1 - 1 "character is as important to states as IT IS TO INmriDUALS; AND THE GLORT OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTr of ITS CITIZENS." IV.1I II BAYSE FAYETTE VILLE, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, IS45. Volume 6 Number 342 r,,i n if paid in a-lvance, ' ' . . t . i r .1. CAROLINIAN ! 82 50 ix months 3 00 d i!u end ol the vear o o" u i - - ' " . Kate of A lvcrtisins : 5 .v CC'IH P'f -l'Mrc ',r ,!, flrS' aMl1 tbir'y CCntS "'Wcicii s V-e.pt.mt insertion. V .rti-M" hv th.s Voir .vill be charged according , rti ; ni nf'y of matter inserted. v,;rtis"ni -Us, Kf, i- per ceni ui& i-i . C t 1 T"t D B M NIT! V -rjiiust lo or damage by Fire. THE WILLI.YJtSBURG'FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C X V IT A L.--8 1 O 5 ,000. f.7!cc "rt Crn idnz ir First Street, tj tlliams- "-", opposite the Cilij of JS'cic York. ,-lncy Ofi-ce, IVtlls Building, 62 Tfl Veic VorA. Cliri.' i a i Zihrir-kic Encourage Home Manufactures A 1m '.a 'J', n.iskori'k, Francis Sti n hcil, S.unl H. Clapp, J i!i i L'? irgett, Chas. O. Handy, L jiiiiiL-1 Richards n , Andrew C fl :t edic Kreleriek W. Favr- Jeremiah Johnson, J t in Skiiloi .in, S i ill. Will is, Nicholas Wyckoff. A VIIUKIV li. I l'I' w vsmxa ro.s p Til!.' lV';!i; .nj'.ar I ' I rC I 1-llraOCC hivini I) en i i ..r, .r..t! I liv n ad oflh-t tor of lie State of New York, for tie: ..I- !,'; f .. ... ill.- Hiri-dors otler to I n RICH A RDSON, Pi-.-s't. KS.Si'c'rv. S T, .Vl'.! it, New York. Gardner & McKetlian, HAVE lately made considerable improvement in their style of Work, and have now on hand a GEN ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape nnd finish, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made in the U States. Persons wishing to buy, woum io en 10 can and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW for Cash, or approved nobs. Having in our employ first rate Smiths, we are prepar- d to do any lion work in the above line on moderate terms. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful wnrkrrnnrbiii and materials, for one year. ;C3" REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable term. Fave'teville, February 3, 1345. y. Mew JFfiipmiD. The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under the firm of H. W. Beatty & Co., For ihe transaction of A General Commission Business In the lurcn of IVilmiiigton, .V. C. They will irive particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores ; the receiv ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pur chase of goods for the back country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronage, and pledge their best exertions to giva satisfaction. H. V. BEATTY, JOHN C.LATTA, July 19, 1315. 334-tf. o-npa ny, L.'-sii.-da -pnr,ioses mro their States bv Kire, mlise, and Pr- ' tliuiii that I he . . i . i. eonutici i-u wmi as ih'-y iriit will eutitlj it to P'i 'lie '-.o-ili ieiicu anu pairo i-'i;' . The S iW-ri!t.r, Aent fr theahove Com- 11 "ive any to tiier in oriiiaii.ni i:i.n ma; !.v tho-c; who w'i to l ure. .1 Mi;S .MAR rlNE, Anoiit, 11 ay Sireet. l-'eb. 8, 1 3 t :.. o I I -If. 11 . . IT !. I l.:tlo.V-ciiiicu- l!l o i''loiH tlie ueueu Against L )s or Damage O.i li iildiu-, C'i 1 so s il Property ir ;ii'iirs t sii.-.'o r.iii 'i l i'i V. wil and -!.-rc!i Mi-:ritlly, ns.-uriiii Cnmvi iv. s'ni l !-e an lor and libtrrahtj JAMES TO TRAVELLERS A nil Sojourn ersin Faycttcvillt- MRS. Ii. SMITH is still prepan d to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling through or sojoiiriiing in Favett.vi le. ller table is always as good as the market u fiords. She has good sta bhs and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a cont nuanee of public patronage Her residence is so w II known that it needs no de s f-i; tion. No exertions will be saredto give sa!i.-('ae: ion. S'mce the late destructive fir'.' wh eh destroyed the ilotel, s'.ie has enlarged her means of accommo dation by renting the house directly opposite, where she has several good r.iry rooms, for sleep i n 'r a r a i t incut.'. Fei. I , IS 15. rili.-lf- 1S !ly o (iUUUS, package at the , hich are now n-ceiviiii ins summer i i i ....... t.itiii m in wiucn nas ieen ni i l.h . I .l.-si :il Ihe i-.r:li, am ' "s.iperline Loudon Clothe ami Cass.meres, l'rcih Lawns an I Diapers, 11 uck ami coloied iiks, 1J tlzori'n s an I Prioied Lawns, SUlit Po.iiret s, v. ry cheap. lSleaehMa.idWrown Do n stic-, Iroin 3-4 to -4 C ilie and Gin-li am; fci!l; and button Handk erehi-f-, Lices, L ivings, and Uni hn-s, 4- 1 lli!)i:ie"ts, new s:yle, K.lcg.uit Barrege Scarfs, :U-4 eleiiarit Silk Shawls D,es..-.I Silk ilnndkerchicls assort- , Lawn an. I i-'H'-O Jam!.ic Ha n-lker. In UU many ..tlior art.eles, ..1 wu-t.ii i. i .. .... rv.-i. ,.r in I iinctu il '-us- .tiiiii niiy i u-.'-, r 1PTP t , "M oi ill- usual Um . U H ai io. TV POIN V. J no..- 7, 14. BAR SOAP. . riflHE subs:iibr offers for .sale ONE HUI JL DUED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Candle Factory," ami warranted oual it not superior to Colgate's best No. 1. Bei lg determined to devote all necessary atten tion to ihe business, and off-ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of public patronage . dp All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetfeville, May 24,811 State of North Carolina Anson county. Couft of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July rerm, 1S45. t..'.nri Ptrniieo vs. Alexander D. Mediae. Original Attachment levied on .joll acres ot tana. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Alexander D. McR.ac, the defendant in ibis case, is not an inhabitant of this Stalei It is old-red by thu Conn ihat advertisement be made in the North Carolinian for six weeks, for the defendant to appear at the next term of this Court to show cause, if any he has, why an order of sale should nut be made in this 6ase. Witness, Norflect D. B 2ran, Cler of said Court at ortice, the 2d Monday of July, A. D., 1S45. N. D. BOGGAN, C. C. C. Au '. 30, 1345'. 340-Ct. pr adv. 83 25. II II! m t saved if 'QJ II (B IB a THE subscriber I i. l v ieeii im-il l v door east ol M r i ti a vi.' .:ii. w...i the noitiou el my fro uthe Fir -,ro thehr e', store, loot ot . ni;uu.t. .1 hv .Mr ilamiuoii .wn'n.'i ,, George McNeill, wheicl snail n . . I a n l I r 111 pleas .1 to see inv l.iemls anu i'J'-. - '. derermi .ed to cl -se off my "nods at LOW Prices. All persons havio- Uaims against please present th -n fop.V ne-t. and all . idebted to m- wlwsu notes and accounts are due wd., 1 ;sit v of paying up wiinoui niruivi JOHN D. STARR. 331-y. . t!ie nee trust, se; delaj- June 25, IS 15 bu and his allenlion to share of p:itronae. iVor. 30, IS 45. will continue to ca-ry on ihe TAILORING BUSI- ESS on his in lividual account, one door wett ol the Methodist Church, and nearly opposite the J. OS f Office; and from past experience he flatters him self he can give satisfac tion to such as patronise him. Tie hopes by his un-tirin-i cxerlions to please. ss, to merit a liberal DANIEL CLARK. 343-3m. 100,000 Acres Valuable FOJK SAILE; TilE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd lying principally in R-ihoson county, and on botj sides of Lumber River, the different surveys ton1 taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a larire part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, heiii" m a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section ol the Slate. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting t.he titje can be obtained bv annlvinfrto the Hop. Robert Stranae. James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) 1 understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John "NVinslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. ,THOS J. CURTIS. Fayettev- le, N. C, March I, 1845. 314-tf. A. M. CAMPBELL, Having been appointed A U CTIO NEER For the town of Fayetteville, is prepared to attend goods which may be entrustd to PROSPECTUS OF THE ''CONGRESSIONAL UNION'" AND "APPENDIX," &c. The undersigned resoectiuil v inform the public. ibiit, with the commencement of ihe approaching session ot Congress, they will begin the publica- iion oi me "Congressional Union" anr" "Appendix.1 The first win contain a full and accurate history of the daily proceedings of both branches of the national legislature. It will be compiled with such care, that cverv fit 'ntn u-tm it interested in the public iiffairs will fi id it a Cornfalcte svnoi sis of their proceedings, and a ready book of reference a. i iiuesiions wiucn come oetore mem. The second, (the "Appendix,") wil! cont 'in every speech which is delivered in the Hohsc ot Representatives and Senate during the session, re potted at length by a full and able corps of con gressional repoiters. and revised before publication by the authors, whenever it is requested. These two works will be strictly impartial, and are in tended to he as interesting and useful to the man of busiriesF, dnd to the politician of the one party, as of the other. It may be said, without r xaggeraton, thai the next session of Congress is destined to he one of the most important which has laken place since (he r i.. . -.. . 1 . miiiiiiui ion oi rue Government, it is the loni? ses sion. It is th ; session which will dt-vclooc the general plan of the present :idmiuistralion. Its measures will stamp the character of our institutions for years to come. Some of the most impottant questions which are connected with our foreign re lations, or our domestic concerns, wi!l be present ed for their consideration. The final measure of ratifying the constitution ofTexas, which is to consummate hi r admission into our Union, and the admi-sion of her members into our public councils every measure hich affects the Oregon question our ri-Ltions with Mexico as well as the Hn.il decision on the revived Zoll-Vcrein treaty, thise, andotli r measures which are more or less con nected w ith our foreign relations, will come under the review of the approaching Congress. Most of the eminently important questions which relate to our internal Concerns Ihe revision of the tariff the adoption of the best mode for preserving the public moneys a variety of commercial measures pt;rha s the best system for reguiating the iu poitanl interests of Texas the Indian questions the land question the best sy stern for our navy, these and others will constitute- a mass of business a3 VEGETABLE PITTS THE universal celebrity which this medicine hn gained in every section of the country, nd the many astonishing cur-s it has effected, have estab lished its efficacy beyond all doubt ; as a general family medicine it has no rival. In all cases of in-diffr.-tion, bilious feve:s, dyspepsia, liver com plaints, sick headache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, piles, colic, worms, Disease of the heart.and in all affections of the stomach and bowels, iYters Fids will be found a ncver-faili ig j-emcdy. To insure the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the house, so that up on the first commencement of sickness they may be resorted to. Ono dose then is belter than a dozen after the disease lus become established in the sys tern. Pt ters' Pills are purely vegetable, and so inno cen that the infant of a month old may use ihem, ii medicine is required, not only wiih safety, but with a certainty ol receiving all the benefit iudi cine is capable of imparting. Females may use ihem during all the critical prriods of their lives. P ters' Pills will insure their health and produce regularity in all the functions ot lite. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser vires as unde taker and builder, to the citizens or Others, disposed to contract for buiidirg or jobbirg. Terms liberal. Fayettevilie prices, by- New Y wholesale and retail, at E. J. HALE, SAM'L J. HINSDALE, F. T. WARD, J.H. & J. MART INK, And may be found on inquiry in all thn cities and villages in the Southern and Western States. August 1G, 1345. 38. whieh is calculated to command much of lie- time of Congress,and mrch of the attention of the people. Tin y will ail be reported by the "Congressional Union." T!:'e Daily, Semi-Wee kly, and Weekly Union, will, as usual, embrace an interesting variety oi matter on political , scientific, and literary subjects to tne sale ot any him. Consignments from abroad tended to. April 19, 1S15. will be promptly at-321-y. sin t t HOOTS & SHOES ! THK Subscriber an uoiinces to hi Irenes and tlie pub rl lie in sen- ral that ne nas openeu hi shop on Ilav street, opposite McNe'ti's, where lie is prepaieu 10 hn ; and coarse rvj J i o to Mr CTer! Mc.M: ii il.'. In ,.rd r i.r rellil i C id "SHOES, hoih tor gentlemen and ladies, in me styles. lie iisjun'f i tiiei r custom, t hat he lone i n the best style, n, an I oftuehesluvtterialsih.il lie I- els confi tent I 'at any ..ft.". ! .m.U f-:iti;ir t lie surpassed a most approved and mourn S'l.-h as will lav-ir Imii wit will w;irr;iil '.lis work to be by t'o U'-st vvorkm c i'i le pr icured .vork p isi o i o il bv any done her .l.i. ;i t I s en lion to pic is , not only to merit but receive a fair share ot public patronage or cls-where, ami to business and a s be Ii iudin opes hy ffort June 17, LSI-' MALCOM FAULK. 330-1 v. N 0 T I (J E The subscriber nersons indctded T. 8. Lutterloh, who is cei is. Jnlv 19, IS4 5.-U. during hi- alienee, requests all to him t" make payment to Mr fullv aulhiiiieil to iv.- re C. LU T l'ERLO.L Burned out, but not entirely consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! ! ! 07"31T SiOU'SO IT. SADDLER & HARNESS M Alt 112 14, RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public forthe liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed up on him, and hopes .hat as be now rq"ires a con tinuauce of I heir custom, to enable him to recover f.-om the severe scorching recei.ed in the late fire, it wfll not be withheld. His friends, a ul such as will jplease to call at his sftop, on South side ol Person street, next door but one to the corner ol Diok, will find a lo'erable stock in his line, wjth the b st workmen, willing and ready to please in any j ih a:id repairing line, at the shortest notice. June 23. 1S45. 331 -Cm. fl n A V u. just received the new U. style of HAT BLOCKS, and now finishing Gentlemen's super-fine . FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, received bv last arrivals, a irreat variety of Fur, Silk, Puuam?, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats, all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enab.e me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, 1S45. 325-tf. JONES & JDUJNN NFORM their customers and friends that they are now receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OP GOODS ; And as most ot them have been bought trom trie manufacturers and importers, they will be offered low. Call and see. Our stock is riot havy, hut a oood variety will be found upon examination. And as our Groceries were purchased before the late rise in nriees. we can afford them as low as anv house in the place. We return our thanks to our old friends, and assure them no pains or exertions on our part shall be.eparcd to "ive general satisfaction as heretofore. We have now on hand (all fresh and in oo I order,) GKEOCEXESa Price 25 an4 5l cts. p r b -x. For fa! in ork I I THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD beg leave to ml thp mib'iir in General, that portion ol his stock of GOODS lie has r-opened next door . - . i, i irul HIS COltim-i .ii... havinir s iv d a lar-e jit the recen' lire, west i t I HO i osi. v.Miicc, intends con - t r ........ I H i in.r.i lp re n tinning business on theTsame terms as heretofore. JNO.D. WILLIAM. T..no9i isir,. 330-y. Till-: subscriber offers his sevjees to the citi r.ens ofFayeUeviIi'e, as Carpenter and Contractor, and hopes by prompt attention to business to share a part ot the public pa tr6na2e. G. W. ROSE. July 1U, 1845. 335-tf. AND FINE CHEWING TOfft'ACCO. We have received i,v the late arrivals another consignment ol the celebrated "Beeswin " and u new superior articl.r of "Peach Leat" i unboxes 12 to 14 lbs. and a supj.lj ol Gilmore'a superior pound lumps. Also, J into Sands, "Spread Eile brand" and some fine flavored "Manuel Rendon" seears in I boxes for sale, at small advance upon cost. Orders from abroad promptly attended io on most favorable terms. COOK &. TROY. August 9. 1845. 337-3m. Just Receiv6'd on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gill, American' Br'andy, 40 boxes No. f Soap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15. 1845. 3r6-tf NOTICE. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of return ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the ptfcW. generally fcr thei, liberal pa tronage bestowed upon them; also for the kind sympiihies maiiife?ted to them in the late calamit y in the destruction of their entire Stock uf Goods on the m orning of the 19th inst.; and to Cajit J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Orel., and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in givingthem notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the fire, ly the discharge of cannon. Having opcm d the Store neaify oppo site, the- hope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of public patrol. age. They have on hand in their Warehouse, oair, iron, Alolasses, 5ug ir, smiths' Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron Mill Crank's. Also, Anvils, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware, partially damaged in the fire, all of which hey will sell lew for Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to tin ni by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to dose ihcir former business and recom mence, and hope those indebted will t ike the earliest opportunity to settle l'cij;- M A RT1N E. arch I, 1845. 314-tf. ALSO, Rio and Cuba Coffee ; Porto Itico, New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indigo, M adder, Copperas, Rice, C mdles, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, &c. &c. .c. STAPLE $ FYCV DRY GOODS. Among which are 150 piece Calicoes, (some very fine, and re.-dly beautiful print?,) Victoria Al pactras, pfa'in and figured; Muslin d'Lanes; Ging imms: Irish Linen: Lmen and cotton Drill: Linen and cotton, checked ami striped Drill ; Nankeen'; blue, whi'e, and colored Jeans; Jaconet; Book, Cioss-barrd, a.id figured Muslins; BedTickinii; Apron Checks; colored Cambricks ; white, black, and mix"d Hose and half Hose; linen, silk, and cotton Giov-s; silk and cotton, pocket and dress Handkerchiefs, a great variety; fancy Cravats and Scarfs; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; Edging ; fine, hair, side, and reading Con.bs; bleached and unbleached Domestics ; uroaci flouts ; namneis ; Kentucky Jeans, &.c. &c. Florence, fine straw, silk, willow and other Bonnets of the latest styles ; a rplendid assortment pfartificial flowers. Ai-o, a good assortment of Slippers; Morocco and leather Shoes, Brosans, Boots, Hats, Ate. ice. Hardware & Cutlery. Trace and halter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pockerCutlerv; German silver, Britannia, and 'ron tea and table Spoons; Razors ; rim, stock, closet, chest, and pad Locks ; Sheep Shears ; Drawing Knives ; cutting Knives; corn and grass Scythes; Gimblets; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, &. &c. TheT have just received, bale superior lindgc port o olv Seine Twine. 3 cods Steam Packing Yarn, Raft Rone. I hhd. winter stram- ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bbls. i rain un, oou Linseed Oi Whitlpmnre's real loTton oarus, Coffee Mills, cast rood Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a email assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar hon : together with a heavv Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Hods, contained in shed joining tneir Store, but slightly injured. along with the current news of the da-. The edi tor will continue to devote all his energies to the improvement of "The Union.' He hnds many accomplished men in this city. 1 lie adimnistra tion has brought with it a considerable accession of talents. Several tried and distinguished members of the democratic party have accepted office under it. borne ol them have liberally contributed their literary labors to vur benefit ; and we hope to en list others in our service. Besides, the time is not far distant when the editor intends tocallolher talents to his assistance. His ambition is, to make his paper worthy of the metropolis of the Union, lie is persuaded that, with the faclities which his position enables him to employ; with the official and other materials placed within his reach and with the aid of the correspondence which he is attempting to establish in foreign countries, a paper - i w i i i i . i . . . . . may oe puonsneo, which is noi unworthy ot the support of his country. In undertakinlhe task he knew he had many difficulties to overcome, many lessons to learn, many sacrifices to encounter. He knew that, amid Ihe arduous cares o! a new thea tre, he could not at first do justice even to himself hut his zeal has never nagged. hat enthusiasm and industry can effect, will be fully accomplished .Some errors he may have already committed. Bu upon one point, he can speak with great pleasure and with equal freedom. The null who are ad ministering- this government are working men, anxious, as he believes, to do their duty, to seive their country, to carry out the pledges under which the President was elect d nnd the grtat principles of the party. So long as thcadministratioii is con ducted in this spirit, and upon those principles, he is prepared 1o co-operate with them in the public service; and to give them, as he promised in his prospectus, "a fair, liberal, and efficient support." We feel a deep sense of gratitude forthe prompt manner in which our political liiends, in every sec lion of the country, have already come forward to sustain the "Union." Alay we not hope that our friends throughout the United States will continue to assist our labors, and prevail upon their friends lo tke some one edition of the "Union ?" As this will be the long session of Congress, and will probablv last eight months, we have Concluded to publish the Congressional Union and Appendix on the following TERMS. For The Congressional Union, Si 50 per copy.' For The Appendix, $1 50 per copy. Clubs will be furnished with Ten copien of either the above works for 12; Twenty-five copies for S25. EXTRA WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY UNION. r or the accommodation ot those who desire a paper printed at the scat of government during the session of Congress only, we will furnish them the Extra Union as follows: Semi-Weekly, One copy . 82 50 " - Six copies 13 00 " " Twelve copies 24 00 Weekly, O le copy $1 t:0 " " Twelve copies 10 00 " Twentv-live copi s 20 00 THE UNION Will be furnished hereafter to yearly subsci ibers, as follows: Daily, per year, for Sne copy $10 00 " " " Five copies 40 00 One copy 5 CO Five copies 20 CO Ten copies 3 00 One copy 2 00 Five copies 8 00 " " Ten copies 15 00 IdP No attention will be paid to any ordej, un less the money accompanies it. imTliose" desiring complete copies of the Con gressional Union and Appendix, will please send us their names previous to the first day of Decem ber nest. 5CZr We will willingly pay the postage on all letterh containing Five Dollar and upwards. Other letters directed to us, with the postage un paid, will not be taken out of the office. Washington, August 16. 1345. RITCHIE & IIEISS. DR. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AMD AGUE FILLS. THE success of these Pills in curing in a few hours where all other remedies have failed, and that too, in cases of twelve and eighteen months' standing warrants the assertion, that il taken according to directions, they are a certain cure. A long list ol certificates in proof of their infallibility, might be added, but those upon the directions are deemed sufficient. Try them and be convinced that the are the in. si effectual and certain and the very best remedy ev. r off. red to the public, to insure a per manent and lasting cin e. Bragg'a Store, Lowndes co, A'a. April 29, IS 15. To Or (J. iv. Tyler : Dear Sir This may certify that after using many preparations for the cure ot Chills an if Fe ver, and expending some forty-five dollars in phy sician s bills, without any benefit, I procured a box ofDr G K Tyler's Fever and Ajue Pills, at one dollar, which cured me effectually, after 1 had si.f fered with this distressing and unpleasant com plaint lor twelve months. 1 have Known them used in thirty cases, and not a box has (ailed. 1 believe them to be the very best and most safe and certain cure tor arue and ftver that can be used, and unequalled a- a tonic restorative, in all debili tated conditions of the system. E MYRES. jtJZP" Price 31 per box with full directions. For sale in Fayettevilie wholesale and retail at New York prices, bv E J HALE, SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD, J H &. J MARTINE. And may be found on inquiry in all the cities and villages in the bouthern and V estern Stale. August 1G, 1845 33S STOW STORE, 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Su"ar. 3 do do New Orleans do. 30 Bass green Rio CoftVe, 4. Hhds. Molasses, a prime article," 5000 Lbs. prime corn-fed Bacon, 10C0 Lbs. white Lard, in firkins, 15 Bbls Whiskey, , 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, 2 do. N. E. Rum, 50 Sacks Liverpo? Salt, at our old stand, foot lofHaymount. 1 Aprf. 19, IS45. 321 -tf. MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR the sure and speedy cure of Incipient Con sumption, tJarrenncs, lmpotency, L.iicnorce or Whites Gleet, Obstructed, difficult or painful iVl ens: mat ion, Incontintinence of Urine or involun tary discharge thereof, and forthe generai prostra tion of 1'ie system, no matter whether the icsult of inherent causes, or ot causes produced by irregu laYity, illness, or accuh nt. 1 he wide-spread celebrtv ot this wondeiful and nesrimable cordial, in bo'h hemispheres, is a suf eficieni guarantee for Us quick and positive success in curing all th.; above affections a-od complaints. Nothing can be more surpr sing i han 'tsinvigorat inr fleets on the human Irani'. Person all weak ness and las-itude before taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nrrvelessness and looseness of I he female frame, which is the only cause of barrenness ;' and which, prior to Dr Mas- run's discovery, was considered to be incurable. And it speedily removes the impediments produced by physie.il prostration, which frequently deter m- n from getting mari ied. Language, indeed , cannot do iostice to the merits of the Luoina Cordial. which is regarded by the heads of the faculty, in all parts of the world, as one of the ino3t important rneoicai orcoveries ot any agp. r or sale at IN ew I ork prices bv G R FRENCH, Wilmington. N C. August 16, 1845 333 IEIPORTAISJT TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, having witnessed tbsvtrv successful operation of HOTCH KISS'S VERTlV CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill in Fayettevilie, in May ar.d June last, were induced to purchase the Right for the entire Stnto. of North Carrilina, and now offer individual Rig 1. 1 for sale on very reasonable Ifrm. They have now on hand Seventeen full st ts of Wheels, an have made arrangements lo keep a constant sup piy- Besides being generally adoptrd in the Northern Estates, there are already twelve saws in Slid cstl'il operation in this State, and eight others in process of erection. The astonishing -row er and spc d ot thege Wheels have been witncssid by hundreds f citizens of this Slate, with Universal appprol ation. And we desire all who may ftl an interest in the subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Gri'ham, Col. A lex'r Murchi son, Christopher M unroe, Alex'r William, Arch'd AlcLnurin. J. Mi-Daniel, John Cade, Mrs.Effy McFad f n, in this County' ; Col. Jchn C- McLnurin, in Richmond County; Thos. C. Smjth in Li .'a den County ; nnd Hardy Royal I j Sampson County; to each of whom we IteU-r for information as to the i radical operation ofthess Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can ha v them put up by work mm who have been instruct ed by Mr Hotchki-ts himself. The Proprietors of t he right of ibis Wheel in the Slate oi North Carolina, have received the follow, ing certificate: Fayettevilie, Ftb'y 3, 1845, We, the Subsci ibeis, residing in the Ccnnlv of Cumberland and State rf North Carolina, having been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for nin ny years, feel fnllv, warranted in mating, that HoU h kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, nnd iheir appendages, are woilhy of the patronage cf nh mill owners, and that we have full confidence i:i their superiority ; .flt the value of Mills will he very much enhanced hy t In i r introduction. 1 hey arc more durable, and easier kept in order when propei ly put togtli'r thnn the con men Flittjef. VheiI:ihey will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water whrn there is. head above. I be speed of the Saw is increased from one-half to double ihe strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUNROE, CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDAKISU. ALEX'R murchison; ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID, ANGUS O A M E R ON , (Millwright.) JOHN C.McLAUKIN, . (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen Cunl.) They have also reef iyed a cetlificate from Col Alexander Murchison, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in w hich he speaks of tld as "the greatest improVrnu nt, made on Saw Mills in rny fhis time ;" says t hn t his Saw will cut 5C00 feet in a day; it actually rut on the day before he wrote, 4CS3 feet of 1 inch Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a minntt : that one-half of the water is saved; and conclidr by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which have been promia will be published herenfir r, ARCHIBALD McL A UC H LI N. DUNCAN McNeill, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. Fayettevilie, March 15, 1845. 3IC-tf. Semi-Weekly, Weekly, it ' a 10,000 SEGARS some very fine fjr sale by GEO. McNEILL. Aug. 16, 1345. SPECIFIC OIJVTMEJVF. THE great celebrity of this unrivalled composition, especially in the N orthern States, leaves the pro prictor but little need to suy any thing in its fayor; . i it . .. ...... I I .i . tor il has been generally couceoeu io n mat it is. beyond all comparison, the best remedy for external complaint-i that has ever been discovered. Indeed, the speed and and ceitainty of its operations Wave the appearance of miracles : as ulcers, wounds. corns, fever sores, chilblains, white swellings, bilts piles, fpider aid snake bites, tc, immediately ield to it superhuman innuence. x nus, u properly ap nlicd. it will remove an inveterate corn, or break and heal a bile in five days, will allay and perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks; and die most desper ate cases of white swellins that can be imagined t have been des' roved by it in less than tw o months In tffe cites ot poi-o;nQ"S leptues, us cincaey is tru'j' surprising, and even in the bite ol a rabid dog for it aoniied in time, its powers ot attraction are sn wonderful that it will atonce arrest the poison and thus prevent it fiom pervading the sjs'em. It is likewise greatly superior to any medicine here tofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, for everv external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. The proprietor has rec-ived at least a thousand fart i fif-sl an fl other rlm-innenlf. in favor of I" Specific Ointment, upwards of a hundred of which w'eie written hy respectable members of the medi cal faculty. , For sale in Fayettevilie at New York prices, by E J HALE, SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD, t H & J A1AK11.L. And maybe found on inquiry in all ihe cities and VJIitf HI f it f R4S .--g- nltrillll It ,r..l- WxMdm l vQjJCv U II i--ly inform the citizens of Fayettevilie and the public generally, tint he has taken the stand recently occup'td. by E.J.Clark, on Gillc-ni rSlrect,5 doors South of the Market Square, where be will """manufacture nnd kmn con. star.tly on hand an assortment of ri.N AiNJJ SHEET IRON WART.. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to all anil examine his stock before purchasing else where, as he is determine d to sell as chean as nv othr manufacturer in th Slate. BAhf.llSe.fan entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in the lastest stvle. anil l,pt manner. Also UU TTI-RING Aug. 17, 1844. 26 1 -y LIVERY STABLES. PIS Hi 25 Barrels Herrings just received and fr sale by " GEO. McNEILL. August 16, 1845. FOR SALE. A first rate GUITAR. August, IS. 145. A nniv to E. BISHOP. 333 -3 w. NOTICE. Doctors CAMERON & MALLETT may, for the present, be found at the office of Mr Thos. L. HyHart, a few doors south of the Court House. JuneSLS BONNETS. Cottage and other fashionable Bonnets, for sa!e by GEO. McNEILL. Aug. 16, 1849. THE subsrriber f-els truly lliankfol for Ihe very liberal pctronage he ha received from the citizens of Fayettevilie", nnd th; public generally; and as his terms of hiring Horses and conveyances, and hoarding hor'C", are very moderate, he most re spectfully solicits a continuance ol patronage. Hisf-nns of hiring are ns usiinl, except fhoo who hire ion' S t r conveyanc es and damage them by unfair management, are req'uirrd to pay t ho. damage, lie has recently nddt-d ihrte fxcellcn horses lo his former flock, which will enable him to supply every call for horses. T. J.MIMS, Ag't. C7These indebted to nie will please make payment; and those who hire horses hereafter are requested to pay for the hire of Ihem when the horse is returned, as 1 have not time to call upor them for pay. T. J. M. July 12, 1845. 320-y. FOR SALE. I WISH to sell my land Iving on Big Rw-kfith, being about 2000 acres of good turpentine land, with a good stream for carrying It lo marliet, navi gable at any time while there is wafer enough for boats to rnn between Fayettevilie anil Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ... ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 12, 1345. 333-tf. TEA AND CHOCOLATE. Gunpowder (fine)" Young Hyson " I TEA. Hyson ' f Black J ChocoUte NV for 1, -. Aug. 16,1845. 1

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