JJ : v - -- nmi"Mfrii "CHARACTER i as IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO lNMTODttALS; AND rifE GLORY OP THE a LORT r THE STATE 13 THE COMMON PROPERTT OF ITS CITIZENS, BY .W.3I H BAYNE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY. JITNE 14, l843. Vol u in e 6 N timber : 329 rfT rfl y iQf Hf x X , j Bfr r-a iff ,j . I"" ' TERMS OI? THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per annum, if paid in advance, 2 50 if paid at the end of six months 3 00 at the end of the year 3 50 Rates of Advertising : , tiy eertts per s5'inrft for be first, and thirty cents , for each subsequent insert ion. Advertisinjj bv the yar will be charged according to th"? qia.nlity of matter inserted. turt advertisements, &c, 25 per cent higher. llDE M N I T Y Aqr?irlt loss or damage by Fire. fllB tlDbIAMSBUI)G FIRE INSU RANCE COMPAtfiT. C AP IT A Li S I O 5 ,000. Office in. Grand near First Street, Williams- burg, opposite the City of JYtw York. Azencti Office, Wells Building, C2 Wall si., JVcto York. DIRECTORS Christian Zabriskie. Andrew C. Bin edict, Frederick. W. Favre,. Jeremiah Johtnon, John Skiilnian, S-nl. Willed, Nicholas Wvckofl. Abr'm T. Boskerck, Francis Steinheil, Siml II. Olapp, Joh.i Le'jctt, Chus. O. Handy, Lemuel Richardson, LEMUEL RU-'fl ARDSON, Pres't. Amirbw B. HoDSE-sSec'ry. -WASHINGTON POST, A-unt, New York. THE VVil'i-imsburg Fire Insitraate Company, having been incorporated bv an act ofthe Lfiala tnr oft'ie State of New York, for the purposes of Fire InurancJ, the Directors nfler to Insure their feltoiv-ciiiions throughout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On B'liidinjjs, Gon U and MeruhanJise, and Per aoTtt Property j.'.neralty, assuring them that the atriira o( the Company, shall he conduct d wi h xtich fairness:, candor an I liberality as tln-y trust willentitls it to public confidence ana palronago. The Subscriber, Aent for the above Com pmy, will give any further information that may bo desire 1 by those who wish to Insure. JAMES MARTI NE, Acent, Hay Sirect- Feb. 8, 1845. . 311-1 f. ROBERT A. STUART IJA8 removed to llie Store on rorson street, n? Cf.ntly occup'ted by Col. H. T. Hawlev and n-nlv tji-.fite the Cape F at Bank, win re he can supply inn wants of all iris cuttoniers in tl.e BRY GOODS AND GROCERY LINE. ALSO, n choice supply of Foroigu Liquors n:J Wines. 8 doi. Stuart Si Mc'dary's Old Port Wi'no. April 2G, 1845. 323-tf. State of "orth Carolina Sampson county;.' Court oj Equity Spring Term, 1S45. Patrick Murphy, administrator of Win. Mr Gee, dee'd, vs. Tiios. Stanford, ad'm of T'ios MtGu'1, dccras;d. and others the next c kin and d stribu- fesof said deceased. Bill to account. IT appfar'tn to the satisfaction of the Court that Thus. Stanford "and wiTe Dorothy, two of the .defendants in tliis suit, reside b.vyond tho limits of this State, it it therefore otdeud hy the Court that puhitc ttion be made for six weeks in the Noith Carolinian, pu' IL-hed in Fayotteville, that the said defendants do appear al the next term of the Court of Equity r t!ie count v ofSninr son, to be held at the Court llouse in Clinton, on the 6;h Monday after the 4th Monday ot September next, then und there to answer, p'ead, or demur, or else this bill w W. 4e taken pio confess-o, and heard exfarte as to f iVerrtY ... ; VitrtCS, Patrick Murphy, Clerk and Master ot the Court of Equity for the county of Sampson, at Office, tho 5th Monday nfter the 4th Monday of March. A D, 1845, and 69th year of American Independent". . PATRICK MURPin.C.M.K. May 17, IS45.3-2n-f.t- pr- adv. S3 25. State of North Carolina Sampson county. In Equity Spring Term, IS45. William Dawson and wife Mary and others, ve. Charles 11. Dutler and others. Petition for sale of land. On motion petition amended.' IT is ordered bv the Court that publication he made in the North Carolinian tor ix weeks, that un'ess the detenUant, John Butter, appear at the next term of the Court of Equity, to be held foi the county of Sampson, at theCcurl Hoete in Clinton, o i tht?6th Monday after the 4th Monaay of Sep tember next, and claim and phew title to the sum of3!4l 42, in th ' hands of thoClerk and Master of this Court, arising frosn the ealecfthe lands of Robert Butler deceased, the sil sum will be dis tributed among: tho other heirs at law ofs.iiJ de ceased. Witness, Patrick Murphy, Clerk and Mrster of the Court of Equity, for the county ol Sampson, at Office, the 5tb Monday after the 4th Monday of l;;reh, A D 1S45, and 69lh year of American Independence. PAT U ICK Al U ttt'ii V , U. M . iv May t7, 1845. 325-Gt. per" adv. S3 25. TO THE PUBLIC. FjrVlE Subscriber has just received Irem New JL York in addition to his former stock, fash ionable GOODS for ladies1 and gentlemen's wear. Also, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf HATS; Fashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and bleached Sheeting ; Linen 5-4 and 6-4 ; fine Irish Linen and Lon$ Lawns; Cambric Handkerchiefs, lk do.; heavy Russia Oanaburgrs, for servants; -.nuoa do.f fine Kid Gloves, Sjlk Mitts do. I TAYLOR. May 24, 1845. 326-3m. T 0 W N rUP i . . V . . Fayettevdu: .rtiZi ITti H clU' ! support exunded XVZ aon tmuance of their pttronae at . 7i i i . .r, ai ma new stand, (near- Bread, Rusk, Tea Cakes, Pound and Sponge Cakes, Water and Butter Crackers, &c, &c, And all such articles in his line as are usually wanted for family use. JOHN A.NEETZEL. Farndtea supplied with FRESH. YEAST on trie shortest notice.- . May 24, 1845. , 325:3m.- . ISiicourase Home Manufactures Gardner 3c McKetlian, H AVE lately m ide con.-i'irahle unprovem nt i" their slsl - of Work, and have now on hand a G -N ERA L ASSORTMENT, constsimg of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made in th- U Slate. Persons wishing to biiy, would do we'd to call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW forCah, orapiroved notes. Ilavinsrin our employ firt-t rate Smi hs, we are prepar- d to eio any lion work in the above line on moderate term?. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful worknunrh'p :?nd materials, fir one year. 1C7 REPAIRING fait hlid y executed at short uotiee, and on reasonable terms. Fayet vdfe, February S, 1845. y. FOR SALE. A LARGE assortment ..f OllOOivERY, GLASS, CHINA, S I'ONC, AND Q.UEENS VARE, com prising Dinner, T.-ii, Coffee, and Chamber Set?, together with almost rvf ry att:le in that line. 2'-) crates assorted for the Country trade. 6 dozen Flower Pots. 6 ditto Pickle Jars, with covers. C. LUTTERLOH. Fcb'y 15, 1845. 312 y, JACKSON JOHNSON HAS on hand At the Wag-on Yard, for HIRE, HORSES AND BUG!ES. ALSO, Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a vi w r f acriini"i'i latin persons u ishing passaffe lo attvol the neighboring Towns'. April I, 1845." 319-tf. LIVBRf STABLES. thos. J. Jlgcnl of the Lafayette Li eery Slables, RESPECTFULLY inform-' the pu'din, that he has a simply of e-i- I -nt Sadd'" and flames.' to tilllE ;"alrO, two Sulkies, one Bui'y, and will in a few days have two more splendid Eus:S'es to hire, on the following terms: For Horse, per day, St f1') Bujrsv, 4 4 44 Snlkey, " " llnrs-! and Bri'rnv.or Snlkey. 1 4 O 50 50 Horses will ue bearded on the following terms Board, p'rday, SO 50 .4 vveek, 3 t:0 ...v- J year, 125 0: A two horse Carriage kept for ths accommoda tion of those who may want passage to any p'acc ofTof the reauhir Stage lines. The Subsciiber's experience in the above busi ness, to-iethcr with bis complete tlock of Horses and Vehicles, will enable him to give full satisfac tion to all his patrons. Orders lor Horses and Conv-y antes will be at tended to, ifbfl at the Lafayette Hotp!. ' T.J. MIMS, Ag't. April 1 1, 1S45. 320 y. CLOVER SEED. 300 Lbs. RED CLOVER SEED, For sale by April 19, 185. GEO. McNEILL. N 0 T I C E . TAKLN UPautl commitled to t!ie Jail ol Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, the S6th day of January. 1S45, a nero man who says his name is SIAION, and says that h; was sold in Charleston to a man by the name of AlcKen2ie, and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his m ister. SaiJ ttejm w&s for merly the property of Benjamin Gatss of Camden, S. C. and was taken Irotn this plnce Inst February byAlrG iss. Said nero is about 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The owner of said negro is hereby notified to conic forward, prove property, pry charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29. lS15.--3IO-tf. SUMMER HATS. Just received from New York an assortment of fine double and single brim Leghorn Hats, and about 50 dozen Palm Leaf Hat , for sale low by , . JONES & DUNN. April 19, IS45. 320-tL ROBERT VV. RARDIE, BOOKSELLER AND STAT IONER, FJHfETTEYlLZ'jE, V. CV HAVING located himaell in Fayettevillr, en Hay street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book Store, will keep constantly on hand a general as jortment of Books and Stationery. He invites the public to call and examine his selections, whether desirous of pui chasing or not. - i . Being a Bookbinder, and prov ided withacomplet set of tools and apparatus, he is prepared to execute all kinds of binding, from the plainest to tho most costly.. . ... '. He solicits the patronage of bis fellowcttisens tf FayflttevilU and tha surrounding country. May. 17, 1845. . 2l-y'- Ss EXECUTIONS i OF ALL SORTS, For sale at the Carolinian Office. BEMOYAL. CLARK & McCALLUM, HA LG reuiived their Tailorin E-tablishment from their late Shop t-. th- bui tlr, formerly oc cupy d by Wm. L. C .fer, n ar!v opposite to the LataycMe Hotel, on May street, rcsp-ctlul y inform their (riend.- and cu-tomers, tha t thevwiM cnnlinu. lo tarry on the TA ILOIUNG BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable m;innr. They retum th. r thanks tor thn hh. ra! sliare of business they have received, and pl.-dge thcmse!v.- to merit a continuance of if. bv strict att nt;on and skid. Lat.t fish ions regular! v received from New Yor'i. Dec 14, 1841. 203-tf. BAR SOAP rBJlit.. subs-ii!. r oFer for salf? ONE HUN JU. DtlED B.OCESUF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the ,!Fayett --vt!h: (N. C.) Can-He F.u-torv," ami warranted qual it not su iei ior tti Col -ale's be-t No 1. Bei i; determined to devote all neeessavy atten tion tothe business, and off rir2 it at a Yedu- ed price, (5 cents a found h the box. he hopes to receive a due share of :uldit: nationa l iCp" All ordcrv thankfully received und prompt ly attended to. W !cL. MeKAY. Fayetfevilie, May 24.841 lOO.UOl) Acres Valuable FOK SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased ail the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Duboir, dse'd., lyins principally in R-jheson county, and1 on both sides of Lumber River, th diff rent surveys loo. taming over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; n 1 iro part finely Timbered, and con venient to Linger River, whej-e a largo quantity oi Timber i; .ow railed to tire Gemiretoivn mar ket. Tiiessj lainJs are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a larse part is will suited, bei.ijr in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of ih'j State. The Lands will be sold at a low pr'ce, and in qum ities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the t'. tie can be obtained by npplinr to the Hon. I? ober f Sti aue, James C D bbin, E?ej., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at I t!i:'ue2taii there are many f rspassets on these hi:nN, to r:!l of wliojti notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforce. t asainv! nil such oflTotid ?rs. Application fer any part of the Lands ck.ii tic mrnle to myself, or to John W inslow, Esq., who will be duly au:horizd to make f:d .-i r f t became. TITOS. J. CURTIS. Faycfevilk, N. C, March t, 18 ti. 3l4tf. NEW AND CHEAP JAMES KYLE Has just received by the last ar rival? fiom the Norih, a iare ai J sjuendid assort ment oi SPUING GOODS, A v.or.r which are Bdzrinep, Batiiste, French La wn, printed Muslins and Jacontts, ! 5 43 pieces Calicoes, 'Ji ps Irish Linen, Lawn?, Diapers, Table Cloths ami Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, block and cfdore.l .Silks, Silk Al its, Gloves, Cam bric an I Bobinct. Lace and E lmg, superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting-, K '.tueky Jeans, Nankeens, Krpskin Slippers, 6-4 to 3-4 bb ached and brown Slvrtinjj and Sheeting, Boots, Khoes, &c, nil of which beinit purchased for cash bv the package at pu die and private sale, will be off- red by wholesale or retail at low prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers. March 29, 1845. $5 EEWAKD. RAN AWAY from Mr James McDufiie, on the 7th of Decern- ber last. ,v neirro man ARCflY Lite llie I'jiop'rt of A. B bee di cM. Ho i Jibout 5 feet S or I f inch's high, has a hn smooth black face, with full prominent eyes, and is lame in one of his legs. He is supposed to be Inrk- JS3SaSSgBfer les. He is supoosed to be lurk- ing about Favetteville, N. C. A reward ofS-'O wfl! be i aid f-jr him if taken and lodged in any Jail i.i this State, or S-O if taken and lodged in Jail in any other of the Stat-.-s, so that I can et h m a?nin. J.M STRONG, Fa vet lev I!e, N. C, May 10, IS45. 3'20-tf NEW SUMMER GOODS. "WOLJLD call the attcittoii of tbo citizen w v 01 itiJ lown ano uie pur;ie jjen ra:tv, to his new and general sssoitment of seasotjable STAPLE J1JVU FJl.YCY JUDGMENTS Among which are, for ladies wear, Sdks, whue, Consig-irnsnts from abroad will be promptly at black, and fancy; Bazonres; lailetan, diffrent tended to. colors: Printed and Lace Lawns; Crape Lesse ; ; jpriJ 1 9 1815. 32I-y. Silk, Fillet, CrpeLesfeaed Alusljn d'Lam Scarf-;iwl "1 '. . : Muslin d'Lai.i, Silk, and Crape Lesse Shawls mm mm mn km fine Kid Gloves, assorted colors: very fine Silk dci.; XSl Ja W C3pw'Xjwa , ivibbons, richest Styes; uonn- ts do- tiemstttcheci uLaH'ii tiandKercntt-.s, ior tnu.es and genilemen Isi'ik Under Shirts, do. do ; Hair Cloth and corder -a a 1 I ! Skirts, superior quality ; Linen Cambric; Edgin and Footing; Laces and Inserting; French-works Collars: Bishop Lawns; Book, Jaconet, and Swi: .Muslin: plain plaid and striped Cambric : Bomba-J zme; Gimp anu Uitnp l.or:l ; Victoria Girdles ; Conv.-riain' a lare and extensive assortment of p'infed Alusiin; Calico of ad sorts; Ginghams, &c.;Dry Goods" Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, FOR GEJVTLE.WE.VS WEAR, -Shoes, Umbrellas, Parasols, Cotton end Wool SnnflT colored . sreert. invisible sn-cn. blank o,l Cards, w riting and wrapping Paper: Coffee and Mo.. Rrnnri Cloths. wooUdveJ. wide and fin... Hi,, ir and fancy Cassi meres, with a great variety of Lin en Goods tor coats and pants; Damask, silk, plaid silk and satin Vestings ; Suspenders; Gloves, as sorted; a great variety of Hats for summer ; fine caif and Morocco Boots and Shoes; Indies Slip per a and J. les; umnreitas; farasois and oun Shades. JIQCDa a S00 assortment of GKO CER1ES. - - ' April 19, 1845.- " - 32I-y. WANTED, JTMTi BUSHELS OF ASHES, imme diately, for tvbicha fair price will be aid. - - r W. McL MeKAY. - March 9,4. : ... . .. . fc . f3 tf. WjjtLf rtt.pecttui. ly inform the citizens of F ayetleville and thr public generally, that he has taken the st-md recently occupied by E. J. Clark, on G.dlepie Strct,5 Joors S uth of the Market Square, where he will stariv'"i r manufacture and kevp con- ...7. T ""ninff to purchase woul wouhi do well to J,,:. erminf "a-toc. before i.urehasi ele uihrn r ' "iasrncap as any ---., II t: I 4 llAlfirmi ik..! i . - ... iurrrm rii State. Pril"i!l5 "f '" ,,fiei- pattern. 4- ir-1 "-vl- b'" !ll:l ntirietlirn I .! C- " I i tiinn (i in if i GROCERY F1XTIT& CROCKER'S ' hi -ouisci-nernas taken the Store on Hay -U-str.-ct dircc:ly oPps:t his o d stand, where lie tflovv reecivimr a STOCK OF GOODS. n Consisting in part of BroH, Havana, loaf, crushed, and powdered Su gars ea; C.,fT,e; Pepper, Allpfe, . Ginger; Sale ra.u, Starch ; Salmon; Pickles; Olives; Ca pers , butler, water, and soda Crackers; Pe;;-p-r jfaauce; Camphor; fnd.o : Casia Nut- Citron ; Mace ; Swfe!'u')il C chewgand smokm-T..bMcco; Principe and Ha vanaJSegarv Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rapp.e Sniif! Sperm Candle; Powder and Shot: Eosom and ihle 5,al-s. Lamp Oil; Black fn- Vine -a r; Ala-Jira,. Sherry, and sweet Mala, Wines ; Al moBf., f-Uberts, and Madeim Nuts- saltpetre- sul nhu; lum : currant and O rtnoovy Jailer itiee; sardines, walnut Uvnmi I rpper ; rnrrnnts ; Musiatd; Siwar J i.nfe M. .lasses ; and a!mnf every article tn al v-raJfedfo- in a Grocery Store, which h- wjH -ell is low as any one in th placet lor Cash, or on ipprciveil credit. At.SD I CROCKERY. W. PRIOR. .v. 31 h, IS44. 298-v. TO TRAVELLERS Aid Sojourners in Fayetteville t. - lllVOT. tenter K. SMITH in rayettr viiie. Tier table is rd va ys -s s.no:t as market altoids She has good Fta- lies nui; inuers. tint a irxtii-i u... i i i ... i . pec! fuPy sol ;ets a cont:n:tance of public patronage .er regojcnce rs so w II known that it n.-efs no de-c.t-n-,. N0 ex -rt ions will be s . a red to -ive atastact ion. Fe!. I, 1815. 3'o-tf. & W. MCLAURIN RE now recivin- from New York am! Phila delphia m part, the f .1! M W 1 II it SPRLVG AXD SU3I3IER' pambrics. Muslins, plaid Silks. Lawns. Irish ami Brow jj Lrnrns, Shinintis and StVuin".-, white and brown Hose a-w! ha f Hose, purple; black, and fancy colored Victoria Prints, Gambroons, Nan kins, Marseilles, silk, and black satin Vesting, finj, plain, and inured Silk Cravat-, SusuenrieTs' ?,,Pp"rir and Pins, black, blue, rten, and mv,":',''! J-'recn Cloth, t l.iin and fancy sef!S.,nHble """""" . ""S"ionatie ats, Shoes and Bonn, ts, ome vi rv fine. 50 Bas Rio Coffee, 1 do. Lauira arid Java, 8 Hhds. St. Croix, P. Rico and N O Sugars, 10 Hhds. .Molasses, r jt . " nacaa viir, ? 1 "" wed.-s Iron, &e. &c. Together with Hardwirz, Cutlery and Crock. ert ; with fine Liquors and Wines of . 't'erti rtm,.in',n . eitiy Hescupuo. e are connaent that the qualities o! tne Lroods will p! piea-e, :inr are oeicrniined ttiat ine prices shall be satisfactory to tho-e who c.dl. D. & W. MtLAURIN. 321 -v. April 19, 184.. A. M. CABIPB ELL Having hetiii nppoi.itecJ AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayetlevil'i-, is prepared to attend to the sa'eof aey goods which mav bu eiitrustd to 1 - i!(Tl jrOMN HP STARK HAS received bv the lite arrivals from NewVork, his stock ef SPRING and SUMMER GOOD S, Sugar, Dni9 and Medicines, Sec. &c, tvel! worthy jtbe attention of country Merchants which -will be one red at low prices lor cash a- country produce. April 19, 1845. . - I HAVE just revived the dw style of H AT BLOCKS,, and now finishing Gentlemen's tflper.fine FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, received br last arrivals, a great variety of rurtoi;K, funtmi, legborn, ana farm jueai nan, - . . -er a:l ot which have been purchased on such terms as to enable me to eel! very tHMr. " . i DAVID GEF-. May 17, 1845. 3S5.tr I ... ' . O I , - t3 JUST RECEIVED; J cask sup rsor i reni h ,,,1 7 i do P. tt Win-, . " da Madeim do., i " do Ma. ana do. sale nt the luwc.-t plci s by For iVM. MARSH. lay 17, IS 15. 3?5-3w. NOT ICE . j THE Subscribers take this oppmtnnity of reusrn- in;? incir warmest thanks to fiieir fncnri.s and pa trons, and tin- public irem-rally for their liberal pa tronage b stowed upon them ; als. for the kind syu pith e manifested to th iu in the late i-;i!h ity in the iiestrctim of tb-ir entire St c' of Good on (h ni..rniiir of the 19th inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford. Cat.t. U. S. Ord.. and Mr G A "chw:r!zman, tf U S A rsenrd, for ther kindness in "iviii'i them nof.c-, am! others in the vtirn und-rn- neil.borhool t.t the fire, by th di-charep oi cannon. Having ope-mi the Store n.aily oppo si'e, tfiey hep. soon to resu i-e business, and ouM most repppctfui'.y solicit ihe patrotiaeif their fi iend- and the pub! c, and shall hnpe to merit a F.V.re f roiii i- patpn.re. They h:.vn on hand in th. jr Wa-chouse, Salt, Iron, Mola ses, Sn ir, SmiThs' Iivl!,)i-s a id Vises, Lo Chains. 6 sune- ior Wrought Iron VVljll Cranks. AIo, Anvily, .Vises, Trace Chairs; and heavy articles ol Hardware, partiallv llama .red in the tire, all of which hey wii! se'i low for Cash or Prwl-cf. They wouh! also earnestly requ st nl! those indebted to tin m bv note or nc conn to make immediate pavment as it will enable thfin to dose thiir former business nnd ruc r mence. and hope those indebted will tike the earliest opportnn'ty to settle their neeonn's. J. H. & J. MARTINE. A arch I, IS 15. 3!4-tf. ALSO, They have just received, t,Ie superior Bridg port . ply Seitx, Twine, 3 co ls St-am Packing Y"arn, A1anila,Seine,and R;if t!.o.;. hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp OP, 10 hr.ls. Train Oil, 7U0 ga'ls Linseed Oil, Wh. Meniere's real Cotton f;rds, CiffL-e .Miils. cast good Wagon nn-1 Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 2l bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment of 8w dvs and Eng lish Bar lion ; tojr th r with n hevy Stock of flut, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Roils, contained in shed joining their Siore, 'oj.: slightly injured." Mcsnovai. MAUL & MA1LIL "TnRrOlJLD inform the pub'ic th it they hav WS moved frri :h' ir old stnd to the slo t' lately occupied hy Aievsrs C J & R M One!', -jt. known as the Yel!ov Buildings. Having largelv increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements Jn (he way ot trade, f hat will be to the Intiret of purchasers generally to give tacrn a ca i. 1 heir stocii will consist pa it ef 10 Tons Sweden and Er.oljah Iron, 5'0 ibs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel, 500 Ps. Ho'h.w Ware, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, , 40 Bags Shot, assorted', 15 Kegs Powder, 'o 11.. PnoAm q..i 3-'0 lbs. Alum, . IH0 lbs. Borax, 1500 Ibs. Copperas, 1 50 lbs Indian, I C:isk Sal.-iratus, 50 sides sole Lentbcr, 75 Bajs Rio CofrVe; If. Hhds. Porto Ric &;;gar, ' in OQ0 lbs. stifle and double reined and Cofli 'crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool S;dt, , 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vii.is, Anvils, Cc.t'O" Card?, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Haillock's Syrup and Powil.-rs. Cass-a, Camphor, CastorO:!, Paints, Putfv, Drugs, &c.&c, Sept. I I, 1344. " 290 JONES DUM NFORA1 their customers and fiends that they zire now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF 600DS; And as most el tin in f.av been bought fnm ihe manufacturers and importers, they will be offered ow. Ci'l fd see. Our stock is not h- avy, l ot a good variety will be found .upon examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the late ris in prices, we car afford hi-m jis low as any hcuse in the j.Ijcc AVc return our flmnks to our old friends, and assure tnein no pains or fxe'tions on our pint t hall be spared to iiive general satisfaclinn :ts heretofore. We have now on hand .all fresh and in oo I order,) Rio and Cu'a Coffje ; , Porto Rico New Orleans, and Loaf Sugar; Teas. Indigo, Madder, Coppi-ras,' Rice, C mile-'. Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, it.C. &C. &.K. : . STAPLE $ F A JVC Y DRY GOODS. A:r;o-ig wii'ch ar 15' piece- Ca'irnes, (s. me veiy fi ie, and r-.-div beautiful prints.) V ctoria Al paccas, plain and fiiir- d; Alusiiu d'Lane ; Gj ham; Iiish Linn; Lti'ii aid coffin DiilS; L'ncu and cottun, checked and striped D I'l ; Nankeen ; ' Iue, whi e, si.d co' 1; rod J-ans ; Jacrt; Book, Cioss-bnrrd, 3. id figured Niulms; B--f "1 jekin-; ; Apron Check; c-lor-d C.im'rick ; white, black, and mix'-d Hose and lialf Hre ; linen, silk, and i-ot'on G!iV'-f; silk . and cotton, pocket and drcs Handkerchiefs, a great vart'ty: fany Cravats and Scarfs; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp: Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Cdgii y ; tine, h.tir, f-idc. and reading Combs; bleached and nnbleacht d D-msica ; Broad Cloths ; Sattint ; Kentuc ky Jeans, &c. &c. Flormc-e, fine straw, i-iik. w i'low anil other B'umets of the latest Styles ; a splendid assortm- nt ofartificial flowers. A hi a gornl assoitmeiiT of Slippers; A!roccoand leather Simes, Brogans, Boots, tiats,&c. Sli. r- Hardware Cutlery. Trace and haller Chains: Hoot: Nails; tab!cnd pocket Cutlery; German silver. BritatinM, and ron tea and table Spoo: Razors ; rin stock, closet. c hest, and pad Locks ; SWp Shears ; Drawing Knives j cutting Knives; corn ana grass Bcyn-; GimbleU; Latches end Bolts; Brads; Tacks, & NOW. IN STOKE, 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico 6oar. 3 do . do New Otleeae - do. JO Bags green Rio Coftve. - 4 Hnde. Molasses, a prime artiels, -000 Lbs. prime corn-fed Bacon, lPCO Lbs. white Lard, in flmina, ' 15 Bble Whiskey, 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, : ? : r 3 ' do. Si: C Rum. - : ' ' SO Sacks Liverpool Salt at 'ear o"d stead, foot c: naymount. Apri? 19, 1345. ' r ... , " M.t-.tf. IMPOKTAMT TO LIMBER MENi THE S't ribi i, h. yirg iln std Ife vi iv suu- sfii: i n ..r H OTc HK Ir-S S V EIU L CAL WATER U HEi: LS. at AtchiUld G;a! an."d Mill n Fuy te ilie, in A a ai t J n luM, wtre iii Ji..--d to pur-h: s J-.- iiigl 1 o ht f-nt-re Stut of Nor h Cum i i.-i, iu.d 1 w fi" r riidii f rtia! Ril.t Stfcte.. ts r iuio on vtrv r ts iii.b t m.s. i In v 1 m now on bard ii. ve t n u l! si Is ol Win t fj, : and have made urrungf nicr.ta to kc a ioubtat.t sup ply. ' " Bes des being gpn rally sd pied in the Noilhern States tl ete s.rr 1 lr ady .ui vemv s in si.ct esfl -opera'ion in lid- S'utt-. s.nii ei lf o hers in ivum 01 er cion. Tin- a-tonislier inupt r.id - e. l .f these l.eels bs, Lecn wi ss. rf I. homhet's -! citzns of this State, v.ii'i iirivrsHt if jr 1 11 ancn. And we titjne all m I n n. f. r 1 n m nei-f in iho" sul jr-it to ejtnnrin f! e Ali!!s of Aii'iYT Gn:lsm Coj. A I ar Alnr b x.r , Cl.t toj I f r A'l-nttJcAlVr Wil'iarns. Arch'd l Ltt".re. J. RirCWn.-tJ ' 1 Jrl ri' Cad.-, Mrs. EfTv Mi Fneii. in 'l is Cm ty ;ClC John C MiLhuh'o, in Ricbn-ond County . J In.s C. Smith in B atei. C un v ; and Hnr!jr lioya'i in Sampson County ; to aeb of whom we Hef. r r Inforiiialiiin as to the j tt-cl operation id tttse Wheels. - t : Persone wh. apply .soon frr Rights can have th m jut up hy work nit u m ho have been instruct cd f Air Hi-tot kis htmsi If. . :'' The Prpr:ftors of the right of l!i;s Wheel in the! State ef Nor'h Carolina, have reie.vtd the fo.'lowi ing cerlificnti : . - :.: Fnyettevdler Feb.'y 3, 1&45," I We, the Subscribes, n siding in the Cohuty i f Cumberland and Stutc f Notih Cari''ina, having ' bi-en engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for ma ny yeais, feel fullv warranted in stnting, that HcHriV kiss's VERTICAL, WATER WHEELS, and. their np.pend.a5, ate wo. thy of the paln.nage ef all .i-iFI i.wri' rs, iind ihat we hive full eontidei co in their sup ri'-rity ; that the value nfAtilauiJJ ho veiy niui-h inbanced by ihi jr introdiu-liotl. , Ihiy u'c irifirc durabl-, and easier krpt in 01 tier whin 1 rep-dy put t"g th r than the cnsimrn Flutter Vfirl:they wjri suv at lesist c.ne-third rft!ie wa'u, nnd run wl! in back water whm there Is a brad above. The si ted of the Saw is increased fiom one-half to ftoutdf ih. sti kes per roii.atw. ALEX. WfLl IA.V S, z DUNCAN MUN ROE. - CHRISTOPHER. MUNROE, : JOHN Mi FAD'S EN, C P. MALLETT. -ARCHIBALD GUAHAM JOHN AIeD VMEL. ? ALEX'R AsURClJI-ON ARCH'D McLER AN. DAN L Mi-DIARMID, : -ANGUS CAMERON, - ? r (AlilwiLlil.) JOHN C.McLAURIN. ' ( 1.' ichmohd County.)' THOMAS C. SMI I H, (Bladen Cvnnfy .) " They - V-ave also rec ived a cert fwafe from Col. Alexander Murchion, (which will be pi blit-hcd". hereafter amongothers in handbill foini.) in which h speaks ofilii-as ''ihf "renl'-t't . In prov.ment made on Saw Mills in my his time say s tfiat -his Saw will cut S00U fret in a rfii'v ; it actually cut--.' on. the day hrf-re he wr"te. 4tS3 le I of I inch dunrter Bnards ; makes 240 strok.s in n minutej. ' hat one half" of the wutcr isavd; and conclbdrs -1 by reenmmr ruling, its sitoptu.n to A. ill ewn ts. 7.7. .."1v",w" ".--e been prcm will be publish d hcreflft r. - archibald a? l a uch lln duncan McNeill, ' ' AfRED A' KETJIAN. Fayetfieiilif, March 15, 1845. 316-tf " The f.dLwin? article from Ihe N. Y. Tribune of the 4th uli., will show ir what est in.aiion these VV heels are juU by the bih auihcuiry of the Anier -Can Institute : Fr-m the N. Y. Tribuni. " - HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. Thts hee', aft,r hain been adi ptid by soroo :iindri d- of null owners r.n the D leware, Suscue lannah, and in i.fbcr lumherins lt t-ionsi, was pie seated lor con'ictiifofi qt tha ate fair of 'he Amer ican Institute, and there wus awarded two pr m - . iumn by oiff.rent C mruiilei first , as the b t Water Wheel f'-r Saw M ilN; wconrlly. as beinff one of the five best mv- ntions submitted nt ll.o Fair. It has been rxl nsiv ly adopted iu Ihe great pin districts of the South"; and He rapid abd' UiO'th -xei u'ion, p rrect imnninity from ice or , back water, and nlher ccen- mie. are securing it a - -very seneral preference. The Inventor is now on bis wav south, and ma v be addressed nt Auiuta. Ga. r at his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. V. Its advantage s are FUiiimi d as fol'ow $ : . - I. the Vertical Whe. lien used for sw Mills, requires no cearinj to nioduoe frc.m 175 tb' 3i' strokes of the saw per minute, r 2. I Hey ar as cheanly const ru ted as tli mm. - inon Flutter Wheel, snd wj! ilo doulde the toei- ' ness with the same ndar.ta;e of ihe w at r. , 3. Back water ia no impediment whtn there it a han above." . 4. lc csnnof frm on t!ie who's.' - ft. They occupy Uss space than a Flutter Wl.ec I Mill. 6. The increased speed of the s-w maks bitlsr lumber, c t the same distanre with Ies resistance ... and the saw-d usf i freely thrown eff which often -returns' wiih'the saw,ca'using it to bind and heat, ' with slow M; Is. iv 7. They can h placed on the shaft, of a v mnrmn -Flutter Whi-el Ali!f if in good orer, ard Imr ,Pr on th same henri.is ifsuflieiently strong to sua t&in the power rf the wlife??'." - 8. The wheels beinz'of east iron. willIaHt an age. They also conii'nt the rpiiiie Fly or Balaree Wheel,'. ettS'rinj? s uniform 11.0'ion, in a!! parts of -each revolution. -. 1 9. The Introduction of m ie r'r-duo-d f" tC '' plain system, sn that If the V-ad of wati r is kncvn, the result is a mslhemaf 'eel erlainty. - - -j 10. Ay workman having the patterns. model, and table" of calculaii'-n. ran adapt mills to any location with perfect success." 1 1. The im prosed mode of feed in is much ap proved of hy !.' who hare adopted it. Just receive-1 on consignment, the riinr int works of two four horse W a sons. A Tse, one fiur hb'se. Waeon wiih cover," Itc comnl-ie. ready fr the road. AM f which arc wa-r-inted rf the I ct ma terial and workmanship, and will be sold low fur casn. JAS. S.GRANT. March 15. 1845. II. 36-tC Just Received on Couagnmen r, French Brandy' HoUand Gin, ; , American Brandy, v March !ft. 1845.: S16-tf. M IL A N K R. W. HARDIB : Huitre; reived a'anpnly ohZZ?Jj Clerks, Sheriffs, j "T r rr w MMftnd well eiec-s--" . - - w . .5. . i 'i. ' P t . I ..- ... . . . "r. T". - - " ' x - -.v. v: , y- ' ,K ' - y. - T. - V"- ' - - i. r S?t - 4

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