"1" -TV - - .1. -TW, "CHARACTER IS A IMPORTANT TO STATES A9 IT IS TO iHITIDCALS; AND THE. GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON rXOPXRTT Of ITS ClTIMltaV jJtg - ' ' I. f" A V ! 1 JY Wn H BAYNE TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN . Per anaun, if paid in advance, 92 5 if paid at t end of six months ulttM en4 oTMie jear 3 5 Rates of Advertising $ittf cents per o.ire f r he first, and thirty cents f.r eeh subsequent insertion.. Advertising Hv th,! vear Re charged according to ths q mtity of matter Inserted. fc.Vtirt a.ivartisein-mts, ftp1, 93 per cent higher. inrs B M N I TY Against loss ct damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C IT A --$ 1 05'0(?i?;, VJ5e i Ora.id near First Street, tVtlliams k,urv, opposite the City of .Vet York. Agency (tytce, tVelh Building, G3 Watt it., JVcw Ytrk. DIRECTORS : Christian Zabrtskie. Andrew C. B-nedict, Abr'm T. BoskercKi Francis Stcinhelt, 84111I Ft. Clnpp, Joh.l Lefett Chs. O. Handy, Lemuel Ricbardeori, Frederick W Favre, eentfh Johnson, Vin SkiM.nan, Siiil. Willt. Nichols. W,WjJEL RU,rtARDsON,pf,s., Akorkw B. HoBen.Src'rr. WASHINGTON P-3T, Agent, New York. THE Willltmsbur:; Firelvsnrance Company, hvin been incorporated bv an aef r.t'tbe L-sisla-l.,r. of tri State of New York, far t ho purpose of Fire I. nn ranee, the Directors offer to Insure their ffillow-citixen-t ibroujbout tha United Stite Against Loss or Damage by Fire, O , Bui'diriz, Oo-vNand Merchandise, and Per soul Property generally, assuring hetn that the alT.irs of the Company. s'iall he conducted with h fair., candor and liberality a thy trut w. i?ntitl it to pu'tlictwifiJeitce aaa iatron:is. The SibMibcr, Aent for the above Com pany, will give any further information that may bt desired by those who w'leh to Insure. JAMES MARTI NE, AuU Hay Sireet Feb. 8, 1845. 3M-tf. ROBERT A. STUART HAS removed to the Store on P-r?o'i trer rr-r.-ntly occtipied by Col. S. T. Hi.wley and ivaih opposite the Cape Far Dank, wh re he tali supply the wants of all his cmtoniers in tlie DRY GOODS AND GROCERY LINE. ALSO, a t huice supply of Foreigu Liquor and Wines. 3 do.. Sf,,art & McOary Old Port tn. April 26. 1845. 3S-tf. State of North Carolina Sampson county. Court uj Equity Spring term, 1845 I'4t.i.k Murphy, ad.t.inirtri.t r of Win. Xirtjee, dut'd, vs. Tiio-i. Slai-f.cl. iid'ni .f T'mi Mi-G-v , d-reeae-d, and tlt-rs the nci of kiri AiiH d Stii'ju t -es of faid deceased. Hill to aeeoont. I T appfar:nj to the sarisfac'ion of tfip Court t;t Tttos. Sia-if .rrt" and wni; l. r thv. two of th-d- t-n lants .n thia su-t, reside h v nd ih irrii's of this St it-, if ithr.t tor -!eid !v th.- Co'ii rt t!i .f p. i c-ition ! mad- I t -ix weeks in th- NoMh Oar-.linian, puMishod in F y. tievjllt. that the s.n1 .Ut-n U oa to appear at tlie n xt teroi of t!v Comt t Kqni'v f-T f'e co:nt v oSiimi sonv to h h!l i the ;.irt Hou.'Mn Clinton, on the fiSh Mo:id-i attr h 4th Monrlav o! S pt-Mober nexi, thrriai"! there to aimwr, p!ead, or tlemur, or el-e this hill will b ; taken po ci.n;esso, and heard exj arte sis lo Witne, PatrL.-k Vn-phy. Clerk and M;itPr of the Court id" Equitv tor the mnnty fif Gs'npson. at Offv . the 5th Monday nfter the 4fh Mon lav of Mareh, A D, 1845, and 69 h year of American lnd pendenec. PATRICK MURPHV.C.M.R. May 17, 1345 3 2. 5 -fit- pr. alv. $3 '25. State of North Carolina Sampson county. In Equity Spring Term, 1S45. Willi. i m Dawf.in nn.l wife Mary and ithcf3, Vs. Charh-e H. Butler a id othrrs. Petition for s ile of land. On rno'iun pt titiorr amemied. IT is otdsr'' Hv tliei'ourt that publication he mi'lc in the North Carolinian U t six weeks, t'i;ii nn?e the dtl-ntiii, John Butler, appear at the nxt ter-n f th" Court of Equity, to tc held foi th-! ro ml v of" Sampson, ct the Court Horse ir! Clinton nr the 6th Monday after the -1th Mntniay ot Sep tember next, and claim asd tie title to the ximi f S t 4 t 4 , in th h-m-ls fif thClerk and Master of this Court, arising f-om the sale of the lamia of R .barl Umlcr d -c-ased, the s id su-n will be dis tributed aiaon the other heira at laW ofa.itd de-i-rasnd. Witness, Patrick Murphy, Clerk and M -fter of the Court of Equity, tor the county ot Sampson, at Ornc-e, the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday f March. A D IS45, and 63th year of American Iadepcndene. May 17, IS45. 3i5-6t. per adv. $? 25. - TO THE PUBLIC. THE Subscnb r has just received irotn New Vork in addition to his former stock, fash rablc GOODS fr ladies' and enflemen'a wear. . Xlso. Panama, Ieghorn, and Palm Leaf HATS; F ashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and bleached Sheeting ; Linen 5 4 and 6-4 ; fine Irish Jfnen and Lon; Lawns; Cambric Handkerchiefs, do.; heavv Russia Osnaburpit, for servants ; common do.; fine Kid Gloves, Silk Mum do P. TAYLOR. My4.1M5. 326-3m. TOWN I THE Snhscriber returns thank, to tbe citiiens S l.,B..om5...-i.. w.c.nuy ..r ,he ,betal support extended towards him, and solicits a con tinuance of their p .Irons e at his arte (anW, (near ly opposite his Id.) where be will always keep or band a fresh supply of Bread, Rusk, Tea Cakes, Pound and Sponge Cakes, Water aud Butter Crackers, &c, &c, And all , such article in his line as are usually wasted for family usa. -" - JOHN A. NEETZEL. Families supplied with FRESH YEAST to yea) " t-tm saortest notice. , Msy J4, 1845. ISS-Sm. Home Manufactures Gardner &. McBletlian, HAVE lately mide considerable improvcm- nt in their atvln of Work, and have now on hand a Q.-N ERAL ASSORTMENT, consiaung of Garriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Wlicb fir elegance of shape aha finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made ii thr U State. Ptrfons wihi:iw to buy, would do well to call and examine our Work, as we hav determined to eell LOW for Cash, ornpi.roverf notes. riavinpin our employ flit rat- Smi'h, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate tcrii!. , W warrant all ottr work to be of good and laitn ful workmtnrhtp arid maf.-rial?, f.rone yeitr. ICJ" REPAIRING faithfuliy executed at short no' ice, and n rea-onnbl lerm. Fayetev4h', February 8, 1545. y- JACKSON JOHNSON flA3 oa band at the VVaaon Yard, fbr HIRE, HORSES ANO BUGGIES. J1LSO, Has a T'.VO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a vi w f accomnio.latirsr persona wishing passage to an vol the neihboriuar towns. April I, 1845. " 319-tf. LIVERY STABLES. Agent of the Lnfayellt Livery Slablts, RESPECTFULLY inform the pii'dic, that he has a supply of excellent Saddle a ud llarnes- horses t' t'.IliE ; a!-o, two Sii'kies, one Ruy, and will in a few days h mv ! rrinrpr splendid Bujries to hire, on th.' f'.liowinjj terms : For Horse, per hiy, SI fin Oul'.v," " 75 Siilkey , " " 50 Horse and Bu2V, or Sulk y, 1 50 Horses will ue boarded on the following terms: B:rd, p r dav, SO 50 it we.-k, 3 (H ' moith, 1 0) " ve.r, izj u A two horwo Ciirnare fcojit fo' th" -C'mnioda-tio'i o!"ih'rje who may want passage tii any p'ace -ft f the ro-Milar St;ij;e lines. 'I'he SSiih-c"' PerS '-xpef ienc. In t h nho've h isi nepj, to-.-ther with tiis complete -tck if flors' s ai-d Vehicl- s, will euaMe him to give full satisfic tion to a'l his fatron. Orders lor Horses and Conveyances will be t tend'd to. if I' ft at the Lafayette Hotel T. J. MI MS, A-'t. April 11, 1845. 320 y. CLOVER SEED. 4 Lbs. RED CLOVER SEED, Fr sale by 1845. GFO. April 10, MeNElLL. NOTICE. TAKEN UP aud c.immiilfd to the Jail ol Cumber'a ciu ilv, N. C, on Sunday, the '26th day Of January. 1815, a rierro man who says his1 name is SIMON, and says that hv was sold in Charleston' to a man by the name of McKenzte, and was carried to Alabama cY Geor gia and there left his m-ister. Said nejrrn w,,a for merly th" pr..p-rtv of Benjamin G;iss of Camden. S. C. and was fak:n from this plce last February by Mr G-iss. Said nejro is about 5 feet 4 inches k'sh, d irk complexion, and ab-ut 45 or 50 years .f s IT The owner of said nero is hereby notified to com forward, prove property, py cliares, and take hun away, or he will be de;ilf wj:b areorriinir to 'aw- W. L. CALL AIS, Jailor. Jan. 29. 1815. 310-if. SUMMER HATS. Just received tiom Nw York n as-oifmenl of fine double and cjufe I. rim Leghorn flats, and about 50 dozen Palm Leaf Hat, for -ale ! bv JONES & DUNN. April ID, IS45. 320-tf State of North Carollna-a-Duplin county. Court of Pleas 4" Quarter Stssions Jipril Term, 1845. Michael P.oyetfeand wif? Nancy, and o'brs, vs. Jesse Newton and wifu Betsey, and others. Petition for Paitition. IT annearinor to the satisfaction of th" Court that Jease Newton and wife Be sey, Peter Rogers and wife Ni llv, Jacob Herring and w ile Fanny, tenants in common hv deed of Gilt from David Qninn and defendant in this cas, are r.ftt inhabi tants o this State; it i therefore ordered mat publication be mad in the North Carolinian, a newspaper print- d in FavetteViI, for the sud de fendants to appear at ihe next Court o Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Dup lin at f he Court House in Kenansville, on tlie third Monday in July nex, then and ihre to plead, an swer, or demur to the peti'ion of Mic hael Boyette and wifeNancv, Kiftv S nith. and James Dickson. Guardian to th children of Benjamin Ezell, filed apainat them for the division of land, or the same ilt he taken proconfesso and heard exparta as to them. Witness. J.ma. niek np1r w .aid Canrt at Office the 3d" Monday in Aprilrand 8th year of Cucourage - our laaapanaence, a. o. 1845. - . . . - JAMES DICKSON. Clk. - Msy 31, I8. 32T.6t. ; per adv. 3 15. FAYETTETILLE, SATURDAY. RfiMQVAILu CLABK & McCALLUM, HAVING removed hir Tailoring E-tab:ish nenl fr.wi fter ! Ship t- tb building fiwmer'y ee-coi-d by Wm.L.CP-r, nearly opiosite to the Lai i yette U tel, oh Hay tr;et, resp cttnl y iifrm their irieod4 and customers, that thev wi'l contuauc to arry oi the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and f.ishi na'le manner. Ti e re'uin th;"r thank (or the liberal share ot business they hova receivd, and pl"di tliemelVe to mer:t a eontimii.nce of if, by strict aft nt on and skill. Latest i.islwons rccularlv received from New York; Dec I4j 1844. toS lf. BAR SOAP. THE sub.se. it. r ..ffe.s t.r ONE HUN DRED BjXES OF BAR S JAr, u.anufac- uredatthe "Favntt tile tN. U.I CuHlt F.ciurv," and warranted qua! it ii( superior to UoLate be?t No. 1. Bei determined to rlevote all necessary atten tion to the business, and off rinv it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound h the box.) He hopes lo receive a due share of ;uhlic pairdnagre-i sCJ All orders thankfully received hd prompt ly atteaded to. W.MtL. McKAY. Fiiyetfevillr, May 24.844 lOO.OOO Afires Valuable FOJR SALE. THE Subscriber has purchastd a!l th LANDS belonging to the E&tule of Abram Dnbo 't ilsr'iJ., lyine principally in R heson countv, and on boi sides of Lumber River, the diffrent surveys con famine ov. r UNii iLNURED THOUSAND ACRES ; a Lrirt; part finely Timbered, sind i o-i-veuieut to Lumber Riv-r; Vh'i-ealiie qu.mti y of Timher now ratted tri the Georgetown mar ket. Th"S lafj.ts ar- v-rv valuable B th for tbe Timber and Turpentine, for whi;-h pnrDose a larue part is ' II suited, bei ii in a rejjion where the Turpentine yields more ahunda'dlv than any other section of the Stat-. The Lands will be Sold at a low price, and in qu in ities t suit purchasers. Information respee.'in the title can -be o!t lined by appUinff to the Hon. Robert Stranjje, James C Dobbin, Esq:, A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) 1 understand there are many trespassers on these land, to all of whom notice is hereby sivu, lha' me law wii ie enioiceu aiiamst uli sucn onenUers. Application f -r any p irt of the Lands ctn be mafle tr myselt. or to John Winslow, Esq., who win oe uufy auihonzcd to make sale c t the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. FayctTevi!Ie, N. C, March I, 1815. 314-if. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYLE Has just received by the last ar rivals l.oui the Nonli, a lare and splendid assort ment ot SPRING GOODSj Amonz wh;ch are Bilzrines, Bitiiste, t'rencl v . vi : -v ... U'twn, printen vmsim ami j no it-", li4 pieces Ca'itroes, 1 9i ps Iri-h Linen, Lriwns, Diapers Table Cloths ami Lmen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, black and cflore.i &iiks, Mtk lMif, Gloves, Cam brie an I Bobine? Lace and E Is'n, superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, VesfjnjjSj K-ntueky Jeans, NankeerS, Hip-kin Sl;ipers- 6-4 to 3 4 "bleacher! nrd brown Sh r'inj and Sheeting, Boots, Shoe: &.e., all ..f wbf. h hein imrc'iascd for cash hv the packaffe at puMie and private sa'e, will be off red by wholesale or retail at low prices for cash, or on tinv to punctual customers. March 29, 1815. $50 KEWAR1D. RAN AWAY from Mr James McDnffie, on the 7fh of . Decern Her last, my ncro inan ARCHY !;ite the pioprlv of A. B bee decd. Hu is about' 5 feet 8 or H' inches hih, has a lonr smooth black face, with full prominent eyes, and fs lame fn one of his Ie;B. He is supposed fo be lurk ing about F ivetfeville, N. C. A reward 6fS? ill be jaid f-r him iffaken and lodged in any Jfcil j.i this S'a;e, or $"o it taken and hicired in Jail in any other oi the St;it s, so thai I can ;et h m aain J- M STRONG, Favetiev l'e. N. C. Mav 10, 1845. -?n.if NOTICE. A S we fxp ct to leav fir the North by the first j. dJulv. we hope all per-ons indebted to the firm will settle their resrecive dues by that tim LEIISENS I'EIN & BROTHER. May 31, IS45. 327-4t. State of X. Carolina Robeson county. Superior Court of Late Spring Term, 1845 Jane Allen:' vs. Huh Roy Allen. Pttitiftn !br D.voree. IT ap iearin to the Court iat Hiigh Roy AH n is not an inhabitant of I his itate, and has n aseut here on who'ii notice can be & to tuk- deoositions in tiijs c:nis.- it is th remote ordee t'tat no ice in the N r h Caio'i i.m, puh'i-lod m t' e town of Favetteville, in sh s State, f r si i w eefcy wil! be qej valeut t actual notic O'l the saio Flu oh K-y Alien The paid Hnj:l. Roy A!len will therefore lake nofce thai n the s. tonrl day ol A u'juf, 1 8 15. at Euftuli, i:i Barh"tr county, i" the Stat" of Alabama, the deposition ,f Ge.rf McEaehen at?d others Hill hv. taken, and on tbe 26lh day of Julv, 1845. at Hanff-n- Rock Church in Lancaster Ji-tric. South Candms, the deposi tion -f Thomas Twifty and oth-rs wi 1 be taken. All which deposition a-e lor be r ad m vid-ne.e ' lh! ahov cans-, at which time and j la slhe aid Hush Roy Alien may attend and crosa i xjmine the d f.-udaits. Witness, Absa'om Davis, Clnk of sard Cdnrt ai Office this 31st dnv of April. l8"5. ABSALOM DAVIS. Jr . C. S. C. June 7, 1845. 33 St. i d TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. rjTtH ERE cams to my house shan't ifJ m In w. st 11 of Favetteviile, three me- ks ao', a lad, ap parently between f9 and tC years ot ai, who ap pears to be deranged, and cannot, or will nsi, nive any account of himself, rxept 'hat his name is Randolph Cope. He i near about six feet high, dark hair, dark eyes, ! n nose, and fair skin. He has n- beard, llis only clothing when became to my hous . was a dark or brown cotton and wool mixed pair of pantaloon, shirt, suspenders and old straw hat. all well worn. Ha sometimes .-.ppear rational, and will commence a- job of work, but w flworfVmit in oiaofbla fits of abmiir nind- If no baa aflnr MenoV. I wauM ho "lad if tbev would coma forward and take charge of hint imrnedtafely. - WEILL OAY. Jane 7, - . ". JUNE 28, 1845, THE Subscriber having loaf hia store and en tire st-M k of Uoxls by the late fire would respect t'ui'y call upun alt thaen indebted to hun. to come forward and make idi'Uediate payment, they wi'lconlera freat favor on him. and save them--elvea cost-. He may b- found at the afore of A. Marsh, who will be duly authorised to settle i.h an that may call in ease ot his absence. WM. MAR SU. J ne 81,1815. 330-31. ?C7 Oberv-f copy 3 weeks. Wuu-u reapctiui ly inform the cititena of Fayettfville and the public generally, that he has taken th stmd rebeatly occupied by E J.Clark, on Gillespie Street, 5 doofs South of the .... i . r . , Market Square, where he will ---" manufacture and kep con nd an assortment of itaMjy on h" IT N AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons WidhinjMo Durcliltse would A .n call and examine his toe:-. hfnr ...rni...i where, as he is det.-ruiinV-d to ..11 .. .s .-- other imnufieturer m th" Slate. BAKEKS fan entirely new pattern. ROOFI NG done In the Isstest style, and best m inner. Also QuTT. RING. Au. 17, 1344. 61-y. TO TRAVELLERS Antl Sojourners in Fayettevillt MRS. E. SMITH is -till urenar.d to Htr. t un (Jeotleuic-ii and L;di - travelling thrbu hor "'.lyuriiM'js in r ayt-ii vi. !. ci-r tab'e is always as ood -s tj,,. market afloitls. Sria has good sta td.s and flostleii, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully sol c ts a coot nuance of public p:tronae ner residence is so w ii known that it neeJs no de- scn.tion. No ex rtiorts will be scared to s.iti lac'in. 1 Feb. I, f845. .tju-tf. git A. M. CAMPBELL, Having been appointed AUCTIONEER For flie town of Fayetfevjlle, is prepared to aftend to the sale of any -oodj which may be entrustd to him. Consignments from abroad will be promptly at tended to. April 19, 1815. if aw C3-OODS. J, OHM ID .STAJRR HAS received bv the lue arrivals f.otn New Yoik his stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, Comnrisin? a large and extensive assortment af iJry uoiioj, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets. I, ' ' J"iriir, x-araaois, cotton fend Wool Cards, wr tine and wrapping Paper, Cbflee and Isugar, Dru-s and Medicines. &c.&c, well worthy the attention of country Merchants which will be offered at low prices for Caho- country produce. . ., JOHN D.STARR. April 19, 1845. w k m v 1 1 v"i Cl 1 a HAVE just ieeeifFr the new style of HAT BLOCKS. nd now finishing Gen'temen's super-fine FUK AND SILK HATS. Also. received bv last arrivals, a reat 9rMv r . ..i, v7i.iv, rnno, L.f!norn, ann r aim leaf Hats, all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enable rae to sell very CHEAP. . Q dAVID GEE. May 17, 1845. 325-tf. t..- o:u a ' w . t . n . - J -1 State of North Carolina Colfambni coanty. In Equity Spring Term, 1845. Wynne Nance and others vs. r$arrrtadiike Pow ell and others. IT appe iriner to the Court that Jesse Faulk and wife are not inhabifints f th?s State ; it is there ;ire ordered th.n publication be mule in th North ' ar.diman published in Fayctteville for six weeks for th- said Fiulk and wife to appear at fhe next term of f hi Court fo he held at the Court House in Whitrvil'e, on the third Mo'nday after fhe fourth Monday in September next, and plead, answer, or -femur, or the bill will be taken pro confesso as to them, and s-t for hearing exparte. Wif-ieps. J. A. Maultsby, Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity at Office, the second Mon day after the fourth Mondav m March. !S45. J. A. MAULTSBY. State of North Carolina Columbus county. in Equity Spring Term, 1845. Wynne Nance and others vs. A a rmad uke Pow ell and others. Complainants have b-ave to tske the deposition of .Moore Len-m as evidence in this cause, subject to ill ju-t exc ptjo is ; and nn'ice is h-ieby iv n ! a!I 'r-i i i" interested in this suit that compla in. :mts will p-oce d to lake the depositions of .Moor Leno",- Absal io Powell, and Elijah Elkins, at the Ciiurt Hotirfe in Whifevflle. on th- first Saturday in Anj'isf next, and that pffMication d ibis rotice in the North Carolinian" pnleished in Fayctteville, frrsix weeks, will be deemed' ecpu valnl lo per onal service. J. A. M AULTSBY, Clerk and Ivfaster.- May 31,1315- 327-6?. per adv. $3 25. State of North Carolina - Richmond county. Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions April Jerm, 184o. Bostick t McKenzie vs. Riley Hmert.' Attachment Levied on thr defendants1 Interest in a C'-itatn tract of I nd containing two hundred a..d ni leTy-'iic'rtcrnt, liny in th countv of Richmond, near Little Mountain Creek, an i joining th lands 6f T. Bostick, Alexander Martin, and others. If appear! if tA the sattsracl ion of the Court that R!ev Hcnery, the defendant in ihia sni, r-fde b y-nd th? limits of the Stater" it f lheroV order ed th.f publication be mado jn fhe N"oth Caroli nian for eix weeks, notifying the said defendant o ba and appear at the next term of thia Co'o held fr the countv aforesaid, at the Court Hoose n the town of Rockingham, on the third Mondav I in juiy next, then and t hare to pieao to mis faebmen, otherwise tbe same .will be aen o-o enn'f Swo and th landlrvjed on be condemned sab jct to th pLntiffW' debt. - Vitnea, Gra'aaaa A NdvloB. c'.rk of aaid Court a office, tb third Mdav; of Anlr a-d In tVtSStbyearofAeaerleari l"' Ai 150-44. M O T I CE. TH E 8bcribece sA tnia orffortdastT of fotatv IT thoir waroseat tdbaaks to dsear friends and pa rone, and th pobhc JtasVeratty for thoir Irboml pa tron ace bestcrwed -tpod thews'; Jbo for tbe kiad ympctkiea maAifeated to tbr to the iat calamity in tbe destruction rin-ir efstire Stock of Goods on the morning of the I9tb lost.; and to Cap J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord and Mr G A Scbwartcman, of U 6 Arsenal, for tbeir kmdneaa in rivina them notice. and others ia tbe aarrotand. in neighborhood of the ire, by the dicbarge of cannon. Having open tbe store neaiiy oppo site, they hope soonfo resaroe business, and would must respect fully solicit the patrbnaeoftheirfricods and the public, and shall hope fo merit a share ot public patrot.sre. Tbey have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, Suf-tr, Smiths B"Mowa and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron 'Mill Cranks. Also, Anvllr, Vises, Trace Ghains, and heavy articles of Hardware, psrtially damn red in ibe fire, all of which hey will sell low tor Cash nr Produce. They would also earnestly request all those Indebted to them by note or ac coun to make immediate payment, as It will enable thtrn to close tbeir former business and recom mence and hope those indebted wilt tnkethc earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. . J. H. k J. MARTIKE. .Varch I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, They have just received, hale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Raft Rope, I hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls. Train Oil, 3uO galls. Linseed Oil, Whittemore's real Cotton flurdg, Coffte Mills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxes, ?SO gross Wood Screws, 40 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment of Swedes snd Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavv Stock of flat, round, and squaie Bar Iron, Band fron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining tbeir Store, but slightly injured. USemovaL MA1L1L & MAlLlLi WOULD inform the pub'ic th.t they have moved fidm th fr bid st md to the store lately occupied bv Messrs C J & R M Onell, and known as the Yel'ow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to rffer inducements In the way of trade, ihat will he to the iiiteet of purchasers generally to give them a call. Their stocK will consist in part of 10 Tons Swedes aad English fron, 500 lbs. Cast. Blister, and German Steel. 600 Ps. Hollow Warfe, 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, IS Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1 500 lbs. Copperas, 150 lbs Indi-n, I Cask Salaratus, 50 side sole Leal her j 75 Bas Rio Coffee, in Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. single and double reined and Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Aluui do. ALfStl Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Cb'rnhs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Hadlock's Syrup and Powders, Cassis, Camphor, Ca-tpr Oil, Paints; Putty, Drugs, &c.&e, Sept. 14, 1 344. 290 INFORM their customers and fiends that they are now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OP GOODS ; And as most of them have bten bought from the manufacturers and importers, i hey will be offered low. Call and see. Our stock is not h-avy, hut a ood variety will he found upon examination. And as otfr Groc-ries were purchased before the late rise in prices, we can afford them a low as any bouse in the place. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure inern no pains or exertions on our part .-ha II be spared to give general satisfaction as heretofore. We have now on hand (all fresh inJ in goo t order,) IS. Rio and Cuba Coffee ; Porto Rico. New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indi0,Madder, Copperas, Rice, C tndles, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, &c. &c. Sic. STAPLE $ FA.YCY DRY GOODS. Among which are 15H piece Calicoes, (im very fine, and really beautiful prims.) Victoria Al paecas. ptain a'n5 ftsur.d; Muslin d'Lsne-; Ging hams; In'sh Linen; L nen and cotton Drill; Lmen and cotton, checked and striped Df!l; Nankeens; Mil", whit, andco'ofed Jeans; Jaconet; Book, Cross-hnrrd, a. id figured Mb.'luis; BedTickinz; Apron Checks; c-lor-d Camhricks ; white, black, and mixd Hose and half Hose; linen, silk, and eof'on Gloves; silk and cotton, poeket and dress Handkerchiefs, a sreat vari-ty: fa tit y Cravats and Gcirfs; silk Milts; Ribbons; Cord; Gfmp: Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edging; fine, hair, side, and re.dirt Con.hf ; bleached and unbleached Durrici ;a Broad Cloths ; Sattineis; Kentucky Jeans, itc. itci Florence, fine straw, j!k, wi'low and other Bonnets 6r the latest style ; a splendid assorim-nt of artificial ffowers. A'-o, a good assoitmer.f of Slippers; Morocco and leather M'uea, Brogan, Boots, Hats.&c. uc t v. , Ct OiitlVry-r; w . . t .. J I TnrmnA kll Chnlnm. Ham. Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver. Britannia, and 'ron tea and table Spooas; Razors ; rim, etoik, i-We', rhref.and pd Loeks ; SSeep Shear; Draw nj Koive. ; cuing Knives; corn and grass fceines r Gimbl ts: Latches aid Bo'fs; Brd; I arks, & o.e. NOW far STORES, 5 Hhda. prime Prto Rco gaS'r: 3 do do Iew 3u Bas green R'o C' n e. 4 Hhds MoTa-ses. a pnme arttci", SOOO Lbs prime eorn-f 1 Bacon, limn Lbs. wh'te Lr4, in fl.-Kios, IS Bb:" vhfakev. ft ;. OJd Peaeh Brandy, . 9 An. S. E. Rum, u SeV Liverpool Salt, at oor o!d stand, foot offfivmsunt. . April !. 1S45 Itt-'f. It3 WE are authorised to an-4 nounce the n&mtfof KDWARO.PrfT mak, as a candidate far the office of Cscuity Ckz&l Clerk, for the J.Gounty of IZontgomery. Volume 6 Number 331 Persons indebted to the' Subscriber would confer an es oecfal favor, bv calling and sct- tlior immoiliatelT. His recent calamity, he t.opcst iu ss'a.V.HaaoiB. TO LUMBER MEN. THE SaVacribers, having witnessed the ver oecee-fe I operation .f HOTCH KISS'S VERT1 CAL WATER WHEELS, at Arch .La Id Graf mi'i Mill in Fayctteville, In AJay ai.d June last, wre induced to purchase the Right for the entire State of North Carolina, snd now offer individual Riglits for aale on very reasonable terms. They t:ae now on hand S venter n full stts of Wbi i fs, and have Bade arra&jcmrnts to keep a constant sun- desbeiojg generally adopted in the Ioithern States, fliere are already twehre saws in aii(-cesFf"i operation in this State, and eif bt others in process of erect ion. The astonishing i otmr and spercl of these Wheels have been Witncssf by hundreds t,i citizens of thia State, with universal af pproVaiion." And we desire all who may f I on iu:fret in the subject lo examine the Mills of Arch'd Grsham, Col. AlegVrJurrhisoo.Chmtot her Munroe, AleaV William, Arch'd M Laurin. J. MtDamc l, John Cade, Mrs.EfTy MtFadvcn, in this County ; Col: John C. McLaurin, in Richmond County;' Titos. C. Smith in Blsden County and Hardy floyall in Sampson County; to each of whom c RclvVr for information as to the rsrtieai opeiation cf these' Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can bare thm put up by workmen who have ben IsiTriii-I-ed by Mr Hotchki- himstlf. The Proprietors of the fight of tl.-s Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received (he fallow ing ceatiflcalei Fayetteville. Feby 3, If 45, . We, th Subscribci, rrsiding in the County of Cumberland and Stbte ct North Carolina, having been engaged in ibe manufacture of Lumhcr for ma ny years, feel follv worranled in strding, that Hotth kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and. their appendages, are worthy of tie patronage cf all mill owners, and that we have full eonfiut rce in iheir superinrity ; that tlie.valun ofMitlswill Lc veiy much enhanced by their introduction. 1 ht-y are more duffabie, .and easier kept in Older when prperly put toscthrr than lite common Flutter Wheel: they will save at ieost onc-tbjrd of the water, and run will in bsi-k wafer when there is ' a head above. The speed of the 8w is ieerearctf from one-half to double the srirkts per minate. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUNROE. CHRISTOPHER M UK ROE, JUHfl Mcr-ALYN. C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN Mc DANIEL. ALEX'R MURCH1SON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDlARMlD. ANGUS CAMERON, M (Millwrifef. JOHN CMvLAURlfl, '' (Richmond County.) . THOMAS C. SMITH, , (Blden Cun(y.) They have also received a certificate from Col. Alexander Murchison, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill fbrm,) in which he speaks of this as "the greatest improvement mnde on Saw Mills in mv fhfs time ;" says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet fn a dav; it aeiuallycul on the day before ho wrote. 4fc83 feet of J' inch Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a innHlef that one-half of the water'is saved,' and concludes by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which have been promise will be published' hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCflLHf. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayettevile, March 15, 1845. 316-tf. The following article from (he N. Y. Tribune of the 4th ult., Hill shew in what estimation these Wheels are held by tbe high auihou'ty of the Aiuer ican Institute i From the N". Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Wheel, after haying been adopted by sorrV hundreds of mill owners on the Di leware, Susquc hannah, and in other lumbering legions, was pie sented for competition at the late lair ot the Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees first as trie best Water Wheel for Saw Mill-; secondly, as being one of the five best invmtions submitted at the Fair. It has been extensively adopted io the great pine districts cf the South"; and its rapid" end smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or back water, and other economies, are securing it a very general preference. The Inventor is, now on his way south, and may be addressed at Augusta, Svf wl hl reaidcnt Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. Its ad vantages are nummed as follows : I. The Vertical Wheel, when used for. Saw Mills, requires no gen ring to produee from 15 lo 300 strokes of the saw per minute. S. They are as cheaply constructed as the com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the busi ness with tbe same advantage of the ater. 3. Back water is no impediment wan there is i head above. 4. Ice csnnof form on the whet's. 5. Tbey occupy less space (ban a Flutter Wheel" Mill. . The increased speed of the saw makes better lumber, cuts the same distance with le.s resistance and the saw-dust is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and beat with stow Mi!is. 7. They can b p.'ared on the shaft, of s common Flutter Wheel Miff sf in good order, snd hung up on fb s:re bearings if sufficiently strong to sus tain tbe power of the whretf. 8. Iht wheels Iv-ing of cast iron, svilllast an TL Lo rADsYf if ills lU ....Hf..s. n " a Ce - "' ijuiMie riy or utiance, ZFiSX.' uairTW mction-iB ,! of s et. f ... A v. iue iniroauctior? or mills is reduced to a" plain system, so that if the head of water is known,' toe result is a mathematical certainly. 10. Any workman having the patteres. a model, and table of cnlcnla'mn. ri' ;n. . oral ion wi'h perfect success. ii. i ne improver! mode offeedinofa much proved cf by those who have adopedir. p ma' Just rereiied ori'eor sig-nroenf. tbe running works' rd" two four horse V aprons. Alse,- one four korse' wagon wrin ewer. c. eompMs. res ly Tr the road. Ah of which s re wa ranted el the Hex. t re a terial and workmanship, &nd will be scU low (ur rasa. . JAS. a GRANT. - 3lC-tC Mareh If. l4f- Eist Received oxiCoscnmeiitj French Brandy. HoMaadGln. ArttevaB Brando, 40 boxes No. 1 ioe. 'A. M. C AM PBEtSr f.- I " I til ir f i !"" n v ' " i , . 1 ' JuaeSl,l845. March 15, 1345. 3r-tf, e - JK-." - Mr? J K