"character i as important jo states as itis to. mnm duals; and the glort or the- state is .the common property of iti citi-RENs.' bY UrI II BAYKE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1845. Voluhie 6 Number 349 a a t' oF THE NORTH UAKULISIAN : an ifP'i'1 '"advance, $2 50 rer n at th0 en, f ,;x months 3 00 at the end of the year : 3 50 Kates ot Aaveriisiiis q.iiire fr he first, and thirty cents 'nty cent per training by the year will be charged accordinj th s quantity oi manci u. C.urt ajJertUain-inU, &", 25 percent higher. , I N D E M JN 1 T Y Against loss or damage by Fire. Wb WH2LLVMSBURO FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. OAPITAI- S i05,000. tifk'ti iA Grand near Fir$i Street, IVtlUams- burr, tJ6&itte.tye City of JYeie York. Acy Office, Vclli MiltUAg, 62 Wall si., .Veto York. DIRECTOR Christian Zahriskie. Abr'm T r..rw il. li.nediet. Francis v Bnk erck, Kr-i lorii-k W Favre, Jeptuiiah Johmon, I ,1 1 Skill nan, Si-.il. Will Saml II. Clapp, Joh l Lfi..gCtt, Chu. O. Handy, Lciiiuci Richardson, Amdrrw I.. UoDUKs.Hic'ry. W ASIIlNorTDN Pv3T, Aii-vit, NewAork. THE Willi imb ri Firel nurance Company, htvin' 1W 1 in.orpor.te.l by an act olthe Legisla tors ., ft St .to of New '.,rk, for I lie purposes of Fire l.nura-ice, the Directors ..ner to Insure their rtlow-ci'iftna ;h o'i'xmU the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, :i B illing, Goo K and Merchandise, arid Pcr ho 1 it Projv.rty generally, assuring ihmn that the ill ur of' tb-i C .m vjiiv. s'.all he conducted with fair cm lor an" J I iSeralily as they trust will cuUll i il lo P ii'lieci:ifi lence ana patronage. The S'llxciiher, Aent l'r the above Com- nv, will give any further information that may g . !,,,( ! Iiv thn who wis'i to 1'i'ure. JA.MUS alARMNE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 8. I31. 311-tf. 1 im Viv . tl. nmiinii ol'mv "ools saved In, th.5 Firp, to the bnc'. store, -ot of I laytnount, Ut. lv .(-iMin:id bv Mr Hamilton Mitchell, and one door - t of Mr G.-orc McNeill, where 1 shall ha ..1....- t,. m nml ciritoniers. as 1 am .i..tr...s ...a t,. l iso i.fl" in v at LOW Prices !l ....ra.,11 lirvvi i- t-l'iim-i a-raimt me, will ..1-.-, nr.ont tb on '., n V. ne t. and all indebted ..v. wiinjrt in. tr-s an I accounts are due, will, tr.Mt, so . t!i n c :sitv of pavinj up without further 3 l-J" TIK subscriber ofT-rs his seviees i...ft..illf ni (J.irnentcr and to the citi ontractor d l.o;ie.,by prompt atterdion to business to shart part ot the pontic pairon.i3. y-- July 13, 140. SEGARS AND FINE CHEWING TOBACCO. We have rec.-iv.-d lv thi late arr.vals another co is.-i.UM.t of the celebrated "B eswing" and a sup rior artiel " of 'Peach Leal" in boxes 12 tilt lb., and uppl ol Gilmore'sxupeiior pound lumps Alio, J.isio Sand. "Spread Eagle brano" t.ltd some fine flavored "Manuel Rendon" segars in box'-s f..r sale, at small advance upon cost. Order from abroad promptly attended io on most favorable t-rms. COOK Sc TtlOY. August 9. 1845. 3j7-im. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brand', 41) boxes No. 1 Soap. a.m.camphelIu March 15. 1345. 316-tf TO T I C E . THE sub-crihrr has ju-tt received a email assort ment of Fine Crockery and Glass Ware. For sain T. S. LUTTERLOH. Aoust S. !BJ5. v. State of North Carolina--Moore county Court oj fleas and Quarter Sessions July Term, 1S45. John M orison is. Kenneth Morison. Original attachment levied on the lunds ol the Defendant. IT appearing to .the satisfidion of the Court that the 'defendant, K'-nneth Morisort, is not an inliibitJiit of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolini in, a newspaper published in the town of Favtte ill.-, for the defendant lo appear at the next term of this Court of Pleas and Oluarfrr Sessions, lobe held for the county of Moore, at the Court Hjuso in Carthag'-, on ihe 4th .Monday in October next, then and there to plead, answer, or replevy, or judgment final will bo entered against him, and tli land levied 0:1 will be condemned to satisfy the plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Cleik of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the 4th Monday in July, A. D., 1345, and American Independence the 69th year. A. C. CURRY, Clk. Sept. 20, 1S45. 343-6f. per adv. S3 25. T0 THE PUBLIC. 1 'J subscriber has now in store, direct from New York and Philadelphia, a lare and general assortment ol" STAPLE AXD PANOY tr mcCloths and Cassim-res; Tweeds; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans and Kerseys : plain and figured Alpaccas; Calicoes; Gin "hams; fine bleached Alus-l,n- and Shirlin2; Vesting, Slocks; Scarfs; cords and tasse.s for cloaks and dresses; Muslin d'Lains Cashmere de bcosses; fine Bonnets; fur and wool Hats and Caps ; fine and coarse Shoes and Boots Fupr. family Blankets; common do.; nero Blank- els ; Shawls trom k J ccnu 10 la dollars; lamb's wool, cotton, and Merino Shirts; Silk do MP,i. and silk Shirts for ladies; fine ingrain Carpclin- Rope and Bagging; Iron; Meel and Nads: fine So. ear and Coflee? Salt, &c, together with Hardware and Cutlery, and other Goods too tedious to men tion. The above Goods will be sold as cheap for cash or produce as any other goods in the market or the same quality and style. P. TAYLOR. October 4, 1S45. 345-3m. Observer copy 2 months. - ew? 1FAf rTT Z3W 7fo J irt 25. 134 . t m. 11 ' ' Tmwtr Encourage Home Manufactures Gardner Cc EScXXetlianj HAVE lately made considerable improvement in their style of Work, and have now on hand a GEN ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of - Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggqnsj &c. Which for elegance of shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made in the if States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined to soil LOW for Cash, or approved notes. Having in our employ firs-t rate Smiths, we arc prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on moderate terms. , We, -warrant all our work to be of good and faith ful work ma ns. hip and materials, f.rone year. UKPAllUiNG luit hi nil v executed at short notjte, and on reaVdhable terms. Favettevdle, February 8, IS45. TO TRAVELLERS Antl SojoiiL'iiersiii Fay et t c villi- MRS. E. SMITlt is still prepared to enter tain Gentlemen - and Ladi'-s travelling tbrouehor sojourning in Fayett ville. ller table is always as good as the market a fiord. She has good sta bles and hostlers, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so w II known thru H neeis no ue scri(tion4 so exertions will be sarbd to "ive satisfaction. Since the late drstruet i ve firo which detroyed the Hotel, she has enlarged her means orabcdinlno- dation by rentitijr the house directly opposite, here she ha several good airy roms, for sleep ing arartmcnta. Feb. I, 1815. 3lb-tf. THE subscriber will confirm'- to carrv on the TAILOIIING 'BUSI NESS on his individual account, one door Ves-t of the Methodist Church, and nearly opposite the Pot Olfiee; and from past experience he Halters hi in self be can jjive satisfac tion to such as patronise him. He liopes by bis un til in.: exertions to please, a nd his attention to hare of patronage. Aug. 30, IS45. business, to merit a liberal DANIEL CLARK. 349-3m. Burned out, bul not entirely consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! ! ! SADDLER & HARNESS M A R Jim. Asa- -bli sk. RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public forthe liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed up on him. and hope (hat as be 1 ow rrq-'ircs a con tinuance ofiheir custom, to enable him to recover t'.-oin the severe scorching received in the late lire, it will not be withheld. II is friends, and such v. a will idiiase to call at his shop, on South side of Person street, next tloor hut one to the corner ol Di'.K, will find a to'crable stock in his line, with the h at workmen, willing and ready to ple;.se in any j d a:id r- pairing line, at the shut test notice. June 2S. 1845. 33l-6m. OTI CE THE Subscribers take this opportunity of return ing their warmest thanks lo their trfcnds and pa- trtims. an d the nubile "erierallv Ibr their liberal pa trnnae bestowed u:on them: also for the kind syrnpithies manife.-ted to thehi in the late calamity in il.n destruction of I heir ctltire Stofck of Goods on the morning of the 19th int.; and to Capt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for thetr kindness in "ivingthem notic-, and others in the surround ing0 neighborhood of the fire, by the dcharge ol cannon." Having opened the Store rx aily oppo site thnv hr.oe soon to t-estiiue businessiand would most respectfully sobflt the patrona ;eortiielr friends and the public, and Shall hope to merit a share of public patrol. agei They have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron, Molasses, Sugar, Smiths' Bellows and Vises, Lo" Chains, 6 superior Wrought Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvil.-, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles ol Hardware; partially damaged in the fire, all ol" which ihey will sdl haw lor iusii or Produce. They would also earnestly request ali those indebted lo them by note or ac count to make immediate payment, as it will enable them to close ihi ir former business and recom mence, and hope tlwse indebted will take the earliest opportunity to settle their accounts. J. II. & J. MARTLNE. March I, 1845. 314-tl. ALSO, They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply seine 1 wine, j cons steam 1'acKing Yarn, Manilla, beine.and Katt ttope. I hhd. w inter strain ed Spctm Lamp OH, 10 bhls. T rain Oil, 300 fjalls. Linseed Oil, W hittemore's real Cottbn Cards, Coffee Mills, cast good Wagon and Cart Boxe 250 gross Wood Screws, 20 bundles assorted Hoop Iron, with a small assortment ot hwfdea and Lng hshBar lion ; together with a heavy Stock f flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained in sacu joining ineir store, nut slightly injured. ' BOOTS & SHOES!!! rsn THE Subscriber an Vfl ' nounces to his friendB and the pub syLlic in general that he has opened f-Si his shop on Hay street,' opposite to Mr Georga McNeill's, where he is prepareu 10 make to order or repair fine and coarse UOUlss and SHOES, both for gentlemen and ladies, in the most approved and mocern styles. tie assnrea such as will faVor him with their custom, that he w ill warrant his work to be done in the best style, by the best workmen, and of the best materials that can be Drscnred. Hp feel-: confident t iat aDT ork passingout of his hands cannot besurpassed by any done here or elsewhere, and he hopes by close application to business and a studious effort to please, not only to merit but receive a fair share ol public patronage. t MALCOM FAULK. Jun174l845. 330-lv. IFSi Dim. The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under tho firm if - -- S W. Beatty Ct. Co., . For tbe- trausaction of A General Commission Business , ' In the lujcn of lrilrilingtoTi, M C. They will ive particular attention to the sale of TimberrLumbtr, and Naval Stores; the receiv inr and forwarding gb'Bds, and the sale and pur chase of soo''s for the bark country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronage, and pledjj their best exertions to iva satislaction. 11. W BEATTY, ' JOHN C. LATTA, July 19, 1845. 334-tf. BAR SOAP. THE subsmiber offers for sal ONE HUN DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac turedat the "Fayette ville (N.C.) Candle Factory.' and warranted equal if not superior to Colgate's best No. I. Bei ig determined to devote all necessary atleii- tion to the business, and off- ring it at a reduced price, (5 cents a pound f the box,) he hopes lo receive a one share ot putdic patronage. - iCJ1 All orders thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. W. McL. McKAY." Fayetteville, May 24,841 1 00,000 Acres Valuable TI2C3EF. L2.1T!DS FOR SAJLE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, clec'u lying principally in Robeson county, and on bot sides ot Lmuiber River, the difb-rent siirvey8 con ii taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a large part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now ratted to the Georgetown mar ket: Thess lands are very valuable both for the Timber arid Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being in a region where trie Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section o the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in ciu.in ilies to suit purchasers. Information re.--ticctitt the title can be obtained by npnUingtd the Fior. Robert Strange, James C Dobbin, Est.-, A A T Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law:! I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all ol tvh'dm ildtice is ht-reby given, that the law wdl be enforced against all such offenders Application fr any part of the Lands can be made to mj-self, or to John Winslow, Esq., vho will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayettcvflle, N. C, March I, 1815. 314-lf. A. M. CAMPBELL 1 lav it)"; been appointed A UCTIO NEEB For the town of Fayett. -ville, is prepared to attend to the sale ol any udods which may be ciuruslti to him. Consignments from abroad will be promptly at tended to. April 19, 1815. 321-y. Fire Proof Hoofs. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering of roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or zinc, and will execute promptly any work be may contract for, and lor small prohts. June -21, 1815. 33:-tf. F. T. WARD. TAILORING BUSINESS. THE Subscriber respect - fullv informs Ihe citizens of Fayi-tteviile, and the public "nerallv. that ne will continue the TAIL- OKI ijr I3USIiU.SS in nil ". f n ,l;fP,.,nf KronnKoo ail lie I 1 III uinuv.nv(.j bn the .most favorable terms, at the old stand. formerly occu pied hyClark & McCallniii, and neatly o. posite M.csers' H.&L. v2 J. Lillv. and hones bv strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of palronage. J. D; McCALLUM, AUg. 3d, IS45. 34'i-tf MISS BIMEAM HER EBY 'gives notice to her friends and the pub lic, that sue win commence ihe bail 1 rm in ner School on MONDAY THE Cth OF OC l'OBER, in thebiick house near M r Kyle's, on Green street. Unremitt'-d attention will be given to the Pupils in the dfftrent bra nclu s . pursued bv them. Miss Bingham hopes not L be outdone by any Teachei in 1 lie CMatc. Oct.di.l-4. 1345. 345-Sw FOll SALE. There fs nrjw for sals a first fate tan yard in the town of Fayt-iteville, tVilhallthe n ccssary sheds and shops, cmi'leie; and. five acres of ground, mostly good meadow land. There 1 also a good dw l!in-r housb and out houses on the l.-t in good repair. It "8 believed lhat any peron thoroughly unilerstandi ng the business, who would pros ecute it with vigor, can make money- at it in this place. There is no other tan yard in the place, or within 50 miles of it. For terms apply to WM BRANSON, Person st JOHN D. 'WILLIAMS, At bis new stand, (Foot of Haymount,) IS now opening an entirely new stock of STAPLE AJS'D F.3.VCF DK KOQD)S, Embracing a ifreat variety of Ladies dress goods, of latest styles, viz: Cashmere de Ecosses ; Rep. Cashmeres ; Muslin dc Lajns. (Oi.ibra shade) ; Rainbow, Tarlatan, and Ombra shaded Muslins ; white, embroidered, - and 1 colorrd Tarlctan da; French Muslm Robes ; Dress Silk, fcc.j mourning Shawls and fancy do., (large and small) ; French worked undr and over Collars ; double revired and hemstitched Handkerchiefs; fine Bonnets, viz: Milanese, Florence. Braid, Straw. Silk, and Bom bazine; Rossetle, Taffeta and satin Ribbons; silkj worsted, and cotton Hose. Also-a general assort ment of Gentlemen's wear, together with a full stock of Groceries, Hardware, and CROCKERY, all of which will be sold at the low est market prices, Foot of Haymount, at the store house formerly occupied bf J. C. tc G. B. Atkins. Ottobef 4, 1845. ! 345-y. mew NOTICE, ; THE SIIRSnRIRERS have aiaoeiaIed them. selves in bus nji, under the firm and style 4 - - A. & E. McPHERS0N, And taken a store on Green street,, midway be tween Leele'a ttrirloA ftH lb fsrkel' Hnn where I hey are now receiving from New York, and A'ftliadclj.bia, a General Assortment of Amen? which are Cloths, aunr. black and fanev CasimTes, Satin, Velvet and Valenc U Vest ings, Pilot Cloths, M us'in-de-Lain, Cashmere d'Ecossp. Merino. Alpacas, liomhxzinc. Flan. n y, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Kerseys, Ldanket, Irish Linen, Long Lawn, Gentlemen's Scarls and 1 Stocks, Italian Cravats, superior Silk Shawls, Plaid and Knit ditto. Canvass and Padd ing, fcsilk Buttons, Hooks and Eves, Suspenders, layior's Persian Thread, cotton Hde dr.il Half Ho-e, Bonnet Ribbons, Victoria Girdles: -JiLSO Fashionable Hats & Caps, Boots ami fcnoes, hne Florence anu ouaw Donnets, And many other articles in the Drv Goods line too tedious to enumerate : all cf iVhlell will I e sold at the lowest market Dricr9. Thosa w ishino to our- cnase, wiji please cull and exami ne the stock. ' a. & e. Mcpherson Sept 27, 1845. . 344-Gt. J. W. IB AM. IB JR IS now general receiving his largt and assortment of CHAIRS, from fine Hair Seat Mahogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himself for cash at Ihe inanuf ictories at Philadel phia, New York, and Boston, which will be. sold as low. proha my lower, man any in me man; el. Also, a gen i .i - .1 . eral assortment of iLDQlKa 1 ricii ivianogany frames s an assortment ot Phila I . r . w deh.h.a made Curled Hair MATTRESSES, with a large assortment of Cabinet Furniture. Of his own manufacture, comprising all the arti, cles usually kept in a Furniture Ware Room, viz : JMdeboards, Bureaus, t ecretary and Book Cases, Tables, Wardrobes, spring scat and plain Sofas- Divans, Arm Rocking Chairs, French and Post Ma bo ;anv Bedsteads, curled and bird-eye Maple do., patent windlass Bedsteads. &c. &c.. all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for CASH, or on lime to punctual customers. Kept. 27, 1345. - 344 tf. MUTUAL. CJroton Insurance Company. Office, No. 35 Wall Slrefejt, Adjoining the iYIechanics' Bank, in the Citv of JVew York. T'llTC" f 1 . tit . . . j. uio voLiiuoy in-urcs ivjarine, inland iavi gallon, x ransportaiion, and l-iro Kisks. IJv its Charter the profits are to he paid back to the a. sured. in proportion to the amount of Prcr.iiums paid by th.-m respectively. The rafs arid terms of Insurance will be modeiats and liberal, and the assured subject to no respni.sitily TRUSTEES. James Harper, Charles L Vese, Zadock Pratt, George C De Kayj Loririg A ndrews, Joseph B Nones, Leonard Appleby, Asa S Crosby, John J Herrick, .Abraham Van Nest, John B Lasnla, Samuel Sherwood, James Cook, -E T Aldiich, Gierjrofe Whltaker, Thoihas Monahan, George Pal.-n, William Burgoyne, Edward Richardson, James Phaten, S A Lawrence, Edwin R Tremain, S M Crandiili, John Breasfec, James Cruik shank, - J Leander Starr, NVilliam B Cozzens, Herman D Gould, Th'-odore A Meyer, Cyru3 Clienery, Lawrence W H Townsend, Robert Lane, John T Gilchrist, J H Suydam. SAMUEL A.LA WltENCE, Prcs't. JOSEPH B. NONiis, Vice Pres't. NICHOLAS CARROLL, Set-'y. Capt. SAMLj CAjDLErt, Marine Insb. Also.. lnp. tor "Lloyd" for the port of N. York. The undersigned, as Aoenls of Ihe above Cortipnuy, will be pleased lo receive ap plications lor Itistirnncp. STAKK & PKAUCK. Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1845. 344-lf. THE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving their Fall and .Winter supplv of oooos, ' consisting in part of blu'-, black, invisible green, and steel mixM Clot hs; Pi'ot Cloth; black jirtd fancy Cassinieres; Sjittinets;' Kentucky" Jeans; Tweeds; Si k and Tabby Velvet-; Safin and Val encia Vesting".; Prints; Crape ainl Muslin-de-Lain?; Cashmcre-de-Ecossi; ; Iin and fig'tl Al paecas ; plaid Linseys ; ilk, cottdn, and woo! shawls ; silk and cotton Mandufe; thieff ; Gloves ; Hosieiy ; Ribbons; ihread ahd miislin Edgings and Insertings; Flannels; Kerseys; Tickings: nero Blankets ; fin-Bfed onto. Hats, Shoes, Umbrellas, Bonnets, and Ftii-and Cloth CiipSi All of which w ill be off red at the lowest market prices. II. & E. J. LILLY. Fayetteville, Sept 20, IS45. 343 8w STATIONERY, BINOIXG,&c. Tl Tir TTIIlTlin has just received IV. t . Il tl lilil Fl his supply of New Books, and St ilionery, together with an en tire new Book binding apparatus. He has opened a store next doer to the Post Of fice, u here lie will be lad to supply his friends and customers. October 4, 1845. I45-y JACKSON JOHNSON; HAS just received at bis Uld aland f wagon Yard.) a NE IV STOCK OP DKY GOOJDS, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ajrrocenes, &c., &c-, Which will be sold rhran for Cash, or exchanged for country produce October 4, 1845. " 345tf ' DDpy (KD)c(dl9 VEGETABLE PILLS. THErinivcrsal celebrity which this medicine has gained in every section of the country, and the iiiauy astoniahing cures it has eff.-cie I, have estal hsbed iu efficacy beyond all doubt; as a general family medicine it has no rival. In all cases of in-dige!-tinn, bilious fevers, dyspepsia, liver com plaints, sick headache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy piles, colic, worms, Dis.-ase of the Ix af t, and in all affections of the stomach and bowels, Peiers Pills will be. found a never-fail in" remrdv. To insure the full benefit of these crlfhtrd Pills, thev should be kept in the bouse, sotbat imi- on the first commencement of sickness lhy mav be rcsorieu 10. wne uose iiien is better than a dozen after thb' disease his become established in tb-system. P ters' Pilla are purely vegetable, and so inno- cen that.lhe infant of a month old mav use them. if medicme i'b rquiied, not only wilh safety, but with a certainty of receiving all the henrfii medi cine is capable of imparting. Femal-s may use them ilnrinir all the critical periods ofiheir llviw Peters Pills will i.isti re their health and nrtjdiicu r'gular!)- in all the functions bflifo. pi-rtieviiVeh.Jes1iicl imi frHaiix at NwYmI box. F( pnees, y TTtvoK4T p. t. ward. J. H. & J. MARTI NE. And may be found on inquiry in all the. cilis and villages in the Souihtirh and Western States. August 10, 1815. 3.JS.. DR. tYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AJS'B AGUE PILLS. THE succcs of these Pills in curing in a few hours where all oth'T remedies have tailed, and That too. in cases ol twelve and eighteen months' standing tvarrants the assertion, lhat il taken accord ini to directions, they are a c -rtain cure. A l.n list ol certificates in proof of their infallibility, miht b added, bul those Upon Ihe directions are. deemed sufficient. Try litem and be convinced that they are the most effectual and certain and the very best remeuy ever on reel 10 me public, to insure a per 1 rtT". i- .i'" - . , manent and lasting cure. Brag"'s Stdre, Lowndes co, A 'a. Auril 23. 1845. To Dr G. K. Tler : Dear Sir This may certify that after using many preparations for the cure of Chills and Fe ver, and expending some foity-five dollars In phy sician's hills, without uny benefit. I procured a box of Dr G K Tyler's Fever and Ague Pills, at one dollar, w hich cured me effectually, after 1 had suf- lereo wun mis distressing and unpleasant com plaint for twelve months. I have Known them used in tliirfy cases, and not a box has tailed. I believe them to be the v-r- best and most safe and certain cure lor ague and fiver that can be used. and unequalled a" a tonic reSloralive, in ali dcbili tatcd Ijondit ions of the system. E MYRKS. IZT Price Si per box wi h full directions. For sale in Fayettevil.o wholesale and retail at New York prices, by SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD, Jll&J MARTINE. And may be found tin inolPry in all the cities and villages 111 the Southern and Western Statea. August 1C, 1S45 333 MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL. FOR the sure and speedy cure of Incipient Con sumption; Barrenness, lmpbtenty, Luthorte or White-, Gleet, Obstructed, difficult or painful Mens; ruat ion, Incontintinence of Urine or involun tary discharge thereof, a:d for the general prostra tion of the sjstem, no matter whether the lesult of inherent causes, or of causes produced by irregu larity, illness, ol- acebbht. The wide-spread celcbr ty of this wonderful and nes.itnuble cor!i.il, in both in-mispheres, is a suf eficient guarantee for its quick anil positive success in curing all th'i above all'.'Ctions avid complaints. Nothing cm be more surprising than 't8invii.oral ing ff -cis on the human Irame. Persons all wcak n ss and las-itude before laking it, at once become robust and f'dll of energy tihder Us influence. It immediately counteracts t!ie n'rv lessness and luosenes of ihe female frame, which is, the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to Or Mag nin'S discovery, V as considered to be incurable. And it speedily removes the impediments produced by physical prdstrit'ion, which frequently deter m n from getting mar i-d. Language, indeed, cannot do justice to- the merits of the Lucinn Cordial, which is regarded by the heads of the faculty, in all parts of Ihe world, lis one of the most important medical discoverib nfaoy nge. For sjlfe at "New York prices bv G R FRENCH. Wilmington. N C. August IC, 1815 338 SPECIFIC OIjYTMEJSTT, THE great celebrity of this unrivalled composition. es ecia ly in the Northern States, leaves thi pro prietor but little need to say any thi ng in its fa yor; lor 11 nas ueen generally coiicica to 11 Hut it 1, beyohd uh comparison, the best remedy for external complaints that h is ever been discovered. Indeed, the speed and and cortaidty of it3 operations have the .appearance ot m'faclcs : ' as u'cers; wounds. corns, levef sof-es, chilblains, white swellings, biles, piles, rpider and snake bites, etc, immediately jlcld to 1 t-f superhuman influence. 1 tins, if properly ap plied.it will remove an Inveterate corn, or break and heal a bile iu live days, will allay and pctfeitiy cufc an nicer in two weks; and ih most defper- ate cases of white swelling that can be imngiuel, have been d' si roved by it in lepS tiian lvo uioiiths Iii the bites of poisonous reptiles, its efficacy is truly surprlsHg, and even in the bile of a rabid dog; lor it applied in lime, t's powers ol - attraction arc- so wonderful that it will atoicc arreot the poison, and thus prevent it fiom pervading the ss'em. It is likewise greatlv superior lo any medicine here tofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped I?p3 and in short, for every external bodily e tl that may fall to the lot of man or beast; The proprietor has rec ived at least a thousand certificates and other documents, in favor of his Specific Ointment, upwards ol a hundred of which wVie written by respectable members f the medi cal faculty. . For sale in Fayetteville at New York prices, by - SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD. j H & J MARTINE. And may be found on inquiry in al the cities and villa es in the Southern and Western Stales. ; Augnst 16, IS4.V 333 CJILLESPIE & ROBESON Contifde the(0iaSYCSZ businfcss. and will - make liberal dances on consignments of Lumber, Naval Stores, &e., &c. Wilmington, Sept. 20, 184a. 343-6m. 10,000 SEGARS--sonle Very fine fir sale by ' ' 1 - - GECV McNEILL. An. 16, iSioi - JUSEFH S. DUNN offers his srr iecs as unde taker and builder, to the citizen. r others, disposed to contract for buddies or il.i.sn. Term liberal., . 5 TO LUMBER MEN. THE Subscriber, having witnessed tha verv successful ooeratfoh .f HOTCHK ISS'S VERTIi CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Cra ham 'd AJillin I-ayetteville, in May ai.d June last, were imbu ed 10 purchase the Right lor the entire Slats ol ISorth Cartdma, and now offer individual Rights for sale on very ' reasonable terms. They have now on band S venteen full a fa ol WI.eiJa. . have made arransements lo keen hniiBf mn w. - - - Besides being genera II v adopted in th Ket,thrri Stales, there are already twelve saws in successful operation in lhi State, and eight others in prncest ol erection. The astonishing power and speed of these W heels have bfcen witnessed bv hundreds ..f citizens of this State, with nniv. rsul apnprobatioo. And we desire all bo may fiel aninteri.st in the subject lo. examine the Mills of Arch'd Graham Col. Alex'r Murchison, Christopher Monroe. A le'r Williams, Arch'd McLaurin. J. MtDahicl. Johh Cade, Mrs.Effy McFadtn, in lhis County ; Col. John C. McLaui in, in Richmond County; Thos. i. Jsmltli in t.lo.lcn bounty ; and Hardy KoyaM in dampson iouoiy to each ol whom we Kelt, for information as to Ihe radical operation of I lies WMieels. Persons w ho apply soon for Rihfs can hav them put up by workmen who haie been ib3triict d by Mr Hotchkiss himself. The Proprietors of ihe fight bf this Wheel in ihe State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: Fayetteville, Feb'y 3, 1645, , We, the Subscribers, residing in the County of Cumberland and State cf iVorib Carollha, hating been engaged in ihe manufacture of Lumber Ibr fun ny years, teel fully arranted iu stating, that Ilotch hiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and llicir oppendages, are worthy of the palronage of ali mill owners, and thai we have full confidence ill their superiority ; '.t Ihe value of Mills will be very much enhanced by tin ir introduction. They arc more durable, and easier kept in order when properly put tocthT than the common Fluttef Whet l: i hey will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in Lhtk water when there i a head above. The sptbd of the Saw is increased from oiift-ha.'l to dohble the strokes per tninfate. ALhA. V J JULIA MS, DUNCAN MUNROE, CIIRISTOPHEft MUNROE; JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHN McDANlEL. ALEX'R MURCH1SON; ARCH'D McLERAN. t)AN'L McDIARMID. A KG US CAMERON, ' . . . (MiUwtigLt.j joiiN c McLaurin, (Richmond CUiihty;) THOMAS C. SMITH, - ' (Bladen Cunt.) They have also rcc ived a certificate from Col; Alaxandbr Murchison, (whieh will be published hereaflel- among others in handbill form,) in which he speaks of Ihi- as "the greatest improvement made on Saw Mill in my his time ;" says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day before he wrote, 4683 feet of 1J inch Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes in a minute; lhat one-half of the water isftavrd; and concludes byrcconiniending its odblioh to Mill oliheH; Other certificates, which have been promise will be published hereafter, Archibald Mclaughlin. DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETJIAIf . Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 3IG-lf". WOULD repeclful ly infdrht the Citizens df Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the st-ind recently occupied by E. J.Clark, on GiHetoib LStrect,5 doors South of the Market Square, w litre he will manufacture and keen con. 3T star.tly on hand an Assortment bf TIN ANU SHEET IROV WAht' Persons wishing to purchase would dn ll w call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as he is determined to sellastbeap as ant other manufacturer in tht Slate. BAKERS of aH entirely new pattern. .ROOFING done in the lastest style, and best manner. iiwoUUTTLRING. Aug. 17, 1844. t61-y. LIVERY STABLES, THE snbsrribcr feels truly thankful for the vtry lihernl palronage he has received from the citizens of Fayelteville, and thu public generally; and as. his terms of h'uing Horses and ronvtrantes, and boarding liorMs, aro- vety ntoete, he bir.nl re -spcctfully solicits a ontiftuSnto of fiationage. His terms of IdriH? are as iisual, except those who hire tiors s or conveyances and damtgt them by nnfair management, arc required to pay the. damage. He has recently nddct, three xrIlant. horss to his former stock, which vill anablt hitn to supply every call for horses. T.J.MIMS, Ag't. JCTTIse indebted to me will pleas make , payment ; and those who hire horses hareaftar are requested to pay for the hire of thei whn Ihe horse is returned, as I havo not time to call upor' them for pay. T. J.M. July 12, 1845. tOy. rnt m FOR SALE I WISH to sell my land lying on Big Kockfisb,' being aboat 3000 acres of' good turpentine land,' with a good stream tor carrying it lo markat, navi-. gable at any time while there is wafer enough for. boats to fnn between Fayetteville and Wilming ton. Title indispotabfe. , . ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 12,' 1845. 333-tf. Haand chocolated Gonpowder' (fine)1 ' Young Hyson l TEA. Hvson ; Black " J ChocoTate No. 1. for sale by geo. McNeill . - J- Aug: 16,145.- t.

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