"CHARACTER is AS IMrORfANT tO STATES AS IT M J ittniYIDUALS; AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE I S THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS Clf tffcNS.1 BY VM H BAYNE FAYETTEVILLEi SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1845. Volume 6-Numbcr 358 TBM3 OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : Per ami", if paid in ad ranee, f SO if paid at the end of six months 3 00 at the end of the year 3 50 Itate ef Advertising : feisty cents per tiUro fir he firstj and thirty cents" for eaen 9iibquent insertion. Advertising by the year will be charged according in tit s quantity of matter inserted. CJoilrl advert Mcin-mts, file, -J5 percent higher. NEW CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT, AND TOY STORE. THE Sobst-ribcr ban taken tlie N w B.Uk Store on the north ide of Hay street, a few doors a'mve the Market House, where he i now open ing a line assortment of GOODS in tlx- above line, consisting in patt ofthc following article. : Fruit. Almnnr!. F T.erts, Madeira, Brazil & Pnn Nts, Prunes. Currant. Canton and Havana Preserves, (Itirini, .c. A rra n "enirnl s are mad-- lor fresh sup plies ot Orange. Leuions, A pples, Cocoa Nuts,Sie:. spices. X'mrr., Nutmejjs. Cloves, Caia in mat". Ground Cas-'ia, Ground Pepper, Alspice, Mustard an I Giownd "Jnr'r. PICKLES A. YD SAUCES. Pepper Sauce, Tomato Catsup, Obves, Sardines, nnd a -oiled Pi.k!es. CRACKERS. Bostwn. flutter and Water Cracker, Soda, and Lemon Biscuit. Pil 1 Bread. perfumery. C iloirne, I,a vii'It and and llojf Water, Biy Until, BeirV. Anfiqeie anl Maccssar Oil, Vr Hi hj Cream, Ktrtrt5, Soaps of every variety. WILLOW WARE. Wa -nus, Cradle. Chairs, a-d Bivk!s. SUNDRIES. Powdered, Crus'teel, Loal and Brrvn Sugars, Coffee , Tea, Choeola'e, Macaroni, Vermicelli, Co coa, Starch, Indian, Camphor, Le inon Syrup, Ma deira and -Swe.-f Malja Wines, Champagne, S50'ch and Marcohoy Smiff. ihoice Chcwii.; To I.iceo, Regalia, Prmcipe and J lavanaCijjars, Sweet t 'il, Sperm Camllei, Herring, Brooms, Whisk?, I lutes, Violins, Accordeon, &c. &.. A -r at vari ty of U'jf3 AIJ JMSCtf'S vJV it ii '2)3 4 suit able for Pre ents, too numerous to II enlioil. A 'so, Every variety of CANDIES, at Wholesale and It. Mil. rrj Call and take a look. W. PR'OR. October 25, I Mi. 349-tf. DRY GOODSANU GROCMRY STORE ! I NSTT PALL MTS TTTlirSEF. G-OODS ! 1 1 AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL ! ! ! ! TAKES this method to inform his friends, his old customers, and the public pcnera'ly, that he is now receiving and opening his new Stock of FALL. AND WINTER GOODS, embracing nearly every arti cle in his line, and usually kept in Stores in this market, which I offer for sale at prices t suit the pressure of the times. I would -ay lo all who want CHEJIP and FASHIONABLE, Goods, call and cJamine my Stock, as I shall feel happy in showing my Goods, leclinjr confident I cannot fail to pleae both in quality and price. My Goods arc all fresh, and of the most approved styles and fashions. I would say farther, that I am determined to s II my Goods at small advances on the prime cost, and flatter myseif that they have been bought as well as ny stock in this market. Among my assortment will be found For Ladies wear : Cashmere-dc-Lanes, Uep. Cashmeres, Mousii.i il'Liiu, Shaded d'Lanes, Fiiu'd Alpacca, Chingcab!e do. Plain do. Striped do. Fashionable Chusan, Bi.-hop Lann, Colnr'd Do. Swi-s Muslins, L"n"n do. Cambric do. Jaconet do. Book do. Chec M and strip- d do. Fiuor'cl do. L.iiicu cambrickllandk'fs liniation do. Tape B JingS, Lace do. Black do. Plain Bo'tlxiict Lace, Fisur'd do. FiijuiM Can do. Datna-k Shawl, Cnlor'd Hose, Merino Draw-crs. Silk do. Merino Shirts, Cotton do. Cotton Drawers, A great variety of Mi-sFine fancy' Vestings, (lose and half-tlosc. Common fancy do. Gents Diivins Glove, For Gentlemen? Wear : Black Liokin Nett, plaid. fijiurM and Black wool-dyed Cloths, Color'd do. striped, woollen and Blue 4to. neavy woonen do. do. do. co'toll Sliau Is, Ilalf-mournin" ditto lo. Gloves, do. d.. do. do. Silk, cotton, and woollen Fancy Mitts. Strip-d Blar k Cashmere Hose, Bibhrd do. Mourning Black tioki ColorM d ColorM Kid Black Silk White do. Invisible green do. Drab do. W. B. Beaver Cloth. Fa ncy Cas-i meres, Striped do. Plain do. Mix'd super T weeds, Plain do. do. do. Liincn Uo5oms, Do. Collars, Fancy Scarfs, Black Satin dilto-. Do. " balfdo. Satin, si k, and Worstod Slocks. Silk and cotton Handker clticls, a variety, Gum-elastic Suspenders, Sattinctt, nl! eolors.qual- Woollen and cotton Hose ities and pi ices. FANCY GOODS. Lice Capes, Fancy silk and mouslin- Pocket Wallets. Ladies' wo ilh n Hoods, d'Lane Handkerchiefs, Ivory line Gombs, Lac Cap, Silk Pursts, Tuck. do. Whab bones, Cotton do. Side do. Aae and earlButton-, Corded Skiits, Dres-lMj; do. S.mrtinii &fi:ie metal do. Pocket Books, Toilet Sonp, and half Hose. Cologne, Hair Bruslics, Cloth Do. Cf ffar Cases, Snulf Boxes, &c, Jkc, &c. Kentuck) Jeans, all qual- Plain and coI'dCamb. ics Domislic Giiiiiham?, ities and prices. Woollen Cravat. FancyKcisoy, low price. Do. Comforts, Bed, while and yi l ow B eacbed Shirtings, Flannels, Di. Sheetings, Twilled do. Brown Shirtings, Apron Checks. Do. Sheetings, Beil Ticki.it', Irish Linens, PI i I Li:id.cys, all wool, -4 do. Plaid and plain ditto cot- Imitation d". Ion and wool, Table Cover, Silk Sere, Bird's-eye Diap r, Worsti d clo. Cotton " do. r.roun Holland, Brown cotton do. CoI'd and v'a n Silesia, Do. linen do. Blue Bl.ie Drill, India brown do. Cotton Handkerchiefs, Siiipendr.,Glovcs, Hoso and ha If-Hose, Silk Umbrellas, Gingham do. Cotton do. 12 4 Whitney Blarkcts, 10-4 do. do. 9-4 do. do. 8-4 do. do. 8-4 Twilled do. Nero Blankets, Saddle do. Wool & cotton Carpetins Cotton stair do. Tuflled Hearth Rugs, Brussels do Buttons, pins, needles, thread, tape, cord, &c, &c, &c, fiC, &c. 250 pieces Calicoes, from 6 to 2i cents per yard, some of the latest and best patterns. 1 1 CPU A DT HAS received in K. A. JSlUAlil part his Stock o F LL and WLNTBlt GOODS, consisting o 1 ry floods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Shoes, &c., &c. J I D'ipiivSc A Seineles French Brandv, (choice li' ind.,) Saddles ot all descriptions, from S3 to $2.i, .-. 1 also daily expected. Groceries, Hardware, C nl-ry. Drojrs, Window Glass, &c, &c.. all of which he will be "r'ad t exc hane for CASH or C .untrv Produce. Give me a call. Sept.2. 1M. 34 3-v. A. M. (JAM PBE L L , Having been appointed AUCTIONEER F.rthe town of Fayetteville, is prepared to attend te the sale of any goods which may be entrustd to h i. Consisnnents from abroad will be promptly at-t- nled to. April 19, 321 -v. Kneuuratr Home Manufactures (BMD(DlBIffilIlB Java Coffee, Rio do. Cuba do. Porto Rico Sugars, N . Orleans do. Loaf do. Lumn do. Starch, Bir So, Powder in ker, Shot, Lee1, Pana uaYhij Hyson Tea Swei t Oil, Black .Tea, Green do. Raisins. Pickles, Limofl Syrup, in bottles, Mackere", Pcppwr Sauce, Sack Salt, Bxeasmok-d Herring", Alum do. Box s Cheese, Molasses, Broom, Water Buckets, In4iio, M" adder, Copnera, Span. Brown, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, SnuffiCi iiar, Tobacco, Cotton B jiuiwg.Ropr, Side Leather, Liquors, &c, &c, &c. do. do. Chisels, Augurs, Pad Locks, Chest do. Till di. Stc.ck c'o. Rim do. Fine and coni'n Scissors, Grass Scvtbcs, lMin-saw r ues, D.i " Shears, Cuttins Knives, Cast-steel hand-saw i... i ri w.,lii.tr lloes. Sheen Shears, Do Hat, bets. Cotton and Wool Cards, Drawing Knivc, Frvins Pans. Curs-y Combs, Pocket C"t!erv, Table do. An assoitinent Tea Tabic Spoons, Butcher Knives, Shoe do. Bright do. Twisted Trace Chains, nnd S'raielit do. Fifth Halter Hand Saws, Screws, 1 liner.?, Gtmblets, Gun-Locks, Collins'cast-stcel Axes, Ki list's do. Root's do. Cast-steel Broad Axes, Shaving Glasses, do. Toilet do Iron Nails. Jl 4,1 Ml .m ' - Latches, Bolts, Gardner c IXCcBletlian, HAVE lately made considerable improvement in tlinr style of Work ,and have now on hand a G.iN Elt AL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Baggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Which lor elegance ot shape and finish, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made i:i the U State. Persons wishing lo buv, would do well to call and examine our work, ns we have determined lo sell LOW for Cah, or approved notes. II vinr in onreinpioy first rate Smi'hs, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on inod'-rate terms. We warrant all our work to be of wood and faith ul wnrknu nrhip and materials, for one year. :CJ REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, ami on reasonable term. FavBHevdle, February 8, 1845. y. For New-Year's & Christmas Gifts For sale bv B.. W. HAHDIE. Odd tellow's OrTrincr, for 1846, the prettiest Annual ot the season. The Gift for 1846. Th following are some of the contrihn-or to this work : IL W. Loniffellow, Joseph C. Neal N F Will-s, Gd.nore Simms, Mrs Si-rourney, and others of the best writers in the country. Hose of Sharon, a religious souvenir for ;846 by Miss J. C. Edgarton. 3 Christian's Annual for IS46. A variety of Juvenile Annuals tor children. Also, Bibles, Prayer Books, Albums, Miscellane ous books with fine bindings suitable for presents. Nov.;29, 1845. 354-tf. btW Fifkin prime Mountain Butter, for sale by GEO. AlcNEILL. Nov. 22. 1845. Super calf Boots, " kip do. slu-r do. Tlii' k kij eo. Fine sew'd Broyans, " pegg'd do. Fine silk Hals, " for " Broatliiritn " Sporio ' Children's morocco BootSt Ladies' fine calf do. Women's hsavy Shoes, " Slippers, eke, &c, &c. Common pcsrirM Bror;ans Ladies' morocco Tie s, Vouth's "do. " do. Boots, Men's Pumps, Miss' do. Ladii s' fine kid Sl ppers, " Shoes, thick " do. " Slippers, HATS, CJPS, 8rc, Gl ized round-top Hat-, Fine pluhCaps, Boys' se!e tte Caps. Fi-.e muskrat Cars, A variety of glazerd do. Ch-ld's eb.th, fur bands, it mink do Boys' super cloth do. " Tu bans. ci clth do fur do. &c. &.c. CROCKEKY. Fr'ar Lrerpool Ware. B iwls and Pitches, B e kfast PI ites, Ewers and Busi i-, l i'U r do. Soup Plates, Mlpper clo. Di.-hes, &c., &.c. Common Crockery a variety of all Goods in this line. Cut Wine Glasses, Tumbles, D cantcis, Rrwot,on u.ittannia casiors, Cm a c r t'nn Plates. ...ii .iuc'ts, umia' " c NOW IN STORE AND FOR SAIE low for Cash or Produce : 25 bb!s. Pickled Hernes, No. 1. ,,b!s- No 3 Mackerel, 2" boxes prim-Dairy Cheese, 3 " No do. 3 hhds. New Oilcans Suar, I bixem prune smoked No I Herrings, 2 " PorlRieo dT. 3 bbls. back country Whiskey. ALSO, Crates Crockery put up to order, suited for Country Merchants. ' C R. JONES, Fa-yctteville, December 6, 1815. 155-tf. Foot of Haymount. TO THE PUBLIC. The subscriber has now in store, direct from New York and Philadelphia, a laroe and general assortment f STAPLE AND FANCY 9 Fi ne Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans and Kerseys : plain and r.nred - s ' I ... fina hlpsphMt .Mill. Alpaccas; Ualicoes; uiriua, bn and Shirting; Vesting, Stocks; Scarls; cords i . i- r t i. -A Arar- Muslin el Lams; Cashmere de Ecosses; fine Bonnets; (ur and wool. a vapa 9 ui - eis; Shawls from 25 cents to 15 dollars; lamb s wool, cotton, and Merino Shirts; OUR o.; tfitrum and silk Shirts for ladies; fine ingrain Carpeting; Rope and Bajgins; Iron; Steel and Nails; fine Su gar and Coflee; Salt.&c. together with Hardware and Cutlery, and other Goods too tedious to men tion. The above Goods will be sold as cheap for cash or produce as any other goods in the market of the same quality and style. P. TAYLOR. October 4, 1845. 34i-3m. Mew IPnii'mm. The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under the firm of H. W. Beattv & Co., For the transaction of A General Commission Business In the lutcn of Wilmington, -V. C. They will give particular attention to the sale ei x imoer, j-aiimocr, anu iiavai otores ; me recto inir and forwarding woods, and the sale and pur- . . I. p i r - i i cnare oi gooes lor tne DacK country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lic patronnpe, and pledge their best exertions to riva satisfaction. July 19, 1845. H W RF.ATTY. JOHN C.LATTA, 334-tf. MALLEABLE IRON, SUCH as Carriage Makers use. A good as sortment always onTiand, and for sale at one cent per pound advance on the Manufacturers' prices by W. PRIOR. October 35, 1845. 349-tf. THE Subscribers are now re- DC,T,n5,a,Vbe 2d tenement of Mrs Hooper's Fire Frool Building, south sid, of Ha strett an enlire new Stock of Staple and Fancy Consl-ting in part ol oper bJue) black, brown, drab, invisible green and beaver Cloths; fancv and riench Cassimeies ; Satliuetts. Kentucky Jeans, 1 weeds, Flannels, plain and fancv velvet, satin, and F rrnch cashmere Vestings; ditto Stocks, Cravats and Scarfs, merino Shirts, Bosoms, Col lars; an assortment of coal and vest Binding Cord and Buttons, Canvass and Padding; brown and bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, Linens; col d and white Cambric Muslins, grass Linen Cambric, hemstitch and silk Handkerchiefs; Alpacas, Thibet and Indiana Cloth, for Ladies' cloaks; muslin and super French cashmcre-de-Lancs; plain o 1 1 ?,-deiwi8 and figured gros-de-naji Silks; nch Prints; Lis'e Eelginy; bobinct wire and blond Uoillm; Piping; Gimps'; Italian Sewings; spool cotton and linen Thread, assorted colors; twisted Silk; cotton and Worsteel Milts; stipef black and col'd kid Gloves; ditto silk, merino, aid cot ton ditto; white and black and ribb'd Hose; ditto merino Persian ditto; cashmere, merino, Thibet anil other Shawls; w.rk boxes; toilet Glasses; shell twist tuck and side Combs, jet shawl and hair Pins; super Needles, Pins, Scissors; tnff:ia and satin bonnet and cap Ribbons: with a general assortment ' Groceries, Hardware, Crocke ry, fashionable Hais, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. Tile above Goods, having been purch isc 1 late in the season in New York and Philadelphia, (con sequently at reduced prices) will be sold low for cash, or charged to those who will pny cash when called on. D. & VV. McLAUKlN. Dec. 13, 1845. 356 -y. NOTICE. THE Subset ibers have taken possession of their former stand on Green street, and arc now opening a General assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, and Cutlery, And such other Goods as thev havehererofore dealt JOHN HUSKE & SON. Dec. 13, 1845. 356-1 m. MOTNDE. THE Subscriber, Administrator of Malcom Ray, deceased, will hire out the Negroes belonging to the estate of his intestate, on the first Monday in January next. The hiring will take place at the late residence of the deceased. Good bonds will be required before the negroes are delivered. ANDREW C. RAY, Dec. 12, 1845. 356 -ts. Adui'r. NOTICE. IN pursuance of a Deed o( Trust executed to the ClKviIi... i r - w m -1 1 -i, i w..... . y uainui iMcrveni, win oe soiu on Friday the 2d of January next, at the late residence of Said Me-.N.'ill. si-r miloa a.,tt. r it.. n tour ibouannt nr nniDgnla r I 1 I ' , , u uv, ra Ul IttllU, 1 J 1 1 -4 Oil Big and Little Rock fish, embracing seme Swamp ,,art i which is atraay drained, and sup nos d to hp of iincurnnr...,! r., : i : t '1 o those desirous of engaging in the Lumber or Turpentine business, the facility afforded are rare ivrnualled. as a ormt nr.. i r i - well Timbered, embracing several Mill sites of At.-oi.oi. quainj, ana neing at their furthest point within 3 miles of Big Rockfi-h Creek. flLSO At the same time and place, Six Young Negroes oi various Mien, i wu norses, a Horary ot Uooks, Stc. Terins, 6 months credit. Bonds, with approved securiiM , win oe ri qmren ot purchasers. v n.i.moi lvtcAi jji.a.XN, HECTOR AlcNEILL, Tiustccs. Dec. 13, 1845. 356-ts State of N"ortli Carolina .Columbus county. Court nj Pleas and Quarter Sessions JYovember Term, 1S45. State vs. Matthew Wadkins. Attachment. IT appearing to the Coutt that tho defendant in tlvs case is not an inhabitant, of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the NCarolinian for the said defendant to appear, replevy and plead, at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Columbus at the Court House in Whiteville, on the second Monday in February next, or judgment by default will be entered against him, and the property levied on will be sold to satisfy the same. WM. MILLICAN, Clerk. Dec. 13, 1845. 356-61- per adv. S3 25. Just Meceived, 40 fi kins superior Mountain Butter.' 1000 !bs. Buck Wheat Flemr. fxv hajyd; 200 boxes Segars, ranging from S3 lo 822 per M. 20 " Rambaut's," Gilmore's," and "Good win's superior Chewing Tobacco, and for sale by COOK & TROY. Dec. 13, 1815. 356 -3w. THE subscriber, having made arrangements for a regular supply of " FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS,' will supply families at any time with the very best the market affords. .it the Union House, A doorx oftnt e Liberty Point. Dec. 13, 1845. 356-3w. JACKSON JOHNSON HAS just received at his Old Stand (Wagon BETS' GOOJDg, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., &c. Which will be so'd cheap for Cash, or exchanged ior country produce, October 4. 1845. 345-tf MRS. E. NEETZEL RETURNS her most srrateful thanks to the friends . . . . . . . ..... oi ner late hushand, and others who have ne-lrienel-ed her in her beres vi inent, for their kind attention ane) assistance, and heoi to assure; lh m alt. from the bottom ol her heart, that w bile her life is vouch safed, her gratitude for their kind offices i!l be unceasin". She also begs to inform them and the public "enerallv. that f-be has taken the framed bnn. nearlv oDiioslle it) Mr Geo. AleNcilL and formerly occupied by her late husband, where she has re". a . i r mm w rv mrrM urneo me uusiness ol Jituiivi I hi. in all us branches, anil will li hi.m t, t'urnistli her mIc! ila. tomers and others with FRESH BREAD, and all other articles in her lino at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Wedding and other fine Cakes furnished for parties. Yi'ast of the best quality at all times. Nov. 22, 1845. 353-Ct. FOR SALE, Cheese in boxes; Raisins in whole and half boxes Superior Frcneh Brandy and Poit ine. D.& W.McLAURIN. Dec. 13, 1345. 356-tf. THE Subscriber, having been appointed under a Decree of the Court ot cqniiy, ior m ceumj n Corabetland, at Fall Term, Id4i, a Comm-ss-ioner to sell certain Real Estate in the Town of Fayette- - . f a. I ville, owned jointly bv lumsen ana me neirs ai Law of William Nott, dee'd, in pursuance of said decree, will expose to pubbc sale at the Market House in said Town, on Monday the 26th day of January, 1846, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following valuable Real Estate: Lot corner Hay and Donaldson Streets, Lot corner Hay and Robeson Streets. The property w ill be sold on a credit of six months. Bonds wjib approved security will be re quired. JOHN D. STARR, Couimiss'r. Fayetteville, Dc 13, 1845. 356-6w. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 40 boxes No. I oap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15. 1845. 3I6-tf Burned out, but not entirely consumed, Only retty considerably scorched ! : I JTAMES KYJLE, At Ills New Bi'lck Store, HAS just received a large and general assortment of -Jimong tchich are Superfine Cloths and Casimerc S.ntinels and Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Kerse ys, and Linscys, Blankets and Flannels, 15SJ pieces CnMtro, BleachM and brown Domestics, fbi 3-4 to 12-1 Irish Line ns, Lawns, Mini Diapers, Alpacca and Muslin de Lain, Cashmere te Cosse ami Victoria Strips. Point and B d Blank, ts. Real Tartan Plaid and othe-r Shawls, Black and colon d Silks, Dress nnd Linen Oambrick Handkerchiefs, Cros--harr'd and striped Muslin, x Jaconet and .Swiss Mushh, t"amb-ic and book Aluslin, Silk and other Vestins, Ladies GloV. a anl Mitts, Real French Worked Collars and Caps, Winter Bonnet Ribbons, Braid nnd Straw Bonnets, 75 packages Boots and Shoes. With many other articles, all of which bein nor- chaseJ at the lowest package prhes at auction, will oe oiioreu very ctu-ap lor CASH, or on Time to punctual customers. Sept. 27. 1845. v. A s;on and team of five horses ready for haul- ingon the usual terms or for sale cheap. Also, a secoml hand Sulkcy, a fashionable article nearly new tor sale low or hire, apply to THOMAS J. JIJfS. Oct. 25 1845, 349-5ma NEW SOOZ STATIONERY, BINDING, &c. has just received his supply of New Book s, a nl St itionery, together with an en-" tiro new Book binding apparatus. He has opened a store next door to the Tost Of fice, where lie w ill be glad to supply his friends and customer. October 4, 1845. OTTEIT HOTTSTOEr .K:itfi&52IM SADDLER & HARNESS M A li E It , RETURNS his sincere tbanks to the public for the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed up on him, and hopes that as he now requires a con tinuance of their custom, to enable him to recover from the severe scorching received in the late fire, it will not be withheld. His friends, and such as will (please to call at his shop, on South side ot Person street, next door but one to the corner ol Dioa, will find a to'erable; stock in his line, with the best workmen, willing and ready lo please in any job atid repairing line, at the shortest notice. June 28, 1845. 331 -6m. 145-y COLPORTEUR'S INDEMNITY Asjainst loss or damage by Fire THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. C AP IT A L & 1 0 5 ,000. Office in Grand near First Street, Williams burg, opposite the City of Jeu York. Agency Office, Wells Building, 62 Wall st., JVeto York. DIRECTOR8 : Christian Zabriskie. Abrni T. Boskerck, Andrew C. B in edict, Francis Steinheil, Frederick W. Favrc, Sam I H. Clapp, Jeremiah Johnson, John Leggctt, John Skillman, Chas. O. Handy, Saml. VVilli.'ts, Lemuel R ichardson , Nicholas WvckoflT. LEMUEL RICHARDSON, Pres't. Andrkw B. Hodges, Sec'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, New York. THE Williamsburg Fire Insurance Company, havinsr been incorporated by an act of the Legisla ture of the State of New York, for the purposes of Fire Insurance, the Directors offer to Insure their fellow-citizens throughout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On Buildings, Good-and Merchandise, and Per sonal Property generally, assuring them that the affairs of the Company, shall be conducted with such fairness, candor and liberality as thry trust will entitle it to public-confidence ana patronage. The Subscriber, Agent for the above Com pany, will give any further information that may be desired bv those who wish to Insure. JAMES MARTI NE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 8, 1845. 3ll-tf. CHEA1P & NEW HAT, CAP, AND SHOE BOOK DEPOSITORY. 1 he publications of the Presby terian Board, Sunday School Union. The General Assembly Hymn Books, AND Tracts. For Sale by Dec. 6, 1845. 355-4w, GEO. McNElLL. REMOVAL. Jas. D- X&cCAIiXitJiyt. TAILOR, ' moderate. Nov. 22, 1845. lias removed his Es tablishment from his lalo stand, to ihe sfore next door wct of tho Capo Fear Bank, recently oc cupied by Mr Win. J. Anderson. He will warrant hU woik to be equal tu nny in the place, and charges as 340-tf ( ( 5b and try, before vu buy.") , THE Subscriber has taken the Store next door above the Store of Messrs B. Rose & Son, where he is now openinsr' a well selected Stock of the above aiticles, (Philadelphia and New York man ufactory,) and will sell " Cheap" fur Cash or n Time. Gentlemen's fashionable Beaver Hats. " medium brim do M " fashionable Russia " medium brim do broad do do " fash'ble Mole Skin ' do Angola Men and Bey's round crown drab and bloe Rabbit Fur Hats. Men and Boys' d while and black Wool Hats. The assortment embraces various kiaO ot bea ver, Russia, Fur. Silk, and Wool Hats, made by the best of workmen, and will be warranted it necessary. A wneral assortment of Fur, Clotb, Seal, Sealette, anil Glazed Caps, for Men, Yoeiths, Boys, aod Children. "Very low." Together with a general assortment of Men's, Women's Youth's, Bey's, Misses', and Children's BOOTS fa SHOSS, Which will be teond of good quality and sizes at " reduced prices." WANTED $1000 worth of Ot- ter. Mink, Coon, Rabbit, Fox, Mask Rat and Deer Skins, for which a." liberal w priee will be A. J.ERAMBERT. 346 0m. LIFE INSURANCE. CAPITAL. $2,500,000. The I nsurcd entitled to participation of Profits in both European and American policies. NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIVE AS SURANCE SOCIETY, LONDON. U. S. BOARD OF LOCAL DIRECTORS. (Office 74 Wall Street.) AVw York: Jacob Harvey, Esq.Ch'n. George Barclay, Esq. John L. Palmer, Lao. Saml. S. Howland, Esq. Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. Gotham A. Worth, Esej. James Bonrman, Esq. Samuel M. Fox, Esq. Philadelphia. Clement C. Buldle, Esq. Louis A. Godey, Esq. Sears C. Walk. r. Eq. Geo. Rex Graham, Esq. J. LEANDEft STARR, Manager and General Asrent for the United States and British N.A. Colonies. CO" The Siibanihern, having been appoint ed A' n's for this Company in the Town ol Fay etteville, arc prepared o effect Life Insurance, end to f'irnish all de-sired information ohd explanations on ihe subject. STARK PEARCE. Agents. Fayetteville, Nov. 22, 1845. 353-if. New York city Advertisements, SHERWOOD'S Vibratory Magnetic- Machine. October 1 1, 1845. THE Vibratory Movement recently substituted for the Rotary, in this Mar-bine. ! k. scriber, endows it with an extraordinary superiority over every form in which it has been constructed. it is compactly fitted together w ith its battery, wires, and lher nonlianees. ii neat nu'A..n. - cases, of several sizes and powers, at (two sizes 1 5n"" ioeicn; anei ioraroeu to order, to anv n r.t.TTs .1 i tr . w !. K"'1 ioc moii, 1 lie vauauas, v esi inuics or South America. ' Each case is accnmnanled with a M.intitl edition, pp. 224. 32 too ) including a complete ivianuai 01 ine i racuce 01 iieuicine, with a very full Glossary giving clear and ample directions for th- use of the instru 1 en: in the various diseases to which It is applicable, and which are foond, by the successful practice of hundreds of operators, to include tlie most prevalent, as well as the moat pecehar and obstinate, that are known to the med ical profession; with the proper Medicines for each cose. A. H. SHERWOOD, M. D I n Chamber et., New York . Nov. 22, 1845. 35-8w. v jf

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