"CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATE8AS IT IS TO INIHYtDUALS AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF lit CITIZENS. ft BY VM H BAYNE TERMS OP THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per annual, if paid in advance, $2 50 if paid at the end of six months 3 in) ' at the end of the year 3 50 Rates of Advertising : Sixty cents per sq-ixre Cr 'lie first, and thirty cents for each subcqu;nt fmertinn Advartising by the year vill be charged according ', to thi qnintity of matter inserted. Court a Ivertueimnta, &c, "35 per cent higher. XW1) E M N I T Y -Against lois or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. 6 AP IT A U" S 1 0 5 ,000. Office in Gra id near Fini Street, Williams- burif, opposite the City of .Veto York. Agency Office, Welts Biiltding, 62 Wall si., JVeie York. DIRECTORS: C'irisfi a ) Zabri kie Abr'in T. Boskerck, Andrew C Benedict, Frederick W. Favn, Jeremiah Johnson, John Skillman, Ki.nl. Willets. Francis Steinheil, Siml H. Clapp, Johi LesRCit, Chus. O. Handy, Lemuel Richardson, Nicholas WyckoflT. LEMUEL. RICHARDSON, Pres't. Axdhew B. HoDOEi.Src'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, New York. THE WillUmsbur Fire Insurance Company, hiviri' b.e i iueorp .r.ite I bv an act of the Lfisiala l.ir.i oft'te Stite of New York, for the purposes of Fire IiMuranc, tlie Directors offer to Insure their fillow-ciiiz'Mi ihro-ighout the United State. Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On B iddings, Go !. and Merchandise, and Per soi.il Property -morally, assuring then .that the atfiira ol the Company, shall be conducted wiih uoh fairness, candor and liberality as ih-y trust will eutith it to pu'ilic con ft leuce ana patronage. The S ib-;- ilier, Agent fr the above Com ptny, will give any further i n'ormation that may be de'ii'-e.l bv those who wish to Inure. JAMES MAR PINE, Azent, Hay Sireet. Feb. 3, 1343. 31 1-tf. JAMES KYLE a IS now receiving his summer supply ol GOODS, which hus 'jcrn purchased by the package at the late sales at the North, amon" which are Superfine LoaJon Cloths and Cussimeres, Fresh Lawns and Diapers, B ack and colored Si!k., li tlzorines and Piloted Lawns, Slat Pn irF( . very chcai). 111.. . ..KM .iTrl lirnwn Do n atic. from 3-4 to 1 2-4 Cilico and Gingham; bilk and Cotton Ha nd k erchief., Lices, Edgings, and Q.oi lings, 4- 1 Uoiiioeis, new style, Elegant Barrege Scarfe, :0-4 elegant Silk Shawls Dressed Silk H anc!ke.rchiefs, aborted, Lavn and linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. With many ..ther article, all of wh eh are offered i ! . r" i ! nr to Punctual dis- lllltlllllill nil J t , -- p tomr on the mini tun ;. Call at jNo. -, LIIj TY POINT. Jon" 27, 1345. :r T II A VI,' , I t'l nurlion Ot m V ''OOU3 savru fro uthe Fir.-, to the br-ck t..re, ot otilaymount, fitrly niviip-nl bv Mr Hjmiitoi Mitchell, and one do .rea .t of Mr G.-or-e McNeill, wheiel shall b. pleased to s-e mv fiends and cu..tomers, a- I am uVtenni i-:d to il ?e otTmy uoo la at LOW Prices. AH persons haviu claims against ni", will please present th 'in to-p i v nent. and all indebted to in- whose :iot'-s an t "accounts are due, will, 1 trust. He : the n C -dillv ol paving op wmioui inriotr dsla- " JOHN D. STARR. J one 35, 1 3 15 311-y BOOTS & SHOES ! ! ! rsn THE Subscriber an- noilnces tohi friends and the pub fcfesi ssTll ic in oerieral that he has opened L. his shop on Hav street, opposite to Mr Georg" McNeill'i", where he if prepared to in ike to ord -r or repair tin-i and coarse BOOTS and SHOES, both tor gentlemen1 and ladies, in the most appi ov.-d and moc'ern styles. He assures anch ns will favor him with their custom; that ho will warrant hi.s work lo be done in the best slyfe, ty the heat workmen, and oftlinbe-tt materials that can be procured. He f-cls confident t mt any .vork p.issi n z out ofhis handicannol besnrpassed by any done hero or elsewhere, and he hopes by lose application to bus'ines and a studious effort to pleis, not only lo merit but receive a fair share of public patronage. M ALCOM FAULK. June 17, 131. 33 a-1y. NOTICE. The subscriber, tlurins his absence, requests all P'-rsons indebted to him to make payment tc Mr T. S. Luilerloh, who is fully nuihorized to giv re ceipts. C. LUTTERLOH. July 19, IS45. tf. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD beg leave, lo inform his customers and the public in 'general, that having saved a large portion o1 rris stock of GOODS ct the recen- fire, he his re-open- d neitdour west of the Post Office, (Wajon Yard Building,) wb- re hr intends con tinuing business on the same terms as heretofore. JNO.D. WILLIAMS. June 21, IS 15. 330-y. THE subscriber offers his sevices tothe citi zen of Fayett ville, as Carpenter and Contractor, and hopes by prompt attention to business to share a Part of the public patronage. G. W. ROSE. J"ly 19. 1345. 335-tf. AND FINE CHEWING TOBACCO. consignment of the celebrated "Beeswing" and a tnT4VbPrJ!nda.?Cle,fVPeachLeal" i boM. 12 to 14 lbs. and a supply ot Gflmore'a superior pound lump.. Also, J,to Sand,. "Spread Eagle brand" and some fine flavored "Manuel Rendon" ae-ars miboxea for .ale, at fm.U advanee upon cost. Order fiom abroad promptly attended to on most favorable terms. COOK & TROY August 9. 1845. 337-3m. Just Received ori CoHsignraent, French-Brandjr,-Holland Ghv, American Brandy, r 40 boxes No. 1 oap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15, f845.- 31-tf Encoura je Home Manufactures Gardner & 2MEcXetlian HAVE lately made considerable improvement - in their style of Work, and have now on hand a GEN ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made in the U States, Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW for Cash, or approved note?-. Having in our employ firM rate Smi'hs, we are prepared to do any lion work in the above line on moderate term?. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful workmanrhin and materials, for one year. - Jt3 REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Favctteville, February S, 1345. v. N0T.ICE. TAKKN UP and committed to the Jail of Cumberland county, N. C, on Sunday, the 26th day of January, 1845, a nejrro man who says his n'arie Is SIMON, and says that he was sold in Charleston to n man by the name of McKenzie, and was carried to Alabama or Geor gia and there left his master, feaid nejjro waa for merly the property of Benjamin Gass of Camden, S. C, and was taken Irom this place last February by Mr Ga?s. Said nesro is about 5 feet 4 inches hih, dark complexion, and about 45 or 50 years of age. The owner of said negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law. W. L. CALLAIS, Jailor. Jan. 29, 1845. 3t0-tf. TO TRAVELLERS Aiifl Sojouriiersiii Fayettcville MRS. E. SMITH is Kill prepared to nter taio Gentlemen and Ladies travelli ng through or sojourning in Fayctttville. Her table is always as good as the market aftord. She has good fta hlis and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her resilience is so W II known that it nee;ls no de scription. JVb exertions will be scared to give sntisfac! irn. Sioce tlie ate dt.-stiueti ve fir" h:ch de-tioved the Hotel, she has enlarged her ihnans of accommo dation by renting the house directly opposite, where she has several good airy rdonis, for sleep ing apartments. Feb. I, 1815; 3iu-tf. B LA N K S . HAVING lost all our blanks, probably over 100 dollars' Worth, iri the fitfe, we have been replactnej I hem as fast is we can, since, and have now ready for sale at the Carolinian OlTiee. Fi Fas, Co. or Sup. Ct., State Wiit Subpoenas, Civil Warrants. Common Writ?, Li-nd Deeds, Witness Tickets, Appeal Bonds, Orders of Sale, Neo'iable notes J 1 1 y Tickets, Vendi. Exponas1, Prosecution Bonds, TURNIP SEED For -ale J. R bv GEE An' 1845. 336-41. NOTICE. BY Virtue of a Deed of Trust made bv David Shaw to secure a debt dtie to Ed. G. Fade & Co. of New Yoik, the following Property is offered for sale ; and un ess sold at private sale before the firEt Monday in September next, it will be sold at Pub lic Auction in front of the Court House lo the high est bidder, lo wit : 1st. The Lot and Store House at present occupied by David Shaw, on the North fide of Person streetbeing iO ft. 5 in. front and iunnm back to OfJ street. 2d. The hot and Duelling House whereon Mr Shaw now resides, on tho west side of Cold Sniing street, b. in 79 feet front and rnnnincr hack about H'0 feet. The property may be examined by callin Mr Da1 v id Sha'w on" the premises, or on the Z on sub- gcriber. A liberal credit will be given and made known at the lime of sale. GEO. McNEILL, A-'t MATTHEW SHAW, Trustee. Faycttcvic, July 25, 1845. 335-ts. turned out, but not entirely consumed, Ouly pretty considerably scorched ! ! I SADDLER & HARNESS iu A R E It , RETURNS his sincere tbanks lo the public for the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed up on him, and hopes ibat as he row rf Q"ires a con tmuance of their custom, to enable him to recover f-oin the severe scorching received in the late fire, ft will not be withheld. His friends, and such as will 'p'ease to cal1 at his shop, on South side ol Person street, next door but one to the corner ot Diok, will find a to'erable stock in his line, with the best workmen, willing and ready to please in anv Job and repairing uno, ai tne shoitest notice. June 2S. 134a. oai-om. NOTICE. THE subscriber has jut received a email assort, ment of Fine Crockery and Glass Ware. For sale T. S. LUTTERLOH. August S, !845. y- Persons indebted to the Subscriber would confer an es Decial favor, by calling and set tling immediately, His recent calamity, nenopes, will be BufScisttt'inducement. R. W. HAKUIb. Fire JProof IKoofs. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering of roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or xinc, and will execute promptly any work he may or, ana tor small profits. f June 21, 1845 330-lf. F. T. WARD. FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY. Mew IPfiiPifflD. The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under tho firm of Hi W. Beatty & Oo., For the transaction of A General Commission Business In the luwn of Wilmington, JVV C. They will ive particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores; the receiv ing and forwardms goods, and the sale and pur chase of goods for the bark country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronage, and pledge their best exertions to giva satisfaction. II. W. BEATTY, , , JOHN C. LATTA, July 19, 1315. 334-tf. mm BAR SOAPT fTMHE subsciiher offers for gale ONE HUN- JLL DRED BOES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayette vilie (N. C.) Candle Factorv," and warranted .qu'al if not superior to Colgate's best No. I. Bei ig determined to devote all necessary atten tion tothe business, and oil ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage. fCT5 All orders thankfully rcceived and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAT. Fayetteville, May 24,844 100,000 Acres Valuable FOK SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd lying principally in Robeson county, and on-bot- sides rJf Lumber River, the different surveys con" taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a laree p'flrt finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber Rfver, where a large quantity of Timber is now fitted tb the Georgetown mar ket. Thess lands are very valuable both for the Timber ami Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more aliundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quan'ilies to suit purchasers. Information respecting trie title can be obtained by applying to the Hor. Robert Strang, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) 1 understand there are man v trespa?sers dri ihese lands, to all of whom notice is hereby sive.n: Ih'at the I aw will be enforced against all such offenders Application fr any part of the Lands can he made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be do'y auihorizi d to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. FayttJev-lle, N. C, Mareh I, 1845. 314-tf. A, M. CAMPBELL, Having been appointed AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayetteville, ia prepared to attend to the sale of any eoodj which may be entrustd lo him Consignments from abroad will be prdmptly at-321-y. tended to. April 19, 1S15: tmWt BPiiiSWEIKDSr, -e. "IT HAVE just lecvived the new I Ji style of HAT CLOCKS, and XJ now finishinz Gentlemen's super-fine FUR. AND SILK HATS. Also, received by last arrivals, a great variety of Fur, Silk, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm" Leaf Hats, all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enable me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, 1345. 325-tf. FOR SALE.-- ONE Uniform for the com Rifle plete, Corps. Apply at this Office. JONES & JDHJNN If NFORM their customers and friends that they are now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS; And as most of them have been bought from the rrianu'tacturers and importers, they will be offered low. Call and see. Our stotk is fiof heavy, but a good variety will be f.und up'6'n examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the late rise in prices, we can afford them as low as any house in the place. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure them no pains or exertions on our part shall be spared to aive general satisfaction as heretofore. Wc have now on hand (til fresh and in iroo I order,) 'G-OCBRISS Rio aind Cu'.a Coffee ; Porto Rico. New Orleansi and Loaf Sugars; Teas, Indigo, Madder, Copperap. Rice, Candles, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, &c. &c. &.C. STAPLE 4- FJ1JVC Y DRY GOODS. Among which are 150 pieces Calicoes, (some very fine, and really beautiful prints.) Victoria Al paccas, plain and figured; Muslin d'Lane.-; Ging hms: Irish Linen: Lmen and cotton Drill; Linen and cotton, checked and striped DYfll ; Nan'keehs ; tilue, whi e, and colored Jeans Jaconet ; Book, Cross-harrd, and figured Muslins; BedTickins; Apron Check?; colored Cambricks ; white, black, and mixed Hose and half Hose ; linen, silk, and cotton Gloves; silk anil cotton, pocket and drees Handkerchiefs, a sreat variety: fancy Cravats and Scarfa; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edging ; fine hair, side, and reading Combs; bleached and unoieacneo uumcii-o , uiuau ium , - Kentucky Jeans, fee. c. Florence,, fine straw, J -r r . i l , .ias silk, willow and otner tsmneis or me laveei . a rplendid assortment otartihcial flowers. " u. a good assortment Ol Olippers; moiutcu anu Shoes, Brogans, Boots, Hats.&c. &c. Hardware & Cutlery. Trace and halter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and ron tea and table Spoons; Razors ; rim, stock, closet, chest, and pad Locks ; Sheep Shears; Drawing Knives ; cuttins Knives; corn and grass Scythes; Gimblets; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, & . NtfW IN STORlJ, 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar. 3 do do New Orleans do. 30 Bags green Rio Coffee, 4 Hhds. Molasses, a prime article, 5000 Lbs. prime corn -fed Bacon, 10C0 Lbs. white Lard, in firkins, 15 Bbls Whiskey, 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, o An N. E- Rum. CO C.r-ba T.ivrmnnl Knit. t nnr nld atand. foot of Haymount. April W, 1845; 3I-lf- AUGUST 30, 1845. PROSPECTUS OF THE -CONGRESSIONAL UNION" AND "APPENDCt" &c. The undersigned respectfully inform the public, that, with the commencement of ibe approaching session of Congress, thev wiil bf gin the publica tion ofthe "Congressional Union"anr "Appendix. The first will contain a full and accurate history of the daily proceedings of both branches of the national legislature. It will be compiled with such care, that every citizen who is interested in the public affairs will find it a complete synopsis of their proceedings, and a ready book of reference upon all questions which cme before them. The second, (the App.-ndix," -will cont-in every speech which is delivered in the Houe o: Representatt ves and Senate during the session, re poited at length by a full and able corps of con gressional reporters, arid revised before publication by fAe authors, whenever it is requested. These two works will be strictly impartial, and are in tended to be as interesting and us. ful to the man of business, and to the politician of the one party, as of the other. It may be said, without rxaggerat'on, that the next session of Congress is destined to be o ic of the most important which has taken place sine.- the foundation of the government. It io ihe long ses sion. It is th-s session which will dt velope the general plan of the present administration. Us measures will stamp the character of our institutions for years to come. Some ofthe most impoiiant questions which are connected with our iorein re lations, or our domestic concerns, will be present ed lor their consideration. The final measure ot ratifying the constitution ofTexas, which is to consummate her admission into our Union, and the admi-sion of her members into our public councils every measure v hich a fleets the Oregon question our relations wilh Mexico as well as the final decision on the revived Zoll-Verem treaty: these, uuu oincr measures wnicn are more or less con nected with our foreign relations, will come under the review ofthe approaching Congress. Most Oi the eminently impo tant questions which relate to our internal concerns the revision ol the tariff the adoption ofthe best mode for preserving the pumic moneys a variety ol commercial measures perhaps the best system for regulating the im portant interests of Texas the Indian questions the land question the best system for our navy, these and others will constitute a mass of business whi' h is calculated to command much of the time of Congress,and im eh ofthe attention ofthe people. They will all be reported by the "Congressional Union." The Daily, Semi-Weekly, and Weekly Union; will, as usual, embrace an interesting variety A mailer on pul.tical , scientific, and literary subjects along witn tne current news ot tne day. 1 he edi tor wil continue to devote al! his energies tothe improvement of "The Union.' He rinds many accomplished men in this city. The administra tion has brought with it a considerable accession oi talenti. Several tried and distinguished mr-iubeis ofthe democratic party have accepted office under it. Some of lhem have liberally contributed their literary labors to vtir bent fit. ; and we hope to en list others in our service, lieeiu.-s, the time is not iar distant w hen the editor intends to call other laiems io ins assistance, nis ambition is, to make his paper worthy ot the metropolis of the Union. He is persuaded that, with the facliries which his position enables him to employ ; with the official and other materials plated within his teach; and witti the aid of the cbifespondence which lie is attempting to establish in fuieicn countries, a paper may oe puoiuneci, wnicn li not unworthy ofthe support ot nis coumry. in undertaking the task h'! knew he had many difficultit s toovercome, many lessons io learn, many siicnnces io encounter, lie knew that, amid the arduous cares ol a new thea tre, he could not at first do justice even to himself but his zeal has never flagged. Y hat enthusiasm and industry can eflect, will be fully accomplished. Some errors he may have already committed. But upon one point, he can speak with great pleasure and with equal freedom. The m n who are ad ministering this govcrnmtnt are working men, anxious, as he believes, to do their duty, to seive I heir country, to carry out the .ledges under which the President was elect' d, and the rcnt principles of the party. So long as ihcadministration is con ducted in this spi'it, and ur on tlioee principles, he is prepared lo co-opemte with them in Ihe public service; and to give them, as he promised in his prospectus, "a fair, libtfal, and efficient support.' We fe' 1 a deep sense of gratitude for the prompt manner in which our political friends, in every sec. lion ofthe country, have already come forward to sustain the "Union." May wc not hope that our friends throughout the United Siates will continue to assist our labors, and prevail upon their friends to take some one edition ofthe "Union ?" As thi s will be the long session of Conrefs and will probably last eight months, we have concluded to publish the Congressional Union and Appendix on the following TERMS. For The Congressional Union, $1 50 per copy. For The Appendix, Si 50 per copy. Clubs will be furnished with Ten copies of either the above works for 12; Tvveht-five copies for S25. EXTRA WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY UNION. For the accommodation of those who desire a piper printed at the seat of government during the session ofConHress only, we will furnish them the Extra Union as follows: Semi-Weekly, One copy S2 50 ' Six copies 13 00 ' Twelve copies 24 00 Weekly, O.ie copy $1 00 " Twelve copies 10 00 " Twentv-five copies" 20 00 TflE UNION Wilt be furnished hereafter to yearly subscribers. as follows: Daily, per year, for One copy $10 00 rive copies 40 00 One copy 5 00 Five copies 20 CO TefV copies CO One copy 2 00 Five copies 8 00 Semi-Weekly, Weekly, " Ten copies 15 00 IC7 No attention will be paid to any ordej, tin less the mbnev accompanies it. jtTF'Those desiring complete copies of the Con- grsionaP Union and Appendix, will please send . - - i t j -v , U9 ineir naiii"s previous iu uia ursi oay oi uecem- ber next. Cr We will willingly pay the postage omit letters containing Five Dollar and upwards. CUrier letters directed to us, with ihe postage un paid, wilt not be taken out ot the office. Washington, August 16, 1845. RITCHIE & HEISS. Aug. 16, 1845. . J IS 25 Barrels Herrings just received and for sale oy GEO. Mc.'vblLL. August 16. 1845. FOR SALE. A first rate GUITAR. A nnlv to rr E. BISHOP. 33S - 3 w. August, 16. 1845. VEGETABLE PILLS. THE universal celebrity which this medicine has gained in eyery section ofthe counlry, nd the many astonishing cures it has eff.c:ed, have estab lished its efficacy beyond all doubt; as a gcn ral family medicine it has no rival. In all caEea of in dir6tion, bilious fevers, dyspepsia, liver com plaints, sick headach'-. iaundice. asthma, drousv pile,colic, worms, Disease ofthe heart, and in all affections of the stomach and bowels. Peiers Pi. Is will be found a ncver-failinp' remrdv. To insure the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the house, so that up. on the first commencement of sickness thev mavbe reported to. One dose then Is better than a dozen after the disease has become established in the sys tem. Peters' Pills are purely vegetable, and so inno- cen' that the infant of a riiohtn old may use lhem. u medicine is r'quiied, nut only wuh safety, but w itii a certainty of receiving all the benefit medi cine is capable of imparling. .Females mav use lhem dnrin? all the critical periods of their lives. Pt ters' Pills will insure their health and produce regularirj- in all the functions of life. r'.-Z Price 25 unit 50 ct. i r box. For sale in Fayetteville wholesale and retail, at Isew York prices, by E.J.HALE, SAM'L J. HINSDALE, P.T. WARD, J.H. & J. MARTIN E. And may be found nn inquiry in all the cities and villages in the Southern and Western States. Ausust 16, 1845. 338. DR. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AMD AGUE PILLS THE success of these Pills in curing in a few hours where all other remedies have failed, and that too, in cases of twelve and eighteen months standing warrants the assertion, that if taken according to directions, they are a certain cure. A Ions list ot certificates in proof of their infallibilit-V, miht be added, but those upon the directions are deemed sufficient. Try lhem and be convinced that thev are the nv st effectual and certain and the very best remedy ever ottered to the public, to insure a per manent and lasting cure. Bragg's Store, Lowndes co; A'a. April 29, 1845. To Dr G. K. Tyler : Dear Sir This may certify that after using many preparations for the cure ot Chills ami Fe ver, and expending some foity-flve dollars in phy sician's bills, without nh'y benefit, I procured a box of Dr G K Tyler's Fexer and Ague Pills, at one dollar, which cured me effectually, after 1 had suf fered with this distressing and unpleasant com plaint for twelve months. I have Known them used in thirty cass, and not a box has failed. I believe them to be th i very best and most safe and certain cure for ague and f ver that can be used, and unequalled a- u tonic restorative, in all debili tated conditions of the system. E MYRES. !r3 Price SI per box with full directions. For sale in Fayetteville wholesale and retail at New York price?, by E J HALE, SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD, Jll&J MARTINE, And may be found on inquiry in all the cities and villages in the Southern and Western States. August 16, 1845 333 MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR the sure and speedy cure of Incipient Con sumpfion, Barrenness, Irnpotency, Luchorce or Whites, (jrieet. Obstructed, dirnctiit or painful Mensiruation, Incontintinence ot Lrme or involun tary discharge thereof, arid fur the ginerai prostra tion of the svstcm, no matter whether the icsult of inherent causes,' or of causes produced by irregu larity, illness, or accidmt. 1 he wide-spread celebr tv ot Ibis wondeitul and nes:imable cordial, in bo;h In niis iieres, is a sof- eficient guarantee for its quick and positive success in cunnsali the ab tve attections and complaints. Nothing can be more surpr sing than 'la invigorat ing fleets on the human frame. Persons at! weak ness and las itude before taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteract!) the nervelessness and looseness of the female frame, which is the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to Dr M Be nin's discovery, was considered lo be incurable. And it speedily removes the impediments produced by physical prostrai ion, which irequcntly deter men from getting mar. i d. Language, indeed, cannot do iosriie to ihe merits of the Lucina Cordial, which is regarded by the heads of the faculty, in all parts ofthe world, as one of the most important medical discoveries ot any age. r or sale at JNew i ork prices by G R FRENCH. Wilmington. N C. August 16, 1845 333 SPECIFIC OINTMENT. THE great celobrity of ihis unrivalf d composition, especially in the Northern otat-s, leaves the pro prietor but little need to say any thing in its favor; for it has been ?ei.erallv Couccdcd to il that it is. beyond all comparison, the best remedy fir external complaint that has ever been discovered, indeed, the speed and and ce.tunty of its operations Lave the appearance oi mircies : as u cers, wounds. corns, fever sores, chilblain.-, while swellings, biles, piles, spider and snake bites, etc. immediately jield toils superhuman influence. Thus, if properly ap plied, it will remove an inveterate corn, or break and heal a bile in five days, will allay and perfectly cure an ulcer in two wteks; and ihe most desper ate cases of white swelling that can be imagined, have been destroyed by it in less than two months. In the bites of poisonous reptiles, its efficacy is truly surprising, and even in the bite of a rabid dog; for it app-ied in time, its potvers ol attraction are so wonderful that it will at once arrest the poison, and thus prevent it fiom pervadins the svs'em. Il is likewise sreatly superior to any medicine here tofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, for every external bodily evil that may tan t Iho r rr miin nr hps l The proprietor has received at least a thousana certificates and other documents, in favor ot n is Specific Ointment, upwards ol a hundred of which weie written by respectable memoera cal faculty. ,T . . . For sale fn Fayetteville at iw x or P. j J BJ HALE, SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD, J H & J MARTINE. II the cities and August 16, 1845 NOTICE. Doctors CAMERON & MALLETT may, for the present, be found at tne orhce ot Mr 1 hos. L. Hybart, a lew doors south of the Court House. June2l, 1845. BONNETS; Cottaee and other fashionable Bonnets, for ?ale by GEO. McNEILL. Aug. 16, 1845. Volume 6 Number 340 JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as txnde.-takrr and builder, to the citizens or others, disposed to contract for buildirg or jobbing. Terms liberal. TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, havinc witnessed the terv successful operai ion of H OT0H KISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill in Fayetteville. in Mav ar.u June last, were induced to purchase the Right for the entire State of North Carolina, and now offer individual Rights for sale on verv reasonable terms. Thev havr now on hand Seventeen full stts ot Wheels, an have made arrangements to keep a constant sup liesides bein seneraltv sdooted in the Northern States, there are already twelve saws in SKCcetf fi! operation in this State, and eight others in procces of erection. The astoniching power and pe d of these Wheels havr been witnessed by hundreds ol citizens of this State, with universal appprobation. tin we uesire ii n no may ieei an interest in the subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Graham. Col. Alcx'r Murchison, Christopher Munroe, Alrx'r Williams, Arch'd McLnurin. J. McDaniel, John Cade, Mrs.Effy MtFadven, in this County ; Col. John C. McLaurm, in Richmond County; Thos. C. Smith in Bladen County : and Hardv Rovall in Sampson County; to each of whom we Refer for information as to the practical operation of theas Wheels. Persons who apply sbbn for Rights can hav them put up by workmen w ho have been instruct ed by Mr Hotel. kiss himself. The Proprietors of ihe right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: Fayetteville, Feb'y 3, 1845, We, the Subscribers, r siding in the County of Cumberland and State of North Carolina, having been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for ma" ny years, feel fnly warranted in stnting, that Hotth kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of all mill owners, and that we have full confidence in their superiority ; '.ot the value of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more durable, . and easier kept in order when propcily put togf thrr than the common Flutter Wheel: Ihey will save at least one-third, ol the water, and run well in back water when there j am . a nead above, i ne speed ol the Saw is increased from one-half to double the strokes per minute. ALl'.A. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE, CHRISTOPHER MOKUOE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. . ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN.McDANiEU ALEX'R MURCHiSON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID, ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, . , (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen . Cunt.) They have also revived a certificate from Col, Alexander Murchison, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in w hich bespeaks of thi as "the greatest improvement made on Saw Mills In my (his time ;" says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day before he wrote. 4GS3 feet of IX inch Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokrs in a minute; that one-half of ihe water is saved; and concludes byrecommending its adoption to Mill ownrrs. Other certificates, which have been promise will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD MeLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McK ETHAN. Fiye:tcvil. March 15, 1845. . 316-lf. Wjuiju respect! ui ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E.J. Clark, on Gillespie Street, 5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will ma nu fact ure and kprn r-r n frtrTAiri i- v . star.tly on hand an assortment of T1IN AIMJJ SHEET IRON WAR V.. Pei sons wishing to purchase would do i call and examine his stock before purchasing else- wnere, as ne is determined to sell as ehesn n other manufacturer in th State. BAIihrlb of an entirely new pattern. i ROOFING done in the lastest style, and best manner. Also GUTTERINO. Aug. 17, 1344. i6l-y. LIVERY STABLES. THE subscriber feels truly thankful for the very liberhl patronage be l:as received from the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally; and as his terms of hiring Horses snd conveyances, and hoarding hordes, "are very moderate,, he most re spectfully solicit a coniinuance of patronage. Flint rms of hiring are as usual, except those -who hire jors s cr conveyances and damage them by unfair management, arc required to pay the' damagr. He has recently added three excellent horses to bis former stock, which will enable him to supply every call for horses. . T.J. MIMS, Ag't. Those indebted to me will please make payment ; and those who hire horses hereafter are requested to pay for the hire of them when the. horse ia returned, as I have not time to call upon lhem for pay. T. J. M. July 12, 1845. 320 y. FOR SALE. I WISH to sell my land lying on Big Roekfish, being about 2000 seres of'good turpentine land, with a good stream for carrying ll to market, navi gable at anytime while there is water enenrh for boats to run between Fayetteville and Wilming ton. Title indispef able. . . . .'- ' ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. Jnly 12. 1845. 333-tf. TEA ANV CHOCOLATE. Gunpowder (fine)V v Young Hyson " ! TEA. Hyson Black " ) ' Chocolate Ne. I, for safe by ;. !.. GEO McNEILL, Aug. 16,1815. 1

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