XL -i tuf, commos piwptarr of m ciTizjiKS.' - '''CHARACTER IS AS ISiPftHTiVT Trt STATF as IT i f v....i-, i ivn ' - " - - - - - -. OK THE STATS ii II V.' W3I. II BAYXE TfiBMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I Per tiinu n, if paid in advance, 82 if) it" paid at tlic end of six month b 3 On at (ha end of the year 3 5i) Rates of Advertising : txir rents pr jn;tre for 'he first, and thirty cents ;r ch s'lbserjuent insertion. Ai'4.!Sing T 'he y.tr .vill be charged according i tin q -i entity of matter inserted. C irj 4 lvertiMH"'s, &, "i5 percent higher. I N I) E M N 1 T J A-jainst loss or damage by tire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITA t$ 105,000. (tfit if Grand near First Street, Williams Imnr. onnosile. the Cilti of .Vetp I orlc. .Igcncy (ffi-ce, IV ells ISuilding, 62 trail St.y JS'eic For.-. E III EC rOR9 : Abr'm T l A-inrirKir Boskerck, AiV'.few O." II -n edict. Francis St inhcil, S un I 11. Clapp, .T.h.i Leggctt, Chas. O. Handy, Lemuel Richardson , Frederick W Favr:, Jermiiah Johnson, JVi't Skilf nan, .Si ill. Will :ts. Ni-mola-i Wyckoff. .!vli;iiL RICH RDSON, Pr s'f. Avnr.KW II. flooriE, Scc'rv. V YSHINGi VDS P-JST, Agent, New Yofkt TiIM Willi nnsburg Fire l isiirance Company, hiving b-e-t iri-.ir;'r.ife I lV anan' of the Legisla iur of t'i'5 Sute of New Yi'W, for llie purposes of Fire I i-e.i ranee, r Directors oiler to Insure lh:ir f.:lin v-ei'i..: is .h o'llioiit the United States Aiiust Loss or Damage by Fire, O i U liidmgs, Go l and Merchandise, and Per noiil Property g-nerally, assuring them that the n'l'iir of th G rn a iv. s'ta'l he conducted with such fairness, can tor an -I liberality as they trust wi.I entitl : it to puttie con ft lence ana patronage. The- S'lh-snilM.r AgiMit fr the aliove Cum piy wl!! lVo any fu flier iu'ormatioii that, may !): desire I bv thos. who wish to Insure. JAMES MAUI1XE, Agent, J lay S:rect. Frh.S, MI3. 3 1 1 -if. ROBERT A.STUART HAS removed 1o the Rtorw on Person . : f T" If .. I4.U street, re atil ni'Sily npV!' liit C!e K. bf wb. ( b tah supply !:' wmil- ol all bis en-trtnV-'s i M Itifc DRY GOODS AND GROCERY LLVE AfiO, ;t ht:c supply of t'oieign Liqnor ;jtd Wines. S doz. t.ia t X McGJary' Old Port Wine. Ap.il -26, 1 8 15. 3?3-:f. T 1 1 E snbsc it' .iv receivinc at the new I'.riek St or. (..n the noith side of lly Ue t, a 'i iinin the store ot Messrs C 1 . Hain i. oon.j emi cly i New Stock 'of Staple and Ianey5 OJRY GOOILDS, ! fV-.nsi-tmg prtit of !!, ool-dycd black, and nvf .-ihje .Jreen Cloths; black and fancy Cassirneres; ; Merino dPto; su nmer CNi hs ; Dr-ip-de-te; Gam- ' broo.i-; Kentucky Jeans; Georgia Nankins; Bro rt I i.irien.s and Orip,inis ; I'i-h Lm'-n ; a lar-e and j band -01110. assort. nent of Prints; Priitel Miiilms ; nl .:.wn.-; B i .ori i-s; Lnpiuas; Victorias; black i a ul ti-"irel Silks; Bshop Lawns; Jaconet, Swiss, Plan," and 1J .ok M.is!in; tat-cy silk Shawls and j r .ints; Silk and KidG.oves; cotton and silk Hose; ! (Jiin- s'aiid Gimp Cords; Cords and Tasstls ; Cap j an I Biimef Ribbon ; i k and irt.tton Handkcr- j c li. fs ; brown and bleached Shirtings and Sh-el- J in-r B i Ticks: Siokaand Cravats; Limn i B jsoiiu and Collars. Also, a ffoiMl assortment of Fur, Wool. &. Palm Leaf HATS; Straw and Florence lonnets; silk and cotton Um brel'as; Pirasol and Slinles; Shoes; Buttons and Ciotlis, &.e. Th-so ' ioods wer- select i-d with reat caro by th subscriber; and are offereil at wholesale and re tail, for CASH, or on time to punctual dealers. Cm itrv merchants will rind it to their interest to call ami examine the stock. HENRY LILLY. Fave.ttcviile, A;.pl 19, I3t5. 321 -8w. ?tate of 'orth Carolina Sampson county. Cuitrt j tlnuitif Spring Verm, 1845. V .t i.-lt Miirohv. administrator of Wm. MtGce. dec lec d. vs. Tlio. Stanford, ad'm ot 1 bos McUree, nd othe s the next of kin and d stribu- j t -es ot said 'Jecasi. ( Uttl to u -count. - j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court j t .at Thos. Staufoid and wife Dorothy, two of the j .1 t. nlants in this smf, reside b yond the limits of j this State, it is therelore ordeteu ny me vuu. . ....... p.i .hcitioi, be mad I t six weeks in the North Cirolinian, published in Fayetteville, that the said d .-fenda us do appear at the next term ot tht Court ot Eqniiy for the count v .. Sampson, to be held at the Court House in Clinton, on the 6ih Monday after th.; 4th .Monday ot September next, then and tlierc to answ r, p'ead, or demur, or else this bill v ill b- taken pio conlcsso, and heard cxparle as to htm. Witness, Piifri. k Murphy. Cle:k and Master ot the Court of Equity for" the county of Sampson, at Office, the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A D, 1845, and 69:h year ol American Independence. PATRICK MURPHY. CM. R. May 17, 1 345. 325-6t- pr. adv. 3 25. tattt of North Carolina-- Sampaon county. , 'In Eouifii .So no r Team. 1S45. AViUiam elitivn - j- - , Dawfon ami wife Mary and others, vs Chart, g H. Butler and others. lor of lanHOn motion pttitton amended. -. IT isoidere l bv theCourt that publication be made in the INorlh Carolinian tor six weeks," that urtle the det. ndant, John Butter, appear at the next term ot the Court of Equity, to be held foi the I eotinty of Sampson, at the Curt Uoi-fe in Clinton on the 6th Monday atKHhe 4th Monday of Sep tember next, and claim and shew title to the sum of SMI 42, in the hands of the Clerk and Master vif this Court, arising from the sale of the lands of Robert Butler deceased; the s.i turn will be dii Jributed among the other heirs at law of said dc ceased. , -; 3 - .. Witness," Patrick "Murpliy, Chirk and Mrstcr of the Court of Equity, lor the county of Sampon, at Office, the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday f March, A D 1845, and 69th year of American Independence. ' ' - . , , - PATRICK MURPH Y,C. M: E. Kncouraze pHome Manufactures Gardner & IcI2etIian, H AVIS lately rtt ule considerable improvement in their style of Work, and have now on hand a G-N ERAL ASSORTMENT, consis'ing of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made i- 1 !- U Slates. PkIihhis wishing to buy, would io well to call and examine mir work, as we have determined to dell LOW for Cash, orpiroved notes. Ilavinir in our employ first rate Smi'hs, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate term?. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful work m.i nf hip and mateiiab, tor one year. iCy REPAIRING fait btul y executed at short not ire, and on reaonablf term.-. Fayettevdle, February 3, 1345. y. POlTsALE. V LARGE a.oriment of CROCKERV, GLASS, CHINA, S TONE, AND QAJF.ENSWARfi, corn prism; Rinner, T n, Coff.:e, and Chamber Set?, together with almost v ry article in that line. 2' crates asssoited for the Country trade. G dozen Flower Pot.. 6 ditto Pick'e Jars, with envfr. C. LUTTERLOII. Feb'y 15, 1 845. 312 y, JACKSON JOHXHOX H AS on band it the Waggon Yard for HIRE, HOUSES AM) BUi(SlES. ALSO, lima, TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, v ith a vi w . f avVonmiodatin persona Vlshing passage to atiy o! Ihtt neji;KIorn lowil'i April 1, lHi5i LIVERY STABLES. THOS. J. MIMS, Agent of the Ltfayelle Livery Stables, RESPECTFULLY informs the pu'dic, that he has a supply of excellent Saddle and Harness horses to HIRE ; also, two Sulkies, one Rti22y, and will in a few d'iiys h ive two mom splendid Bungles tO hire, on the " following terms : F.-r Horse, per dav, St 0 Buirsjv,4' " 73 ulkev," " 50 Ilors.i and Bugsy.or Sulky, 1 50 Horses will tie board..doi the follow iua terms: Board, p. r dav, 3 50 wt; k, 3 th, 1 00 ' " year, 23 Od A two horse Cafrsa?e kept f$r the acciiimoda lion of those who may want passage to any p'ace .(Tot t!ie regular Slaije lines. The Subciiber's experience in the above busi ness, together with his complete stock ot Horses and Vchfcles, will enable him to ive fill satisfac tion t" all his patrons. Orders lor Horses end Ct"'-. -yances w ill be at teudrd to, if L ft at the Lafayette Hotel. T. J. MIMS, Ag't. April ! I, IS45. 320-y. CLOVER SEfcD. 300 I.bs. RED CLOVER SKLIJ, Fur sale by April ID, IS45. GFO. McNEILL. NOTICE. TAKKN DP and committed to the Jail ot Cumberla nd county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26th day of January, l815, a nerro man who says bis name is SIMON, add says that h; was sold in Charleston to a man by the name ! of McKeniie.and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his master. Said negro was for merly the property of Benjamin Gass ot Camden, S. C- and was taken trom this place last February byMrG iss. Said ner is alvout 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, and about 45 or 0 years of 0e. The owner of said negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, py charges, and take hitn awav, or he will be dealt ih accofolttg to au.. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29. 195. 310-tf. ""summer hats. Just received from New ork n assortment of fine double and single brim Leghorn Hats and about 50 dozen Palm Leaf HaJ.or jl-b.. April 19, IS4S. 3iQ',( ROBERT W. HAUDIE, BOOZS lUDBSr:- BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, r.lmETTEYMiEE. .V. C. DTAVING locat.nl h.mself in Faye"f v,,l,,Ju tli Hay street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book Jtore, will keep constantly on band a general as iortment of Books and Stationery. .X JU invites the Ubtic to call and examine his elections, whether desirous of puichasmg o not; - " s " r : . Beihg a Bookbinder, and provided with acomplete act oftwutaand apparatus, hei prepared toexecute all kinds of binding, from the plainest to the most COSllr. -:. i- ' He solictta the patronage of his fellowcittiens of favetteville and tho s ur routidtng court t ry. FAVETTEVILLE, SATURUA1', i i ! JUl)(.Mi:T?i & iiXECIJTlOXS ; OF ALL SORTS, or sale at lite UaroUman nm v MEMO VAIL. CLARK & McCALLlijl, HAVING removed their Tailorin4 E-tablishinenl from their late Shop to the building formerly oc cupied by Win. L. Cofi-r, nearly opposite to the Latayettis Hotel, on Hay street, resp cttnllv inform their iriends ami cutoiiii rs, that tbev wi'l continue to carry on the TAILORING- BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. They return their thanks lor the liberal share ot business they have received, and pledge themselves to merit a continuance of it, by strict att-ntion :ind skill. Lntfft fashions regularly fuccivcd from New York. Dec 14, 1341. 203-tK BAR SOAP. T 1HK sub-eiil. r offers for sale OX P. HTTV- DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP iuredat the "Fayeit.-vi!h: (N.C.)Can lb fVtorv, and warranted i J'Jal it not superior to Coi -ate's best No I. Cei i-determined to levote all necessary atten tion tothe business, and off rinjf it at a "reduced price, (5 cents a pound !i the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of pnhlii. patronage. ;CjF All ordei thtrilt fully received and prompt ly attended io. McL. ISIcKAY. Fayeftcville M.iy 24.841 100,000 Acres Valuable FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LAN DS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd., lyini: principally in R ibeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the diff reut surveys con. taming ov.r ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a 1 true part tinelv Timbered, and con venifiiit to Lumber River, where a late cpian'i'v ol Ttuibef- Hnfr fnv-d to tin Geort?to mar ket. These lanos are vi-ry valuable both tor the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a Iare pnrt is well united, bei-i in a rey-ion where the Turpentirm yields more abundantly than any other octi'n of th? St.itc. The Lands will be sold at a low pr ce, and in quart ities to suit purchasers. Inf irm. ttiiui re.pec.tiii tlje title can be obtained h v a ppl f n to i lie Hon. RtiSert Strange, James C D..bblrt, Est., A A T Smith S-q., (Attorttfeys at Law.) I understand there am many t reSpasserft on these land-, to nil of whom notice is hereby siven, tha' the luv will lie entorctid against all such offenders. Application f r any par! of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be du'y uu horiz d to make sale .f the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fay-fev::le, N. C, Mar:h !, !3tr. 3l4-tf. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. .FAMES KYLE Has just received by the last ar- riva's lioin t'e Nor:h, u lare and spl, ndi.l assort ment ot SPUING GOODS, Anion which are B.dzoriues, Batiiste, lrcnt-h I, nvti, pf iiiteii 1 usliri and J-icnmts, 1548 pieces Calicoes, 194 ps Iriii Linen, Lawns, Diapers. Tabic Cltiths ami Linen Camb , Handketchiefs, hljck and colored .Silks, Silk W s. Gloves, Cam bric and Bobinet Ijac; and E-Ing, superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting", Itentiteky Jeans, Nankeens, Kipskin Slippers, G-4 to 3-4 bl'-afched and brown Sh r'ins and Sheeting, Bfiotsj Shoes, &.e., all of which bem-i purchased forc.-tsh tir the package at pu'ilic and private Sale, will be ofr red by wholesale or retail at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual cii3touicrs. March 20. 1 943. $50 REWAS$D. RAN A WAY from Mr James McDufne, on the 7th of Deeem bt r last, my negro man Al.CIIY I te the property of A. B bee dee'd. Ho is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has a long smooth black face, with full prominent eyes, anl is lame in one of his lb:S. Heis sttpbi.scd tube lurk ing about Favetteville, N. C. reward of 320 will be paid for him if taken and lodged in any J&ll in this State, or $o0 if taken and lodged in Jail in any other of the Stat- s, so that I can ! h;m auain. J. M STRONG, Faychfcv !, N.C., May 10, 1845. 32"-tf NEW SUMMER GOODS WOULD call the ' attention of the citizens ufthd town and Ihe public en-rally, to UDn-y (SoDdl. Among which aFe, tor ladies wear, S lks, while, black,aiid fancy; Balzorines; Tarletan, diff rent Colors : Printed and Lace Lawns ; Crape Lease ; Silk, Fillet, Crape LeseardMus'in d'Lam Scarf-; Muslin d'Lai'i, Silk, and Crape Lesse Shawls; fine Kid Gloves, assorted colors; fery fine Silk d. Ribbons, richest sty'cs; Bonn- ts Uo.; Heiflstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, for ladies and gfintlcmen ; silk Under Shirts, do. do; HairClblh and cnrdeil Skirts, sup'Ttor quality ; LlneH Carnbric; Elgin and Fooling; Laces and Insertings; French-worked Collars; Bishop Lawns Bok, Jaconet, andSw'ss Muslin; plain plaid and striped Cambric ; Bomba zine; Gimp and Gimp Cord ; Victoria Girdles; p'iht d Muslin; Calico of all sorts; Ginghams, &c. FOR GEJVTIsEAiEAT'S IVEiR, Snuff cotored,' green, invisible jrrectl, b'afck and bine Broad Cloths, woolidytd. Wide and fine; tilack and fancy Cassimeres, with a gr-at variety of fin en Goods tor coats and pants; Djmask, silk, plaid silk and satin Vestinos ; Suspenders ; Glove?, as sorted ; a great variety f Hats for sumnv-r ; . fi"e calfand Morocco Boots and Shoes; Indies Slippers and Ties; Umbrellas; Parasols and Sun Shd-s.-; i riQ(llaC a good asortrneiit of.iaKO A pril 1 9, J 845. C ; H 1 ' WANTED. rOMfh BUSH ELS O F ASI J ES, inime 4yHV diatelv, for which a f.ir price Will he aid. r March 3, SI I - t Wi M:V McrVAV. . JL,K 7, si.v w w ly intornj the citizen f Fayeiteviiie and the public geneiaiiy, iimr lie has taken file sfinri rt.i,. ml.- s .,.!- " ii i "J viarii. on lr!IIeme LStnet,5 door S oitii of ihe! iMarkei Square, where h vt ill j """manufacture and l;eD con-! l! 'Jtd " a-orfmeniof I a lm u an ERT IRON "IV A RE. do well to reon 1 1 . . isninr to purchase would 17 -".'" " -toea tielore purchainff rlc ef erm i nl t ult.A.k o!iern:IMiif;ii-Hireriii thState. nrhr? "f V" '' new pattern. -i-i.yj on , thK lastmt stvle manr-r. Also QCTTFRING. ' and best -tf. 17, 1844. 26 Uv. NEW GROCRRY FXV1T ft CROCKER? s rri jilt. I5ulscriber has taken the Storr on May Jt street directly opposite his old stand, where nc isinw reeei vin a STOCK OF GOODS. Consi-ifiiig part of Brnv ti n ana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su--arsea; C.tf -e; Pepper. AII-p,V,; Ginger; Salc ratus March; Mickere'r Sh.-id- 5r.f.,.. D;..L.i..a. r';.. r- ' i .... ' . ' . " '" ....... o2ars; oco-cn, Maecoboy, arid Rapp e SnuflSperm Candles; Powder and Shot; Epsom ;d'!,,e Sails. Lamp Oil; Blacking; Vine-ar; Mad4-a, Sherry, :,nd sw.-el Ma la "a Wineo - Al mo4 Filberts, a,J Madeira Nrtt saltpetre; sul phurmm; FImng; eiSrfftn am! C'itava Jelly ,.ru,!,5rAnchovy 'ce; sar.MnVi., watmit catsup'; picklj Oyilers ; cloves; Cavenne P. pper ; cur rantsMustutd; &u'ar House Molasses; and almo't cvervprtiele usiiallv called to-in n Grocery Slorel whKihx will Holtanlow mi any un! in th place for Csh, or on approved rretlit. ALSO ' CROCKERV. W. PRIOR. Nr. 9th, 1844. 298-v. TO TRAAELLERS (VI RS. E. SMITH is still prepared to c-nter-tn Gentlemen and Ladies travelling tlironohor sourning in Fayctt. viile. 11. r table is always a sood as the market aflord. She has good sta b's and hostlers, and attentive waiters ."a nd re s?ctful!y sol c fs a conf n ianee of pi-b'ie patronage f:r residence is so w Ii known that it n. e.i- no de snption. No exertions will bo s-iredto ive s.isfaction. ' Feb. I, I845v .11 i,-t f. J). & W. MLAURIN k RE now receiving from New York and Phila Jl. deljhia in part, the following SPRIXG A.D SUMMER tTl TtS TT TTT Ombrics, Muslins, plaid Silks, Lawn, Irish and town Linens, ShinitiHs and Sheetings, white and briwn Hose ami ha f Hose, purple, black, and tcy colored Victfjria Prints. Oam!Joiis, Mm kns, Marseilles, -ilk, and tHack satiit Veilings, fi", plain, a-id figured Silk CraVs, Suspendeas, sperior N edl s and Pins, black, b'ue, green, tind iri-ihl- green Cloths, t lain and fancy ens-.nabe Cisstmercs, fashionable llat, Shoes and Bonn, ts, sine v rv fine. j 50 Bags Rio Coffee, lO )o. Lauira and Java, 8 HImIs. St. Croix, P. Rico and O Sugars, 10 Hhds. Molasses, 300 Sacks Salt, i 5 Tuns Stt't'di'S Iron, ire &e. jSgctAer J? Hardrtart, Cttlierb aii CrftcA-- rry ; tPii fiiie Lienors and H1)itt of evtrty descrijAiotl. We are confident that the q-talities of the Gls ill plea-e, and are determined that the price?. Jail be satisfactory to tho-e who call. Dl & W. McLAURIN. April 1845. 3'2I-y. . . M. CAMPBELL, liming beti appointed AUCTIONEER r the town of Fayef feville, is prepared to attend t the sale y I any ckmIj, li!ti! may be cnlrustii to j Hm: ? vonely-timbnlii froin abroad will be p omptly u tmtel to. ' April 19, 1315. 321 -. '1 AS rec eived bvthe lite arrivals from New York, lis slock of SPRING and SUMMER 1 G O 0 D S, Cbrapriting a large and extensive hssortment of Pry OtJods, Hardw are and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, ShoeS; Umbrellas, Parsois, t'otton and Wool tifds, M r ting anil wrapping Paper, Coffee and otar, Drugs and Medicines, &c. &c, well worthy the attention of country Merchants which will be ofered at lw prices lor ca.-h o- country produce. . t JOHN D.STARR. April 19, 1315. EH A VE just leceivcd the n style of H AT BLOCKS, and now finishing Genb;mns p?t-fine FUR AND SILK HAT S. Also, received br last arrivals, a great variety of I pur. Silk. Panama, Leghorn; and Palm Leaf Hats, 4 t in i .: iii:irr u -itrvr tuti - vf. d . Chee ; I ,-ppor Siiuee; Camphor; Indigo; Cas-i ,-iutn--s, Citron; .Ma. e; Sw. et and Cantor Oil chcvviK ! smoking TotiH.-cO; Prfueine and Ha- ad of which have been pdrchasrd on uch tcrmd a3 to enab!o me to bell vcr v CHEAP..- - -.--.- DAVIU GEC- ?Isy J7, I3J5.--33 lf. ' " ! JUST RECEIVED cask sup'-rior French Brand x , ' " do Madeira do.,, Malaga do. s . "l ;'l IOv.-I prU ifi bv 1VM. 35-3 w. A1AKSH. May 1 7, J 84. NOTICE. THE Subscribers fake this nppoit unity of re. i:rn inr their wnrmf st thank In their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal fji tronne bi stowed upon them; also for the kind ympuhies maniliested to them in the latecalamity in the destruction of tb.-ir entire Stock of Goods on the niorninv of the 19th inst.; and to Cnpt J A J Bradford, dpt. U. S. Ord and Mr G A Scliwartcman. of Ij S Arsenal, for their kin.!nr t'n crivitif them nntire, ahd other-t in the surround ins neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store m-ailv oppo site, they hope onn to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the putronagr-nf their friend and thi public, and shall hope to merit a share of public p3ro.e. They have on hand in th ir Wnrehous, Salt, Iron. A!hses, il'r:,r. Smiths' BelluMsitnd Vises. LosChatns.C superior Wrousht Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvils, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partiallv (lttn.icl in the fire, all of which hev will sell lovv j tor Cash or Produce. They would nlst earnestly reqn st all those indebted to them bv note or nc coiini m tuske immediate payment as ft will enable thrrn i- t:lose their former business and recom mence, ami hope those indebted will tike the earliest oppoituuity to settle their aeconnts. J. H. & J. MARTINE. N attth 1, 18 Ij. 31 l-tf. ALSO, They havejti! received, bale superior Bridg imrf 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Stf-am Packing Yam, Manilla, Seine, and Ratt Rote, I hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 4I.Is. Traii: Oil, ilOO Calls. Linsete.1 Oil, Whittemort;vs real Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 grnss Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment ol'Swdes and Eng lishBar Iton ; together with a heaVv Stock of flat, round, and senate Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nail--, Rods, contained in shed joinfn their Store, but slightly injured. Meiitoval. HAM $ MALL w OULD inform the puVic th.i they hav. moved from iheir old stand to the slurr lately occupied tv Messrs C J & R M Orrett, ami known as tlie Yellow tettlliig. HaViug largely increased their stock wr GROCERIES, they are prepared to off.-r indiit. inenls in the way tratfe, 'hat will he to Ihe Viitrtt-t ofpnn-featkers generally to give them a ca'.t. Thttir stock fc ill consist in pa it if 10 Tons Swede and English Iron, 5'0 lbs. Cast. Btcr, and German Stel, 500 Ps. Hnlh.W WaH-, 5M0 lbs. Bar Lead, -HO O.ij;-. OlnA, .-lfd. tt.lt, 15 Keg Powiler, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 310 lbs. Alum, loo lbs. Borax, I5UO lbs. Cfipperasj 150 lb- Indf-o, I Cask Salarattts, 50 sides solt Leather, 75 Bass Rio Cofr c, f Hhds. Piarto Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. single and double reftned and Coffee crushed Sugar snckn Liverpun! Salt, bushels Alum do. A LSO, 1 3O0 500 Wagon Roses. Bellows. Vi.e. Anvils. Cotton Cardi, Curry Combs. Pocket Cutlery, Pat nt Medi cines, Hadlock's Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Camphor, Ca"torOi!, Paints, Putty, Drugs, fee. fcc, Sept. 14, 18 U. 290 INFORM their customers and fi iends that they are now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS; And as most of them linve been bought from the manufacturers and iutpnHers ibey wl! fJc offered low. Call and rce.. Our stofck is not h aw, but a gewid variety ViII be found upo;i cxaimnatfou. And as our Groc- rics were purchased betore tin? late rise in prices, we cttn affurd th m as low as any house in the place. "We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure tnriu pains or exertions on our part rh-a!l tie jared to i:lve general satisfaction as h retofore. "We have now oH hand ( ill tresh anJ in irtw f nrder,) aWaURskaaalSfe Rio d ml Cu'a Coffee ; P..rto Rico New Orleans, ;md Loaf Sugars; Teas. I ikIio, Madder, Copperas, Rice, C ndle,?uap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, SlUYiK to F.LYCV bRV titMbS.- Among wh eh are 150 piece- Ctlitoes, 8imc vety fj.ic, and really beautiful prints,) Victoria Al paccas, plain and figurid; Muslin d'Laue-; Giog. hams; Irish Linen; Lnni ai-d cotton Drill; Ltucn and cotton, ch aked and striped D ill ; Naukccu ; lite, hi c, ai.d e-obired Jeans; Jnitt ! ; BM,k, Cioss-hatrd, a. il Rgureil Mu.-ltns; ii.-d Tiekiliti ; Apron Cbeckx; c .lured Cim!ri ks ; white, black, and loiT-.t Hoe and half flose ; linerii silk, and rattdit tJlovesj sil!t and cotton, picket aud drce Handkerchief-, a t;r.-a! vari ty: fam y Cravats and Starts; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape. Piris; 2? eedlcs; Buttons; Thread; Lace; fvlging ; fine, hair, -dc. and reading Combs; bleached mid unbleached Donns'ics ; Broad Cloths ; Sattint ts ; Kentucky Jeans. &c. &c. Florence, flue straw, i-tlk. willow and other Bonnets of the latest styles ; a rp!c$!d":d assortment of ar'iricial flowers. a goiJ jissottniei.T ot Slippers; .M.irucio and leatlieT Shoes, Brogans, Boots, Hats. &c. :c. nardtrVar h OtiUeryi Trteertd halter Chains; U(k; Nai's; lbl.-.d pocket Cutlery; German silver, Bntaunw, and ron tea and table "Spo..-; Razors ; r'e. slock, c.ctt . best, and pad Lock- ; SHep 5Hiear ; Drawing Knives ; cutting Knives; corn and grass Scythe- ; GirHbl-i- Litche and Bolt; Brads; Tacks, & &c. NOW IN S'lfOlltlia, -5. Hhds- p'ljfte torto Rico Sugar J- .3 do dis -New Orleans - do. 30 Bags green RioCoft", c. . - ' 4 Hhda. Molasses, a priinv article, r, Z." - - iv SOOO Lb", prime corn-f, d BacoH, KHiO Lbs. white Lard, in firkins. - '-'"" 15 Bbls VVhishcv, ' ' I . 5 do.- Old Jeach Brand'', J 7 ?. N. E. Rum, . ' .-" ' i- 50 Sack a Liverpool Salt,'at. our clli Hand, foot ol lleyniount. , , : - f Volume 6 Number 328 VT-LUMB THE Subscriber-,' hnving- u itncstd .the very successful operation of HOTCH KISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Oral ani'a Mill in Fayeiteviiie, in May ai.d June last, were1 induced to pure-haac the Kight lor the'entirc Slats ofNorth Carolina, nnd now .lTcr individual Aljgbt lor ale on very reasonable terms. -They iiave now on hand fi. vei 1. 1 n fi-ll a. t of Wh tht, and ' have made crrangemcnts to keep a constant sup- -ply. - , - - -. :.; Besrdcs heirr gen-rally adopted in th Noi-thcrn Stataa. there aie !red twelve sstvs in surcrssi:J operatifin in ibis State, and eiht o:liers in p recess of eg. cfion. The atonifking power and sped ol". these Whe Is have heen witneFSd by huridieds f cititens of this State, wjib untvrsul at pprtdaticn. And we deirc all v ho may f e! :iti imrrot in the subject to examine the Mills of Aich'd Graham, Col. Alrx'r Mun hisor.. Chri.-tof htr Muntoe, Alex'r . William?, Arch'd McLaurm, J. McDaniel, John Cade, Airs. Effy McFadvrn, in this County ; Col. John C. Mi Lau. in, in Richmond County; Tbos. C. Smith in IJ.'adeii County ; and I lardy "Roy all in Sampson County ; to ruth of whom we Refer -for tfifnnma,n a- to the- f if. t:c;! opciation cf thvsv Wheels. Person- who afrly soon for Rights can have th m put up by n ortium v ho have been instruct ed by Mr Hotel. kis himself - The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the State ef North CiiroliuA, have rece.vcd the follow, ing certificate: Fayeiteviiie. Fcb'y 3, IMS, We, f'e Sub-cribeis, r siding in the Coiinty .f Curnberhiiid ami State i f North Carolina, huvinv en engaged in the' ninntifacture rf Lumber forma n v yeais. feel fullv warranted in stnting, that Hotch- IfciWs VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and ! th. ir nppenetages, are worthy of the patronage efall mill ow ners, and that we have lull rotiHdeivc in their super iority ; f hat the value t.f Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. The are more durable, und easier kpt in order when properly put together than the commr-n Flutter Wheel: ihey will save at leust one-third of the water, and run well in back water win n there In a head above. The spired of the Sn w is increased lioin one-hall to double the strokes per minuie. ALEX. WILLIAM i DUNCAN iVlUNROE. CHRISTOPHER MtTNROt, JOHN McFA D YEN, V C. P. A1ALLF.TT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN MiDAMEL ALEX'R MUR( H1SOM. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMlD. X- ANtJtJS CAMERON, r c v tMiWwritht.) JOflNCVkUuUlK, . (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, ' (Bladen Cvunty.) - They have also rec ived a ccrt Scato from Col. Alexander Alurehtson. (which will be published hereafter among others itt hand biff tbrm.) in which he speajrs of thf a "the greatent improvement made on Saw Mills in my his time says that his Saw will cut aOOo feet in a day; it actually cut . . .i .i i . i . . - F mi i uv tiny ui hth lie wrote. 4663 rt ot I ! Inch a.uritfr RiMrHi a i-trnK e in imriMtei that one-half of t! water fseaV.W.; and toncludea by rrcommcriding Rs Befopt ion to Mill owner. Other certificates, which have been promise -will be publiiih d hereafier, ' ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLlN . DUNCAN McNP.lLL; ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fay. tteville, March J5, 1845. 316-tf The following article from the N. Y.Tribune of the 4th nil., ill show in what ctimation these Wheels arc hej. by the high aulhoii' v of the Amer 'can Institute: From the N. Y. Tribune. IIOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This W hi el ;ik r heyin been adopted by soma hundreds of mill bwh'-rs em the beleware, Surquc. hannah,aud in other lumbering I colons, was pre. senled tor competition ut the late fair ot 'he Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Cf tntnit'ei fir? asie te Water Wheel for Saw Mill; secondly, as being ne of the five best inventions submitted at the Fair. It has be-n extensively adopted in the jrrcat pine ri!str!cis the South'; and its rapid arid, smooth execution, p-f feet immunity from ice or -back water, an I other cCon miei, are veeurii g it a verygeneralpreferei.ee. The Inventor is now oh his way south, and may bo aiidressnd at Aururla, Ga., r nt his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. Its advantag. s arc summrd as follows : - ' 1. The Vertical Wheel, w hen used for Saw ' Mills, requUrt Yin gtean h produce fVoin H3 to 3'o strokes of the saw per minuie. 2. They are as cheaply constructed as' the com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the busi wess with the same advantage of ihe water. 3. Back water is r, impedfmcul when there is a -head abiivt". . 4. Ice cannot f rm on the whe ls. ' 5. They occupy Iras sps.ee than a Flutter Whet I Mill- .- ... , t,. ' r 6. The incread speed of the saw mak s better " lumber, c ts the same distance with less resistance . and the eavr-dnr! is freely thrown ciT, m hich often returns with the saw, eStillng it tb bfnd and hVSti with slow Mills. ' . - . ; 7. They can be placed on the shaft, of a common's ritti?er-Whf I Mill it' in good order, and hung up.'-V H t!je fBir.b SrftHhgfc if sufficiently atroog to tilt, tain the power iTlhfe hil. -" -V -.;';.,'' 8. The wheels being bfctiM irkn, willlast.an epei : They also constiiil the requisite Fly or ilalSnee -Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in a I! parts of each revolution. " Vf 9 The inirolurf ion of mills is -edu-rd' to a plain system, so ?f h hi-kd otWatrlr U khMt thb result is Hfa!h-micla! befl.sinty. - -. . 10. Any workman having the pattern s a modal, nnd table of calculation, can adapt mills to any location with perfect success. - . 11. The improved mode of feeding Is much t proc" v a..v' n uiTe afiopieti if. Just received on consignment, the running w.,rkl oflw., four horse Wagons. Also, ona four horse v,,, " "-'' oompieie, ready Ur the Tta- roau. n.i i,t !7'cn sre wa. ranted r. th best ma terial ana wormiMtitiup, and mil be IblS 1 ow for cash. JAS. S. GRANfiv March 15. 1845., 31-tf. Just Received on Consignment; 4 i-.- -. frenbh Brandy, - . . i .Holland G!h, r;, - y ..-. American Bra ndy - . - 40 boica No. 1 Soap. ' . . A - . A.M.-AMPliir.t.t.: XMarcn I A, 1845. - Sl-tf. ." IL A M :ss. ttrWttAftOIErrlaBtuSt reived a supply of BLANKf3rmUi- i w. Clerks, Sheriff aCfAlcpUted ea ffne v' t - May 17, 1845.-315:6 . per adv. $3 25. papvr ana- wait-CXCCU rr.r j-

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