"CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO lXniTIDTJALS; AND THE GLORY OP THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF IT CITirEMt.' 4 v 1- BY W3I II BAY5E FAYETTETILLE, SATURDAY. JULY 12, 1845. V olume 6 Number , 333 1 .4 4 'i TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I Vmt rtn-rn'iPi.i at tn, e ,d of si months 3 00 at th-a end of the year 3 5 Rates of Adrcrtisluc S S,xty o"t Per !"re fr firs'' an(1 lhir,y cen,s foremen sun'equem iu. Advertising by the year svill be charged accerdin; i th quantity of matter inserted. Court aJvm"uein;nt9, Sec, S5 per cent higher T N 1) E M N I T Y Affainst loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C AP IT AI.--S 105,000. Office in Grand near First Street, William- urg-, opposite the ltly o jveie or.. Agency Office, Wells VutUUng, oi JYcio York. Wall si. DIRECTORS C!rMti an Ztbrikie Abr'm T. Bo!krcK, Francis Stetnbeil, S tml H. Clapp, Joh.i Legett, Chas. O. Handy, Lemuel Richardson, Andrew C. B-.nedic', Frederick W Favr, Jeremiah Johnson, J:ihn Skillman, Ki-nl. WiM-t-s. Nicholas WvckofF. LEYIUEL RICHARDSON, Pres't. Andrew B. H oboes, Sec'ry. WASHING TON POST, Agunt, New York. TflE Willi i.nsbur? Fire Insurance Company, hivin- h-en i nrorporated by an act of thu Leisla tnr of the State of New York, for the purposes of Fire Insurance, the Directors offer to Insure their tv.llaw-riti;:is throughout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, and Merchandise, and Per- . i p.,.,.,tf .nrrallv. bsiii ri ii I hem that the nffirs of the Company, shall be conducted with .,.,.1. rmx. rmHor and liberality as mey irusi will ontitl ' it to pu'!ic coiifi Jence ana patronage. iher. Aaant for the above lorn- m. i - - , ntnr will ive anv further information that may bo dVsireJ bv those who wish to Insure. JAMES MAR t INE, Agent, Hay Street Feb. S, 185. 31 l-lf. ROBERT A. STUART Tf AS removed to the Store on Person street, rc- ceaily occupied by Col. S. T. Hawley 'and nearly opposite the Cape Fear Bank, wh re he can supply the wants of all Ins customers in tne DRY GOODS AND GROCERY LINE. Af.SO, a rhoice supply of Foreigu Liquors Hint W ines. 8 dox. Stuart Si. McGary's Old Port Wine. April '26, 1845 5l3-lf- mTwiirjr ITTT Tfl 1U L il u l u IJ UiVJ HE Subfcrib r has Just received I rom INew Y.rk i i arfdilion to his former stock, tasli- ii.nab'e G'XXJS lr ladies' and geniiemen s wear. Also, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf HATS ; Fashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and hleached Shectin? ; Linen 5-4 and fi-4 ; ine Irish Linen and Lonz Lawns; Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk do.: heavy Russia Osnabuips, for servants; . ,rr.r, do r fin Kli GloVeS, Silk M ittS do TAYLOR. 3-26-3m. Mav 4, f845. THE Subscriber returns thanks to the citizens of Favetteville and its vicinity for the very liberal upp'irt extended towards him, and solicits a con tinu n e oftheir p ttronaso at his nrio staiul, (near ly opposite his old,) where he will always keep on hand a fresh supply of Bread, Rusk, Tea Cakes, Pound and Sponge Cakes, Water and Butter Crackers, &c, &c, And all suc'i articles in his line as are usually v;intd for family' use. JOHN A. NEETZEL. ,LJ7 Families supplied with FRESH YEAST oi t if phrrt;sf notice. Nlav 'ii, 1845. 3a5-3m. IS now receiving his summer supply ol GOODS, which hs be-n purchased by tlie package at the late ;-.s at he N rih, among which are Snperfina Lnn.lnn Cloths'and Cutiimerti, Frfkh Lawns and Diapers, B'ack and colored Silks, Halzorines and L'rialad Lawns, Klate Pong.-c s, vrry cheap, Rleach'dand brown Domt-atics, Irom 3-4 to tS-4 Calico and Giniham; Silk and Cotton Hondkfrehief, Lao, Edgings, anfJ.Ciui ling, 4-4 Bubineis, new style, Elogant BarrEe Scarfs, .0-4 elrant Silk Shawls Dressed Silk llanrfkurchiefs, assorted, Lan and uinen Cauibiie Handkrrchi fs. With many other articles, all of which aie offered uncommonly low for Cash, or to Punctual Cus tomer on the usual tim. Call at No. 2, LIBER TV POINT. Jnn- -27, IS45. MRS. C. A. BROWN" Has taken the house next door below tha Bank- of the State, and wdl be happy to wait on hr old customers and friends. She has just received from Petersburg and Richmond, since the late fire, a fresh supply, viz : Fresh bunc'i raisins ; prunes, in boxes and jars, Turkey fig ; Naples ditto ; Lemons j Almonds and Walnuts, Brazilian and Cocoa nuts; a variety of tresh candies and other articles in her line. Also, eake ornament for weddings, &c. sll su gar and very handsome. l Af etHr,1 her ""'ncere thanks to all her kind friends for their assistance on the morning of the late fire. June 28, 1845 331 -St. I UA;JE'emoved the portion of my goods saved from the F,re, to the bnek store, foot of Haymount, lately occup.ed bv Mr Hamilton Mitchell, lorl one door east of Mr Geor2e McNeill, whore 1 shall be pleased to see ray friends and customers, as I am determined to clse ffmy o00d, at LOW Prices All persons havms claims afiinst me, wili please present them for payment, and all indebted to in whose notes and accounts are due will I trust, seethe neeessrty of paying up without further deny JOHN D. STARR. June 25, 1845, 331-y. T OWN Encouraje Home Manufactures Gardner 5t 2MZcK.etlian, w AVE lntr.lv mids considerable improvement in their style of Work, and have now on hand a GiN Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare witli any made in too Li OLdies. Persons wishing to luv, wotild do well to ca'l and examine our work, as we have determined, to sell LOW for Cash, or approved notes. n.v'inirin miriiiiDiov nr.M rate bmiihs. we are a.ui'. - r . prepared to oo any iron oriv m mv os nw moderate terms. We warrant all our work to be ol good and taitn- ftil workm imhip and m;iteri ils, tor one year. JC REPAIRING faithfully executed at snort notice, and nn reasonable terms. Favetteville, February 8, 1345. y. JACKSON JOHNSON HAS on hand at th Wagon Yard, for HIRE, HORSES Atf D BUC2G1ES. ALSO Has a TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a vi. w of accommodating persons wishing passage to an v of the neighboring; lowns. April I, 1845. 319-lf. LIVERY STABLES. THOS. j. Taxms, Agent of the Lafayette Livery Stables, RESPECTFULLY informi the puhlic, that he has a supply of excellent Saddle and Harness horses to HIRE s alo, two Sulkies, one FJtmwy. and will in a few days have two more splendid Bu;les to hire, on IbV following terms : For Horse, per day, SI Bu?gy," " Sulkey," " Horse and Bitssv, or Su1k'y, 1 00 75 50 Horses will be boarded on the following terms: Board, prr day, SO 50 " ' week. 3 i " month. -10 00 year, 125 0 A two horse Carnage kept for the accommoda tion of tho?e who may want passage to any place ofTof the r2ular Stage lines. The Subscriber's experience in the above busi ness, together with his ccuplete stock of Horses and Vehfclrs, will enable him to give full satisfac tion to all hi s patrons. Orders lor Horses and Conveyances will be at tended to, if left at the Lafayette Hotel. T.J. MIMS, Ae't. April 11, 1345. 320-y. CLOVER SEED. 300 Lb. RED CLOVER SEED, For sale by April 19, 1845. GFO. McNElLL. NOTICE. TAKEN UP and committed to tie Jail ot Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, t!ie '2Cth day of Januarv, 1345, a neirro man who says his name is SIMON, and says that he was sold fn Charleston to a man by the name of McKenrie, and Was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his master. Said neirro whs for merly the property of Benjamin Gass of Camden, S. C'., and Was taken from this place last February byMrGasa. Said nero Is about 5 feet 4 inches high, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The own r of said negro is horeby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with accoroing to law,. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1845. 310-1 f. SUMMER HATS. Just received from New York nn assortment of nne double and single brim Leghorn Hats, and about o0 dozen Palm Leaf Hats, for sole low by JONES & DUNN. April 19, t845. 320 -tf. NOTICE. Strayed off from my lot in Fayetteville.on the 25th day of April last a sorrel-roan COLT, whh a blaze in hi-face; about thirteen months old. Also, a small bay Mare about 4 years ld. She was bought last March from a man that said he lived in Moore county, and he siSned his name A Camp bell. I will pay any person well f,r their trouble that will biing them to me, or give me information so tnat I can get them again. WM. L. CALLAIS. June S3, 1845. 33l-3t- LAFAYETTE HOTEL LOT BY virtue fa Deed of Mortgage, made and exe cuted to m by Ihe Lafayette Hotel Company, on the 20th day of July, 1833, 1 shall expose to sale on Friday the 1st day of Augnst next, at 12 o'clock nn f ha nrami.ies. those two Iota ot lana in ini x own of Favetteville. aitnate on Hsv. Donaldson, and Franklin street, known as the Lafayette Hotel lot, and tke stable lot, together with the buildings there on, and the remaining brick and material, en a credit of 3 and 6 monthr; JOHN W. 3ANDF0RD. Favetteville, Jane 26, 1845. 331-tds. IREMOTA1L, CLARK & McCALLUM, HAVING removed their Tailoring Establishment from their late Shop to the buiidin? formerly oc cupied by Wm. L. Cofer, nearly opposite to the Lalayette Hotel, on Hay street, respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they wi'l continue to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in the most approved and fashionable manner. They return their thanks for the liberal share ot business they have received, and pledge themsels to merit continuance of it, by strict attention and skill. Latest fashions regularly received from New York. JJec 4, 044. 203-tf. BAR SOAP THE subscriber offers for sale ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAf, rnanul'ac- turedat the "J'ayettevtHe (N.C.) Candle Factory," and warranted equal if not superior to Colgate's be:-t No. 1. Bui lg determined to devote all necessary atten tion tothe business, ad off-irin" it at a reduced price, (Scents a pound bv the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronairei C?" All orders thankfully received and prompt ly atteHded to. W. xMcL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 100,000 Acres Valuable TI1C32F. LAUDS FOR SA1LE. THE Subscriber has purchased all thv-LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd lying principally in Robeson county, and on bot sides of Lumber River, the difiv-rent surveys ton taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a !are part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber Ri ver, whre a large quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lanJs are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is U'cll suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yiolds more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtained by applying to the Hon.'Robert StraiiHo, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby jjivon, that the law will be enforced asainst all such offenders. Application fT any part of the Lands can he made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. FayetJevflle, N. C March f, 1345. 314-tf. 85 KEWAKD. RAN AWAY from Mr James McDuffie, on the 7th of Decem ber las', my negro man AUCHY lute the property of A. B- bee dee'd. He is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has a long smooth black fnfo. with loll promt nor I cVeSi and is lame in one of his legs. 'Ho is supposed to he lurk ing about Favetteville, N. C. A reward of $20 will be paid for him if taken and lodged in any Jail in this Stale, or 50 if takfm and lodged in Jail in any olher of the States, so that I can ott him ajiain J. M. STRONG, FayetievHle, N. C, May 10, 1845. 32i-tf State of Jf. Carolina Robeson county Superior Court of LavJ Spring Term, 1845 Jane Allen vs. Hugh Roy Allen. Petition for Divorce, IT np ieaiin to the Court that Hugh Roy Allen ix not an inhabitant ot this slate, and has no aopnt here on whom notice can be served to take depositions in this cause ; it is therefore ordered that notice in the N-irth Carolinian, published in the town of Fayelteville, in this State, for six weeks, will be equivalent to actual notico on ine saici Flush Roy Ailen. The said Hugh Roy Allen will therefore take notice that n the second day of Au"usf. 1845, at Enfaula, in Barbour county, in thn State ot Alabama, thf deposition of George McEachen and others will be taken, and on the 2fith dav of Julv. 1345, at llanirins Hock Church in Lancaster di-trict, South Carolina, the deposi tion of Thomas Twittv and others will be taken A I! which deposition? "are to be road in evidence in I In: above cause, at which time and places the soid llnoh Rov Allen mav attend and cross-examine the defendants. Witness. Absalom Davis, Clik of said Conrt at Office this 31st d;iv of Anrit 'IS45. ABSALOM DAVIS. Jr , C. S. C. June 7, 1S45. 323-6t. pd Will be given by the corporate authorities of Fay ctteville, to any person who shall give such infor matiou as mav lead to the defection and convic tion of the individuHl who fired the Town on the morning of Friday the !3th inst. WARREN WINSLOW, June 16, 1845. Mag. of Police. NOTICE. . I will sell the :3TORE HOUSES that are no occupied by Mi J .Tessup and myself: possession can be s-ivon irnmediatel v. The b lilding is forty leet front, laid out into two rooms, but can be turn ed into one room by removing a p'ank nnrtition. JOHN E. PATTERSON. June 31, 1345. 330-tf. THE SUBSCRIBER informs the public, and particularly those in the burnt lUsfiict, that he will furnish plans and specifications for biddings, or contract to ereet houses and furnish materia!., whole or in part, at the option of the holders of the property, on the most reasonable terms. June 21, 1845.6 GEO. S. HODGES. JOSEPH S, DUNN offers his ser- vices as undertaker and builder, to the citizens or others, disposed to contract for building or jobbing. Terms liberal. June 3th, 1845. Observer copy 3 wks J. M. BEASLEY" WOULD respectfully inform his friends, and the public generally, that he is again do:ng business, and may be found at the Foofof Hayraount, where he hopes by close attention to business, to merit some encouragement. Jewelry, military, and fan cy goods, a few of all were saved, and will be offer ed for sale lower than usual. Work done at short notice. June 21, 1845. 330-4L iCF Observer copy 4 wks. JXTOTICE. Doctors CAMERON & MALLETT may, for the present, be found tt the office of Mr Thos. L. Hybart, a few doors south of the Court House. June 21, 1845. WOUJ.D respectful ly in form the citizens of Fay ctteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stand recently occupied byE.J.CIarki on G:llepie fStreet,5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will " -""""manufacture and keep con- "atr-t'3r on ha"d an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as he is determined to sell as cheap as anv othermanufacturer in the State. PoKpi Lf f " entire,y new Pattern. r,.uun;NG done in the lastest style, and besl manner. Also GUTTERING. fiU'. 17. 1344. 261-y. A. M. CAMPBELL, Having been oppointcd AUCTIONEER For the town of Fn io l ie sale ot anv ;ood3 which may b entruatd to him. onsinments from abroad will ba promptly at- 32 1 -y. tended to. April 19, 1845. III AVE just received the new style of HAT BLOCKS, and now finishing GenMemen's super-fine FUR AND SILK HATS, Also, received bv last arrivals, a tpi v.rit r Fuf, Silk, Pa nama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enable me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, 1845. 325-tf. State of North. Carolina Richmond Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1845. Boslick & McKenzie vs Riley Henery. Attachment Levied on the defendants' interest in a coitain tract of t.nd containing two hundred and nine:y-lbur acres, lyinjj in the county of Richmond, near Little Alountain Creek, and joining the lands of T. Bostick, Alexander Martin, and others. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Cotlrt that Riley Henery, the defendant in this uif, resides beyond the limits of Ihe State; it is therefore order ed t hnt publication be made in the North Caroli nian for six weeks, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county aforesaid, at. the Court House in the town of Rockingham, on Ihe third Monday in July next, then and there to plead to this At tachment, otherwise the same will be tat en pro confeSviO and the land levied on be condemned sub ject to the planlifiV debt. Witness, GraMani A Nicholson, cleik of our said Court at o trice, the third Monday oX.Apr,'t and - In iSp 61th yWr'nf Amerlenn Tnrtr?rMidfnef, A. D. 1845. G. A. NICHOLSON. June 2 1, 1845. 330-Ct. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD be; leave to inform his customers and Uhe public in general, that having saved a larCTe portion oi nis siecit oi kiwdzs at ine reccn' rire, lie has re-opened nevtdoor west of the Post Office, (Wagon Yard Building ) where -he intends con tinuing business on the same terms as heretofore. JNO.D. WILLIAMS. J-jne-31, 1845. 330-v. The Subscriber would respectfully inform owners r.f pro' peity in the burnt distiict. that he will furnish plans and specifications, and is also prepared to rake contracts fur the erection of build ings of any description. D. R. BELL. June 2 1. 1845. NOTICE. 1 ho subscriber having lost his store hou;e and most of his goods by the late firt, has removed for the present to the new brick store occupied by nenry L.ti:y where his notes ann accounts may be found. Ail persons indebtedto hini areearnestly requested to come forward and settle up their res- pective dues, as he is very anxious to close up his oi l business belore commencing airain; June 21, 1315. S E.J.LILLY, THE Subscriber is located for the present, at the store of Mr Wm. Bow, two doors below the Cape Feor Bank, where he offers for sale the few goods he saved from the late fire, viz: Coffee, Tea, Madeira, Sherry, and Sweet Malaga Wines; Prin cipe Segars; Citron; Boston Crackers; Powder; Shot; Shovels; Spades, and a few Dry Goods. I hope my friends that are in want of any of the above, willgiv; me a call. W. PRIOR. June 28, 1845. 331-tf. Durned out, but not entirely consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! ! ! 07"31T HOTJSTOIT. SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER, RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public forlhe liberal share of patromge heretofore bestowed up on bun, and hopes hat as lie row requires a con tinuance of their custom, to enable him to recover from the severe scorching received in the late fire, it will not be withhe'd. Hie fiiends. and cuch ts will please to call at his shop, on South ide of Person street, nxt door but one to the corner ol Diok, will find a tolerable stock in his line, with the best workmen, willing and ready to please in anv job and repairing line, at the shortest notice, jnne 23, 1345. 331-6m. CANDIDATES FOR CLERKS. Messrs Jno. McLaurin and Peter Patterson are candidates for the office of Clerk of the County Court of Cumberland. Messrs Duncan G. McRae and Wm. Botv are candidates for Su perior Court Clerk. Fire Proof Hoofs. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering ot roofs of buildings .with tro, copper, or zinc, and will execute promptly any work he may contract for, and for small profits. Jims 51, 1312. 33fl-tf. F T. WARD. NOTICE. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of return ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally fbr their liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them ; also for th kind sympithies manifested to them in the late calamity in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the I9th inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in giving them notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge of cannon. Having opened the Store nearly oppo site, they bope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronageof their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a chare of public patroi. age. They have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, !?ug:ir, Smiths' Bellows and Vises, LogChains, 6 superior Wrought Iron 'Mill Cranks. Also, Anvils, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles ol Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all of which they will sell low for Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable thtm to close their former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will take the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. fi.ee J. WAIU IMS. arch I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply tseine 1 wine, 3 coila 5s tea in .Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and Raft Rope, I hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls. Train Oil, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whittemore's real Cotton Cards, Coffue M 1 Ms. cast good Wagon and Cart Boxep, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy -Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightly injured. Removal. BLAIJL & MA Mi WOULD inform the public that they have moved from i heir old st-tnd to the store lately occupied by Messrs C J & R M Onell, and known as the Yellow Btilldinsrs. Having larglv increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in ihe way of trade, that will be to the interest of purchasers generally to give them a call. Their stock will consist in part of 10 TonsSwedes and English Iron, 500 lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Steel. 500 Ps. Hollow Ware 500 lbs. Bar Lead, 40 Bag Shot, assorted, 1 5 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts, 30 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1500 lbs, Copperasj 150 lbs Indigo, 1 Cask SalarntUs, . 50 sides sole Leather; 75 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. single and double refined and Coffee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO. Wagon Boies, Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Patent Medi cines, Hadlock's Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Camphor, CastorOil, Paints, Putty, Drugs, &c.&c, Sept. 14, 1844. 290 JONES & DUNN I NFORM their customers and friends that they arc now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS And as most of them have been bought from the manufacturers and importers, they will be offered low. Call and sec. Our stock is not heavy, but a good variety will be found upon examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the late rise in prices, we can afford them as low ns any house in the pfice. We return oiii- thuriks to our old friends, and assure them no pains or exertions on our part shall be spared to give general satisfaction -as heretofore. . We have now on hand (all fresh an J in goo 4 order,) Rio and Cuba Coffee ; Porto Rico New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas, Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Rfee, Candles, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, &c. &c. &e. STAPLE $ FANCY DRY GOODS. Among which are 150 pieces Calicoes, (some very fine, and really beautiful prints,) Victoria AI paccas, plain and figured; Muslin d'Eane; Ging hams; Irish LineA; Linen and cotton Drill; Linen and cotton, checked and striped Drill j Nankeens ; Mue, white, and colored Jeans ; Jaconet ; Book, Cross-barrd, a. id figured Muslins; Bed Ticking; Apron Checks; colored Cambricks ; white, black, and mixed Hose and half Host ; linen, silk, and cot'on Gloves; silk and cotton, pocket and dress Handkerchiefs, a great Variety; fancy Cravats and Scarfs; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace;' Edging ; fine, hair, side, and reading Combs; bleached and unbleached Domestics ; Broad Cloths ; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans, &c. ftc Florence, fine straw, silk, willow and other E-onnefs of the latest styles ; a rplendid assortment of artificial flowers. Alo, a good assortment ot Slippers; Morocco and leather Shoes, Brogans, Boots, Hats,&c. &c. Hardware Cutlery. Trace and halter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia,- and ?ron tea and table Spoons; Razors ; rim, stock, closet, chest, and pad Locks ; Sheep Shears; Drawing Knives ; cutting Knives; corn and grass Scythes ; Gimbltts; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, & &.C. NOW IN STOKE, 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar. 3 do do New Orleans do. 30 Bags green RioCoftVe, 4 Hhds. Molasses, a prime artitli, S000 Lb 3. prime corn-fed Bacon, 1,000 Lbs. white Lard, in firkins, 15 Bbls-Whiskey, 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, 2 do. N. E. Rum, 50 Sacks Liverpool Salt, at our old stand, foot ofllavmoonf. April 19, 1S45. 32 1 -if. WE are authorized to an nounce the name of Edward Pjtt man, as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk for the County of Montgomery. Persons indebted to the Subscriber would confer an ts oecial favor, by calling and set tling immediately, tB recent caiacmy, be hopes, will be ufficienfinduccaieQl. . - i R. 7. HARDIE. TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, having witneesed the vrry successful operation of HOTCH KISS'S VER1 1 CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Oral am 'a Mill in Fayelteville, in May ai.jd June last, were induced to purchase the Right fbr the entire Mete of North Carolina, and now offer individual Ii ijtlle for sale on very reasonable terms. They lave novr on hand Seventeen full sets of Wheels, ni:d have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. Besides being genrrally adopted in the Noithern States, there are already twelve saws in successful operation in this State, and eight others in J Trices ot erection. The astonishing power and speed f these Wheels have been witnessed by hundrcJa of citirens of this State, with universal appprol a'u n. And we desire all who may fuel an interest in thu subject to examine the Mills of. Arch'd Gtr.fiaiv, Col. A Icx'r Murchison, Christopher Monroe, A lex'r Williams, Arch'd McLaurin J. McDaniel, John Cadej Mrs. Effy McFadyen, in this County ; Ct.l. John C. McLaurin, in Richmond Count v; . ri hos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and lardy Roy 1 1 ia Sampson County ; to each of whom we HefJfc for information as to the prartieal operation of these Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights sen have them put up by workmen Mho have been instinct' rd by Mr Uotcliki-s himself. v t. The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate! Fayelteville, Feb'y 3, 15 45, We, the Subscribers, residing in the Ccuniy cf Cumberland and State rf North Ciarelina, l aving been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for ma ny years, feel full v warranted in stating, that Hon h ksss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, nd their appendages, are worthy of the patronage ci r II mill owners, and thai we have fall confidence in their superiority ; ".at the value of Mills will l.e very much enhanced by their introduction. "'1 hy are more durable, and easier kept in order ' w n properly put together than ihe common Flutter Wheel: they will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when there is a head above. The speed of the Saw is incieacec from one-half fn double tho 6i rikes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE. CHRISTOPHER MUNROS, JOHN McPADYIN, C. r. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHISON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwri-kt.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH. (Bladen Ceunt)".) They have also recei ved a certificate from Col. Alexander Murchfson, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in which bespeaks of this as "the Greatest improvement made on Saw Mills fn my his time says that his Saw will Cut 5000 feet in a day; it ootuallycul on the day before he wrote, 433 leet of II "irc Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in n u.inwte; flint one-haJfof the water is saved; and concludes by recommending its sdopliori to Mill owners. Olher certificates, which have been promise will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayelteville, March 15, 1845. 316-tf. The following article from the N. Y.TribeSe of the 4th ult., will show in what estimation these Wheels are held by the high authority oftue Amer ican Institute : From the N. Y. Tribone. UOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL, This Wheel, after haying been adopted I j some hundreds of mill owners on the Delaware, 6usque hannah.and in other lumbering regions, was pre sented lor competition at the late (air of the Amer ican Institute, and there was awarded two prem iums by different Committees first as the best Water Wheel fof Saw Mills; secondly, ss being one of the five best inventions submitted at the Fair. Il ha been extensively adopted ia the great pine districts of the South'; and its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from iee or back water, and ether economics, are securing it a very general preference. The Inventor is now n his way south, and may be addressed st agusfa, Ga., or st his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. lis advantages a're mimtoed as follows : 1. The Vertical Wheel when ased for Saw Millsj requires no gearing to produce from 17fi to 300 strokes of the saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply constructed as (he com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double the busi ness with ihe same advantage of tiie wttef. 3. Back water is no impediment when there is s head above. Ai fee cannot form on' (he wheels. , ft. They occupy less shace than a Flutter Wheel Mill. - 6. The increased speed of the saw maks better lumber, cots the same distance with less resistance and the saw-dost is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to uind and heet, with slow Mills. 7. They can be placed on the shaft, of a common Flutter-Wheel Mill if in good order, and hurg up on the same bearings if sufficiently strong to sus tain the power of the wheels. 8. The wheels being of east iroe, will Het a'n age. They also constitute the requisite Flj or Balanee Wheel, secoring a uniform motion, in oil parte of each revolution.- 9. The introduction e'f m'iws ia redovd to a plain system, mo that Jffh head of water is known, the result is a mathematical certainty. 10. Any workman having the patterns, a rnocUf, and table of calculation, can adapt mills to j location with perfect success. - 11. The improved mode of feeding i's meca cp proved of by those who have adopted it. .,-. on consignment, the running won of tw four horse Wagons. Also,' one feur horse Wagon with cover, &e. complete, ready far the road. All of which are warranted of ih beat .ma terial and workmanship, and WxJI be sold lew for cash. JAS. 8. GRANT. March 15, 1845. , 3lC-tf. Just Received on Conaignmefit. French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 4'J boxes No. I foac. A. M. CAXtrtiEZlu : Masch 15, 1845. 3!8-tf Tllbf CAa J Kf r I . M i 4 A 1 1