1 ' . . - ,, I.. j ! ii j JIH-TITTT uuzcmSrrr11 - V f--i" 1 Jm.Lm i .u . inm I ,5. ! mmry-.. : y- "CHARACTER- IS'- AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO l.Vni TipiTALS; : AM) Til F. G LORY OF T !IE S T A T E IS T HK COMMON' PROPFRTV'OF "ITS CITIZENS BY W3I II I5AYNE FAYETTEVILLK, -SATURDAY, JUNK 2'l, IS4;". f Volume 6 JTuixibei,v330 TERMS OF THE XOUTH CAROLINIAN " Per annum, if paid in ailvar.ce, Sci 50 if paid at the end of six months Z 0 at llio ciid of the year 3 5'i Rates of Advertising: Sixty cents per siju.tre for the first, an I thirty cents for each autM'-'qu'-nt insertion. Advertising Jv th: yar a V.I le charged afcordnir lo tlia q-i inttty of niattor inserted. Court advertisements, &c, 25 per cut higiicr. I N D E M N I T Y Against loss or (lamae hy Fire. THE WILLIAMSBUUG FIPtE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C A V IT A !-$ 1 05 ,0 O O. OTice in Grand near First Street, Williams- .burg, opposite Ike Citjyr of JVexo jj-ftncii if't)icK tVtl's f'i:riliri', HI ForA-. ru' at., JYew York. LI RECTO 113 : Coristlau Z1iifcku.-, Abi'm T. Bo?kprt:k, Aodrow (J. IJ.nntli:, Francis Str-inheil, Frfrlerielt W. Eavi-:, Jerfitni-th Johnson, John Sk il 1 1 n a n, Sfnl. Wiih-ts. S mil H. Cl:ipj, J oti .1 L.;!rett, Chh. O. Handy, TjiiimiL-1 itii:liard3')n , Nicholas Wvckoll" LEMUEE RICH ARDSON, Pr. s't. AvDnF.w 15. TIoooE,.S-c'rv. WASHINGTON POST, Aijont, New York. THE Williamsburg Fireliisuratu.-e Compuny, having i n:irporntcl by an act of tlio Lpjj;is!a - tur; of the State of New York, for the purposes of Fire I u -u rancf:, the Directors offer to Insure their flloiv-cirizi;!i ihro'ihout the Uiiited ftt;ilor Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On IJ'iildinijH, C'0od- and Mcrcinn'lie, and Pcr onl Property iT uerally, assiirinj llicm that the uffiirs of tho Cinauy. sSall be conduct frd wiili u ;'i fairno3, candor and liberality as thoy trusst will t'lititl; it to p-iiliccoiifi If rice aon patronage. The Subscriber, Aetit for the above Coiri pany, will jive any fn ther information that may ba desired by tliose wlin wist to 1'iaiirn. J A M i: S M A II V I N E, A iient, Hay Street. Feb. S, 1315. 31 l-ir. ROBERT A. STUART HAS removed to ttie-Store on Tirson street, ro e. iuly occupied by Col. S. T. Haw'ey and nraily opposite the Cape Fi ar Bank, wh rf he can supply the wants of all his M: Iimiuts in the TV . v ji j J t J i v-i uu vuji a jt j. x j Alivi, -i noice supply ol reioinu ijtnnors mm -x. t t . 1 " " ii nd V ine.-. 8 do.. Stuart & McOary's Old Port Wine. Ap-il 06, 3 t5. 3 -?:-t-tf. State of Tortli CarOliiiaSainpson county. Court oj Equity Spring Term, 1S45. Patitck Alurphy, administrator of Wm. .MG'ee, dee'd, vs. Thos. Slat foul, iid'm of T'n.s McGee, decoas :d, and otle-s the next of km andd stiibu- Bill to account. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Tliiis. Stanford and wife Dorothy, two of ihe defendants in this suit, reside beyond jh.- limits of this State, it i therefor.? ordetfcil by the Court that publication be made .r six weeks tn the jN orth Carolinian, published in Fayctteville, tluit the said def.-nda ot s .In appear at tbe next tenu of the- Comt ol Equity for the count v o" Sampson, to iie hebl at the Court House in Clinton, on the(th M outlay attcr e 4th Al onday ol September next, then and t here to answer, pierui, or demur, or el.-e tliis bill will be taken pio coii:esso, and heard exjatte as lo I hem. Witness, Patrick Murphy. C!e:k and Mastor of the Court of Equity for the county of Sampson, at Office, the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday ol March, A D, 1315, and 09; h year uf Amci ican I n Icpendcliee. PATRICK MURPHY, C. M. E. May 17, 1345. 335-0t- pr. adv. .-S: -25. Stale of N ortli Carolina Sampson count)'. In Equity Spring Term, 1S45. "Willi jn Dawson ami wife Mary and others, vs. Charles H. Butler a ud others. Petition for stle of land. -'-On motion ni tition amettiicd. IT is oidere I In' the Court that publication be made in I Im North Carobntan lor six weeks, that un'ess tbe detendaot, John Butler, at car at the next term r.f the Court of Equity, to ie held foi the count y of Saoipseu, at ilio Cotirt Horse in Clinton, oi the 6th Monday after the -ith Monday ot Sep te nber next, and claim avi.l s!te' titlo to the sum of "Si 41 li, i i th hn Is .t the Clerk and Master of this Court, ansiiiii f om the sale of the lamfs tf il ib-jrt 15 itler il c -ased, the s i; mi n wiil be di-;- trifrifeu aiBoti t.i; oi her h.:jr.s nt Ian e:"s .id tie cea'd. Witness, Patrick Murphy, Clerk aid M.-jter of the Court oi" Equity, tor the county o Sampson, ut fliee, the 5tn .ionday after lh- 4th Monday tif March, A D IS 15, and GOth year ol American Independent e. PATRICK M.URPIIY, C. M. E. May 17, 1 345. 3 ib -Gt. per attv. $3 in. TO THE. PUBLIC. rTBlllli Subserth r has just received Ir.'in N "IHE Subscrih r has just received Ir.-m Nev JL York in addition to his former stock, fah- ionah'e G( t)DS for ladies and gentlemen's we.ir. Also, Paiiuin i. Lechom, and Palm Leaf HATS ; Fashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and bleached Sheeting ; Linen 5 4 and G-4 ; fi ie Irish Linen and Lon Li wns; Cambric H.mdkerchieis, Silk do.; heavy Russia Osn:iburgs, for .servants; common do.; line Kid Gloves, Silk Alilts do P. TAYLOR. May 21, 1845. oio-Jill. TO W N Taco . V. n , i?c er re'"rns thanks to the citizens of .ior?,.rtV . a?d,its '"''y he very l.betal iSr fit lowarda h,,' a,'d so1'"'8 a con, l.nnante of tbeir p .tronaoc at his jtftp stand, .near- Bread Rusk, Tea Cakes, Pound . and Sponge Cakes, Water and Cutter Crackers, &c. And all such articles in his l,e n arc uimllv' wanted fur famtJv use. J JOHN A. NEETZLL. mj Fnmilica supplied with FRESH .YEA ST on t in shortest notice. . --," . . , May 21, 1345. 325-2m. fgs Home Manufactures G-etrdner 8l 2cSetlian? HAVE lately tn tde consickrabie inj)rovrm-r.l in thf-ir Ftvl: of Work, and hnvc now on hand a GX EUAL ASSORTMENT, oosss iiig of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, GigsSulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for ilegar.ee of shap and finish, and dura- t;- xv-1 1 ,! i r,n f. -a it i ; v iru'ic i' n'-' u oia tea. li-hlil-. tfl I)I1V h. II il tin A'lii to ail and examine our work, aa we hve determined to e'l T.OW fr Cash, or approved note. Ilaviiijr in our employ firi-t iate Smi ha, we are t I 1 . l , r. e tin,. n prepared lo uo any iron ui k hi t.ic awv..v. noderutc term?. . , W: warrant ail our work to be of good and fatn- ful woikm-uirhip and l'laterial-, for one year. ICJ REPAIRlNti taiiblui y exceuteo ai tmou notice, and en reasonable term-.. Fave tcville, February 8, 1845. y. FOR SALE. V LARGE assortment .if tJIIOCKEUV, GLASS, CHINA, S TONE, AND Q.UEENS WARE, com prising Dinner, TrR, Coffee, and Chamber Sets, together with almost evrry article in thflt hue. 2' crates ansoited (or the Lountry traoe. G dozen Flower Pot? 0 ditto Pickle Jars, with covers. C. LUTTERLOII. Feb'y 15, I S 15. 3 1 2 y, JACKSON .JOI1XSOX HAS on hand at the NVagon Yard, for HIRE iiokses and i5t:c;nii'"s. Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a view it aeeommodatin r persons iauin pasajxe to a n v of the neiibo! I.i; iowns. April I . 1845. - 319-tf. I AVERY STABL .Igcnl of ihe Lifajellc Lh-ery Stables, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that be has a supply of excellent Saddle to til RE :also, two Sulkies, o t mi laarness norscs ie Buvl'v, and will I r t. . . in a lew days hive two niortf-fplendid Buggies to hire, on the folio" inir terms : For Horse, Bu-gy, Sul k ey Horse -.or day, SI fo 50 50 and Begy, or ,- So! 1 Horses willoe boaub Hoard, p' r lay, ' 4 wee);, " month, " " vear. d on ihe fo lowi.ig term SO 50 3 t il 111 Ml) 1-25 t) I A two liorse C::rrtaire kept for the accommoda tion of those who may want passage to any pace off of the regular Stage lines. The Sub-cribci'-s expersent e i n tbe above busi ness, to o-ther with hts complete Mock of Horses and Vehicles, will enable him to give fill satisfac tion to all hi ? patrons. Orders for Horses nod Con v vticcs wi 11 be at tended u. it'll ft at ihe Lafavctte Hofel. ' T. J. A11MS, A't. April 1 1, 1345. 3-20-y. CLOVER SEED. Lb-. RED CLOVER SEED, For sale by April 19, IS'. 5. . GEO. . MeNElLL. 0 T I C E. TAKEN DP and committed to the Jail o! Cumbcr'a-.id county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26th day of January, 13d5, a nero man whrsavshis name is SIAION, an "l savs that b was sold jtt Charleston to a man by the name of Alclvenzie, a nd was carried to Alabam i or Ger ia and I hero left his m ister. Said ncru for-nierlvto-- property of Benjamin Gass of Cam. let). S. C. n.-i l was taken Irom this place last February ! !y M r G iss. Said nero is about a fei t 4 inches high, d irk eotopb-xion. and about 45 or 50 years of Hije. Th own. r of said ncro is hereby notified to co oe torward, prove property. p?V charges, and take bun awav, ur he will b tlealt with accorninir to law. V. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. " Jan. 2D, 18 15.--3IO-tf. SUM 31 I'll HATS. Just received from New York tm assoifment ol fine double and single brim Leghorn Hals, and about 50 dozen Palm Leaf Hat, tor sale low by JONES & DUNN. April 19, 1S45. - 320-if. ROBERT W. IIARDIE, OOZBI-HDSI-Po''': BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, i- FjI yTTE ItEtJE9"J V. EL AVING located himself in Fayetteville, on Ff a v street, 3 doors from Mr Hale's Book tore, will keep constantly on hand a general as ortmenl of Bo;ds and Stationery. He inviies ihe Jtiblic to callarirf examine his selections, whether desirous of pnrchastng o" not. v.- - -" . Being a Bookbinder, and provided with a complete set of tools and apparatus, he t prepared lo execute all kinds of binding, from "the plainest to the most cosily. " - . - -. He solicits the pal ronage of his foRowcilizf t:s 3r r ayettevnte and the surrounding eountrv. May 17, 1845., . - ' J " 6 1- '"- i i JUDGMENTS it EXECUTION'S OF ALL SORTS, tor sMe n f r7. t Cavoliiiizn T CLARK & 3ICCALLU3I, HAVING removed their Tailoring listabli.hn:e:d from their late Shop to the building formerly oc cupied by Wm. L. Cofrr, neatly opposite to the Lafayette Hotel, on Hay street, resp'-ctlu!y inform their frieods and oust cmers, t hat thev wi'i continue lo carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashi lr-.ah'o manner. They return the'r thanks, for the hbera! sha.-e ot business they have received, and pledge theuiselves to merit a continnancc of it, by strict attention and skill. Latest fashions reo'ai 1 v received from New York. Dec I I, I S I 1. " 203- ti. BAR SOAP. nilK subseiib.-r off.-rs for sale ONE HUN DRED BuXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac- .tired at the "Fnyettevi'ic (N. (.'.) Candle F icfory," ant! warranted i fjuul if not su pcrior to CJolate's best No. I. Bei to-determined to devote a!i necessavy atten tion to the business, and oG 'ting- it at. a reduced price, (5 cents a rotmil !v tin; box,) he hopes to receive a due. share of public patronage. dp' All oideie ; ha ;ik full y received and prompt ly attended to. W. AicL. McKAY. Fayetteville, M;,y 24,8-51 100.000 Acres Valuable e?5 "T" LAUDS THE Subscriber lias purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, tlse'd., lyinir principally in R-ibeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different surveys ton taming over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a l.iriro part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a htrec quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. Thefts hi ti'.ts are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a lame part is well suited, bei i in a region where the Tu rpentine yields more a!)iindar:tly than any other section of th : Sta'f. The Latids will be sold at a low pree, and in q i i n ' 1 1 ies to suit prirehasers. Intormation respeeMuj; the title can be obtained by appUiuff lo the Hon. Robert Straus'', James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq.. (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are man v t respassers tin these land-, to a!! of whom notice is hereby ejyen, tha' the I a' wdl be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of Ihe Lands can be made to mvsol!'. or to John "Winslow, Esq., who will be d-ity mi'borized to moke s-nie. c.f tlie fame. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayercvflle, ICTVrviare1 I, ISl.i. "5 fv-li. NEW CHEAP JAMES KlTlE lias just received hy the last ar- riva's from the North, a lare and splendid assoit-nii.-nt ol SPRING GOODS, Among which are Bdzorines, Battiste, French I-i w n, printed Muslin - and Jaconets, 1513 pieces Calicoes, 1D2 ps lri-h Linen, Lawns, Diapi'ts, Table Cloths an. I Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, j bh.ek and colored 6"iiks, Silk Alits, Gloves, Cam- I brie and Bobinet Lace and E tg'ng, sujterliue Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting-, K'tituiiky Jeans,! Nankeees, Kipskin Slippers, G-4 to 3-1 bleached j ar.dbro.vn fchriingand Slnteting, Boots, Shoes,! &..-., all of which beinn tmrcliascd forcash bv thej package at f u';!ic and private sale, will be off red tiy wtmlesale or retail at low prices lor cash, or on time to punctual customers. Alarcii '29, I 845. IWARD. RAN AWAY from Air James McDuffie, on the 7th of Decent- f last m y negro man ARCH Y lite ihe piop'ilv nf A. B bif he'd. Tie is about 5 feet 8 or Id nches lui:, i.as a long smno'ii black face, with full prominent eyes, and is lame in oneof-his '&SSSS legs. Hois supposed to be lurk ing about Favetteviile, N. C. A reward of S'2' w ill be paid fjr him if taken ant: indeed in any Jail i:t this State, or 50 if taken and loc.eed in jail id any other of 1 he Stat' s, so thai I can vet h rn again) J- M STRONG, Pave! lev lie, N. C, Mav 10, ! 5-li S2b-tf NEW SUMMER GOODS. "nSTOULD call the attention of tiie citizen; V w of the to'vn and ihe public gen rally, ti his new and .general sssoitmtnt of seasonable t STAPLE AJs'D FAJVCY Anioug which are, for Indies wear, S iks, h'i, black, and fancy; Ba'zortnes; Tailctan, d.ff re colors: Printed ar.d Lace Lawns ; Crape Lesse Silk, Fillet, Crape Lese tteuM m'in d'La-n Scarf-; Alosiin ei'Laii., Si. k. and Crape Lese Shawls; fi teKid Gloves, assorted colors; v:-rv fine Silk d j i Ribbons, lichest styles; Bonn- ts do.; Hemstitthel Lawn Handkerchie's, tr ladies and gentlemen 5 silk Under Shirts, do. do.; Hair Cloth and cordel Skirts, tmp.-rior qua'iti ; Linen Cambric; EJgin antl Footing; Laces and Inserting?; Fr. nch-workel Collars; Bishop Lawes; Rook, Jae-oej, and S .Muslin: plain plahl and striped Cambric; Bomba zine ; Gimp and Gimp Cord ; Victoria Girdles'; p'iot' d -Muslin; Calico of ail sorts; Ginghams, Str. FOR GEJVTI,EME.YS WEAR, ' SnufT co'ortfl, green, invisible green, black an ! blue Broad Cloths, wool-dye !, wide and fine; b'acs and lancy Cassi mere, with a great vatiety of Lin en Goods tor coal and pints;. Damask, sdk. plaid silk and sai'tn Vestins; Suspenders; Gloves, as sorted ; a great variety t,f Hats for siunm-r ; fie calf and Morocco Boots and SHopbj Indiec Slippers and Ties; Umbrellas; Parasols and Sun Shad s. ' 4Qti2CDo 0 a00 assortment of GKO CKKIKS. J - , April t3, IS45. 321 WANTED. SnibSi BUSHKLS OF ASHES, imi,e- MXJ:r diatelvy for which a fjir price will be aid. W. ML AlrKAY AND G.OODS i floods na'Tiiiii.ii . .r. ! v iefcrfri tliR c-itucfii of h' ay it c f! 1 o a r: tl the beblic jerady, tbat us has inken' "-ife oy tu. J. Ciark, on (j-dlespte gB-.L.SUctt, 5 doors S.-oitn of the Ai arket Siqiia re, v. fcet e I, a will : manmaci lire ano Keep con Oil l ino .;ll assul infnl r.t A X D SHEET IRON .WARE. t.SO!) s wish in to rr.... ,.l j. i . r f - lo well to i -ciu examine ! Wiiei; j!Cjs lif,. js --toe.-; beto; e purchasiiii; els.e ertJiiueei tu se II a s t heap a s any r in tii - Slatet entirely new pattern. unne in the aslest slv c sn.i l.ptt Also GLTT'i RLNG. 1344. oflIv XRW GROCERY IT & CROCKERY THJ Subscriber has taken the Sloi stf.-et diuctly opposite his old sti e on Hay cnnas ti- !is t't o. ,.i ...i he is n.w reeeivin"- a .STOCK Or GOODS. j Consi.siing in part nf orown. Havana, loaf. eriishH r.r i c. gars; Ta Cr.lt re: PoiiniT. AH'-iie. ri:.,.r... t ratus ; Starch ; Salmon; Pickles'; Olives'fCa pers ; Imttcr, water, and soda Crackers - Pep per; cance; Camphor; Indigo ; C.is-ia - Nnt mes, Citron ; Ma(:e : Sweet" ami Castor' Oil chewiipml smoking Tobacco; Principe and Ha' vanaSegar; Scotch, Maccoboy, and Rappe Snufl;perm Candles; Powoerand Shot; Epson, and UJe Salts. Lamp Oil; Blackinsr; Vine-ar; "''Jna- nt:rry, ana sweet ,Ma!a-'.-i AVrines - AI- i iousk .vj masses :i n d aiinost every article usu- ally clied fo in a Omeerv Store, which he will sell a.'ilow ag any one in to placet lor Cash, or on apiroved credit ALSO W. PRIOR. 238-v. 9tl) 1344. T unci Xml Sojoiiiiiers in FayeUovilii) MSS. E. SMITH is still prer.arcd to enter tain Centlcinen and indies fravelltno- through or se:of::;)inirxa..Fa.Veltevi,le. He,- tnhle is as;ooJ urthmnarkc! adords. She W'L good Va bs ano hostlers, and aUcntive waiters, anil re Prtctluoy sohc ts a cent nuance of public patronage .i-c...Ui,.-t; imj V. ii Known ttiat It tl eeds nn tje' sfiipuon. io exertions will be ajtisfacf ton. s -ared lo give Fet) 1 1315. 311, -th & W. mFwhTrtm e- u.i n,iH rece-ivms hom New York and Phda- l f ... -i. a iiui lelphia in pari, tbe fohowintr SPRLVf; AM) SUMMER Cambrics, Aluslins, plaid Silks, Lawns, Irish and brown Linens, Shinings and Sheetiii".-, white -tttd brown Hose and ha f Hose, purple, black, and lan- y colored icfotia Prints, Gambtoons, iNan kins, Marseilles, silk, and black satin Vesting, fine, plant, and figured Silk Cravats, SnsoemleTs superior N"i eiiies and Pins' black, blue, srecn and mvisttde green Cloth.., , lain and fancy asonablo Cassmteres, fashionable llais Shoes and Bonn, ts, some v. rv fine. T.O Bat's Rio Coffee, lr' do. Laiitdra and Jnv-8, 8 Hhls. St.' Croix, P. Rit-uand A O Sii'-nr.', to ii ii s. , ii . t ot.isses, Salt, 300 Sacks o Tons .Vwet'es I ton &.c. &.c. Together iritli Hnrdirnn, Cutlery and Croch 'nj ; rciih fine Iunors and I Vines of every description. We ar con ii dent that the qualities tf toe (roods "id pieu-e, and arc determined that t prices snah be satisfactory lo tho-e who call. Ik&l W. ALL A U R ! N April 13, 1,-4.-.. 3 - I - A lif ( UT !) 1 1? I I XI 1TJ . J IX ITX 1 U U 1J 1J ilaiaijj Iteen uppoifiletl A UCTIO X 13 & K For the town ofFaye'tevillp, is prepa to the sale ol any oods. tvi.icii may b eil to attend eutrusld to him. Consignments from abroad will be p-o:npt!y at tended t... Apri? 10, ISVy. 321-v. '3 HAS recetv fi bv the lite arrivals from A'ewYork', his slock of SPRING an f SUMMER iv a a n v U J J U Mm Comorisins a J;,rge an'' extensive sssortment of j Drv CirtnAa Tl ir'in'srf- anil Cutierv-Ha. Rr.nnptt. 1 Shoes, Umbrellas, Parqsols, Cotton and Wool Cards, ' writms and wrapping Prfper, Coflee and Sugar, Drng-s and Aledicines,.&.c. wc l worthy the atteniiu of country A'erchants which will be offered at low prices for ca.-ho- country produce. - JOHN D". STARR. ' April 13, 1345.. , V - ."T-. - the new ha VI'. just ie- il siyle of i l AT BLOCKS, and w hms'iini'. Cien'Snafit s uper-nno FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, received bv last arrivals, a sreal variety of . " - .' Y ft A I '."laXui C.i-'ccn fi to eaabie me to sell vt-rv ur. .t. t'anam:. Uetiorn, atmruiin ije.n nan, mrchapd o such terms as CHEAP. ' nwiDGEi:-- -. Vs . Y star.tp v otheijf.i-n-.uf.ifturr n.'1rEi;.Sofa monosrnoeits, and Madeira I'nts; saltpetre- sul phur; tilum ; currant and Guava Jelly ; Prunes Anch vy Hauc-r; sardines, wainuf catsu'p- cloves) Cayeine. Pepper: currants M..tr.,,l . ? JUST RECEIVED, x-.ak sopt-riot French Brandy, 4 " ,;o t'r.-n Wine. Co oo Alu'a'a Co. ivest v. -'-. a hy r or sal Ai a v fvM. 32r.-3 MARSH. 0 T I C -1 TIi Su'isci.bers fake tins opp-uturiity ofietiirn. my their warmest tbttnka to their friends and pa trons, ami the public yeneraity for the'r liberal pa t ro.iooi-b flowed upon ' them ; also for the. kind syir.p ij'res manifested to them in the late calami! y in the destruction ot I heir entire Stock of Goods o l the morning of the 19th inst.; and to Capt J A.J Bradford, C3pt. U. S. Ord., and A3 r G A St-hwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in giving them notice, and oilier in the autround inn. nei ghbot liood f the fire, by t ho discharge of cannon. H o ving open t ti tbe Stote noailv-opposite, liiey hope soon to resume business, and would most respect full- solicit the pstronagcnf j heir friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of public, pa.'rot. ae. They have on Irmd in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, .Molasses, Sugar. Souihs' Bellows and Vises. Log Chai ns, 6 sopcior Wrought Iron 'Mill Cranks. Also, 'Anvil.-', Vises, Trace Chains', and heavy articles o( Hardware, partially dumajjed in ihe fire, all of which ihey will sc'l low for Cash or Produce. They would alrO earnestly requ st r.ll tliose indebted to them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to close their former- business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will take t he earliest opportunity to. settle their accounts. J. H.&.J. .MARTIN E. A arch I, 1315. 314-tf. ALSO They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 eoila Steam Packing Yarn, A anil la, Seine, and Raf f Rope, I hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, !l bids. Train Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whitteniore's real Cotton Cards. Coffee AI ills, cast .")(! Wagon and Cart Boxes, " : 1 1 IrrnQS Wrtr.lt Siri.ws OH 1 1 1 . r. ; 1 1 i. a nccnrti.fl T-1 rvn Iron, with a small assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of Hat, round, and square 15a r Iron, Band Iron and. IN ails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightly injured. . Removal. OULD inform the public that they have moved from their old Ptand to the store lately occupied by Alessrs C J &. R AI Orrell, and known as t he Yellow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in the way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to gt ve t'tcm ac-all. Their stoch will' consist in part of 10 -TonsSwcdes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Sit el, SOU Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 lbs. B ar Lead, ""' . fQ uagi Shot, assorted, 15 Kegs-Ywdor, 300 lbs. Epsom Satis, - 300 lbs. Alum, 1 OO His. Uoi ux, . , 1500 lbs. Copperas, " ' 1 50 Ibg Indjao, 1 Cask Ralai-iitus, ' - : 50 sides sole Leather, 75 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico S-tirar, 1000 lbs. si ogle and double refitted ttnd Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, V ajrots Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Aledi cines, Hadlock' Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Camphor, CastorOil, Paints, Puttv, Drufs, &c. &c, Sept. 14, 1844. " an;") JONES & NFORAl their customers "a nd friends tint they are now receiving iheir Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS; A nd as most of them have been bought from ihe manufacturers and importer?, ihey will be offered low. Cull antl .see. Our stock is not h-avy, but a good variety will be found upon examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the lale rise in prices, we can a fiord them as low as any house in the pljce. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure Itiem no pains or cxeition on our part shall he spared to give general satisfaction as heretofore. We have now on hand (;iil fresh and in iroo i order,) Rio and Cuba Coffee ; Porto Rico, New Orleans, antl Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indigo, Aladder, Copperas, Rice, Candles, Soap, Starch, sack and A'uin Salt, am. v. A-ct:. . STAPLE $ FAJVCY DRY GOODS. Among which are 150 pieces Calicoes, (some very fine, and really beautiful prints.) Victoria Al paecas, plain -and fiiurtd; Muslin d'Lanes; (iinr-iiamt-; Irish Lir.cn; L'nen and cr.Mon Drill; L'-nen -5s nr! cotton, checked and tiipnd D:i'l ; Nankeens ; flue, wbi'e, and co'ord Jeans ; Jaconet ; Book, Crcss-bsrrd, a. id figured Aluslmt?; Bud Ticking ; Apron Chec:j.s c.dored Camhritka ; white, biaek, and misd Hose and half Ho.-.e ; linen, ilk, and cot'ori Gloves-; silk ami cotton, prcket and drcs Handkerchief-, a greal vaii.-ly; fancy Crav' and Scarfs; sdk Alitta; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Taptf, Pin?; Nectlles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; lginj ; fine, h.iir, side, and reading Combs; bleached and unbleached Doums'ic ; Bruad Cloths ; Sattimts ; Kentucky . Jeans, &.e. &c. Firrence, fitie sttaw, i!k, willow and other B mnetjj of the IaU-t styles ; I a rplendid assortw nt-of artificial flowers. Abo, a goo.; :.Pt-'.:inip:.i ot c;.p,":r; ;:r.a ioz'.r.-v . - - ic-t- ni. !! ... Shoes, Brogan, Boots, Hats,&c c. Hardware & Cutlery- Tracand halier Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pneket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and "ron tea and fab'e Sp-oa; Razors ; nrr-, stock, closet,' chest, and pad Locks SWp Shears ;y Drawing Knivet. ; cutting Knives; corn and TCE5 Scylhrs ; Gimbltts; Latches and Boltri Brad; Tacks, & &o. NOWI STORE,; 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar. - 3 do c'o New O' leans do. " . . 3 Ravs gree'i Rio Ce.ff" c w -4 -Htids-Molasses,-a 'prime article," : - -Lb prime corn-fed Bicon, r " r -IPC Lbs. whttc La-rdin flrktt:s,'r -1 h Bbls Avhiskev, " . . -' ' 5 do. OIJ Peaeii Brandy, - - -r ' 2 !o. N. E. Rum, ' ' ' '- . 50 Sacks LiverttooPSal?.- at i.ur oM stand, loot TO LUMBER MEN THE Suba.j;hcr?t bavins v. finessed the ei successful ocera-fon cf HOTCKKISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald GrnWni's ' 2SUI in Fuyt.tevilie, in Atay ci.d June lust, ,ivra -inducer" io'purchtsc t!. Riht for ihe entire S:t of North Carolina, a cd now offer idiyHwa( Right for sale on very reasotiab1 itms, They hove' now on haod tvet ten fuH sfts ot Wheeld, and-' have made arruncments lo keep a constant tp ply. : ' . Besides beino- ten- ra'dv adopted jn the "S'oilhern . States, there a t c 't. Ir ady "t wel xe sawi in suci essl'if operation in this State,' and eight others in prnces , of erection. The astonishins i.oer and pel. of, thest: Wheels have been witness? d hy hundreds t . citizens of this State, with universal appprobation And we desire all who may feel an interest m I ha subjec t lo examine the AI ills of Arch'd Graham,- . Co!. Ak-x'r Alurehisoo, CI)ritopher AI unroe, Alex'r T Wiliiants, Aich'd AIcLaurm. J. AlcDaniel, Jolin. . . . Ciide, Airs. Etiy Alt Fadyen, in ihj.s County ; Col. John C. McLiiurin, in Richmond County; Thos. . C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy Roynll in- i'atnpson County ; lo ch of whom we Reler for informalton as to the-j radical opotation oft heat Wheels. . . " . - , '-Persons ; who ' apply soon for R'ffhls can hav ihem put up by work tm n w ho have been instruct ed by. Mr Hotchkjys himself. . . Tt o Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the' S ate of North Carolina, htive received the follow ing certificate: , - , . Fiiycttevilie. Feb'y 3, 1845, ' We, the Subscribers, residing m the County of -.' Cumberlaritl and State cfN'otlh Cnrolina, having ' ' been engaged in the manufacture of Luuil erfttrmn- : nv years, feel lull v warranted in statin f, thai Hotch- 1 kiss's VERTIC AL . WATER' AV il EELS, and iheir appendages, are woilhy of the patronaeo of all ' .". mill owners, and that we have fall rontidepee iiv their superierity ; that the value of AI ilia will Lo'" very much enhanced hy their introduction.-." They are more durable, untl ensie: kept in oider whtrt properly put together than " Ihe common Flutter Wheel: ihey will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in br.ck water when there ja. a head above. The speed of tbe Saw is " increased! from one-half to double the strt kes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS.. DUNCAN AIUM'.OE. CHRISTOPHER A1UNR0EV JOHN McFADYEN, ; C. P. MA L LETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM .lUMN MiDANlEL. " ALEX'lt MURG1I1SOA". ARCH'D MeLERAN. DAN'L AlcDIARA:liDt ANGUS CAMERON, . ' ' (iVH.1wight. JOHN C. McLAURIN, A (Richmond County.) THOAI AS C . S 1 IT H,. (Bladen .C-unty.) They have also received a certificate from CoJ Alexander Alurcbison, (which will bo publislierf hereafter among others in handbill form,) in? which, he speaks tf ibis an "tlie greatest improvement made on Saw Mills in my his time aaje thut - his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a. dayf it actually cut 2 on tho day before he wrote. 4GB3 loot ol 1 1 inch Uuatler Boards ; wakes '240 strokes in a minute; -V that one-half of ihe water is saved; untl conclude i' .' by recommending its Btfoption to Alt'd i ivmii.'., fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 3f6.tf. The following article from the N. Y. Tribune of tho 4th nit., v ill show in what estimation ihtnw Wheels ore hoi I by the high aulhotityof Ihe Auiec ' ican Institute:'' - Prom the N. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Vv hecl, aftr haying been adopltsl by tomo huntlreds of mill owners on ihe Delewure, Susque. ' bannah, and in titber lumbering legions, was pie sented lor competition at the late lair oM he Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees first uh tho bet Water Wheel for Saw AlilN; secondly, as bein one of the five best inventions submitted at the Fair. . It has been extensiv ly adopted. in the great , pine districts of the South" ; and its rapid .and ' smooth ixeeniion, p rfect immunity from iee or back water, and wi her economics, mescurir:g it u very soneral preference. The Inventor is now on -his way south, and rrny be addressed nt AugUFta, -Ga., or nt his residence, W indsor, Broome county, ' N. Y. lis flvntages are summed as follows r . f. The Vertical "Wheel, when used for Saw .Mills, requires no gearing to prndttee from 175 tu 30O strokes of the saw per minute. - 2. They are as cheaply constructed as he tom rnon Flutter Wheel, antl will do double the bui' ness with the same advantage of the water. 3. Back water is no impediment when there is a head above. -.; 4. Ice cannot f.,rm on the whft'ls. V 3. They occupy lss space thun a Flutter Wheel Mill. 6. The incread speed of the saw makes bettor lumber, cuts the same distance wilh less resistenco and the saw-dust is freely thrown off", which often returns with Ihe saw, causing it to bind and heet, with slow Ali lie. . " 7. They can b placed on the shaft, of a common Flutter-Wheel Mill if in good order, and bun up .n the Fame bearings if snl?iiently Flroug to sua. tain the power of the wheel. ' '" ". . 8. The wheels being of cast iron, wi'lfatt an a ge. They also constitute Ihe requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, efcurtng a, uniform motion, in al: parts of each revolution. -"-,'.-'"" ; 0. The 'introduction of mills is rcduf d to' a plain system, so that if the ii ad ef w ater known, the restilt is a nathmatical certainty. .- ,lt : . ' 10. Any workman having the patterns, a inodef, and ta!le of calculation, can adapt mil is. to any location with perfect succesn. ' II. The improved mode of feeding is inucb ap proved cf by Ibos who have adopted it. Just received oh consignment, ihe running w:rks of two four-horse Wagons. AI-jo, one four home Wagon with cover, tc. complete, ready for th road. A'S of which are wair-nted r.f the bet ma teria! and workmanship, and wilTbe sold low foe cash.' - ; - , JAS. S. GRANT. March 15. 1845. -316-lf. Just Receiv ed on Consignment i " French Brandy, Holland Gin, . American Brandy, 41 bois A'o. I if.ip. ..tt A.M.CAAirBELL. Marrh I.S. IS4S. 316-tf. ' IB Ii A N K Rv W. HARDI HVutIt reived a supply oi BLANKS, rnoMly u-eby Clerks, Shritft, ane-ConstalSf-prtuirt Cv ) r "E f - i i ..- . -. i' J of KaymoHnt. " . "7 " April I?, Ia4.'- -SSI.f:- peer a.nd well recu'- 1 ft, , 1 e - , -." -s'-C ' ' Alarch 9, 944. '. 263 If. Aiv 7, i?.-l?23 if . .,' " " 1! r:,: t-M . . , f 1 " -.. .

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