1 "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO lSniTIDI'AI-S; AND THE OI.OUY OF THE STATE fS THS cfOFMov V FROPERTT. O? ITS CITIZENS. rt r - - -- r rr .MS35TJ--. '-sr 75V YM II KAYNE FATKTTEYILLK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, IS45. Volume fl Number 345 rryRMS OF TIIK NO-l?Tlf CAROLINIAN-: 'if iiai'J i'- thJ end of si x months al IUO C11H Ol eilC Jtae 50 OO 50 Kt- ef AH vertisin:; : i.vtv e-its jv:r mi . mo for tin; ftst,and thirty cents . j.iU;V't -mi- insemoii. , I . ..-Iiclil ' i tli ;'riWiiv of 'matter inserted. C , in i lv -ni-i by tl; ve.ir .vill be charged according ,f mailer inserted, .ijl.j, &e, -15 per cent livicr. N 1) K M N I T J V liiist loss or damage hv lri VllB WILLI YMSIWIU; TIRE INSU ItVXCB COMPANY. CAl ITA I. $ 105,000. f7 ' (! mud near First Street, ilLams ' burr, onn'itr. the City ofWrio York. W ells I in tiding, i tt si., ; Eiicoitrase sp. Huue M&KKiaetiiTes feticij ft '', .Witf Vol.-- LIB ECTOR-!: Abr'm T. BnskercU, Francis St.inhei!, S nnl II. Clapp, J .li i i. .if Chas. O. Ilandy, L. :umei 1' ichardson , t ;'t, i j i a i '. tl.ri'-diic, : 1 1 .w C li e.' d w ' , i-Vel-nick W. F.ivi-;, .1 .;r'jnii eh J oh ion, J Vi Skill-nan, Si lit. Will I.". Nichohn u.1(,lUll)SnN,P,fir A iukw li. H'lit'iEsS c'iy. W AS1IIX' i TON I'.MI', A : it, Now A fk. Till-: WiUii.iiV'r4 t'iru Insurance Company, htviu . b ., i.,.-or;v.r.,lcl l.v an act e.ftl..; Leg.sla tr...ft'.eS,.,.e. of New VorU luru,... purposes 1. 1' .'irt, l,..r,i .cr, !..- Directors oiler to I nsure their i li, .i i ''mill the uiilie.i . ui" . ii.. ., .r,inst L-ss or Damage ly lire, .;il ,iU,ng,0 .1-""' M.-rch..,.dise, ami PT- IV..:.."! y ir .. .illv, iUn th;a i ui .1.. 0..m,-.. hc-cM?.,d wnA L. .lV.r,,.M.vr.nlor.-i,..l liWahlya, ll.--y trust wiilc.l.U-: U t- ..r.lic.-.o.iVlencc ami palm,...-.-. The S'llKriilH-r, Aent l"r ihoaliovo Com- r .. titnv ill "ivo any luitooi' I ivoruianoi. i... j l.v tti.Ht: win. wis i to insure. I I r.S M All rlNK. Aaciii, Hay Street. . . . r i.-it.. i I-"- n i ii v. vvi t. . Gardner & lcletlian, II A VK lately ui nle considerahlc iinproveiniT.t in tln.irtylo of Work, am! have now mi hand aUiN KUAL ASSOItTMlCNT, oiisis'in of Carriages, larouelics, l?uggies, Gig, Hulkeys, Waggons, c. W'liitli for eleganci: of fliapc arvd &:ii?h, and dura hilitv, will compare w ill any inale i-r foe U Suites. l'cf.-ons wishiiii; to luiv, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW for Cash, or approved notes. Maviiiirin our employ Vnt raV Snik'lis, we are prcpan-u to do any lion work in the above line on moil, rate term?. We vrajrant all our work to be of good and faith ful1 workm iriFmp anl materials, for one year. IM'irAUUNG faithtully executed at .short notiec, ad on reasonable terms. 1'avelt. v.lle, February 8, 13-15. V- T0 travellers Ami Sujoiiriicrsiii Kayettcyille IK!. K. SMITH is sr t PI 1 prsiafn So enrtcr taiu (Jentleiiien and Ladies travelling litrtrtori or b-ojoiirnins in Fayetti vill--. IJ'T table is always as ?ood as the market aflords. She has good sta- bUs and hostlers, and attentive waiters, ami re spectfully floficife a continuance of public patronage tier residence is so vv II known mat u necus no ie- scnption. iNo exertions will bo sarei to give satisl'ael ion. .Since the late destructive firo winch destroyed the Hotel, she has enlarged her moans ot accommo dation hv rent.1!!" the Ix.nse directly opposite, where she has several good airy roeifr-, for s-leep-inn a'parfmenta. Feb. I, 1815. 3lb-tf. Mew IFnii'nM. The Fiib.seribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under the firm of H. W- Beatty 8c Co., I or tiie transaction of A General Commission J3ii3iness In the "luwn of IVilminlon, C. They will i:ivu particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores ; the receiv ini; and forwardinn ood, and the 8alc and pur chase of uoods for the hack country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronage, and pledge their best exertions to rivo satisfaction. ' 1 1 . W. CHATTY", JOHN C. LATTA, Jaly IU, 1945. :?31-tf. . .. ...i . 1 .1 .. nl iv "HOUS liu ' 1 ... .. , - i ... n i t.ivinmmt. f... .. Me l ire, to i no oric.t M.ir, . . , shall h l..,.Uoe.eu,..ed bv Mr Ha.ni uM i cue. , " . . .-vi. i:....r.,.. Me.Neill. w neie i su. " :i.er ea i ui m j i. .ii'in mil KIM'HIR'IS, u mm-" , t mv rr;-. 1 to i-l isc otl I"' V 'J'") ai i-v . ii.t'j...r iV.nm a-'JIu-r m- pic 1-" to III lilvai . l i-rim iim All p:r-ioii ori'.'WMit f't whosM mil will L I I . ... I rl..VpiyM-.-.ir, am? ail Itioe.ueo ntirl accouiTts are One, v. in, i ll HI WilOSJ iXM' .- - " . - . , . . ,., , ,...iy or p7gr' II l-l .. J .1 une ii , I 1", 3il-y- ROOTS & SHOES !!! VII K Subscnbi;r an- & nouncestohi friends and the pub lo Mr ' ieortj-' lie in general that ho has opened his shop on Hay street, oppos.te m,. v.ti where he if" prepared to ?tatc of Nortli Ca'rotina Anson county. Court oj Picas and Quarter Sessions July iVrni, 1845. Ilobert Stranec p. Alexander D. Meltne. Original Attaclnnent levied on 350 acres of land. I T appearin to the natisfactjon of tho Court tlial Alrx imier 1. Mellae, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is order ed by tb Court that advertisement be made in the North Carolinian for six week?, for the d efendant to appear at the next term of this Court to t-how cause, if any he ha, why an order of alo should not be made in this case. Witness, Korflect IX Kgl.'an Cleik ofsaid Court at oflJce, the 2d Monday of Jnfi i.; !, t34. N. D. COG G AN, C. C. C. Au. 30, I845.--3I0-Gt. pr adv. 3 25. RAR SOAP. fllim-; subsciibcr offers for sale ONfl I1UN 1L )lM-:! DUXES OF CAR SOAf, manulV--turi'dat the "FayclteviUe. (N.C.)Candk Factory," and warranted i qual if not supci iu? to Colgate's best No. I . Cei ig determined to devote all necessary atten tion tothe business, aiiM cif-Tiiiif it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pourrd ly toe box,) he iiopes to receive a due share of public paironage. l7r Allonleri thn'iilttilly received and prtnapt ly atteuded to. W. Mcl. McKA Fayeltcvillc, .May 24.844 fOOMXOtf Atfres Valual?lf FOR SAJLE. THE Subscriber has f irrchaed all fheLANDS belonging to ibis Esfato of Abram Dubois, dae'd lyinr priiwpafly hi U ibeson county, and on bot; sides of Lnrrnoer liver, the difllrent surveys con" tainiir;; over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a 1 irc part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a largo quantity ol Timber is now rafted to tlie Georgetown mar ket. T fth-Sj lands are very valuable both for the Tfmber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, bciag in a rsioii where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section ofthe State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to Biiil purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtained by apphing to I he Hop. Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, EstrM A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Lay,) I xritiicfttfinO there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application fur any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John AVinarlow, Esq., who win otj uiy auritorrzcu to make sate ot tho same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fajretfcvi!Ie, N. C, March I, 184.3. 314-tf. i . ii.i rinn eiiir.'-. m .Ue lo oro r oi ! p.ii - , ;L ......-. . i. i ....... 1 1 ...noil n ii lall in lu .... i ni ik. ooiiiii.r - i-iiii - ,.ii . , I and muicrn . ' 1 ' .:.i i.....r t. ...i with rheircu-dom, iVtrrl l wU .o be done in the '-. style ' " 1 " I .. .1 ...-itnrinU Hint l 'uVkmen. an. I olinein;- - styles. He assur'-s that lie A' I1 my rod. nt ill. ne here He fe-?- roitfi b ut t lat any s hands cannot be nurpasseil by lb e in be lr eur t ..... ki ni ii.ini lK l.l-.." --. . ,. , t. . v or el-i'vliere, aim i.e ..-j- and a stiutious i noii lair sbare receive a eliM- application lo business ai tuple is--, not only to merit but 'V'"- V"Z' MAI.COM FAULK. tSU. ...y-;y. . i;::e N 0 T I C E . T!,.- subs, -riber, iluri H2 hi - alienee, ,e.,ne8ts a ll I-,,.,., indebted to bun lo make pavim ut to Air ;,ji;rtnc,,"h'M ,,i:,Ll:Tnss:c- j hi v in, i8ir..- tt. r i.tV.rs hisFCviecs tothe cill- ftlF. subseril ii- ..I" Fa v. It. vill.-, as Carpenter and Contractor, nl hopes by prompt attention to business Jo sliaie part of the public patrona"0. W. ROSE. THE subscrtber will continue to carry on the NESS on his iidividual account, one door wett of the Methodist Church, and nearly opp-ite the 1 s-l Office; a:rrd from past ex erience he Hatters b i m sclfhe can give satisfac tion to such as patronise him. He hopes by his nn- gteg j jrinvj exertions to please, and his attention to business, to merit a iii.erat .b:ire of nal I oua e. DAiMbL ll.viviv Aifi- :', 145. A. M. CAMPBELL Ma ?trg . LJ66n appointed AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayetteville, is prepared to attend to l'ic sale of any i;oodd which may be entrustd lo hiiu. Consig-iments from abroad will bo promptly at tended to. April 13, 1315 321-y. PKOSPECTUS OF THE 'CONGRESSIONAL UNION'' AND "APPENDIX;" &c. 1 be undersigned respect lully inform t!e public, lit, ivitii r,.; cumuienccmetit ofthe approaching session of Congress, the v iiM hi gin the publica lio:M.jllio''C.,rire?sronal Uion"aii' "An.i ndix. ' 1 be first will cnnla-n a fnli and aceur ii-.- bistorv ol the ilaily proceedings of both branches of the national le-islatur--. It will be compiled with such care tlmt every citizen who is interested in the puj.ic affairs will if rt a complete synonsis of tb. ir proceedings, and a resdy bo.-U of' reference tip-'ii all questions which coiirc" bdore ibeiu. Hie second, (the "A pi-ndix,") will col. t. in every speech m bicb is !cfive i cd in t he 1 louse Representatives and Senate ilurni'i the .-essi;;:, ?e poitcdat length by a full and aide corps of con- gre-ssional rcpoiiers. and revised before publir.?rion by the authors, Mhcnever it is reqiirsfed1. Th-se -o hoiks win nes?ricllv tiapartiar, and .vie in tended to l.p as interecriiii and ks. lu?., ihe man ot business, and to the nciit u-ki n .f i!..- .... ..mtv as of ibe other. As this will be the long session of Con-r ss, and wiiiprobal.lt last . igh.1 kkjiiiI.s, e have t-oueiu.b l topnbh!, the Congressional Union and j'mt-ndi on the following TERMS. For The Congressional Union, $ 50 per cop v. For The Appendix-. SI 50 nor c.nv Clubs wilf be furnished with Ten i-imi ..f, wt.r the above works for I2; Twentj-five copies for 25. EXTRA WEEKLY" AND SEMI-WF.k.ki.v UNION. For tho accommodation of those who desir a paper printed at the sal of government during the session of Congress only, wt will furni-h tbeui the Extra Union a9 follows: Semi-Wee kly, One copy $2 50 " Six copies 13 oo " " Tweive copies 24 00 Weekly, O lC copy i I oo " Twelve copies 0 00 " Twentv-five copies 20 00 THE UNION Will be furnished hereafter lo yearly sftbsctibcrs ;is follows: Daily, per year, for Wne copy gio 00 J' i ve copses 40 00 On.: copy 5 00 Fivccopi's ,20 00 Ten copies 3 00 One copy 2 00 Five eopics 8 00 Ten c-o'p'fes to 00 ICP No attention w ill be paid to any ordci, un less the money accompanies it. itJThosc desiring complete copies ofthe Con gressional Union and Appendix, will phase send us their nanu s previous to the first day of Decern, ber next. iC? Wo will wi?l'i fro fy pay the postage on all letters containing Five Doliar-i and upwards. Other letters directed lir us, with the postage un paid, will not be taken out of the' Office. Washington, August 16.1845. RITCHIE & HEISS. VEGETABLE PILLS. THE universal celebrity which this medicine has gamed in ryerv section ofthe country, ami the many astonishing cures if bis cif. cic I, "have cst tb. li.-hcd its cfiicacy bt'3'o:id all doid.t ; ns a general family medicine it has no rival. In ail cases of in-dig.-rthui, biJioy ti-veis, dyspepsia, livrr Cum plaintj, sick heatJ.ithr, janiidice, asthma, dropsy, piles, cob, worms, Disease ofthe heart, and hi all aiK-1-nt.-os t.i the stotnai h and bowels, IVteis l'i'ls ",vif he ivniiid a never-fail i'ig rcni' dv. To. insure the full hem li! of these ccb brated Piil r, ;i:ey should be kept in the house, so that up on the lir.-.t comiiiencenieiit of sickness lln-y may be resolved lo. One dose then is better than "a dozen alter the disease his become established in the sys tem. P Jer' Pills arepuicly v gctahle, a nd so :ino cen tint Ihe infant of a month trld may use them, il medieirit; is reneii. il, not only with safety, but with a certainty "I icreivin all the bem fu nudi- JOSEPH S. DUNN offers bis ser- vices as Mnde-taker and builder, to the cUi7rM er' Bthers, disposed tu tout r act for budding or jobbrn". Terms libf?L IMPORTANT TO LUMBER MEN. THE SuS i ilcrc, haing itnes-cd tb vciy pueccssrul opcrai of I IiTCH KiSS'S VERTf.' C A L WATS Si WHEELS, r Aftlnbald UrabaaiV MiUirt PayMteville, in .May at.d June last, were induced to purchase the Right foi the entire Stat ot North Carolina, and now ofltr individual Rights lor sale on very .reasonable tcrais. They Uary now on band i'l icnimi liifisits elWhctli, arr' have made arrange nunts to kecp'a toi.slant sup' ply. IVsidcs bring gcn rally adopted mi the Notthern Stales, there are already twelve saws in sntcesffnl operation ;u thi.- State, and ciebt others in procet oferi ction. The astonishing p er and Pl.ctd f these W bcils hare been witnessed by hnndreds p Scmi-VTeekly, cine is capable of iuipai ling. Females may use I citizens of this State, ith universal fcpprol.Kt'rfn. 1. 1 . - ii. i . - t ,-.-- Ik i ii i . Aim we eiesirc an no may irri an interest in the subject lo examine the Mills of ArcbM Graaain, Col. A lex'r Af urehison, Christopher Monroe, Alex'r. Viliiams Arclref AIcL.aurin. J. IVJcl lanicl, John Cade, Mrs. Ejfjr McFadven, in this Cnnnfy ; Col. John C. McLiimiii, in itieliniond County; Thoa. t'. Smith in Claden County ; and Hardy ItoyaU in. Sampson tounty; lo each ol wbenn we Refer for information as to the practical operation ofthos Wheels. Persona w ho apply soon for Rights can have them pHt up by Workmen wLo have hern instruct eel hy Mr Hc.tchkiss himself. l he I roprietors of the right of this heel in tho State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: aycttcville, Feb'y 3, Ifc45, , We, the Subscribers, reeiefing in the County ol Cumbcriarid and Sftate of North Carolina, having been engaged in the nianufacturcof Lumber format I be-in dnriii"- all the critical l t ioels of th. ir lives P tcrs.' Vls will in sure tin fr h(!lh and produce; regularrty in all the functions of life. IViee- y5 it ml a'l cfs. p r b". f-,r Sftl.-in FayclteviUe w'tdesale uml retail, at New Y'ork rice?, by SAM'L J. Hl.NSDALE, F.T. WARP, J.II.& J.MARTLNE, Artel Bjjay lie found on inquiry in i!l tho cili-s and viflta..sin thoSo;liern and Western States. August te, rSI5. 338. Weekly, e u C( (4 319-3ni. a pail ol uie July f.i, 1"I."'. 3:;5-ti. ANI flNK OIIHWINC T0U.UC0. Vv'e have received by thi: late, arrivals another i-o.isi"nmeiit of Ihe ct b brated "1 eswni g" and a 0. w superior articl.: of -P.-ae b Leal" inUixesl i t.. I t lbs. am! a supplv ol 1 1 ibnore's .-up--i ir pound 1, neps Al-eo, Jo'lo SamL. "Spread Eaglej brand-' ..l s0,n line liavor.-d "Manuel Kei.d.ui" segai ' Lo. f..r sale, at small advai.ee upon cost. Orders fro ,, abroad promptly attended io on tnost ,.,v,.,..hleie,,,M. COOK& TitOY . August !. .. 0 ",- - .? i .. licroivf l on ( 'oiisi-jcniiient. Fre.u'h !JraoVt I l.,!:.imi Gin," Ameiicau Pirane'v, I ) b iit.-s No. 1 'oap. . a.m. f:.t.Mrp,i:LL. March 15. !.-?!5. 5 H.-lf N 0 T I (' li . Burned out, but nut entirely consumed. Only pretty considerably scorched ! : t OTfa 3 H C"J 'ST O IT- SADDLER & HARNESS m A 1 & u 4 1 RETURNS his sincere thanks to th- public for the lil. rl sbiire nt' i.:. I r, ,11 i r,. be n 1 1 ill ire bestowed c,p- i on bun, and hopes .hat as he now requires a con I ina'anee of lhef custom, to enable him to recove r f.om tho severe scorching reeeied in the late lire, it will not be withheld. Hisfiienels, and such as will f please to call at bis shop, on South side ol Person street , next door but one to the corner ot Diok, will find a to'erablc stock in bis line, with the best Workmen, willing and ready ?o p?. a?e in any Job a;id repairing line-, at ibr siioi test notie e. I'lll". suW-criber Iiastiist re,- i in-1 it of i'C'i "i:?al! a;soit- b'inc For sale August S, 15 no Gk-ss Ware. T. S. LUTTERLOH. v. June 2-s, IS 15. 331 -Cm. NOTICE. State of NortU Carolina -Moot e county irt-Court oj Pleas and (Quarter Sessions JrJy 'J'trtn, IS 15. - John M orison vs. Kenneth Morison. inal attachment levied on the lands ot the Defendant, TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Ke nncih Morison, is not an inhabitant of th!? SlRtr, it i? therefore ordereel tliat publication be made for six weeks m tlio North Carolinian, a newspaper rub'.irbetl in the town of Fayetteville, for the defendant te appear at the m-xt te-rm of this Court of Pleas and Unarler Sessions, lobe hold for the county K .M!ore, rt the Ce.urt tlinso inCarthag'-, en the -it if Morday in October .nevt, then and there to plead, 'answer, of replevy, Or judgment final " ill be entered against h?m, and Ihe land levied on will be condemned to satisfy the plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said ' . Court at Office in Carthage, the 4th Monday in - July, A. D., 1815, and American Indpcn.b ncj J the C'Jth year. A. C. CURR Clk. THE Subscribers take this opportunity of relum ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa troucj "nd the public generally for llielr liberal pa- rnage be stowed ijnn them; also for the kind yinp itiues in.iiwtete.l to tliem in the late caianirt y fu the elcriruetioii ot tin ir entire Ste-ck of Goods i b toi!'ini- f.f the l-.ih ins.; a:id t. Capt J A J Cradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr G A Schwart'.man, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness fn givingthein not:c-, and others in the siirround ;ag ii?il;Hyrbtjyd ot the fre, by thi discharge of r.tr:T"r. Having eipcm d the '"oie neailv epjo site,' they hope soon f? es:in- bufiness, and "o'.dd most rc?pci! -ii!ly sobi it the patronage ct'their fi ierrds and the rvinic, am! shall imp- to merit a sbare of public patroi.age. They bae on hand in tlo ir j WorcheiHse, Salt, Iron, Molas-cs, Si;g ir, Smiths' 1 Ccllov.-s and Vises, Log Chains, t- supfrf.ir Wrooght l Iron MM Cran3. ilso, -!i-ju, t :ses, i rate i Cha;n. and I:e"Vy rtc!esof Hardware, partially damaged in the lire, all si" which they will sdl low fr C-ish c- Produce. Thev would also earnestly rcqfe t ?f; indebted to thrHi by no.e or ac count 13 m?ke immediate payment. asR Will enable thtr to1 clocs li'rir fnrm.f business asenro mencc. arid hope those iiulcblcl will take l.:erarhcst oppcrlnnifyt- .rfllclhci jnTlNE. y crb '. trie. 3i4-:r. HAVE just received the new style of HAT CLOCKS, and now finishing Gentlemen's super-line FUIl AND SILK HATS. Also, receiver! by last arrivals, a great variety ol Fur, Silk, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hals, all of which have been purchased on such terms as to enable nic to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, IS 15. 325-tf. HANDSOMER THAN THE LAST. Now I 'all ami Winter Fancy WM. G7 MATTHEWS IS now reccivrng new .-di ction of Fall and Wrin- Ur Gooel s the sf.lvil aod newest styles, consist ing of black and fancy colored Rep Cashmeres, Chusaw, Omb'tt de Lai nes. Cashmere de Lainrs, Crape de Laines, IMaid de Laincs, plain colored and Mouslin de Laines, and other worsted articles for Laelies' Dresses. French, English, and Ameri can Prints, (new style.) Clue, black, green, and steel nrieel CfOthffj fjr?cy colored Cassimeres; ditto Sdk Y'clvet Y'eslinys; plaid and striped dit to; Tweeds and Kenlue ky Jeans ; linen Sheeting; bleached and brown Shci tings and Shirtings; Tickings; Checks; Diapers; 'Towels; Diills and Stripes; Nee k Handkcn hiefs and Scarfs; Pocket do; linen Tapes ; spool, skein, and Flax Thread; Kid Gloves; silk and worsted Mitts and Gloves; timbre ras; Ixiots and Shoes ; Caps 10,000 SEGA US- for sale by Aug. 16, 1845. -some very fine ubxji. mcneill. DH. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AMD AGUE PILLS. THE success of these Pills in cirring in a few hour where ai.i. other remedies have lailed, and that too, in cases of twelve and eighteen months' staneling warrants the assertion, that it taken according to directions, they are a c rtain cure. A Song list of certiftcati s in proof ol their infallibility, iniht be added, but those upon ti e directions are deemed sufficient. Try them and be convinced that they are the iii'.gt effectual and certain and Ihe very best remedy ever oil. -reel to the public, lo insure a per manent and lasting cure.. dago's Store, Lowndes co, A'a, April 2J, 1845 ToDrG.K. Tvler: fivar Sir 'This tnav certify that nfter using many preparations tor the cure ot Chills and he ve-r, anef ejene!ing some; foity-five dollars in phy sician's bills, without any hcnelit, I preicurcd a box oi ur u t. i yier's r ever and Ague t ills, at one dollar, which cured rn effectually, after 1 hael suf fered with this distressing and unpleasant com plaint for tti elve inoiit lis. I have Known tliem used in thirty cases, and not a box has tailed. I believe them tej be the very best and most safe and certain cure: for ague and fever that can be used, and unequalled a- a tonic restorative., in all debili tated, conditions ot the system. L. MYUta itZJ' PrteejJ I per bo wi'h full directions. For sale in Faycttctillo wholesale and retail nt New York prices, by S A M'L J HINSDALE, FT YVARD, J II & J MARTINE. ny years, feel fullv warrantee! in stnling, that Ilolt h kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and. their appendages, nrc worthy of the patronage ol alt mill owners, and that we have full confidence in their superiority ;'. at the value of Mills will be very much enhance-d by their introduction. 1 hey . are more durable, and easier kept in order when- propcrly put togethe r than the common Julie.-. Wheel: they will save at least one-third ofthe water, and run well in back water when there is ; a bead above. The specel ol the Saw is increased from one-half to double the strokes per tniuuto. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN M UN ROE, CHRISTOPHER MUNR0K, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHICALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. ALEX'R MURCHISON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDlARMID4 ANGUS CAMERON, 5 (MiUwr!"ht.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, . (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen CetunftA They havo also received a certificate ffoni Ce..; AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. TURNER'S AGUE AND FEVER AND CHILL AND FEVER PILLS, the only medicine known that can be relied upon for the speedy, safe, and certain cure ol Agile and Fever and Chills and Fever without the aid of any other medicine. A supply of this invaluable medicine for sale by Ihe gross, dc7.cn, or sing?e box bv S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. Fayctteviile, Sept. G. 1845. 3-1 1 -tf. villages in the; Southern anel Western States. August IC, I34J 338 d varfetv ot otlicr liiankets and verco:.t Goods not mctitionr e!. Also, fuil assort fent ol lio iiuts, Ribbon, and Flow- r-, and vvort-te ci SI. a wis a mi Cravats, .Vc. -ILSO A lew boxes ;r;nie C 1 lEEsE. a M. Priueie Cigars, (choice brands.) .j boxes Myers' b st A rtmiatic Chc'frfnfr Tobnccex And dally expected, Loaf anil Ciown Sugars, Cntiee, Teas, W!m r, 4t?? proof French Cramly, Holiaml Gin, art! Champagne Wirse, "Cfn Brand," Call soon and s'-:e , .s theffe g66ds will I c sol J low THE SUBSCRIBERS arc r?ow receiving thcii Fall and Winter supply of consisting in part of blu-, black, invisihlo green,' and steel mix'tl Cloths; Pilot Cloths; black anel fancy Cassimeres; Sattiuetsj Kenfucky Jean; Tweeds; Si'k and Tabby Velvets; Satin and Val encia Ve stings ; Prints; ('rape and Muslin-eie-Lains; Cash'iiere-de-Eeosse ; dain and fig'd Al paecas ; plaid Linseys ; silk, cotton, and wool shawls ; silk and cotton Handkerchiefs;. Gloves ; Hosieiy; Ribbons; threu! and muslin Edgings and Insertings; Flannels; KersCys ; Ticking: oogro Clankt-ts ; lino Reel (ill to. Hats, Shoes, Umbrellas, Bonnets, ami Fur and Cloth Caps. All ed which w ill be offered at the lowest market prices. II. & E. J. LILLY. Fayetteville, Sept 20,184".. 313 8w State of North '!rtfllMaMoerc county. I'ejifiori for rehearing Benjamin C. YY'illiams, and setting asiele; the vs. Probate; of a paper writ- Charlcs Chalmers and j ! og beret flbre olrereel ami Marv bis wife and Ly- j proVeel as the fast Will dia .MeCrydej. " and Te?t imef:t of D n? e- J uiin W. Widiaiiis, de c'd. IN this Case, ir appearing to me, Alexander C. Crrv,CSrk ci Moore Count v Court, upon aflidav;! filed hv the Pe'itiouer, that Lydi.i Me Bryde, Evec nx of A ie !iil. i hi McBryile, one of the eh femla:3. jri a non-resident e.l llus State: I .lo ltv-rfliiro, p;r- suaet to Act of A sscuibl v i n such casts made and i .i .. .i . . : . i ' -v . i . -....::..;.... ! nroV'.ieo, ;ki t ei i .- in liie .'n:in ,ii c-: ; ii.-i ., m: j .i - 7Ctte ol nils .itate, that tin-sal peiu'on w in i i iken i.ro eonfesso a'i.!rst tl-esaid Lvdia M?:'rv.le iiid heard ex pi;f: as to her, i.-.les-s the ?a d Lvdia McBfJ'de -'ra!! a;-i-r:ar before the Court e-f Picas anel Ouartej Sese'inj's to be h Id f;?r the County n! Moorf at the Coutt House ?e. Carthage, v'r. t!:e Ith M.mday o October !.?!:, and plead, ans-.ver, or d i,ir. A. C.CLRi'"Y , C. (J. C. 20, !?J3. 3l-6w. 341 Gw. Si-p. ALSO, 4. Sept. -20, 1845. 313-61. per adv. 3 25 They have just received, bale superior lirnlepyrt 3 ply Seine Twine, 3 c"i:3 Steam Parking Vatn, Manilla, Scmc.and Rait Rupv, ! hhd.winti r strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 i'Lis. Trair. Oil, 300 alls. Linseeel Oil, W:'.itttmo!-'' real Cotton t'afds, Cofee Milts, rA-st gocd W?gon ad Cstt Poxes, 250 grcss YVcodStreVs,20 bundles essorten Hoop Iron, .with a stnull iss'Jrt m nt c'Hw ucs und Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stotk of Hat, round, and squaic Bar Iron, Band Iron and NaiLs Rodt, contained in sked joining their Store, but sli 'btly injured. " " TAIL()KN BUSINESS. THE Subscriber respect -fullv informs ihocit..cns of Fayetteville, the public- generally, that lie n ill continue I'beTAlL ulll.xa BUSINESS in all its different branches, on the moi-t favorable trmr. at the o?d st-ind. ro iSi'ef ?y occupi'-d by Clark 5 MiJallu:-?, aJT-i n. ally o; ros;' e r".e -rs II. E. J. L-ilU- .tml Wont's bv strict attention to buincc to merit a liberal t-harc rn,lmn.nnr t 1 M.oit I Ir.-? aa tv i i :..; ' ii .u- ...i I Alexander Mnrchison, (which will be published J .J I hprnlfnr nnntnw thfra in Im rwi lull b.i-tH m I bespeaks of Ibis as "the greatest mpfovcmei ' made on Saw Mills fn mt 'dsj time ;" says 11.:. i his Saw will tut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day befi.re be wrote. 4CS3 feet of l in U Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a minute";--that one-half of I ho water is saved; and conclude i by-recommending its udoplon to AJ ill owners. Other certificates, which have been promise will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN, DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McK ETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 3IC-lf. mar -m -w g k r v . Wyju Iau rcmpocnui ly infortu tho citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that ho has taken the stinel recently occupied by E. J. Clark, on Giilopio Street, 5 eloors South'of the Market Sejuare, where he will """"manufacture and kern con stantly On haiid an tfes&rfntent of. TIN A IN 1 S1IKET IRON WARE. Persons wishing to purchase would do well fe call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as ho is determined to scllascheap as any other manufacturer in tlm State. BAKERS of an ontiicly now pattern. ROOFING dono in the. luster l stylo, and best manner. Also GUTTERING. MYGNIX'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR tho sure and specefy cure of IncipicBt Con sumption, Barreunes, luipotency, Luchnree or Whilosj Gleet, Obstructed, difficult 'or painful .Menstruation, I.-icoi tintinence of Urine or involun tary discharge thereof, a:.el for the generai prostra tion ol the system, no matter whether the lesult ol inherent causes,-or ol causes produced by irregu larity, illness, or aecielriit. Tins wide spread celebr ty of this woudcifiil and nes: imable ceirdfal, in both iie'iiiisphcres, is a suf cfJcienl guarSriiee f"er its quick and positive success in curing all tho abnve affi-ctions a id complaints. Nothing can be more surprising t lis n tsinTlsorat ing . fleets on tint human frame- Persons all wc.ik n s and las itiide be fore taking it, at eencc become robust and li?'f of energy under its influence. If iuimedialely counlerae-ts the nerve b-ssness and looseness of tho female frame, whit h is the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to Dr Mag inn's eljsce.vrfv, was considered to Vc ine rjrahle. And it s-peedilt- remotes the imp'teliine-ntS proelueed by physic.. IprCstra' ion, which Ircjucht.y deter m- n from getting m:e?. feel. Language, indeed , ca n not do .jus t ice to the merits of tht Lwcina Corelial, which is regardeel l v the beads of tbfe fatuity, in al? parts of the world, as one of Ihe most important medical discoveries of rfnv age. For sale at New York pi ices b. G R FRENCH, Wilmington. N C. August I C,' 1815 333 r Aug. 17, IS 44. CI-y. HAHRISOIST'S SPECIFIC OlMTMEXT. THE great celebrity of this unrivalled composition, . a .1 -V .1 t........ I . ..I . . . . e-..cnnv in I lie oi ini ru ..u.t,i , icitve-s no; pro prietor but little need to sat- any thing in its ta ejr; for it has been generally conceded to it that it in, !n 'v';rrl ail e o'pariseo:, it: j bett remedy I .i external ,,i;if)'iai-:H ;hat has ver been discovered. Indeed, the s:'ere; and Snd ceilnn'y ol l? oeratioiis leave: th:; appearance ot miracles: as u cers, wounds, corns, (eve sores, i-l.tlbiair.-5, w hitc-sw ellings, biles, piles, Fpieler and snake btcs,i!c, immediate Jy yield t its s;:perhi:m.tn inilueuce. Ttius, if properly ap plied, it will remove an fiivcterate- torn, e,r break' aiiel hea! a title ?'i five days, will allay ami perfectly LIVERY STAJ3LES. arid i Ir; most d-, ,p J: Rar.aw-BV from the subscriber ejn Monday laf, John Taylor, a Ire-; boy of e-nlor, my ind-cnted ap ...iri?r-i !; nou o hv ibe iiiok rl' . ni !c :ittolt? i -t -sis 3! age. above rcwret v.'ii. be given in any jierson ttiat wii; !;nn' i; to me, or tor ins ctiiift'ienK'iit In anv Jail !n JJiis Slate, so thaC t can trrt hini again. I hcre tsy forvvarr. a!' crseii! from iniol.'Vlng or ha rborir.g him, r.r giv ing l.fni aeiv thiog ea, as I am elclermirrrd to put :h.- law in forte against any persefi that toI.il s it. The same rvwaid will ai-o be give-n in 11 :.p prelu nsioil ol iny servant wonicri, know!: .ts ral Tsicr, w ho is als-j a mnewr. v. vVM.L.CAlAAts. S- pi. 20, I3I-. 3!i-3t. ire an ulr fn two week at' C tses of wbHc swe lling thaf tan be f iiinciiTCu, have been eb-st roved by it in Ies.J 'bail two months. In life t'ites of" I'c'iscne-.us reptiles, i?s etlie aey is tr'j'? ufprlii fl''''l r.'ven in the bite of a rbi.i elog; -r if applied i time, !'s '.vers e. attraction are so woudcrfui that it will at o tee arrest the pofson, and. tilths prevent it fiom pervading the syein. It is likewise greatly superiejr to any irjedicine here tofore discovcre:d for the: chaf-itl backs and !ir:bs of lmrsen for tellers; ring worm, chapped Bps cml in short, for every external bodily evil that may lad to the- jot of man or bcsi , The proprietor has rec fved at leat a tbo.pinu certificates and other docuii'ents, in farr of his tJoee.nc Ointment, upward., of a han l-- of which j wVfe w i$tle. by icrt-b!S membc- the medi- ca: Jact I: v. -York price s, by i or ?. fnrayct!evdle . j,,-, V i' WAI.'D, IJ J M ARTI-NE. ... .iiai ri 1 1 1 1 i" . .ova uiiu ; patronage Aug. 30, 1615. 31W-if THE undersigned! is rea.ly to contract tor tlic co7 enn" of roots of buildings with tin, cupper, or ziucr-""" execute promptly any work he may contract tor, and lor small ptetit. June Z, fj.r -iJo-tt. r 1 WARD V.'E have opcoeel a nii'liGK cr.Ge" ;-.p'e street, n arlv e.ppositc the State Bank, weie till lielhanklul to rectve- ciiMum v. nir'i'"' aa HAltBERS. and we wil: cnaVcve.r to vaiislactlon to any gentb me-n w br - ,d ,,5 with a cll. ED W A 11 D ' J John r-ioivEiv. "ift. 2 lit". ?-t-3f A.:d I.1..J be uuil.i. v..!..g-H io the S.J,: Aai?f IC '"' ei 1C1 II and xVtff-i:i Stares. NOTICE Urn ,HdnrsCAMEKN 4t MALLETT rftay, for .iv: present, be found at the office of Mr Thtjs. L. Hvbait, f w- doois south of the Court House. Jur,-2!, I-sJ5. Bonnets. Cuofse and other fathicnable Bonnets, for ?a!c bv CBiO. MtNEILL. An r, 1S45. THE Fuhsr-Tiber feels truly thankful for ibe vrtf liberal pctronae be- has received from the titizen(f . ef F.iyerttevillc, and the public generally; and a his terms cf hiring Heeree s and conveyances, anef boarding hor-", "ate vrrj moelerate, bo most re-spt-ctfnlly solicits a continuance of pationogc. His terms of hiring nrc aa usual, except t bono' who hire ncrs. t r.r onrryanccs and damage tlicrri by unfair manage incut, arc required to pay the, damage-. He has recently added three excellent horses to his fonntr flock, which will enable him to eojpoly every call lor hort. T.J;MMS, Ag't. irfThmc in.ie.bied io rho will pftwse'make . fwiyuienf ; and thosi; who hire horse, hereafter arc requeste d to pay for the biro of them wh-n the , burse is rcturneel, as I have not time to call upor? thern For pay. T. J.M. July I, ;gt5. 320-y. FOR SALE. I WISH tv sell ny laud U ig on Big KocUifh, bein ai.cvit 2Hi ocu e t.f gooef turpentine land, witli a good stream for carrjing ,'t to market, navi gable at any limo w hile t berc in w a t r "oogb fo?. boat3toiu.ib.twc.il Fuyetlevillti and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. Alexander williams. July 12, 15 iH. 333-tf. "TEA AND CIIOCOLATE- a e Gunpowder Jtinc) TEA. Young. Hyson Hvson Bta-.k " ) Chocoll No. I, for 6l? by . -it geo. McNeill . Aug. 16, iS4a-

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