1 "cRAKACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TCX STATES AS IT IS TO 1NDITIDUALS; AND THE GLOY OF THE STATE IS THE COMM'ON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS, FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY.. OCTOBER' IS, 1845. L Volume GNumler 348 BY .. - 11 l I n I ci . ... r- r T IT 5 OF THa - -:.i : -i lv.mre. t naiu " - it I CAROLINIAN 82-50 , iiJ at end of six months 3 00 ... tI.p p,uI of the vear 3 50 Kates of Advertising : - ...iSen'I'fil inscniou. l"rB1L'' . .? .,511 1, .-hfirrrod according ))V )t-ai 0 r- pu!y emit per q Stf III ,tity of matter inserted A Ivtjrtis'l C !:k! a I iert-w -n mis, &C 35 per cent higher. TTd b m n lt y .r;iiast loss or damage by Fire. VlIG WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAP IT A L. $ I O 5 ,000. hce in GrkJ near First Sired, Williams bitr", onpkvte Ike City of .Veto York, kvehclj 0Je, Artit Budding, 62 Wall st., Clfc.E2TOR3: .-. r'.u T. L5'-U err k , foam-is St iuheil, Encourage Home Manufactures Sunl H. Clapp, Jol i L'v'irotr, Ohas. O. Handy, L. ; iiv.ci U ichardson, Now York. Ciirii'iai Zihriskic. An lrev C. R -n edi-jt, Frt i :ric!t W Favre, J -r .'iii ' Joii n.:i, I .1 i Skill n i l, S . .il. Will -t. lWjKL VIK-M-I ARDSON, Pres't Ambrew B. I L'lDG E", o:C rj . V V.SlIlNrJN I' JSF, Air.il, Till-'. Villi i:iiV;ir 'Fire I t-nra i Company, hiviti' h-e.ii.i:..rp..r-.tel bvan ad -ttlnLi-ir of f,.; State of New York, for iff purposes of Kir Ik:im ic:j, he Dir-rt..r ofter M Insure their iAo.v-vin.y., t 0-1410.it l!ie U:ite 1 St tes Act xiast Loss or Damage by I ire, (J.i IJ Hidings, G iil-an l Merchandise, .1 n. rtt- .r.nor:iilv. as.suriii2 lhm aT.iis . tli-s .m i iv. nvi fair :in l..r and w i l entitl it to P'i The S'iUMilK.r, Ai Gardner & rIcKethan, HAVE lately made considerable improvement in thrir style of Work, and have now on hand a GiN EKAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouclies, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. VVIiich for ilegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made in the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call ind examine our work. a3 we have dcterminrd to sell LOW for Cash, or approved notes. Having: in uurempmv nrs-t rate Ssmt'hs, we are prepare d lo do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith t,.1 wnrk in.inrhio iind materials, for one "ear. ICZT' RliPAlLilNG fa'nhluliy executed at short iio'ire, asd on reaon:ibl lerm. Favettevilh. February 8, 1345. y. Mew IPnipoim. The subscribers have entered into a Cosartner- ship, under tho firm f W. Beatty & Co., For the transaction of A General Commission Business Jn lite lutcn of Wilmington, .V. C. They will ive particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores; the receiv ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pur chase of goods for the bark country. They would reapectfuHy solicit a portion of pub lic patronajre, and pledge their best exertions to giva satisfaction. H, W. BEATTY, J&ci& C. LATTA, July 19, 1315. 334-tf. NOTICE. ami t'er th:it the t . .i .. f I 3 ia-l i'c CO -Hi'n.i u li!:rat.ty as th.y ruit rccoiifi I. -nee ana palronae. tit f ir the aliovo Com- further A-ilo w ; I i n'onualiou to in-sure. that may ik iMV. will live any J.VMlvS MARTINE, AaiMii, Hay S:reet. S. 131.1. 3M-H. TO TRAVELLERS Ami Sojourn ersin Fayettcville MRS. E. SMITH is still prepar d to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling- through or sojonmin" in Fayelt. vi le. Her table is always as good as the market affords. She has good sta bles and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully sol. cits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so w II known that il needs no de-st-ri tion. No cx- rtions will be s,arcJto ive sati-iuc! ion. Since the late d.-'Stniijiivo fire which de-troved the Motel, she has e:ilargeI her means of accommo t:ttioii by renting the bouse directly opposite, whefe she has several rood iry rooms, for sleep ing arartiiieuta. Feb. 1, 18 15. Slb-tf. Fcb i I MA VE MMiuved the poiti-m c-t my Koous sam .... ti... Vlr- i.. i.r ' n .re. 1 t of ! laymount, Lit. ly occupied bv Mr Hami'to i Mitche'.l, Jo .rea.t of Mr George M.-Nei'.l, wheiel ..I..... ..I j-t. iiiv,- I", i ( 1 1 t 4 a i 1 c -istomers. il.-ter.oi i -d to el . (T oiv oi I at CD Hesse THE subscriber AM in'fu.i'is h.ivi ii it'iH . . j.. j...t ib -oi lii ii iv" m; it f. ' ' ----- , t.. III" w'loae IHlt.'S tru-1!, se ie!a " J l ie the n C s- 1"! an-l olH: shall bj as I am LOW Prices. ar:iiii't m--", win ami all indebted IT accounts are. ilo-, w Hi, I it v ol ) iviu I up witiiotn inruii r J JOHN u. srAint. 3-Tl-y l St THE sub.crib r off rs his seviees to the ci.i n ofFaV tt: vill -.as C.rpenier ni.d Contractor attei Hon to Ui ' f"i- (i. V. It JSC- bv proni't part of the public patronage. v. July ID, 3-S.Ttt. FINE CIIEV1NU TUiiACCO. V h ive r.-c iv- d bv 111 i late arr va's anoiner co .m.m.ii.M.t of Ihe c lebrat.-d "15 -fswini?" and a ,.w ;,.p,nor ari.cl - of -P-ach Leal" ... boxes 12 i.n P. j .n,l :, urv.,h of Gilmore's sun-! lor pound lumps Also, Justo Sands, i.n I o .ns fine llavorcd in liox- f.-r sale, at will continue to carrv on Mie TAILORING 15USI- NliSS on bis individual accuti it. oriv door we.-t of tlie Meibdtlist Chureh, and nearly nppo-ite the Post Olttce; and IVoin past experieiiL-e be llatcrs Jiim se'fhe can "jive saUslat lion to such as patronise It i n. He l opes by. his nn ti in.; exertions to please, busin'fs, to merit a liberal DANIEL CLAHK. 349-3m. and bis attention to bare of putrona'je. Au. 30, IS45I Burned out, bvl not entirety consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! ! ! SADDLER & HARNESS M A I li ! , BAR SOAP, THE subscriber offers for sale OftE HUN DR.ED BDXES OF BAR SOAP, manufae Hired at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Candle Faciorv," and warranted qual if not superior to Col 'ate's best No. I. Bei i' determined to devote all necessary atten tion to the business, and off ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound l the box,) he hope to receive a due share of public patro'naife. CZP All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. . . W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 1 00,000 Acres Valuable FOE SAJLE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Ab'rani Dubois, ilsc'd lying- principally in Robeson couftty, and 011 hot ' sides ot'Lumber River, the different surveys con'1 taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a Iarre part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now raited to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are verv valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, bei:ir in a resrion where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in qiian'ities to suit purchasers. Infornt.it ion respecting the title can be obtained by nppUinr to the Hop." Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby givon, that the law wdl be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part, of the Lands eta be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who Will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. : THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayettevfile, N. C, March !, 1845. 314-tf. THE SUBSCRIBERS have associated them selves in buH.n. d timlfr !w lirm and ntvle of A, & E. McPHERS0N, And taken a store on Green f trei t, midway be tween Eccle's Krirf.Te unit the Market Hou-e. where ihev are now receiving from" New York and Philadelphia, a General Assortnrenf of Among which are Cloths, supr. b'ack and fancy Cassimeres, Satin, Velvet nod Valencia Vcst ings. Pilot Cloths, Miis'in-de-Lains, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Merinos, Alpacas. Bombazines, Flan- n Is, Sattinets, Kentuck 1 Jeans, Tweed.', Kersevs, Blanket, Irish Linen, Long Lawn, Gentl. nfiten' Scarf. ano Stocks, Italian Cravats, superior Silk Shawfs, Flaid and Knit ditlo. Canvass and Padd- in!, Silk Buttons, Hooks and Eves, Suspenders, Tayior's Persian Thread, cotton Hose ar.d Half tioe, bonnet Ribbons, Victoria Girdles. ALSO Fasnionable Hats & Caps, Boors anil Shoes, one rlorence and Straw Bonnets, And many other articles in the Dry Goods line too tedious to enumerate ; all of which w ill ' e sold at the lowest market prices. Those wishing to pur chase, will please call and examine the stock. A. & E. McPHERSON. Sept. 27, !S45. 344-t. J. W. BAIKlEJJri IS now rece iving his large and general Jissortinent of CHAIRS, from fine Hair Seat Mahogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himself for cash at tnanul ictories itt Philadel- VEGETABLE PILLS. THE universal celebrity which this meduine ha gained in eyery sect-on of the country, und the many astonishing cur-s it has rlT. tted, have estab- nsnea its clhcacy beyo.ul all doubt ; as a general ' family medicine it has no rival, in all eases ofm. ;diettinn, bilious fevers, dyspepsia, liver com plaints, sick Headache, jatinihce, asthma, dropsy, piles, colic, worms, Disease of the heart, and in all affections uf the stomach and hawels. P-rrs' P!:U will be found a neT'-r-Tailfng rniKilv. To insure the full benefit of these cch hrated Pills, t:;ey should be kept in ihe house, so that up on the first commencement of sickness they may lie resoiien lo. Une dose then is better than a dozen after the disease hs become established in the svs- tem. P.ters'Pdls are purely Tegefahle, and so inno- ccn that the infant of a month old mnv use? ihrm il medicine is reqmit d, ni only Willi safety, h4 with a certainty 0 receiving all the benefit medi cine is capable of imparting. Females mav use them eloriu? all the critical rx riods nf their lives. Pi ters' Pills will insure iht ir health and -produce; re'julari'v in all the functions fliie. f'.rT3" Price 25 and 50 cts. m- r Ijox. For sale in Favetfevilfu whnlesale and retail, at New York prices", by SAM'L J. HINSDALE, F.T.WARD, j. 11. & j. Marti ne. And may be found on inquiry in all ihe cities and villages in the Southern and Western States. August IC, 1315. 338. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his SCr- vjees as nude taker and builder, to live citizen. others, dl.spoed to contract for bui'.dieg or jobbing. Terms liberal. blv I A. M. CAMPBELL. HnvittR Leeti appointed AUCTIONEER For the town of Fayetteville, is prepared to attend to the sale Of any jioods which may be entrustd to him. Consignments from abroad will be promptly at tended to. April 19j 1815. 321-y. Orders fio 11 abroad prompu favorable l- rius. August 9. IS 15. 'Spread E.12IC branu Manuel Rendon" segars mail advai.ee upon cost. v att n led io on most COOIV&. TROY. 337-3m. RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public forthe liberal share of pair-m ige heretofore bestowed up on him. and hope .h.it as l.e row r q-.ires a con tmu.ince of their custom, to enable him to recover f.oin tbe severe scorching received in the late fire, ;t ..Ml o,.t be vvilblo-'d- Ills ii ieil!s. anel sucli as I will -idease to call at his shoi, on boulli side Person street, next door but one to Ihe corner Dii.it. wiil fiud a to'erabb: stock in his line, Just Received on Consignment, Fieuch Rrandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 boxes No. 1 Soap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15. 1315. 31G-tf the b'-st workmen, wil.inu anv j 'b a:id r.-pairuig line June 23, IS45. o: ol his line, with and ready to nleuse in at the shoitest notice. 331 -Cm. NOTICE NO T TME swW-cri'.xrr has ju 1VM1 tit' Kiic Crt)cUorv ICE. it received a small assort- For j A. le -list S. ISP am 1 V. 1 Glass Ware. S. LUTTERLOM. State of North CarolnaMoore county Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July 7Vrm, 1S15. John Morison vs. Kenneth Morison. Original attachment levied on tbe lands eil the THE SuSscrihers take this oppoitnHity of reiiirn ing their warmest thanks to their friends and pa trons, and the public generally lor their liberal pn- iron:i"e bistowed U:on them; also for the kind cvmnihin. manifested folium ill 1 he laf e cala mil y ibn ilstriieiion of tlttir entire Stock of Good rtn tlip TO.iroillfr o fib.- 10th Inst.: and to Capt J A J Bradford. Cant. U. S. Orel- and Mr G A Schwartzman. of U S Arsenal, for their kindness in jMvinoihcm notice, and others in the surround ing neighborhood of the fire, by the discharge Ot cannon. Havin opem d the Store m-aily oppo site, they hope soon to resume business, and would most respectfully solicit the patronagcoi itieir n teno and the public, and shall hope to merit a share of pub ic Datroi.ae. Thev have on hand in tlwir Warehouse. Salt. Iron. Molasses, Sug.-ir, Smiths' Bellows and Vise L02 Chains, G superior W rouht toj 1 Wee Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvils, Vises, Trace bleached 1 inams, and heavy articles of Maruwar", paruaiiv damaged in ihe tire, allot' which .hev will sell low for Cash or Produce. They would al.-O earnestly request all those indebted to them bv note or ac- H AVE just reeeived ihe hew style of MAT BLOCKS, and now finishing Gerif letrien's super-fine FUR AND SILK HATS. Also, r ceived by last arrivals, a ;reat variety of Fur.SiMt, P.inam:, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats, all of which have been purchased such terms as lo enable me to sell very CHEAP. DAVID GEE. May 17, 13 45.--325-tf. HANDSOMER THAN THE LAST. New 1 all and Winter Fancy ihe phia, New York, and Boston, which will be sold as low,-p-roha- lovver, than any in t lie market. Also, a gen- 1 ; 1 . C T T V V . sir Ur5kK erui .j'M 1 iiiuiii in jjvwiJ.iJv rich Mahogany frames ; an assortment ef Phila delphia ma.le Curled Hair MATTRESSES, with a large assortment of Cabinet Furniture, Of his own manufacture, comprising all the arli, cles usually kept in a Furniture Ware Room, viz Sideboards, Bureaus,- Secretary and Book Cases, 1 ables, Warefrobes, Spring seat and plain Sofas Divans, Arm Rockiriif Chairs, French and Post Mahogany Bedsteads, cbrled anl bird-eye .Maple do., patent windlass Bedsteads. &c. &.C, all of which wifl be sold on the m'o'st reasonable terms for CASH, or on time lo udfifcliidl customers. Sept. 27, 1345. 314-th State of North Carolina Moore crifinty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July lerm, 184o. John Morison, Assignee, vs. Kenneth Morison. Or 'ginal attachment Levied on the land of the .Defendant. It appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Co irt that the def. ndant, Kenneth Mo ison, is not an inhabi tant of this State, it is therefore ordered that pub lication be made for six weeks in the North Caro linian, a newspaper published in the town of Fay etteville, for the eicfendant to appear at the next term of this Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held fir the county of Moore at the Court House in Carthage, on the 4th Monday in October ..1. - 1.1' .1 J nexi, ineii ano mere 10 pieau, answer, or replevy, or judgment final wil! be entered against him. and the land hvied on will be condemned to satisfy the ptaniiii's recovery. W dness, Alexander C Curry. Clerk of said Court at Office in Carthage, the 4th Monday in July A. D. 1845, and Arilerban Ind. pcnd. nee the G9th year. A. C. CURRY, Clk. Sept 20, 1815. 343-6t. per adv. S3 25 DR. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AJSD AGUE FILLS. THE success of thse Pills in coring in a few hours where all other remedies have tailed, ami lhat too, in cases oi twelve and eighteen mo"ths' ftanelin warrants the assertion, lhat if taken according lo directions, thev are a c ilain cure. A Ion": list of certificates in proof ol their inful.'ibilit-v, might be added, but those upon the directions are deemed sufficient. Try ihcm anil be convinced that they are the ni"S! effectual, and certain and ihe very best remedy y. f offered 10 the public, to insure a per mancfil and lasting-cure. Brag'j? Store, Lowndes co, A'a. April 2D, 1815. ToDrG.K. Tyler: Dear Sir This may certify that after using many preparations for the cure of Chills and Fe ver, and expending- some loity-five dollars in phy sician's bills, without any benefit, I proeureel a box ofDrG K Tyler's Fever and Ague Pitts, s t one dollar, which cured me effectually, after I had suf fered with this distressing and unpleasant Com plaint for twelve months. I have known l!ffm used in thirty erases, anel not a box has (ailed. I believe them to be tho very best and most safe and certain cure; for ague and fi ver that can he used, and unequalled as tonic restorative, in all elcbili- tatod conditions of the system. E MYRES. HZr' 1 rice SI per hoi wl h full directions, tor sale in r aveeievu:e wholesale and retail at icw York prices, by SAM'L J HINSDALE, FT WARD, J H & J MARTINE. And may be found on inquiry in all the cities and villages in Ihe Southern and Western States. August IG, 1845 333 WM. ii. MATTHEWS Def'iidant. IT appearing to ihe satisfu-t ion of the Court lhat the defendant, Iv-n;i-th Morison. is not an inhibit-int of this State, it is then foie ordered that iiiibli.-.it ion be made for s-x weeks in the North Carol'.nian, a newspaper published in the town of coun to make immediate payment, as It will enable P.i vuiiovi'l.. for the def ndant to ai:n ar at the nest mtm 10 nose ihtir former business and r-co o- term nftbis Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, menee.and hope those indebted will take the earliest to be held for the county of Mo .re, at Ihe Court opportunity to settle their accounts Moiish in Carthage, on the 4th Monday in October net, th.-n and there to plead, answer, or replevy, or judgment fi ial will be entered a gains! him, and tb land b-vied on will be condemned to satisfy the plaintiff" "s re-coverv. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the 4th Monday in July. A. D. 1 345. and American Ind-pendence thc'69th year. A. C. CURRY, Clk. Sept. 20, 1S45. 313-Gt. per adv. S3 25. T0 THE PUBLIC. 1 h- subscriber has now in store elirect from New ork and Philadelphia, a larse and general assortment ol STAPLE AND FANCY Fine Cloths and Cassim res ; Tweeds; Sattinets: Kentucky jeans und Kerseys ; ph.in and figured Alpaccas; Calicoes; ijinghams; fine bleached Mus lins and animus; vesting blocks; Scarfs; cords and lasse s lor cioaks and dn sj; Muslin d'La ins- Cashmere 1e c.cossrs; tine Bonnets; fur and wool Hats and Caps ; fine and coarse Shoes and Boots Mipr. famdv lilankeis; common do.; negro Blank ets ; Shawls from 25 cents to 15 dollars; lamb's . 1 o...:. ci.:... 0:0- ' .. . wool, cotton, ano icunu 001ns, ohk no Aierinn and silk Shirts for ladies; fine ingrain Carpeting; Kjne and Baling; Iron; Steel and Nads; fine Su- tar and Coffee? Salt. &c.. together with Hardware and Cutlery, and other Goods too tedious to men- lion. The above Goods wilt be sold as cheap for cash or oroduce as anv other roods in the market of the same quality and style. P. TAYLOR. October 4, 1815. 315-3m. Observer copy 2 months. - .V arch I, 1815. H. & Ji 314-tf. MARTINE. ALSO, They have just received, hale superior Bridgeport 3 ply eiue iwine, a cons a ten in Packing Yarn, Manilla, Setne.anrt ialt Uope, 1 hhd. winter strain ed Sperm Lamp Oil, H bhls. Train Od, 3U0 galls. Linseeel OH, v luttemore's real Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, cast gooel Wagon ami Caft Boxei -250 trross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment ol hw.dcs and Eng lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Dana iron and INails, mm ll O . 9 Rods, contained in sneu joining ineir oiore, Dut slightly injured. , . BOOTS & SHOES !!! - mm THE Subscriber an nounces to ins friends and the pub lic in "cneral that he has opened hi shim on linY street, opposite George McNeill's, where he is prreu make to order or repair fin.; and cnats uwia and SHOES, both lor gentlemen and ladies, in me mnitiiininxi ani in.wVrn slvleS. lie .IfMins such as will f;vor him with :heir custom, thai he wiil warrant his work to be done in the hesf style, by the best workmen, and of the best materials lhat can be procured. He feels confident t iat any ork passing out of bis hands'cannot be surpassed hy any done here or elsewhere, and he hopes ty close application to business and a sludioe.s effort to please, not only to merit but receive a fair share 01 puuiic patronage. MALCOM FAULK7 June 17, 1845. 330-lv. IS now receiving a new selection ot tall ana w in ter Goods f the latest and newest styles, consist ing eif black and fancy colored Kep Cashmeres, Cbusaw, Omb'et de L.aincs, Cashmere ae L.ain s, Crane de Laines. Plaid de Laines, plain colored and Mouslin de Laines, and other worsted articles for Ladies' Dresses. French, English, and Ameri can Prints, (new style.) Blue, black, green, and steel mixeel Cloths; fancy colored Cassimeres; ditto Silk Velvet Vesting; plaiuanci siripeu em- toe Tweeds and Kerttueky Jeans : linen &hee!ing; and brown Sheetings ana csn'riings ; Tickings; Checks; Diapers; ldweis; urius and Stripes; Ne k Handkerehiefs and Staffs; Pocket elb ; linen Tapes; spool, skein, and f lax Thread ; Kid Gldves. silk and worsted iHtis and Gloves; Umbnl'as; Boots and Sshoes ; oaps; Blankets and Overeats, ari l a variety ot oilier Goods not mentioni d. Also, a full assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons and Flow, rs, silk and worsted Shawls ;.nd Cravats,&C. ALSO A few boxes rime CHEESE. 5 M. Principe Cigars, (choice hranils.) 4 boxes Myers' best Aromatic CbcwingTobnccOi And dailv'cxpected, Loaf and Blown Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Wines, 4th proof French Brandy, ll,d!nd Gin. and Champagne Wine, "Crown rtr:md." Call soon and sec, as these goods will be o! d low. Sept. 6, 1S45. 341 bw State of Nortli Carolina Moore countjr. I Petition for rehearing Benjamin C illiams, and setting asiele the vs. I Probate of a paper writ- CharleS Chalmers and ing heretofore offered and Mary his wi!b and Ly- J jnoved as the last Will dia McBrydc. and Test imcnt of B nja- J miii W. Williams, dee'd. IN-this Case, it appearing lo me, Alexander C. Curry, Chrk of Moore County Court, li mn affidavit filed by the Petitioner, lhat L'ydja McBryde, Exec trix of An.hibald McBrydc, one of the defendants, is a non-resident of this State: 1 do therefore, pur suart to Act uf Assembly in such cases made and provided, advertise in the North Carolinian, a ga zette ef tliis State, that the said petition will be taken pro confesso against Ihe said Lydia McBrvde and heard ex paite as t her, unless the sa'd Lydia McBryde shall appear before the Court of Picas and Quarter Sessiems to be held for the County of Moore at the Court Mouse in Carthage, on the 4th Monday of October 1815, and plead, answer, or de mur. A. C. CURRY, C. C. C. Sept. SO, 1815. 343-Gw. MUTUAL. Croton Insurance Company. Office No. 33 Wall Sfreel, Adjoining the Mechanics' Bank, in the City Of - ar ir 1 iew x orK. THIS Company Injures Marine, Inland Navi- r;ition, 1 ransporiaiion, ami rire uhk?. uy i Charter the preitit s are lo be paid back to the aJ' sored, in proportion to the amount ol Premiums id by thm respectively. 1 he rates and terms of Insurance will be moeleiate and liberal, arid Ihe assured subjeel to no responsibility. TllUSiLLiS. MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR the sure and speedy cure of Incipient Con sumption, Barrenness, Iinpotency, Luchorec or Whites, Gleet, Obstructed, difficult or painful Mens; mat ion, Incontintinence of Urine or involun tary discharge thereof, anel for the general prostra tion of the ssteiii, no matter w hether the icsult of inherent causes, or of causes produced by irregu larity, illness, or accnbnt. The wide-spread celehr ty of this wondeiful and nes:imable cordial, in both hemispheres, is a suf cficicnt guarantee for its quick and positive success in curing all the above affections avid complaints. Nothing Can be more surpr sing than 'Isinyiiiorat ing 1 Sects on the human frame. Persons all weak n ss and lassitude before taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately Counteracts the n rv lessness ami looseness of the female frairie. Which is the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to t)r Mag nin's discovery, was considered to bo incurabl-. And itspeedilv removes the impediments produced by physical prostration, which lireeiuenlly deter m n from getting mari i el. Language, indeed, cannot do justice to the merits of the Lochia Cordial, which is regarded t-y the heaels ed' the facully, in all parts of the world, as o-ieofthe most important medical discoveries ot any age. For sale at New York prices hv G R FRENCH. Wilmington. N C. August 16, IS15 338 TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscribers, having witnessed tb very successful operation .f HOTCHKISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Graham's Mill in Fayetteville, in May ar.d June last, were induced to purchase the Right for the entire Slats ol North Carolina, and now ejffcr individual Rights lor sale on very reasonable terms. They have now "on hand venter n full sets of Wheels, an have made arrangements to keep a constant up ply. Bes:des being generally adopted in the Northern States, there are already twelve saws in Siieccssf'il operation in this State, and eight others m process of erection. The astonishing power and speed f: these Wheels have been witnessid by htmdreds of citizens of tin's Slate, with universal appprobaticn. Ami we elesiicall ho may l el an interest in the subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Graham, Col. Alex'r Murchison. Christopher Munroe, Alex'r Wi!iiam, Arch'd McLaurin. J. McDaniel, John Cade, AJrs. EflTy McFadyen, in this County ; Col. John C. McLaurin, fn Richmond County; Thos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy RoyaM in Sampson County; to each of whom we Refer for information as to the practical operation oft heat Wheels. Persons who apply soon ftr Rights can haro them pnt up by workmen who have been instruct ed hy Mr Hotchkiss himself. The Proprietors of Ihe right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received the follow, ing certificate; Fayetteville, Fcb'y 3, 1645, We, the Subscribers, residing in the County ef ; Cumberland and State eif North Carolina, haviw been engaged in the manufacture of Lumber for ma" ny years, feel fullv warranted in staling, lhat Iloteh kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, arc worthy of tie patronage ofali mill owners, and thai we have full confidence in their superiority ; nt the ?alue of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They, are more elorable, and easier ke pt in Order When , properly put together than the common Flutter : Wheel: they will save ot least one-third of the water, and run well in Lack water when there is . a head above. The speed ol the Saw is increased -from one-half to double Ihe strokes per minute. alex. Williams, duncan munroe, christopher munroe, JOHN McFAD YEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANIEL. -ALEX'R MURCHISON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID, AINGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOHN C. MtLAURIN, (tticbmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen Cunt.) . They have also received a certificate from Col. " Alexander Murchison, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in which bespeaks of this as "the -greatest improvement made on Saw IVlills in my fhisj time says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day before he wrote, 4G83 feet of 11 inch' Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a minute; that one-half of ihe water is saved; and concludes byrecommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, w hich have been promise Will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLlN DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McK ETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, JS45. 36-lf. HARRISON'S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. to M r TAILORING BUSINESS. THE Subscriber respect fullv informs the citizens of Fayetteville, and Ihe public generally, that De will continue the TAIL ORING BUSINESS in all its different branches, on the most favorable terms, at tha oi l stand formerly occupied byClark At .McCallum. an I neatly o: uosi'e Messrs H.& I J. Liilv, and h pes by strict attention to business to merit a liberal shirc of patronage J. D. McCALLUM. Aug. 3U, IS45. 340-tf Fire JProof Roofs. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering of roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or lincTand will execute promptly any work he may contract for, and for small profits. " . June 21, 1815. 333tf. . F.T. WARD. James Harper, Edward Richardson. James Phaten, S A Lawrence, Jvlwin RTremain, S M CrandaU, John Breast et, James Cruik shank, J Leaneler Slarr, William B Cozzens, . Herman D Gould, Thecdo-e A Meyer, Cyrus Chenery, Lawrence Hill, W H Townsend, Itoberl Lane, John T Gilchrist, Charles L Vose, Zadock Pratt, George C De Kay, Leiring Amlrews, Joseph B Nnes, Leonard Apphby, Asa S Crosbj, Jethn J Herrck, Abraham Van Nest, John B Lasalaj Samuel Shfcrwood, James Cook, ETAIdrich, George Whitaker, Tlxonas IVIoisahan, Georg-e Pab-n, William Burgoyne, THE great celebrity f ihis unrivalled composition, es .eci edy in Ihe Northern Stats, leaves lhs pro prietor but little need to say any thing in its fayor; for it has been generally Conceded to ii lhat it is, beyond ali comparison, the best remedy fir external coirictaint that has ever been discovered. Indeed. the speed and ami Certainty ol its operations hav the appearance ed miracles : as u cers, wounds, corns, fever sores, chilblains, while swellings, bites, piles, spider and snake bites,elc, immediately yield toits superhuman influence. Thus, if properly ap- plirel, it will remove an inveterate corn, or break and heal a bile in rive eiays, win anay aim peiieceiy cure an ulcer in two w-eks; and iUi most desper ate cases of white swelling that can be imagined. have been destroyed by it in less than two months. In the bites of poisonous reptiles, its viricae:y is truly surprising, and even in the bite of a rabid dog; for if app'ied in tune, its powers 01 attraction are so wonderful that it will at o ice arrest the poison, and thus prevent it fiom pervading the svs'cm. It is likewise greatly superior lo any medicine Here tofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses for testers, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, for evety external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. The proprietor has r c-ived at least a thousand e-ertificates and other elocumenls, in favor of hi Soee-ific Ointment, upwards of a hundred ol wmco weie written by respectable members tl m cal faculty. , . . For sale in Fayetteville at New f '".V J SAM'L J HI.NsuALb, FT WARD, j H & J MARTINE. ' .11 -I. - ... . .a And mav be found on inquiry i- an ..: -e . 1 villages in the Sou'liern auu August 16 IS1. .-t-. HTTTO.III I k . V . . Wvumju reeipecuui ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that lis has taken the stand recently occupied by E.J. Clark, on Gdlnio LStrcct, 5 doors South of the JUarkct Square, U Jirfe ho will """manufacture and h startly on hand an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing to purchase would do wall td cal I and examine his stock before purchasin " else where, as he is determined to sellascheapas any other manufacturer in thi State. BAKERS of ad entirely new pattern. , ROOFING done in the lastcst style, and best manner. Also GUTTERING. ! Aug. 17, 1844 61y. LIVERY STABLES. Western States. J H Suydam. SA MU EL A. LA W RENCE. Pres't. I JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice Pres't. NICHOLAS CARROLL.Se-c'v. Cpt. SAML CANDLER, Man'ne Insp. Also, Insp. tor "Lloyd" fur the port Of York. The imrlrsiTneHi. at Airent.H of. the GILLESPIE & ROBESON rv ,S1 T tT' llllIliUUI .. .11 Continue the M.J ,., make liberal uiihwii viwiaiuiiicitvs 01 I.unlt i Naval Stores &c, &c. . C on tot- - t m t f J - 1 t Iho I - V lIllllll'IO!!, O' Wl. 4U, " 01J- undersigneeJ. as Agents ot trie r aheive Cornpai.r, will be pleased lo receive ap- SEGARS SOUIC very fine nlications far Insurance. L-.-' i.. nrr m.vffi.i.. ' . n nr 1 lift' I 9i faic "i ..iv-. MAKRK r cw nvii- Fayelteville, Sept. 27, 1845. 344-tt for tale by Aug. 16, 1515. THE sbsrriber feels truly thanlJu! for tiie very liberal pe Iron age he has received from Ihe citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally; and as his terms of hiring Horses and conveyances, anrj . hoarding horses, are -very moelerate, he most re spect fully solicits a continuance of palionagp. His terms of hiring are as usual, except those who hire borst-s or conveyances arid damage them by unfair management, are reejuired to pay lha damage. He has recently added ihrce excellent , horses to his former stock, which will enable blm to supply every call for horses. lV T.J4MIMS, Agf. ;C7a,Thse indebted to me will please make payment; and those who hire horses hereafter are requested to pay for the hire of them when the, horse is returned, as 1 liavo not lime to call upon them for pay. T. J. M. July 12. IB45. ' 3ao-y. FUK SALE. I WISH tosell my land King on Bib Rockfi'h. being about 2000 acres of g-ood turpentine land, with a good stream for carrying Jtio market, navi gable at any lime while, there is wafer, nougti lor boats lo run between Fayetteville nd Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 12, 1845. 333-tf. TEA ANP CHOCOLATE. Gunpowder (fine) Young Iljson " 1 Tp. Hson " f Black " J Chocolate No. t, frr ..Ir -, Aug. 16, 1845. ( 1 i