TO CATHARINE', WITH THE FLOWER LOVE-IN' - A - WIST . BT C. C. VANARSDALE. Dear girl, I could not live with you, But ah, 'twere death lo part, Although thy faults I hate to view, ,, Thy virtues charm iny heart. Thou art so frank so modest vain So trua false flirting fiir, j That though thy presence ivus mi pain, Thy absence is--dcspair. Of a.U the ftj I love brunettes, And therefore you adore ; Cut of all ets 1 hate coquCtre, And therefore you abhor : A Maid that suvUs on every beau, Ab you do 1 detest ; ' And VCt without that smile's soft glow , My heart can find no rest. 1 love a pouting, ruddy bp, - And vours you know is audi; Bt sweets Hint every mouth may sip, Mine shall not, cannot touch ; And pretty hand- I love notlesf," JtHt euch, dear Kate, as thine; Tin:' if they grant another's press, Tbcy'il ne'er be press'd by min"!. ' 1 lvo a tongue whose very v oid Like drops of honey fail j But yet I hate f lore Immati hire's That sing po fw( et fer al! ; And more than these, that too is Ui ne, I love an at dent beait--But if lhe.1 htart is not all nunc, I will not have n part. T"ow prblice, changeling, change thy Thy words mind manner will ; Be thou deserving of all praise, Or h-i sll praise be ttill ; Iir shoi't, let all ihy. goodness die, And be a tiling to hate, Or let thy faults and foibles fly, And then be mine, dear Kate. .1 by the lell shoulder. f15y : this ., tentwn' RImunatic'liatialion! nllll I 11. - ! Hi' . VOLXJ TEERS for OK EGOX ! collected wain club and nxe. Ttnno tvu1cb Vti2 nmnp. With t)I3 I aim "u hi. bark,i.., At'., tlt. I. ..cited, afiu If IK1H' lii ihe mean uuiu fi.rht w iib the dog r d fl)f seveielv seinUhed. while Jfte pa In anticipation of a war with England, the i n dividu.ils composing the Bheumatic Battalion are each audeverv one iioiified and warned to a;. ( ear (armed as shall hereafter be directed,) belore the at Ins Uiug ciore, ' iaiii si, C3 l i l I... h.. lilS. " ' ! I Ir.t.'rlv Sliriieol".. mu uiijuu ,....... .imJ ,he nutiliul shot ! and ;ircll.,st. a Ulllc 11, w Lmament ami tttuu a "Mi was piocurec , . , . warranted to cure alt the old cases while engaged i" a f",,HK o ,kTii i of Chronic or Inflammatory Rheumatism that have feet iron. " - remained uncurod up loth.: present lime. 1 Ins ! .rtl, dffav. so that li.ev mav be in readiness t Cougar, tit Puma (Ft is lu..rc,, ,f culled upon. To the "Universal Bh nina- :v.-n 1 us tluv ai U'a" v.o.meis lie measuicu stud wfinen m ' f the 1 Tl,.. 1 1 im:il l- i ' i,'Milv railed in ihrs coui.tiy a j is the latfiesl and mst foimidu- I'unlher, au lle oftbe Cut kind in North America. "PH(ENIX WORKS" HOLLOW WARE. A complete n?'.rtmit of 'hi- superior Iron llol j h.w Ware, fro n en'irclv ww and elegant ;.at'ern., j is for sale !.v th- ubscrib'TS, who manufacture ami nre in dad v" r c of it from the Fatiory. Me -chants ar'- r un sted to call and examine! lh's War.- btfo j pnrcbas,ini clrewhcic, as we in lieve w.- can furnish th m with a b, tter and cheap . r artirlf than can In-f.uiiui cls-whcre. I ho.v w ll! mind lhat we arc I tie osli oeaars in mis . ho manufacture the l-nniifl w tucli VC sh ( Onr a-sorliiienl cH! 5W in pan oi i ns, i , v, . ., I ,1.-j. an I shallow Ovi:.i?; Spidery plain, lipped, and ' with hds; fkil'.' ts; fire do5; "round way.n boxes; i c-,,1 irons l a k.-tl!; French Pot; CauMron kot & ic. (Io.mU shipi v i 'rc- of c.4 ruse. Call ! andVc, " jOHN sAVF.RV &. SONS, No I l.i SJcckinan sr.. ' Adv. 00. !.-ar i; cit v. tl,. P. .tl ;.1l..M Dy COMS 1 KKJ , Commander General. Ti c ahove ailic'e U sold a! wh. b sale U Com I stock & C-, 21 Courtland street, N. Yr; and by i S J liindale o! tins pbee; Atkins & Co., Clin I t .n - liin5s'ein & Cr., Kinston ; Cass &. Sullivan, t Krnanvil!e; Patterson, Little ilockhsh ; and ! Mcl'wal &. o., Elizahethtown. i Also the celebrated Connoirs PAIN EXT KAC ' TOl? the only genuine article inannfactured, and I old at half price to meet 'he tT.tnJs of the poor. Also, C. & Co's cc'cniaieu ixtraci oi oaisaparii a, a ?plendil artie'e, for 50 cents a bottle, warranted as ood as anv doilar articles. The guiniii: to be hadonly of Coinstock Si Co., N York, and by s me as above. June 27, 1:346. AT WHOLESALE ! a Vli. 75, William street, .Veto York.1' PURCHASERS OF READY-MADE CLOTHING . .' - r,.rL- firo i.-ni tf'.ill v inviteil to Call on ii Sobscibcr, whi-rclh.-y wilT find a general asaoriu'" ot t''Tl'.,,! -'l""'U, adapt, d to lh. ir,.'afk t, am low price- urn cu.i ....... .. I-or sale ai v tun v. vi ' ,'l'd i BP'-r. Alt I lUil L. LEVY, a''J,'rCVl 1 ' 75 Wiliamst., New Yo.k. j- j sIHItTS ol every description, by the case or dt zf-n- AU)3,IS1G. 350-4W. INicAI.LlSTER'S 50 BASS RIO 'COFFEE, IU do. L:i"ni.a do." bbls. Jn.n :i9T 13 If J3 j-'-im. John Lynch's "Drami:." A mlcoru- Ek's COURT "SKETCH.'.' A feW d'lS MiiOU the keeper of a small grogijery in the upper portion of St. Louis sfaiteitjfi' u n tiip l ieoiia, leaving liij iudustr'iuiis littlu viifu to conduct niatlera in hid absence ; but before departing, he made arrangements with a coun try man of his lo supply lia wife, in his ab sence with Smith & Fiothiugham's celebrated "root beer." Jotm Lytrvh, the boy who drove iTie beer carl, was, gifted by nature wi'h t large share cf rale genuine blnriiey," and a frolicking sirit jirouc to wonder from Ihe recollectiou ot his.owu ' daciut " better half. Ho bad long adrnied ihe grocer's wile, and the absence of her husband' afforded an opportunity for him 1o be a vilyan. So- on diiving ii lo her door the next day, when t.he appeared, he lemarked : " Mrs. D. d'ye know I had a quate drome last night!" ! "And what's lht:t IA ine?" says Mrs. D. "Faith, ivry thing," .-says Johu, " for it was about yoursef 1 was drnuiiu,' and, be the same token, I'd like the vision id come thrue." Curiosity prompted Mrs. 1. " What was the drame like?" inquired she. ,4 "It was jitt that the ould fool of a man of touts was drowned,-and nvesilf was jMundin' in his shoes, in yer back pa'lory to comfoil ye," any a John. . "Ye inane blauuard." savs Mrs. U., "I'll tell him lhat same when he comes back." Ofl went John with a laugh aud a wilik'of his eye, and next day up ho drives again as brazen as ever. While Mrs. D. was select ing her usual quantity, he says to her : "It's yerself a'waya picks the big bullies, Wft datlin." It's small bottles I'd take if the beer was as inane as the blaguard that," nn-Bwercd- Mrs. Di; and dropping the bottlts back in the cart, to the very grcvit peril o' their necks, she departed. "Haven't thought of the drame, Mrs. D" inquired John, She refused to an twer, and offhe started again. 'he third day brought' John as usual, with ibe beer, but Mrs. D. refused to take it ; he tbeielore carried it into the hoitscs-n-iul throw ing his arms round the mistress of' the man sion, ho swore that he'd "jist like to diame out his life wid her." The indignant little wife gave him anything but a kind reception, nnd ho depatted with his dvawe knocked into t.od disappointment. IS'ow comes the reali ty! .Tbe little wife tailed off to acq taint John's betlcr half of his conduct, but she then' learned that this was the second complaint Ggailist""the vilyan," in the few past days ftbe then took boat, started to Peoria after her husbaud, brought him back, uud the next morning nrrnigued the dramer before his II.--jior, the Recoider, where he paid 2,3 f.i has wandering in his dreams. All John Life is but a drame. at the best, Its juys pop olT bke root beer; Thin, niver, if you would b.; blest, Draaie from ii.mie, for the vi-iou's too dcai." JUST RECEIVED At II.' EramhOit'--, 4 doors above the Fo.-t Oilico, 10 Box-3 Fresh Soda Biscui's, I Bbl l .f-imrt Crack, rs, 1 B 1 B.ilicr l."ia( k rs, 1 do. Water, do. 1 do. Pilot Biscuits, all lie-h. Also, I bbl. s i.oke.! B et. . July -1, IC4G. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. DR. J. N. 15AIRD, Denial Surgeon, KE&PEC VFULLY informs the public, that tho i . . : :..n.. purpose ot practising 'as pro.csio:i, .!-jjct.iaiij suciiiis uis. rM'i on uivr.i or ni piau ooui one to an entire set of uitifici il Tcei h, in a style so na tural lhat none but a piactiscd ye would discover them, and to answ er ver purpose in masticating the food and rendering the a 1 1 n utation distinct. Teeth cstiacied, filled ivith !.o!d or foil, filed, cl. an cd, rejtu'ated, and all diseases appertaining to the Dental organs speedily cuicd. He deems it un-u.-cesfiaiy lo enter into a Ioiivj ihtail .f what he ca n perform, confid .iiily r Ij. " iT upon bis opera tions, th-y bein t be best test of !iis capability.- From leti'-rs (u hit li visiters will find en his lulde.) Dr. L;. st l" ts the lollowinjr: Noui-oi.k, Vn., 2' tb May, IS4G. Having learned ibat l.'ir. J.N. Buird intends h a S i ig i? il h the intention of locating himself elsewhere, an 1 as one who had purslid' hr1- sltr lies at ihe B iltiuioie College of f)enlal Surge rv, and having, operated ia our families successfully tor nearly tvvo yeaiSjMTe cheerfully i eomoH.-nd him lo the pub! c as bein woitliy of his profession. W7c therefore him this with our sij-oatur s, with the hope of success. Tbe list of r f rencc? nccompa-iying thi-? lei I r :ai be peen on bis table. Portsmoctii, Mav 23d, IS l(J. Aty mtiniate aeq-uafntu. SUPERIOR QUALITY AT IIaLF PR 1 C E FO R T HKCUKL U r Scr.fu'a, chronic lheuniatism, general debility, cutaneous diseases, sea by eruptions ol the skin, t t ter, p'mples or pustules on the face, mercurial and svi'li loid diseases, bib s, from an impure habit ol bodv, ule. rations of" Ihe throat and leg, pains and swellings of the bones, liver aTTections, and all tns cases aneiaj iVoui an impure state oftbe blood, c. popffria and imprudences in life, excessive use of irttrcnrv, ice. The'cieat Donnlaritv of Sarsaparilla, ai d its t s- labbshed cllicacy, tender it supeitluous to enter in to anv encominm of its virtues or adduce any ei dento in its favor. The S irsar-iuilla is warranted posii ively as good any other that can be made at one dollar, at just half ihe price of those so much advertised, and ai stro i" and in as large bottles, viz: fifty cents per bottle, or live dollars per dozen. This article has cured Scrotsrta of 30 years, after lhe dollar ai titles had been u-ed in vain. To be had in New York only, al 21 Court'.anl street ; and ol S J Hinsdale, Fayettcville ; Atkii sc Co, C inton ; Einstein & Bro.. Kinston ; Bass M Sudivan, K-nansville; D G Patterson, Littb Rocl fish ; McDowal & Co, Elizabethtown ; where tie only genuine can be had. r. Hluls. bngar (-binned do. in Loaf and Powd- red, do. Puponl's Pow der, Shot, and bar Lead, French Brandy, llollamt Gin, old white and red Port. Mad. ira and Sicily WINES, for sale by ' D. & W. McLAURIN. April 4, 1S4C. 3;'5-tf. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. " A ouiig lad, 13 jears ot age, residing at 65 B t vard street bad both his hands and wrists badly burned by spini vjrass, to wnicu was appneu ooiu Da!!e's & Conuell's Maic Salve, which aggravat ed rather than gave ease to Ihe burn. 1 then pre scribed Allebasi's Black Salve, one box of winch, in less than a week, perficlly rcsiorid both hands and wrists. The whole of the thnk cuticle of the palms of the hands was completely destroyed, and an en tire n-w covering of healthy skin was lormcd in that sluil period." PETER BURNETT, M. D., New York, March, I84C. I' S Bay .id stictt. Councils Pain Extractor. From two to eight times cheaper than before, or nothing if the uacr is not delighted icitliit. An article tiul every family must eo. . eider in dispensable when thev know its power and yVue, and which has heretofore been sold too bigi to i each a I ulu.-s'es, has now been reduced in pice, with a vi. w hat rich and poor, high and low, and in fact everv h unan being may enj y its coinl'o ts ; and all who"rt it shall have the price relume! to them il'lhev'are uot le' i -ihted w ith its use. VVc A fiom Indiana writes, "Iain now giv in the Salve and PilU a fair trial, in the cure of one of tin' worst cancers 1 ever knew cured. The ore was healing and tty patient im'prov'i'ns when I daw him las'. HUGtH li. PA'ITEN, M. D. ess.s il. & C, .Norfolk, Va., write, "Our im pression is that Jour medicines mor-t hav a rapid sale we have the best of grounds for believing so that is the success with w Licit their use his been attended thus fir." Mr D Williams, of .Vlau i ee City, Ohio, wri'e.?, "Your medicine must become very popular here, tor they have n ver fail ed to do ir :l w bete l:ey havu been .im-.l; ly the Black Salve and t!ic Plasters. The Pills are equally good. ALLEB ASPS xlEDl6lN FS. It is proved beyond all cavil that The Black, r Allebasi's Sale, 25 cts. Allebasi's Health Tills, "25 " Allehasi's 1 ooth Aclit- JJrops, " Al ebasi's Poor Man's Plaster, &c, I2 " are t fleet inj; no re cures of old and boee! -ss cases, and in a srcalcr vaiieiy ot complaint's tlian all other ro,i ictaiy medicines in the country. Lead the follow i::g : 'BETf JLEI1E l, Conn., March 2d, !S4G The preceding figure is uiven to represent the r Insensible p. rspiraiion. It is the irreat Evacua tion for tbe impurities l the body. It will be no ticed ih ita thick cloudy inisl issin s from all points oftbe surlace, which indi' artcs that lids peispira lion flows unintenuptedly when we are in health, but ceases w hen we are sik. Life cannot be jus laincd without it. It is throw n t ft" from the blood and other juices of 'h body, and disposes by Ihia means, ot near y all the impui itii s within us. 'I he laniruaepi scripture is,,-in ttie bloeu is uie -." If if cvfcr becomes impure, it may be traced directly In the stonna of ilv insensit le ocispiia'i n. Thus we see, all "that is necessary when the blood is j stagnant, or infected, js to open the prs, and it j relieves itself from any impurity msianiiy. us b ii beat and vitality are sufficient, with -ut one particle of mcdici o, except tn open the pores upon the sur face. Thus we see the tolly flaking so much in ternal remedies. Ail piaeiilioners, h. weer, direct their efforts to r'tore lhe Insensible Persj i': atl'o:;. .The Thomps niian, lor instance, steams, itse Hydropathist shrouds us in wet blankets, the Homopalbist deals out infinilissimals, tleAlopa thist bbeds and !os s us w ith ryyercury , and i be blu-lrrii g -dua k jjoifes us with pill-, pills, pills. To give sunV'Vlraol the aimuint oftbe liiscn.-:ide " IVrsDu-ation.'We will state that the learned Dr Lowenhoik, asceitained that tivr -eiglits of a'l we receive into the stomach, passed eff by ibis means. In other w ords, if we eat ami drink eight pds per dav, we evacuate five pounds of it by the ihsenti- t SPLENDID j. g. Gregory & C?o. Maiiagcrs, 100 Prizes of $1,000 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 28, for 1846. ' To be draw n in Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday Julv 18, 1846. CAPITALS : 1 Piize of $30,000 I do 10,000 1 do 5,000 1 do 3,000 1 do 2,500 1 do 1,017 100 Prizes of S1,C00 I &c. &c. 75 Number Lottery 12 Diawn Banoisf,' Tickets $I0--Halves 5 aunrtcrs $2 5'! .' Certificates of packages of '25 whole tickets $130 Fo do 25 hull' do C5 Do do 26 quarter do 32 50 100 Prizes of $1,000! !! - ' A LEX AN DRIA LOTTER Y, Class 29, for 1S46. Tolis drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday 25th July, 1846. 1JR1LLIANT SCHEME: Piize of $35,294 do 3 0,000 do 5,000 df 3,000 do 2,5C0 on 1 363 Piizes of Lt;f0 do 56fJ &c. &c. &e. 7S Number Lottery 13 Drawn It. Hots. Tickets SI0 Halves $5- Quarters $2 50. Certificate ot Packages ot 26 whole, tick' ts 130 Do do 2 hall do .t . Do i!o 26 quarter do 3 59 100 100 Orders for Tickets ami Shares and Certificates of bb- Perspiration. i t ,iin ! Packages in the above Splendid Lot'erics w ill r- By a sudden traiiMlion fixm haf lo cold, the . . ffi:, . nfires are stoi i.ed. lh perspiration cases, and I - it J ' , D. Allebasi's Medicines assert without the p i-sibjiiiy ot contradiction, that I are decidedly tbe be?! medicines ever kept lor sa!e w ith Dr. J . M. Bair.t. l,J"'l""',ll' Jim piiuwniiijuj, .ia as " "i" t terf. it? and worthies appear u the i. st of the .i!Citt . ni,vc. named, enables I s..elil lt it ia liret trooi Coinslo i.e l.- stilv to it:t; sapaciiy tt Lr. 1. lo pertorm, t trv..i, ; assert Dr. I in! of them t".. lecoTnin.-nd. 1 cheeitollv tiiat I know all they sav to be true. " Cap! . J. THOMPSON. : J- For Ih'j poor, prices will be reduced, ami m in y cases erati?. Strict attention will- bo paid to the irregularitu ol children's teeth. Dr. B. will- allow a length of time iT.r resting his operation, if" reauired, before paying for theet; as iie is detei mi ned to give entire satisfaction, and u i I warrant all oj erations peri'oi nied by him. lie will visit r.ny location in the country ihat may need bis sci v ices, by dropping; a few hues to him (broil b the Post oliie-". Ladies will be waited upon al their residences w.lbont extra ebaige, by leaving u ord at his ruuilm ut Brijzg-s'a Hot. 1. July 4, 1816.-33;..-It. A Slate will be found- with Mr at Mr Prior's t.'ouli crionary Stare, w here orders iriay bo left. 3tc Cream Saloon. 11. Erambert respect f.i Ilv ii.f.rms the public that bis lee cre.iin Saloon is now ..pen fer the recepiion of Ladies and Gentlemen, oext door above bisCon feetionarv Stoic,-where they will be served with Ice Cream, Lemonade, &c. - , - lie has j'l.-t received an additional supply of fresh ar'ieles in his line. Ju ic 27. I31G. 3?4. .11 burns and scalds, ev. rv ext' i n il sore, on , or fresh a nd v!l external pains and aches, no ma'tcr where, ill be reduced to comfort by it in fivenin ut' s - saving life, li nb or sc ir. N burn cat be fatal it ihisM applied unle-ss Ihe it.ils are destroy ed bv t.'i-J acci.K'.U. It is truly magical lo appear anc in its ft -ets. Enquire for "Conuell's A.agi- eal Pain Extractor Salve," at Uomstoc'. c t. j, 21 Courtland St., New 1 Oik. Price 2a cents or toll: limes as muds- for 50 cents, and near ten tines ae much for u dol nV. Cautiox Be sure an 1 get Conuell's, as coun- der .itber names. k Sf Co.. or never For sale whofesale bv Cornstock Co, N 1 ori; and by S J II nubile; Atki is & Co C iuton; Ein ste'n Bro., Kinston ; Bass & Sullivan, Kenans ville; D G Pattersoh, Little Bockfi-ih; McDow al &. Ci, Lliz ibetlitpwn. Th - unparalleled popularity of HAY'S L1NI MLM is a surety of its virtue. I he genunn H av's Lm'uienl has cured over twenty thousand eases ot Pib s ill th;; United States. It is the only artie'e us d and prescribed bv the faenli v of N w York, an ' it is recommended by every Physici in in-the country who has used il, or s-en its etlee's o 1 others. Th.: genuine has Com3tock c Co's name on each wrapper. To be had of S J Hins dab ; Atkins & Co; Eiiiab tbtown; JEiiiftr in & bio, Kinston; Bass & Sullivan, Kenansville ; D G Pat teiEn, Little Itockfi -h; .McDowal & Co, Elizabcth town, where the only genuine can be had. here. 1 do not Hunk th- re was ever two tinrus the amount of any other kind of medicines sold in this place, that I have s ld ol t heso, .1 ml I con . ha ve soi l more if I had tli in. Please send me another ot. 1' ; L. ALLEN." Havana, (Ulantl o! Cuba.) Mr Lyman W . G lb rt, Proprietor ot,lAI:. tvisi s, New York: De n- Sir, bom tmir muniJis ago, w li le in New ot k, I purchase! a lew lu.xcs ol "flUb;irs He. i!.h Pills" to take home w li ii me. in Havana vr"fi'nd it v rv .lilficuit to procure ai y Medicine in Ibo prtsparca sia -e, or oiiierwijc, uiai are rx.v.1- t ly; t :(! to cue II:e peculiar complul ill- Ot OU I 1 cli n;ue. onsupanon 01 uie uuweis, ami iir"ii!c Di inlio-n, ar co;i;;ii n and dt?f reusing complaint audlhiv.: n.y.r foUod a medicine, before I ob tained tbe-e Pills, lhat would remove the constipa tion, without resulting sooiit or later in a chronic ii iriho a The e riH' tl. ct lhe d -sired object. I I. -e you w ill be pet th. ni generally i -troilucd hc;e, (r I believe, if know n, they w onid become the stap'e iiiliciiie among planter? and others ihrougjiout the Inland.- i should be glurl to have you ' me a few- dozen-' of the Pills, Some oftbe Salve, and a I", w of the ' Plasters. I shall take pleasure in commending lliDse Medicines to uiv menus ami otto is. Yours, &c., " EDWARD P. AL.M Y. Ions humors, ykin disease, poisonous vvounus, lo discharge their putrid mutter, and then heids them. Consumption.' It can hardly be credited that a salve can have anv eir.-i t unoii the Inn 's, seated as they art- with in'ihe system. But if phiceil upon the h sl, i nenctrates directly to the lun"s, separ-t-s the poisonous particbs that arc consuming tbcm, and expels ibeni tieui the sy?trn. 1 need ni say mat n 1 ssir?i peiui umptio i centinually, ailhoiigh we are told it is foolishness. 1 care not what is said, so Unga. I can cure several thousand p- ison yi-aily. Headache The silve has cnrcil p- rsons oT the Headache i if 1 2 years standing, 4ind who bad it regularly i ev rv wet k, so that v.-mitiiig d'i n took place. j Deafu ss a::d Ear At he arc hclp u withliKcsuc ceive the most prompt aticntion, and an official ac count of each drawing sent immediately after it is over to all w ho order Iron me. Address, J a Gregory & Co, Manager. Washington City, D. C. MINIATURES. Hast ihou a Ire nd for w houi t lion fond emotions clientb, Sec me the ':adow, ere tho snbsf mqc peiish. UEY. DR. BARTHOLOMEWS PINK SYRUP, Is warranted to be as good as'a-fiy oftbe dollar ar ticles in use. It is sold for Ofity 5'1 cents, and the proprietors, with the of several of t lie first citizens of New York, have given references to tliein. Ii is considcicd by them ihe best prepara tion in uie, for coughs, colds, inllucnzi, sjie throat or incipient consumption. It is put forward under the sanction of one of tho fir-t divin of the cjuntry. an I his t'le great mrit of b ing all it is represented to be. For sale whob sale by Coiii stoek &. C, 21 Courtland stre. N. V.; and by S. J. Hinsdale of this place ; Atkins & Co., Clinton ; Einstein & Bioiher, Kinston; : Bass & Sullivan, Kenansville; D G Patterson, Little Bock fish ; and McDow al &. Co, E'iz ib .-thtuw n, where the only eenuiae lan be had. No person need despair until they have tiie.d tlese medicines their r.-llects are'dten astonishing Pamphlets furnished gratis Don't class these re medies with the great mass you tind in the country uatil yoir.e tri.rl them and proved them false. .L. V. .WEIJEII T, New York. Agent for lhe World. For sale by Samue l J. Hinsdale. April II, 1810. fcKROciocs Attack bv a Panthku. II r Win W Hice, of Altakapas, has given an ;ic couut of a singular occurreivee which took place on the plantatiott'oH.-tfather, Mr .John Rice, Bayou Sale, on the night of iho 4th ult. At about 9 o'clock, a uco man nimed Isaac, n valuable mechanic, hel. lining l.V'Mr Henry C. Dwight, of Franklin, wa standing neur a cabin m the negro Mu:,,iets, when a large panthur came up to within u few paces of him. It was n moonlight nigfit, and he cu-jld seethe panther ciouched i piipo upioa him. lie imnieddiately com.nenced i J treatiDg towards where a number f nn-roes were collected, with his eyes on the atiTma! After backing a few paces, ihe iu xu tutl.' ', to run, when the panther sprang upon hin, from a distance of nbout ten - feet, seizin., n,. leit arm, near me snoutoer, iu tne mouth striking his claws into the negro's back. The negro was ' fhrown down,- but imfncdiau ly arose partiali still in lhe grasp of the pan ther, and called loudly for assistance. -His rn'es gathered the neg'oes and dogj, but Ihe panther held on some lime, even offer the dgs had seized bint. Through iher aid of the dogs, on whom the paulher lurned,-the negro 1 eed himself from the uncomfortable embrace, but the" ferocious iinimal renewed the attack, springing upon nnd seizing-bim J. L. BUY AN V.)iilii respect fn! y amiouuic to the titiz'.nsof F.iy.ttevil'.e ;hat he purpose remaining in ibis pb'C"e a short lime, in ordW.tVt give to all Tin oppor tunity ol prrienring correct like isesses of I hemstlvcs and I'nendi- in bis t up. rioi st t le. l.i ing ounce ed with several r.f the most suc eoslnl I ;, ;u' i cot v .e in the Male of New York, they havo advarst ?; enj vcd bv but t.VV Tiittfts. Portraits token. in a. superior and greatly iru proved style, j.cri. cilv true lo nature, o7" erv line tone, giid.d ami colored ro that no climate wilt af leet them in lhe least. Poitraits of st-k or dii-e.ised ;er-ors takm at their residence il' retnirctl. lartieu!ar atlei,tj..ii i:io to those who mav wish to engage ja this benuMf'i.l ait. Instructions, wi h al! the hit. st improvcrneiiis. apparatus and slock lii nished on r asm in ble terms. l or Mir-lier mi. rinaii..n cuoi.irc at hi; doors west ol brigns' Hotel. June 0, l81G.--.'5SI-!f. J. E. BUY AN is room, i 1. Erambert, - - 4 Doors above the Font (Jficc, Has just' rcc.civ. d a tine assoit-neni of French and English Peit'uniciy from New York, vii : . Miiitar- sha iug Soap, Toilet S.ap, o Brown Windsor, do. Amic Oil for the', -- .Cologne Water in large bottlts, Do do. small do. ( rtto of Rose, Extract lor the Ilaieikercb', Lr. vender Water, - : "- -- ; -Amber . do. - - To all the icorld icho use leather in any form: Oil of Tannin, or Leather' llestorer. A new Chemical Discovery. Most people know, that skins and hides are converted iito leatii. r by the use of Tanii'n, - ex tracted from certain baiks, &c. W7hcn the f nee and strength tf the Tannin is worn out, IcatV-r becomes dearl, hard, diy, biittle, traekid, covercJ with a crust, ike. This all know. To restore then life, softness, moist ncss, strength, smoothncs' and removfiill-erusts, fly, or blister rest., ie lhe tannin. This substance lhe leather never can re ceive the second time ; hot the whole vi'rl ties of it are in this article, 1 he Ol L OF TAN M N, whuh penct rales the stiflest and haioest leather, if jt l)3g heen 20 years in use, and if it teais easily wiih tin fingers, it imparts at once a strength that is utteilv incredible until seen. It becomes like new I.-.iI),:'r i iV'trl respects, with a delightful softness andpoli.-h, and iiinkfs-al'iealhor complete! yanJ perfectly im pervious to V-iirer' particularly boots, shner eiir liagetops. hainess, liose, trunks, and in tact all ihings made of" leather, giving a splendid pf,!iii, even higher than new leather has, and at Icat doubling its wear and durability, in whatever maii nei the b attier is used. These are Facts. For pale by S J Hinsdale, of ths place ; Atkins Co, Ciinto i; Einstein & Bro., Kinston: Bass & Sullivan, Ken msville; DG Patterson,Little llock fisb; and McDuwal & Co, Elizahethtown. . j- jiii. Barely a day pass, s that we no? get some testimony; either verbal orwiitttn, of lhe great cfiica. y of Dr. Jackson's Pile Embi i.-cutioU. Bey.J the fu! o ing : .i'ew- Yoliti, 721 rjioadway, Scpt-rnb. r 2, !81o." D-. N. Jackson Dear Sir j Will you send me six bottles ofyour Pde Embrocation? "1 wish them part to keep myself, and pait for a b go itleman, a friend of mine, w ho has found great relief in using from my bottle two or three tunes. You remember, when in Philadelphia, I was stiff, ring Jreadf illy from this terrible -scourge. I only look one bottle from you ; I havo not used il quite all, and am perlec ly Wet. As you may suppose, I proclaim the viitnesof your medici'ic wherever I .to. 1 ti ll every friend about it ; and it is singular io perceive how many are suffering in this way I believe half, of my acquaintances are more or less afTlicted. Lot me. tell"5 ycir that you can sell In re as I .st as yon choose lo make. When yon M-anl a certificate from me. you shall have i, and you are at liberty to show flu's letter if you wish. llespectftilly. vour, LEWIS P. ASHFOP.D. A great number of persons who ha ve been cured, will bs referretl to, by calling on the Agents. It never fails ! Prepared only bv Dr. Jackson, and soM bv SA'ML. J. HINSDALE." April IS, 13 JG. sa XCA2ZJPJ 'JS ACOUSTIC OIL! THE Mil CURE 10 MAFICSS, V, M do. ,'eassar Oil, first rate,. oninioh -V Mar Lnflis!i.p., ...... -ip Salve, Pearl Powder " ' 1 -Cornnion, tin. - , -? Powder Puffs- ami Boxra - " Conn Plaster, a ad r,,n . ' , ESSENCES. ,,a4" ot- 'The Ladies will please call I and "'1 y x Marth 14, 1846 369 tf Halm of Columbia. For restoring the Hair and Leepmg it from falling out. This celebrated hair rc.-toratne, which has heen used successfully bv over ten thousand r rC..i : 4 now for sale in this' town. As there are n..m ennnterf its on this ' article, be sure aetlce that Co:nstoik& Co. is onrvery wra.per.i Buy ff the agent of this town arid you will be sure to "et the tii-e. For sale w holesale bv Co iish ck & Co, N York' SJ Hinsdale; Atkins & Co, Clinton , Einstein & Bro, Kinston; Bass & Sullivan, Kenansvic- DG Patterson, L. Rock fish ; McDowal & Co, -Elizahethtown; w here the only genuine can be had. COMS IOCK & CO'S VER M I FUG E. The best and surest of all Vermifuges is now for sale i this place by S. J. Hinsdale ; Atkins & Co. Clinton ; Einstein & Bro Kinston ; Bass & Sullivan, Kenansville; DG Patterson .Little Rock fish; and McDowal & Co, EJixabethtown. For tiie cuie of DEAFNESS, pains, arid the dis ebarjres of , in'att..r To-nr the nars. Also, all those disagrec.ib'c noises like the buzzing of ins. els, falling of ater wli zjng of steam, &J. &c., which are symptoms of approaching deafness, and nlso generally attendant w n h the disease. Many per sorn who have been deaf for ten. fifteen, and twenty years, a id were ohl ird to' :&c ear trumpet have after using one or two bottb 8, thrown aside their trumpets, being made perfectly well. Physician and surgeons highly recommend its use. ii k ,.r .P,,,LALDF,PS Jan.4, 1845. hereby cert.fy that when I V.-fis about 12 years old, I gradually became deaf in both cars, s" that , a lew in-mths I found it almost impossible to hear, unless in the very loudest tones of voice I remained ... that situation until last s immer, a period of 18 years, when I heard of Scarpa's Com pound Acousnf Od. 1 immediately obtained a bottlo, wliicn 1 have used, and am happy to say it tus acted like magic, and quite cured me. Any one wishing further information of my case, which I think a remarkable one, will find me by calling at my residence,. Concord street, first door above Second street, . Mrs. REBECCA BAXTER. CO- The above Medicine is for sale by t S. J. HINSDALE. April 16, 1846. 374 6m, cess. In scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, liver corn plaint, sore eyes tpiincy sore throat, oroechitis, broken or sore hi cast, pi Ics, a II hevt oist usts such as asthma, oppiession, pains, a'so sore lips, chap pi tl hinds, tumors, entail, uus .eruptions, nei disease and of lhe spine 'here ispnibahly noincd-c-ii'- now known p.. gootl and as for burns it hfr not its jtial in tbe hhiI'J ! IJiscases of (Jndtcn. How many thoos nit's are r w. pt tifT 1v gi ing internal in t'icint s, when their y oung bodies and lender frames are Tillable to b nr up against thcin? Whole arm'cs are thus scut to their graves merely from p.uring into th ir wmk st iiiacbs powerful d: ugs and physics ! ??uch cas s as croup, cKolic. ch ileia ii fintum, womis, nnd all summer c'r.m- r'ci i'st by which inany h!!t!n n die, tho Oint ment wi:! so speedily ar.d suiely, that a phsic an wi I ne r be ne tied. Mothers through! out all this land, we new solemnly :.iu! sat redly declare to you hat the All-Healing Ointment will ave your children from an early grave if you will use it ; and we hold up our warning- voice, and de clare iu th'j face ofthe world, children i ccd ih t t'ie more than othe.s !- But it is from lhe want of j.r per nourishment and the constant drugej-ng they undergo which mows them dwn as the rank grass falls before the st-yhe. .Mofhe-s! vc lej eat again, ami ifth.y were the j last words we were ever to utter, aid tf course past : the reach of at! interest, we w ou'd say, use th- i All- Healing Oil. tne i.t tor s ckne.-s Mooni h'ldr. n.' i Cold Feet. ! CoiiMim'i lion, Liver oiuplaiut, pains in the chesfjii- s:r!c, falling of lhe hair, on. ir the t. tin r at eonipanies cold let t. It is a sure sin tf cie;:se in the sy st. in to hate cold te.t. 1 I. e Salve will restore t!:c Iirtctn-ible 1'cn-piraiien, 4. n I nature every case, ' In strofnU, salt Blirniii, it je a remedy of uncqtiullrd power. Alsoiu Pil. Quinsy s..r'e Throat, Bronebiris, Ague in Ibe Face, &c7 "J lie samc is true of sore Lips, chapped Hands, Broken or sere Breast, sore Nipples, swelling, InHnmu ti jr s, and the like. For Livt r complajnt, thcie are few nicdiciucs that wi;l compare wi'h it. Anil as to chest diseases, such as Asthma, Ojiprcssion, Pain and Wakmss. there is no remedy 011 the continent so good. Excre-scncics a Is-, ol any kind and ch tracler, so. h as Warts, Pimples, B'iftihre &e,, il sweeps off' wi' bout 1. 1 or hindi ante'. ' ' Sore Kyis. The luffum ition and disease always tits back of the ball of the eye in the socket. Hence the virtue of any medicine must reach the seal ofthe ation, or it w ill do little good. Tin-i-ulve, ifiub bed on the tempi, s, will pfenctrafc dirt ctly into the socket. The fiores wiM be opened, a proper per spiration will he creatsd. and the disease w ill soon pass off to the surface. I 'imp!? on ihejee .Masculine skin, dross surface. Its first action is to expel ail liuumr. It ill not cease drawing till the .,Ce is lice from any matter tiiat may be lodged under the f-kin, and frequently 1 breaking out to the It then heads. When I tin re is nothing but grossness, or dull repn'sive suiface, it begipii .,fien aif0ft.n luAit 'the! skin beconc s m eino-th and as ch licate us a chilr?s. j J For ins. J It parents knew how fatal mo'l ni- dicincs were j to chiltlr - taken inw aidlv, th. y wtiuhl e slow to I retort tr them. Especially 'mercurial oz-ngcrs.' vermifuges,' 'pill-,' &c; The trutli is. n ""r fan j tell invariably when worms are present- Now let I me say lo parents, that Ibis salve will always ttll j itacnildhas worms. It will 'i ive every vesrige ofthein away. Th re is probably no medicine on the Tace of the earth at once so sure and o safe in ihe expulsion of worms, "t would be cruel, nay w ickci', to -tv6 intern.-.', doubtful nudicines, to long us a harmlcs. c--"",a' ""'- tou'd be bad. ToiUt. THE NAUTILUS (MUTUAL.) LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 58 Wall Street. rflVfllS Company, recently organized upon the JHr till proved and descrveuy popular piineiple of Mutual Afsurancc, will confine its business ex clusively to lusunirn-e on Livs.. It with aapital of $5. ,000. wbiib w ill be continually augmenting as its business in creases. ' Tbe rates of Premium toir'-ypuud w t'i those of ot In r American companies. Cue of th p. cnliar advanta'ges attending In-nr-aiice with tins company i, that all the nsur. d share annually in its profits, and are intereHi d in its sncc- ss,for its charter provides "That each and every iitenilur shall be annually crediltd with Ins proportional fliurc of the amount of premiums earner!, after deduct' ig losses and expenses, hot in n ?!i !' bis sdmre of ?o-s exc e.l t!ie amoui.t of such premium'-'' - These aroetl pr luiuo.- r pn lits wi'l be safely invested by the .join wawt eVr;' ' slilutinga permaheiit' fittJl,' trfiiiualty itgsu'a-'iiting for th benefit ar.d security of all parties inrr Me . Tlie Rales of Insurance on One Hundred on a Single I'ift - One Ytar. Seven yeai Age. 15 25 30 35 40 15 50 .15 CO Jam s D P Ojr'a.-'if, James Frown, JI V IJi'ks, A None, D A Couiftoek, P M "W. l more,' llcnrv K Bt.gart, A Wbedhvll, U L 'Pay lor, JC Center, I bos U Bichards, . For L'fe. ii re 1 77 2 nt i "n g y .-, 3 vt a r 4 a 7 TTIUSTEES : .lilies ij-aipr-r, Jaiiie-s U.-j I, i rii, U'm II AspirwaH, l'lios WT Ludlow, 1 -ire-:k ni S SO 17 S' 8H 0 01 -0 113 1 10 I 12 1 31' I 36 1 36; I Ji I C9 1 83 J al 1 50 1 96 2 ' !! 2 32 , 3 21 1 35 4 i)l Co 74 OQ '.iiiir? A MMereboiit, John Cry der, Schuyler Livingston, Spencer S Dvncdit t, Kicnnrd irvin, Lor in" A odtew JAMES D.P. OGDEN, Prcr.b f -A. Al. MEBCH.ANT, Vice Prcsid nt. iLkms Benton, Secrcpiry. , ' 1 Freeman-, Av'luary. Jt J". The above, company bavo establili d a n Agency in FayeUctyille, and the undersigned i.r ready to receive pljnpositions for tlio Insurance ol Lives, anil to fm nis't forms of A ppljcalions. Dr. James T. Giiliam h .8 been appointed the Medical Examiner r.f the Company. Applications for L fe Insurance in the Ifsi. libit Mutual Life Insurance Company, and for Insur ance n gainst Fire, and a'so for Marine Bisks i the Augusta lnstirnce and Banking Compauv, if made lo 'us, will be proiliptly attended to. Their rates aie as low as anv other good compact' .'.' E. L. .t W. WINSLOW. Fayelteville, Jar. 7, 18-1C 3GS-lf. NEW CARRIAGE KEJPOSrjJ 'OBI TIIE feubfciibcrs take this method of informing the public, thai they have commenced the Carriage .Manufacturing Business. And intend to carry it on in all ts various bryndiCM t ay - Coaches, Coachecs, Chariotcts -Sulkev54. j Of th most modern and approved siy-!P.. Wi h several vrvira' . ' . . Although I have said, little about it asa hair in one of the larZ; M.r!: , ...., HP I .1 I IIC 11 Ol HI. -I Tl restorative vrf I will slake it against the World ! They may bri"? ih'jr Oi.s far and near, and mine will restore the hair two cases to their t.iie. fJfH Sores. That soinC sores are an outlet to the impurities of the system, is because they cannot pass off through the ivatuial channels ofthe Insensible Per spiration. If such sores are healed tip, ;ihe impuri ties most have goe ofhrr oniU V r ?Cr Hi'- " ,h,'S 'Ca8on whv U " impolitic to use the common salves of the dav in ,,..!? V re alway, ratal; Thi. mki -11 e,f?"l'nces F.,,e,jle, Peb.14 le4s:? V.... .1 . "--- u'. no ,,e'"n in savin2, that noth ing shall be wanting to make their Work equal to any pni p here w elsewhere. They hope that bv ...remitted attention to business, lo merit a "enei ous share of public patronage. - They assure the public that no pains hav or will be spared to pro cure the best materials the surrounding country nl tords. t They have -completed and in progrcs's f completion, several Vehicles of the latest fashions which they offer at prices in conformity with the present pressure ofthe times. ICITA II Vrk. warranted for tw elve months, f Their Establishment is at the foot ofthe hill, op potit-e Liberty Point. - -: : - Simpson & McLaughlin: - Fayefteville. Dsc. 27, 184J. ' ' 3S8-y'' REPAIBINC dope at the shortest notice, n tha neatest manner, an at the lowest price.