"CHARACTER is AS IMPORTANT TO STATE! AS IT IS TO IKniTIDUALS; AMD THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE C03C3COJT VROFERTT OF IT CITIZEN- BY WM H BAY5E .'terms of THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : ,-r, ,f naid ina ivaiuT, w jf paid at the end of six months at the end of the year 3 Oo 3 5c Rates of Advertising: 3,i-y cent per q-ure fr 'he first, and thirty cents for eich subsequent insertion. vtitm V thJ year vill he charged according t,i th qit'tv of matter inserted. Court a-Ivertuet'nints, 4tc, "35 percent richer. 'TTdb m n i t y .Against loss or damage by Fire, file WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C A I IT A C S 1 05 ,00O. Ofice in Or id near First Street, Williams bur", opposite the City of JVew York: Agtacy 0;ic, Wells Building, Gi Wall si., JYeic York- DIRECTORS Christ Ln Zabrij-llie. An-lr- C R-nedi;-, Velerick VV L'avru, Jcr Mini Joh 1 "' J 1.1 S'iliniii, .,!. vVill.-ts. Francis St -i'lhcil, H mil II. Ci.ipp, J .h 1 Legetf, Cba. O. Hmdy, L ; mi-1 Richards n, Sieho.as Wvckoff. jT('fj ARDSON, Pr,.f. V YSMlNC VOX P -5 T, Asj.it, New York. TriS -.Villi luis'.Miri Firel-irance Co-npany, ivin '"b.-e.i ia r-.r;. .te by an act ofih-: Le2isla. tr-..ff,.;Sr.,t .,f Now York, f-r the !Jr, os-a f Fire Lmirunee, the Directors offer to 1 nsuro ( heir Veliov-ci'.ion :h".v.i4 !.. f U-iie-i Atuust L )ss or Damage by Fire, 'O lil ii'.lm"3, Ci. 1 and M-reh-inJise, umi P r-.v,-.l Pr..r7tJ- ".morally, :i s. 11 rin? ihe. 11 that the . .T- .. f .m ianv. s .a: he CO Ki lCI'-O wini ... I . ' . I .'u-h taime?, can h.r an I liberality 8- lh-y 'rust 'will entitl j it lo pu'dic con fi l.:nce ana patronage. The S-tlxeiihf.r, Agejnt fir th almVe Coiri pmy, will give any '.u-ther information that my 'l de'ired bv thnsv. who wsh to I istire. JAMES MAR TINE, Agent, H'V Street. Feb. S, I8i:. 31 I-tf. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE CEJS fo inform Irs fri-mds and i tinlnnierH in Fay-t-ttevdie an. I v icinity, that lie ex; c!3 within the ni-xt ten d.iys a rmteral a-.-ornnen t of Drojs. M-diciefS.tjheinieala.&c., whi h h.- will open at tl.e store now occupied bv Mr N.-ill McPhernon, liiroctlv npposite Ins old st.ind. He has now on hand soeh ar j. Ips is were saved from the fire, and .6-iV w'th arrived by .si Libt--r Irom Wilmington, fethrr v jih n lot ottjhemi c i's, as a-iin ne. Calom. l. Bl e Mass, &e., brought with him from New York. July I, 1815. 332-1 f T 0 AV N TAti S.i:.seriber rcum t ianus to il.e ciHiens ..1 F.ixe.nev.Ue and it." vicinity C-r the very libeial nipp rt ext n l.'d towards lion, and o!icie n eun-t.nu.in- e ..f ibei p tronn-e at his rio stand, (near ly opposite h? od.) where he will alwaj s keep 011 hand a frtsh supply Hf Bread, Rusk, Tea C:kes, iJouna and Spouse Cake,, VVatr and Butter Crackers, &e., &c., And all piic'i articles in hi? line asareuuaHy wanted for family use. tlj Families snppli'.d with FRESH YEAST 1 . . . 1 .. on : ! nori.."i nonet. .May 2 I, l.-U.i. JAMBi RV .L..Ki IS now reci.-ivm h - KUoimcr s. p;.ly ot GCODP, wnieh has Se. n purchased by th.- package at the ate saleu at Ihe N- rih. anion bkh are Siipcrtinu Lo-idoii Ciothi and Cassimcresj Fr.'sh Lawns and Diapcrp, II aek and colored .Siik, H tlzoriuco and Pii ited Lntvnsj Slate Ponr- t, v ry cheap, Rica, h'd and brown Do.n stics.troin 3-4 to 12-4 Ciiicoaud Ginaliam; Si.'i; and Cotton H;ndkerchieH, Laces, Ed.iugs, and Uui lins. 4-4 Rohi'ie'?, new .sryle, E'.cant Rarr. ce Scarh?, '.0-4 e!M.ant Si'k Shawl Dres-dSi!k 1 Iani1k 1 chiefs, avttted. Lawn and iinen tjambi ic Ha ndk t rcbi f., Willi many other artidcit, all .f wlntli afe offered Vincoimn-.nly 1 v tor Cash, or to Functuai 'ns Simr on the usual time. Call at No. 2, LIBER TY POINT. Jim- 27, 1S4 K 1 II A VrE eiiiovel the portion of ray caods saved tro nthe Fir , to the hr c store, toot ot ; lay mount, j lately occupied bv Mr Hami'ton Mitchc.l, ;m nc door a.t of Mr G-or.'e McNeiiU wheiel'shaU b. pleas d to s-e mv fiend and cust-nners, a I am tietertni.i.-d to el fc tf.ov sood.- at LOW PriccH. All persons havi 1 claim again! in-, wdi please present th-m for p.iyne 't. and .all 1 ,id. bt d to in- whose not.- and aceouiits aif doe, id, I lrut, ne.- the n- c it v of ia inz "P without fitrtht r dela,- JOHN U. STARR. J. me 25, 1845, 331-y. BOOTS & SHOESTTT gT THE Subscriber an- V J nounces to hi.-, fr ends arid the pub Ki lie in fcn.ral that he has opened V-W- hi- shdp bn Hay street, opposite Mr Geiiroi; MeNediV where he ir pr-rared to In make to ord r or r-pair fine shd fcoArf BOOTS "' SHOES, hoi h tor gentlemen and ladies, in ihe mot approv-d and mne'ern styles. rle assures saeh as will fjv..r him with their custom, 'hat he will warrant hi work to be done in the beat style, by the beat workmen, and of the best materials that can be pr icurcd. He feels confi b nt t lat any ork paaa1n20.it of his hands cannot be surpassed by any done hero oreUowhflre, and ha hopes bv close application to business and a stiidioea effort to pie"", not only to niorit hut receive a fair share ot public patronage. .... MALCOM FAULK. June 17, 1845. 330-Iv. FOR SALE. 1 WISH to sell my land lying on B15 Ro ufih bnneaneui ci mrpentine land, with a good stfeam for carrying it to market, navi gable at any time while there is water ennugh for boats to run b-twe n FayetteviHe and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. JoIy 1, 1845. - 333-tf. S3 Eucourase Home Manufactures Gardner & IVIcKetlian, HAVE lately nVule consul. ruUte iiripirGve'in tot tu their sty of Work, and have nowrni hand a G -N eual. Assortment, consis-mg of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for 1 leganee 01 shape an 1 ti ;ish, and dnra liilitv. will compare it'' any made 1:1 the U Slates. P.'l nins witti :g to bus, would do well to ca'l ind exauii-ie our work, as we li;v- ih tcrini ul to je!l LOW f.irCn-h. orp roveil notef. Il.iViniriii uir empioy fir?-? mt- tmi h, wc are prepar- tf id 'd'i anj' i:on worii in tl.c above lirte 6n iiioiJj rtiVe terms. Wo warrant all our work t b of sood and faith tt workm rifhip ami mil-ilal., fir one year. trJ REPAIRING faitblol y executed at short no'i' e, and n rea-on Mr- term.. Favc't. v 11 , Febn.ary 3, 1845. y. JACKSON JOHXSON HAS on Hand at the vVaort Vaird for HIRE, HORSES AIVO BUtfGlCS. JLSO, Haa TWO-HORSE CONVEYANCE, with a vi W f accommodiiti". w p,;i n,,ris wisliinii pasiae to art vol the n'-ihboiin-r 'i'owns. ApVd I, Si5. 319-'f. CLOVER SEED. Otfltsflk Lbs. KED-CLOVER SEED, Fr sale by April 19, 1S45. Gt'o. McNeill. summer Hats. Just received from N w York mi asoilmenl ci fine dVtuble and "rle brim Leghorn Flutfi and about 50 loz n Palui Leaf Hat', for i-ale low li'y JONE3 & DUNN. April 19. t45. 3-2 HOTEL LOT. BY virtue of a Deed of Mortrpe, made i.nd cutid o me by th - .Latat'erte H t.-! Comj a-T z r. on the 20'h day of July, 183.3, 1 "Mil expo to gale 0-1 Pr d:iv the llIav .f An. hsi n. xt oti the prenii-e-, thoiie two Ids of lunn in tie Town of Fave.t-vi le. situate on Hay, tom.lilso 1 and Fiank in stc et8, known asth.; La!;iy. tte Hotel lot, and the stable lot, toe r ith the lo.il. i- s jh're o', and th; rthi.ii. in btick ai.tl mat ii.il, on crecii'. of 3 and 6 months. JOHN W. SANDFORD. Favettrv.Ile. Jun-26, 1845. 331-tds. TO THE PUBLIC nilHK Suh-cr.b r has 1 r ee.v . .r 111 New U York i n artdition t. his form r stock , faph ionable GOODS far ladies' and e itleme i'f vear. Also, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf II A i r ; Fmhiortahl- Bonnets a id Bonn, t Si k-: brown and bleached Sheetin" ; Linen 5 4 and 6-4 ; fi ic Irish Linen and L-n.- Lawn-; C.mb ic H..nd e ebi.-ic; Silk do.; heavy Russia, Osnaburp-, for s rUn s; fcommon do.j Hue KkI Gloves, SiHv Mm- do. P. TAYLOR. May 24. 1845. 386.3m. THE SUBSCRIBER in 'onus the. publ c, and part it-til ii!v those in the hun t . is'nc, that be wid flirnsh plans and speeifieai iotvs for Mildin. or co-.trac t to eret-t h-niste- -id for. i-h m .t.'ri.-iN, whole or In pafi at the bp'ioh hi 1 he ho'ders ot the . r . ,1 . i.i. pronerty, o-i 1'tc most, reaaoon-'it- ..1.... June 21, 1 545. 6 GEO. S HODGES. N 0 T I C E. 'l AKEN UP and iiMntiiiitHd to the Jail ol Ctiniberlam! cu :t v, N. C, on Sunday, ihe 26th l.iv of January. 1845, a nejni man who says his name i SIMON, and says that h- whs sold in Charleston to a man hy the name ef MeKenr'e.and ivas carried t.. Alabama or Geor gia and there lel'i his muster. Said negro w..stor "Srrlv th- pr- p -rty of Beojamin Gass ol Oaui'len, S. C an I was taken trom this pin-e last February by Mr Gifs. Said ne?ro1s abo-i 5 fed 4 j-icb'-s. high, d rk eumph xin, and about 45 or 50 years ..f ge. The owner of said nezro is hereby notifiej Jo coin.- forward, pf .ve projef'y. py charges, arl take H-m awd v, or he Will b- oe:.lt wi'h m--rriins W L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29. IS l5.--3in.tf. "WtravglLers Anil Sojourn crs in Fuyet tevil l , MRS. E. SMITH is -till prei-ar- d to . nter taiii GtttMetnen and Ladi. s travelling throli hbi sojourning In Fayeit. vi le. ll.rt:.b e is aUavs as good as the mirket afl..rds. She has g.Knl ta bbil and hostlers, and attentive w;.t. rsjand re ipectrury sol c ts a coot n ance of pub ie p .tronaSe Her resiuertce 80 w II known that it n ed. no de- Bl-t-u t'on. 1NO ex-rtions will be a., a red to ive satisfaction: Since ttie late d -strue.' i v fir- wh;ch de-tmved the Hotel, sHe lids eiila'e'd her means of Htco .-m... dation bv rentla the house directly opposite. where ihe ha several good airy rooms, for sleep ing arartments. Feb. 1 1815. 3m-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The siibsciber. Adininistiator ifMalf-m Ray, deceased, will expose lo public a! on F iday the firstday of Aujo.t next, a Iarje porin o the perishable property belonging to the estate o' his m'etate. " Terms of sile Six months credit. Bbnds with approved sureties will b- required. At ihe same time the negroes will b hired on until th rlrst of Janmrv next. Among them are so'orvlikely youn hands. . The sain arid hiring will take place at the late residence of the deceased. . ANDREW C' RAY Adm'r. Ju' J 12th, 1845. 333 -t. FAYEtTEVlLLE, SATURDAY, State of BTurth Carolina Cumberland county Court of Pleas 4r Quarter Sessions June Term, 1845. Joseph Ste art and wife V inn r.ed, Calvin Avrra, el ill. v.. hard Ilyalls, tl at. Petition fur division of tlives belonging 10 Estate ol Richard Kyails, deceased." IT aopeaii:i to th 8atj-faction .if the Court that J ff r-on h-p d, David Spe.d, Richurd Ryallf, L,ovi iiy .I.'s, U I uriiipse.d ai:d wile bdilr, and the a stnbut mi .l El zabeih IVIootc. dec ast d. hi ira at l.i w ol R cbar t it;.l s. ilf,-. :, .i in abita.its ol t(.i .Si.itt-, Jnti the usujl p'i,,Cfs'8 ot law can nut be neivt-ri on them, it is !heie;cr 'order ed that pobl c tion b- ui.id in !h. N. rth CanJi ni ui, a ti. wspi pe pnbl shed i-., iti; iOWI, ej Fay- tievi !e, for mj bucc siive w k-, r qui i io them to ap;jtM, b for.: tb- Julic s of our said Court, at aC.mrttob h-.-ld I .r tonnty at the Court House in 1-ay t'eville.oii th- fi.s: Monday in Sep- 1 iiufci iiLM, ana nun anil l!ir - shi-w i'misc i( any 1 hey hav , why the Mraer -f the petitioners sh .tild out b. .rai.lcil, nr th same will le tak-ii pro i i.n:e..o u lieiud xu r e :i 10 tliem. no. s.-, joiui iVi. Luu in, Cle.k 61 ..ur a d Court Otfi.-.- in F yette.l .-, th- fir.-t Monuav in June, A. D , Iri45, and 6'Jili ol Arnica I.ide l rd. .Ke. j. McLAURIN. J.dy 19, 1845.-334 6t. p, r adv. S3 25. Mew IP5nimi)o The suh-i-ri'i'-ri-- have mrd ,, . tr, S'u:-. Ulldi r f 1 fi . of" H. W. Bsatty & Co., I' r the t'Hiix.K Km i,f A General Commission Business In the 7 it?n ff Wilmington, .V. C. They ili ojve particular attention to the -sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores; the receiv !Maii(ll'iiWiir.li.i!i jfoo-ls, :uid ;he sal-j and pur Vh:.se of -00 8 for the ha. k connlrv. Th y w ..ill res it-ctfuliy s..l Cn a uo.tion of pu -lie patron..: . and p!edr..- their be-i ev rtioos to lva satistiicliort. lu!y 19, 1315. H. W. HEAT TY, JOi iN C. LATTA, 334-tf. BAR SOAP. TT1E siihs.-iih. r offers for sale ONE HUN DRED B JXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "F.-iyeit villi (N. C.) C ui -'le F-.ctory," and warranted qtul it not superior to Col 'ate's bc-t No I. Bei g determined to devote all necessavy atten tion totlie busiaess, anr! oil ri it r il at a reduced pri-:e, (5 i-ei ts a round fit-the box.) he hopes to receive a doe share of ;utlit patromiire. t All n-it,...! tl... ..-,,1 . . , - . t - ' ' . . ...u.in.uii, 1 1 1. 1 v m i :i vi j ' 1 v 1 1 J 0 " iv attended to. W. McL. itlcKAY. F.iyetteville, May 24 84t 100.000 Acres Valuable JPOK SAIL. 12. THE Subscriber has pun hased a I th LAN D? belonging to the Estate of Abiam Dobu i.-, ds:'d , lyuil trinei;.il!y i 1 R ihesor countv, ami on hot., sides of Lumber River, the di(F r-nt surveys eon taming ov r. ONE II. NDRED THuUAXD ACRES ; a lire part Hnelv Timbered, and .Oii venient t.. Lumber Riv- r, wh-ri-a liiie qu.inti y ot Timber is n-iw raited 'o tb Georgetown m.u ket. Th. -8- Ian -9 are V-rv valuable b .ih ibr t'ie Timber and Tnrjt ntine, for whi h purooe a larje part is will suited, bei i in a region wb- re the Tu'-peiiline yields more abunda tL tha i a 1 y o' her section of ihe State. The Land-will hi; sold at a low price, andinquin i:iestsiit p irc'iiisi-r-5. Information rt-.-pfi-'uij the title v.m be oht lined by appl i is to 1 he Hon. Robert St. ane, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T S.n;th, Esq., (Attorneys ai Law.) I understti d there nre many trespassers on these lan.U, to allot whom notice is hereby e.v - tha the law wdi be enforced a siin all sncb off; i l- 1 -. Applicati -n f r any part of the Lands ci.n In made to myself, o- to jtiho W in? ow , Esq., who will be duly au horiz d to make sale f the m THOS. J. CURTIS. Farettev;'! N C. M-.rch I. 1845. 314 -1 f. NOTICE. Do, to.s CAM ER iN &M ALLKTT may. fu. the piesent, be f nail at the office of Mr. Thtis. L. Hyb.iit, a lew dob s sxjitilS iij the Coint House. June 21, 1345. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his seri vices ;.s u ide tak. r and b ilder. to t' e tit. 7. ns 01 others, disposed to contract for tmi'dieg . j biiir. Terms liberal. Pe sons ind. bled Hie snh.-c 1 r r e th. r bv not or ho h aecou- t, wil? con'er a speci;.! avor b ca 1 I i" ind set'l ni: th.-samc. Ue b:,es th-i his re c -rit eal.ini ty ifl be sofTi. it-Hi iniii tfiin iit for them to do so v ith-u: f irlher oo'ite. JA.S. GRANT. P. S. I may be fo-ind at tlie .-tore recently oc cupied bv Mr Janus Baker. June 21, 184 . 330 tf. "weekly P ti n n s y l van ian7 (JE DULL A R A YAi!. Thfe t-W'-ekly P.-iiiiiiylvaiiiau,1 pr nted or! a do'.ti'e ols .mm sheet, and cwitaiiiiiig he principal poliiicil, I t'-rary and new- mat e s of ihe ih.ily paper, Philadelphia Pi Ices Cu r n , &e. is inn e.i v-rv Frnlay, it the low pr;c-- of One D dl ir a yea'' As the pfi e at wuich i: .s f-i- nsi:el w id not allow us to ope 1 act: -unt th - sit .scfipl ion mut-t at w vs be paid in a Ivac , an I th - p .per t iiariahiv st-p ed riie . I 1 - subset ip: I'j.i u..s cxp red, U 1 esj previoosl r-mw d. . fC5 R-MirrCE-!. Th - limitation df tH' frinki" jiilti' g - of Ih postmasters the new law, havi s chl ff the nsn.il more .t tr rismittin Kubscri tioris to paps rs, tee Posiin.lT G ncral haw m id.- the follow inn pnSs'iime l..r thi-t gr -at convenience to b -th the pun ic and tlu- pr 5 ; 4.Vldnev for newts a r subsc-ript't.ns ri.it -X C-eding Sin in iich case, m iy b paid to a p--s'-na-ler tor the purj oic ol bein pant .. IHe pib isli r of a riewspap' r a any otuer orHce. The post master i, 1 . Mich a case, to -ive toth pers.-n t.-yiig the mi:iey a receipt therefiif. a'-d to ad tse lorihwith ihe pnstmstrtr. ! Is to pay .said amount r.f aofch d posit Up -n pre-e tato.n -t t hi receipt, th a .11011 t is to h i-aid b- . r. Tlie p stiii r rtc-ivi e th-am uet is o .jii' it himse'f therewith in his a. tmnt 1 nd t'i not master pa ini that am .u-it is to cr. dit hi -if thtrew h in hieac ci'ii it eoutiriie it cixp-os. s " Wher- application tinnot convenjent'y he mad to a po-tmisier; and uiHr th mi on- si.b-cri tion is ontained in th.; 'itvr, wears willing to incnr h postal, provided the w'iter tkesca e thjt its w tiht d'e not exceed the ha'f once to which sin gle postaea ar Mmi ed under the new law which corouaeocea da the firat. oJnlr " Ml FFLIN& PARRY. Philadelphia JULY 26, 1846. !y iuforiu thti citizens of Fayttevill andthe public generally, that he has taken the st-i ud recently occftpied by E. J. Clark, on G IIesDie LStreet, 5. doors South r.f the Market Square, whf-re he w ill iifa-Hw u , ..i&.LUic iju uep con Ti tSy 4 'd an a-orr,etof p Ai sheet Iron ware. .,n,nT1,tWI8.,lin;r,0l)"rthaFe -u!d well to call and examine his Jtot.... be!0re -..urchapirio- else- wlierc.a. ,e is determined to sell as c heap a8 any nTr?rHfa'-'turer in th, State. : 5 PrtuPiw"f.n ft"rely new pattern. a. ne i',f,,' '--est style, and best m:innr. . Also GU TT.-RING Au-. 17, 1814. ' 2C1-V. A. M. CAMPBELL, Hnvinrr lieu itm.; n te(j aijctiuneSur . . r rlie ) th - s 'lllll. to. v i ..f Fayett.-vilU, is pr-p ired to atfc id sie ol any LOods wh.ich may be entrustd to Co'isi lmenl tem.'ed t.. from abroad will ha n omnilv nt. r 1 1 1815. . it. Ap il t9 ,A8BI,2D'sira IH AVE jut ie-iv.;d t!ie new style of MAT BL JOKS, and w finishing Gpn'h-meo'p np..r.; ,c FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, r Fur, SiM; ceived bv last nr.ivals, a irro-ai varsity r.f Panama. Leho n. arid Palm lfl-hi ill of which h ive been purchased on siicli terms as to enabie me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, IS45. 325-tf. State of North Carolina - Richmond county. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1845. Bos-jck & Mt-Kenzie vs. Rihy Herierv. Attachment Levied on. the defehdants' interest in a c itain tract of land containing t w., huudred a,.d ni ie: v- "our acre I iny in th county of Richmond, near Little Mountain Creek, and joining the fa. , uf T. Bostick, A exJiider Martin, and others. It nppo::ri z to the satisfaction of the Court that tlilev lieu rv. the defendant in thi coo b ymd th-'inns of the State; it i-. f hereiore order ed t hat pu'.Iic it i in be made in the No-th Caroli ui .n for -i weka. nolilv iij the said defendant to he and appear at the next Jer.il of this Court, to be held for the c'diiufy aloresaid, at the Court House m thr town of Rockingham, on the third Mondnv in Ju'y next, then and there f.i plead to this At tachmen , otherwise the same will be taienp.o eon'.. so and the 'and I. vied on be condemned sub- j -ct 'o the pint.rl-' debt. .vitro , t3r.:i,.rn A Nicholson, c'cik nf our vniri Coorl at ofHce. th -third Mo idav of April, and ti... cm. .. ,c a ... . , ' . oji c.n ui aiii' iii'iiii innepeno: nee, j P. 1S43. G. A. NICHOLSON, Jone2t, tS4.V. 33 i-Ct. THE SUBSCRIBER UlLU totr icaVe to I it-. Till i I IS C .1 S 1 01 11 . I 3 a n d he ! "Iih'c n aeneral. that haviny Siv dti lare lo.tion of his str t-k ot GOODS of the lec n fire t. i..... j ..1 . i- 1 r . . . . i---..Mu n-' iiirif weii 01 m-- roi -ihce (vva'.-i ar I Building,; ware he intends con tinuing business on the --une terms as heretofore. JNO.D. WILLI VMS. J-me-t. 1S4;. 3i( y. NOTICE. t-. 1 ..... 1 no snnsenner havin- I. st h s store hruse and most ol his roo(is hv the la e fir h . P, mnu.l C,,r ' he p -ee -t to the new brick stor occupi- d b I I ' in v I n y, wheifi Ins I'l l- . ;:ori n, nts o.-.i h- found eon st . A I pe! s ,ns indebteeto hi in I to come forward and seille 1 re i-a rnestly op ' heir res- pec'ive dues, as he Ji very anxious to close up his dl luisi e-v b. fiiie t-oiiitnencin aam. Jui.e 21, IS-15 8 " E.J.LILLY, THE Subscri er is I. ..-at. i: frihe present, a' flu-stoie. I .Vi 4 Win. Bow, two d ors b -low ihe tJapc F.;ir Bank, whee lie rfleis f t sale the lew o-ooiN h. ive.l finiii lb late li C, viz: Cfi: I'ca, Mad. ii-i, S c fv, ai .U Sweet Mali. a Vli.es; Prin- i i" -gars; Citron; Boston C ackers; P..wd i; S o-t; Shovi Is; Spad. s, and f. w D y Go. ds. I hoje mv f.-ieiids that ;:re in wart of nns f tin above will niv m,- a call. W. PRIOR. June -Ir, IS 15. vt l-f ii aed onl. bvl not entirety ctntsnntrd, (July pretty chnsiflzraftfy scorched ! ! ! HIT HOTT&TOUr. SADDLER & HARNESS m a k a-: ity RriTUR . s f,ji .-5 .cere t banks to the pu lie for the I b ra. share of pitr n g. h'-r.-iof, r-- l Ftowi ep- ii him. and hop.- h t a he i ow r q a c.-ti t eu mce of t to ir custom, to -liable bun f rec v r f.-oiii llle severe se..i-c'ii:i recei.el m the i.iti- fir-, it u ill n b w ii I tie d. li fiend .nd fii. h is w II I : s-to call at his shop, on Soetii s-i le if Person s-t-" et ." ne I door but .me to Ibe ro ner ol Di k, w ii' fi d a to'e at !- slock in his hue, with t'ie b st wink iieo, wiliisiiiid icariy to phse in anv job a d r pairing !in-, at the shoitest notice. June 23 1815. 331-Sn. CAXDIDJTES FOR CLERKS. Messrs Jiid- IMcLaurin and Peter Patterson are candidates for the office uf Clerk of the County Court nt" ('umberlaiid. Messrs Duncan G. McRae and m Bow are candidates for Su perfdr Court Clerk. Fire iProof JRoofs. THE undersigned it ready t conr-.ct for ahe cov e.nn of r-o'i of hill Mil. S uith tin, i opper. or int; and i 1 exe. ute pro uptlv any work he may c mt'ii-t for, and tor s-na I pio.'its. June 21, l-St5.3M.-f. F. T. WARD. Just Received on Consignment F e ich Braody, Ho'Iand Gin. American Brandv, 40 bdxea No. 1 ?d?if. - . ; A. M- CAMPSELL. Marsh 15, 1345. 3I6-tf --sssssssssasss m-"-rt N O TI C E. Subscr'bers take tins oppoifunifv of reltirn- in their wanutst fhanketo tiu ir friends truns, and th-. public generally for iheir J i - ami pa id a! pa tronage hi stowed ui on tlipm : uleo for the kind syrnpithies manifested ti iIkri in the late ca fan -it j in tne oestructton of their entire bt; 1 on the morning cf the 19th inst.; and t A J Rr;ifinril (V.r.f 7T K. !)rrL. and if Goodf- . Cart J and .vi r u A ... r A Schwarzman, of U S Arpenal, for tiieir kindnesp in givit gfhern notice, end others in the surrri:nd ing neigbborhotrtJ f,t tie fire, by i!;e rhcbartC of canncn. Having opened the Store neaiiv oppo site, tfiey hope -oonto resU'ne bosifiess, and would most respectfully solicit the patronaiCof their f; iends and the- pubhc, and liall hope to rn tit a thare ot pubic patrol. age. Thev hnve oil hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, So? ir, Smuhs B' I'uws a d Vises, LoCJiains, 6 snpe- ir Wrought Iron MjI! Cranks. A!so, Anvil,-, Vises, Trace C he ins, and havy articles ot Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all o'" which hey w ill se'I Iwvv for Cash or Prod ce. Thev would also earnestly requ-st nil rhose indebted to them by note nr j,c. eoun to 11 ake immediate payment, nsjt will erale t iem to cioee thtir former business nmi irto : - mence. and hone those indebted w ill take I he ca r!ie5 i Oj-poifuu.ty to settle their accounts. J. It.cCJ. .MnK 1 l. C arch I, 1845. 3M-!. ALSO, They have jnsf received, hale superior Brid'port 3 L-Iy Seme j wine, 3 coda fcteain P:irkin lare, Manilla Scnp snil lliift Uni I lihd n ii.tiT .''rgi . ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 Ist.ls. Trai-: O I, 3 O "al s. Linseed Oil, WhiKemore's real Cotton CarHr, CotTre M i lis. ca-t ood Wagon and Cart P.oxes, ;5il frns.s Wood Screws, vtl hund.es iisorted Hoon Iron, with a small assoitment ofSwdes and Ener lishUar lion ; together with n heavv Sunk of fiat, round, and squaie Bar Iron. Rand Iron and N.iih, Roils, contained i.i ghed joininy; thfir Stoic, bnt lihtlv injured. Removal. MAIiiL & HAiLEi WOULD in'orrn the pub ic th.t they have moved from i h-i ' old st nd t the slire lately cceupied bv Messrs C J & R M One'.l. and Sinovvn a? ti e Yel:ow Buihii-is. Having Ir- 'v i icr-ased th. ir atneit of GROCERIES, they are prepared '.o f ff r i iiduc ment? in the way of trade, .hat wi'I be to the inie e-t of purchasers generally to give tuem a cui!. Their stock will consist i:i part if 10 TonsSwc 'e and Enrljsh Iron. ;'10 lbs. Cast. Blister, and Genua:: S eel, 500 Ps. Hollow Ware, 500 Ihs. Bar Lear', . 40 Bags Shot, a ji ted.. 15 Keo Powder, -300 lbs. Epsom Salts. 300 Ihs. Alum, 100 Ib. Dorax, . 1 ft n0 lbs. Copperas, 1 50 low I nrtiio, 1 Cnsk Sal.irntus, -50 sides sole Lent her, 75 1a is Rio CofT-e, lf Hhns. Pon'o Rico Sugnr, OG0 Ihs. si Te and double rerined and Coffee crnshe.d ugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Salt, 500 bushels Alum do. ALSO. Vason f5o.xes. Bellows, Vies, Anvils, Cr.fon t.ard , Lurry (.oin'i?, Pocket Cutlery. Pafent Medi eine, Hadlock's S'vrup and Powd.-rs. Cassia. uampnnr, oaMorUii, Paints, Putty, Drugs, &c.&c, It, iOHi. lijjll JONES & OTJJVN II NiORM their customers and fiends that th- are now receiving !heir: Spring and Sumnx STOCK OP -.GOODS ; And as most of them .nv- b eb br.H ht from th .manufacturers and importers, they wii beoffe.-id ow. Call ai.d see. Uur st- ck is not h avv, Imt ; gooti variety will lie t..und upon exam nation. And as our Groc nes were purchased belore the iate i in prices, we cen atlord th. mas low as anv hou-e in thel..ee. We return our thanks to "our dd frientls. ami assure tnem no pains or exe tions r,n mr part s-hall be sp ,iel to ive general sat. -fact ion ash retofore. "We have no.v on hand (ail itbsh and in joo I order,) Rio and Cu -aCoITie; Porto Ri.o New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indian, M.-ulder, fTopp. ras Rice, C mdlo-, Soap, bt.nch," s;.k and Alui'n Su!t itc. Sec. Sic. ' STAPLE S- PAJSTCY DRY GOODS. Amonu winch are I in piece- Ca.;icoes, (s..mc very file, and r.i.liv bcaotiful prims.) Victoiia A! paccas. plain and fijur d; Mus!in d'Lane ; Ciin. I.auis; Ii ish Linen; L nen ai d ccf'nn Drill; Linen and cotton, ch x'ied nd striped D ill ; Nankeen : i In -, whi e, arid co'ored Jeans ; Jae.,n t ; Book, Ci ose-barrd, a.:d figured Mii?lins: 'B.il Tji kin : Apron Check--; u lord Cumbrf ckat ; white, Mack, and mixett Hose and ha'f II o.-e ; linen, silk, and cotton Gov- s; F.ik and co'ton, pocket and di es Handkerchiefs, a i;r nt v.iri ty: lam y Crava's and Scarfs; silk Milt; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Bullous; Thread; Lace; Edjjing : fi-ie. hair, side, and re-ubng Condi; b'eat lied and onb!each d Dimes' ics ; Bruad Cloths; Sattin.ts; Kentucky Jeans. &c. fee. Flo refit e, fine straw, si'k, wi'fow and oth-r Bonnets of the latent stvles ; a splendid assortment ofar'iltcial flowers. Al-o, a ifond nssottmei.t of Slippers; M.Jtocco and leather St. .V s. Broiran. Dobts. Hats.icc. &cc. Hardware fk. Cutlery. Trace and holler Chain; Ho-'s; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and 'roo te-i and toble Spoon ; Razors ; nt.", stock, cloi-et, chest, and pid Lr.cks ; Sheep Shears ; Drawing Koie f ; ciit!io Knivrn; corn anI grass Scathes ; Giinld tsr Latches and Bolts; Brad; l acks. & 6lc. NOW tS STORE, 5 Hhds. prune Porto R-co S 3 do do New O leans ns do. A, 3' Ra?i 2fei Rio C ff e. 4 H'lds Molnes. a prune article, SOon Us pr-me corn-fed Bacon, !if!n Lbs-w h"e Lard, in flriuna, IS Bb's v hisVev, 5 do. Old Pe?-h Brandy, 2 do. N. E. Rum, Sft Sick a Liverpool &'t, at our old stand, foot ofHarmnunt. April 13. IS45 32l.tf. VVE are authorized to an nounce the natie of Howard Pitt Mak, as a candidate for the otnee of County Court Clerk for the County of Montgomery. Volume C Viimlter 335 Persons indebted to ihe Subfciiber wcu.d confer ah t. L-ecial favor, Ly la lini? and set. tiing immcliHtcJ', His rtc nt calnriijiy, lie hop r, w ill be sUicienrirti uc num. H. W. H ARDIE. TO LUMBER MEN. THE Su'j-tribei-. b.-.vir.g viitnes-td the srry siiccc.ssfulopf rr. i. n of HOTCHKIS'S VERT I. CAL WATER. WHEELS, at Archibald Grahom'a Mil! in Fayejfeville, in May si.d June last, were indue e"d ro p:rchtise the Rih! !oi the entire Slute of North Carolinnjnnd now t fFer individual Rigl.fa tor sale on very rensoruib'e terms. Thry have now on hand Scvei t n full si ts of Wilt Is, and have made urn.ngcmtnts to keep k conslant aup. ply. Besides being get?, rally ndopicd in the Koilhern Stiifes, there are .- Ir'ady twelve saws in Succt'On! epcrmion In ihis State, and eijlit others in prnceF o!crciiin. The astonisl.jeg ourr and petc oi these W hef Is have been wtnrssid by hundreds ot cititens cf this Stale, with iiniv.rsr.l Lf ppiol -.alien. And we desire all v. ho may f (I r lii'erest in the suijoct to riumini' l!:e Millscf Arch'd Graham, t;ol. Alox'r MurchiMjn, Cijt:toi her Alnnroc, Alex'r Williams, ArchM McLanriii. J. McDanic-l, John Cade, Mrs. Efly M Fadyrn. in ihfst County ; Cd. John C McLauiin, in Richtncnd ' Count v; rJ hos. C. Smith in Biadcn Ctiunty ; nd Har'y RoVali in Sam; son County; to each uf whom we Refer for information as to the ; radical tipeiut'On cf II isc W I eels. PerEorss who upply sonn f. r Riarhls can hava th- m j ui pp by worktm n who have httn instinct-c-d by Mr Hotel. ki-s liimsi If. The Fr rit u,ib r,t the riglii of this Wheel in tho State of North Carolina, have rece;vid the follow, iug certificate:- FayetteviHe. Fcb'v 3, 14"5, We, the Subscribe:, r. siding in the County cf Cumb rhmd end State -f North Cnn-lina, bavin" In en i-iiMi'cd in the manufacture i.t'Lumler for in: t y vears.leel tuliv ticwniilod in statin. , that Hott li. k-.isS VERTICAL WATER W HEELS, and Uieir appendages, arc woitl'.y ol'tj e patronneo fa!i mill t.wners. untl that w e ha ve'fufj e-i-nlidei ce in their sup. riority ; ".-it tl c vain ,,f M j:J w j i,e veiy nine h tiih'anctd hv il.i ir uti.x.h.ctirn. 1 Lev are more dm abb-, ai-d e-afic: kt in o.-der wler i repetly put. to...th-r than ihe co-riot n Fluitcr Whe. l:they wiJ save at j,s( one-ilu'rd ciflho water, ami run w.llm batU M-if.r V there i a bead above. The r( ced of ti e Saw i.s increased I'iOin one-l;a:i o rr.uljJe iht stujiisptr mirutc ALF.X. W.j lA.v.S DUNCAN M UN ROE JOHN McFADYEN C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANiEL. ALEX'R MURCHlON. ARCH'D McLERAV DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, JOHN CMcLADRiw 5,1 W,,-ht- tHOMASC?SMfrSlCw0n,y') l, . , (C'aden C.unlyA nav also rre, ;t,t .. . .. . . They AI. xander Alun hi r.n f .. t :. iT .. -. . ,r""! hespeukji on hi- as 'the ,n- , ''' made nn Sa w ill. i n rfZl ZUu he'.avf h' nat one-huh of the water issav.d; am. c SudS Other cer ificafes, which lia8 hCcn precise will bu publish. .1 .ere;,n, r ' iMrLAUCFILIN, DL.NCAN Mc.NEJLL. r v .f ! A"'RI,D A. McK ETHAN. F ; ve.rMl,.., March J5, S!C.Jf. I he loll .win- .nliclc from lb- N. Y.Tribime rd VVhe . j! "'-; hst tsr.ma.mn these Wheel, h.U iiy thehi f ic A Can ftistitete : ROBERT . STUART riAoro.nove.1 to tne Slr on ',lso sfre., c.-mly occupied by Co!. S. T. Hawlev and L 1 A O - re. a ly opposiie tot Cape F. ar Bank, i Tt, Jie ..an lie wanis of all his en, tomcr-- in He DRY GOODS AND GROCERY LINK. A LSO, a rhuice sujiply v( Fuieigu Linoum and lues. " a due. 6tuait & Mc Ap il -2G. IS 45. lary's Old Port Wine. 3.'3-!f. so vB001' AXD SJIoK MAKER,' h - loot I tilt i'looor.r 1. . --m vi a 1 J.I rt. Ill- Irleiol,.' and Ctlvfomera II,, .1 ...,.. , ' , tJis shop h eiipij. t- the e . ntre of h.- B.ick Row. 1 1 a nose u l,, !,. ..... h:fe n e lias cm, el him 10 med u,e..r... . .,... .. 11, ' '""lilUl" II. .1 a th.-v can. J u ''-n Jt'v i- i a it 333 3r. LIVERY STABLES, THE sobs riber feel truly thankful for the v iber! p ironag be f as received from th. t,fIins .f F.y.ftevi K and ihe public ".neraliv. ,nH 'rv lO.Hi. hor-f-, :ir Vrr moderate, he most itfcMullv sohci's a C inlinuiiM...i ... e ami - re- His t -rrns of b,r,n? ar.. ciIa, OXcep! ihosa ho hire or- srrconveyances and da ma them bv nr.f.,r rnanajemeiit, are rrq.ii.ed lo pay ihe CrmaSP- T. J. Ml.VfiS, Ag-f. k'fi 'no6 w" indebted to me pr vioos to h-ifi l f April last, will save e'o-t bv mak''n ayment t.rf,r- the -20th inst.;a.ld those" jndeited ii:cthtt tun.-will 'o m a fnvor bv s jilino iheir sp'ct'.ved ies, i.s ton ciiencc of th high j.rice fHorre fo d, if is hard vvoili he m u keep -m.uI and hmlv together. T. J. .VI. J'dv 1-3.. 1845 3?0 v. ." Wh;te Lead ; puro and x'ra Cbtome Gr'eo ; Chronie VJow and Prus-in ISIu ; Window GJtass; Col"te' So.-p; C-irret's n'ral weei and VlozaiTs best chewing !' - JNO- pi. ROSE. July I2,1S45. V V s A

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