lf Wttrth III afllittam, . - - . - ' " W - - - : - . - - - ., ' ;: "HUtUtTfcR ll ll IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO WDITIDUAtS; AMD THE otdnif or THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROFERTT OF ITS CITIKSS." rn ii BAYXE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY SKP rElSiBER 20, 1845. t Volume 6 X timber 313 ' CAROLINIAN : yt r, t ' : i -t t'w. And of six months 3 00 r : i i r i -1 v a nrc. v at the end of the year 3 50 of Advertising S .., irl' fir he first, and thirty cents , nci -mi ' , p 4.i'ieq..Mit irwrt.nn. 'I IStVm" by ttv year be charged according - tVi lnin vi-s, &f. " per cent h.g er. f N I) B M N I T Y raiust loss or damage by Fire. TilE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU R YVCE COMPANY. C APITAL-Sl05,d00.; ' OJice in Gr id neir First Street, IV ilhamt bar, opposite the City of .Veto York. 'Ixencn Ojiet, Wells Building, 62 Wall St., .Veio York. CI HECTOR Ciri f i Z ,i lr-w J. .thri-kic. li -n -ti i ' Abi'm T. Uo-kerrk, Francis St inheil, S mil 1. Clapp, t-'re i i c't V F.i v i . Vt-fi'tii Jh .-ton, J .Li Sill1 lua, S,i nt. SVill is. rs j c '. I a W ck off. J .li tt. .us . w. i i a no y, L nuol Itiohardson , is-: u EL RICHARDSON, fr-s't. ..Avdrkw U. II nortS c'ry. W ASillS J TJX IViSl', A- :-.t, New York. T.IM -V fill -nsbori Fire I mora -u e. Company, h tVi!t i c l'l i.r.te 1 by an ad .t Hi-; L..-".isia- iir-r i" t V; St. 1 1 e t or' l''irt ( ii -'i r:i-ic, ' Now ork, t .r I lie purposes ic Directors offer to I usure their ol 'ioiil the Quire; ! St itcs, i 'X iust ( ) j'iJ ill. lni: L or unmade: u ir n, C. -fi and Mrchiin.lisfc, aiuf i r- -iaI Pm;i .l'ftir o( iho C.m,)un'y. soall he co ; d ieted wiih canf'.rau'l lihorality ui-y irusi viil cntill : it l' p'i'(lict:onil l.'.ici: arm l'atriMS.. TlM S'ih'-iiltr, AtMit f ir tho above Com--,i-,V will "ivc any tii'-ther i n'ortiiaUort that may , J.i.i'-.s t ?v fiov; vvfio w:h Iik.itp. J.V.MI-:S MAlirlNK,Aaeiii, Hay Street. Fc-U. 3,Ji 15. 3 I 1 f- JAMES KYLB f r-t(ivia in siKiiuiiT supply ol uu, a- .icii has 'uen pur.:haed ti t!i- j:it la!;: .-ili:s at tiie jNiath, am which .iperli'io L(:idon Chi' In and Freh Liwns an I Dialers, li'ack anil colored iik. I; il-iorioes and ite l Lawn-, a 1 1; iSilliei-e 8l.itr Vou-z- 'S, v.ry Uicj)), Iti. a.lr i .,.,,1 i.rown Don stts ,froir, 3-4 to 12-4 C ilico and C in h:im; Silk and t;,.tt..n Hand's, rehi' i-, Lie-:, iCditii, and Uni l"'-s, 4- I l'.o'i-ets, new style, r.lesant liarri'e Scarf, ;0-4 el.-sant Silk Shawl Dres -d Silk Handkerchief, a-ort , l.-a-t-n rn I L.ncn Cambiiu Handk. r In i- ... .,rt;.d.. :.ll i.f which a'C oiTerel 'i .. ... j"".. l, .r t.. 1 oitctoal Cos- to oi lb- tMU il ti.ii-?. CaII at No- "2, LIIuU TV POINT. Jnne 17, I84". r ii VI'. tukivcJ th:; no.tioii oi mv yoo. fro ..'the Fire, t.. the br.c! More, f l t s lajinount, . ...I ...,1 !.e 1r H.u.ii toi MHchell, andollc ' V. . . . , u v..:i ,. !. r. I I! ) i door Ut ol Air HenrO -ic.ei ., ...-. d to s -e mv t nm.H ano c-Mi oncr-, d.-i c'roii ,!f.i ilisiM.il mv N.olsai L.uo tro. Ail persons havinir chil'nn i2!iint m-, wili sent th ni lor p i v ne u. aoo -ii' t ..ii ,,li.un;l -v" I" to 111" WilOSt? tru-t, se-r the n tes an I accounts :ire dm-, will, l itv of p i vini up without further JOHN D. S I'ARii. C -S delay June 25, PIS, JOHN 331-y BOOTS & SHOES J ! ! TI1K Subscriber an- i nonnce tohi-fr en: and the pub ! he in "en- ra I luai no M..9 o(. ii.-i his shop on Hay Mr.-f, oppos fc to Mr Oeor McNed.V, where l,e m pr-i.a.eo ro in ike to orderor r-pair fin-? and coarse BOOTS ail SHOES, hnth lor gentl'Mnen and ladies, in the most appiov.-d and moc'ern s le.-. He nup-s . ...f, .,M f.v.r h-rn with tlui r ell -"tom, that he wi'.l w.vrra'it hi wn'k i o b' done in tha be.At styl. by thr l.-st workmen, and of the be-t luaierials that --o ho DDCilrel. lit! f li c.onfi 1- nt t mt any work p is."in I it oflu- bindaeaoo. t be surpassci by anv done here or el - wber., and he hopes by clof! applioat'on to business un.l a !-ludioi:s effi.rt to pleise, not only to merit but receive a fair share of public p.itrona-e. MAL'.'OM 330-1 v. FAUK. June 17, IS I.'. NOTICE Tho subscriber, durins hi- ai--ence, jequests all j j-rsnn iii-iebt T. S. Luiterloi f to him ! mai.e fa;ii'iJ. - who is tul'y nnthori.ed to uive re- ceip's. J i!y 19. C. L.U I i ii.lv - 545 - tf. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD h.-g leave to inform ms custom, is and the j.ub'.ic n" general, that having stvda lare poition ol his st- ck of GOODS at the recen fire, he his re-open d nctt door West of tho Post Othce, (Wjjm Yard Building,) where he intends con tiuuin business on the same terms ns heretofore. WILLIAMS. Jjneei. 1315. 30-y. THE subscriber ofiers his seviees tothe citi zens of Fayetteville, as Carpenter and Contractor, and hopeg by prompt attention to business to share a part ot the public patronage. G. W. ROSE. July 19, 145. 335-tf. AND FINK CHEWING TOBACCO. We havo received hy the late arrivals another consignment ot the celebrated "Beeswing" and a new superior article of "Peach Leal" in boxes 12 to 1 I lbs. and a supply ol Gihnore's superior pound lumps. Also, Joito Sands, "Spread Eagle brand" end some fine flavored "Manuel Rendoti" sear in boxs for sale, at small advance upon cost. Orders from abroad promptly attended to on most favorable terms. COOK, it TROY. . August 9. 1843. 337-3m. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 -boxes No. T Soap. A.M.CAMPWELL. March 15, 1815. 316-tf . riiR NORTH 3 V' 11 ,- flat - 1 t Encourage Home Manufactures Gardner 4 XtiXc&etliana HAVE lately mado consiJ rahle improvement in th;ir tjle of vVork, and have now on hand a Qj-N ERAL ASSORTMENT, con?iring of Carriages. Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkcys, Waggons, &c. Which for -lopance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made in th U States. Persons wishing to huy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we havp tMcrruinrd to ae!l LOW for Cash, or ap; roved notc. IIavin: in our employ firM rat- Smi hs, wr are prfcpar d lo do any Iron work in the ahove line on inod'-ratc term". Wo warrant all or work to be of ood and faith- ! ful wrtrkm.nfhip and m.'itorial", fir one year. jCJ REPAIRING taiihful y exrcuteu ai short notice, and on reaonuli!- lernn. FaveU vill, Fohrnaiy S, 1345. y- TO travellers" Ami Sojoiiriiersin Fnycttcvlllc- MRS. K. H-VIITII is til I prepar. d to f ntcr- tun GentlcmtMi and Ladi'-s travelling through or n.joiirninr in Fayt-tt. vide. Htrtub e is always ood as thi; market afinrdj. She has good eta-hU-m and hostlers, amlatlentive waiters, and re spectfully nul c ts a cont niiancc of public patronage Her rcsnUence is so w II known that it n'-eds no de siTijtion. No exertions will be s-ared to give satisfaction. Si. the late destructive fir- wh'ch de-troved the Hotel, aht; has enlarged hor means of aeco:imo d.nion by rntin tho houso directly opposite, where Sin; has several ood .liry roms, for in-i arartmeota. Fob. I, IS 45. 3Hi-lf- sieep- Slate 6f ?P6rth Caroliua-Anson county. Court vj Pleas and Quarter Sessions July ttrm, 1515. Robert Strange -.3. Alexander t. McRae. Ori"inal Attachment levied on 350 acres of land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that A'ex mder D. McRae,. the defendant in this cai is not an inhabitant of this Stale: It is old. r ed by th'i Court that advertisement be made in the Noitb Carolinian tor nix weeks, for the defendant to appear at the next linn of this Court to show cnue, if any he ha., why an order of sale should not be made in this cat'-. Witness. Nor fleet O. B .2in, Clc-rk of said Court tit office, the 2d Monday of Jul v, A. D., 18-15. c. c. . Si i N. D. BOGGAN, C. Au. 30, 151.1. 310-Gt. pr adv 1 Hh anbscriwcr ill continue to c.vrv on the TAILOHINC BUSI- XESS on h.s individual nccoui.t, one door wet of the Methodist Chur.'h, and nearly ppo-ite the Post OlHce; and fr-m. p -st experience he fla't'-r.' him self be can give satisfac tion to such as patronise him. He Lores by his nn tirjn exertions to please, and his attention to t-harc of patronage. An;. 3!', IS45. busiii's, to- merit a liberal DANIEL CLARK. 343 -3m. Burned out, bvl not entirely consumed, (July pretty considerably scorched!!! crirsiT HO'JS'rcif, SADDLER & HARNESS M A K E U , RETURNS his sincere thanks to the puloic for the !ib ral share of palr oi .go b.-retofore hi stow d cp on him. and hope .h .t as he i ow r- q i' t s a con tmu nice of their custom, to enable him to recover f-om the t?ver; scorching rccei.ed in I he l:te fire, it will not be w iihhe'd. His fiiends, and such as will pleas' to call at his shop, on South side ol Person street, next door but one lo the corner ol Di-.k, will fi id a to'erahle stock in his line, w ith the b. st workmen, willing and ready to please in anv job a;id p pairing line, at the bhoitest notice. June S8. 1S45. 331 -6m. NOTICE. I THE Subscribers take this opportunity of reiurn- ing their warmest thanks tn their friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage b stowed u;nr them; also for the kind sympitlrcs manifeted to them in the late calamii y in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning ot the I9th inst.; an. I to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. On!., and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for ihcir kindness in givsngthem notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood ot the fire, by the dchare of cannon. Having open, d the Store neaily oppo site, they hope soon to ret time business, and would most respect fully solicit the patronsgeof their friends and the public, anrl shall hope to merit a share of public patrol. age. They have on hand inth.ir Warehouse, Salt, Iron. Molasses, Sugar, Smith' Bellows and Vises, Log Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvil, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles of Hardware partially damped in iho fire, all of which hey will sell low lor Cash or Produce. 1 hey wouiu an-o rne.oy reouest all those indebted to them ny noir or no count to make immediate payment, as it will enable thtra to close their former business ana recom mence, and hope those indebted will Mke the earliest opportunity to settle their aounts. V arch I, 1815. 314-tf. ALSO, They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seme Twine, 3 cods steam rjcsmg Maniila.Seine.and Rati Rope, I briu. winter eiram- cci sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bMs. i rain ju, ga" Linseed Oil, Whittemore's real Cotton Card, CofiW Mills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxes, 250 gross Wood Screws, SO bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment of Swedes and Eng lish Bar hon ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and equate Bar Iron, Band iron and Nails, Rods, contained in aa-d toirun their S'orc, but slightly injured. " " , Mew IPiiiPDJin. The subscrihers have entered into a Copartner shin, under the firm of H. W. Deatty 4 Co., For the tiatisnctiuo ol' A General Commission Business In the luich of Wilmington, V. C. The" "Mi yive particular attontion - to the sale of Timber, Lumber, '-and Naval Stores; the receiv ing and forwarding Oods, and the sale and pur chase of oo'!s for the back coon'ry. They would respectfully sol tit a portion of pub lic patron;;', and pledge their be.t exertions to iv satisfaction. IJ. W. BEAT TY, JOHN C. LATTA, July 19, 1845. 331 -if. BAR SOAP. THE -u!jcii!ur offurs for sale ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOA P, manufac tured kt the "F.tyeitevilte (N. C.) Candle Factory," and warranted t qual if not superior to Colgate's best No. I. Cei i c determined to devote all necessary atten tion tothe business, and off rini it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound by the box,) he hopes to receive a due share of ;uhlic patronage. UJr" All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAV. Fayeltcville, May 24,844 100.000 Acres V'aliintole FOJK SAJLiE, THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonins to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dse'd lyiuir principally in Rheon county, and on botp sides of Lumber River, the different surveys con" tainn2 or. r ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a I are part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Georgetown mar ket. These lan.ls are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, bejn; in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will he sold at a low price, and in qua n'itics to suit purchasers. Information respectiug the title can be obtained by apphinjjto the Hoi. Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, E.q., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many f rpspasers on these lands, to allot whom notice is hereby oiven, that the law will he enforced axaiot all such offenders. Application f -r any part of the Lands ctn be mane to myself, or to John Winslow, E.q., who will be duly atiilioriied to make sale of the sam. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayet'evflie, N. C, March I, ISlo. 314-tf. A. M. C-A M P B fi L L 1 laving bcuii appointed AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayefteville, is prepared to attend to the sale ol any iio'otis which may be eutrustd to him. Consignmeiif-s from abroad tended to. will be promptly at- April 13, 1315. 521-y. HAVE ju-t received the new style of HAT BLOCKS, and now finishing Gentlemen's super-line FUIt AND SILK HATS. Also, nceived by hist arrivals, a great variety of Fur. Silk, Panam , Leghorn, ami Palm Leaf Hats, all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enab'e me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. Mav 17. 1313. 325-tf. JONES & DUNN I NFORM their customers and friends that they ore r.ow receiving their Spring and Summer STOCK OF GOODS And as most of th. m have been bought from ihe manufacturers and importer?, they will b'e offered !ow. Call and sec. Our stock is not h avy, but a zood variety will be' found upon examination. And I as our Groceries were purcliased before the late ris- in prices, wc cfin afford ihcm as low as any house in the place. We return our thanks to our old friends, nnd assure tneiri no pains or exertions on j our partfhall be spared to iiive general satisfaction as h rctofore. We have now on hand (all fresh anJ in goo I order,) "Gf-BOCTSiaS.- Rio and Cu'-a Coffee ; Porto Rico, New Orleans, and Loaf Sugars; Teas. Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Rice, Candle-, Soap, Starch, sack and Alum Salt, 'STJPlsE $ F.LVCY DRY GOODS. Among which are 150 pieces Calicoes, (some very fine, and rei.ll v beautiful prims,) Victoria Al paccas, plain and fiur. d; Muslin d'Lane-; Ging hams; I.ishLinen; L ncnai d cotton Drill; Linen and cott. .ii, checked and striped Difll ; Nankeen ; blue, whi'C, and co!ord Jean; Jaconet; Book, Cross-barrd, and figured Muslins; BedTfckia; Apron Checks; colored Camhrkks ; white,' black, and mixed Hose and helf Hose ; lincrf,- silk, arid cotton Gloves; silk and cotton, pocket and drees Handkerchief, a great vari' ty: fancy Cravats and Scarfs; silk Mitts; Ribbons; Cord; Gimp; Tape, Pins; Needles; Buttons; Thread; Lace; ELhtp ; fine, hair, side, and reading Combs; bleached and unbleached Domtstics ; Broad Cloths ; Sattinets ; Kentucky Jeans, &c. &c. Florence, fine straw, fcilk, willow and other Bonnets of ihe latest styles ; a rplendid assortment of artificial flowers. Abo, a good assortment ot Slippers; Alorocco ana learner Shoes, Brogans, Boots, Hats.&c. ice. Hardware c Cutlery Trace and halter Chains; Hoes; Nails; table and pocket Cutlery; German silver, Britannia, and 'ron tea and table Spoons; Razors; rint stock, closet, chest, and pad Locks ; Sheep Shears; Drawing Knives ; cutting Knives; corn and grass Scythes; Gimhlcts; Latches and Bolts; Brads; Tacks, &.. &C JfOW IX STORE; 5 Hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar. 3 do co XNew uneans :o. 30 Bags green RioCff-e, 4 Hhds- Molasses, a prime article,' 5000 Lbs. prime corn-fed Bacon, 10C0 Lbs- white Lard, in firkins, 15 Bbls. Whiskey, 5 do. Old Peach Brandy, 2 do. N. E. Rum, . ... 50 Sacks Liverpool Salt, at our old stand, foot ofHaymonnt. Apfi! 19,185. 3JI-tf. PROSPECTUS OF THE -CONGRESSIONAL UNION" AND APPENDIX," &c. 4 he undersigned respectfully inform the public, that, with the commencement ofihe approaching session of Congress, they will bjjin ihti publica tion oftbeoonrewiooaf UnonaiH "Appendix. ' The first wjij contain a full and airtut t- history of the d;ifly proceedings of both brandies of the national legislature, h will be compiled with such care, that every citizen who is interes.ed in ihc public affairs v. ill fi id it a complete syrsoosi nf their proceedings, and a ready book of reference "P"n a questions which come before them. The second, (the "Appendix.") will contain every speech which is delivered in the House o; Representatives and Semite during the session, re polled at length by a fidl and uble corps olxon cres?ional repoiters. and revised before publication by the authors, whenever it is requested. These two works will be strictly impartial, and are in tended !tu be s interesting and useful to the man of business, and to the politician of the one pa;tv, as of the other. " It may be s.tjd. without xweernt'on. that th next session of Congress ii etilled to he One ot the moi important which has taken place i nt-e the foundation f the governnu nf. It is the Ion", se? ! ion. It is t la-- session which w id d. -vdopc thi. "eneral plan of the present .-.dministration. ltJ mf au.-e will stamp I he character of our instil utions for years I o come. Some of the most iiapoiiaul questions which are connected with our Ionian re lations, or cur domestic concerns, Mil be present ed for their cosmderation. The final measure ol ratifying the cbn-tiiuUon o! Texas, which is to consu innate her admission into our Union, and the admi rjjri of her members into our public councils every measure hich a fleets the Ore-ion ouestion our nlut ons wiib Mexico as Wei: as the final decision on the revived Zuil-Verem tnaty, ;hLRe, and olh r measures wh'ch arc more or iess con nected with our foreign relations, will come under the review of the approaching Congress. Most of the eminently impo tant questions which relate to our infernal concerns the revision ot tin; ta.-iir the adoption of the b st mode for preserving the public moneys a vari ty of commercial measures pethas the best system for regulating the im portant interests of Texas the Indian questions the land question the best ay stein fl-r our navy, the.! and others will contitut. a mass ot business whieh ib calculated to command much ofihe time of Congress,and tm eh of the attention of the people. They will all he reported bv the "Congressional Union." The Daily, Semi-Weekly, and Weekly Union, will, as usual, cmbiace an inteicj-ting varittyot matter on political , scientific, and literary subjects along with the current news of the day. The edi tor vvi 1 continue to di vote ul! his energies tothe improvement of "The Union.''' lie finds tinny accomplir-hed men in this city. The administra tion U.is hronght will? it a considerable nccession of ! talent.. Several tried and disuni; uishtd mc-uiLierf of the democratic party have accepted cilice under it. Some of ihcm ha ve liberally contributed their literary labors to ilir ben. fit ; and we hope to en list others in our service. B. sides, the lime is not iar distant wbeo the editor intends to call other laicms to his assistance. His ambition isf to mak his par er vorthy of the metropolis of the Union. Hti is persuaded that, with (he faciiiies which his position enahlis him to employ; with the oihciul and other materials placed wilhjn his leach; and with the aid .f the correspondence ihich he is attempting to establish in foiei; n countri. s, a paper may be puhlishocl, which is not unworthy of the support c f his country. In undertaking! be task he knew he had many ddlicultus to overcome, many lessons lo learn, many sacrifices to eneounti r. He knew that, amid the arduous tares oi a new thea tre, he could not at first do justice even to himself but his zeal has never flagged. hat emhtM asm and industry can effect, u ill be fully accomplished; Some errors he may have already committed. But upon one point, he can speak with great pleasure and with equal freedom. The mn w ho arc ad ministering this govcrnmtnt are w rking men, anxious, as he believes, to do 1 heir duty, lo setve their country, to cairy out the j-leog; s under which the Presid tit was elect, d and the great principles of the party. So Ions as thcadministration is con ducted in this spirif, and upon those principles, he is prepared to Co-oper;.te with them in the public service; nnd to give them, as he promised in bis prospectus, "a fair, lib. ral, and tfFicieut support." We fe-1 a deep sense of gratitude for the prompt manner in which ur political friends, in evcty.-ec-lion of ihe country, have alrcadv come forward to sustain the "Union."' May we net hope that our friends throughout the United States will continue to assist our labors, and preyad upon their friends lo take some one edition ol the Union ?" As this will be the long ression ol Conrf sf, and will probablf last i ijjd months, we have concluded to p'ihtii-h the Congressional Union and Appendix on the following - TERMS. For The Congressional Union Si 50 per copy. For The Appendix, S' 50 per copy. C'nbs will be furnished wiih Ten copies of cither the above works for 12; Twenty-five copies for S25. EXTRA WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY UNION. For the accommodation of those who d. -sire a n;.pcr printed at the s at of governnlent o'aring the session ofConsre-s only, we will fun i-h them the Extra Union as follows: Semi-Weekly, One c py J?2 " S x cor i s J3 50 0'J 00 to 00 to Twelve copies 24 Si 10 20 Wreeklyf O ic copy " Tv elvc copies " Twentv-flve copi s THE UNION Will be furnished hereafter to yeaisy subset iber? as follows: Dat:y, p.ryenr, for Pne copy $10 00 r i ve copies 4u 00 On-- copy 5 00 Semi-Weekly, " 44 Five copi. s 20 f 0 " Tm copies 3 f 0 " One copy 2 CO Vtvt r-nt- - ft fill Weekly, 44 " Ten copies 15 00 No attention will be p ii J to any orJcj, un less the monev accompanies it. CJThosc desiring complete copi- s of the Con- crp ssioni! Union and Aipendix, will phase tend us their nam s previous to the first day of Decern ber next. itZJ" We will if ill nst nav ie postage on all letters containing Five Dollar ar.d upwards, O'hf r letters directed to us, with the rctaC u.i. paid, win not be t iken out of iho otnee. Washington, August 16. 1845. RITCHIE & HEISS. 10,000 SEGARS some very fine far t-ale by GEO. McNEILL. Aoj. IC, J3t5. AND FETfER- Da. TURNER'S AGUE AND FEVER AND CHILL AND FEVER PILLS.the only medicine known that can be relied upon for the speedy, safe, and certain cure of Ague and Fever and Chills and Fever without the aid of any other medicine. : A supply of this invaluable nicdiciue ior sale by the gross, dozen, or single box by , S.J.HINSDALE, Drugget Fttu!ie, Sept. 6. 1845.-341-tf- .',- VEGETABLE PILLS. i tit. universal ceieorrty which this medicine Snined in eyery rcttn . of-the count rv. and hs the many astonishing cir-s it has ff. e'e I, have eMab lisbed its cllicacy beyond oil doLt ; as a gen-ri C :l i - - . . .. m ral lu.ojiy meuicme :i nnsri o nvi. in ai; cai ts ol .i: . i .i- ! i-'i:5ri'on, ui.ious levers, ayprpir, liver eom p'ain'S, sick bevdachr,. j:und:cr, asthmn, -dropsv, pih , colic, worms, Dis- ana d"th h art, and in all : Mictions of the sfotn.-! h and howcls, Pctexs" ii Is will bi- found a ncv. r-f;i.'i -ig remedy. To insure the full bene fit of these ceb-h rated Pills, t: y should be kept in the house, 0 that up on the first cottiiianc:neit' of s-ckBess thej juny he le-oited rtv. One dose then Is better than a docn after the disease his become established in the sys tem. P.ters' Pills are purely venerable, ucd so.inco c n" that the infant of a month Old may use ibem, if medicme fs r quii d, not only with safetv, but with a Certainty of receiving all the benefit medic-nets capable of imparting. Femal s inav use ihe.-u during :11 the cri'ieai p. riods ofth ir lives. P. ters Pill. will insure tht ir lualiu and produce r. gulaii-y in all the functions of life. ??-L.r Price 5 and 50 et. r b x. For sale in FayelteviHe wholesale and retail, at New Vcrk prices, hv SAM'L J- HINSDALE, F.T. WARD, J. H. & J. MARTI NE, And mny be found on inquiry in all th citlis and villager in the Sout he: n and Western States. Aiiuiitt 16, JS1J. 3J8. mi. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AMD AGUE PILLS. THE success of thse Pills is curing in a few hour here all oth r remedies have tailed, and that too, in cas. s ot twelve and eighteen months' standing warrants the atsertion, that if taken according to directions, they are a c itain cure. A long list of cerlific-.t. s in proof oi their infallibility, iniiihf be added, but those upon the directions are deemed sufficient. Try them and be convinced that they are the m- et effectual and certain and ihe very best remedy v r offered to the public, to insure a per mancul and lasting cure. lira'i Store, Lowndes co, A 'a. April 3J. 1645. To Dr G. K. Tyler: Dear Sir This may certify that after using many preparations lor tne cure ot OiiiUs and l e ver, and expending sorn foity-five dollars in phy sician's hill, without any benelit, I procured a box ofDr G K Tyb r's Fever and.Ague Fills, at one dollar, which curd me effectuuily, afier I had suf fered with this distressing and unpleasant com plaint for twelve month. I have i now n them i:3cd in thirty cas- s, and not a box has failed. 1 believe tht rn to be the v ry best and most safe and certain cur; for ague and ftver that can be used, and unequalled a- a ionic restorative, in all debili tated condi! ions of the system. E MYUtS. KoP Price 31 per box wi h full directions. For sale in Fiyettcvii;e- bolesalo and retail ut New York prices, by SAM'L J HINSDALE, FT WARD, HUJ MARTINE. And may be found on inquiry in ell ihc cities and villages in the Southern and Western States. Au-ust 16, 185 333 MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR th! sur s nnd spi cdy cure of IuclpicKt Con sumption, liirrennt3, impotency, Luchorce or Whilo, Gleet, Obstructed, difficult or painlul Menssriiatioii, Incoi tintinence of Urine or involun tary dischurge thereof, a:.d for the general prostra tion of the svstem, no mutter Mhether the icsull ol inherent causes, or oi causes produced by irregu larity, illness, or accid nt. The wide spread celel.r ty of this wondeiful and nes:imab!e cordial, in both hemispheres, is a snf cficient guarant-'.- for its quick and positive success in curmgal! th. bov affections aad complaints. Nothing can bi more surpr sing than deiny iterat ing ffects on the human Iratiie. Persons ail weak nss and las-i.ude before taking if, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteract a the nc rvelessness anil icosencas of ihe female frame, which is the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to Dr Mag nin's discovery, was considered to be incurable. And if speedily remo e-- the impedimi nls produced by physical prostration, which frequently deter in- n from gefti'ig m:ir'i-.d. Language, indeed, cannot do j .'Slice to the merits ot the Lucina Cordial, which is regarded ty the heads of the faculty, in all parts of the world, asoieofths most important inedic-'il discoverie- of any ag'. For sjle at NeW Yoik (.ricea. by G R FRENCH. Wilmington. N C. August IG, 1843 333 HARRISOSJ'S SPECIFIC OLYTMEXT. THE great cr-'ebrity of this unrivalled composition, es.-eiia'Iv in the Northern Stat-s, leaves tho pro prietor but litilo need to suy any thing in its favor; tor it nas been generally concccca to n mat it is. hcyond ait comparison, ths best remedy f.,r external coinpL'mif that h.is ever b;en di-cavercd. Indeed. the spcea anu anu co: lainiy oi us operations have the appearance of miracles: as u'cers, wounds, com!, fever eore-, chilblain-, white swellings, Lilts, piles, rpider and snake bitt s, fc, itninediat Jy jeld to it- superhuruan influence. Ttius, if pro erly ap plied, it w ill remove an inveterate com, or break and heal a bile in five days, wdl allay and perfectly Cure an oltsr in two Weeks; and ma most desper ate cases of white swellmj that can Le imagined, have been d -sToved by it in less than two months. In the bites of pcionons reptiles, it efficaey is tru'y surpri -lTg, and ev n in th bite of a rabia dog; for it app'ied in time, its powers oi attraction are so wonderful that it w.ll atoce arrest the poison, and thus prevent it fioin peivading tho svs em. Ii is likewise greatly superior lo any medicine here tofore discovered for the cafcil bcks bmbs of horses for tetters, ri-ig worms, chapped lips and in shor', for every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. Tli n.nnrlrlnr Saa rr- i,f-J :i 1 Ii-.Kst a thousand certificate and other uocuracnts, in favor of Spec fic OintHirnt, upwards of a hnndrd of which we(e written by resprctable members tf the medi For a!e in Fayettev.l'e Pt c "P'c J f' AM'L J HI-NSDALE, F T WARD, j HtJ MARTINE. And m,y be ound on Inqnfrv in all the cities and s in theSoo'hern .no - i" August 16, IS4.r S38 NOTICE. Doctors CAMERON It MALLETT may, for the present, be found st the office of Mr Tho. L. Hvhart, a fcw doots south ot the Court House. : June 2 1, 1345. BOtfNETS, Cutiae and other faehionable Bcuinets, or sale by ' GEO. McNEILL. Au !, 1845. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ter- vires a aide t;.ker and builder,- to th tltix'&s or others, disposed to contract for burldirf or Jobbirg. Trr libera f. TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subsi-riber, hnvire witnessed the very SKrejFsftuIorrs'ion of HOTCH KISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Gral.em's .Mill m FayMtrville, in May ac.d June last, were intiuce-i to purtl.r.vr the flLriit tor the entire State of North Carlnrt sr.d ow offer indi idual Rig Lts for sale on very rfa?oo.ble terms. Ther have novv have civ. on hard vei teeat TuU ts ot Wheel, an mace arrant ssrnta to keep a constant sup Ecs:desLcirtg genr;iy rdrptcd in the Notthrrn State, there are air. ody t wcive saws in snccessftl operation in this &tt, end eig.bt others in process ofenction. The astonishing power and spe d of thege Wheels have been w.tness.d by hundreds ct cilitns of (his Sialc, w ith univ rsul appprobation. And we desire s!l lio may ft-el on interest in ihe subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Graham, Col. A lex'r Murehiion, Christopher M unroe, Alex'r Williani, Arch'd McLaurin. J. McDsniel, John Code, Mr.. Effy M Fadverj, in this County ; Col. John C. McLnurin, in Richmond Count v Tho. C. Smith in Claden County ; nnd Hardy Royah in Sampson County; to each of whom vie Refer for information as to the ; radical operation of flies Wheels. Persons who apply ?oon for Rights can havo thtrn pi:i up by vvorhm who have been instruct ed by Mr Uotci.kii.s himself. The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the State of Nonh Cnro'iua, have received the follow ing ccrlicfcl(t , ' ' Fsyettcville, Feb'y 3, 1S45, ' We, t'i.e Si-bsvi ibois, r siding in the County of Cumberland and Vtate c-f North Cnrotinn, having bt en encaged in the ma n uta et ure of Lumher for ma ny years, feel full v varranied in stating, thai Hoftb k.ss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and iheir appendages, are woithy of the patronise of sli mil! owners, and thai wehaef;i!l conlideroe rn their superiority ; ,'.it ihe value of Milis will be' very much enhanced hy iln ir introduction. They are t-ore elnrabh-, and easier kept in order whea properly put too. th r thnn the cosin.r.n Flutter Y Jie 1 : they wj!l save at least one-lhird of the water, and run w-il in biitk water when there i a Head a Dove. i ne .prej ol Hie aw is increased from vne-half to double the strokes per miuulu. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE, CHRISTOPHER M UNROE, JOHN Mc FAD YEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN Mr DA MEL. ALEX'R MUCHISOM. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID. ANGUS CAMERON, (MiUwriglit.) JOHN C.McLAURIN. (Kicbmond County.) . SMITH, THOMAS C. (Bladen Cunt,) i They have also received a ceitificnte frofn Col. Alexander Murchjsoo, (which will be published here. ft er among others in handbill form,) in w hich bespeaks of thi as the greatest improvement made on Saw Mills in my fhi.J time ;" says that his Saw will cut 5000 fcer in a day; it actually cut ou the flay bfre he wrote, 4C83 feet of I J inch: Quarter Board; makes 240 stiokts in n minuter ih:.t one half of ihe water isaved; and concludes byrecommending its ot.'option to Mill owners. . Other certificates, which iiu ve been promfs will ko pahiished hrrenfter, . . - f ' A RCH1BALD McLAUCHLIN. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN. -Fayette ille, March 15, 1845. 3IC-tf. ' - Wjjiu rewpecildl ly inform the citizens of Fayeltcville and the public generally, that he has taken the stmd recently occupied by E.J. Clark, on Gillespie C Street; 5 doofs St'ith of thei Market S'luare, where he will '-- s-'"manufacture and ke n con. startly on h tnc TIN AND nd an assortment of SHEET IRON WARE.. Peisons wishing (o purchase would do wll i. call and examine hisstocK before purchasing, else where, ns lie is determined to fiollaa cheao unv other manufacturer in th'i State. BA!Vfc.RS of an entirely new pattern. j ROOFING done inth lastest at vie. and best inannr. Also OUTTL RING. Aug. 17, 1344. 26I-y. LIVERY STABLES. THE ubsrriber frels truly thr.nl.ful for lh tyj liberal p.-tronaje he I. as received fiotn the citizens of FayelteviHe. and the public generally; and uj his terms of hiring Horses and lomctant-fd, and boarding hr?e, ara very moderate he rnoM re apecifullv solicits a continuance ol paiionsge. Historms of hiring are as usual, except those who hire Tors, s r r conveyances and damag them by nnfrtfr managcmer.f, are required to pay the' damage. He has rcccnl ly .d!cds three xciIIoit horses to his former tck, yibicli will enable him t supply every call for horses. t . v. T. J. MIMS, Ag'V. tC7The indebted to m will please make payment ; ard thoa who hire horse l ereaftcr sre requested to pay for the hire of them wh n the1 hore i r'tnrntd, ss I have not lisie to call upon' them for pay. T. J.M. July 12, 1845. 320-y. FOR SALE. I WISH to sell my land lying on Big Ro kfish,' being about 2000 acres cf,gpod turpentine land, with a good a'ream for carrying li 'o market, navi gable at any lime while there is wsf r enough for boat to run b-f ween Fayettevi.'Je and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ' ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. Joly 12. 1845 t. 333-tf. TEA AND CHOCOLATE. Gunpowder (fine)l Young Hyson J TEA. Hyson " Black " J . . Chocolate No. I. K...le&.McNEiLi..: Aug- 1. '845. 4

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