glff tEfarrftlj IIIs M tux "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INIIITIDirALS; AND THE Ct.ORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMOX FROrCRTT OF ITS CITIZENS." BY WM II BAYNE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1846. I Volume 7 r,iilc i 57 O am i T.1HM3 OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN Per .tnntun, if paid in advance, 92 00 if not paid in advance, - 50 if paid at t lie end of six months 3 00 at tlie end of the year 3 50 Kates of Ad vertlslng : Si ty cents per qi irt- f r the first, and thirty cents for ech subsequent insertion. A fvfsrtising Hy tli : ye.r v i 1 1 He charged according toth quantity of matter inserted. Court n lverti-te. n vts, 6s.c, 35 percent higher. NEW CONFECTIONARY, FKUIT, AND TOY STORE. TIPS Xobscrib'T ha taken the New Brick Sfor on the n irtli sid.i of Hiy street, : few doors ii'iove the Market llsus , where h is now open ing a I. aortmnt of GOODS in the ,ilove line, j consisting I pan ui iv iouuh ui nrutio ; j Fruit. 1 Al-n n l. V I'terts, M .tl.:ira, fir. til it Pecan Nuts, Prnn-s. Currants. Canton and Havana Preserve-, Ci'ri'i, &c. Arranem-nts are made for fresh sup phes ot Oran -a. Len un. Applet, Coio Nuts,Stf. SPICES. Mace, Nutnv-g-. Cloves. Cai i in mats. Ground Cas-ii. Ground Pepper, Alspic-, Muntard an I fi.O iMl Ginger. PICKLES A.YO SAUCES. P.-pp -r Saic , Tomato Catsup. Olives, Sardines, and assorted Pickles. CRACKERS. Boston. Butter and Water Cracker?, Siri and Lemon Biscuit. Pilot Bread. PERFUMERY. C l!'if. Lavender and and Hose W.i'tr, Biy H i n, Betrs', Antique and Mactssar Oils, Ver ben i Crea-n, Ex'nctf, S-tipx of every variety. WILLOW IV A RE. Wu i; Cradle-. Chair, aotl B.ifkets. SUNDRIES. P .vviler. -d, Cms'ieil, Loal and Brown Sugars, C-lT;e, .Vi.Oiio tolaie. Macaroni, Vermicelli, Co ,; .:, Starch, Indigo, Camphor, Lemon S)-rnp, Ma .leir.i aod Wines, Champagne, Scotch :iud Maccobov SnufT. choice Chewir.g To hicr.o. Regalia, Principe and ' lavanaCigars, Sweet 'il, Sj.:rm Caviled, H-trrin.;. Brooms, YVhisks, Flutes, Vio'ins, Accordion. &.C. kc. A -r-at variety . -J)3 iViTO ??ia,33OTr vl !) t suitable fur Pru eots, to nuuaroos to meotioo. A'so, Every variety of CNDlES,at Wholesale and P. .tai'. CaM and take a look. W. PR'OR. OrtoS-r 23. IStS. 3 4 9-1 f. M. CAMPBELL, I Living; lieeu appoiutca AUCTIONEER F' .r the tnv:i of K.iyett.-ville, is prepared to attend i- v'l sale ot any goods which may be entrnstd to C siu intents from abroad will be promptly at I n.Kel lo. April 10, IS15 321-y. Gardner t McSethan, 11 A VE I st tly made considerable improvement in their sy.- .t Work ,and have now on hand GcN EltAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of C.irri;ij;c3. Barouclics, Buggies, Cii;s, Sulkeys, Waggons, &c. Wnic-h t tr eleancM ot' shape an. I finish, and dura bility, will .:..m i.irc with any matte ii the U State?.. i' r-oiii wi-iliin-r to bu v, would do well to call an. I ei t'tii te our w rk, as we have determi ;n d to c I L J .V for Ca-li. or approved notes. 1 1 tvnt i o our emp'.oy firt rate Smihs, we are prejxr-d i. do any Iron work in the above line on mod -rate term. We warra it all .lr work to be of good and faith iil work to . nsh.o .,rtd in;, f.,r one year. t-J R --PAllUNG r.tiihli.l y cteculcd at short ini'itt', and on re;ton ild i.imi.. Favc't v !l.-. Fehroary S. I IB. y. For .Vew-Ycar's&Cliristmas Gilts For sale hy Old t-'o low's Olfjiing, ( ItflO, ill: prettiest A iM'i.-tl nt" she st a-on. Tie Git; for Th-s following are some ot t h ; co Urititi or to this work : H. W. elb.w, J . ph C Neal, N P Wi I s, G lnore Sim-ns, Mrf Si 'ou.ney, and others of the best writers hi the t-ivi'ltry. II : tif S'i iro-i, a religious souvonir for IS4C, Uy Misj .1. J. E too. Cli. i -i.'iao' A inuil for 1S46. A v.tri y J i v'e-iil A inu ! for children. A s t, l3.d.-,P,-.iver B .ok", Alho .), M:sc I an--u i 1 1 k- m i'h i i; inn Ji is suitable for prtuents. Nov. iJ, is 15. 34-tt. BAR SOAP. IE ?ii!.i.-iii..-p ..(Tttrs f.r sale ONE HUN- T DilE' B JXES OF BAR SOA P. manufac tured at the "Fayetteville (N.C.) Candle Factory," ami w.irranted equal if not superior to Colgate's be-t No I. Bei i deteruiined to d.;vote all necessary atten tion tothe business, and oti rins il at a reduced priee, (5 cents a pound bv the box,) he hopes to receive a due sliare of public patronage. ;C7 All orders thankfully reeeived'a d prompt ly attended to. W.McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, May 24,844 GARDEN SEEDS, Warranted of the growth of 1845, for sale by weight or paper by S. J. HINSDALE. Feb'y '23, 1846. i:ticurse J Home Manufacture THE subscriber offers his sevjees tothe eiti tftiu of Fayett ville, as Carpenter and Contractor, and hopes by prompt attention to business to share a part of tho public patronage. i W. ROSE. July 19, 1843. 335-ti. FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. THE Subscriber, bavin? taken that large and commodious brick building, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he is prepared to ac commodate TRAVELLERS and .thers tn the best manner; the building having been thorough ly repaired and properly furnished for that pur pose. The Northern and Southern Stages stop st this House. Connected with the Hotel, and a few yards dis tant, are extensive Stables, which will be attended bv careful and experienced Ostlers. WM. W. BRIGGS. Fayetteville, Nov. I, 1845. 350-tf. Mew IFfiFiUKDo The subscribers have entered into a Copartner shin, under the firm of H. TIT. Beattv & Co., Fur the tratisactieu ot A General Commission Business In lite, 'luxcn of Wilmington, .V. C. They will a'wc particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores; the receiv ing and forwarding goods, and the sale and pur chase of no!s for the bark country. They would respectfully solicit a portion of pub lie patronage, and pledge their best exertions to eiva satisfaction. H W BEAT TV, JOHN C LATTA, July 19, 1315. 3 34 -It. MALLEABLE IRON, SUCH as Carriage Maker- use. A good as sortment always on hand, and for sale at one cent per pound advance on the Manufacturers' prices by W. PRIOR. October 25, 1845. 349-lf. HOTCHKISS' Vertical Water Wliccl. THE Subscribers bavin; witnessed the success ful operation of these wheels, were induced to pur cbax - the risht of using them in the state of North Carolina; and they now oiler for sale individual rights, at FIFTY dollars, or rights for a whole county, on reasonable terms. Desi l- s being generally adopted in the Northern States, these wheels arc c ming into general uie io ih . southern States. We have sold about 100 Rihts, 30 f which are in successful operation in Ciimherland county. These wheel are more duraMe, and more'ly kept i i order when properly put together than the flutter wheel. They will save one-third of the water, and ruu Well in back water, when th-re is a head above. The speed of the saw is increased to more than double the strokes per minute. We reler, am- ng l hers, to the following gentle men. some of whom have had the wheels in opera tion 12 m-tnths or more; and from many of t'tein, and .the s, we have received certiricats expressing their hiffh approbation of the superior advantages of thcseTover the flutter wherl, and statin; that their saws will cut 250, 3000. 3500, and even as high us 51 00 feet per day, and save one-third of the water. Fatcttkvillc. A Graham. CuMBCRLiND. fol Alex. Mmchison, Chrito her Munroe, Alex William , Col A S McNtill, Farquhard Smith, John McDanitI John Evans, J W Howell. Bladem - Lenoir. Thomas Rouse, J La-siter. Jon r.. James McDanit I. Cravkm. John Bryant Columbos. Lot Williamson. Robeson. W C McNeill. Richmond John C. MeLaurin, L . Fairley. Assos. J R Reid, Millwright. A Bauchum. Caswki.l. J T Dodson, Millwright Chatham. Cole & Brantl v, Smith & Pullen, N Cleg-. Wake. S Beasly, Johnston. Jesse T Lrach. Gen Jaiueai J Altlvay, Hubert Me'vin, S N Riehardsion, Thorn.-s C. Smith, I"anc Wright, John Smith. Samps om. G T Barks.lab-. Patriek Murphy, John II. Spearnrin, Koal. New HAN'ovrn. James .Murphy, Charles Henry. Onslow. Robett A man. GrtEF.N r.. Thomas Hooker. Gcilford. Dr Faulks. in differerit parts B sMcs niiinj others of t!e Stat.-. With such a deservedly hivh thiractrr. the Sub scribers feci justified i w.tT. rin these Wheels to Hie p.ililie, tn. y Mi keep on hand a nupply of h--els adopted to hih tir low heads t Fayetteville Wi'miugton, Newh rn atid Washington. And M r Janvs T. Do Ison, of Caswell, has ih m for sale. V e eatitioii all pe: sons throu -.h the State a a i ntt payieu aay p rsoo but ourselves, or our authorized agents, tor the riiht of usin-f these wheels. N O T IC E T ) - i L I. W 1 1 IG H VS. I f y o u w i.-b employment, ac.nlaj,,t yourselves with putting in th. se Whet N, as we now wish to einolov at least I(i0 in this huin. s in d tTerent parts .f the State. DUNCAN McNEILL. ARCH-D McLAUCHLIN. A A McKETHAN. Fayetteville. January 3 g46 363-tf TO EDI rORS-. Any E ti.or of a newspaper in North Carolina who will publish the above lor one year, an i send tne paper, shall b entitled to one iudivi-.ual right, to dispose of as he may plense. 1 A MTU A RT "A received in 11. Jm Ol lillll part his Stoek of F VL.L and WINTER GOODS, consistins- .f 1 rv Goods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, ! AT ! ishoes, etc., &c. J J Diipuvfc A Seinelltf's French Brandv, (choice hi inds,) Saddles otall descript'mns, from 33 to ?2a, at d also daily expected. Groceries, Hardware, C i.lery, Drugs, Window Glass, &c. &c. all of w iieh he will be "!ad to exchange for CASH or C untry Produce. Sept. 2 1345. Give me a call. 34 3 v. KEGS White Lead, in Oil for ale bv JiNO. D. WILLIAMS. January 3. 1SI6. SaSMf O TONS Waeon Boxes and H.w War " a supeiinf Article, for sale one-third lea than former pVice, iy J. D. WILLIAMS January 3, lMt 359-tf VERV CHEAP FOR CASH, mt Northern-M.ide Bugj-ieii and 3 sets of HARNESS complete; all of superior work manship, and of in m.-st approved modern stle. BEVERLY ROSE It SON Janusrv !0, 1816. THE Subscribers are now re ceiving, at the 2d tetirment of Mrs Hooper's Fire Proof Building, south side of Hay strett, an entire new atock ot Maple and r ancy Consisting in part el super blue, black, brown, drab, invisible reen and beaver Cloths ; fancy and Ficnch Cassimeres ; Sattiuettc, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, plain and fancy velvet, satin, and French cashmere Vestings; ditto Stocks, Cravats and Scarfs, merino Shirts. Bosoms. Col lira n - caArf monl f skk t skewl r m. Xil m. ,1 1 " I jf ana uuuons, uanva?- anu iraaoin j ; Drown ana bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, Linens ; tol'd and white Cambric Muslins, grass Linen Cambric, hemstitch and silk Handkerchief!; Alpacas, Thibet and Indiana Cloth, for Ladies' cloaks; muslin'aml super French cashmere-dcLanc-s; plain j n. 1 "T m II. macK g.o.-.-ae-wiss ana ngured ?ros-de-nap Silks; nch Prints; Lis c E.lgmg; hobma wire and blond Quiding; Pipin"; Gimps; Italian Sewings; spoo cotton and linen Thread, assorted colors; twiiitnl SiMc i-nt nil anil WAnlwl "L itta. Klvoli and cd'd kid Gloves; ditto silk, merino, and cot ... . ""f " ton ditto; white and black and ribb'd Hose; ditto merino Persian ditto; cashmere, merino, Thibet and other Shawls; work boxes; toilet Glasses; shell twist tuck and sideCombs; jt shawl and hair Pins; super Needles, Pins, Scissors; tnff-ta and satin bonnet and cap Ribbons: with a eeneral assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Crocke- I i i l ri r r j ry, fashionable Hats, Caps, Boots, j and Jbhoes. The above Goods, having been purchased late j in the season in New York and Philadelohia. teon- t . 1 1 . . rMt .. ..:n i i t i r... ..ijiiviui. a, icuuvcu piiccs; win uc iuiu tr cash, or charged to those who will pay cash when called on. D. & VV. McLAURlN. Dec. 13, 1845. 356 -y. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYJL.E, HAS Just received from the' North a large and general assortment of Among which are Ex'ra superfine Clo h and Cassnneres, Merino Cassimeres and Keatucky Jeans, Sattinetts and Tweeds, Beaver and Pi'ot Cloths, Silk warp and other Alpacas, Muslin d'Lane and Cashmere d'Ecosse, Calicoes and Ginghams, Domestics, bleached and brown, 34 to 1 24, Merino, Damask, and Honey-comb Shawls Plaid and Muslin d'Lane do. Silk, cotton, and merino Hose, Silk and woollen Mitts and G ovra. Ladies and Gentlemens Comforts, l'lain and st-pe! Muslin. Bonk and Jaconet do. Irish Linens, Lawns, and Diape.s, 62 cases Boots and Shoes, 40 Fur Hats, assorted. With many other articles, all of which being pur chased by the package .it auction and private aale, forCaA, will be off .-red at very reduced prices for Cash, or on t'inc to punctual customers. Jan. 10, 1815. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his scr- vines as untie iin,rr anu uuimrr, tv tiit? .-tiz"ii ui others, disposed to contract for building or jobbing. Terms liberal. GILLESPIE & ROBESON Continue the dJQJXTvS "3! business, and will make liberal advances on consignments of Lumber, Naval Stores, &c., &e. Wilmington. Sept. 20, 1845. 343-6m. LIFE INSURANCE. CAPITAL. $2,500,000. The Insured entitled to participation of Profits in both European and American policies. NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE AS SURANCE SOCIETY. LONDON. U. S. BOARD OF LOCAL DIRECTORS. (Office 74 Wall Street.) JYVw Yurie. Jacob Harvey, Esq.Ch'n. George Barclay, Esq. John L. Palmer, Esq. Saml.S Howlaud, Esq. Jonathan Goodhue. Esq. Gotham A. Wor'h, Esq. James Doorman, Esq. Samuel M. Fox, Efq. Philadelphia. Clement C Riddle. Esq. Louis AJ Godey, Esq. Sears C. Walker, Esq. Geo. Rex Graham, Esq. J. LEANDER STARR, Manager and General Asr-nt for the United States and British N. A. Colonies. CO The? Suhsr libera, having been appoint ed Agents for th;s Company in the Town ol Fay etteville, are jnepared eflect Life Insurance, and to furnish all desired information and explanations on the subject. STARK & PEARCE, Agents Fayttevjlle, Nov. 22, 1845. 353-1 f. ODU FELLOWS1 ?312lLS SCHOOL. THIS Institution i now opened nnd -r the superm tendance of Mrs Julia M. Billups, a Lady favora bly known to the puS'14 for her attainments and qualifications as a ri:er and disctplinatian i'he plan adopted by thisl nsfitution is su h as has received the approbation of the best Scholars in Europe, and so far as it is known in this Country, has been entirelv snecesslu'. The price of Tuition is 3 per quarter, and 25 cents adrfiti-tnal for contingencies payable in ad vance. All th- Books used in the School are fur nished free of charge. Application for admission must be made to Jas. G. Cook. A. A. T. SMITH, JOHN McRAK. WARREN WINSLOW, J. M.STEADMAN, J G. COOK, Committee.. Fayetteville. Jan. 10. 1846. 360 if. FOR SALE. I WISH tesel! my land Iving on Big Roekfish, being alHviit 000 acres of frood turpentine land, with a good stream for carrin? It to market, navi gable at a ny time while there is wat r eroii:h for boats to run be tween Fayetteville and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 1. 1845. 333-tf. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL persons, vv itlu nt distinction, w ho are indebt ed to me, are hereby requested to s-ti!e th4 jr ac counts ai ear! v a possible ; ami th-y are herebv noti6ei that such s ttleinent must be made, by cash or note, by the 1st of May nex, as further indul gence cannot be given. MALCOLM B. GILL1?. March 7, 1845. I.N D E M N I T Y Against loss or damage by Fire. THE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITA $ 105,000. Office m (J rand near Fiii Streelt tVilliam$ burg, opposite the City of.Yete York. Jgency Office, IVelh Building, 62 Wall at., JTeu York. DIRECTORS : 1 I ... rw t Abr'm T.Coskorck, Andrew (J. Benedict Frederick W. Favre Je remiah Johnson ' John Skillman ' Saml. Willet.' ptichoJas Wvckoff. i Francis Steinheii, Si ml H. Clapp, Job. i Leo gelt , Ch9. O. Handy, Lo.nccl Richardson, LEMUEL RICFIARDSON. Pres't. Asdrkw B. Hobges, Sec'ry. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, New York, THE Williamsburg Fire Insuranre Company, : i . ? . . I - ' navins oeen incorporated bv an act otthe Levis a lure of the State of New York, for the purposes of Fire Insurance, the Directors offer to Insure their fellow-citizens throughout the United States Against Loss or Damage by Fire, On Buildings, Good and Merchandise, and Per sonal Property generally, assuring tbem that the affairs ol the Company, shall be conducted with sucn tairncss, canonr and liberality as they trust sucn tairness, cannor and liberality as they t win entitle it to puhifccnnfidence ana patronu The S'ibriler, Agent for the above Com pany, will give any further information that may oe uesirea nv inose w no wish io insure. JAMES MAR TINE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 3, 1845. 31 1-tf. Wuuiiu respectiui ly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally, that he has taken the stnnd recently occjpied by E.J. Clark, on Gillespie Slreet,5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will inanulacttire and ke.-n enn. startly on hand an assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing to purchase would o well to call and examine his stock before purchasing else where, as heis determined to sellas cheap as any other manufacturer in the State. BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. K.jJMNtjr done in the fastest style, and best manner. Aug. 17, 1344. 6l-y. FOR SALE, Chirac iii boxe-s; Raisins in whole and half boxes Superior French Brandy and Poit Wioe. u c W. AltLAURirS. Dec. 13, 1845. 356-tf. FIFTY DOLLARS TTT TT71 TTr f "l-Trs. T-f-tv jJXi LBj VV i.UuJULP Runaway on the morning of the 24th inst . mv negro man JAMES, commonly called James Bow man, Jr., hy trade u Cabinet JVluker. Said fellow is a very dark mulatto, 23 5ears of age, about 5 teet S inches high, very likely, sloiit and well made, with a si ifT beard. No particular mark re collected, xcept that one of the fingers of his left hand has recent!" been very sore, and a verv pecu liar exniession of his eyes. He has a blue'Broad cloth Frock Coat, with fine buttons ; blue sattinet pants, and figured Marseilles vest ; a grey stlincl coat, with pockets outside, and metal button.; a brown Canil.-l Cloak with green lining j a black fur Hat, .md many other old clothes. I will give a reward of 2 5 to any person appre hending and securing said fellow, if taken up in this State, and fJ30 if taken up and secured any where without the State. Said fel ov is verv cunning and plausible, can read and write, and may have provided himself with a forged pass or ,ree papers. J HN VV. BAKER. Fayetteville, Feb. 28, 1846. -367. REMOVAL. D. BZcO.I.Z.I7BZ, iAILOU, ' Jas. Mas removed his Es tablishment from his laic stand, to the store next door wet of the Gnpe Fesir Bank, recently oe rtipied by Mr Wrn. J. Anderson. He vv ill wwrrant bii woik io be equal to any in the HTu lace, and charges as modem te. Nov. 22, 1845. 34-tf State of North Carolina Moore county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Setsions Jan. Term. 1S46. I Archibald Ray and others, r,Mf:,;r, I . of slaves James J. snd Saml . iv ay. y Same vs. Same, Petition for partition of lauds. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, J.raei J Ray and Samuel Ray, arc not inhabitants of this State; it is therefore or dered by lb'.-C turt, that publication be made io the v,.rtl. Carolinian lor six weeks for said defendants to appear at the next term of Court of P!as ,.,d Q-uarter Sessions, to be he'd lor the county i f !o-re, "t the Court I loose in Carihage. on the 4th Monday of April nest, and plead, answer, or dem ir to said petition. o:henvis- the petitions shuil ba taken pro conf.-sso and heard t xparte. Witness, Alexaod- r C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court at, the Uh Monday i -i January, A. 1. (846. A. C. CURRY.C.C. C. March 7, 1840. 363 Ct-pd. ROOTS & SHOES. THE fubscriber returns thaoks to bis patrons and customers for the Ut.erul encouragement he has received, and sol. cits a continuance of their Utt: Hi sb-.p is t the old stand on Person sfr.- r, .h'rcctlv opposite Geo McNeill's Store, where be is r. rared to make to order or repair fine and coarse BOOT and SHOES. b 'ih for g-mlemeo ami ladie-, I" the roost approved and modem styles, fie assures so. b as will fivor him with their cus tom that he will warrant bis work to be done in the bes' manner, of ibe best mat- rials, and by the b. st workmen. He feels conS lent thai any woik ut ol hi hands cann. t be surpass.-d by !jn y !oie hre or cl.-ewhere ; and he hopes be api.!it;ation to business and a studious effort to nlease, to continue to receive a fair share f public jLom-e. MALCOM FAULK. Favettevillc, Feb 14, 1S1G 365 tfr IFire Proof Koofs. THE undersigned is rendy to conir. c 1 1 -r the cov ering of roufs of buil linos uith tin, topper, i.r zinc, and n il! execute promptly any work be may contract for, and for small profits. June 21, 1845. 33a-tf. F. T. WARD. Just Received on Consignment, French Brandv, Holland Gin," American Brandy, 40 boxes No. 1 Soap. A.M.CA.MrUELL. March 15. 1845. 316-tf J. W. BAKEK IS now re- i-ing his -large and general ssoftin-nt of CHAIRS, from fine Hair fceat Muhogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himself for rafrh ai the inannf.K torie nl Phitadtl phia. New York, and boston. which will be sold ns low, ptol-n-than anv in the n:aikt. Also, a gen bly ower. eral assortment ot (&2&.3Sl.3 rirh Alahoganv frames ; an assortment .l I'lnla delohia mane Cnrled Ha r MATTRESSES, with a lursc assortment of Cabinet Furniture, Of bis own manufarture, comprising all ll.e arti, cles usually kept in a Furniture Ware Room, viz , Sideboards, Bureaus, Secretary and Book Case?. Tables, Wardrobes, sprinjr seat and plain Sofas Divans, Arm Rocktn Chairs, French and Post Mahojany Bedsteads, curled and bird-ee Maple do., patent windlass Bedsteads. &c. &c., all cf which will be sold on the most reasonable term forCASH, or on time to punctual customers. Sept. 27, 1345. 344-tt. STATIONERY- BlNDING.&c. R. W. HARDIE hJ:v;z New Books, and St ttionery, together with an en tire new Book binding apparatus. He has opened a store next door to ibe Po.-I OT fice, w here lie v ill be lad to supply his friends sud customers. October 4, 1845. 145-y BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! The subscribers having determined to bring their business to a close I y the first of April, do now of fer their entire stock of And (Groceries at reduced prices, for cash cr exchange foi produi e. The Groceries consist in par: vf 5 Hhds. Sugar, 25 Bgs Rio Coffee, 10 Tons Iron, 2. RDls. Wiiui.ey, SOU Sacks Suit, Together with many other articles w bich it is neod less'to mention. Call and see tor y.-urs Ives. COOK & HOEGES. Jan. 17, 184C. 361 -tf. THE Subscriber has received, in addition to his former Slot k, a variety of low pru id Calicoes, Kentucky Jeans, Satti nets, Ladies colM Kid Gloves, cord and black Kid Slippers and Buskins. For sale very low. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. January 3, 1846. 359-tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING 31TT T. D. Atkinson Respectfully informs his fricnt's a.nd tuMouifTf, &. the iihlie genera'Iy, that he has returneJ to F.iy rtteviile and rc-romnn-n-cetl the Tailoring Busi ii. 8 in the house formerly occupied by Mr Ni ill Mc Piierson, on Green stre t. From past expenenee, he flatters himself that he can cjve entire satif fai tion to all wh may lavor turn with thrir patronage. All work done by birn is vvarranted to fit well ant! of the best workmanship. Prices reduced to suit the hardness of the times. Prict s thus : for plain cloth coals 6, for medium 7, best made coals 57 50 ; pr.nts and vest SI .r. Bv reducing the pricS, CASH wdl be required in Please," T. D. ATKINSON. Feb'y 2, 1846. 4GG-3m. KEMOVA1L. THE Subscriber has remove, lto his OLD STAND in the fire-proof Building, Corner nf Gicen St. r. "d Market Square, where he will be glad to f.e- his old friends and customers, and anv who will favor him with a call. H LEETE. January 31, 1846 363-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. F not previously !ipsrd rf at private sale, will be so'd on the lrih lny of March next, :.t j pub j rrr,, lie Autti-n, without res. rve, the following prnperV : - One thrt e story Buck House. U teet tront, a- joining H. Mitchell, north s'ule Hay street. One three storv P.rirk House. 20 L et Iron', ti.e r.l n A Rav. The vacant Lot orn-r f Hay and Window streets. Also, the store now occupied by Co- k Hotl-frs. ; The Brick Il..uc now- t.ciopi ! I-y UmH '' . in which are lo ir lenem. i ts of 2 I- t !ront,cae.i. tv - r . f.iritit-i One House ai d If t on M.T.oen uai.t, - residence o' Dtinca r. McCall. Periu.ns wi-hing to porehnse w ill co we.l U. ex- am ne the property. .... gSkoN. BENJ'N RUSH. Feb 7, !84G. 264,s 'sfialQ mi v. lix Bell. late of Saniu-on eotinl v. N C. has departed this life, and Letters of Adminis tration have been "ranted to the subscriber, this is therefore tosive r...u e to t U- next of kin and dis trihntees of said eslate, that the snbscriber is now ready to close the same, and pay to tliosc entitled, their share of said estate. JOSIAH W ATKINS, Adm'n. Deo. tO. l4 358-6m. TIII2 Sl'RI laving ?oiU tie ho' and lot l.r-e ho l.,s-lafe lime i-s-t tsiifita school, her. 1 y g' s polite li ct b t . ects t lot' his conrtct Ln v. ith the school rn lie IF'h l AJnrch. Thes ioo h-tevrr. will be cn., lima -1 under the joir5! cine .1 Jibn Drsntly md Mr J.-f-Fel i-tf.iii-. Y c it. a Log i-d inliirafe ot" (pi'iiatui-i t w i'h io 1 l ml. ii n, I tu : t a s iiol.r i.i:d U m l. i, 'ii.i i'-io l gi-i rul n ; i n -tion i.f tie llit r, it i- l)t I cv.-i! M t il tl itl v ill hcfiulitb in t vt iy t eiin 1 1 l ! sHufy if-ur'y fourd in fiuh stln t.fs, tie iit ttt cn vni! Le l.orci-rii Si u s;lur;:.tin to ?!u fh'tdf. a.CCLTON". - Feb. 7, !giC. HAYMOUNT 11IC.II SCHOOL. Thotieh ile : ul Si i iiu is I at c I .vr lid to i:; i!'" for the ni fitC of I lii tillio ti,; tcl rt)i, i'rx : iliJ belief tint ttitiiown it tt r. ss v. i!! I r ti'ir1' f-d-varrtd by eni-h fin i r;;.riui o riif, U;ty Imtc n'n Wtonht it til lrit r .-rrve the ir.tei f is .1 i- M t ho p;:i v i i ttise to iiliouir.e He f-tlotJ, 1 - nii.ti- ; neially ad v;i t: ' :i ei.ns to tie i lie. It is tie rarni r-rsire I the mj! -m i il-t ,- tain the priscr.t itpratiin c! il ' srho. I, ctiiiij-lisli lli ! j'lt ro'li it; I U- It t' bv lleio i.t aiirt'llol! ai.d .1 ' i i t t.o ;. I t: j ani-e t p. n do. Tin y w ill take care to maitilaiu a firm : prr i!iscipline, Pl'.d will exert !l.n s!xr i!h ii .-i ln i.l ;i Hrr'liV '!'' i-'i r till, hit f to St:s- ii:. tl. r : . ; 1 t r ir pro- : li-aU : i nt r . The M atlii mali a'n;t'nt :l In t inilri tt I ly Mi S'n i,h, the Class-ieai ! Mr il-isflit. m-.! oil lilt i i.t hi tif St il civ. be p.iid by ! till to 1 1 c I'.i Ii; 1. 'ij ;.:ul Ti e -c kool will oi' ii ' n tut- V I ti .' i rr.M. J E P. .Ml'i H. JOHN J. Di.AN'i LY. -tf Ft hruai v 7, ' i-4C. DOZEN line Old White Potl W itu , for Medieinnl putpnse?-, for srle bv JNO. D. WIl i.i;ms. laiiiiaty Z, 1 SI.". ;: -l! MUTUAL. Croton Insurance ''t;mjrriy. OfHco, No. 35 Wal! find, AtijoiJimg the .Met hanirs' Kan!.. :: ' ' ty .Nfiv Vork. THIS Company In ores Marim , Irhii. i TTnvi gaiion, Trant-portatmp, and Fire Ills; ', l'y i! Chatter the proti's aic to be -ail bs.t k To t'-t ;- snretl, in iroportion to the riu.oK-ft ot I'li-uiirir.-puid by them r spectiv. ly. Tic inlrs ii.iitn of Insurance "ill be mdeiti!e and b- : assuicd subject to nt rtpinstbi!jv. TRUSTEE James Tiarpp', Edward llii-hartUon. Jam' s Phal ell, S A Law rent e, Edwin RTremain, S M CrandalL John Breasttt , Charles L Vie, udoc !; I'i'.-.t t, George (' 1 't It ; y Lot inir A 1. 1: i l: -, p'i L Ni i: ' "-, 1 ,eona i tl A ; ' i I.e. Asa S C'n ; r . James Ciuik shni.k, J Htr.itk, J Leander Stair, -A braltuu- V-.: ! I 5t, William BCmni?, H !.;- !;,, Hcrniui. D Gr.uld, Sa.. t" I i v . ! Thcdoe A Mcji-r, Jrn-.e- ( . . ! , Cyrus Chenery, ET iii n -, Lawrence Hill, Geo:' ' i,,-. '.-, W H Townseml, Tl .-m - ? i ,. . Robert Lane, Go iui . :i John T Gilchrist. Wil.iat-i i J H Snydnm. SAMUEL A.LAWRK.X ;J. , , JOSEPH B. NONE.-, V. . 1 . v NICHOLAS C A I J I ! ( ) L I , , S , i ' v . Capi. SAML. CANDLER, Mann- I- ,P. Also. I,ip. for 4'L!..yd" f...- t!;e f.,i , ( . 't IO 'I he? untie rf-igntti, ns Agei,t.- i ! nb'ive Cunipnuy, will l,r f.o;iseJ !r tec ivt plicutioitH lor Jii.i.inir.-. STARK & VllA'ilCi: Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1 6-1 ?. 1 5 - tf. LANDS AND MILLS FOR SAJl THE suhsciiberofiers for Mile 140 ,, t, a ,.f AIS t" together with bis Giist and Saw MILLS, tn P.. vcrCrctk, in Moore county. To pfrsots ft.-:-', rous of inveslirir a smnll cnpital in fooftt r'y r f if.:, kind, a more favorable ppoi'tisii') seirimn vit'i-vr Thee Lund.-- nre rn.t o.n! -u 1 n a ! i " as ali'o;ii i abi-nrlanee e.f the bc.-t tin. L' r in th- Countiv," I n! th ir protlnttivi ness rer.t!"rs tbrm btglilv i'n r:r:A,' for purposes of Cultivat inn. rl I - htrtnin i- mi failinr,he gri-'t Mill is the very hist in the .' :i and the Savv Mil! ifMvitl.i- t v. o r.t.d ;-. 1-1 i- of a fteani on whitu L'.ii.l-f r ::, :v ; ; - the Cafe Feor almost evry eiM-ti. j-i ;', besides the benlth f-ft!:n tf.iiriv ' s ' Lands ami Mills on increased v ai' : .v j- y. , of a similar kind in the lower co::i:!:. '. apply to HUGH A. f .V! !? "V. Monre couniy. F b. 28 l4C. . "A-7 - NEW MUSIC? JUST receivtd, r.rnon a lot of popular .,.' folltw'ng Airs, Qu'cf-tepF, Zn- : Oi caii Wave Q.uicktep, Bordeit's " Casieauxs " ' Ile'vil'a " ' Dra w ing-ro in Po'k.:1, 1 he Enehitntres, L.-iinoi.t of the Irirh Etuirpnt, A Home ihat I ! ve, Ii the days v. he! t e went G'p " The Cloeen of the Fuiry Lr n'l, JVnf t. ihl Wa'tr, Ethiopian Cuadri ies. For snl-bv f. V. UARi iL, JVr,rch7, 1-3 ;6, 3'. T!j.? 7ii!4.cri..-r liuvi'i2 quali;ie j s AdrnirnM tor, with the aenexci!, i.f Alurcn-k 'tl. i dCC't', f'-r fy n.iiu. u.i irrxrs inn. io j octa-e'i, to come ar-G pay tneir iei I il(. I'-, f'uthrr o-Mifi. all peijr s , i , !:.i:rs iv:;::is-: .i. ui i-.iS' o, io pre, nt f li ill I ' til') l' i i". at , f tr f-ovt r v. .... I t . V : t t 3 b pi- in r c! ti: r '; r. A. :..i- fuutiiki; Oil th" -2it!i d iy r,f t;,SJ ICE, f ;! .- I ' 'fj ii.!-. tnoiit'.t, tlersce ,,f Mnrd.-ck MtLecc', flee1 will expose to 4bi'.-!f the peri-h loniin: to saiH leeca :', t o eatlle, ol'ccp, iioss, du r, tiC. A cr'-fl't of f'X i r,,'':- ., i eh'oers. I vv":!l t'?0 h''rr r.iv -( it in i -I tintil the first dav of Jnnsr-.-. n-n t plant aiions. Bond and fturjivwi'l SJ r- o WM. L McIIAttMl, A. in;':-, vv .tii vrr.: i March 7, 1346. 3G3-?t. GARDEN J. R. GEEth SEEDS j:t r r et iert n of ?!' kind? of ' e-'P, c warranted quality and low t rice Feb. 28, 1816. 5 L- -. 360-tf 2 o

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