, P. Ricoand N O Snx rs, ' 10 Hhds. Molasses, SOU Sacks Salt, 5 Tons Swedes Iron, &e. &c. 1'Ktther with IJardwart, Cutlery and Crock, 'ry ; tcitk fine Liquors and Vines of every description. Ve ar confident that the qualities of f be Goods vl p!ca-e, and arc determined that the pticcr slli be satlsfn torv to tho-e who cull. D. ft W. McLAURlN. Vprd 13, 4... 32 1 -v. . M. C A M P B E L L , llfivjnrr lieen up(mitited j A UCTIO iE K K F the town of Fayetteville, is prepared to xftend toth-: sale ot any uouds w hich may b entrusid to hn. ' 'unsinnicnts from abroad will be promptly at tefel to. - " Iprt! 19, 1815. 321-y. JOHN D STARR rLS received bv the 1 ite arrivals from New York, hillock ofSPRING and SUMMER GOOD S, Coi'-priiin ' a large and extensive assortment of DrxGoods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, Sh, Umbrellas, Parasols, Cotton and Wool Car, writing and wrapping Paper, Codec and Sug, Drugs and Medicines, &cLv., well worthy the intention of country Merchants - which m ill be offerarf at low prices ior ciulinr country produce. , ! JOHN D.STARR. -Anil 19, 1845. " . ..,.,:-t '-ft WANTED. My 17, 1845. 45 bushels Buck -Wheat 'Seed. - R. A.STUART. SiMid 7'iiTriiigrtjyj BERJTTISTRY. Dr. UILCI1RIST will remain at the Lafayeite Ho:sl until ths 26th met. , . -May 17, 845." '. " ; - C. F. NAVIGATION COMPANY. I HE annual i,i.-..ii? oi the Stockholders will be IleJd oil l-iuJiiv. 3 'Lh .bi IM4', ... tl,-. -T.,.. ..f E. L. W1NSLOW. Pr.'i 34-it. ICE will be iurnislied to rtan.'sr custom-rs every morn in, (except Sundays.) lrom 7 to S M-irket Houso. NOTICE . THE Suliscrlbers fiike this opporf unity of return iiiiT their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bi stowed upon them; also tbr the kind sympttbies ma nifei-ted to tin nt in the late calamity in fhe destruction of I !i-ir entire Stock of Goods on the niorninr of the 19th inst.; and to Cant J A J Bradfoid. Cant. U. S. Onl.. nnd Mr (1 A l Schu ftrtxinan, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness j in "iviiiir them notice, and otliers in the surround, j in" neighborhood of h:i fire, by the diftharsc of I cannon. Having opem d the Slor m aily nppo- j site, they hope soon lo resume business, and uotild ' . 1 1 . - -. . . . .... - ... respeci inny soncn ine pat ron 3 C- nt tut ir trie ml and the public, and shall hope to merit u share of pnS'ie pnlroi.age. They have on hand in their . . . . iimii., .j...., iion, iiim.I!.$i; iju if,.- Bellowo anl Vise, Lo Chains, 6 superior V Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvils, Vises, Wan house, halt. Iron. M ol.-isscs. -ii " -ir. Sum Im' roijeht Trace th;:ins anif heavy articles ot Hardware. rnriiii!lv damaired in the tire, all of which ihey will seM low lor Cash or Produce. They would al.-o earnestly reqii'st rd! those indebted to them bv note or nc". count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to close thiir former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted villi take the earliest oppoifiiudy to sitlle their accounts. J. H.& J. MART INE. A arch I, iSJfi. 314-tf. ALSO, TlifcV have just received, bale superior Brid- port ." ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, und Raft Rope, I bhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bl.ls.Traii; Oil, 'Mi) ualls. Linseed Oil, Whitiemore's real Cotton Cords, Coffee M ills, cast good W a iron and Cart Boxes, 250 yross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hor.p Iron, with a small assortment of Swi.dcs and Eng lish Bar lion ; tojrether wild a heatry Stoch of flat, round, and squate B.ir Iron, Band Iro.n.and Nails, Rods, contained in shad joining their Store, but slizhtlv injured. Removal. MAJL1L & MALL WOULD tni'orm the public that they have moved from 1 heir old stand to the store lately occupier! bv Messrs C J & R M Orrell, and kmmii as ilic YiHon- Cuildmss. Havinj; larjivly increased their stock of GROCERIE-S, they nr'c prepareil to offer inducements in the waj ol trade, that w iil be to the i iteie.-t of purchasers rei;erail to give them a call. Their toc:.,will cuin-ist m pai t of 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel, 50! Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 10 ia- Shot, assorted, " 15 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salle, 3' 10 lbs. Alum. lOU lbs. Borax, ! 5U0 lbs. Copperas, I 50 lit- I ndii.o, 1 Cask Salaratus, ."0 sides sole Leather, 75 Bags Rio Coffee, I f Hhds. Porto Rico Stii'ar, 1000 lbs. tingle and double refined end Coffee crushed Snpar, 300 socks Liverpool Salt, 530 bushels Alum do. ALSO, Wairoti Boxes, Bellows, Vii.es, Anvils, Crt'on Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Tladlock'a Strop and Powders, Cassis, Camphor, CasiorOiI, Paints, Putty, Drus, &.. Sic, Sept. 14. 1841. 290 JONES & JLWNN I NFORM their customers and fiieuds that thev if. now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS And as most of them have been bought from the inanufavturers and importers, liiey will be offered low. Call and see. Our stock is not h'avy, but a good variety will be found upon examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the late rie in prices, wc cum affbr'f tln-rii ris low as any houe in the place. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure ttiem no pains or exertions on our pattella!! tie spared lo i:ive general satisfaction as h- retofiue. We have now on hand ( ill tiesh and in good orrlei,) RntAnd Cu'ia Coffse ; Porto Rico. New Orleans, and Loaf Sugar-; Ti as. indigo, Maildcr, Copperas, Rice, C indies, Soap, Sta:ch, sack and Abnn S i't, iic Sec. Aiv. STAPLE ir FA JVC Y DRY GOODS. Arnong which are 150 pieces Ca'ieors, (2"me very fine, and really beautif ul prints,) Victoria Al paecas, plain and fiurni; Miij'ii) d'Lanc-; Ging hams; Irish Linen; L;neit and cot 'on Drill; Linen und cotton, ch'-uked and striped D.ill ; Nankeen ; Ine, whi'e, and co'ored Jeans ; Jucoiot ; Book, Cross-barrd, a.nl fiureil Mu.-hns; Bed Ticking; Apron Cheeks; c lor-d Canihricks ; white, black, and mix'-J.Hose and ha'f Hoe ; linen, silk, and t-otton Giovr-s; s;!k and co'ton, pocket and drcs HamJUerehirfr, a ;reat vari- ty: fani y Crava's and Sciirfs; silk Mitt; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tupe, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edging; fine, li.iir, side, and reading Con.bg; bleached and nnbleach. d Dom s'ics ; Broad Cloths ; Sattini ls; Kentucky Jeans, &c. Kc. Florence, fine straw, silk, willow and other Bonnets of the latest styles ; a rplendid assortment of artificial flowers. Al-o, a good sssortmcnt of Slippers; Morocco and leather Shots, Brogans, Boots, Hats, &c. &c. . , Hardware 5c Cutlery Trace and halter Chains; Hoesf Nails; fable and l r-. n.,,u .;i..r ttritunni. and Ton tea and table Spoon ; Razors ; r-r, stocK. closet, chest, and pad Lock ; .-Sheep Sfirs ; "rawing Knires ; cuttins Knives; corn and gass Scythe ; Gimblvts; Latches and Bolts; Brads; 1 acks, c. tc. ATOW IX STOKE, S Hhds. prime Porto Rco Sugar, 3 do do N'ew Orleans do. ' 3i Ba'S sn c-i Rio CnVo. . " 4 Hhds r Molasses, a prune wrtiele, . - - bOW Lbs. prima corn-fed Bacon, , :. " - : .- s PKJ0 Lls. wbito Lard, in firkins, v .; ' 15 Bbls. Whiskey, - r ". , h do. 0?d Peach Brandy, - -. 2 do. N. E. Rnm, .;' ' ' . 50 Sacks Liverpool Salt,- ot onr old stand, foet oi naj'mouni. . , j . April 19, 1845. , : 3?l -tf. ! o'clock. :il h. Volume 6 Number 32ft; TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers having witnessed the vetf' cessful operation of HOTCHKISS'S VERT1 ' CAL WATER WHEELS, ut Archibald Grar sin's Mill in FnytuWylUe, in May ami Jine last, wcrw induced lo purchase (he Riht foi the entire Stala of North Carolina, snd now offer individual Right for sale on very reasonable terms. Th fiftvsj" now on hand t-ci(ren full seta of Wheels, an -have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. - . v '". ' Besides beinjir getv rally adopted in the Nf tfwi ' States, there are already twelve sn.s in shCittsfuC ' operation in this State, and eight others in rcrts of erection. The astonishing power and spd of " these Wheels hove been witnessed by hundreds o( -citizens of this State, with universal appprc!atioa. And we dcsiife all n ho may feel n interest in rh -sul jei t lo examine the Millo of AuliM Qrehstn,- - Col. Alex'r Murchison, CluistOf her Mimroe, AlexV Williams, Arch'd McLaurin, J. McDaatel, John, ' Cade, Mrs. Efly McFadyen, in this County ; Col. John C. AlcLaniin, in Richmond County; Titos. - r C. Smith in I'iflden County ; snd Hardy Roya'l ia ; ' Sampson County; to each of bom we Ret.cr ' " fur information as to the t radical or nation cftios Wtieel. - ; Persons who epply soon for Riyht's can Its - - them put up by tvorkmtn who have been instruct- ed by Air Motel. kis hirnselfl .... , ' - The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in thu State of North C:-roIina, h;ive recei vod the follow. in certificate: - n " . . : ' Fayetteville, Ftb'y S, 1645, Wc, the Subacribeis, residing in the . County of Cumberland and State of North' Carolina'; having been engaged in the inannfaetnreof Lumber for ma ny years, fee! fully nun anled in stnting, that Hotth kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of tie patronage of all mill owners, and that we have full confidence in their superiority ; f hut the valun of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction". They are more durable, and easier kept in Older when properly put. together than the common Flutter Wherl:lhey will save tit lenst one-third ofthe water, and run well in back wafer when there is a head above. The speed of the Sw ia increased from one-half to double the strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUN ROE. CHRISTOPHER MUKR0E, JOHN McFAPYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHlSOy. ARCH'D McLER Aff. DA.VL McDIARMin, ANGUS CAMERON (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURlN.'. ,- (Richmond Countv.) THOMAS C. SMITH, - (Bladen Cunt.) They have also recrived a ceriificotu from Col. Alexander Murchison, t which w ill bo published hereulter among others in handbill form,) in w hich ' J 7 -, -"";; -"" '" arenrett i i profirn nl" made on Saw Mills in my his time ;"-Bayn that his Saw will cut 5000 feel in a dnv; it actually era on Ihe day before he wrote, 4083 ic. I of J inch Quarter Boards ; makes V40 strokrs in a minute; that one-half of the wafer is saved; and concludes' by recommending its adoption to Mill ow ners. "Other certificates, which hate Lci.n f.r,mjt will be publish-d hrrenflej- - : ARCHIBALD M, LAUCHLIN, DUNCAN MeNElLL. ALFRED A. McKETJlAN. Fayrltpvilh, March 13. IS4.S. " M.,f The following article from ihe N. Y. Tribune of the 4th nil., i ill show m what estimation theao -' VVheeU are held by the high authoi jry of tho Arner . ;can Institute : . From the N. Y. Tribune. MOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. 'I his Wheel, after haying been adopted he some -luindrcdd of mill owners on the Deleware.Siisque- " hannah, and in other lumbering i egions, was pre- " sented for competition at the late fair of'ihe Amer ican Institute, and them was awarded two prem iums by ililTerent Committers first as ih best Water Wheel for Saw Mill,- secondly, as being 1 - ...iiii.ri.iir DUUIUIUCU ul I U Q . . , Fair. Il has been extensively adopted jn the greet "- . pine districts cf the South'; and its rapid end s ' ' - smooth execution, p rfect immunity from ice or back water, and other economics, are securing it very general preference. The Inventor is now on his way south', and may be addressed ut Augusts, Ga., or at his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. Its advantage are summed as follows : 1. The Vertical Wheel, when used for Can Mills, requires no pc-nring to produce from lA fo 300 olrokre of the saw per minute. -, - 2. They are as cheaply constructed as the com mon Flutter Wheel, und will do double the busi ness with the same advantage of the water. 3. Back wnter is no impediment vhn there is head above. 4. Ice cannot form on the Hheftt. 5. They occupy less space than n Flutter Wlwl Mill. 6. The increased speed of the saw mae better lumber, cnts the tame distance with less resistance end the snw-dust is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind snd hect, with slow Mills. 7. They can be placed on the ehsO, of s common, Flutter-Wheel ?4iU if in pood order, snd hueff Up on the same bearings if snrricirnily struug to sus tain th power of the win els. 8. The wheels brinj of csst iron, will last an eye.' y They also coetti'ute the requisite Fly or Bs'snvo Wheel, securing a uniform leotion, in el! parts wt'" each revolution. ' 9. The introduction of mills is rluced to plain system, so that if th brad of wetrr is known, the result i- a mathematical certainty. 10. Any workman having the pstlerns. model, nd table of calculation, can .adapt mills to any location with perfect success. - 11. The improved mode offeeding much p proved of by tb.se who hare adopted it. Jast receive! on congUnment. the runninn w..rk of two tour horse Wagons. Also, one four horso Wagon with cover, Sec. complete, ready for the road. -All of which are warranted .f the best ma terial and workmanship, and will be sold low for cash. '"'-'?'-"' --'"'-.-r- J AS. S. GRANT. ' March 15, 1845. 318-tf. Just Received on Consignment. French Brandy, Holland Gin, . '" American Brsndy, 4t boxes No. 1 Soap. , A, M. CAM PBEIX. : March 15, 1845. . . . . S16-tf. IB IL A M IK . R. W. HARDIE "iurt 1 reived a supply ol-BLANKS, r.mostl ear- rt- l -- ' nr. a wa i hi.ii i H . ul . ? Clerks, ShenlTs. mf i;on'rv. pvn;ea en irna 1 paper and wel!,esetfi- '.- , 1' r - i i 'I .f 'i ... s y. ' --r ' ll J

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