NORTH-CAROLINIAN. Win. If. Bay lie, EdMor m ad Proprietor. -it for iliis paper in A. ork. T.ILr ;... TntUe, 38 Willi m street, SrptaT0Ael3 reet,r. tUortxd 4?jSua' for the A'ortli C.roHulm, iu X.w rk. - Important from Mexico! 17. S. ship burnt and officers taken prisoners. The U.S. briTruxton went ashore onlheTux pam river, 130 miles north of Vera Cruz. It ap pears that Capt. Carpenter of the Truxton, sent his bo j lb ashore tor water, and wishing to get his brig Heir enough to shore to protect his boats with his gens; for this purpose ho employed a Scotchman lie had taken oiit of a Mexican vessel to pilot lam in, but the Scotchman; from design or accident, fun the brig aground on the 15th of Aug. On the f7ih' she was abandoned L'y all but U.. tiiitiUri arid v. l:oac' cfew; about CO iu all went ashore aud f ur rendered to the Mexicans. They were hospitably received, a hall given to tlicni aa a compliment, mid a 'guide scut with them next day to Tampico. Lt. Hunter and his boats' crew lu!t the vessel and put to sea. ile overhaul ei and tooK a small 'Mexican schooner, in which rtC proc -tdexf' to the anchorage 'of the Squadron. The U. S. steamer Piinceton was immediately despatched to the wreck of tho Tiuxton, but so lugh was the sea that - it coufd .'not be approached mlil the 22d, win n finding, it iipppjFsitile to get hor oflTor save her, i'hfc was fired. The Mexicans h id previously, however, coorpjefcly stripped her of every thing they ctuld g'tl away, and tftifcvt-Ji'ei1 runs overboard. , . t Tho LT. S. steamer Lcsaro arrived at New Or leans on the 5th Sept., with important despatches for the American Government, the purport of them Hut known. It u a. reported tht all the Mexican States had refined to, furnish troops to' uiu'rifi against the American Array. The followin" is a list ol ill", officers attached to the Truxton, who have gone to Tantpjco. Confmander E W Carpenter ; , Acting Master Isaac N L'ricefand; Passed Midshipman John P DankheaJ, George 'B Bissell ; Pursor Georje F Cutter; Assistant Surgeon John S ; Mid-hiproan Simeon S B.ipsiU; Captain's Clerk, H Wilkinson ; together with about fifty petty offi cers and seamen. THE CABLET. -Air. Bancroft has been, ap pointee" Minister to England, am! Judge Mas.n will art ill both capacities t.f Attorney General, ( which' he is r.ow ) and Secretary, -of1 Navy ; says the W.mliin "ton tJnion. NE W COTTa.V;-fThefirrt bale of new TWELFTH OF SEPTEMBER. This day 32 yeais ago, was inade th mc motaulc defence of Baltimore, called the "Battle-of North Point' The British troopa were flushed with their -success in taking Washington city, buruiug and plundering ihe"pubth building--, and proceeded to attack Foil McHeiujS .Khich cummauds the eft Irance t the harbor t Baltimore. The lia- val foice under Admiraj Cochrane, landed about 5000 troop nt North Point vi, tfce moru iug of the 12th, 14 miles below Bahiiiiote. Gen. Smith was in command at Baltimore; and had er.treuched himself on the heights. Ou the 1 1 th, he despatched 3,200 men to re conuoilre the enemy, nd , act a- a suit of bait to drew the British up to the main body of Ameiicau fo-ccs. Ofttfes; troops, one re giment wm stationed at The Trap," a tav ern oil the road, nnd another at u Meeting fcoup, as reserves for ihe advance t fall back ou. On the the lititi-h forces aud Amer ican advance h-rd a kir ninth, ifl wftich' Gen. Ilos-!, the conunander of the tand forces, was killed ; and a nu.nber kifled and wotiuded ou both side.-. Tt.c Adi'etJian foices, many ol he:n, lied prerip7l'ate!y, the cavahy in particu lar ; cxfojit the 27lh ieiineii', who it i .aid tiHiintuiueJ their roiiiid. and, iiiarehed bark lolSul imoie iu ic;ular ordm; Ihete being many 1 1 ih men a ud' VoirVtna'ttded by a u 1 1 i."h XVI a jr, "IfeatSf, eaff? soWier stuc k a greeu twiy iiti'ti the muzzle of his gun to represent the hiiiiir(M k, in honor of their M.iJ'rr.' llov'er the tS i it i"-h moved on up, and tintiiitr the AtrietiCan so stnuigly ported, ;iml t, if hot supeiior iu numbers, Col. Uiookf, the commander, dctci mined to attack Ihern by night; but before carrying that reso fuYfo'flf ff!i tfifect, he received iuformatioii from the naval forces that they had failed to rap' ure Fort. Melt eory, and could not get in to thu haib"r on account of the vessels that had heeu uuk f oils', a'ct it. And could not theicfoie MV'j'ir'f ie fand iiiovemeiit, and Col Ltrotike coni'liidd riot to make his iuicudt-d night attack ; Wot decamped to IS' cot h Point aud c-nilaifEf. T!Ve Saltijinoreatw have a monument to OUTHEtlN KAifROADS. Georgia ceems to bo going ahead of aU the Southern Stales iu building laiiroads. The KA1LMOAD SCHEMES. One ho iCUs tinwelf F Hot, JVI. D-," fcns publii$he4 several communiciition! people of 4hat State seem to have become j that excellent democratic pa'jier, the Wil- C. JtCTersonisn, ya lha, ,he BraocV ftr Verro,,m e,eclion have, as uua!, re. at Ihrtl piece m neatly finied 7, '- Lu,,!d in for oi' lhe ttL,- u f i m iveraiioti iu a tew f r, ..rrs..Jl . 'Li ... ..u: t poMased of a never-tiring spirit of enter- mingion Jourmd, which he urges upon the j Gmharn is the coiner, in place of r Boln,,, he I-eaMaii,e will Lnrr- - whitf Gov'... ..: .. w:u . . iu:.... ...... e .: f. ,r i citrxfiw w:i : ..... ti.. ...... . r .. it... ...i ' " ic, VtlllCIl IS ""e, n iUUllUalloll " llll'lllji" Vf I , ntiu I n.rru. wealth and importance. A fiiend who ha lecenily gicn much at teulion to the subject tf lhe contemplated road to connect Raleigh, Fayetteville, Chera aud Canideu, aud to routes and i htnifS roads south to Mobile, has furnished us with a vtatement of railioad improvement., exL-tiuii and contemplated, iu Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama, vttttch wille found interestin: All the Georgia Railroads reutte at Atlanta, Dekalb county, Ga. '1 he central Railroad from Savautiah to Macon 190 mile' aud the Macon aud vv-erferti 101 mile, makes ihe connection between tfee Atlantic aud At lanta Ci mplete. The Georgia Railroad from Augusta to Atlanta 171 miles, which road a coutinualioii of the Chaileston and Auisusla road. 136 mile., completes ih eonuectioii between Charleston and JEtla'uta- the whole distance fiorn Cha'ilert'on to that place bciu SOt miie.t( ATI Atlanta corhmences what is called the State or Atlanta aud Western Rail road, which is now finished and iu opeiatioti to Oosteuaulah liver, Stf in Hen fiorn Atlanta, aud ouder contract to the Tennessee line. This ioad-is .de.sigued to be continued iu three directions, to-w it : to Alemphif, Nashville, 1 ,oe "diautngea to e deiied fiom, etetidiug the ilininotoii toad ou to romicct w44i the road in South Carolina. Of this tio one can complain, hut -in leaving the subject of lhe extendi, h of the Wilmington road, and at tacking the motives fchioboige irm people of Fayette iile and the friend of called the "upper loule," exe.t lbemelves ti ex tend the Raleigh and Gaston road, it becomes high time that thioso whose motives are at tacked should say something iu their defence. lhe above mentioned writer, after rtating th it the WilmiiioiiMi-railroad ' is the oulv caue" of the gieai piosenty tf Wilming ton, and admitting that il exteusioti vH not bilrig tu that towu much greater prosperity than already exists!' lie continues aud wind up hi communication with discussing the merits of the road from Raleigh by way of Fayetleville; in which he say- as follows i- " . J' lt" that upper route were designed to devclo'pe (lie-r sonrccf ol the middle and western count and'.fo bcnt fit fhe State if it were alcnlated to Uivrease fie prifperity t-f flalt i;. 1 Fayctteville. or any town in Jm'. Carolina, the enterprise would eons; me sympatiiies and well wishes. o! ttic cut . Pr. lrl..r I h.f.u I lata PfBt. The ninhorilics of Ale.xatidrrti have taken . "l'V " W'JiUam aud Mary Coile2 Va . died me vote t trte people on tne question ! tr.e retrocession id that city lo lhe Slate of Vir ginia, in accordance with tho act of Cmigress. It wa.t decided iu favor of retrocession by two-third. aod ulso i iiliV, 1 ' "---in m thai, Distri,,. HewVl.iJeKani .Newberry'. The Raleigh Uci-tcr duty ol the Legi.Utute. iu iu opinion, will be j ;Sgpt. li, lo. m-n. to re-district the Stale iuio Jonreioual I "NZqn q-jr Districts. This is the " law nnd order pnrtv I TtlK Subscriber ha ini qnafified at Executor f recoH. rt. J,eat sticklers, aomttime, "for 1 !r d T'ni''"'1 ' i ul,,B. ' 11 4 ' eceistd, at the Sepl inber Term of the Court ot obedience to the law. Pleas nnd Quarter Sessions for the county of Ueiil. t.aines t is tieeu laosterred lo tt. lUx . Jo make paymejat. All persons . having the . ' ,clnj "CSinst the ?aid Cgpue .ifc- requirej to prer . I ... oil 'was hrovijrhf to iuarj;el this e'a'on.' f co?Vf'nMnorate this event, called the battle - ' t nriikcl on V-due-l iy U:n ltit., and w pu.chhsiM? tt'y P'. P'.' rf.Wn'Vrf Ct.'.V tft i cts. jcr IU. qn.iliiy fiijf, moiWftVieDt."' The ii'st extraoidiuary ci-cuin-tance i i this MtacPf, was the death of (Jen. Ross. The liriti-h forces were moving fotward toward It was brought by Air Da n?c'f f I urft-ti of: , he cilV. after having repulsed and scattered D op' in c'oiuty fjr" Mr .1". (.'Sheiml, a elected Soliei 1 1' lor the County f (.'utiihe'ilaud on Tuesday ol'this Septeiiibelf TeniV,-' in place of 31 r T. 1. ii i . . : . . I M n in, rf-ii" neii. I .V-, 1,1 Mr Sheparu wilV rViiVdouIt. fill the ofhVe to the sati-ficiiou' f (lie people d' tho County. R A I l-iiO.UX crtA-R t&ks: ' .I ' . ' . 'I h .Chti;tv (i.izcltf,;!!! uoUt ing the un--friliy riv.ilrv whu h-iV-fs i-xhibifrd-ifclf in ... l mi fitoik- (nri'tniiMi tlVV cpci'i 1 ri iti- itlatetl railroad 'routed, suiiests to the lieu- I the skinni-diing paity sent out, when fm a clump of bu-ln:s along the toad, two 'sht.s were lited one entering the head, the other the heart of Gen. Ross. A tremendous dis chaoe if sioall anus was fiied into thi-b'itv'aes. ft h is liever been ascertained ith certa'fn ly who killed Gen. Ross, but circumstance hae pointed out two young roeu so plainly, that the JJallimo'euns couidered there was fliiiTe or tin cl'otibt of the fact, uud thev built a iiiolitnnen! lo their rnefiVor'yV. . ' vi' Their nauM'S wei cV "M'cCo'inas a it :T ells -the I'Miitier a caiiienter, atuf iile latter a saddler, nor out of bis apiiren'ticeshin'. Their bodies template! railroad route, suggests lo ie peo- wfo (i(iiutJ fj;re R wnj pi.-of S-.u-h Carolina, -aud the I.egi.-lature, , iddle.l ilh. b'llls, the tf!e t .f the volley the propriety aud justice of gailing charter? fired into the ambii-h. . .TJVey belonged lo a 1. 1 all th., schemes. Amfs-TMoldthis be f Coi.Ajfcmy Hel llW 1st Raftfmore Sharpshoot- i as Ji :iii.'. e , . . rims lire riniuuiiiiri aug wen aines.ol lie I'lll -and ruoiwlN-, Ienii,? fioin Memphis in the LMna,r ibt's iowi, in its beiialf-bot when they uireciion oi iue vreorgia roan to ia Uiatige, some 50 miles is either in operation or near ly Si, aud another link of the same load from Tuscutnhia to Decatur in Alabama, some 42 miles is iu . dai?V operation. A comuauv is chartered from' Iash'virie, aud great hopes are entertained, from both Nashville and Knox ville. The road from Montgomery, Ala., to West Point, Ga., is designed to be extended to Atlaiita the road from Moutgomery to West Point is under contract, nnd is finished and in operation to Chehaw rftMtiou - from Mont gomery a road is designer io fc'? continued to Vickrtnirg, Wis& from Vicksburg, in the Montgomery direction, a road is now in op eration lo Jackson, 226mi!es, aud parity fin . ished to Brandon. The Stated 6(.lananW and Mfssfssippi have this road under their patrouao;K and have nppioprialecl funds to it. Genl. Speight got a bill through the Senate lastsessioii ol'Ctmgress, appropi iatiug alternate sections of the public lands towards building tft'is road. - It has been designed also, to connect Mo bile with Montgomery by railroads, though at present, steamboats ply regularly ou the Ala bama tlver between these points. 1 eusacola and Mobile mav aud will he connected by Railroads. There will be branch of the " Central" It fuiiher suogesfs" ih'il for' fear Aval lhc fu sions among tho fi feuds of lhe several routes,"., and a stubborn perseverance in pro-ecuting each division' i'.s'ovvu route, houUf mar the pioipecls of a'lt," and possibly prevut the success of e'ti'y, that ea h Couipauj' h'avin it -barter,' sV.'iVl tjeii book's, a iit :V es 'V gt sub-er iptious eoouli to build, do so;' but 'it ii.. , K t rli: unite hiiiug"lhe l.i-gest sub-ciip lion, oi greatest ninnbei td' shaies, iako pre leieuee, as being the fa'voiiteof ihe public, mid li t ttie others cense operations, and ft they ill not lake stin k, at leart stop ipj5'o's"i tioii. This plan looks plausible enough ou paper, but we believe it is." iiiipraclicable as well as iacxpedieut. Wo'go'for acting iudepeiidelit ly and ttttsthttxf bee fmin all baigains or -outracts.' 'I'li'e "upper route" has advan tages' iVhich we should hot to see hamper ed or encumbered with Contingencies. If '.h'e people of the lower route can bittt-H their e:?;Vir!'s"iou,' 'e !oal1 be giai) of if, and - wilt rejoice iu ihcir joy. Rut as they h acted not altogether fair or generous, we w ih no bargains. - er.. 'I h-ii hoilies are tuTU'ed beneath the moiiouiciit cii'cttMi to coiiiitVe'nVota'e th4ir stlt saciificing net. command of the Kasteiu Diii"ii of Aniiy, what little ihere is of it, not in His head quaileis at-e iu New York city "'fit thefT inr rH-i3i-tiT Vliiiy, what little ihere is of it, not in Mexico, j L, or this notii wi'l U; p?ad. o n bar oTa ret-o i erv ! So WILLIAM S. ML'LLINS, E'r. pt. 2. I 6 tC. 3'j:-3:. know it to be ruinous and discreditable tothe State, maKiiir tn-r, as I have already said, tributary to South Carolina and Virginia, nnd thnt it would ensure the complete rnin of this town, nothing that can be accomplished . hy tinman t tTorr, at almost any cost and pacrffice, should be m-gU-vled, wl it h will defeat raeh suicidul policy and avert such lamentable consequences. And .'-turiunctely, the citizens of Wilmington have it in their power to save the cretlir and honor of the State, and at the same time, t preserve their own town from ruin. Passing over in the above remarks the a surance wnich assumes to tell the neonle of the "upper route" that they are ignmaut of iheii oau interests, we come to that part which charges (ii with views and ends "dis ' cieditable to the State," aud arrogates to the people of Wilmingtou the keeping of the State's honor 1 In viewing this part of the communication and) the appeals which have been made to the citizens 'of Charleston to come to- the wid of the Wifm?n$ioii road fet us ask what n't: the incentives held out to tho people of Chaileston, to lend that aid ? It is 57tt two weeks since, that avo saw copied iuio the Wilmington pa per statements of the benefits Charleston is to Jerive fiorii this cominifSication. These ...... .t Mutemenls say that ChailertoU by ihis con I I.eger Ilutehinsoti, Ksq., has been j elected Mayor of Charleston ocr General Schuierle, by n mnjoiity of 51 yi-tes, out of l-48t votes cast." GlRARD Coi.I.l'.iii':. Tht? cap stone of the ixirara college en nice rui-eu m u, pjace j oii j inn pi ft Tfc T1 ou the 2yth nil, Thecditiee has lu.-i, ihir- J3 J I J If i U UltDhH. teeu years iu building rive comer .-t-me hav- ! Hea lUuar.ers -,th Bi'iade 11 aivinon 1N.C. illg been laid in lS:ri The probable curt is i Miitia, V letween twoat.d three millions of dolls. ! C"tliage Sept. Sth 1846. V . . l he (.. lonc's ol Il'-2'ments composins the 4th. Chronicle. j otiiid". till call toethr lhe o(Tn tr. and sp'durBt sstsssyfMsgygo1 j j1 IMI ""n-" jnnf.-rih ir cfiniiiu rid at the t m'8 and placci fjl unerry ain-y, 'ircii vy., r. i - -, i -tn. ; i.iwui, i : MrSeth W-towIe: lJ.?arSir, GratituCttido.M: I Tho S.ih K?Piment, Col. Win. M. Baldwin, a prompt me m-ik, the lolKevm eon.nnu,,. a.,.;n, , VVhiteil'.e, Monday. October I9rh. whwhlshoulrLlike lohao puuhshed lotjev Reifiment. 'Col. N. Kcly, ut Elizabeth I have been aftT.cicd fur ti.e Inst five years a ,ow Tuc'fdav. Ori. 'ii:;'-. severe pain in the rtde, th haekinsr Th; 32(l Rp n,cnt,Ctj. i,alIlll Mtpi7a;r ut Coil couh and nibt swi nts, so 1 n-e itjt I.ecu , xi.,...t ... .. oo.i .D-e i uu iuio wnw uurm5 . umi . . ...... Tbe :d Rei.iient, C.l. ). McCormick, at Fey- been attended by three ot the mart, resupeiattli- etteviile, Salurdav. Oct. 2lh physicians in our vieinity, but oiUaurtMi nt reiiei. ( T!l, :U)h Rc.onnt, Col. A. Munhison, at Mrs A s a lasl reaon i was ixioirPu io ir.v is u. - i; ,rkf dale's. M.-ndav. Oct. 'J6ib. t i ..... - . Balsam of Wild Cberrv. 1 ; tbee.boltlrf. and w ith nt ire success. I teel ri..i am restored, and once more rejoice in petlrct health. Signed, , , iOMNFK!l.S. For sale by S. 3. IHNSDA..E. yefte ville, N. C, and Or A. M A I.LOV, Cieravv. NKWS follows: FfMitf liranchyilje, 0jfhe Chorleston aud Auirusfit loadAoS miles lo Columbia.' .now ijft' opetalio.n, and. .which n ad is designed to ex'end up tp. Greenville. -ii'ul thence to Ashe ville, N. C l rom Uadsden, on the Colum bia branch,' cotnmuces the Camden roao, hich is desijirieu to be extended north, via Che-raw aVicf Knyeitevide, and lo connect with the RaieilV Wild Gaston Railroad at Raleigh. All these fnYjVrovements in a few years will le tin ished.' j ilia racreasiug travel and re sources of tha couutfy demand it, and capital irts viilltfoiAie wok. JtRRlrFJ). The 44th ttesimcnt. Col. J. Morison, at Carthnge, Wednesday, Ou. SSth. . For the purpose of review ami inspection. Tho review will lake plate pr-ciiuly at 12 o'clock, M. All Officer? who are not propeily in uniform will beheld strictly "counr able. By order of Bnyadicr O.-nl. W. p. 1XJ W D. . r ; . . M. B. PEUSO.V, Aid. S -pr. I2,"3IC, 3j5-2t. WAlMTPll AT Tl,,s OFFICK. a If 111 1 EaU outh to b'arn the trade art and uBlerv of Piinlin'. None u ill an- Sept. I. Schr Favr-ttfivi'le from Bt'ltimon. 2d. j swer unless he is at b-ast 14 yeais old., and not over Barque Calisla from N York. 4lh. Schr Chiuda j 16; and can read and wiitc with facility. irom v asdoiulon, 1. C schr .Marion lio i !ial- lott''. oth. 7th. Schr 8th. Bri"- Belle from ton from Philadelphia .schr Jonas Sm thlr m". ! ro.ina, for a Cluirlef lo a. Railroad Iroiri ltalcifjii, lork schr Joseph Lybrand Inirh Philadephia. by way oljjtyott. ville, to Camden, c-. C. iiiron, l. y. schr .Marion Iro i .tial- , T. BriS .Snml -N Ooti Irom . , VTflTIPP S HEREBY GIVEN, lhat.-.r Alary Francis from JVJid'JIetoii, N.t'.: 1 1 U 1 ItCl plication will bo nidx', to Hie lelle from N York --Brig John N Clay- i ""1 General Assembly; ft'f fh Slate i..fiA'u'ii!i C.v FOREIGN NEWS, The Riitanuia ar liud at Boston ou the 3d insr. Her news is of no particular impoiMiifc'e. Hon. Louis fTcf.-iiie, Atrricati M inisVr nt Lotldon, ar- ltve in uer. , , t i . The cotton mafkVi ta-ntf'iuer: The new Amor ienn. Tariff had 'dot made, so far," sitiy alteration in business ; but all iilferatiooTor flie better was looked for. Iron bad liscfi iii price. . - There haa been m. regular qiiarrel and sep aration between the O'CohrcI and O'ISiieii repeal parties in 1'ielaijdJ '"""' '" . . , . AmiiHcr' steri iovnrds (re' the legis lation of England, is the final fiassage of a liitl admitting Sugar into England ut greatly recJoced tariff taxes. G-reat rains iu 'England have materially in yuied the crops. The potato crop of Great Britain is again destroyed by th rot. Grain m adyhtffog. ia price, as well as fildv'isibrfsl geue'raliy. GRAiVfl E 1N7A SWAMP! Wd'isee it stated in the Norfolk (Va.) He rald, that several' buildings are being jmt up in that pi ace, the' pillars of w hich are of -granite taken from lhe Dismal Swam; in" Kuith Carolina ! This seem. to tfs lb be a uust strange cir- cumsiah'ce. Wc hould as- soriu expect to see burnt bricks grow sporjtatfeous in a jtand bank, as to see granite in a anamp. THE LUMbERTON MAIL by Sulky, now departs on Sundays aud Thursday's,' at 5 o'clock in the njornin; instead of three tunes 'a week: -"-.-' T 1 1 OS E Y & Sfi'N A TORS. V- perceive that some of the Whig papers, n'tVd'tbvii eiVr espoudeuts, are speculating on the probabilities of having two new Senators to elect, it having by some means become rumoud' that' Mr MiUigum would resign. We perceive, however, that Mr Mangurn never gave countenance to. this rumor, if we may judge by a statement in ihe Hillsborough Rr colder. The ediror of that paper says that ft'e has ica'sou to know that Mr Manguui has uol epresst nMtteriniuatiV.ii' lo '' resTsn' r a'nd al though h1. jfonVe yefiV r.o Vas au.vFou to re tire to private life, he is now willing to serve iu any crmnC iiy in' n'KicB' His lufcurs maybe - ' - usckd.' . , t " We, presume this language i official, as Mr Mangu.ii lives near Hillsborough. , Iu speaking of the Senator lo be 'elected iu Mr Haywood's place, the Recorder wairnly eulogizes and rec6'inrtieinJ Governor W'm.'A. Graham. But that w ill not d The county ol Oianj;e has had a Senator for a number of years,' ever since M'r Mangum's election, aud sile had the Governor two yeaisiiud now for lVo more, besides other offices of honor a'ud profit, aud has the cupidity to ask for two Se liktbrsV There isjio man in the whig ranks whom ve would sooner, see go to the Senate, than Govertior Graham, nnd we would be "lad to see him gr in preference to any other whig, if it were not that both him aud Mr Manguui arc iu the same county. Other sections of1 the State demand jsoii.o attenUou in the selec tion of Senators. Js'ew York city was held ou the 2d instant, ut Tammany Hall, for the pti-pose of exprc'ising- aud embodying theii sentiments of approba tion iu relirfiouitoalhHegWeat measures of the adtriiuistradoti,' at lhe late sessiou of Corf- Resides the regtkr setofteo!lioiis, one of the speakers ffereo one vfhich was unanim ously adopted, e'xreilig thanks to those riiecnhers of the U..T. Seriate !6 voted for the auncxation ol Tc-hs-the'tartnf !6l6 and for the " clear and Wq'nest ioaable " light of the United Slates" to the whole ".of Oregon j up to 54 deg: 40 mih.' TllK Fall Elections. The corniii" fall elect ioiis for Congressional nnd State Offi cer, are to lake place iu the follow ing oidei of lime : road fiotn uear RarnesvilTe to Cotumhus, Ga., ticlioii fa to "contiol the trade of the east- which is designed ubimateTy fo'o ou to Mo- ef'n paU o potth Carolina"! bite. There is a branch of the Georrrin road ,--''- l .,- . . .t. lo Athens, l.Hii hiii. near Crawf.,dvill. 1 - - 6" - The South Caudiua improvenieuis aro J jwressions of lhe keepers of lhe credit" and "hijiior' of ihe Stale with iheir prSciieeM. The peVkt f Cbatleatou of course fall very readi ly itifo these viav?s sViid inducer"c'nts.."aiid'de- ..) ' ' . ' V sire to have u direct communicailou whh W ilniingtoti. V long series of articles have becu publish ed in the Wilmington papers, not only advo, cuing the extension of tf!e Wilmington road, bulituimadveitiug with si range and almost un.ccountable sevetity on the efforts of Ral eigi nnd Fayettevilfo "to ctteud the Rleigh roal." To alf this, the' people and the press of Faeiteville nave listened with composure butiiot u'nrniiigted with surprise j and occa sionally," iH'e la'lftr has replied to, and reinoil straeif iff,' such Unkind aud uiiiieighboily in terlireure with their plans of enterprise. Thi. press has" stated repeatedly, that the pe plcV Frtyefteville entertain no hostile feel iiigiownrds Wilmington, or any improve ineks, which her people may think lo their adtitnge ;' aud not ouly so, but Ihe pess and piiople of Fayettcville applaud nnd cheer oii tie enterprising spiiit of Wrilminfou, aud pojrt it to iuctie the same sptt it at home 'iud;ill that is asked bv Fayetteville, is, that she uay be allowed to judge for herself what plan) she will pursue for her own benefit. She does not intrude her advice, or any ill iiattjed lemaiks uprO the people ol Wfhiiiug ioii,but only begs to be allowed rhe privilege iii ci.iimon with every other community, to pursue what plans and schemes she deem cotmieive lo her own wctfure. And if in the plans and schemes other communities sceo fancy ihey see, thai injoiy is to result lo it-iu, ii is only what Fayetteville has seen audelt years ago. She. has seeu the life of he Hi eels, jnid the bridle, !" tHer mers.hiuJs d'lie. and depa't, anil' lhe wealth thai used to ctutre in her lap, drawn ofl'and scalier t in dfereul aiailrs pointed ut by eolerpiise. peihas superior to Her o'. Jf He h'a's" u or ne if nil, aid ha continued to bear it for a seiies M.tnRII'.l). In this county, oi. I he 3 1st u It., Capt . I Tkomts J. ! I'll ICRS CURRENT. r..n . iAU;a.r!.,,i;., M. v...n .,ii ... r.. ......! ... a -3"-?. ---if --i-,?.- I it Sampson county, on the 3d insi., at rli boo.e j lr. Owens," by lh It. f. Cr..m irtie, of Bladen lat e of Ri lioiond roa'uiy. Cori eclid icreklu for the v'urth Vai oliuiav . K A Y KTT K V 1 T. L. K . of Dr. Owens," by I h ll.-v. . Shaw, Mr Jumes; In ord. r t o obvial e any mi slat, e , v b t u 1 1- that .W. Cr..m irtie, ol liladen, to Mis? Lucy . tii.irt, i the prn lllil' Vermont Maine Georgia Arkansas ,. Maryland South Carolina Pennsylvania.. . Ohio M ississippi Michigan New Yoik New Jersey Massachusetts Delaware Tuesday Septembet 1. Monday September 14. Monday October 5. 11101103 October 5. Wednesday October 7. Moiiday October 12. Tuesday October 13. Tuesday October 13. Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Monday .Tuesday November 2. November 2. November 3.' November 3". November 9. ivember 10. Li Cumberland eounly, on 5th" ir.t-.'Mr Wpi. I.. (. tTI ? To ' Walker in his 9lsl year. ' 'Hie ccaed VVas a ; Urundy,' peach', none soldier ot the revolution one of the f. w . ilio. (Q Apple '"to3 pairiois nno uvcu 10 connect ui.ii lueiuoi a io- 1 1 in- j J,.,.,- , j with t!ie prc-ent. lie had Ifved an reiuj.!aiy and j cof ,," f, unexceptionable life, and died a christian.., . , J Corn 'bii In Lower Fayetteville, on the 3lsr Any , Mr. j pi0'llr k,i r- . - r . . i- X t TV . J 1 1 1- I . ' " nenciul jonnson, ronmri u i. nun j.,iui-.i.. U'l , VB1.,.. I t . i. - ... ..... n.. a I i ..; 9 1 . .n Lilts. COtllHV, .If. ' .1 " .l. iiiri., mi l Itj lililll Chapman, tn the it 4 :Ji year ol insane. In An'sn'n County, on the ?td nil., Is'inm tn-. irram, Esq., in -full hopes of a belter world. Mr in ra in, as a citiz.-n, was hifrhlvjstecineil, and as a Iii3!and, greatly belofctj. fie li d -rej .icinj ih it he was. re-.idy and wiliins l go whenever hi Qod called him. tie flat: Ijtft a wi.b.w, and a larje circle of fiends')- ti dtiplore.liis loss. may it be said, in the luiilst of lifd We art in desib. -Communicated. . For th"? Carolinian. ODE ON TUfi tili,'?'h OF E. NCyALLEE. Beneath that sod of r cent urowth In death's repq-c. G.ah li,. : till FAULT-FINDERS AT FATJLT. 'J he Baltimore Patriot has published a state ment attacking lhe table of comparative tariff-, fiirtii-hed by the Secietsfy of iSe Treasury, signed' by him, and publfs'hed' by the Union. Now this labia was not furnished by Mr Walker as a volunteer, but was communicated by him on an. official call by the Committee of Way's and Means of lhe House and, on motion!' published by order of Congress. It is compiled", (iinn lhe Register's report,.-of Oeccorfjer last, then communicated afnd pub lished by Congress, based opou the actual . n..rt Jli.Vil ' ftilflA.. Ii. l.l Car Iflflfflf.9 u llll Ub.HUI uwilc .... v HIV .! . , J I . . . . . . 1DU :.. ..i. . .w. j -.i.' '- --...i of TRat through hopes and disappointments; lOiSi III wnivtl lesion .lie "'i vnmirni a..u . . . , . ,: . ' , . r.. ' . . , - . l and uw thai she is one nvre detertuftieu to eotiiva CBl ao vaiureins are cocu, auu siihh . . , . .--- i' . -v . , . .... .. ' . . ... ., - .- , - of r.ei lost tmporlaure. sji lniuks that the tlHUCS WUltl, IUIIIIIVU Willi ...... ports.' The table, then, is tiiiquesliouabiy correct in alt ils pails. That table of Ihe Re gister, on which il is founded, was published ly Cotrgress in December last, aud quoted e c'rifrf cf by v!!!s and. democrats. The items, slated by the JJaliimore Patriot, are easily explained'. ITe gives a' jailicuh'r instance rejfliidiii a s;ng!5 article THe re frmt'dflhe Register gives the whole imports of all those articles, and. their valife, for the year 1845, and tnie :b.lole duties paid, and thus showV the f-rjuivaleut ad valorem cor rectly;' and in ihis way the tables have been p'rsjuared." eot merely by Mr W'a'ftter, but by all his frrcdecessors. The Bal imore Patriot iniikt therefoie, either retractor stand fo'th convicted of a gross calumny. Union. uricesintbc tabbsbelow. are .iiu.t.d fur li II 1 produce from the country. atlUe price u I w hich o is sold vhole?al. from the wuen i .... .v.w-. lporlr le.Twt fie can ask is, that her -8.rt and the riiotivh which proinpt itshali uol le deuounc ed a:(,iaatiit:c aud,, Capt. CHABLtVS. M' been appoinled lo the commaud of Ihe navy Yard at Washington which he assumed oil the ll insl., in the place of Commodore Shubrick, appointed to ihe command' 6i' lhe Pacific spuadrou" Tin Portsmouth aud Roanoke Railroad was stUl at public Auction ti Ihe 4th in!., aod pschascJ by the agent .of the Board d" .i'bficiYoiiiiu Si liajf of lti; State of Vir ginia, or sitYy thousand dollars. Wilming ton Clr4l'nicle. 'ihe sale took place nnder a mortgage, by the Raload. Company lo the President and Puerto .f lhe Board of Public Wtnks ol irgnia. Tht GoverniM, whn is .President of . lh Boaid, and several niemlreis have. wltbnia few days oast, reluriied from ,(M,f throng) t)e alley atid Southwestern. Vir ginia, where tnt.y have been examining the i public woiks now in fiati.ti. Th; last reOKiina of one bravo voiith,, . - Whose early call' niocIainiB th!. rfl'h 'Pbat young ana old must file. His pilgrimaaje was short on earth, So ! ran pel en t was bis 'lay; From youth ,fo'y-d yiy fin ath Is r.otins thiapproa. h ofueatb, And all must pass uway. lie xva iny frj.Mjd from' carl' youth, And much f przM his. In art ; For he Walked u;.ril.f l i troth. And sought tht;jaii. tf :ife to soothe, Ai.d comf.jil to Unpait. I pa5ed tbt ivar but O, no more I uet smile so tey ; ,, : -The fiowrels l.loo n'd around ,hi3 door As s nilinn as th'-y l.'oomVI before, Bui he b id p:i?.cd cy. rfe'ul-iminr .r csr!;.'y inoniid Arrests the slran.cC:'s eyes ; HVte i-vciij ig br'' j;r'H solemn s.nrn'f Breathe melauclioly .i.'. r the ground, But tell not whore he lies. BOCKFISII. 30, b. 2i to-ib ;7 lo 71 i-o 5(JJio5 ) 0U Fe.ilh. rs, lb. i6 lo 3" rodder, per bund. I 0U I f , refn , I b to 4 do dry, C to 9 Lard, lb. 10 Onts. bush. 35 lo 40 Oil, linseed Peas, bush., ltyV b'odi.' W.1, lb Tallow, lb. Tobacco, I ea f mMackatHTite 7S to HO 80 to 85 lion. 9 6to 7 none .Id inanuf. 5 lo I & Wheal, bush. 90 Whiskey gal. 3d to 40 Wool, lb lit to 15 . .. Eatables. Beef, !b. Butler, lb. 13 to 2" Chickens, each, 12 Eggs, doz. 10 Meal, bush. 90 to I 00 Pork, lb. 5 to ftj Potatoes, sweet, 60 do Irish, I U0 Turkeys, each, uone Tuinipa, bush. Fay. jilanuf. Goods. Cotton yarn. lb. 15 Bale ropftf.. ,.7 u 8 (Jar1ii'f.,, jit v, 17to5'i tfo. Hi 111. 14 to 5 ColTe'-. Rio . f I to Dl Cheese, lb. ) to IU Cuiidiu, lb., 15 do Sperm. 40 to 45 Copperas, Ih 3 to 3 J Iron, Swedes , 4lo5 do ejefra ei?es, .1 I o H do Enli!h, . 4 to 4 I Lime,nnslackcd, CO Lead, bar, ft to G$ Molasses, a I. 25 to 2d .Vails, ke", lb - 5 lo 5t Oil, biinp,gal 87 to I 2o lo.l ar.n.-rs'bl 817 to 18 Powder, keg, 6 CO ttice, 5 Fremh brandy I 5'ito.t Gin, Holland, I sum 1 75 Hum, Jamaica . 2 (J.1 Jo. Si Croix, I SO to 1 7 5 do. N. E. s.Uij f.n 3J to 4p.rnndy,north,n. fcOtoCO .Su'.'nr, PC. 6 to 'J d. Po.-roRfco, 8 to H do. St Croix, 10 to H do. lump, 12 do. loaf. 4 to I . Salt.Livcrpool sacVrl rto. Alum. busk, , (u Tea, peT lb 75 In I 25 I wine, bagf ing, lb. S Wine, Malaga, 56lo 60 do Madeira, I 25 to 3 ft' "o I'ort, 1 50 to 3 On r? 1 a . . For life Carolinian. Lins nvcas.oned by the premature itirth of twins, who died a f. w bonrs after they were born. " Suff r little children to com n unto nv for of ?i!ch is t'te kingdom t.f Heaven. Twas sumuer, and a sunn- eve; And cool and bilmy wi.s ih air, I r-aw a siiiht th t m ide me gri t c, And yet that sihl was lair. For in. a little cefTin lay Two lifeless babes, as sweet as May. Encircled in each other's loud embrace : Anel attend them to thrir resting fl. e- Tliat scene so miamfal yet so far. Assurance give lhat God was there, To waft Ihem in h s ' ,oV'!' To a happier bo.rie Unctlius there. nict-k , 4-4 Urn. Sheetinss. yd 7 1-4 tio do 7 lti.aes.8x 10 box ft t'lin.h, 7; do If'xIS, " f2j to r)snaburis, yd S i White Lend, keg t to 2 J Mack'-rel, No. I.pcrbbl. 7 50 to 8 00 " No. 2, per bbl. 5 50 REMARKS. Produce arrives slow, and nl kinds continue very scarce in store. Flour would comm-ind $5 5J to $6. Bacon, Orcntn. Lard 10. Corn scarce, and sel'a at 82 ro 85. Meal gl 0. Oat 35 cts. New Bwridv advnncd lo 30 cents , Whiskey 30. Sales r fCotton at 7J to 7, but pri C 8 mar bv considered as nominal, as but lew txila weiy oflT-red and not enough lo csiablifh a juu'a lion. - Groceries are unchanged hfr?. Suarbasad vanco.l in the northern innrk't. AM kinds of dry goods said to have materially deeH'rVtd,' ;uJ our oierchants wiU bn able to give good bargains. 1 r . Rutlcr, Beeswax , Brandy , apple, Coflee, Cotton, prrlb. Flour, per bbl Lime, bb 1 Rum, N. E. WILMIKOTOfS. 16 Vlolssee, 27 3 fIire, CjrCorn , .'Jugar, Itsw n Rosin . LL! 6 (0 1 (0 S3 20 to 30 Cl tii !l 30 lo 1 75 3 5ii 0 u C5 Salt Tuiks If land .but-h Liverpool, sack 1 25 WILMINGTON MARKET, September 9 Within the last week lh advance in Tumcnil ih The, New Yoik True Snn'says that ordeis have beeu'reccived in t!ra2feity for the orau izalion ofseven troopi" 'of horse for Mexican scrvicr. ', K form was r- . ,tr.T. SO iTCIltl in lervent. . ' I ssw affection's prarly tear GTidedown his aSed cheek. Weep no1 for t'"""e tr ,"m kln'" I,ravcn Eternal peace and rest hath ivcn ; Happiei they in calling higher, Than earthly life, As members of the Anol choir Uaymount, Sept. Oth, lSlt?. Iia? been r"?nlsr, until the article has got up t. 2,65 for roft, at which rale a lot of 35' bbls. sob yesterday. On Monday the tjanaacliooa.- u. the j extent of perhaps 2000 bbls., were at 2,75. Hard I ut half th-. rale of soft. Several .la l Spirits of Turpentine have beer, so'd recently at 32 and 33 cts. Tar so!d a f.-w days a?o ut 1,50 ; ,ttlec m ins in, in "act nst lo none. t bals of Tiinberaf 5'to 6 dl.. !V.r f.r n.. .1. ties. Notl.fng lo report respecting Lumber as no sales hate ben made lately. Two or three cargoes of corn afloat; one sold on Saturday l0(.O.-Chrunitle. B. Bacon, Beeswax , Coffee , Cotton. Grtrn, CniJIUH. .Feathers 24 Iron , 9 Molasses, 67 Nails, 8)t I 00 Suar, Tobacco 32 5C 15 it