1 1) "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INnlTIDUAI-9; A WD THE GLORT Or THE STATE IS THE COMMON r'ROF'ERTT OT ITS 'CITIZENS. it "V a,-1 1 jjy"VM II BAYXE m,oiH OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I Per nitf'-"i if lid in advance, 32 50 .i",. .iJ at the en d six months 3 00 at the end of the year 3 50 Kates of Advertising : Sixty cents pr ui ire fir he Real, and thirty cents fore tun i!nqu;iit irnertion. A trrtismg by the year riM be charged according it thi q'i i itity of matter inserted. Court a lv.jrtis3:n?nts, &c, J5 per cent higher. I N D E M N I T Y ainst lois or damage by Fire. tllE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU rance company. 15 ap it a l. $ 1 05 ,000. )jifcfe (irftud near First Street, Williams burg, (ipjirimle the Cily of .Ye to York. Jgnicy U:ice Wells Untitling, 02 If an si. York. DIRECTORS Clirniian Zabriskte. An Ir.-w C rSon edi; r i r -.-!. W. r'.ivr-i, J errmi U J on 1 ou, !i 1 S'iii l ua 11, Alii'm T. Bukerck, l-;r:!rl.eis Steinheil, Stiri! ft. J i;tp, J..ll I Lait(!tt, Chus. O. it Andy, Lemuel KiclWrdSon, W vckolV. Li: -.IJtiL ill 1 1 A nus'JiN , fres'ti Am new U. !t jock, Sec'ry. 7 SIII.V r J 1 S An New ork. Ttlii Willi 1 .n ir jc Via I -isuram e Company, 4 i tin ' i -e i t -..trr ifi 1 Uv an act ofth; Legisla-?.ir- i?J' : St i'k f New V-rk, f.r Ui ; purposes t' Fire I 1 ir ic 'he iirtMf.rs ofVur to Insure their ;lio t h-'ci,' !." Uiiite.l "tutcs Ajiinst L )5s or Damage by Fire, l it it- hug, 1 I and -nil Property ;iiisr.iliv, al'iirs ( tUrj Com .i iv. m.-i iVir tc.?. cjB'lnr arid Merehaudise, and Per iirimiriM s 1 hem that the slia.II !s eii j(C.Jt1' i with lifccrahtv as I f y trust ;l iMititlJ it l' 1 ' conn tence. ana iatruu.i--. The Sili'iilirr, A went fir th alv C'im pmy, will iriv any In titer iu'uriualiort that ncay fe io-tj-c ! lv tho' who w'i o l"isur. JAMES MAItrlNE, AkiH, Hay Street. Teh. ft, IS 13. SI l-M. Tlir. oheu'l r ofT rs H devices lotlte f olFay-U. vi!U-, as Carpenter and Contractor' Im-ipu'liv oro nul attention to busincs to share r t. . ....t .... f !-.- -t r (J. V. R. JciE. July ID, 113- .n5-tf. Just Received 011 Consignment, F e ich li randy, Holland Gin, Am jrica Brandy, 4'i boxes No. 1 fc'oap. A. M. CAMPBELL. M.irch 15. 145. 3IG-tf N 0 T I C E .. i . : l small assort .i. i-riir ilia mil rettocu rteut. of Fine Cro ikery and Glass Ware. For sale S. LUTTERLOH. , A iust 8, !8i.r.. CHEAP NEW HAT, CAP, AND SHOE (" Call and ry, before you THE Subscriber has taken Ihe Store next door ahovc Hi Store of Messrs B. Rose Son, where h-; is now opening a well scb-eted Stoek ofthe above aitxli s, (Philadelphia and New York man nCieforv,) and will sell "Ciikap" for Cash or en 1 line. IJenMeMUMi's fashionable B.-aver Hats. " meiintm brim do f i-hion:blc Rnsi:i " " mr-ili urn bri m lo " broad d- lo 4 " ta-h'ble MoU Skin do Angola " Men and Boy's round crown drab and blue Rabbit Fur Hats. Men and B ivs' do white and black "Wool Hats. The asortni'Mit embraces various kind ol Bea ver. Russia, For, Silk, and Wool Hats, mic by the best of workmen, and will be wartantrd if necessary. .f fcSO A verier l assortment of Fur, Cloth, Seal, Scalettc, mil i: iz- l Caps, for Men, Youths, Boys, and Children. Very low." Together with a general assortment of Men's, Women's Youth'-', BnyN, Mines', a nd Clul Ir.-n's BOOTS & SH03S, Which will be found of "ood qnalit ind s"ze at " reduced prices." WANTED $1000 worth of Ot ter, Mink, Coon, Rabbit, Fox, Murk Rat and j D cr Skins, for nlccli a "l.beral" price will be j ff.n. A. .1. ERA.MBERT. j October I!, T 8-l:. 346 Cm. , ! , ' , ; MALLEABLE IRON, SUCH as Carn.ijre Maker- use. A i;ood as- ! sortuient ulwavs on lund, atul for hrIc at one cent per pound advance on the Manufacturers' prices by W. PRIOR. OctohcrJ25, t843. 349-tf. !T37f 6bO5SV" THE Subscribe. baVc now received their Fall oud W inter Stock, embracing .i variety ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Shoes and B ots J Hardware, Hollow ware, and'Cutlery Fashionable Bonnets, and French Artificials, Cotton and Woo". Ca-rlit, S.-tliiles, Bridles, and Collars, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Cotton Bagging, Twine and Rope, Cigars, "Rambaut's celebrated Chowinj Tobncco in small boxes ; Giluiore's Pound Lumps ; and an extensive Stock ol GROCERIES, To which they invite the attention of purchasers, confldent that their Goods are :aia in at prices ill enahle them to sell upon the most tavor able terras. Orders Irorn abroad will be promptly executed. COOK it i Kr . Nov. I, 1845. 350-3 w. cit'- Encourage Home Msfntfftfetare Gardner ti r,2clletlian, HAVE lately made considerable improveini-nt in their tyle of Work, and have now on hand a Gfc&N bUiAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. VI.;,.K fnr .li-aanrc of ?haDC and finish, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made in the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined ae'.l LOW for Cash, or approved Wotes. flavin" in oureinDloV flrt rate SmiliS, wo to are prepared to do any Iron work in the abfxve Irhe on moderate term?. We. warrant all our worli to be of good arid faith ful woiken.inFhip and materials, for one year. tCP REPAIRING faitbltiHy executed at short noiii e, and on reasonable terms. Fave'teville. February 8, 1345. y. " to trave!Xers Aiiil Sojoiirnersiii Fayettevillc- wn n. SMITH is still urcnarid to enter tain Gentlemen and Ladies travelling through or xojournm" In Fa vett.-viile. tier table is always as good as th market affords. She has good sta 1,1.8 and hostlerS, and attentive waiters, and re spectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage Her residence is so well known that it needs no de scri.tion. No cxertiBtis will be scared to give natisfaction. Si.ice the late d :5truetive fir wh:ch de-t roved tho Hotel, she has enlarged lier inoanH of accommo dation by renting the house Uirectiy opposite, where she has several good airy rooms, for slucp- in a arart inenta. Fe1. 1, 18 45. 3lt-tf. THE subscriber wnl continue to carrv on the TAIIiORINCi ' liUSI VESS on his individual account, one door west of the Methodist Church, and nearly opposite the Post Office; and from past experience he flatters him self he can give satisfac tion to such as patronise him. He hopes by his un- ti: in exertions to please, and iiis attention to share of patronage. A u 2. 30, 1845. business, to merit a liberal DANIEL CLARK. 349-3m. Burned out, but not entirely consumed, Only pretty considerably scorched ! ! ! 07f31T HOUSTON. SADDLER & HARNESS RETURNS his sincere tbanks to ihe public forthc liberal share of puirontige herelolore bestow d up on him. and hones that as he now rq"ires a con tinuance of their custom to enable him to recover f.-om ihe severe scorching received in the late lire, it will not be withheld. His tiinds and sueh as tvill -nlens,- to t ail at hie shon. Oti South fide ol Person street, next door but one to the corner ol Di'K, will find a to'erable stock in his line, with it.o h.t u nrk men. wiliin-r and readv to please in anv ioh and renairui!! hue. at the shortest notice. June 23. IS45. 331 '6m. NOTICE. THE Subscribers take this nppostunity of return ing their warmest thanks to iheir friends and pa trons, and the public generally for their liberal pa tronage b stowed Upon them; also for the kind syrnpithies manifested to them in the late calamit y in the destruction of their entire Stock of Goods on the morning o( the 19th fnst.; and to C apt J A J Bradford, Capt. U. S. Ord., and Mr G A Schwartzman, of U S Arsenal, for their kindness ; i.inatliim notie-. nnl of hers in the surround ino" neihborhotMl ol the fire, by the discharge of cannon." Having openid the Store neaily oppo site, thev hone snnntn resume business, and would mostresprctfully solicit the patrons geof their friends and Ihe public, and shall hope to merit a snare ri oub'ic Datrni.u-e. Thev have on hand in their Warehouse, Salt, Iron. Molasses, Sugar, Smiths' Brllows and Vises. Loo Chains. 6 superior VV roughl Iron Mill Cranks. Also, Anvil-, Vises, Trace Chains, and heavy articles ol Hardware, partially damaa-edln the tire, all of Which ihey will sell low for Cash or Produce. They would also earnestly request all those indebted to them by note or ac count lo make immediate payment, as it will enable them to close their former business and recom mence, and hone those indebted tvill take the earliest opportunity lo setllc their accounts. J. 1 1 . & J. MARTINE. V arch I. 1845. 3l4ttl. ALSO They have just received, bale superior Bridgeport 3 ply Seme 1 wine, i coils Steam .Packing x arn, Manilla. Seine.and Raft It ore, I hhd. winter strain er! Sperm Lamp Oil, 10 bhls. Train Oil, 300 galls Linseed Oil, Whittcmore's real Cotton Cards, Coffee Mills, cast sood W aeon and Cart boxes, 05O cross Wood Screws, 2J hurdles assorted Hoop Iron with a small assorrmeni 01 swfoes ano cnj lish Bar lion ; together with a heavy Stock of flat, round, and square Bar Iron, Band Iron and Nails, Rods, contained tn saeti joining miir oion-, ui.i slightly injured. BOOTS & SHOES !!! gn THE Subscriber an te! r nounces to his friends and thepub BsWfdaaJic in general that he has opened Ll hi shoo on Hav street, opposite to Mr Qeorgo McNeill's, where he is prepared to make to order or repair tine anu coai and SUOES. both for gentlemen ana iauie, most approved and mocern styles. tie assures such as will favor him with theircUstom, that ho will warrant his work to be done in the best style, by the best workmen, and ofthe best materials that n oe procured, tie teels connaeni 1 mi any -ork passing out of bis hands cannot be surpassed by any done here or elsewhere, and he hopes by close application to business and a studious effort to please, not only to merit but receive a fair share or public patronage. T MALCOM FAULK. June 17, 184. 330-lv. FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under th firm of S. W. Beatty & Co., For tbe transact ion of A General Commission Business In the Ivtcn of Wilmington, JV. C. They will 'ive particular attention lo the sale of Tfmber, Lumber, and Natfa! StOTea,- the reeciv- 1 interest in negroes and land John McKay um ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pu- I moned as Garnishee. chase ol goots lor the back country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronage, and pledge their best exertions to giva satisfaction. H. V. BEAT FY, JOHN C. LATTA, JrYly 19, r85. 334-tf. BAR SOAP. rniHE subscriber offers for sale ONE HUN JUL DRED BOXES OF BAR SOAP. maiiWiic- tured at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Candle Factory," and warranted equal if not superior to Colgate's besf JNo. 1. Bel ig determined to devotft all necessary atten lion tothe business, and offering it at a reduced price, (Scents a pouml U the box,) he hopes to receive a one snare ot pirbnc patronage. Id?" All orders thankfully received and prompt' ly attended to. W. IoLr. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 100,000 Acres Valuable FOK SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS neionginw to the Estate of Abram Dubois,-Pec'tf Ivm" nrmeionl v- i i ( rliounn i-niintv nnd nrr hot sides of Lumber River, the different surveys tttn" i r -j v. i w .... . taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a larirc part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Timber is now raited to the Georgetown mar ket. Thes-3 lanJs are very valuable both for the Timber anil Turpenline. for which purpose a lame partis well soiled, bei.nf in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section o! the State. The Lands will he sold at a loV price, and in quan'ities to suit purchasers. Information respectm: Ihe title can be obtained by appl)Siir to ihe Hor. Robert Stranse, James C Dobbin, Esq., A A T Smith, Esq.. (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of Whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for anV part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale ofthe same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C, March I, 1845. 314-tf. A. M. CAMPBELL. Having been appointed AUCTIONEER Forthc town of Fayetteville is prepared to attend to the sale of any goods which may be entrutd to hira. Consignments from abroad will be promptly at tended to. April 19, 1315. 32I-y. iFire Proof Koofs. THE undersigned is ready to contractfor the cov ering ot roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or zinc, and will execute promptly any work he may contract for, and lor small profits. June 21, 1845. 330-tf. . F.T.WARD. TAILORING BUSINESS. THE Subscriber respect - fullv informs the citizens of Fayetteville, and the ntiblic renerallv, that he will continue the TAIL ORING BUSINESS in all its different branches, On the most favorable terms, at the old stand, formeily occupied byClark & McCallum, and neaily O: nosite MpcsrQ f-T-& F! SztJPS J. Lillv, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of patronage J. D. McCALLUM. A us. 30, 184o. 34-tf TEA AND CHOCOLATE. Gunpowder (tine)') Young Hyson " j TC,. Hvson " ( 1 EA Black " j Chocolate No. I, for sale bv geo. McNeill- Auz. 16, 1845. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, At bis new stand, (Fool of ilayrnotinl.) IS now oper.i ng an entirely new steck of STAPLE AJVD FAA'CY Embracing a jfreat variety of Ladies dress goods, of latest styles, viz: Cashmere le Ecosses ; Rep. Cashmeres ; Muslin de Lains, (Ombra shade) ; Rainbow, Tarletan, and Ombra shaded Muslins ; white, embroidered, and color d Tnrletan do.; French Muslin Robes ; Dress Silk, &c; mourning Shawls and fancy do., (large and small) ; French worked undr and over Collars ; double rcvired and hemstitched Handkerchiefs; fine Bonnets, viz: Milanese, Florence, Braid, Straw, Silk, and Bom bazine; Rosselte, Taffeta and satin Ribbons; silk, worsted, and cotton Hose. Also a genera! assort ment of Gentlemen's wear, together with a full stock of Groceries, Hardware, and CROCKER V, all of which will be sold at the low est market prices, Foot of Hsymount, at the store house formerly occupied by J. C. & G, B. Atkins. October 4,-iS45. 345-y. THE Subscribers have removed to the Store for meily occupied by W. L. Gilmore, three doors above Lib rtv Point, and opposite G. W. McDon ald's Saddle. Establishment, where they are now receiving a new selection of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Furenasers are invuru 10 can ana examine tneir Clothinz before purchasing elsewhere. - Call soon and see these goods, as thev will be sold low. LIEBENSTEIN .k BROTHER. Sept. 87, 1845- 343-tf. . 'I J 3 nWembeR 15, 1845. NEW MUSIfi Just received and for sale by , - R. W. HARD1E. October 11, 1845. 347-tf. State of 9o'rth CaroliuaCuiuberlaud county. COUrt of Plenn teiitber iVin, 134$. Cook & Troy . vs. Malcom J. McKay. Ongmal Attachment---LeviecL on th detV ndan's' IT appearing lo the Stil"jetion of ihe Court that MalcomJ McKajjfthe defendant in lb?J case, hath removed from this State, c so conceals himself that the usual piocesa of law canrrot.oe served on him. ii is ineretore ordered that pOblfcaUon be made for six wteka in the North Caiolinian, for" the defend ant to appear at the neat term of this Court to be n- m tor satd eounfty at the Court Hoose in Fay elteville, on the first Monday in December next. and replevy and plead, or Judgment by default win De entered up against him, and the property levied on be Condemned to Satisfy the rtl.iintifT'ii Clafrn. Witness, John McLa urin, clerk of our said Court at Office in Fayetteville, the first Monday of oo-fiemoer, a u, ioo. J. McLAURINC!k. October II, 1845. 347-6t TW. BAKEIR IS now receiving his lart and seneral fcssortment of CHAIRS; ffofVf Bne Hair Seat Mahogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himself for cash at Ihe manufactories a!t Philadel phia, New York, and Boston. which will be sold as low. proba- lower, than any fi me market. Also, a gen eral assortment of 25Saii3 2iiS33a'a I i. I r ..... ricu ivianogany irames ; an assortment ot Phila delplna made Curled Ha:r MATTRESSES, with a larse assortment of Cabinet Furiiitilfe. Of hi.s own manufacture, comprising all the arti. cies usually kept in a b nrnitnre Ware Room, viz Sideboards, liurea us, Secretary anJ Book Cases, 1 ables, W ardrobes, spring seat and plain Sofas ui vans, Arm Kocking Chairs, French and Post Mahogany Bedsteads, curled and bird-eve Manle do., patent windlass Bedsteads, &c. &c, all of which will be sold on the mdst reasonable terms lor CASH, or on urne to punctual customers. &ept. 27, iS4o. 344 If. : MUTtfALJ Croton Insurance Company. Office, No. 35 Wall Streel, Adjoining the Mechanics Bank, in the City of Jcw York. THIS Company Insures Marine, Irilarid Navl- S-ation, Transportation, and Fire Risks. By its Charter the profits are lo be paid back to tbe a- tireri, in proportion t tne amount ol .Premiums paid by them respectively. The rates and terms of Insurance will be moderate and liberal; and the assureu suojeci 10 no responsiniiity. TRUSTEES. James Harper, Charles L Vos, Zadoek Pratt, George C De Kayj Luring Andrews, Joseph B Nones, Leonard Applpby, Asa S Crosby, John J Herrick, Abraham Van Nest, John B Lasala, Samuel Sherwood, James Cook, ETAldiich, George Whitaker, Thomas Monahan, Geore Palen, William Burjoyne, Edward Richardson. James Phaten, S A Lawrence, Edwin R Tremain, S M CrandaW, John Breasfec, Jtinics Ciuikshank, J Leander Starr, William BCozzens, Henna it D Gould, Theodore A Meyer, Cyrus ChenerVi Lawrence Hill, VV H Tnwnscncf, Robert Lane, John T Gilchrist, J H Suvdam. SAMUEL A.LAWRENCE. Pres't. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice Pres't. NICHOLAS CARROLL, Sec'y. Cnpt. SAML. CANDLER, Marine Insp. Also, Insp. for "Lloyd" for the port of N. York. CS3 The undersigned, ns Agents of the above Company, will be pleaadd tti receive applications- for Insurance. STARK & PEARCE Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1845. 344-tf. STATIONERY, BINDING, &c. R. W. HARDIE ha;r:,st New Books, and St itionery, together with an en tire new Book binding apparatus. ne 11 is opened a store next door to the fot tft fice, where he will be glad to supply his friends and customers. October 4, 1845 !45y 4r FAYETTEVILLE, N C. T' HE Subscriber, having t"kcn that large and coinmodioiii brick building, formerly known as tne fiantcr's tiotei, respectfully inmrms ns friends and the ptib'tc, that he is prepired to ac -1 - . 1 a-. . i- 11 f I commodate TRAVELLERS and others in the best manner : the building having been thorough ly repaired and properly furnished for that pur pose. 1 tie ionncrn and Southern stages flop at mis House. Connected with Ihe I lotel. and a few vards dis tant, are extensive Si ables, which will be attended bv careful and experienced Ostlers. WM. W. BRIGGS Fayetteville, Nov. I, 1845. 35U-t: MILITARY UNIFORM. For sale at the Carolinian Office, a complete description ofthe Uniform to be worn by the Mili tia Officers of the Slate of North Carolina, printed on a sheet of thick cap paper. Every officer should have one of these by which to regulate his uniform. Price only 10 cents. NEW STORE & THE subscriber have taken the Store 'northwest corner Market Square, adjoining Mr James Kyle, where they have received and are now receiving from the North, their Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, consisting of a General Assortment of DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Born nets, Shoes, &c. All of which will be sold Low for Cah - - ALEX'R JOHNSON & CO. Fsyettevilfe, Oct. 251843. 34? w. , . . b v : j i VEGETABLE PILLS. THE universal celebrity which this medicine baa gained in eyery section of the count rv. .nd the many astonishing euros it bait eflVcie I, have estab lished its efficacy beyond all doubt ; ns a "eneral family medicine it has no rival. In all . e r;. diger-tinn, bilious fevers, dyspepsia, hvrr com- plaints, sick headache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, piles, colic, worms, Dfs- asc ofthe hai, and in all affections ofthe stomach and bowels, triers' Pj:l3 win be found a never-failing remedy. To insure the fall benefit of these celebrated Pills, they shonld oe kel in the house, so that up on the firart comruVencem'ent of sickness they may be resorted to. One dose theft is belter than a dozen after the disease has became established irr ihn sys tem. Peters Pills n re purely vegetable, and so imo cen that the infant of a month old may Use Ihem, if medicine is required, not only wlih safety, hut wnn a cenainry ol receiving all the tieneOi medi cine is capable of imparling. Females mav use them during all the critical periods of their live. Peters Pills will insure their health and produce regularity in ffil the functions of life. r'.ZJ3' Price 25 am! '50 ct. p r box. For File in Fayeltevillo wholesale and retail, at New York prices, by SAM'L J. HINSDALE. F.T. WARD, J.H. & J. MARTINE, And trtny be found on inquiry in all the citis and villages in the Southern and Western States. August 16, 1815. 338. DR. TYLER'S VEGETABLE FEVER AMD AGUE PILLS. THE success ofthese Pills in curing in a few hours where all other remedies have failed, and that too, in cases of twelve and eighteen months' standing warrants the assertion, that if taken according to directions, they are a c rtain cure. A long list of certificates in proof of their infallibility, misht be added, but those upon llie directions arc deemed sufficient. Try Ihem and be convinced that Ihey are the most effectual and certain and the very best remedy ever ofF red to the public, to insure a per manent anu lasting cure. Bragg's Sto- 'a 3 f t rt T nl.io r n A 1a Anril 29. 1845. To DrG. K. Ty lef : ucar air mis may cerlilv th.lt alter usin? many preparations for the cure of Chills ana Fe ver, and expending some forty-five dollars in phy sician's hills, without any benefit, I procured a box of Dr G K Tyler's Fever and A:rue Pills, at one dollar, which 'cured me effectually, after 1 had suf fered with this distressing and unpleasant com plaint for twelve months. I have known Ihem used in thirty cases, and not a box has failed. I believe them to be the very best and most safe and certain cure, for ague and f ver fliaf can be used, and unequalled as a tonic restorative, in all debili tated conditions of the system. E MYRMS. ICP Price $1 per box wMi full directions. For sale in Fayetteville wholesale and retail at New York prices, by SAM'L J HINSDALE, - T WARD, J H 6t J MARTINE, And may be found on inquiry in all the cities and villages in the Sotifherrl and Western States. August 1C, 1845 333 MAGNIN'S LUClNA CORDIAL. FOR the sure and speedy cure of Incipient Con sumpiion, our rennets, impoter.-cy, J-.uehorre or Whites, Gleet. Obstructed, difficult or painful Mciisirualion, Incontintinence of Urine or involun tary discharge thereof, and for the xenerai prostra tion ofthe system, no matter whether the icsult of inherent causes, or of causes produced bv irregu larity, illness, or accirhnt. Ihe Wide-spread celebr tv of this wondeiful and nes:imable cordial, in both hemispheres, is a suf cficienl guarantee for its quick and positive success in curing all the above affections avid complaints. Nothing can be more surprising than itsinvigorat ing fleets on the human frame. Persons all weak- nss and las itud before lakinn it, at once become robust and full of encrjv under its influence. It immediately counteracts the ii'-rvelessness ami lnoscncs of the female frame, which is the only cause of barrenness ; and which, prior to Dr Ma- nin's discovery, v. as considered lo be incurahle. And it speedily rrmove.i the impediments produced uy physical prostration, which IrequenMy deterim n from getting mar. f' d. Language, indeed, cannot do justice to the merits of the Lucina Cordial. whiob is regarded bv the heads of the fnculiv. in all parts ofthe world, as one ofthe most important nicii'cai a 1 SCO ver IPs 01 any ae. For sale at New York prices by OR FRENCH. Wilmington. N C. August 16, 1845 338 EL&HBXSOKT'S SPECIFIC OIJSTTMEm THE great celebrity cf this unrivalled composition, especially in the Northern States, leaves th pro prietor but little need to say any thing in its fayor; for it has been generally conceded to il that it is, beyond all comparison, the best remedy fir external complaint's that has cvor been discovered.' Indeed, the speed and and certainty of its operations bav the appearance of miracles : as ulcers, wounds, corns, fevrr sore., chilblains, white swellings, bi!ea, piles, pider and snake bit r s, etc, immediately yield to its superhuman influence. Thus, if properly ap plied, it will remove an inveterate corn, or break and heat a bile in five days, will allav and perfectly cure an ulcer i-i two wek?; and ill's most desper ate cases of white swilling that can be Imagined, have been d-st roved by it in less than two months. In the bites of poisonous reptiles, its efficacy is truly surprising, and ev n in the bite of a rabid dog; lor 11 app'ieu in Mine, its puwers of attraction are fo wonderful that it will at o ice arrest the ro?-on, and thus prevent it fiotn pervadirtir the sve'etn. It is likewise, greatly superior to any medicine here tofore discovered for the ciiai'jd backs ! hmba of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, for every external bodily evil mat may tall to the lot of man or beast. The proprietor has received at least a thousand certificates and other document, in favor of b' Specific Ointment, upwards of a Iim nd red of which weie written by respectable members f the medi cal faculty. For sale inFayettevil-e at New York p;i l SAM'L J HINSDALE, F T WARD. jfj&J M A RTINE. And may be lonnd on inquiry ir all the cities and villa-res in the Southern and Western States. August 16, 1845 33S GILLESPIE & ROBESON Continue the lOSSlCS't business, and will rhake liberal adtances on consignments of Cumber, Naval Stores, &c., &e. Wilmington, Sept. 20, 1845; v 3436m. io.OOO SEG ARS some rcry fine for sale by i - - ; OEO. McNEJLL. Aug. 16, 1845. L Volume 6 Number 352 JUStl-H s. DUNN offer. !?-- vices as unde taker and beilder, i five ertiaens or others, disposed to contract fur bmldit t, or . ki.: Terms liberal, -." TO LUMBER MEN. THE Su'scrfber, having wirnas.-ed tl,s verv successful operation ..f HOTCHKfS9S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at ArchibaldGrahcni'a Mill in Fayetteville, in May ard June last, were indueed 10 purchase the Right for the entire State of Nonh Cardina, end now offer individual Rights for sale on rery reasonable terms. They Have now on hand S 9u teen full s ts of WlieeEi, as have oiaee arrarrgeracnts to keep a constant asp Besides being generally adopted in the Northern State, there arc already twelve savs in aucssfd operation in this State, and eight others in prececa of erection. Tbe astonishing power and speed f tuene n iieeis iiivp oecn wilnctud by bundicds 9I citizens of this Erafe, with universal appprohalicc. nun wc uesire an no may leei an interest in tbe subject to examine the Mills of Arch'd Gnlmm Col. Alex'r Murchison. Christopher Munroe. Alex'r v imams, Arcn u iwciourin. j. wuanial, John Cade, Mrs. Effy McFadvcn, in ihis County ; Col. ' jonn rticiaurin, in litcnmono County; Jno. C. Smith in Blodrn County ; and Hardy Roysll is Sampson Corrnty ,- to each of whom we Relci for information as to Ihe rractical operation eft boat Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can have theni put up by workmen who have been instruct ed by Mr Hotchki himself. . . The Proprietor or Ihe right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received the follow ing certificate: . . Fayetteville, Fcb'y 3, 1645, We, the Subscribers, residing in tlw County of Cumberland and State of North Carolina, having been engaged m the manufacture of Lumber for ma ny years, feel fully warranted in stating, that Ilcftli kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of ai mill owners, and that we have lull confidence in iheir superiority ; '.at the value ofMillf will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They , are more durable, and easier kept in order when, properly put together, than the common Flutter Wheel : they will save at least one-third of tl.e water, and run well in back water when there Is a head above. The speed of the Saw is increased " from one-half to double the strokes per miuete. ' ALEX. WILLIAMS, . DUNCAN MUNROE, -CHRISTOPHER MUNROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. -ARCHIBALD GRAHAM JOHf? McDANIEL. . ALEX'R MURCH1SON. ARCH'D McLERAN. DAN'L McDIARMID, ANGUS CAMERON, - ' (MiUwright.; JOHN C. McLAURIN, ' - (Richmond County.' THOMAS C. SMITH, (Bladen Cannly They have also rect i ved a certificate Irorn C jT Alexander Murchison, (which will be publifS.U hereafter among other in handbill form,) in !;; : he speaks of ibis as "the area test improvement made on Saw Mills in ray his time ;" says ti nt his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it aciual'y c' on the day before he wrote. 4683 feet of itn Quarter Boards; makes 240 tltbktt in a mirtuts; that one-half of the water is saved; and corrlurU ' byrecommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which hate been promise will be published hereafter, ARCHIBALD McLAUCfJLIN. DUNCAN MeNElLL, ALFRED A. MtKETHAN. Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 3JC-lf.' WOULD respcclfti! ly inform the citizer of Fayetteville and the puliio generally, that he has take:, the stand recently occji.c by E.J. Clark, on Gdlesnii rStrcef,5 doors South of i! Market Square, where he t i; manufacture nrwl L startly on hand an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persohs Wishing to purchase w o il. i e vrell call and examine his stock before purchnHn" el'-; . where, as he is determined to sell as cheap n ojj v other manufacturer in thn State BAKERS of ah entirely new pattern. ROOFING doae in the lastest sty !c' uiidU-.r msnner. Also G UTTFRING. Au 2-. 17, 1S44. 61-r FOR SALE. I WISH tt sell my land lying on Btr Roekfi' ' wui "u acrii ci cooa turpentine tt-r : with a good stream for carry ing il to market. nri gable at any lime while there is watr enough , boats to ruii belworn Fayetteville and Vv'iln.i. ton. Title indisputable, - ALEXANDER WILLIAM 3 July 12, 1S45. 333-tf. TO THE PUBLIfJ7 The subscriber has now in store, do-eel from Nexv York and Philadelphia, a large and gr,rol assortment of STAPLE AND FAACY . Fine Cloths and Cassiiw-res; Tweejls;' .SsttrneTs; Kentucky Jeans and Keiecys ; plain and. furer Alpaccae; Calicoes; Ginghams; fin bleached'Mvs-Im- and Shirting; Vest In-, Stocks: Srar'r; crls and tasse's for cloaks and dreses; Mnsiin r!'La;ns; Catluncre We lcossc f ; fine Bonnets; fur an'? voe: Hats and Caps ; fine and coarse Shoes ard Boot : fiiimlv H ankel.'; common do.; uero fihu.k Shsw ls frm 25 cent o 15 dol!r - iamire ci wool, cotton, and Merino Shirts: Silk do M and silk Shirts for ladie?; fine ingrain Carprti-rf-; crtro nope ami iJ.iggmir; iron; Atecl andNs l; fi.ie Su gar and Coffee; Salf.&c. together u-it!-. lb and CtUlery, and other Gm ds loo ffhou to i. tion. The above Goods will be sold a cheep : cash or produce as anv other foods in the market of the same quality and style. P. TA YLC il. cioner 4, 1345. 34a-3m. Observer copy S months. JACKSON JOHNSON HAS just received at his Old Stand (V-- -. Yard,) a NEW STOCK OF DKYGQOPS. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes Groceries, &c, Which will be 6rf cheap for Cash', or exchanscc for country produce, . October 4, 1845. 345-f l St VI

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