"CHARACTER IS AS .IMPORTANT TO ITiTM 11 IT IS TO IlCJiniOAI.S; AH THB GLORY Of THE STATK IS THE COMMOJf PROHRTT CF ITS T!M. n F'loy, .ft BY " BAYXE Of HIS NORTH CAROLINIAN : 32 5 -. ead of sit month 3 'HJ end ofthe year . 3 5- at tlx -ja;e of Advertising: :r -m i i f r the fi.sf, an I thirty cent i V.'w'u'-xt ia-serrion- , V.v t.io year .vill be charged according . r..iLiuy .f mnMer inserted. i 1 1 1 1 ifti us, at', "3.- per eent nitjper. M NIT Y t i ri i 'e bv Fire. V D r VILLIVMS3J IGT FIREINSU- KYVCE CJMYXNY. c vPirvL-sios.ooo. OJice in iiraul neir First Street, Wttliams , fctrr, opposite the City of Xeio York. Ltarti (t See, iVtlh Building, 62 Wall st., JYei'e York. DIRECTORS : Christian Ztbriskie. Abr'm T. Boskerck, Francis Stinheil, Siml H. Clapp, Jah.i Legclt, Chus. O. Handy, L.:.iiuel Richardson, Andrew o-nedid, Frederick W Favre, Jeremiah Johnson, J.rm Skill nan, Si nl. Will -t-. Nicholas VVjckon;. RI(,HARDgoNf pff8,t. Amdrf.w B IIoic.E,Sec'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, .New York. Tri Willi.unibur! Fire I-iuran-e Company, having .incorporated by an act of th Legisla te of the State, of New York, for the purposes ef fire Insurance, the Directors ofier to Insure their Mlowr-citii.iii hro-ihoot the United States A-iinst Loss. or Damage by tire, OnB iiid.ngs, Goodvand Merchandise, arid Pr- . .1 I, .nurto renr:i lv. ajsnrmz ihem that i tie r. O i II . ' ' i - ' J - - - 7 .i-:, r-v.m...,iu 'in!l tie conducted aiTiirs oi inn . r - neh fairness, ean lor and liberality as th-y trust wi l 'ot-ll : it to pn'.lie c.vifi I.Mice ano patronage. Trie S H-s-ri r. Agent for the almve Corn- will -iivrt any In tiier iirormaiiuu uii b; .Jesi' I bv those who w s' to I i-un:. J A M M A R r I N K, A 2mf Hay S;reet. Feb. 3, 1S15. 3 II -t f. ROBERT a. STUART HAS removed to t be Store on Person street, re c -r.lv occupied by Col. S. T. Howlpy and n-aHi opposite the Cape F- ar Bank, wh. re he can supply the wants of all his cn turner in the , DRY GdODS AND GROCERY LINE. A F.SO, a choice supply of Forcigu Liquors ami Wine. ' Apnl 26, 1845. 3i3-tf. State of North Carolina Sampson county. Curt of Enuilu Spring term, 145. - - - - J o. Vturiifiv. a-hriinisf rat'-r of W in. Mi-Gee, Mi-Gee, 1 .11 I rv ....... , ... ,. i-ni d.rc'.J, d'-ceas vs. ' , -1 .1 -...I d. aii'i i nthi: s the next ot Kin ano u 1 J I t -cs ot saio :ihtn.-u. Bill to account. ii, e:it isutetion of the Court l i .rpu'-rti " T,.. St:i.it"..rd a id wile Dorotby, two of the von'il th" limits of d (n taut this St it'1. it i- therefor- ordeied'bv the Courtjb .t i : i 1.- u in tti' Ninth ii tiic -out. reside o p. i . c i!iin bo i' ir i li.lll. PU inao- i i r i a vrc ...... - t.shed in Fayetteville. :ht t'.c said . . r.i... P...,.t .1 n lavs lo appea. o'' '''qui v f r tie eon j in- on it I loose i . ;i't -r !h lt' lo:ilav ;it t i- n X' term "i io- v. . ,t v iS .X son, to b. held at Clinton, . ii tbe fi ll Mooda .. S ot.-.oli. r nex'. t!en ami t i- r- t riw r. p .u ill i) ik.-n p o e Siie.ii. oi.I ..r ilemor. or ei-e I ; this 1 n.esso, and !e ;. ril exparte i phv, Cle-.k" nd Master of for the c..iiniy ot S;niip-oii Wil e-- P.itrli k t h' on r' d" iMj'i 1 1 V .i! llTi. e the ''t'l Monday nfter tb-4tti vio-vnn. of Mar-h. A O. 145, I Ii9 h vear l American i ii ! iv n l -iu-o p V TRIK MUl'.PHY. .M.tr.. !7. I-45 - VJ5-Rt pr. f North fa roll ia- Sampson county. a .e In F.ini Ju -Spring Term, 1S45. i.bl 1 . !1 ' I t i Both arv a ot .I bet no' j i h rs, f ii nl. f ii i ed. 4n t ti n tcr" Nor 1 n . r ii .i i tb M . i xt, i t !, i ! I urt, ir 5 ii ier 1 . t .e Car mi. J un ni ii oho B thai ut lie linn b , r uix e s, t ' I I", r a t o .rt ..t' l7.Mui' v, to !e held tm . ii .. i :.t iie C. u loi e in lint av itt rib - Hit ioi iav ot Sep t l ii -i m I s e ill- to 'h- su i hinN .f lli-'lerk and 1 is'e s.iiifomthe si'er.t tbe lam's of c -a-ierl. the s id u n wd! be di-- 1 T l'' t 1 ' 1" I -v K I .b3.- i rib itd a non; th other h-irs at Uwol s.il de- -aed. Witness, Patrick Morphv, Clerk and M ter o( the Court of Equity , tor the conr.ty o- Simpson, at Office, (he 5lh Momlay after the 4th Mon day of ! ireh, A D IS15, and 6'Jrti year of American I ndcpendcni e. PATRICK MURPHY, C. M. K. May 17 1345. 325-6f. per adv. i '25. TO THE PUBLIC. T'y HE Subscrib r has jnst receiver, in m IN ew fash- naOe lr' 'KJmJZ ir . ,irvii C ladies' and gentlemen's wear. tso, Panum i, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf HATS ; Fashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and bleached. Sheeting ; Linen 5 4 and 6-4 ; fine Irish Linen nd Lon j Lawns; Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk fo.; heavy Russia Osnabnrgs, for servants; Wmmon do.; fine Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts do - ' P. TAYLOR. May 24, 1845. 326-3m. T 0 W N 71 r W'm arSMl mm. 1 . 111. an'.senber reuirn thanks to the citizens 01 h avettevtUe and its vicinity for the very libetal support ext. nded towards hnn, and solicits a cn tinu in- e ot their p trona-eat his new stand, ( near ly opposite h-s o d,) where he will always keep on hand ni tsh cuppty of Bread, Rusk, Tea Cakes. Pound and Sponge Cakes, Water and Butter Crackers, &c, &c., And all such articles in his line as are usually wanted for family use. JOHN A. NEETZEL. flZF Families supplied with FRESH YEAST on t t shortest notics. Mar 24, 1845. 3tK-m. Encourace gSt Home Manufactures Gardner SUcKetHan, HAVE lately rade consu rable nnprovni nt in i heir stvl : of Vork, and have now on hand a G N ERAL ASSORTMENT, onsng-ino of . Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Wiiich for legance of shape amt finish, and dura bilitv, will corhpare with any made in th- U Suites. Persons wishing to buy, would . do well to call and examine our work, as we hav determined to sell LOSV for Cash, or api-rove1 notes. Having in our employ firH rato Smi lis, we are prepan d to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. ,, W warrant all our work to be of ood and faith ful workm tnrhtp and materials, fir one year. Cp REPAIRING faitbtuliy executed at short not'ii eand on reasonable terms. Fayettevdle, Febmary 8, 1845. y. JACKSON JOHNSON' HAS on hand at the Watson Yard, for HIRE, SldliSKS AXD BUC5G1ES. ALSO, Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a vk w f accomiiiodafi'i g persons wishing paasar o any fit the neinoorinjj luwns. April I, 1845. 3l9-'f. LIVERY STABLES. THOS. J. MIIVES, Agent of the Lafayette Livery Stables, RESPECTFULLY inform the p'dbjic, that he has a supply of excellent Saddle and Harness horses to HIRE ; al-o, two Sulkies, one Hu-za. and will in a few days h iv; two mnr splendid Buggies to hire, on the fullowins terms For Horse, per day, 5! t!,s Buirsv," " Snlkey," " Florae and BiiSV, or Sulk' y, 1 75 50 50 Horses yviiloe boarded on the follow i lg terms: Board, per day, SO, 5 a Week, " " iv.onth, -3 ID 00 125-01 year, A fyvo horso Carriag kept for the nccoinmoda-io-i o' tho-i' who m iv want "asaje to any p ac ff ,f f'if. re o'ar la-e line?. I he Sub-c i'er's Xier eni e i .i the above b isi- . . . I. . I C X , to .I h,.r wi?h PIS i-ointileie Sli'tu in ' 1 nr' F d Ve'del s, w in eua'de him to g've b !l satisfic- lion to a'l hi s patron. Orders lor HnrVs and Cony yances will be at tended lo, if I. ft at Ihe Lafayette -Hotel. " T. J. MIMS, Ag't. April 11, 1845. 320 y. CLOVER SEED. Lhs. RED CLOVER SEED, K.ir snle liv Ap i 19, 145 GFO. Mc.N'F.lLL. NOTICE. TAKEN l!P and iiuntiiitlcl to t -f. Jail o! Cuuilierla . ! cu it v , i C, o'i S ukIiiv, the '46111 day of Ja-niarv. 1S45, a nern man who savs his name is SIMON, an i says tbat h- was sold ii. Charleston to a man by Ihe name of McK-niie, and wascarried t- Alabama or Geor in a nd t h re left his m ister. Said nero for in rlv th- pv p -rt v of Be"jamm Gass of Camden. S. C. and was t?lk-n Imm this pi -ice last February bvVlrGiss. Said nero is about 5 feet 4 iuch-s high, d irk i-ompl-xion. and about 45 or 50 years of -. 1 lie nw ii'Ti'l sain oeni 1 - --", ....ni.. o co ne forwa'r'!, prove, property. p?y charges, and take htm away, or he wilt ty ileait m rn aecorning to layv. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1815. 310-tf. SUMMER HATS. Just received from New York an assortment of fine double and single brim Leghorn Hats, and about at) dozen Palm Leaf Hat, lor sale low by JONES & DUNN. April 19, 1845. 330-tf. State of North Carolina Duplin couuty. Court of Pleas $ Quarter Sessions April -term, 1845. Michael Boyctte and wife Nancy, and others, vs Jesse Newton and wife Betsey, and others. Petition for Paitition. IT appearing to the satisfaction of th-Court thct Jesse 'Newton and wifrt Betsey, Peter Rogers and wife Nelly, Jacob Herring and wife FatTny, t-nants in common by deed of Gilt from David Quinn and defendants in this case, are not inhabi tants ot this State; it is therefore ordered thai publication be made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper print-d in Fayetteville, for the said de fendants to appear at the next Court ot Pleas and Q,uarter Sessions to be held for the county of Dud Itn at the Court Hons in KenansviSle, on the third Mondav in Julv next, then and there to plead, an wer, or demur to the petition of Michael Boyetn and wife Na icv, Kim- S nith. and James Dickson, r.-.or.dan tn t ho eh il dre n of Ben ia m i n Ezell. filed ..in.t tKom Ct th. division of lands, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte as to them. ' .' Witness, James Dickson, Clerk of said Cour. at Office the 3d Monday in April, and 69th year I our Independence, A. D. 1845- JAMES DICKSON Clk. Mar 31, 1315. 357-Rf. per dv. f3 3f. FAYETTETILLE, SATURDAY. CLARk & McCALLUM, HAVING re noved thir Tailoria - EsUbliabment froi their late Simp to the . building formerly o cupjfd by Win. L. Uofr, near! opposite to the Lalnye'te Hotel, on Hay atreet, respeiul y infonii their frinndb and customers, that thev wih continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the moat approved and fashi ia'le manner. T-ey return th- 'r thank lor the hb ral share of business th'y have received, and pl.-de thcinselv" to inert a continuance bf it, by strict aft ntion and skill. Latent fishions reularlv received from New York. Dec 14, 1844. 2U3-tf. BAR SOAP. THE subscsiiur otteis t.ir aai ONE E1UN DRED B XES OF BAR SOAe, manufac tured at the "Favrtteville (N.C.)Cmdle F ictorv," and warranted qual it not superior to Colgate's best No I. Bei determined to devote all necessary atten tion to the business, and ufi rins it at a seduced price, (5 cents a pound l the box,) he hopes to receive a due share ot public patronage. All ordert thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayettevillo, May 24,844 100,000 Acres V aluable FOR SAILia. THE Subscriber has purchased a!l th LANDS belonsina to the Estate of Abram Duboif, dee'd lyinz principally in Robeson county, and on botj sides of Lumber River, the' different surveys con taininS over, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a l re part fiHelv Timbered, and con veiiient to Lurn'ier Riv.-r, wh re a laige quantjiy ot 1 imiier is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. Th''s lari'is are verv valuable b th for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a lare part is well suited, bei i m a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the SMate. The Lands will te sold at a low price, and in qom'i'ies to suit purchasers. Information respect iu Ihe title can De ontaineo bv applting to the Hon. Robert Stmise, James C n.,bbin. Esq.. A A T Smith. E?q.. (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to allot whom notice is hereby oiv.-n, tha' the law wil be enforced against all suQh offenders. Application f-r any p-irt of the Lands ccn be made to myself, ot to John Wins'ow, Esq., who will be duly au'honzt d to make sale f t the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C, March I, 1845. 3 1 4 -1 f. $50 MEW AMD. RAN AWAY from Mr James McDnfrie, on the 7th of .Decem ber last, my negro man ARpHY late 1 he property of A. B bee dee'd. H: is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has a lon- smooth black face, yvith full prominent eyes, and is lame iitfone of bif les. He is smposed to he lurk- in2 about Favetteville, N. C. A reward of $20 will be paid f-jr him if taken and lodged in any Jr.il i 1 this State, or $50 if taken and loosed in Jail in any other ofthe States, so that I can get h:m arain. J. M STRONG, Favctiev lie. N. C, Mav 10,1845. 320-tf State of N. Carolina Robeson county. Superior Court of Lnw Spring Term, 1845. Jane Alien vs. Hugh Roy Allen. Petition br Divorce. I r np eaiins to t e Court t sat Hugh Roy Alb n s not an inhabitant of ihi tate, and .has no ietit bete on who n n-.tice can bs seiv d to tak' depositions m. ti'is cau ; it is th refore onleie.. that no ice in the, N r h tJaroli'M m, piibli-hed in t! e toyyn of Favctteville, in ih s State, for six weeks, will be 1 qoivalent to actual notic- on the saio Ho-di Roy Aden. The said Hugh Roy Allen will therefore take notice lhat n 'he second day of Ausust, 1 845, at Eufiula, in Barbour county, in the State of Alabama, the deposition of George McEacben and others will be taken, and on the 6th day of July, 1845, at Hangm? Itock Church in Lancaster iilrict, South Carolina, thedejjpsi tiod t.jrT.Koms.T-yviiiy.ahd others wi'f fee taken. il iueh lieDosiliona'a-e to ber- adin evidence in the above caus , at which time and places the said I Huh Roy Allen mav attend and cross-examine he defendants. Vifie-s, Ab"a'oin Davis, Clerk of said Conrl a' Ofnce this 31st dav of Atiril, I8J5. ABSALOM DAVIS, Jr. C. S. C. Jnne 7, 1845. 323 61. pd TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, THEREcamr? to rnv house abput.1.6 mdes wn of Fave'teviMe, three ks ago. a lad, ap oaientlv between 19 n 2C yars ot a-e, whoap penrs to be d-ranifed, and cannot, or will not, ive my account of himself, exc pt that his name i Randol;ih Cope. He i n-ar about six feel high, dark hair, dark eyes. Ions nose, anil fair sl in. He has n- beard. ? i is only clothing when he came to niy hous , was a dark or brown cotton and wool mixed pair of pant .loons, shirt, suspenders and old straw hat, all well worn. He sometimes appear ratiotial, and will comuitnce a job of work, but soon fly off from it in one of his fits of absent mind edness. If he has any f-jend.-, I would he glad if thev would come forward and take charge of him immediately. NEILL RAY. June 7. 1845. $25 KEWABO Will be given by the oorporate authorities of Fay etteville, to any person who shall give such infor mation as may lead to Ihe detection and convic tion of the individual who fired the Town on the morning of Friday the 13th msl-. WARREN WINSLUW, June 16, 1845. Mag. of Police. NOTICE. I will sell the STORE HOUSES that are no occupied by Mi J Jessnp and mvself ; possession can be ;ivon immediately. The b tiding is forty tee! front, laid out into two rooms, but can be turn ed into one room by removing a p ank partition. JOHN E PATTERSON. June 21, 1845. 330-tf. TE1E SUBSCRIBER intorms the pubic, and particularly those in the biiM.t t'istiict, that he wiu furn sh plans and specifications Cr rmldinss. or cor.tract to erect houses and fur-ijsh material-", whole or in part, at the option o' the holders ot the -rnp.riTt on the most reasonable trms Jun- 21, 1845.6 GEO. S. HODGES. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as unde taker and bilder, to t' e citiz ns n others, disposed to contract for building or jobbirj. Terms liberal. Jone Qth. 184B. Observer copy t wkt JULY 5, &S. THE Subscriber having lost his store and en tire stock of Goods by the late fire would respect tul y call upon all those indebted to hmi, to come forward and make im-ueo'iate payment, as they will confer a great favor on him. and save them selves cost. He may be found at the store of A. Marsh; v. ho will be duly authorised to settle iih any that may call in oase ot his absence. WM. MARSH. June 21, 1845. 330-3t. L-J Observer copy 3 wreks. TXV7'oiJJJD respectful V V lyjnforn the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stmd recently occupied by E J. Clark, on Gdle.pie Street, 5.iloirs South of th Market Square, where he will C star.tly on h ihd ah assortment of nanuiaciure ana keen con. 11 AND 8HKET IRHv WARE. . rersons wishing to Diirchasp won Id d u..ll t call and examine his -tock before purchasing else, where, as heis determinedto sell as cheap ai any other manufacturer in the State. BAlvfc,btS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING , done in th UsteRt Kt manned. , AJso GU TTL RING. Aug. 17, 1844. 61-y. TO TRAVELLERS And Sojourners in Fayetteville MB9i E. SMITH is still prepared to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling through or sojourning in Fayett. vide, tier tnb'e is always as iood as the market afloids. She has good sta- Us and hostlers, and attentive waitors.aud re spectfully solicits a conf noaneeof public p ifronajre Her resiuence is so w 11 known that it needs no de- cri! lion. SSo cx- rtions will be sared to satisfaction. Feb. , 1815. 3i,-tf. live a -mm- Hf" Ti Ti T j I If i ij A VI P H K L L iTJ !. 1V.."ifA 1 JJ J U U , IInv;ii2 ben aimointcd AUCTIONEER For the town of F.iyett.-ville, is prepared to attend to the sale of any oods which may be entrusid to huu. Consignments from abroad will be oromotlv at. fended to. April 19, 1815. 321-y. TT HAVE ju-t ie-ived the new ii yle of HAT BLOCKS, and J noyv finishins Gen'lernen's super-fine FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, r. ceived bv last arrivals, a "reat variefv of Fur, Silk, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats, II of yvhich have been purchased on such terms as to enable me to sell very CHEAP. ; t DAVID GEE. May 17, 1845. 325 -tf. State of North CarolinaColumbus county Iti Equity Spring- Term, 1845. V ynne Nance and others vs. Marmaduke Poyv- ell and others. 1 1 appei nnj to toe Court that Jesse Faulk and wile are not inhabitants of this Stato : it is There- lore ordered th u publication be ma.de in the North arolmian published in Fayetteville for six week for th sairl Faulk and wife to appear al the next term 01 irii-- Oonrf to be held at ihe Court Hn., in W hitevd'e, on the third Monda v after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur,-or t.he bill will be taken pro confesso as to mem, and st-tor iear4n e.iparte. Witness. J A. Maultshy, Clerk and Master of our said Oourf ot bqmfy at Office, thns-cond Mon day after the fourth Monday m Mareh. 845. J. A. MAULTSBY. State or North, CaroIIua Columbus county. In Equity Spring Term, la45. Wynne Nance aiid.otaers vs. . armaduke Pow ell and others. Complainants have leave to take the deDosition of Moore L"nnn as evidence in this cause, subject to an ju-t exc ptio is ; and notice is hereby giv n to an persons interested in this suit that complain- nts will proceed to take the depositions of .Vlnnri Lfiion, Absalom Powell, and Elijah Elkins, at the Court House in Whiteville, on the first Saturday in August next, and that publication of this notice in the North Carolinian published in Fayetteville, tor si weeks, will be deemed equivalent to per sonal service. J . A. iM.-VUL. I BB V, Clerk and Master. May 31, 1845. 327-6f. per adv. 3 25. State of North Carolina - Richmond couuty. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1845. Bostick & McKenzie vs. Riley Henery. Attachment Levied on t;te defendants' interest in a c.eitain tract of land containing two hundred and ninet y-four acre ly ing in the cotjnty of Richmond, near Little Mountain Creek, and joining the lands or I . eosttck, Alexander Martin, and others. It appeari g to the satisfaction of the Court that Riley Henery, the defendant in this suit, resides beyond the limits of the State; it is therefore order ed that publication be, made in the North Caroli nian tor six weeks, ne-tiiymg the sain oetendant to he and appear. at th next Term of this Court, to be held tor the, courrty aloresaid, at tte. (Uourt .House n thr. toijn of Rockingham, on the third Monday in July next, thn and there to plead to this At tachmen1, otherwise the same will be tar en pro confesso and the land I. -vied on be condemned sub ject to the plantiffs debt. witness, Graham A INicholson, c'eiK ot our said Court a office, the third Monday of April, and in the 69th vear of American Independence, A. D. 1845. ' G. A. NICHOLSON. June2i,lS45. 330..61. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD beg leave to inform tus custom rs and he fiiblic in general, that having sivida large po-tion of his sti ck of GOODS at the reeen fire, heh-is re-open d next door we ofthe Post Office, (Wag'n Yard Building,! yvh re he intends con tinuing business on the imf te-ms as heretofore. JNO.D. WILLIAMS. Jine-2I. Ig45. . 330 y. The Subscriber would re8;-ecf'iil!v inform wners ( pro-i-erty in the burnt di?tiict, that he will fnruish plan and sp'-HfiValions, and is also prepar-d to tak ontructt f.jrtbe erection ol bMild i g of any description. D. R. BELL. Juns2I, 1845. N O T I C E ... THE Subscribers taka this opportunity of return ing thair warmest thanka to their fiiends and pa irons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them; also for the kind sympithies manifested to thfis in the late calamity in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the 19th inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord and Mr G A Scbwartsman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in givirtpthem notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the Are, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store neatly oppo they hope soon to resume business, and would most respeet fully solicit the patronageof their friends and the public, and shell hope to merit a share ot public pairo:.age. Thev have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron. Molasses, Sug-ir, Smnhs' Bellows and Visirn, LogChains, 6 supcior Wrought Iron 'Mill Cranks. Also, A nvilf, Vis. s, Trace Chains, and heavy aiticles of Hardware, partially damaged in Ihe fire, all of which ihey will sell low lor Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request aii those indebted to thrm by note or ac count jo make immediate payment, as it will enable thtm to close their former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will take the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. H. & J. MARTIN E. Varch I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Raff Rope, 1 hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls. Train Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whittemore's real Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, cast sood Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 2u bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of fiat, round, and squate Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store but slightly injured. Me m oval. MAJLIL & MAILIL OULD inform the pub'ic that they have moved from their old stnd to tiie store ately occupied bv Messrs C J & R M OrrcP, and known as the Yellow Buildinos. Having larirlv increased their stock of GROCERIES, ""they are prepared to offer inducements in the yvay of trail-. hat will he to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a call. I heir stock will consist in pa rt of - . . . 10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Sttel, 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 Lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bags Shot, assorted, 1 5 rvegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 300 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1500 lbs. Copperas, 1 50 Ih Indio, I Cask Salaratus, 50 sides sole Leather, 75 Bas RioCofTe, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Siisar, inOO lbs. single and double refined and Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO, Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Had lock 's Syrup and Powders, Cass a, Camphor, CastorOH, Paints, Pottv. Drugs, &c. Sic, Sept. 14, 1844. " "290 JONES & jDUJNN I NKORM their customers and fiiends that thev are noyv receiving tfieir Spring and Stsir.ni r STOCK OP GOODS; And as most of them have been bought from the manufacturers and importers, they will be offered ow. Call and see. Our stock is not h- avy, but a good variety will be found upon examination. And as our Groc ries were purchased before the late rise in prices, we can, a fiord thi-m as low. as any. house in the place. "We reltirri our thanks to our old friends, and assure them no pains or exertions on our part shall be spared to ive general satisfaction as heretofore- We have now on hand (all fresh an J in good order,) Rio and Cu'ia Coffee ; Porto Rico. New Orleans, :nd Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Rice, Candles, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, 6tc. &c. &c. S TA PL E y FA JVC Y DRY GO OJJS. Among yvhich are-. 150 piece Calicoes, (some very fine, and renl' v beautiful prims,) Victoria Al paccas, plain and fiur-d; Mo!in d'Lane-; Ging hams; Irish Linen; Lnen and cr fun Drill; Linen and cotton, check ed and striped Diill; Nankeen; Mue, whi'e, and colored Jeans; Jaconet; Book, Cross-bnrrd, a. id figured Muslins; Bed T i k 102 ; Apron Check; c-lon-d Catn'iricks ; white, black, and mixed Hose and half Hose; linen, silk, and cot'on G'ove?; silk andcotton, pocket and dres Handkerchief, a on-at Vari ty: faniy Cravats and Scarfs; silk Mitt; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp: Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edging; fine, hair, side, and reading Combs; bleached and nnb'eached Domes' ics ; Broad Cloths; Sattinets ; Kentucky Jeans, &.c. &c. Florence, fine straw, ilk, willow and other Bonnets of the latest styles ; a splendid assortment ofartilicial flowers. AUo, a izond assortment of Slippers; Morocco and leather boes, Brojrans, Boots, Hats.&c. &c. Hardware c Cutlery- Trace and halter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and 'ron tea and table Spo"; Razors; rim, stock , closet, ehest, and pad Locks; Sheep Shears; Drawing Knivra ; cutting Knives corn and grass Scythes ; Gimhlets; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, fc &. NOW IN STORE, 5 Hhds. rrime Porto Rico Sugar. : 3 , do do New Oi leans v.o. 30 Rags green Rio C' ff e, 4 Hhds. Molasses, a prime article, 500O Lb, prime corn-fed Barun, lfit Lbs. wh.te Lard, in flrtim, 15 Bbls vhiskev, 5 do. Old Pe.ich Brandy, 2 do. N. E. Rum, 50 S icks Livf-.rpaol Salt, . a? our o!J stand, fc&t of Ilavmniint. ': ": April 19, 1345 .321 -if. 113 WE are authorized to an nounce the name of Edward Pitt man, as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk for the County of Montgomery. " Volume G-Number Persons indebted to the Subscriber would confer on es oecial favor, by culling and set tling immediately. His recent calamity, nehopc", will b juenf indUc..wnt,R w-HA. Dik IMPORTsAJXTT TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, having witnrst-ed the very successfuUperjation HOTCHKISSS VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Giat am's Mil! in Faynteville, in May ai.d June last, were induced tb purchase th Right for the entire Slste of North Carolina, and now offer individual Right for saio on very reasonable terms. - They have now on hand Seventeen ..full att ot Wheels, and have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. Besides being generally adopted in the Noithern States, there ares-!rady twelve ns in anccesHol operation in this State, and eight Others in process of erection. The astonishing fewer and speid of these Wheels have been witnessed by hundi eds of citizens of this State, with universal ppprobaiicn. And we desire all yOjo may f el an intent in the subject to examine the Mills of AicJi'd Giehani, Cot. Alex'r Murcluon, Chrtopher Mnnroe, AlxV Williams, Arch'd McLaurin. J. Mi Dtnit I, Jolm Cade, Mrs.Effy MiFadyen, in this. County ; Cel. John C. McLaurin, in Richruond .County;' 1 hos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy JRoyall 111 Sampson County; to each of wboniweRefeV for information as to the practical operation cf tinea Wiicels. Persons who-apply soon for Rights an have them put up by workmen who-have been iustrtnt ed by Mr Hotchkirs himself. The Proprietor of Ihe right of this Wheel in I he State of North Carolina, have received ihe fol! ing certificate! Fayetteville, Feb'y 3. If 45, We, the Subscribers, residing in the Com.ty . f Cumberland and State tf North Cnrn!ina, hr.yi. been en jr aged in the manufacture of Lumber for m:i -ny vears, feel fnllv warranled in stntinff-, that Ho'ih k.ss's VERTIC'AL WATER WHEELS, atul their appendages, are wotthy of Ihe patronage f f f . Ii oiill owners, and that we have full corfidri cf in their sttperioj-ity ; t hat the value of Mill will I' very much enhanced bv their introduction. 'J l.iv are more durable, and easier Ueptiiioider ylej properly put toueth r than the commcn FlotTcr Wheel: they will suve at hast ene-third f f! water, and run w.ll in back water when hte i -a head above. The speed of the Swis increase'.' from on-ha!fto double llie- stri kes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUN ROE, CHRISTOPHER M UN ROE, JOHN MvFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHISON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDlARMID. ANGUS CAMERON , (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURlN, (Richmrnd County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen n.,..ti,) They have also received a certificate from Col. Alexander Murchison, (which w ill be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in vhh bespeaks of tin'- as "the greatest 1 npi ,,v. ti.n 1 made on Saw Mills in my hi.? time ;" a N j!,..; his Saw will cut 500(1 feet in a dav; it i CMialiy on the day before he wrote, 4t83 feci of I' "into Quarter Boards; makes 240 s trok i s in a 1 m m ; that one half of the wafer issavd; and concludes by recommending its edoption to Mill cwrnr. Other certificates, which have Letm f.ron ie will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLlN, DUNCAN McNEILL, . ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville, March lo, 1845. 3IS-tf. The following article from the N. Y.Tribaavoi the 4lh nit., ill show in what cstimatiea tbeae Wheels are held by the high uutkoiity ofthe AmT ican Institute : From the N. Y. Trihone. . HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Wheel, after haying been adopted by sema hundreds of mill owners on the Duleware, 8uqtt hannah, and in other lumbering legions, wos pfe aented for competition at the late fair of the Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two pieie iuma by different Crmmitteta first ns tl.e its; Wa"ter Wheel for Saw Mills; secondly, as f e;i:-; one of the five best inventions submitted ut f f Fair. It has been extensively adopted in the r' pine districts ofthe South'; and its rapid end smooth execution, perfect immunity from i.e r back water, and wilier economies, ere se curing i', -very general preference. The Inventor isr no it t . his way south, and may he addressed- ut Augu;tn , Ga., r at his residence, Windsor, Broome cocrifv, N. Y. Its advantayen are summed as follows : 1. The Vertical w Wheel, w hen used for f- ; Mills, requires no oeariii to produce fr m 115 t 30 strokes ofthe saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply constructed bs the r.i;. mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the U. -ness with the same ndvanlage of the ati r. 3. Back water ia no impediment hen tl.ero i- head above. 4. Ice cannot form on, the whei I?. 5. They occupy lens space thnn a Flufltr Wl.a . Mill. 6. The increased speed of tha saw makes lef;i lumber, cuts the same distance with lees resist.' and the saw-dust is freely thrown off, whiib iN returns with the eaw, causing it to bind a c Icj -, with slow Mills. 7. Ther can be p'ared on tl.e shaft, of a r.rnrr o Flutter-Wheel Mill if in good order, tied Inn g 1 ; -on the same bearings if sufficient.',) slrvug I -tain the power ofthe wheels. 8. The wheels bein of cast iron, wtII Ja.-t r r ;; -They also constitute tbe requisite Fly or liu.,' Wheal, securing a uniform motion, in t.!: pstU each revolution. 9. The introduction, of mills is redrr? ? plain system, so that if iie head of y ati r ji !lr , the result is a mathematical certainty. 10. Any workman having the patlf roe, and table of calculation, can adapt mill; u location with perfect success. 1 1. The improved mode of feeding is rt 1 ' proved of by thoae who hare adoptetf if. Just receied on rninionm.! ,u of twfi four horse Wagons. Also, on- ?: Wagon with cover, &.;. complete, ready road. All of yvhich are warranted ol the' 1 teria! aiid workmanship, and will be cal. JAS. s. n Ti Mareh 15, 1S45. 3t : Just Received on Consigns Fiench Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 boles No. I ioan- A.M.CAMPF March 19. 1845. 3I-tf t n 1 , fa 1 ' . 9

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