rnffifrv' ciiitifcTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT M TO INniTIDIIALS; AND TUB GLORY OP THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTT OF tf CltlZENS.' jjY W.U H BAYXE frAYETTEYILLE, SATtTRLlAY, JiNUAliV U. !84& LVolimir 6 Number 3G2 'r iifii 15 TKdMS OP THE NORTH CAROLINIAN : fer aiifiu , if paid in advance, 92 30 if pail at the end of six months 3 00 at the end of theyear 3 50 Hates of Advertising : oixty cent per square fr 'he firsr, and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertising y the year . i 1 1 he charged according lit th? quantity of matter inserted. B'nrt adverlis'Mmnfs, &c, 35 percent higher. NEW CONFECTIONARY, FKDTT, AND TOY STORE. THE X"h-crihT has lauen tlie Niw Biick Si or; on the north sid.? of II iy Jt r - t. a few doo'B a'mve the Market lions'-, where he i now open ing a lino assortment of" GOODS in the above line, ciasisling n ait of the following articles : Fruit. Almonds-, filberts, Madeira, l'r.xil & Pecan Nuts, Prunes, Cirraii13, Canton and Havana Preserve, Ci'r tn, &c. Arrangements are made for fresh snip, plica ol Oranges. Leni.n, Apples, Cocoa Nuts,&c. SPICES. Mace, Nuttrteg. Cloves, Cassia in mats, Ground Caj.'M. Grounti Pepper, Alspio-, Mustard an I Ground C in iff r. ptcKtti$ tf.vw sjiuces. l'.-pper Sauce, Tnmtlto Catsup Olives, Sardine., and as-o.ted INrkJes. CRACKERS. Huston. Butter and Water Crackers, Soda and Lemon LJicilit, Pilft Bread. PERFUMERY. C 'on", Lavendrr and and Rost; Walrr, Kay ' limn, Hear', Antique, and Macassar Oils, Vit b"n t Cream, Ei r ids, Snaps of" e very va r I el V. WILLOW WARE. Wagons, Cradles. Chairs, and B.iskcts. SUNDRIES. Powdered, Ctus'ied, Loaf and B:-nwn Sugars, ColPie ,Tca, Chocolate, Macaroni, Vermicelli, Co ca. Siarvh, Indigo. Camphor. Lemon Syrup, Ma deira and Sw;.:t .Via It Ma Wi'H'J, Champagne, Scotch and Maccobov Snuff, choice Chewii.jf To I iceo, Regalia, Principe and ' 1 a vanaCiga rs, Sweet t'il, Sperm Candle, Herring. Brooms, Whisks, I lutes, Vii'ins, ccrdcons, &c. fce. A r al vari.lv of &V?3 SAXJf iD ! 11)3 1 'ii aide for Pro cnts, too numerous fo H-cniion. A 'so. Every variety of CANDIES, at Wholesale and B.t.iil. :t J- Call and fake a look. , W. PRIOR. Ortoher 25. 15 h. 34'J-tf. 1!. iV. STUART part his Slock of F LL and WINTER GOODS, consis'inir of 1 ry Good, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Shoes, &c, &c. 1 I Dunn vie A S( inel.-'a French Brandv. (choice ! mds,) Saddles of nil descriptions, from $5 to 925, a d also daily expected, CTrocci les, Hardware, C .:!-rv. Driijii, Window Glass, &c. &.. all ol w'tich he will h" 'ad to exchange for CASU or C mnirv Produce. Give me a call. Sept. 2 , I8f.. 343-y. a71l"cFmpb el rr, I t;i vjucr been nppointril AtfCTIONE E K t' .f I IlS town of Fayelt -ville, is prepared to attend ii- t'ie sale of any oods which may he cntrtistd to U i. CJnnsirr-inients from abroad will ho promptly at f nded to April 10, 1315. 321 -y. DRY 001S AND GROCERY STORE 11 PALL MrL 7TIUT3P. C5-OODS 1 1 1 AT WHOLESALE 0R RETAIL ! ! ! I TAKES this method to inform his friends, his old cnstomeis, and the public gcnera'ly, that he is now i i ri . r- -r. . v-rv?tviCLr rk"ro ..... i : i .. rcccivinir anu opcniTi; nis new isiock ol r A Lb aiij ia x uiii'i' uvuu cvcij cle in his line, and usually kcj t in Stores in this market, which I offer for sale at prices l suil the pressure of the times. 1 would fay to all who want and FASHIONABLE Goods, call and examine my Stock, as I shall feel liai-py in s-howing my Gbi.ds, fi i lin coi fidei t I cannot fad to please both in quality and price. My Goods are all fresh, anil ol the most approved styles and fashions. I wou'd say f irther, that I am determined to s- II my 6ood3 at small advances on the prime cost, and fl .ti. r nivsc!!' that they have been bought as well as ny stock in this market. Among my assortment will J-e louud - WW for Lit diet XV ear ; Cashmcr e-de-La III S Hep. Oasl'iiircfs, Monslin d Laite-j Shaded d'Lanes, Fiui'd Alpacca, Clunjrcabie do. Flam do. Striped do. " Fashionable Chusans, Bishop La ns, Color'd Do. Sw i-s M Hslins, Linen do. Cambric do. Jaconet do. Book do. ChccM and strip' d do. Ft ur'd do. Linen namhrickllandkTs Imi;ation do. Tape Edins, Lace Black do. tMain iJohbinbt Lace, Fiuur'il lo. FigurM Cap do. Dimak Shawls, Co'or'd Hose, Merino Drawers. Silk do. M erino Shirts, Cotton do. Cotton Drawers, A rfre.it variety ofMLh'Fihe fanby VestJngS, Hose and half-Hose. Common fancy do. Gents' Olivine Gloves, For Gtntlemtn't iVear ; Black Hoskin Nett, plaid, fiur'.l an-J Black wool-dyed Cloths, Color'd do. striped, woollen and Biue do. Heavy woollen do. do. do. cotton Shaw Is, Half-mourning ditto Mourning . . do. Black ilitski i GuivcS, Color'd d. do; Color'd Kid df-. Black Silk do. While do. do. Silk, cotton, and woollen Fancy Mitts. atriped Invisible green Drab W: B: Beaver ClotfiS Fancy CaSsimercs, Striped do. Plain do. Mix'd super Tweeds, Plain do: dH; lo do. Lmcn Bosoms, dor Db. Collars, Fancy Scarfs, Black Satin ditt". Do. " halfdo. Satin, si:k, and Woratod Stocks. Silk and coifon Ilandker chiefs, a varietv. Gum-eldStifc SUspeliders, Black Cashmere Hose, Rihhtd do. Sattinefts, all colors,qnal-Woollen and cotton HoSe ities and pi ices. FANCY GOODS. Lice Capes, Fancy silk anil inou.'li n- LadiO.s' woollen Hoods, d'Lane Hanttkcrc'iicfs, Lace Caps, Silk Purss, Whali bones, Cotton do. Aja'e and pearlButton, Corded ?kMs, Sj'orli:i &fi ic metal do. Pocket Boons, Pocket Wallets. Ivory line Combs, Tuck do. Side do. Dres-i i do. Toiht Soap, and Half- Hose-' Cologne; Hair Brushes', Cloth Do. Cijrar Cases, Snufi Boxes, &.c, &c, &fc; Kent lit k Jeans, all qual- l - . ii ics anu i ict'Si Fa ncy K ei soy ? , low pr :ce. Red., wlut'-, and yi IloW Flannels, Twilled do. Apron Checks. Bed '1'icki ;!:, Pl. i I Lind-eys, all woo!, Plaid and l iin ditto cot ton and wool, Silk Sere, Worsted do. Co'M anttp!ain Silesia, Plain and colMCamhrics Woll!:i Cravats, Do; Comforts, B eaclutl Shirtings, D . Shecting-i, Brown Shirtings, Do. ShfetiHgs, Irish Ltnensj 8-4 do. Imitati'in dm Tablo Coyer-', Bird's-eye Diaper, Cotton do. Brown cotton do. Do. linen do. Doimstic Giu:h-iinsf Blue do. Bine Drill, India brown do. Cotton Handkerchiefs, Siiipe;idcrs,Glovirs, Hose and ha If-Hose, Sdk Umbrellas, Ginharn do. Cotton do. t2 4 Whitney Blankets, 101 do. fo. 9-4 do. do. 8-4 lo. do. 8-4 Twilled do. Nero Blankets, Saddle do. Wool& cotton Caipetin;s Cotton stair do. TufTted Hearth Rugs, Brussels do Buttons, pins, needles, thread, tape, cord, &c, &c., &c. c, &c. 250 pieces Calicoes, from G.J to 25 cents per yard, sonic of the latest and best patterns. Java Cffce, Rio do. Cuba do. Porto Rico Sugars, N. Oilcans do. Loaf do. Lunin d. (BURdPClEIffillE Black Tea, Sf.lrfch, tiar Soap, Green do. Powder In keg-, Raisins, Pickles, Shot, Lea-', Ltmon .Vyrup, in lfo"lt!ts, Maekerc'j Pepper Sane, S.ck Salt, B ' t smoked Herrings, Alum do. B x s Cheese, Atolasscs, 1011120, Madder, Coppera, Span. Brown, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Snuff.Ciars, Tobacco, Cotton B.-gi-i j:,Rope, S de Leather, Liquors, J - 1 w I n c e Pnu naY'i.ff Hyson Tea Swett Oil, Broom, W uter Uuekcis, cc, c do; Pocket Cntlcrv, Table do. An assoitment Tea and Straight Tab'e Spoons, Fifth B nchor Knives, llaltef Shoe do. Hand Sttts, Fine and com'n Sc issors, Grass Stvfhes, Do ' Shears, Cut(irT2 Knives, Carpenter.-' Hammers. Weeding Hoe, D . Hatchets, Frying Pans, Bright do. Chisels, AtfgurJj Twisted Tface Chairvs, Pad Locks, do; do. Chest do. Till do: Sti.fck c'6. Rim do. Mili-saw Files, Screws, I liners, Gimblets, Gun Locks, Collins'cast -steel Axes, King's do. Root's do. Cast-steel Broad Axes, Shaving Glasses, Cotton anil Wool Cards drawing Knivc-j Currv Comb'?, Lalclics, lions, Cast. steel hand-sair do. Toilet do Sheen Shears; Iron Nails. I J - t r lincourase tj Home Manufactures Gardner fit McKethan, H AVE lately made considerable improvvment in fheir style of Vork ,and have now on hand a GN ERA L ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkeys, Waggons, Which for elegance of shape ami finish, and dura bility, will compare with any made in the U States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine our work, as we have determined lo sell LOW for Cah, or approved notes. Having in our employ first rate Smiths', wc- are prepared to do any Iiot work in the abve Yftte on rViodifratc terms. We warrant all or work to fete of gorJ artl faitli Al work in i nhip arrrf mat erftils, f.r ond year. icp-REPAIRING faithfully execufed at short Notice, and on reasonable lerm. FavcHcv.lle, February S, FS45. y. Super calf Roots, 14 kip do. sltl2 ilo. Thiikkip do. Finesew'd Brogans, " pCiie'd do. Fine si'k IT -its, " fur Brnadliriin Slltlrii-jfT por.i-ig Common peiri'd Brogans Ladies' morocco Ties, Youth's do " do. Boots, Men's Pumps Miss' do. I.adi. a" fine kid Sl'pt ers, Sh..ts, thick" do. " Slippers, HATS, CJ PS, c, $c. Ol. zed round-top Hats, Fine plu-lVCn'ps,- Fie musk rat Caps, A vafifty ol glazed do. n. ink do Boys' super cloth do. cloth do ' r CKOCIiEKY. Children's morocco Boots Ladies' fine call do. Women's heavy Shoes, " " Slippers, &c, &c, &.C. ffYts se!( (te C?v s, Ch ld's cloth, fur fV.nds, " Tuibius, &c. &c. Fif JreriQol. Vure. B eakfasi PlatS, Di im r ffo. Supper do Cups1 and Satic'-rs, 13 .wis and Pitches, Ewers and Basins, Soup Plates, S refit toons, Coffee Cups, Dishes, &c., &.C. Common CrocKcry n variety of all Goods hi this line. for BOOKS For New-Year's & Christmas GrHltsr For sale by H. HAfRDIBL Odd Fellow's Offering, for lS46,the prettiest Annual of t he season. The Gift for 1816: The following are some of ?Je contribu.ors to this xvork : H. W. LongfclW, Joseph C. Neal, N F Wi..,GiI,nore Simms, Mrs Sigourney, and others of the best writers hi the rjountry. Rose of Sharon, a religious' souvenir for I846 4v Miss J. C. Edgarton. ' 3 Christian's Annual for I84&. A variety of Juvenile A-inunls lor children. Also, Bibles, Prayer Book's, Albums, Miscellane ous hooks with fine bindings suitable for presents. Nov.j29, 1845. 354-tf. Cut Wine Glasses, Tuinb!c:s, Oicar.teis, B ittanniit Castors, Cup Plates. VJT Jll. JL WMWMM J.rm.A.m -' Cash or Produce : 25 hb!s. Pickled Herrinss, No. f. . J" f, MKCre, 2' boxes prime Dairy Cheese, .3 , ' INoZ "' . IY . . . 3 hhds. New Oileafns Sugar, boxes prune smoked No I Herrings, 2 " Porti Rico do. 20 bbls. hack country V hiskey. Crates Crockery put up to ordcf; shitted for I ountry ;5.,f t oor or rjayrnonni. Mrrchanta. F.syetteville, December 6, 1815 gtate of Xorth Carolina --Robeson &fPutys Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Fall Term, 1845. MalcomB Sh nV, AdmJ., vs.SarahShaw, and others. Petflibn fot settlement, &c. It appearing tOthe satisfaclion of iht : Coprt that Peter Sbaw, Hugh Shaw, John Shaw, Nell Shaw, anrf Rhodenc&Siiaw, defendants in sa.tf Petition, , v .t;t f this State, it istherefore order ed bv th.i Court, that publication be made fjr si.xj the North Carolinian, a pap-r; Diihlished in Favetteville, notifying said defendants chase of goods for the back country Mew IFfinDimo The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under the firm of H. W. Beattv c Co., For the transaction of A General Commission Business In the 7tcn of Wilmington, -V. C. Thej- will jjive particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores; the receiv ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pur- Tun o rr cUDscriDers are now re- pC,li?S,at ,he 2,1 tenfe"nt "f M Hooper's Fire rL Building, sbuth side or Hay strett, an entire nous W . 1 . t . ..v. ot staple and r ancy Conitig in part of super blue, black, brown, 'V,p,,vi8:b,e -rren nnd ea?er Cloths; fancv and Fiencli Cassimcres ; Sattiuett. Kentuck v Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, plain and fancv v.lvet, siitin.and French cashmere Vestin"; ditto Stocks, Lravats and Scarfs, merino Shirts, Bosoms, Col ,art an assortment of coat and vest Binding, Cord and Buttons, Canvass and Padding; brown and bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, Linens ; col ! and white Cambric Muslins, grass Linen Cambric, hemstitch and sdk Handkerchie fs; Alpacas, Inibet and injiana Cloth, for Ladies' cloaks; rnusljnand Super FretKh Ca8fiwln Hp. La ns; plain black gios-deSwiss and figured gros-de-nap Silks; r.ch Prints; LisMe Edginy; hohimt wire and blond Q.uillmtf; Piping; Gimps; lulian Sewings; SDOoI Cotton an. I linin Tkro. I . ..! I iwtsteif Silk; cotton and worsted Mitts; superblack and C'.I'd kid Gloves; ditto silk, m -rino, and cot ton ditto: white iitol Ktielr .il.M.I 1 1 .1:... merino Peri in d tto; cashmere, merino Thibet ..-...ier .-nawis; w.,rK noxes; toilet Glasses; shell twist tm k and sideO Super Needles, Pins, Scissors; taffjta and satin bonnet and cap Ribbo is: with a general assoHmerit ofGroeeries, Hardware, Crocke ry, fashionable Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, The allot-O Goods linvi in Hid .. ' XT V . 1 t i - ... in new i orK anu i'iiii:iaeiii)ia, (con sequently at reduced prices) will be sold low for cash, or charged to f Hose .who will pay cash when called on. D. & W. McLAURlN. Dec. 13, 1315. 356-y. FOR SALlV Ch-iscin boxes; Raijjns in whole and half boxeV Sup- rior Fru'iitli Brandy and Port Wine. D. & W. McLAURlN. Dee. 13, 1815. 356 tf. JACKSON JOHNSON HAS just received at his Old Stand (Wagon Yard,) a NE A STOCK OF BR GOOJOS, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries &c., &c., Which will he Bo'd cheap for Cash', or exchanged for cduntry produce, October 4. 1845. 34-tf OIL! 0 Barrel TANNER'S OIL, for sale bv Nov. it, 1345. GEO. McNEILL. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYLE, HAS just received from the ftorth a large and general assortment of Jimong which are Etra superfirfe Clo U and Cassimercs, Me lino Cdssjnieres and Kentucky Jeans, Saitinetts and Tweeds, Beaver and Pilot Cloths, Silk warp arid other Alpaca 5, Muslin d'Lane rtnd Cashmere d'Ecosse, Calicoes and Ginghanisj Domestics, b!eathcd and brown, 3-4 to I ?- 1. Merino, Datniskjand 11 mey-cOuib Shawls; Plaid and Muslin d'Lane do. Silk, cotton, and merino Hose. Silk and wo. .lion Mitt and G'oveSj Ladies' and Gentlcmcnis' Comforts, Pl.tii. and striped Muslin, Rook and Jaconet do. Irish L'nen?, Lawns, and Diapers, 62 cases Boots and Sho s, 40 " Fur Hats, assorted. With many other articles, all of which being pur chased by the package at auction arid private ailej forJCcwi, will be olT-.-red at very reduced prices for i,asii, or on frne to punctual customers. Jan. 10, 1845. TTlE Subscriber, having been appointed under a Decree of the Court of Equity, for the county of Cumberland, at Fall Term, 1845, a Commissioner to sell certain Real h state in the Tdwn of Favette- vine, owned jointly iy muiscil and the h irs at Law of William Nott, dee'd, in pursuance of said decree, villi expose to public sale at the Market House in sale' Town, on Monday the 2Gth day of January, IS lC.at 12 o'clock, fioorJ, tho (olluwinu valuable (teal Estate: Lot corner Ftay add Donaldson Streets, Lot corndr Pfay and Robeson Streets. The property will be sold on a credit of six months. Bonds with approved security will tie re quired. JOHN D. STAR R, Commiss'r. Fayc'ttcviile, De'c. 13, S45. 356-6w. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandy, Holland Gin, American Brandy, 4t boxes No. I Soap. A. M. CAMPBELL. March 15. 1845. 31G-tf INDEMNITY Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITA L.-;$ 105,000. Office in Grand near First Strett, Williams burg, opposite the City of JS'etc Yorlc. Agency Ojjice Well Building, 62 Wall st., JVew York. DIRECTORS : Christian Zabriskie, Ahr'ui T. Boskeri k, Andrew C Benedict, Francis Stcinheil, Frederick W. Favre, S inil H. Clapp, Jeremiah Johnson, Joh.i Legctt, John Skilhnan, Chas. O. H a ndv, Sarnl. Wlllets. L i.nCel R it:hardson, Nicholas Wvckuff. LEMUEL RICHARDSON, Pres't. Asorkw B. Hodges, Sec'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, flew York. THE Williaaisburs Fire Insurance Company, having been incorporated by an act of the Legisla ture of the State of New York, for tlie purposes of Fire Insurance, the Directors ofler to Insuretheir fellow-citizens throughout the United States Agaittst Loss df Damage by Fire, On Buildings, Good and Merchandise, and Per sonal Property generally, assuring t hem that the affairs of the Company, snail he conducti d with such fairness, candor and liberality as they trust will entitle it to publicconfidence ana patronage. The Subscriber, Agent for the above Com pany, will give any further information that may be desired bv those who wish to Insure. JAAIES MARTINE, A cent, Hay Street. Feb. 8, 1845. 311-tf. - -BT-WT ATI 1 T I IV V f 1 WuutiU rej.spcc.tiui ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stand recently occjpieel by E.J. Clark, on Gillepii fStrcct,5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will manufacture and ken con stantly on h ind an assortment of TIIN AINJJ SHEET IRON VARE. feraohs Wishing to purchase would o well tn call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as lie is determined to sellas cheap as any oiner manufacturer in tne state BAKERS of an entirely new paiiern. ROOFING done in the his test style, and best manner. Also GUT I t RING. Aug. 17. 1 844. 261-v. CMEAJP & NEW HAT, CAP, AND SHOE A wro'i and team ol live. hurst tn a.dy for t-n til ing on toe usual terms . or lor sa'e .ch-ap. . AL-o, f. second hand Suikey, a lashloh'able article netrly new for sale low or hi.e, apply to THOMAS J. Jtfl.VS. Oct. 25 1845, 349-5m? removalT Jas. B. mcCA.lIsUmr iaii.'jh; Has rcnioved his) 1-lal.li-hineMil liomhis lUc latid, It ihe lnre next lor west ii" ihe C.'ifc I't sir Hank, lecenily '.c rupictl by Mr, Writ. L AiuKrju.fi': He wil! wiinatit his wcik to lv t qiuil to nny in the place, nud charges ue 34-tf Hioderatp. Nov. 22, 1845. FOR SALEV A comfortable Dwelling, wuh out-houses, not iar from the market. Apply-at this Office. Dec. 20,il81&: j - - - . - . i of the rilins of this petit ion,ane roquirmg tin ur,u appear at" tlie next, Court of Pleaif and cuarier Sessions, to be held for the ; county of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumbertori, on the 4th Mon day in February next, then and firere answer, plead or demur to said Petition, or the same will be t3ken pro confesso, or ordered to be heard exparte as to th'rn. Witness, Shadrach Howell, clerk of said Court at Office in Lumb rton, the fourth Monday of Nov., A. D., 1815, and ot American Independence, the 70th year.' S'D'H. HOW ELL, Clerk. , Dec 20, 1846. 357-: peradv. S3 25.- Thfef would respectfully solicit a"p6ttijFrj'or' pub lic patrbKage, and pledge, fheii best exertions to giva satisfaction. tf.W. BEAT TY, J15HN C. LATTA, July 13, 1845. 334-tf- MALLEABLE IRON, SUCH as Carriage Makers use. A good as sortment always on hand, and for sale at cue cent per pound advance on the .Manufacturers' prices by K W. PRIOR. October 25, 1845.- 349-tf. J. W. BAKER IS not; receiving hfs large ami ge'neral assortment of 0HAIRS, front fine Hair Seat Mahogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himclf for cash at fh'e manufactories ct Philadel phia, New York, and Bocton',' w hich will be sold as low. proba bly lower, than any in the market. Also, a gerf tral assortment of Ji33'JldXl& J133-33 rich Mahcany frames ; an assortment of Phila delphia made Curled Ha.r MATTRESSES, with a lare assortment of Cabinet Furniture, Of his Sw"n rriantifacture, comprising all the arti, cles usually Kept ira Furniture Ware Room, viz : Sideboards, BiiTCJirs, Secretary and E'ooJt Cases, Tables', Wardrobes, spring seat and plain Sofas Divans, Arm Rocking Cbaifa, French and Pout Mahogany Bedsteads, rftVlerfand bird-eve Maple do., paTent w'iri'dia.ss Ded'sieirds, &c. Giv.y all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for CASH, or on lime to punctual customers. Sept. 27, 1315. 311-tf. GILLESPIE & ROBESON Continue the X.33STvS3T business, a nd will make liberal dan-eon consignments of Lumber, Naval Stores, &c., Sec. Wilmington, Sept. 20, 1845. 343-m. STATIOXERt, BI ri5G, &.C. R. W. HAKD1E New Books, and St ttionery, together with an en tire new Book binding apparatus. He has opened a store next door to the Post Of fice, v here he will be lad to supp'y his friends and customers. , : October 4, 1945." I45-y Ck n " Call and ttf, befoire ybu biiy) THE Subscriber has taken the Store next door above the Store of Messrs B. Rose & Son, where he is now opening a well selected Stock of the above aiticles, (Philadelphia and New York man ufactory,) and will sell " Cheat" for Cai-hor on Time. Gentlemen's fashionable Beaver Hats. medium brim d " " fashionable Bussi. " medium brim do " " hr..ad do do 14 la-drblc Mole Skin do Angola " Men and Boy's round crown drab and fdne Babbit Fur Hatp. Men and Bots' da vt liitc and black Woo! Hntefi The assortment embraces vanoos KWhI i.t Hea ver, Russia, Fur, Silk, and Won! Hals, made by the best of workmen, and will be warranted j, necessary. .4 iSO A general assortment of Fur, C loth. Seal, Sea lette, aiul Glazed Caps, for Alen, Youths, Boys, arid Children. "Very low." Together with a "eneral assortment of .Men's. Woman's, Youth's, Bov's, Mise, and Children':- SOOTS. & .SS3SS Which will be found of good qualify and si..s at reduced prices." WAN T ED" 1000 worth of Ot- er, Mink, Coon, Rabbit, Fox, Musk Bat' and D-.er Skins, for wh eh a "liberal" pried will be given. A. J. ER AM BERT October 1 I, 1845. 316-6m. LIFE INSURANCE.- CAPITAL $2,500,000. The Insured efrtitled to participation of Profits in both European ami American policies. N AT f 0 N A t. tO A N FUN WU F F. AS SURANCE SOCFET1T. LONDON. U. S. BOARD OF LOCAL DIKECTORS. (Office 74 Wai.i. Street.) Vetr York. Jacob Harvev, Esii.Ch'n. George Barclay, Esq. L John L. Palmer, Esq. .Saml. S. Howlancl, l.sq. Jonathan Goodhu-. Ksq. Uurtiam a. n orm, c.sq. James Doorman, Esq. Samuel M. Fox, Esq. Philadelphia. Clement C. BuhHe. Esq. Louis AGndey, Esq. Sears'C. Walk i. E--q. Geo. Bex Graham, Esq. J.LEANDEPSTAP.R, Mjiria'crer.and General A "en t for the IJni'ed Stales and British N. A. Colonies. . , ?XJ- The Suhs-riber. havit been appoint ed Ajenls for thisCompanv in fhf Town ol Fay etteville, are prepared o effec t Lji"e Instnant e, and to furnish all desired information ond explanations on the subject. , STARK & PEA ITCE. A ?e nts Fayetteville, Nov. 22, IS!?.' 353 tf. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as unde taker and builder, lo the citizen or others, dispocd to contract fur buildirg orjobbirg. Terrng liberal. TO LUMBER MEN. Tltt-". SiiIwi rll..rw u!lnpS-l H flia vt rv successful operation o'f HOTCHKISS'S VERTI CAL WATER WHEELS, at Archibald Gra ham's iv j 1 1 1 in rayettcvilic, in May and juneian, were induced to purchase the Ri"ht for the entire Slate of North Carolina, and now offer individual Right." for sale on very reasonab'e lerius. They have now on hand 4f. vei.t e n full site ol Wheels, an! have made arrangements to keep a constant sup ply. Besides beinff ncm rally adopted in 1 lie Noilhern States, there are already twelve saws in 9ticcCflil operation in this State, and eight others in process ol erection. The astonishing poer and fpccei o. these W heels have been witnessed by hundieds of citizens of this State, with universal appprohation. And we desire all w ho may feel r.n interest intt c subject to examine the Milla ef. Arch'd Gruhant, Col. Alex'r Murchison. Christopher Mwnroe, Alex'r Williams, Arch'd McLaiirm. J . McUamel, J our. Cade, Mrs. Effy McFadyen, imhis County ; Col. John C. McLaunn, in Richmond County; J nos. C. Smith in Bladen County ; and Hardy RoyaH in 5ampson County; to each of whom M-e heler for information as to the raHical operation ol these Wbeels. - , ' Persons who apply soon for Rights can havo them put tip by workmen who have been instruct ed hy Mr Uotchkis himself. T he Proprietors of the right of tins V lieel in tlie -State of North CafolinrV, have receive d the follow ing certificate: . - . Fayetteville, Fcb'y 3, 1345, . We, the Subscribers, residing in the County of Cumberland and aftate of North Carolina, having been engaged in the manufacture ol Lumber for ma ny years, feel Inlly warranted in stating, that Hotch kiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage ofolT mill owners, and that we have fiiff confidence in iheir superiority ; '.at the value of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They arc more durable, and easier kept in order wlitr properly put togeth r than the common Flutter Wheel: they wnl save at least one-third of the water, and run w J J in bask water w hen there in a head above. The pt ed of Uio Sa w is increased liom one-ha.'f to double the strokes per minulc. alex. Williams,' DUNCAN M UN It OF, CHRIS TOI'IIER M UN ROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C. P. MALLETT. ABC HI BALD Gli AH A Ai JOHN McDAMEL. ALEX'R MUJICIJISON. ARCH'D McLEf AN. DAN'L McDIARMlD, ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.)' JOHN C. McLAURlN, (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMITH, (B.'adcn Counly.) , They have also received a certificate from Ctf, Alexander Mnrchfsoi,( ( which will be published hereafter a inoiig others in handbill form,) in which bespeaks of" I Li - as "the ureatest improve merit made on Saw Mills in my fhisj rime ;" says that his Saw will cut 51100 feet in a dav: it actm.llv cut on the day before ho w rote, 4C83 feel of 1 inch' auartcr Boards; makes 210 strokes in a rrnn.ute: that one half of the water is saved; ond conclude hyrccoinmcndiiig itssdoptir.n to M ill owners. Other certificates, which ha ve been promise d.9 will he publishi d hcreaftt rt ARCHIBALD McLAUCIJLIN. DUiXCAN M.NEILL, A LFRF.D A . cK ETH A N . Favetteville, March 15, 1845. 3lC-tf. NEW CARRIAGE RIEPOSIITI'ORY,, THE i'ohsciil.ers lake this mctin d ,,f informin the public, that thev l ave eori-.iin nc i it the. Carriage Jljanufacturijig PtHfine$s. And intend lo carry it on in all its various branches tay Coaches, Coachees, Chariolees Barouches. Buggies, Gigs and Sufkeys. Ot the most modern and apcroved style. Wi:b: several ears' experience bv one of the Principals, " .-.- r. i.ajiiuaciorics in the Nmthcrn Mates, they feid no hesitation Tr. satwi", that nc th ing shall be wanting to make their Work ei4nB 16' any put up here or elsewhere. They hope that by nremittedattcniion to business, to merit a ncr ous share n public patronage. They assuT'e the" public that no pains h.fv or wi1 5e spared to pro ct;re ihe best materials the surrounding country af fords. They hav- completed and in progress of completion, several Vehicles of the latest fashion ' -which thev nCT.-r nt ....... - ... ,.mn, won me present pressure of the time. hT All Work warranted for twelve months Their Establishment isat Ihe foot of the hill opJ" posite Liberty Point. ' 1 SIMPSON & McLAUCNLlN. FavetteviJle, Dec. 27, 1845. 3S18-V REPAIRING done t ihe shot iWt not ice , n the heatest manner' a'rid; at the lowest p'rice; '