'W1' 1 ''. fV 1 3 5 if CHARACTER IS AS IMFORTART TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF IT CITEK. BY WM II BAYXE TRMS OF TliE NORTH CAROLINIAN I h.. -r.n.itri. if nnid in advance. $2 50 if paid at the end of six months at the end of the year. . oo 59 Kates of Advertising : Sixty cents per sqi.tre for the fir', an 1 thirty cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertising by the year will be charged according to tho quantity of matter inserted. Cjart a Jvcrth jin-nta, &c, 25 per cent higher. .TOTe m Ni f y Affaiast loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL. S 105,000. Office in Grand near First Street, Williams bdrg, opposite the City of" .Yew York. A?Uci Office, Wells Building, 62 Wall st., JYeic York. LIRECTdlt? : Christian ZabrUkie. Abt'm T. Boskertk, Andrew C. Benedict, Francis Stemhetl, Frederick W. Favre, Sam I It. Clapp, Jerouii .h Johnson, Jnli.i Lessen, John Skilbnin, Biml. Wilhta. Nicholas WyckofT. Chas. O. Handy, Limuel Richardson, LEVI UK I. RICHARDSON, Pres't. ., n. c m I lIonoES.Sec'rv. WASHINGTON P JST, Agent, New York. THE Willi i incurs Fire Insurance Company, fnvin t b.en i no.rjir.tG.J by an net of th-? Legisla ture of the State of New York, for the purposes (.f Fire Imu ranee, the Directors ofier to insure their f-llo'.v-citi4nsi ihro-ihout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, (In B ii!din"9. Go ! and Merchandise, and Per ont Property "nnt.-r.iUy, assuring them that the atriirs of the Company, shall be conducted with neb fairness, can. lor and liberality a tliy trust will eolith it to public confidence ana patronage. The S ihscriher, Ajeut for the above Com pany, will give any further in'orniation that may oe JejiroJ by those who wish to I istire. JAMES MAR TINE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 8, 1313. 311 -If. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE BE 35 t inform lis friends and customers in Fay etteville and vicinity, that he exr c'.s within the ii'-xf tc.i diya a ".-.neral assortment of Drgs. Medicines, Chemicals, Stc , w hi. h h will open at thestorc now occupied by Mr N .-ill MoPherson, dincUV opposite his old stand. He his now on hand such a:ii les as were saved from the tire, and om : which arrived by Inst Li alit or troin Wilmington, together with a lot ot Cbemi tt'a, as a iin ne. Cloinol, Bh.e Pill, Mass, &e., brought with him from New York. July I, 1815. 332-tf ' JAMBS KYLo IS now receiving his summer sup;dy ol UUUL'., vviiich has been purchased b) tho package at the late sates at the North, amon; which arc Sapertine London Cloths and Cassimeres, Fresh Lawns and Diapers, B aek and colored Siiks, lialiorines and Printed Lawns, Slate Pong-cs, very cheap, li.ca. h'dand brown Dom :al:CS, from 3 4 to 12-4 C tlico and Gln:ihim; Silk n 1 Cotton Handkerchiefs, L. cos, Kd.Jns and U.ui lings, 4-1 Boh I nets, new style, Flc:jnt felai ri pe Scarfs, J'j-4 elegant Si!k Shawls IJcssrd Silk Handkerchief, assorted, La n and Linen Cambric Handkerchi fs, With many other articles, all of which me offered uncommonly I iw tor Cash, r to Punctual C us MniT" on III-.- iisinl tun Call at No. 2, LIBLR TV POINT. Jnn 17. !Sl.".. e i- i im i I it A w. -noi-f rt tiif ooriion ot mv "oods savo fro ii the Fire, to the brick More, f't o I laymounf, lately occupied hv Mr Hamilton Mitchell, undone lour eait of Mr George McNeill, wheie 1 shall hi pleas -d to icn mv f lends an I c i-.t-.mers, ax I am tletcrmi d t. il se nffinv goods at LOW Prices. AM puts'ins having claims ngain-t ni", will plcise present th ;m for payment, and all indebted to in whoso notes and accounts are due, will, I trust, se tbo n -c aitv of paving up without further delay ' JOHN D. STARR. June 25, 1 S 4 . . 331-y. "BWTS&THTTESTlT LIIva uoscriuer an nounces to his friends and the pub lic in qeiif-ral that he has opened his shop on Hay street, opposite t Mr George McNcdi's, where lie l? prvpured to make to eo-d -r or repair fine and coarse BOOTS and SHOES, both for gentlemen and ladies, in the most approv.-d and inot't rn styles. He assures a ich as w ill fuvur Inni w ith their custom, 'hat he will warrant his work to he done in the bfrst style, by the beat workmen, and ofthebet materials that can ba procured. He feci- confi J nt t tat any worn passinjout ofhis hands cannot besurpasscd by any done here or else whore, and he hopes by close application to business and a studious effort to please, not only to mciit but receive a fair share of puhliv patronage. MALCOM FAULK. June 17, 1315. 3 31-1 v. NOT f C E . The subscriber, during his abteencc, itquests all persons indebted to him t make payment to Mr T. S. Luiterloh, vho is fully authorized to give re-cP's- C. LUTTERLOH. July 19, 1S45. tf. t HENRY'S MAGNESIA, Seidhtz Powders, Beck with' Pills, Cologne Wa tor, &havinZ Soi.p, Peicrs' Pills, Blue Pills, Indeli hla ink superior London Mustard, Starch. Nut. mrps.C oves, MaCe,&c, together with a choice and well selected ; assortmenrof genuine Drugsand mjX"1 la'."'' 3.,, s- H1Jisg;,, THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD beg leave to inform his customers and th public in general, that having saved a lare portion of his stock of GOODS at the recent fire he has re-opened neat door west of the Post Office' (Waon Yard Building,) where he intends con tinuing business on thef same terms as heretofore JNO. D.WILLIAMS. " Jane21, 1845. 330-y. A GENERAL assortment of GOODS, purchased nce the fire, for sale CHEAP, by . geo. McNeill. Jo'y 26, 1815. n Encourage ltdme Manufactures Gardner Cl TCcSetliani HAVE lately made considerable improvement In their style of Work, and have now on hand a Q-N LgAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, GigSj Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made ii the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as wc have determined to sell LOW for Cash, or approved riotcs: Ilav'ms in our employ first rate Sml'hs, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. . We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful workminrhip and materials, for one year. ICZF" REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable teini3. Faycttovdle, Febiuary 8, 1345. Y- "summer hats. Just received from New York an assnrtinenl ol fine doubla and single brim Leghorn Hats, and about S'J doz n Palm Leaf Hats, for sale low by JONES & DUNN. April 19, 1843. 320-tf. TO THE PUBLIC. THE Subscnb-r has just received from New York in addition to his former Stock, fash ionablc GOODS far ladies' and gentlemen's wear. Also, Panama, Leghorn, arid Palm Leaf HATS; Fashionable Bonnets and Bonnet Silks; brown and bleached Sheeting ; Linen 5 4 and 6-4 ; fine Irish Linen and L'n i Lawns; Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk do.; heavy Russia Oanabnrgs, for servants; common do.: fine Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts do. P. TAYLOR. May 24, 1845. 32G-3m. NOTICE. TAKEN UP and committed to the Jail of Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, the 2Cth day of January, 1345, a nrro man who snys liis name is SIMON, and says that h' was sold in Charleston o a man by the name of McKenzie, and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his master. Said negro Wha for merly the property of Benjamin Gass of Camden, S. C. and ys taken from this place last February by Mr Gass. Said noro is about 5 feet 4 inches hih, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of a?e. 'fhc owner of said negro n hereby notified to come forward, proVc property, pry charges, and lake him away, or he will be dealt ith according to law. W. L.CALLAtS, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1315. 310-tf- TO TRAVELLERS Ami Sojouniersiii Faycttcville MRS. K. SMITH is still prcpartd t mer tam Gntlemcn and Ladies travelling tbrotih or sojourning in Fayetteville. 11. r table is always as good as the market afioid-i. She has gooil sta bl8 and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so well known that it needs no de scription. No exertions will be s; a red to give satisfaction. Since the late d -struetive fir v h'ch de'troyed the Hotel, she has enlarged her means of accommo dation by renting the Ii-misc directly opposite, where she has several good airy rooms, for sleep ing apartments. Feb. 1, 1845. 3lu-tf. BLANKS 7 HAVING lost all OUr blanks, probably over lOf) dollars' worth, in the fiie, we have been, replacing them as fast is we tan, since, and have now ready (r sale at the Carolinian Office Fi Fas, Co. or Sup. Ct., State Wiit Subpoenas, Civil Warrants. Common Writs, Land Deeds, Witness Tickets, Appeal Bonds, Orders of Sale, Negotiable notes Jury Ticket, Vendi. Exponas, Prosrcfition Bonds, TURNIP SEED For sale bv J. R E E An; 2, 1845. 336-41. NOTICE. BY Virtue of a Deed f Tru-t made by David Shiw to settfre a debt due to Ed. G. Fade& Co. of Nt-w Yotk. the (browing Property is offered for sale ; and tin ess sold at private sale before tne fiist Monday in September next, it will be sold at Pub lic Auction in front of the Court House to the high est bidder, to wit ; Isti The Lot and Store House at present occupied fcy David Shaw, on the North side of Person street j being iO ft. 5 in. front and tinning back to OKI street. 2d. The Lot and Dwelling House whereon Mr rhaw now resides, on the west side of Cold Soi ing street, bcin 79 feci front and running back afroift M0 feet. The property may be examined by calling on Mr David Shaw on the premises, or on the sub scriber. A liberal credit will be given and made known at the tfmc of sale. GEO. McNElLL, Aet .M AT i Mdiv on a w , i rijsu-e. Fayetteville, July 25, 1845. 335-ta. Burned out, but not entirely consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! .' : OWSH HOTJSSOM", SADDLER & HARNESS MAKE R, RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public for the liberal share of patronage heretofore In-stowed up on him, and hopes lhat as be row requires a con tmuance of their custom, to enable him to recover from the sovere scorching received in the late fire, it will not be withheld. His friends, and such as will (please to call at his ahop. on South side of Person street, next door hot one to ho corner of Diok, will find a tolerable stock in Jii line, with the beat workmen, willing and ready to please in any Job and repairing line, at the shortest notice. June 28. 1815. 331 -6m. FA YETTEVItLE, SATURDAY, State of Jtorth CarolmaCumberland county. Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions June Term, 1845. . Joseph Stewart and wife Winiufied, Calvin Avers, et at. vs. Richard Ryalls, et al. Petition for division of slaves belonino to Estate of Richard Ryails. deceased." IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Jf-ftrion Speed, David Speed, Richard RyalJz, Lovit Ryalls, William Turnipsecd and wife Edith, and the distributees of Elizabeth Moore, deceased, heirs at law of Richard Ryalls, deceased, are not inhabitants of this State, and the usual process or law cannot be served n them, it is therelor order ed that publication be made in the North Caroli nian, a new-paper published in the town of Fay1. euevine, ior six successive weeks, requiring Ibem to appear before tho Justices of our said Court, at a Court to be held lor said county at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Mondav in Scd- tembernext, and then and there shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard expar'e ns to Ihem. Witness, John McLaui in, CJeik of our paid Court at OfHc' in Fayetteville, the first Monday in Jurie, A. D., 1845, and 69th of American Inde pcrf3ece. . J. McLATJRlN. July 1915334 6t. per adv. S 25. Mew IPfipiflUli The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship. Ujtflder the firm of H. W. Beatty & Co., For the trnnsnolion of A General Commission Business In the 1uW7i of Wilmington, .V. C. They will eivc particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores ; the receiv ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pur chase of goods for the bac k country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronagf, and pledge their best exertions to g!va satisfaction. H. W. BEATTY, JOHN C. LATTA, Jdly I9.JS45. J 334-tf. " "" BAR SOAP. " rjnilB stibsciibrr offers for sale ONE HUN--SL DRED POXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayette vi!!e (N. C.) Candle Factory," ana warranted qital it not superior to Colgate's best iNo. 1. Eei ig determined trj devote all necessary atten tion totbe business,' and oil ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pb'uHd b the box,) he hopes to iceeite a one snare oi putuic patronage. All orders IhankfUUy received and prompt Iy attended to. W; MtL. McKAY. F.iyetteviMe, May 24.844 1 00,000 Acres V ii luallc TIMBER IiJ,UZ)S FOE SAL.E. - THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dub'iiis, dse'd., lying principally in Robeson county, and on boto sides of Lumber River, th different surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a large part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity ol Timber is now railed to the Georgetown' mar ket. Thege lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a lafge part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section oi mc oiaif. i ne Lands will tie sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers.' Iniorniation respecting the titl can be obtained by applvingto the Hon. Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, Lsq., A A 1 tsmah, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will foe enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of the Lands ccn he made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayefeville, N. C, March I. 1845. 314-tf. NOTICJE. Doctors CAMERON & MALLETT may, for the present, be found at the office of Mr Thos. L. Hvbait, a few doofs south of the Court House. "June 21, 1845. - JOSEPH S. DUNN- offers his ser- vices as u-ide taker and builder, to the citizens or others, disposed to contract for buildirg or jobbipg. Terms liberal. Persons indebted To the subscriber cither by note or boou aecb'iint, will conler a special favor by call ing and settling the same. lie hopes that his re cent calamity will be sufficient inducement for them to do so without further notice. JAS. S.GRANT. P. S. I may be found at the More recently oc cupied by Mr James Baker. June 21, 1845. . 330-tf. ""WEEKLY PENNSYLVANIA ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The "Weekly PennsyJvanian," printed ori a double mctum sheet, and containing the principal political, literary and news matters of the daily paper, Philadelphia Prices Current, &c. Is milled every Friday, at the low price of One Dollar a year As the price at which it is furnished will not allow us to open accounts, the subscription must always be paid in advance, and the paper is invariably stopped when the subscription has expired, unless nrevinuslv renewed. 1 n rwil -. I .Ua ry Remittances. x ne nmjiaiion ui iuc franking privilege of tlio postmasters by the new law, having cut off the tisfral mode of transmitting subscriptions to papers the Postmaster General has made the following substitute for Jhat great convenience to b'oth the public and the press : "Money for newsrapcr subscriptions not ex ceding SIO in each case, may b paid to a post master for the purpose of being paid to the publish er of a newspaper at any other office. The post master is, in such a case, to give to lh"e person paying the money a receipt therefor, and to ad vise forthwith the postmaster, who fi to pay said amount of such deposit. Upon' presentation of this receipt, the amount is to be paid over. The postmaster receiving the amount is to debit himself therewith in his account, and the onstmaster paving that amount is to credit himself therewith in hisac count ol contingent expenses." . Where applicatiott cannot conveniently be made to a postmaster, and more than one subscription is contained in the letter, we are willing to incr the postage, provided the -writer takes care that its weight does not exceed the half once to which sin efe postages are limited under tho new law which eonrmenecs on the first, of July. MIFFLIN & PARRY, ; ' Philadelphia AUGUST 23, 1845. - w. nrmn it V . r- V V ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public getterally, that he has taken the stmd receritiy occupied Irr E. J. Clark, on G:lleni. tStreet,5 doors South of the MarketSqifafe. wliefeho will startlv"Tir7:S' ,nan,fnre arid keep con- p AND SHEET iHfJiir WARE. caIIa,non.,lWi,-,inf-,0p,,r.c?,ase wouId well to wnere.aa he is determined to sella rheao ii m. otlwr tnafaetiirer in tho State. P pSnff niwy new palterh. ROOFING done in th la-test style and bet manner. Also GUTTERING atl DP1 Aug. 17. 1344. ,.. .. - oi-y. A, M, CAMPBELL, Having beeu appointed AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayetteville, is prep.1red to ttcnd torte sale ol any fioud which maybe entrustd to tcmleY,o?mfen-S frm 8br0iii Pmptly '.. April 19, 1815. 321 y- P7 I of oI't 'blocks', vz l now finsh.HgGenrlemen's siper-finc FUR AND SILK HATS. vh''CZ,V9dy ,rastLarriva'". ffreat variety of f u-' ,P;l'aIri. Lc2hor". Palm Leaf Hats, all of which hive been purchased on such terms as fo.e me to sen very iVrifc-AP, DAVID GEE. May 17, 1S45. 325-tf. FOR SALE.--JES 7 niform com Rifle r the voipa. .-ppiy al tins Uihce. Fire iProof Koofe. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering of roofs of buildinjs with tin, copper, or zinc, and will execute promptly any work he ma contract for, and for small profits. June 21, 1345. 330-tf. F. T. WARD SPLEXDID lLDTTErMEg J. G- Gregory &. Co. 31anagers. MOST SPLENDID ! $25,0001 15,000 1 G RAJS' D ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class A, for 1845. To be draw n at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday 27ih September, 1S45, ' 7S Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballot-.. MAMMOTH SCHEME. Grnnd Cupitnl of $75,000 25,0q0 15,000 10,000 9,000 S,000 7,000 6000 5.000 4,000 2,947 2,500 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,000 500 S250! &c. Splendid Prize Of do tlo do do Pri?le of do do do do do do Prizes of do do do do do Be.-Wde pii-i of $100! 5 10 20 20 50 170 Whole Tickets g-20 Ha!f 1 0 Quarter Eighth S2 5U. Certificates of packages of 26 n hole tickets 5260 Do do 5:6 h tlt do 136 Do do 26 quarter :o 65 Dj do 2G eigbtb 3i 50 Orders f r Tickets and Shares and Certificates o! Packages in the above Splendid Lot'crics wi'l re ceive the rnist pro npt atten'ion, and an oflicTal m qount of each drawing sent immediately aficr it i" over to all who otdt-r from us. Addrer?, JT G Gregory it Co. JUanagrfs; Washington City, D. C WHISKEY, &C, 10 ubla. Old W hisliev, 7 10 " Proof Brandy, -20 Bags Rio Coffee, Ju:-t receivetl per Steamer Henrietta and Utf sale low by . JONES & DUNN. Augusts. 1845. 337-y. THE subscriber offers his sevjees to the ci:i iens of Fayetteville, as Caipcnier and Uridertaker, and hopes by prompt attention to business to share a part of the public patronage. G. W. ROSE. Jfily 19, 1 345. 335-tf. AND FINE CHEWING TOBACCO. We have received hy the late arrivals another consignment of the celebrated "Beeswing and a new superior ariidle of "Peach Leaf in boxes !2 to 14 lbs. and a supply ol Gflmores superior pound lumps. Also, Justo Sands. "Spread Eagle brand' tnd soma fina flavored "Alanuel Rcndon" segar in boxes for sale, at small advance upon cost. Orders from abroad promptly attrndd Io on "most favorable terms. - " COOK At TROY. Atigust 9. 1845. 337-3m. N OTIC E , THE subscriber has jut received a small assort ment of Fine Crockerv and Glass Ware. For sale . T. S. LUTTERLOH. Aigust 8, I94-5. y- "tHE Siibacric'tra rake this oppoiiunitv of return ing their warmest thanks to their friend's and pa trons, aod the public, generally for I heir liberal pa tronage b. stowed opon thm ; also for the kind sytnpithies manifested to lh w in the late calamity in the destruction of tb-ir entire Stock of Goods on the morning of the 19th Inst.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Cant. C. 6. Ord., and Mr G A Schwartiman, of U S Arsenal, for tbir kindness in giving them notice, and otbera in the surround, trig neighborhood of the firs', hy the discharge canntfii. - Ilaring opened the. iore neatly oppo siiK they hope soon to rcsvme befhess, and would sAostreapectftdly fsJiejf lb nisrof UiHr frestds and the public, and shall hopi to merit a share of public patroi.nge. Tbey ha! od hand inlfnir Warehouse, Salt, Iron. MolaVses, Sugar, Smiths' Bellows and Vip, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvil, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially domnged in ihe fire, ail of which ihry will sdl lew for Cash or Produce, They would also earnestly request allthoso indebted to Jhcm hy note or ac count to make immediate payment as it will enable i-cro to close their former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will tike the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. H. & J. MARTIN E. arch 1, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO i They have just received, hale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 coils Steam Packing Yarn, Manilla, Seine, and. Raft Rope, I hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhl.s.Trair. Od, 300 galls. Linseed Oil, Whittemore's rrdi Cotton Cards. Coffee Mills. ca?f good Wagon aftd Cart Boxes. 250 fros3 Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoon t ' I It". j t -N iron, wmi a sman afsoriment oi nwacs ana u-ng- lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in shed joining their Store, but slightly injured. Memotal. Mam, & hall WOULD inform the public that they have moved from their old stand to the store lately occupied by Messrs C J & R M Orrell, and known as the Yellow Buildings. Having largely increased their stock of GROCERIES, they are prepared to offer inducements in ihe way of trade, ihat will he to the intere-t of purchasers generally to give therii a call. Their stock will consist in pari of 10 Tons Swedes and English Iron, 5nd lbs. Cast, Blister, and German Slrel, 500 Ps. Hollow Wo it. 500 lbs. f7ar Lead, 40 Bag SUbi, assorted, 15 Kegs Powder,, 300 lbs. Epsoin i Salts, 310 lbs. Alum, 100 lbs. Borax, 1 500 lbs. Copperas" - . 150 lbs Indigo, i Cask Salaratus. " 50 sides srde Leather, 75 Bags Rio Coflee, 10 Ilhds. Porto Rico Str'garf 1000 lbs. single and double reined and Coflee crushed Sugar, 300 sacks Liverpool Suit, 530 bushels Alum do. ALSOj t t Wagon Boxes, Bellows, Vice. Anvils, Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Pjftcnt Medi cines, Hadjock's Syrup and Powders, Cassia, Camphor, Castor Oil," Paints, Putty, Drugs, &c.&c, Sept. 14, 1844. 290 JONES & IDU.W INFORM their customers and fiends thai they are now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS ; And as most of them have been bought from the manufacturers and importers, they will be offered low. Call and sec. Uur stoCk is not heavy, but a good variety will be found upon examination. And a our Groceries were purci.tsed before the late rise in prices, we cttn afford fin m as low lis any hoUT in the place. We return our f hunks to our old friends, and assure them no pains or exertions on our part shall be spared to give general satisfaction as heretofore. e have now on hand (.all fiesh an J in good order,) Rio dnd Cuba CofTeo ; Porto Rico New Orleans, an3 Loaf Sugars: Teas. Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Rice, Candle, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, i fcic. &c. fcc. ' ' STAPLE $ FAJS'CY DRY GOODS. AmO'ig which -are 1.V1 piece- Calicoes, (s..mc veiy fine, and rcsdly beautitnt prints.) Victoria Al- ( pacta, plain and figured; Mtid'iu d'Laue-; Ging- ; liams; Irish Linen; L-nen and coftr.n I r?If; Linen j :iml cotton, checked and striped Drill ; Nankeens ; j lit', whi"e, and co' of ad Jeans; Jacont; Book, j Cio?s-barrd, a.jd figured Al n.-lms j Bed l icking ; Apron Check; c-lored C.tmSricks ; white, black, and mixed Hose andhalf Hose; linen, silk, and cotto'n Gloves; sllfc and co'ton, pocket and dress Handkerchief, a ef-'ftt. variety; fancy Cravats and Scarfs; sillt Mitt,-; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Button; Thread; Lace; Edging ; tine, hair, sfde. and reading Combs; bleached and unbleached Duot s' ics ; Broad Cloths ; Sattinets ; Kentucky Jeans, &c. Sec. Florence, fine straw, fcilk, wi'tow and other Bonnets of the latctt styles ; a rplcndid as'sortnv-nf ofartillcial Sowers. Alo, a irond nssortmeiit ol Slippers'; M of occo and leather Shoes, Brogans, Boots, Hats,&c. &c. Hardware Ct Cutlery- Trace and hulter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and Iron tea and table Spoon; Razors; rim, stock, closet, chest, and pad Locks ; Sheep Shears; Drawing Knives ; cutting Knives; corn and grass Scvfbes ; Gimbkts; Latches and Bolts; Brads; l acks, & &c. NOW IX TtfRfi, 5 Hhds. prime Porto R'co Sugsr 3 do do New Ot leans do. 30 Bas green RioC-ff c, 4 HhdrMo!5cs. a prune art:c!e, 5000 Lbs. prtrae corn-fed Bacon, ItiCfJ Lbs. wh' Lard, tflri!na, 15 Bbls Whiskey, j 5 da. Old Peach Brandy, . 2 da. N- E- R"m. 50 Sacks Liverpool Salt, at ocr old stand, foot of Havwounf. ; - April 19. 1.345. ,. -321-tf. . A Jiist Received on ConsignBtent, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, -40 boxes No. 1 Soap. , . . A. XL CAMPBELL. , March 15, 1845. f6-tf Volume 6 Number 339 Persons indebted to the Subscriber wou'd confer an es cecfal fator, hv calling and scu tlin? immediately. His recent calamity, he hopes, will be surQcieof induct aient. . R. W. 1IAED1E. TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscriber?, haling u if nested the very soccessfu I operation f HOTCHKISS'S VERT1 CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill m Fayeitevillc, in May ai d June last, were induced to purchase the Ritht ft the enUrc State oTNorth Carolina, and now offer ihdltldual Rights for sale on very reasonab'e terms. They havr now on hand i. vei. tern full sttt of Wheels, an bare rnsde sfrafjgemts to keep a constant sup ply. r 'Besides being gen. rally adopted in the Northern States, Ihcre are t.lrcady twelve saws in successful operation in this State, and eight others in process ot erection. The astonishing potter and spctd rf these Wheels have been witnessed by hundreds ot cititons of this State, with universal appprohation. And we desire all w bb may f.-el an interest in the subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Grehain, Col. Alex'r Murchison, Cfiri.tof her Murtoe, AUx'r ilhams Arch'd McLaurin. J. McDanict, John Cade, Mrs.ffy MtFadvcn, in his County ; Col. John C. McLaurin, in Richmond County; Tho. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy Royal tiri Sampson County ;- to eacfi of whom we Refer for information- Ks to the radical operation of Ihcso Wheels. Person- who apply soon for Riehts can hare them pui up by workmen who have been instruct ed by Mr Hotchkivs himself. The Proprietors of the right of this Whrel in tf e State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: Fayetteville, Feb'y 3, 1645, W e, the Subscribers, rrsiding in the County t f Cumberland and State cf North' Carolina, ha vino been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for moT ny yeats.feel fully warranted in stating, that HotiL kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their uppcric-age, ore worthy of the patronage cf all null owners, and that wc have full confidence in their superiority ; t the value of Mills will Le very muth enhanced by their introduction. Thtv are more duraL!.-, and ensiei kept in oitlcr when properly put together than the common Flutter Wheel: they will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when there f a head above. The speed of the S.-uv is increased from one-half to double the strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUNROE. CHRISTOPHER M UN ROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHISON. - Arttjti'u McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMlD. ANGUS CAMERON, . (Richmond Ceunty.) 1 IIOMAS C. SMITH, rl,l r .. i hey have also rec ived a ceitiflcate from Col. Alexander Mtirchison, (which will be published hereafter amongothers in handbill form,) in which he speaks of hi , as -'the greatest improvement made on Saw Mtllsin my fhfsj time ;-Bays that his Saw w.li cut 5000 feel in a day; i't actually cut on the day brf.-re bo wrote. 4683 feet of ! inch Gtuarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a minute; hat one half of the water js saved; and concludes byrecommending ,t9 adoption to Mill owners. utlier certificntes, which have been promise will be published herenfirr, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. aycU.'viHe, March 15, 1S45. 31C-tf. ROBERT Ai STUART HAS removed to the Store on Person street, re cently occupied by Col. S. T. Haw ley and nearly opposite the Cape Fear Bonk, where he can supply DRt GOODS AXD GROCERY LINE. ALSO, n choice supply of Foreigu Liquora and VViDe.4. LIVERY STABLES., THE subscriber feels truly thankful for tiic vrr y liberal patronage he has received from the citizens of Fayetteville, and ihe public generally; and as his terms of hiiing Horses and conveyances, and boarding hordes', are vrt) morlerate, be most re spectfully solicits a continuance of pattoitage. Hts terms of hiring are as usual, except those who hire aors. s or conveyances and damage- the rn hy unfiir management, arc required to pav the damag'. He bus recently ndU d , ihrce excellent horses to his former stok, which Will enable him to supply every call for pvrses". T. J.'MIMS, Ag't. jr7Tho?e mJebted to me will please make payment; and thos? who hire hortes hereafter are requested to pay for the hire of them w h. n the horse i rttunttd, as I have not time to call upon' ihem for pay. t J. M. July 1-2, 1845. 320-y! FOR SALE. I WISH to sell my land lying on Big Rockflsti, being about 2000 acres of good turpentine land, with a good stream for carrying ,'t to market, navi-. gable at any time whiie- there is water enough for boats to run between Faytttevi'Ie and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 12. 1845. . 333-tf. THE Subscriber is located for the present, at the store of Mr Wro. Bow, two doors beluw the Cape Fear Bank, where be offers for sale the few oods he saved from the hic fire, viz: Coffee. Tea, Madeira, Sherry,ar.d Sweet Malaga Wines; Pnn cfpeSrgars; Citron; Bosf.in Crackers; Powder; Shot; Shovels: Spades, and a few Dry Goods. t hope my friends that are in vant of any of the above, will rive me a call. .TV. PRIOR. June 2?, 184. 331-t" X 1

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