. . . " - - - - - J'V -" ' ."2 - - ' " - . ' . "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO IXniriDUAI-S; AND THE GLORY OP THE STATE 13 THE COMMON PROfERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." if I -t S .it A T M JV VM n BAY.XE TERMS OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per aiati n, if paif in a Ivance, S2 o if ,iai l at t ic e nl of six months 3 'u al tli em! ofihe year 3 5 Rates f Aivertising : t'y cents pr i ir,- fir '!.c fiai, and thirty cents for eu:h suVi'i-vit iaertinn. A Jr-tidins bv th ; V'ar A-iU We chargred according 'm th q nti'v 'f inciter insorte.l. C -irt lverticn;n?9, &f, 25 percent higher. I N D EM N IT Y A r i"i it Idjs or tla i c by Fire. TIIE WLLIMS3rJtlG FIRE INSU IUNTCB COMMAS Y. C A. P IT A --9 1 OS ,GOO. Ofice it Cira i.l near First Street, Williams burz, appimlt the Cihj of .Yew York. Agency O jice, tVtlis Building, G2 IVall St., Jte York. DIRECTORS Cliris'i.n Zn'Ti-K-e, Art'lr -w (J. IS :n eti'icU Frediiic!t W favr;, Abi'm T. B.-krok, Vran:-'in St inheil, S i tul fl. Clnpp, Jsruni ih Joh.Hon, J !ui S'till na 1, St nl. Will t-. Cliii. O. Haiuly, Li nucl Ri;harJs tn , Nicholas VTvcko(T. T. M.JL RICH ARDSON. Prs't Asnnr.W li HobsbS.-c'iv. V S:iN3l'0. t.)3 F, Az-Jt, New York. Ti-IS Win i:nsHtirz Fire I irani-e vCo-npany, huviii r li .ei in :,,r; r.it: I bv an act i,f th.; L-'iiIa-lur- rfi: Stale of Nrtw Yo'k, f-r the pur os of Firs Lmira-iCJ, 'be DirM.-t-rs ofiVr to tnsuo tivir fello v-ci'u vi .hro't'bunt the U ;ite 1 t .to- Aiinst L s.i or Damage by Fire, On li ii !ti23. 1 - an 1 l rcb lise, a id IJ r q1 il Pr..!.irty r-nerallv aairi-2 thon tnat. th aT.ir of' the C .m nv. s'.a'l be co .d iet, d rh sinvi fair iosp, cin for an 4 (ib-nilitv as th-y "rut wt l .'.ititl it to p i Mc-. ifi l'-nce a:o patro-iaff". f'rtf S-iln'Mihtr, Aj;;it f-r thalxv C n piiy, wilt 'iivfl i ii y Hi ther inorniation thai may lj i-sie I b ' thosrt w'i w nil) I i"re. .IA.MES MAil TINE, Aynt, liay S;reet. Fell. 9, IS 15. 311-tf. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE iH antl cn-t- ni' r in f a . - Htev, lie vici i:iy, that be ex c'a w i'!,r tn- i . . t Tk . i n xt len divs a uncnu a-"r' nif-iu i --?-- M dievf. 8. ;hemioa!s,&e , whi h It op-n ;t! tbesioe now ocrnpic 1 bv Mr N -.ill Mt-Puerson, I le. h is ii dv on hand soi-h a . j 1 -S B wei r- sn p.- Irnm ihe fire an 1 -om u h ih .t i i v o b 1 i' Li .r from 'Vilmin i..n. to., ihrr with a lot ot mini ci's, a Cl-iin m C iloni-!. Ele fill, Mass, &e., broii n-ht with imn from New Y-rk. .l.Jv I IS45. 33-if T i lajrilier re t.i;n- F.iveiievil'e and i viciu ty I s I .i the citie-is r the vov libetai .nn ,rt i'Yt n h (I lowarus li' and die its a coli tis i! fir stand, (ne.ir- nii-i- ..f ilu'i'- n trona-c at 1 1.- onri'isiie h ? o d ) w!ifr. he will itlwaj s keep on ban J aftcsh sn, fly of Urfvul. Rusk. Tea Cakes, Pound and Sponge Cakes, Water and Butter Crackers, &c., c., And all puc'i a- tch-3 in lii line a are tm ially wanted for family use. JOHN A. NEETZEL. tLU Families supplied with FRESH YEAST on t i" shortPt notice. May -2t, 13l". r?.r, -2m. IS now r:c;i vini bis jumm-r i.p,ly ol UOUU, which has he. n purchased b th' package at the late .".ih s at the North, anion ; v hich ar Superfine Lo idon C mib and Cassiraere?, I'r-.-b Lawns and Diapers, li ack and cibopd tfj.krt, Rilzorinos and I'ti tied Lawn?, S!.Ip PoniT' s, v. ry cheap, Ripai-h'tf and brown Den sties, from 3-4 to 1 2-4 Ci ieoand Gin. ham; SiiU anil Cotton Handkerchief, Laces, idiin-!, and 0.ui lins, 4-1 llo'ii -ie'?, ni'tv si vie, Elejnt Uarri e Scarfs. '.0-4 elnjant Si'k Shawls D.ess d Si'k Haniik-rchiefc, aorIrd, Lawn arid . men Ca mbi L: I la nnkerchi fr, Wiiti many . tlier articles, till i.f which a e otTered u .c.mm .nlv i..r Cash, or to Punctual Cus tomer o i the usual tune. Call at No. '2, LIBER TV POINT. Jnn-27, I84i. ijw'srai I HAVE'emoveJ the portion of ray "uoo's saved from the Fire, to thebr ck -tore, footot :iajinnnt, ' lattly oceupted by Mr Hamilton Mitchell, anyone doorea.t of Mr Geirse McNeill, whcie.l shall b pleased to see my ft ienf and customers, as lam determined to cl sc i.rT my soods at LtW Prices. AM persons having claims ii-.iint me, will please present them tor payment, and all i ldebtcd t' in" whose notes and accounts are due, will, I trust, see the necessity of pain up without further delay ' JOHN D. STARR. June 25, IS45, 331-y. J. M. BEASLEY WOULD respecttully inloun his friends, and the public srenerally, that be is airain do ns businesp, and may be found at the Foot of Haymount, wbeie he inp. s by elose atten'mn to business, to merit some encouraffement. Jewelry, military, and fan cy goods, a few of all were saved, and will be offer ed for sale lower than Usual. Work done at short notice. . - June 21, 1845. 330-4t. ICIF Observer copy 4 wks. BOOTS & SHOES !!! THE Subscriber an- nonncestohis fr ends and the pob he in central 'hut be has op. ued hi shon on Hav Kfret nnn.-mlto i Ge"r? McNeill's, where be is prepared to ma, c ?nMrfr,r:fair finft ap,J BOOTS and tsti.OtJs, both or gentlemen and ladies, in lb. most approved and mocern stales. He assures such as wdl fav..r birn with their custom, bat be will warrant hi work to be. done in the best stvle by the best workmen, and ofthebesi materials i bat can be procured. He feels confid-nt tat any ork passing out of bis hinds cannrt be surpassed by any done here or elsewhere, and he hopes hv close application to business and a studious f ffrt to please, not only to merit but receive a fair share of public patronage. MALCOM FAULK. June 17, 1845. 330-ly. Eticouraee Home Manufactures Gardner & BftcBLetiiari, H AVE ia'tly tmde con-'U' rul!e impron-m nt i" I ht-ir -'t 1 ; of vV'ork , and have now on hand a G-N tlRAL" ASSORTMENT, :onis'in of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkcys, Waggons, &c. Which fr 'h-ance oi !iape anl finish, and dnra fii.'itv. will compare w itli anv iiiail- tin- U Sti.te-. P. rsons w islii -, to nuv, would do weli lo cail .n,l iv:inii ip mir svirk. wt- ha Vf d tenni : u to sell LO'vVT for Ca-li orap roved notr. Havinffin onrcmp'mv first tat-- Smi lis, wn ae prepar-d io do any If on work in the 'above line on .inn! rate terms. W- warrant all onr work to be of o;ond and faith ful wnrkm mfhip and m;if -if :ilf, f.rone yitir. It3 REPAIRING faithful y executed at short no'i'-e, and n reason. ibl- lenity. Faveit- v 11.-, Fehn.ary S. 1645. y. JACKSON JOHXSOX HAS on hand atiho Watson Yard, for HIRE, ?IOISS!lS A BUG IKS. LM ALSO, las a ' T '-VO-HOR-.E CONVEYANCE, u-ith .i vi w t nccMiiMi'i'bili z peis.iiis wibhirid pasiayi o : n v of t f n-ilthoi i i y Tuw na. April I, 1815. " 319-tf. CLOVER SKED. X Lb-: Ml A3 CLUVLU bht.U, j? i r sale by t? FO. Aptii 19, 1S15. McNElLL. NOTICE. TAKEN UP am! rummitied to t e Jml o! Cum'jcnam- cou ilv, N. C, on Sondu v, the -iGiri day ol Jannarv. tstlt, a nerro rnnn wlin niv tiis name SIMON, and snvs t':iat h- was sold in Obi rlt-ston to a man lv tne name of McKenZ'e, and was carried to Alabama or Geor iiia and lhc-re left Iv m:iVr. S; id npro w..a tor-m-rlv th - pr p rl v ofBerj iniii Ga? of Oamilrn, S. C. and was fak m Irmn tliis rl-ice laet F -binary bv.MrGiss. Said ne-fn i a'out 5 fe t 4 inch hih, d rk compl sion. and ah. ml 45 or 50 years i.f arp. The own-r sat 1 ncro n h'rmy notifiP'I to co hp forward, pr vp proper'y. py charjep, unci takp h m away, or he will be lp,.lt w i h a. eorning to law. XV. L. C ALL AI , Jailor. Jan. 29. 1 8 15.--31 0-t f. SUMMER HATS. Just received f'tom N-w Yrrk ;.n an-ottmcnt ol fine double and inle brim Leghorn Flats, and about 50 doz-n Palm Leaf Hat, for sale low by JONES & DUNN. April 19, 1845. 320-tf. N 0 T ICE. Sfravrd ofTfrom my lot in Fay. -ttev lie, on tnp'25:h d iv of Ap il last, "a sorrel man COLT, ,wtIi a blaze m hi face; .tb oil t'.iirr.vn monfi-ol 1. Also, a smil! bnv Mar-, about 4 yens old. Sim va boil .lit lat Maxell Iro'n a man Ibat paid ho 'ived in Moo e conn? v. and be si rued his name A. Cam -b.U. I wi 1 piv anv pprsoi we 1 fir I nei i -t r ubh that' wii biinj ihprn to me, or give tne information so tnat I can ct I hern ajain. VM. L. CALL A IS. June 23, 184".. "331 -3t. a A r A. a - - - HOTEL LOT. BY v.rtue of a Deed of"Mortf r, made and t-xe. cufd to me bv Hi Lafaxette Hotel Cou.j a:ty. on tbe 20! h dav'of Jul, 1833, I shall expose to sale on Fr dnv the lttdav of Au.ttsi m xt.al 12 o'clock n ibn nremi-e-. those two h'ts .f land in Ibe Town ol Fave t vide, situate on Hay Doiialdsoi. and Franklin streets, known us the Lafayette Hotel tot. and the stable lol.toselhcr with tbe imiliUnes. mere on, and fbe rem lining biick and material, on a credit of 3 and 6 months. JOHN W.SANDrUUU. Fayettev.lle, June 26, 1845. 331-tds. B L A N K S . HAVING to.t ail our blanks, probably GO or 70 dollars' worth, m the fi e, we have been r- placing 'hem as fast is we can, since, and have now ready for sale at th- C irohnian Offi-e. Fi Fas, Co. or Sup. Cf., Appeal Bonds. , St tte Win Subpoenas, Orders .,f Sale, or Vcndj, Civil Warrants. One T en 1J "liar bi I cm the Bank of Charleston S. C. and one Four Dollar Bdl on ihe Bran, h BanU of the State of N. C. I wltl Ve the reward of Five Dollars for 'he n covi ry cf i..y money. Any pefiou de ivermg the above named bi'ls o Mr Jn . Cr-w, will be entitled to the ah -ve r. ward ,u" five dollars. DUNCAN GRAHAM. July 3, 1845. 33-2t. . THE SUBSCRIBER informs the puhl c, and particularly those m the buri.t rjstiict, that he will '"urn ah plans and specifications for litilding. or contract to erect house and furnish material-, whole or in part, at ihe option r ihe ho'ders ot the property, on the most reasons'! tc runs. June Jj, 1845.6 GEO. S. HOPGEP. g. & h. McMillan Hhive taken the store opposite lh'ir old 6tand. where they will be g'ad io a-e their customers. And all those indet ted to the firm are panicul ily requested to come forward and make immediate payment, aa we are in great need of money. June2i, 1845. - 330-4t. km FAYETTE YILLE, SATURDAY. BAR SOAP. ;v THE ubscribi r offers tor sale ONE HUN -DUED B jXES OF BAR S JAK, .nanufac ured at the "Faytitevilie ( N. U.) C.incJle Factory," and warranted qua! it not superior to Colgate's bet No 1. Bei i;r defprmioed to devote all necessary atten tion totlie business, d ofi riny it at a reduced price, (5 r.frte a ; ound b the box,) he hopes to ecivft a due iliare of ;uhlic patronage. v Cr All o.-dera thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. YV. McL. McKAY. FayettevUIf, May 24.844 lOO.OOO Acres Valuable FOIt SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all th LAND? belonging to iht E.-tjte of Abram Dubo dee'd ;vms principally in R-jiieson nmntv, anil mi bot- -tries oi'Lnmber River, the difT rent purveys conh tnniin? ovr ONE IR.NDRED TtlOUSAiNL ACRE4.? ; a Iirire part finely Timbered, and ton- vfiiienf to LunihiT Rivpr. wh-re a 1 1 1 e nu intrv of Timber is now railed to the Georgetown mar ket. Th s?, Ian is arc vprv valuable b th for the Ttinb r and Tnrp-ntine, for which purpoe a lane part is vi II antfed, bei 12 in a region wh-re th I u'penttne vl' Ida mors aiiunda-tiv than any o'hpr pcli.,n ofthe Statp. The Land-? will le sold at low price, atid inqn in i;ies to suit p-irchaser'. Iiit-irmat ion rp.-ppc'iu the can be out lined tiv ;ip;d i nz to lite Hon. Ro'iert Strang, James C 0..lbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Erq., (Attorneys at Liiw.) I iinciprFia id there are many trpspasers on these laml tr :;'f iji wiio:i noticp is hprehy otv.-o (na toe lav wdl be enloteed aiaint all such olT.i'H--ri Apphcnti m f r anv n-irt of the Lands c-cn bp made, to myself, o" to John Wins'ow, E.q., wh will be dtjly au'horiz'.d to make pith? ' f tin; samp. THOS. J. Fayef'evt 1 N. C, March I, 1845. CURTIS. 3 1 4 l f. EWARD. R A N AWAY from Mr .1 a m e s McDiiflie, o tbe 7ih f D -rm-to r !, my neffro man AiJCHY l ap ihe prop' rtv of A. B b e d-e'd. Ho is uboot 5 f. 1 1 8 or H; inch's lii"!", ha- a 'onsr s ti'ioih black lV.ce. with full prominent cv-f, a1'! ii lame in one of liis le3 Hii siii-p: f"d to he lurk 4 ji't ing about. F t vettevillp, N. C. A reward of'S? ii' bp -aid f jr him il taken 3nd lodged in any Jail i.i ibis Stait, or il lati'-n and biOPcd in Jaii in any other ot the Stt 8, so that I can sdhm a 'fain. J. M STRONG, Faveticv !'e. N. Mav 10. 1845. .20-tf State of N. Carolina Robesou county. Superior Court of Laic Spring Term, 1845. June Alien vs. Uui.h Roy Alien. Petition lor Divorce. '5s '".... IT np eaiin to fbe Court t ;at Hugh Roy Allen is not an inhabitant of thi S'afe, and lias no ;, rrent heiP on who u lT-lice can be seiv rito takp der -f?sitions in t' ist-:.us ; it is tb reibie ordete l that no it-p in the N r h Ca i o'i'-ian, pu 'i b d in the low n of Fax elte vi lie, in h s Sratc, I r six eeUs, will bp.q-ivaleut to actual nolic oi the sum Mii -h t: v Aden. Thf said Hui. liov Allen then-fore lake Tuticelliai . n 'h- si cond day ot A u-ju-t, ! S 15, at Enf "1 1, i i Barb.mr county, in ih.. Sraf of Alab-ima. the deix-silion .f Georu Mi Eaehen :ud o'her xviil he taken,' and on the CGili day f Jn'v, 1S45, at Hanir ti" t!ock Church i i Lancaster ii-lrict. South Carolina, the deposi tion of Thomas Twifty and others h i I be taken. All which deposition "a-p io her ad in evi(b-m:c in fiisabov- causp.nt which time anrl places the said Huh Roy Allen may attend and cross-examine the defendants. Witness. Aba'om Da vi?. Chu k of sn i d Conrl nt OfTice this 3lsr d .v f A.-ril. IS'5. ABSALOM DAVIS, Jr . C. S. C. J hip 7, 1845. SS?? fi'. fd Ti 250 REWA11D Wii! bo -iven h v the r mr i'p authnriii.-s rd Fy itteville, to any person who shall e;ive such infor mation as mav lead to ho detection and convie tioi, ef the individual who fired the Tow li ; on the "morni g of Fi iday the JUtb iost. WARREN "WIN SLOW, June IG, 1315. Mas. of Police. NOTICE. ' I will sell the STORE tit U SES jhaf are ro' occupied by Ml J .Tessup and myself; pos.-?si"ii can be jivon immediately. Thebiitdjnjr is forty fee' front, laid out into two rooms, but can be turn ed into one room bv removinir a p'nnk uiitilion. " JOHN E PATTERSON. June 21, !S45. 330-ff. Doctors CAMERON &M ALLETT may, for tbe oreent. tie f.iind at t be office of Ai r I tos. 1- Hyhait, a lew doots south of the Court House, June 2 1 , 1345. " JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as u ide taker and b"i!der, to the citiz ns or others, disposed to contract for buildine ot jobbirg Terms liberal. June 2'.th,lS45. Observer copy 3 wks SFLKND1D JULY SCHE3IES. JVC Gregory & Co. 31-iiiasers. "tf3O,O0! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 30, for 1S45. To be drawn in Al xandria, D. C, on Saturday Juiy 26, 184a. RRfLLIANT SCHEME! 30.003 dollars! 10,000 dollars ! At 4.000 dollars! 3,000 dollars! 2,500 dollars! 1,797 dollars! 50 prizes f 1,000 dollar! , 50 d.i - of 400 Jilhrs! 50 do ' of 3H0 l.IUrs ! 130 do of 2'JO d'-llars! T cket 310 H ivrg S5Qnartrs S2 5 Ceriiiidutes oi"Packata of2G who e tickets, 515f1 , Do do . 26 half do 65 Do do 26qnr.rter do 32 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares a nd Certifieates ol P ckases in th- above Splendid Lotteries w!l re ceive the most pror.pt anen'ioa, and an ofiieial ac count of each dr wins sent jm uediafely afier it i over to all who order from us. Address, T G Gregory it cL Jtlamagtrm. Washington City, D. C JULY 19, 1845. V if ly infornt tb citizens of 1: ay ttevilie antl th- public nenerallv. that he has taken the stjnd recently occupied by L.J.Clark, on G:llnie lStn et,5 doors S utii of The Market Square, ivhpfp he will : -r-""""iiianufacfiirp nnil kpen rnn. startly on h -nd an assortment of H; AtND SHEET IRON WARE. Pei roup wshinff to purchase would do well to a'l an J examine his -tocr. before .urchaFing else vhere.aK he is dotprmim-d to sell as ciiwp as any Jthprinanufjcturrrin th'Sfate. R AKE t? of ;m entirely new palfern. ROOFIXG done in th- htest style, and best n inner. Also GU TT--RING. AtiiT. 17, 1 344. - 261-v. A. M. CAMPBELL, Having been appointed AUCTIONEER' r the tgwu of Fiiyettpvillo, i3 pr-pn red to attend a.eofaoy -ouds which may be entrust. to him. "-ynsiir-nrients from abroad will be p omptlv at n!ed to. r ' Apil 19, 18f5. 321-v. tc ra i j a w !.- ..... ... the new JH. stylo sty!.; ol H P BL )CKS. and now finis'iinir Oen;emenj npr.r-fine FUR AND SILK IIATS. Also, r. ceived by last arrivVs, a irreaf variety of Fur, Silk. Panani', Lciihorn, and Palm Leaf Hats, id of which hive been purchased on such terms as to enable me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, f 845. 325-tf. State of North Carolina - Richmond couiit3-. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions Jlpril ' Term, 1845. : Bos lick & McKenzie vs. Riley Hrnerv. Attachment Levied on the defendants' interest, in a c-ittiiu tract of I md eontai mi" nH two hundred a..d ni ie: -aisracr slvin in tb county of Riciiinoiid, near Littb- Mountain Creek, an i joinder e laMfls of T. Bostick, A ex ui der Martin, and others. . If nppeari to the satisfaction of the Court that Ri'ev Hen ry, the defendant in this suit, re.'ides b-yondthp limits of the Sfafr; it is therefore order ed tli if pu'!ieati n be imde in the No'fb Caro'i ni m for six we.-.ks, notfiy nj the said defendant to be and appear at th nest term of this Cour to b" held f.r the cou if y a foresa id, at the Court House n thf tnwn o' Rockini'ham, on the third Mnnr'av in July nest, fhn arf! there to plead to this At taehtnen', otherwise the same will be tar en pro COilli Mi and the 'find levied on be iwalcmnii nb j :ti c ttie lnntiir-( Iebt. vVitness, GaV).ini A Nicholson, e'erk of our said Cnorf at o'Tice, th" third Monday of April, aod ii tne ti-Jth year ol Am-riean Indppend. nee, A D. 1345. ' G. A. NICHOLSON. June 2 1, 1845. 33 -Ct. THE SUBSCRIBER " OuLLi In y IcaVf to i if -r n ms ostom -is and he i nb'ie n LrenerHl. tleit b.-ivin- stvd a lar tp portion of his st. ck ol GOODS at the n pen fire, be has re-open a -e x ' ilinr west of-1 h. Post Offic-e I tmwi tarn Dii;i(tii'j,i n re li" intcndp ron tinning business on the sum" fe-ma as heretofore. JNQf.D. WILLIAMS. June o . 1S45. 3?o v. The Subscribe! would 'l ib resmct'ullv lefirm owners i fern pefy in the burnt ditiicf, that he wid furnish plans and pp. eifiealions, and is als jirepar- d to Take coutisic'S fertile erection o build i-i! of any deseription. , D. R. BELL. June 21. 1845. NOTICE. The subscriber having lost his store hr-use" and most of his jroo ds by the la'e fire, his n moved for the pre-sriitt to tne new hricft sfor oceupt-d bv Henry Lil v, where his notes nnd accounts may be found. A I persons indebtedto hi in aie earnestly requ sti-d to ccrme forward and settle up their res. ppcive dues, as he is vr-ry anxious to close up bis ol t busj'ies before commencing a sum. June 21, 1815.8 E.J.LILLY, THE Subscriber is located fr the present, at the store of .Vlr Win. Bow., two dors below the f-'iipc Fear Bank, wheie lie offers f r sale the tew goorfs he saved fiom the late fur, viz: Cofl.c, Tea, Madeira, Snerrv, ai.d Sweet Mal-t-a Wines; Prin oipeSegars; Citron; Boston Crackers; Powder; Shot; -Shovels; Spades, and a few Dry Godsr I hope mv friends ihnf are in want of any of the above will ;ivp me a call. W. PRIOR. June Vc, 1845. HM-tf. Burned out, but not entirety consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! J ! SADDLER & HARNESS m A RI3 Ii, . RETURNS hi sincere tbanks to the put lie for the liberal share of pair n.ige heretofore bcttowe d cp cn Tii'm. and hi)j;es ,h;it as be row r'0;"irfcs a con ttnu.incc of their custom, to enable him to rccov r f.-.un the severe scorchmjr recei.ed in the late fire, it will n i be withhe d. tlisfiiends. arid sin b in wdl IhI-: se to call at his shop, on JSouth fide tf Person street, n- st do!r but .ne to the coiner of Dink, will fi id a to'ei able stock in his line, with the best workmen, willing and ready to please in any job a d r pairing line, at the shortest notice. June 23, 1845. 331 -6m. CANDIDATES FOR CLERKS. Messrs Jno. McLaurin and Peter Patterson are candidates for the office of Clerk of the County Court of Cumberland. Messrs Duncan G. McRae and Wm, Bow are candidates for Su perior Court Clerk. Fire JProof Koofe. THE undersigned is ready to contract for he cov ering of roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or zinc; and wi J execute promptly any work, bo may. 1 contract for, and for small profits. June 2, 1315 330-tf. F.T.WARD. - NOTICE. THE Subscribers take this oppuitunity cf reutrn ing their wsirm. si thanks io il-.eir friends and pa irons, and the public peneralL for lh?!r liferal pa tronage bi stowed upon them ; also for the kind syinpuhies manifested to llieru in the lateealamifj In the destri'cfjon of Uiir A: tire St.-c't of Goods on the morning of the IQtli inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradlbrd, Capt. U. S. Ord nnd Mr G A Sch wanimati, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in giviipthrm notice, nnd others in the surround, ino ne ghborhood of the fire, ' by the discharge of cannon. Having open d the Stoyiraily oppo site, they hope oonlo resume tu'sfrTess, aed would most respect fully solicit the patronaeof their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of pub ic patrol. ae. They have on baud in their Warehouse, Salt, Irnn, Molasses, Su?ir, Smiths' ti-ilows ai d Vises, Lop Chains, 6 supe mr v rougbt Iron 'Mill Cranks Also, Anvil.--, Vises, Trace Chain., and heavy articles of Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all o' which -hey w ill sc'l lew for Cash or Prod-ce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to them bv note or ac count to ii ake immediate payment, as it will enable them to close tnitr former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will take the earliest opportunity to settle their acrounts. J. H. & J. MARTIN t. A arch I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, They have jut received, bnle superior Brid'pott 3 tdy S-ine Twine, 3 eons Steam Packing x am, Manil!n, Seine, and Raft Rof e, f hhd. winter sfrnin eri Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bUs. Train Oil, 3-0 gall?. Lineed Oil, W bitfemore s real C"tton f,Ero, CotTe M i!!s. cast jrood Wacon nnd Cart Boxes, ?50 grns Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop ron, with a small sssortmerit ot Sw.des and Log. lishBar lion ; .together With a heavy Stock of flat, round, and squaie Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, lloilp, contained in sned loininc their Store, but slightly injured. Mcmoval. MAlLiL. WOULD inform the pub'ie that they have moved ffomsheir old pt'nd to the sfoie lately occupied hv Alessrs C J & R M One!!, and known as t he Yellow Builrii ns. Having largdv iicreas-d their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to ofF-r induc-ments in ihe wav of trade. . hat witj be to the i nei e-t of purchasers gouetalU lo givt? them a call. Their stock wi'i consist in part of 10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 5n0 lbs. Cast, Blister, r.nd German Strel, 50L Pp. Hollow Ware, , . " 5-0 lbs. B.tr Lead, 40 Bags Shot, a.-soi ted, 15 Kegs Powder, 300 lbs. Epsom Salts," 310 lbs. Alum, 100 lb. Borax, 1500 lbs. .;ppcras, 1 50 lbs Indigo, 1 Cask Sa la rat us, . 50 sides pole Leather, 75 Bass Rm CotT-e, 10 Hhds. Porfo Rico Sugar, 1000 lbs. si -ele an,i djiu'e rel?ned and CofTee crushed u a r, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. A LSO, .'Be' lows, Vi. 's, Anvils, Wagon Boxe. Be'lws, Vi , s, Anvils, Cnfon Card, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Parent M. fli- eine, Hadlock's Syrup and Powd;-rs. Cass;a, Camphor, CatorOtl, Paints, Putty, Drugs, &c.&c, Sept. 14, 1844. 290 JONES & .DUNN Ni' ORM their customers and f. iends tint ihey are now receiving iheir Spring and Summ r STOCK OF GOODS; And as most of them have b en bf.uI:t fiom the manufacturers and importers, ihey wi'l be offend ow. Cil and see. Our ?t ck is not h avv, lut a .ood variety will be fmnd upo.i examination. And as our Gi oc ries w ere purcb.ised before the late rise in prices, we can afTni h m as low as any bouse in the ( lace. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure tnem no pains or exetlons on our part shall be spared to jve general satisfaction as h reiofere Ve have no on hand (ill f.esh anJ in goo I order,) Rio and Cu'a Coffee ; Porto Rico New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas, Indigo, Madder, Copjn ras, Rice, C indies, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, &c. &c. &c. STAPLE S- FANCY DRY GOODS. Among winch are 15" piece Calicoes, (some very fine, and realty beautiful prims,) Victoria Al paccas, plain and fiairui; Muslin d'Lane-; Ging hams; Irish Linen; L-nen and cotion Drill; Linen and cotton, checked and striped D ill ; Nankeen ; fdue, v. I;ire, and co'ored Jeans; Jacon't; Book, Cioss-barrd, and fijured Muslins; Bed Ticking ; Apron Check; c-lored.Cam'ricks ; white, black, and mixd Hose and half Hose ; linen, silk, and cot'on GloV'-s; silk and cofton, pocket and dress Handkerchiefs, a j:r'-at .vari-ty: famy Cravatu and Scarfs; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edgirg ; fine, hiir, s4de. and reaJing Combs; bleached and unbleached D-jincs' ics ; Broad C'oths ; Sattinets ; Kentuc ky Jeans, cc. &c. Fior' noe, fine straw, fcilk, wi'lnw and other Bonnets of the latest styles ; a splendid assortment ofsriiHcial flowers. Al-o, a good asportmei.t of Slippers; Morocco and leather Shoe, Brogan, Boots, Hats, &c. ic. Hardware & Cutlery. Trace and halfer Chains; Hos; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German filvcr, Britannia, and 'ron tea and table Spoon; Razors ; rirr, stock, close!, ehest, and pad Locks; Sheep Shears ; Drawing Knirrs ; cutfifig Knives; corn and grass Scvthes; Gimblets; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, &. &c. WOW STORE, 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar. 3 do do New O-leans do. 30 Bags green Rio C'-tT-e. 4 Hhds- Molasses, a prime article, 50r0 Lb. prime corn-fed Bacon, -HC0 Lbs. whuo Lard, fnflrai.n, : J5 Bbls Vvhiskev, ; ' 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, 2 do. N- E. Rem, , 50 Sacks Li varpool Salt, at cor old stand, foot ofHavmount. - April 19, IS4S- - 321-tf. XOt WE are authorized to an nounce the name of Edward Pitt man, as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk for the County of Montgomery : : V ol w m e. O Xmnber 3 34 Persons indebted to the i-AFUi" u ii - -rlcSlT So hsc-iber ou el confer a n s- ZggJi??" cecial favor, by taJinr nrdsK- tlin" iinmelintclv. His rtc nt caiaiojiy, be bcp e, wiil be .omci.nfiBdv-.fM.. kARDiE IMFOKTAWT TO LUMBKR MEN. THE Subscribers having m if nested the very suceefsfu loners i on rf HOTCHKIfS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Grabam's Mill in FayeUeville, in May ai.d June last, v.tre induced to purchase tbe Right for the entire Slate of North Carolina, and now t.ffer individual Rights for sale on very reasonab'e terms. They have now eti hand Seentf n full s ts of Wiinlj, nnd have made r.rrangenienls to keep a constant aup- l!-v' Brs:des being sS' rally adopted in the , oitbin Statcf, there are silnady' tve!ve saws in succesl'il (iperaitfin in this State, and eiejit oibers in i rcccFS ol ertcfion. TJie astonif hig i ow rr and spr d cf these Wl-eels have Leen witnfFsd by huntifeds of citizens of this State, with universal at pprol a'icn. And we desire alt ho may ft el en in t ere.-1 in tbe subject to examine (he Alills of Arch'd Graham, Col. Alcx'r Mur liis-n, Christoi her Alnntor, AU-xV Williams, Arch'd McLaurin. J. McDcntel, John Crde, Mrs. Efiy MrFafhrn, in Huh County ; Col. John C. McLaurin, in Richmond County ;' Thus. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and' Hardy Royal I in Sampson County ; to each of whom we llebV for ii. formation as to tbe tactical oj emtion of ll.tstf W I re's. Persons who apply soon -fiir Rijrbts can have th. m put i:pby workimn wlin have been instiuct ed by Mr Hotchkivs In'iiiM-lf. V - . The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the Stale cf North Carolina, Lave received the follow, ing certificate: Faycttcvillc. Fcb'y 3; 1845, We, tl-.e Subscribets, residing in the County of Cumberland and State f North Carlina, having been engaged in the manufacture ff Lumber for ma ny years, feel ful!v warranted in stating, that Hnt h k.sss VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are woithy of lle paironneu r f all mil! owners, and that we "havr:fuM confidence ill their supi riority ; et the value i f M i' ls w ill be vciy nmeh enhanced by fheir inl rodne lien. 1 liey are more durable, and easier kept in oider v I n properly put loMihrr than tbe common Flu tier Wliml: they will save at least one-third of Ihe wnier, and run weJI in back wafer wfun there is a fiend above. The speed of the S w is Increased from one-half to double the strikes per minute. ALFX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUNROF. CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFADYElY, - - C. P. MALLFTT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN Me DANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHiSON. ARCH'D McLERAN. ' DAN'L McDIARMID, AiUUe CAMERON, , (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, (KicbuminJ Cuunlr.) THOMAS C. SMITH, - (Bladen Cur.t.) They have also rec ived a ceitificate from Col. Alexander Murebicn. (w hich will be pt LlisbeJ hcrer.fter among others in handbill form.) in which he speaks of I Li - as "the "renfest i i prnvi ni- i.t made on Saw Mills in my ,j--J tiJO ;'- nnyH n,lt J-.i .iiv ui.'I Cut 51,00 feet in a ; it nc.miilv ut on the da b bre fi wrote. 4083 iei t of I' "u.ih Qnaiter Bonrds; makes 240 strole f s in n mingle; tint one -half f ihe water is sav.rf; onrf corcludca by i rerun rm ml in ; its ncopfion to Mill twin rs. Other certificates, which lia ve been r romisc will be published hen-after, ARCHIB ALD MeLAUCHLlN, DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McK ETHAN. Fayelfeville, Miirch 15, IS45. 31C-lf. The following arijelc from lb N. Y. Tribune of ihe 4fh uh., m ill show in w hat estimation tbe-e V' heeds .-ire h 1. 1 J by the high uuibou'iy of lh Amer iCtin Institute : Fr-rn the N. Y. Tribune. HOI CHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. Tins u bee', f:. r having been adopted l y seme liunf'.rdr of mid owners r-n the D.Icware, Su.que liannah, and in other lumbering legions, was f.ir sented lor e-ornpetition at the late fiTr ol hc Ame r ican Institute, and them was awarded two. prem iums by cfiff-rcr.t Ccmiciiiees first pr- ihe best W afer Wheel f ,r Saw Miii-; secondly, as beung one of the five best inv. ntions snbmilted at the Fair. It ha- been extensive lv adopted in Ibe great pine districts of the f outb"; and its rapid"" and smooth execution, per,x t immunity from ice or Lack water, r.nd other econo mies, etc sccurin" it a very oeneral preference. The Inventor is nr t.n his way south, and may be addressed at Aur-mda, Ga., or ot his residence, Windsor, Broome eminlv, N. Y. I'a advantages are summed as fol'sws : I. The Vertical Wheel wiieii Hfed for Saw Mil! , rerjnirei. no earin to produce fxun 175 to 3') strokes e.f the saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply constructed as the com mon Flutter Wheel, and will do double Ihe busi ness wifh the same ndvar.tase of the water. 3- Back water is no impediment when there is c bead above. 4. Ice cannot form on the wheels. ' 5. They occupy less apace than a Flutter Wheel 6. The increased speed of the ssw makes better lumber, cuts the same die-tane e wih lea resisfare b and the a--f!urt is freely thrown fT. which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and heat, with slow Mi'Is. 7. They can b placed on the ehaft, ofa common Flutter-Whel Mill if in good order, and hung up on the same bearin if sufficiently strong to sus tain fhn power of the wheels. - - . 8. The wheel being cf cast iron, w;!llal an ape. Thiv nlsr coneti'ufe ihe reuuisite Ftv nr T.iaZra 1 Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in al! parts e,f I each revolui-on. ' 9. The introduction of mills is reduced to a plain ej-sfrin, so ilu.t if ih head of water is known, the result is a mathematical certainty. 10. Any workman having the patlernp.a model, nnd table of calculation, can adapt mills to nn location with perfect success. 1 1. The improved mode of feeding is reach p proved of by those who have adopted it. Just received on consignment, the running wrks of two four horse Wagons. Alio, one four horse Wagon withcoer, Sec. complete, ready far tho road. Al! of which are wa.ranted i the best ma terial and workmanship, end will be mid low for cash. - JAS. S. GRANT March 15. 1345. 316-tf. Just Received o Consignment, French Brandy, ' Holland Gi, American Brandy, 40 boXM Sid. I eT. A.M.CAMPTOLL. March 15. 185. 16-tf 7 ;t - ., ' ' r 1 s k r i it ) 0 r k

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