tut i . . ii "CHARACTER IS AS IMTORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND THE Gr.ORT OP THE STtTE IS THF r-r,M .-.. A 1 E IS T"E COMMON PROPERTY OP IT8 CITIZENS. aw. BY WM If BAYNE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 2S. 1846. Volume 7 Kumbcr 371 TERM OF THE NORTH CAROLINIAN I Per annum, if paid in advance, $2 DO if not paid in advance, 2 50 if paid at tho end of si months 3 00 alllic end of the year 3 50 Rates of Advertising: Sixty cents per -quart? fir be first, v.nd thirl 3- cents for e ich subsequent insertion. Advertising by the year vill be charged according to the quantity of malter inserted. Court advertisements, &c, 35 per cent higher. NEW CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT, AND TOY STORE. THE Subscriber In? liKcn the New dick Store on the north pid; of II ly street, a few doors a'.ove fii'i Market 11 411, where lit is now open in :t a -nor! 111 :nt of G O'JOS in tli abov-j line, -uoTisisliug ii pa't of the following articles : FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. THE Subscriber, having taken that large and commodious brick building, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, respectfully informs his friends and llie public, that he is prepared to ac--commodalc TRAVELLERS and tthcrs in the best manner ; the building having been thorough ly repaired and properly - furni. -lied for that pur pose. The Northern and Southern Stages stop at this FIonc. Connected with Ihe I lote!, and a few yards dis tant, art extensive Stables, which will be attended bv careful and experienced Ostlers. WM. W. BRIGGS. Fayetteville, Nor. I, IS45. 350-tf. Fruit. Ahrond, F.lberts, Madeira, Cr.ir.il & Pecan Nuts, Prions, Currants, Canton and Havana Preserves, Cir ii,'&c. Arrangem -nts are made for fresh sup p!.HS ot Oranges. Le i-.ns. Apples, Cocoa Nuts.&e. SPICES. Mae Nutmegs, Cloves, Cassia in mats, Grounil Cis'i'i. GronTid Pepper, Alspice, Mustard an I (t.oin.l Ginger. PICKLES .1X1) SJUCKS. IVpp-r Sauc, Tomato Catsup. Olives, Sardines, and aao;ted Pickle. CRACKERS. Boston, Butter and Water Crackers, So la and Lthioii Biscuit, Pil"t Bread. PERFUMERY. C tlogtie, Lavender and and Rose Wafer, Riy Ru n, I'.oiri', Antique and Maeissar Oils, Ver-b-n 1 Cream, Erne's, Snaps of every variety. WILLOW WARE. Wimn Cradle. 'hairs, and Baskets. " ' SUNDRIES. Powd'-rcd, Crus'icd, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Coffj'J 'i C'.io.:ol.ite, M acaroni, Vermicelli, Co c.,a Starch, Indigo, Camo'mr, L'mon Syrup, Ma Jirirl a-'d siver;t M.il iga Wines, Champagne, Scotch aad Maoe-nboy SnnfT, choice Chewing To-.,-!. Ili-?-!ia,Prmc';fi a id lavanaCigars, Swert HI, -Sjuriu Cauiien, Herring. Brooms, Wlnaks, 1-1 n't ea, Vi'i'inn, Aecordeon", &.e. &c. A ar.-at variety r -JP VJf 3 kT3 SPASTSTa' J J 3i3, suitable for Pre e:tf t w numerous to tirvrfctjuti. A'0, Kvery vav',aiy of CANDIES, at Wholesale and K.tail. lr Call and take a look. W. PROR. Oct.. St -25, lSi'. 31'J-tf. A. M. O A M V B Va L L , I lav ing been appiiii(cd AUCTIONEER ... i. ... 1 r the town of Fayet t eville, is prepared 10 attend ale of anv good-? which may he cmrusici 10 Mew IPSu'dm. The subscribers have entered into a Copartner ship, under the firm of H. W. Beattv & Co., For the transaction of A General Commission Business In the luicn of Wilmington, -V. C. They will give particular attention to the sale of Timber, Lumber, and Naval Stores ; the receiv ing and forwarding goods', and the sale and pur chase of iLoods for the back country. They would respectfully sol til a portion of pub lic patronage, aud pledge their best exertions to II r I T A -T1 I-A" i va salislaction. Jnly 19, IS15. II V REATTY JOHN C LATTA, 3.14-tt. MALLEABLE IRON, SUCH a Carriaire Maker- use. A ood as sortment always on hand, and for sale at one cent per pound advance on the Ajanutacturcrg' prices by October 25, 1343. 349-lf. THE Subscribers are now "re- ceivinrr at the 2d tenrmcnt of Mrs Hooper's Fire Proof fJuildini.', south side of Hay sire l, an entire new Stock of" tfta pic and Fancy Con.'i-ting in part ot super blue, black, brown, drab, invisible yreen and beaver Cloths ; fancy and Firnch Casimeres ; Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, plain and fancy velvet, salin, and French cashmere Ves!ins; ditto Stocky Cravats and Scarfs, merino Shirts Bosoms, Col lars; an assortment of toat and vest Binding, Cord and Bultons, Canvass and Padding; brown and bleached Shirtings, Sheet ins, Lirills, Linens ; colM and white Cambric Muslins, srass Linen Cambric, hemstitch and silk Handkerchief,; Alpaca?, ThibM and Indiana Cloth, for Ladies' cloaks; muslin'and super Fieneh cashmere-de-Lanes; plain Id at k jj, os-de Swiss and fiured ijros-dc-nap Silks; r.ch Print?; Lis'e Edging; Ixdiinct wire and blond Quilling; Pipins; Gimps; Italj tii Sewings; spool cotlon and linen Thread, assorted colors; twisted Silk; cotlon and worsted Mitts; superblack and col'd kid Gloves; ditto s!!k. merino, and cot- I ton ditto; white ami black and ribbrd Hose; ditto r 5 t- - , . . . . 7-,. -. merino icrim d im; easiimere. merino, x limct andolher Shawls; work boxes; toilet Glasses; shell twist tuck and sideComba; jet shawl and hair Pins; super Needles, Pins, Scissors; laff ita and satin bonnet and cap Ribbons: wi'h a irenera! assortment r Groceries, Hardware, Crocke ry, fashionable Hats, Caps. Boots, and Shoes. The above Goods, having ben purchased late in the season in New York and Philadelphia, (con sequently at reduced prices) will be sold low for cash, or charged to those who wiil pay cash when called on. " D. & V. McLAURIN. Dee. 13, 1315. 356-y. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYLE, V Pi IM. r - ... I I M-ill Kii nruintjllv n t . vj .nsi " i iiieiis 1 roiu aw wnu j. j j ,1 1'J, 1345. oci-y. Apr Uncoil rase Home Manufactures IMPORTANT HOTCHKISS' Vertical Water Wheel. THE Subscribers having witnessed ihe success ful operation of these wheels, were induced to pnr chas ; the right of using them in the state of North Carolina; and they now ofler frsale individual ri,lit, at FIFTY dollars, or rights for a whole count y, on reasonable termt- Pest l sbcin "cnerallv adopted in the Northern Stales, there wheels are c immj! into ueneraluie iii th- gouiliCTtv States. We have sold about 100 Riirhls, 30 of ihich arc in succ ssl'ul operation in CunihcrlanJ County. Thcsi: wheels arc mo'c diira'.le, an 1 more cas ly kept in order when properly put together than the flutter who I. They will save one. third of tliA water, and run well hv bak water, when th:?re is a head above. The s-ji-n 1 of the sa vv is increased to more than double the strokes per minute. We refer, am ng others, to the following gentle men, some of horn have h'ad the heels in opera tion 12 nuntlis or more; arid from many of them, and othe s, we have received ccrtrlieates expressing their hih appribatitn onwc M.j,.i..i .i,,i.;t5 of Ihf server the Hotter wheel, an.l stating that their saws will cut 250O, 3000, 35u0, and even as l.iIi ss 5 00 lect perdav, and save one-tlnrd of tnc Mater. I N I) E M X I T V A - J. JM- JL Against loss or damage liv firo. HE WILLIAMSBURG FIRE INSU UAXCE COMPANY. C. PIT A r w 1 h-; nnn Office in Urand near First Sir,. IVi'lHn. fc g, opposite Ihe City of.Ycic York. geney Office, Wells Building fia iVnll st . Abr'm T. Boskerck, e rancis Steiuheil, Sam I H. Clapp, J0I1.1 Leojjctt, Chns. O. Ha ndy, Lo,im:ci nichardson, JVtw York. r.fni?rTriPa . onrisnan Ziabriskie Andrew C. B-uediet. Frederick W. Favre Jeremiah Johnson, John Skilhrian. iml.Willets. Nicholas WycUofT. LEMUEL RUTJ A RDSON, Pres't. Andrew B. Hodges. Secrrv. WASHINGTON POST, Aenl, New York. IHE Wil ii avnsbur? Fire I having been incorporated bv an act r.fib.. T.vrr;lJ of t!ic State of New York, for the nurnost s ire Insurance, the Dirteti.r rflr tn I r. . . - - - -. iiii 11 lellow-cinzona throuhoul tlie United Slates gainst Loss or Damage by Fire, Bni!dlU';s. Good-, and Merchandise nml P,r. onal Property ir'nerally, assuring ibem ihnt ihe (fairs o( the Company, shall be t oodiu te.1 ;ili such fairness, candor and liberaltlv as lh v Irusl wnl entitle it lo piihliceouiiilence ano patronage. The S'lbsciihtr, Ao?t)t fur the nitovn Com pany, will rive any further information that may be desired bv those who wish to Insure. JAMES MARTINE, Agent, Hay Street. Feb. 8, 1845. 31 1-tf. iilr of F On Li AS. ust received from the North a larjje and general assortment of .tmong; xvliich art Extra sufierfin'? Clo'hs and Cassunercs, M.erino Cassimercs and Kentucky Jeans, Sattinetts and Tweeds, Beaver and Pilot Clolhs, Silk warr and other Alpacas, Muslin d Lane and Cashmere tPEcosse, Calicoes and Ginghams, Domestics, bleached and brown, 3-4 to 1 2 4, Merino, Damask, and Honey-co no Shawls Plaid and Muslin tl'Lane do. Silk, cotton, and merino Ho."-e, Silk and woollon Mitts and G oves, Ladies' and Gentlemons' Comforts, Plain and st iped Muslin, Book and Jaconet do. Irish L;nen3, Lawns, and Diape.s, 6 2 cases Boots and Sho s, 40 ' Fur Ih's, assorted. With many other articles, all of" which bein pur chased by the package at auction and private sale. fT,Cash, wili be olF.-red at very reduced prices for Cash, or on tone to punctual customers Jan. 5 0, 1315. JOSEPH fcj. DUMM oilers his ser- vices as unde taker and builder, to the citizens or others, disposed to contract for buildirg or jobbirg. Terms libera I. Gardner Sc McKcthan, HAVE lately mtde considerable improvement in their sl) le of vV'ork ,and have now on hand a. G-N E II A L ASSORTMENT, ..onsisting of Carriages, Barouches, Baggies, Gigs, Sulkcys, Waggons, vc. Wtiit-h for elegance of hape a n J linish, and dura Itditv. will rum i.irc w itii anv made in the L Slates. P.:Muin winliing to buv, would do well to 1 and et Amine our work, as we have determined oil L' V for Cash, or approved notes. H iving in our employ first rate Smi'lis, wr ftrenired to lo arv Iron work in the above lin mix! -rate term. We warrant all our work to be of good and faith ol yorkm uifliMi nuil mat rriais, f'ir one yuar. ttZJ RiCl AIRING laiihi.il v executed at short notit e, and on leaton lle trm. Fave't vdle, Febiuary 8, SG. y. ill to are on For Xew-Year's vv; Christmas Gi(b For sale bv R. W. HARDIE. Odd Fellow's Oflbring, for ISIG, thu pretties A i 11 11 I t.f 1 he season. The Gift for IrflG. Th following are some of ik.. .A.,trii,., ri to tins work : H. W. LmilT'ellow .l,im,hC. Ne il. N P Wi I s. G l.nore Sim us, Mrs Sig.iurney, and others of the best writers ml Rrs trf"SHiron, a religious souvenir for ;S4G,by Mai .1. C. Efgarton. Christian's Annu l for 1846. A variety of Juveriih; A 11111 tls for children. Also, Bibles; Prayer B oks, Albums, Misc l ane unt I14 ik- with fi le binJi ijjs suitable for presents. Nov. 9, 1815. 354-tf. MR SOAP. FIP 'E subscriber offers f-r sale ONE IILN--1L D-J ED BOXES OF BAR SOAP, manufac tured at tlw "FayelteviUc (N. C.) Candle Factory," .nd warrauv4 equal if not superior to Colgate's let No. 1. 1 Being determine to ,jevo,e aff necessary atten tion to the business, IuJ 0ff..rj jt at a reduced price, (5 cents a poum b U)c 5 j he ho C8 ,Q receive due .hare of pne palronac. ;cp Al order, lUankfuh.jj t. Jy attended to. , u01iW,".MdvAY. Fayetteville, May 44344 Fatettevili.e. G raham. ClMBEHl-AND. Col A'eK. Muichison, Christo-. her Munroe, Alex William-, Col A S MciN.i l. Fartiuhard Smith, John McDanol John Evan?, W Id C ell. BlAlEI Gen. James J AKKay, Robert Mc'vin, S N Richardson, rhomas C. Smith, Iaae Wrioht, John Smith. Samp.sov. G T Barks.'al-, Patrick Murphy, John 1 1 . Spearman, Hardv ft ova1. New IlANOVF.n. James Murphy, harles I lenry. On slow. Roheit Anian. G u E E n f. . Thomas I locker. Bs AUFORT. B Run n yen, M r .Arnold Du ruv. Lew is Hering, .1 a mi's Joriuan, Dsniel Miore. Lf."coir. John William', Esq. Thomas lhme, J La siter. Jones. James McDani. f. Cb AVKX. John fjryaet. Cdl UMDUS. Lot Williamson. BoBRms. -W C McNeill. Richmond John C. McLaurin, J. Jin L . Fail ley. A vsov. J R Reid, Millwright A Bauchum. Cawki.l. Win. Riissc!l. J T Dod.-on, Millii light Chatham. Cob- & Bra nl ly, Smith & Pulleii, N Clegg- Ware. S Ilea My, Johnston. Jcxe T Leach. GciLFoni). Dr Faulk s. Pitt. John Joiner, Dr. Robert and Bicliard Williams. different parts of tie LIFE INSURANCE. CAPITAL, $2,500,000 The nstiwMl entitled to participation ot r'rotits in both European and American policies. NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE AS S lT 11 A N C I : SOCI ET V. LO N D O N. U. S. BOARD OF LOCAL DIRECTORS. (Offkk 74 W.u.r. Street.) JYVir Yurk. Jacob Harvev, Esa.Ch'n. Ger.rje Barclay, Esii. Jo!ii L Palmer, Etq. Saml.S Howland, Esq Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. G01 ham A. Worth, Ej James B-ioriniffl, Esq. Samuel M. Fox, Lsq Philadelphia. Clement C Biddle. Esq. Louis Al Godey, Esq Sears C. Walkci, Esq. Geo. Rex Graham, Esq J. LEANDF.R STA BR, Manager and Genera A'ent for the Uni;ed States and British N. A Colonies. CO- The Suhsoi ibers, having been appoint cd A;inls for this Company in the Town of Fay cttcvilie, are prepared 'o effect Life Insurance, and In fuint-di all desired information and explanations on the snbj.-ft. STARK & PEARCE, Airents Fay-ttcviUe, Nov.-2-2, 1845. 353 tf. WARDEN SEED& Wjftnl"e growth of 1845, for sa, weight or Par S. J. HINSDALE. Besides nianyj others 5tate. With such a deservedly hiah cli iracter. the Sub scribers feel justified inofFe-ing these Wheels to the public, tht-v will keep en hand a supply of wheels adopted to hiih or low heads at Fayelleville WiiinlugUm, Newb.rn and Washington. And Mr James T. Oodson, of Caswell, has 'h ni for sale. We caution all persons through the Slate against payieg any p. ro:i but ourselves, t.r our authorized agents, lor :hc right of inking these wheels. NOTICE ro"MlLLWRIGHTS. If yv.u wish employment, acquaint yourselves vith puttimr in these Wheels, as we now wish to employ at least 100 in this business in d (TVrent arts of the State. DUNCAN McNElLL. i ARCH'D McLAlT ClILIN. A A McKETUAN. Favetfeville, January 31 1816. 36.-tf I TO EDITORS Any E liior of a newspaper in North Carolina who will publish the above tor one year, and send the paper, shall b entitled to one individual right, to dispose of as Iks may please. M. A. STUART part his Stock of FVLL and WINTER GOODS, consisting nf lry Goods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Shoes, &c, &c. J J Dupuv& A Seignelle's French Brandy, (choice hi ands.) Saddles ol all descriptions, from S5 10 2a, at d also daily expected, Groceries, Ilardwar Cillery, Drugs, Window Glass, &c.,&e.. all ol w'lich he will be glad t exchxin?re tor CASH or C untry Produce. Give e a call. Sept. 20, 1S45. 343-y. THE subscribijrv j,ja scvj.eg to the eiti x rouoitevillej s , 1 r. cns of FyeV,"2,virPe,,ter and ConUtor, andhp D? F Ji;- nat,on o business to share - nart of the pnblie PaTc. a W. ROSE. 'jutY 19. S45' 335-tC VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. W Niern-Made Buggies and 3 nets of HARVEST n.mn.tu. .II ..r unik. manship, aiK-ofihe most a'pproved' modern stile. T , , liCiVtfJLY ROSE & SOIM January 10, 1H6. 360-tt ODD FELLOWS' THIS lnslituti.in is now opened under the superin tendance f Mrs Julia M. Bilious, a Lady favora blv known lo the ou'i'ic or her attainments and nullifies lions as a Teae z-r and disciplinaiian 4'he plan adopted by thisl nstitution is such as has received the approbation of the best Scholars in Europe, and so lar as it is known in this Country has been entire! v sn cession. The price of Tuition i Si per ou.iifer, and 2 cents additional for contingencies payable in ad vance. All the Books used in the School are fur nished free of charge. Application for admission must be made to Jas C . Cook. A. A. T. SMITH, JOHN McRAE. W A R RE N W I NS LOW, J. M. STEADMAN, J- G. COOK, Committee. Favetteville. Jan. 10, 1S46. ?60 t f. FOR SALE I WISH to sell my land Ijingon Big Rock fish being about 2000 acres of good turpentine land with a good stream for carrying ,t lo market, navi gable at anv time while there is water enough for boats to run bet ween t ayeticvi .le and Winning ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 1-2, 1845. 333-tf- NOTICE TO DEBTORS ALL persons, w i ire ml disl i rcction, who are indebt eu 10 me, are hereby requested to settle their ac counts as earl y as possible ; and they are hereby noiineo mat sut h s- tilemcnt must be made, by -a or note, by the 1st of May next, as further indu gence cannot be given. MALCOLM B.GILL1S. March 7, 184f.. J. W. 15 AM El? . now rcct iving his large and general :.?sorluunt til CHAIRS, fmni fine Hair Seal Mbogany, down to the common Windsor, purchased by himself for cash al ihe manufactories at Philadt I phia. New Y-rk, ami IStK-ton, v hich w ill be sold as low, proba bly owcr,-than any in the maiktt. Also, a gen eral assortment f lL4;LUi::a ii'JtiJlaJ(2l33 rich Alahogany f'raii.i. j an asorlmciil ! Fhila delphia ma.ie Curled lia r MATTRESSES, with a hirge assoitnieiit ol Cabinet Furniture, Of his own manufacture, comprising all the arti, ctes usually kepi in a Furnitme Ware ileum, viz , Sideboards, Bureaus, Secretary and RnokCascsi Tables, Wardrobes, spring scat and plain Sofas Divans, Arm Rocking Chairs, French and Post Mahogany Bedsteads, curbd ami bird-ee Maple do., patent wimtlass Bedsteads. &.c. &c. all t.f which will be soid on the most reasonable term? forCASIJ, or on lime to punctual customers. Kept. 27, 1S45. 314 tf. worn)?) Wuuhu respccltul !y rnfwm the citizens of FayetteviJIe and the public generally, lhat fe has taken the starrd recently occjpied by E.J. Clark, on Gdlepir Street,5 doors South of the Market Square, where he will "1nan11facf.11 re and 1.-r .- o r. itar.tly on hand an assortment of IN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Persons wishing o purchase would n k pM tn all and examine his stock before purchasing e!o. where, as he is determined to sell as chean nv other manufacturer in the Slate. BAKERS of an entirely new pattern. ROOFING done in th lastest style, andbet manner. Also GCTT1RING. Aug. 17, 1S44. 2CI-y. REMOVAL. Jas. D. lacCAXIiTXM:, A AlliUh, Has removed his Es tablishment from his late stand, to the store next ... . - 4' . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 wr-i in 1 TO ,nr, Fear Bank', recciitly or- cii)iel by Mr IV m. J Anderson. He will warrant hi- wink l be f-qunl to nny in the place, and charges ns MUTUAL. Crotoii Insurance Cunipaii'. Office, No. 35 Wall Street, Adjoining the Mechanics' Rank, in the City of New York. THIS Company in-ures Marine, Inland Navi gation, Tranportation, and Fire Risks. By it Chatter the profits are to !e paid back to the as sured, in proportion to the amount of Premiums paid by ih ii respeefiv ly. The rates and terms of Insurance will be mt.dcinte and liberal, and the asbuicd subject to no rc poesihilii v. TRL STLfcS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! The subscribers ha iug deterimm ri to bring 1 licit business to a close by the irt of Apnl, do n w of fer tin tr entire sfr-ck of " And GJ roceries at reduced friers, for cash r xchangc for produt c. The Groceries consist in part of 5 II lids. Sugar, 25 Bugs Rio Coffee, 10 Tons Iron, 25 Bbs. Whiskey, 200 SaekSah, Together wiih many other articles which it is rseed less'to mention. Cll and see tor yours-Ives. COOK & HODGES. Jan. 17, 1846. 3Cl-tf. THE Subscriber has jt.st received, in addition to bis former Slock, a variety of low priced Calicoes, Kentucky Jeans, Satti nets, Ladies colM Kid Gloves, coPd and black Kid Slippers and Buskins. For sale very low. J NO. D. WILLIAMS. January 3, 1S4C. - 8j9-tf modenite. Nov. 22, 1845. 340 -tf State of Xorlli Carolina Moore county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan. Term, 1S46. Archibald Ray and others, ) r, ,. - c .. . J ' f Petition for partition t t 10 10 1 01 naves. Janus J. and Sair. I. Lay. Same vs. Same, Petition for paitition of lands. It appearing to t lie satisfaction of-Ihe Court, that the defendants, James J Ray ami Samuel Ray, are not inhabitants of this State ; it is therefore or dered by I he Ciurt, that publication be made in the North Carolinian for six weeks tor said defendants to appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Ciuarter Sessions, lo be he'd for the county of Moore, at Ihe Court House in Carthage, on the 4th Monday of April next, and plead, answer, or dcm.ir to said petition, otherwise the petitions shall be taktii pro confesso and heard txparte. W itness, Alexand-T C. Curry, Cierk of our said Court at Office, the 4th Monday in January, A. f IS4G. A. C. CUKUY ,C. C. C. March", 134C 3C3 Ct-pd. BOOTS cS- SHOES. THE subscriber returns thanks to U patrons and customers for the liberal encour.igeineiil he h is received, and solicits a continuance of their f.ivors. His simp is at the old stand on 1 erson street, directly ojposite Geo McNeill's Store, where be is prepared to make to order or repair line anu c-oarse HOOTS and SHOKS, both for g. nllemen and ladies, in the most approved and modem styles. He assures such as will f'.ivor him with their cus tom, that he will warrant his work to be done in the bcsl manner, of ihe best materials, and by the best workmen. He feels confi lent that any work passing outof his hands cannot be surpassed by anv done here or ebewhcie; and he hopes bvcLise application to business and a studious eff.rl to mease, to continue to receive a fair -hare of public Ltronaee. MALCOM FAULK. 1 e. Fayettcville, Feb 14, IS1G. 3G5-tfr Fire. IProof Roofs. THE undersigned is ready to contract for the cov ering of roofs of buildings with tin, copper, or zinc, and will execute promptly any work he may contract for, and for small profits. June 21, 1845. 33JMf. F. T. WARD. 100,000 Acres Valuable FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has purchased all tin LAN D belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd , ym principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Limber River, lb d.ff rent surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AJCRES ; a large part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber Riv--r, where a large quantity of Timber is now raOcd lo the Grgtt n mar ket. These lan.ls ar- very valuable Kothior the Timber and Turpentine, for whkh purpose a larae part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abiinJwutty than any other scetion oft He State. The La.xls will be s.-ht at a low price, and in ouan ities to suit purchasers. Information r-sptmg the till can be obtained bv apphingto the Hor. Robert Stra e, James C Dobbin, Esn- A A T Srn.t, Esq., (Attorneys at LVu"ilern there are many trPasers on these land,t all of whotn notice is -lerei-y -' the law w.M be enforced again-' : 'I such oftenders. Application for any part ot .ie Lnn'ls cs.n he made to myself, or to John Window, Esq., wbo will be duty aulborized to make sale f the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C. March I,. 1843. M rf- Jamos Harper, Edward Riehardson. Jam. s Phatcn, S A Lawrence, Edwin R T remain, S M Crandall. .1 (1I111 Breast, c , James Ciuikhaiik, J Leander Stair, William B Cozzcns, Herman D Gould,. Theodore A Meer, Cyrus Chencry, Lawrence Hill, W II Tow nsend, Robert Lane, John T Gilchrist, - Charles L VcecV '.nteH Pratt, Geerge C De Kay Lining Andrews, Jos ph B Nonts, Leonord App!by Asa S Crosby .r Jt.hu J Herrit-k. AbraliHm Van Ncst John R La sr. I a,. Samuel Sherwood, J nines Cook, E T Aldiich, (jfiirue Whifaker, Thomas AJcnahaH,. George Palen, Wil'iam Bnrgoyne,- J II Suydam.' SAMUEL A.LAWRENCE. Pres't'. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice Pres't. NICHOLAS CARROLL, Sic v. Cap!. SAML. CANDLER, Marine Insj. Also. Insp. for "Lloyd" for the port of N. York CO- The undersigned, ns Agents of tho' nbove Company, will be pleased to tcccivo op plications for lnsuinnre. STARK & PEARCE. Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1 845. 344-tf. FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT T. D. Atkinson Respectfully informs his friends and customers, & the public generally, lhat he has returned to F.y clleville and rc-commen-ced the Tailoring Busi m ss in the house formerly occupied b)' Mr Nt ill Mc- FtonrsV'i-ifAW,!;:!- flatters himself that he can Live entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. AH work done iy linn is warranted to fit well and of the best workmanship. Pricrs reduced to suit ihe hardness of the time. Pricislhus: for plain i loth coats SC It medium S7, best made coats 7 50 ; pants antt vest SI 50. By reducing the pries, CASH wdl b.- require ! in all eases. T. D. ATKINSON. Feh'y 21, IS4C. 4C6-3n. HATST& CAPS, IN returning my grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal surpoit received for ma- y years past, I would say to those who believe it policy and economy to encourage home manufactures, that I continue In makealfkinds of fur, silk, moleskin and wool hats, andbv keeping the best of workmen and materials shall use every exertion lo ensure a continuance of their patronage. To those influenced by pn judic or some other blind god. less believing that hats lean not be manufactured here as well as in other places, I would say, that I have contracted with some of the best manufacturers inlhe northern cities to keep me constantly supplied with the best and latest style of fiats. 1 have now on hand, and am receiving the latest fashion ot Superfine Itack and blue, 2d quality do do Super broad brim, '2 quality do b i rub plain, do black do Plain fashionable, Low crown do Ashland & Spotting, - Silk and M !- skin, Smooth Coon, Broad hi im Musk rat. Fashionable do Drab napped Beaver, Do do Otter, Goney, Nuttia, Angola, and Wool. Ci?S. Shetland Fur, Seal, extra, Do do Muskraf, Glazed Caps, Plain do Boys' plain clot h. Boy's and Men's for trimmed, Velvet, Slk velvet Tmbans-, Cotton " do. ALSO, a splendid assortment of Stocks, Cravats, Bosoms, Collars, &c. DAVID GEE. Oit. IS. IS to- 343 -ll. TO the V0TEIIS of CUMBERLAND COUNTY : The suNseiiber re,p' C.:,,!Iy inform- ten that he is a candidate to reprint this county ,n ihe n.Xt State Legislate. My polifcs are so wed known .1 : " r. s,-.rv to S3 V in ID'S notice uiai 11 if - ll.al 1 am a liii''f. -" f . .. 1 I.o 1.tlorenl 1 I. let ot noli 'it I win met 1 urn -- 1 - eatbciixg dti-g f'e el -cltoneering campaign, and make pnbbc nrv views on affairs concerning State legislation ; and if 1 am tl- ctcd, I solemnly pltdge rr.yself, prompted bj nr. nranlmi or dect itful tlesi-M., To make a faithful effort to do the Slate "ood g'norallv. and the county ef Cnuberland particularly. Very respectfully, your oh 't s r'f, TIIOS. J. Ml MS. March 14 lelb. LANDS AND IvllMuS FOR SALE. THE subscriber oflets for Fale 640 acres of LAND together with his Giisi and Saw MILLS, on Bea ver Cri tk, in Moon? county. To persons desi- runs of investing a small capital in properly of this kind, a more favorable rpportnnity seldom offers. These Lands are not onl) valuable ns affording an abundance of the best timber in the Country, bnt their productiveness leml-rs ihcm highly dcfirable1 for purpose-t of Cultivation. The Mrc'nm is un failing.the grist Mill is the very best in the State; and the Saw Mill is within two and a half mileu ofaslteam on which Lumber may be taftcd into the Cape Fear almost every month ill ihe year1;: hcsirfes ifie featf? oftlie tou'niry' gives to llut-e Lands and M ills an inereasetl value over properl v of a similar kind in the lower counties. For terms apply lo HUGH A. CAMERON, Moore county, Feb. 1'S IS4C. 3C7-tf. NEW MUSIC. JUST received, among a lot of popu'ar .Vusic, the following Airs, Cluicksleps, lie r- Ocean Wave Quick --tepf Bnrdett's " " Casneaux's ' 9 Hewitt's " Drawing-room Tolkas, ZaVnrft'oraeiVl A Home lhat 1 love, In the days hen we went Gipsying, The Queen of ihe Fairy Lund, . .1idni;ht Walfz, Ethiopian Q.nadri les. For sale by R. W. HARDIE. Jl trch 7, J 846, 368- 31- Mew at) dPiD 9 AND CHEAP. The subscriber would rrsprcifulfy inform his friends and ihe public that he is now receiving and opening a p;:rt of his Spring and Summer Slock of Goods, which he is determined to sell at the lowest possible pi ices lhat can be afforded in iLus market, consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plaid, Hgnredanrf p'ain Sill s; Bereagt s; Lawns; printed and color ed Muslins; white, plain, figured, striped and cross-barred do.; Balzorines, of the latest styles and pattens; Mouslin d'Lancs ; la wn Ginghams; striped do ; Chusans, corded Skirts ; Calicoes &c. FANCY GOODS. OmbreSw iss Mus'in Starfsj plain, figured, and checked, very beautiful, silk do.; lace do.; muslin and silk Shawls, from IU-4 to 2-4; silk Points; French werktd Collars; Tippets; Cuffs; Cliemizette ; silk, rmrino, wnrstetl, and cotton Hse, a good assoitment ; fejd, silk, thread, worsted, and c-,tton Glove , half-Gloves and Mitt, a variety of styles and qualities; thread Lace and ln.r-rtin ; cotton do.; Gymp ; Gymp Cord; siik fringe; Cords and Tassels for dresses; black linen cambric hemstitched flankcrthiels, a genuine article; imitation do.; linen Lawns; fringed and plain-edged Ribbons, a good assortment; silk and gill Buttons for Ladies' dressrs ; marking Canvnss; Crewel Yarn ; Pins, Needles, Hooki and Eyes, of the best qualities ; sdk and cotton Sewings and Bindings; linen and cotton Tapes; Whalebone and Rattan (ot Ureesesand bonnets; parasols, sun -Shades, &e., &e, FOR. GEMrTXXIttEttr. A variety of staple and fancy goods such n, cIoiIm Cassimeres, a variety ofLinen and Cotton goorls for coals and pantaloons, si k worsted, marst illes, and printed vesfings, sdk, worsted ard cotton half Hose; Hoskin, Kitl, Silk thread and C0M011 glovt-sy neck H. pocket Handkerchit fs, Scarfs, Stotks, &c.f fine Gum Elastic SupndtrB, common do. &c. ALSO Afresh and fid I stock of Groceties f all kind, Crockery, Boots, shoes, Hiit amd Cap. Now in store I qr. cask French Brandy, 4tb prool ihoreo brand; Gm, Port, Madeira, Malaga wines, choice brands, etc .ic. C. It. JONES. March 14, 1316. WJ-lf Feol ilaymount. The subscriber having at March term, 184ft, of ' the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ex ecutiixof ihe last Will and Testament of Marv Sbacklefortl, hereby notifies all peisons havio claims agaiiii-t her cslato, to present them witlerr t br! time prescribetl by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in liar of recovery. MARY ANN HARDIE, Execu'riy. March 14, 1346. 36C-tf. ITE'lf SOOZS. STATIONERY, BINDING, RW TIAPTIT1? ha" received . W. JlAtllJlilj his supply of New Books, and St itionery, together with an en tire new Book bindingapparatus. He has opened a store next door to the Pot Of fice, here he w HI be jUa to supply his friends and. customers. October 4, 1S45. 145-y

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