TTJHLIE NORTH CAffiUJLlIfilAN TUEWOVKm IN LONDON. The opening of Parliament without and rcilh;n Oue ofihe regular sights of Lmi. don is the openiug of Parliament an occur rence which attracts moru attention and cuti- -. .., i.ff.iv.e. than it did soiuu lew venrs osuy uu" - v - - - j fcjIM.ei in consequence of the presence on such occasions, of our young Queen, who seems as much inclined to make her fijpenr ance in public, as her royal uncles, who pre ceded her on the throne, weie lo avoid ob set vtition. As it is my in'ention, from lime to lime, t" give )ou sketchy notices of Parliamentary matters (avoiding of course, the dry detail- ol Iiuah'd at command his veriest possessions halt. Drtll'd 13 each virtue, disciulinert each Jaun. -Warm if his blood he r.a'sons while hb glows. Admits the pleasure ne'er the folly knbtvs; If for our Mars his snare had Vulcan t, He had won the Venus, hut escaped the net ; u is c c lit it m roil", 1 1 Queen has arrived, and the hubbub of the ai- ANXIETIES of THE SAILOR'S LIFE. By the Rev. Mr Abbot, of JYantucksi. A roan was speaking a few days ago of the emotions with which he was overwhelmed, embly bus-subsided into expectant silence A lew minutes elapse there is a alight i commotion at the side doors, which are pre- j semiy fluu open, and the whole assembly wbcn he bade adieu lo his family oo hi last ; rises, and stands awainug mo presence oi the : voyage. The chip iu which he Was to s&il j Sovereign. Heralds pursuit-nuts, equerries, j w;H at Edgaitowii on Martha's Vineyard. 1 and others pour in, clothed in nch hut q.;;iiut j i jie packet was at the wharf which was to , ,,.... i is the cry, ns a hat k i cosiume ; mu u.ey Y' "J j oiivey mm irom antuckel to me snip. tie 1 betes ouci - j j p - s , h i. t!.idcnt ol the Council, ihc' .... it.nvn ;.. ,ho .,..;.,.. ll k; Olives up ... . It .... ru II.., ,VV':i. Marsha. :n.H mo ... i " ... aw question , ooiu e, ..i .e , mv- " --- - '- : piivaie sea stores siowtu away Widen the , rospcts'and it '-'" . r,Si,t Se. n lhroiili in- (e.cope ol l.abii i o. , nfi all the wer.d u dri:l ' titcs stem a can p, a(I '" cab di ives up tin- ortat ui'.vci t alL'hts limn I' is .iite si) prominent a feature as that of the Chancellor. Ju-.l now, he is the popular the reat free-ti;u!e advocate and. ruaii, the Corn Law question -niu i, nauctuor, iucx-- ' ,,,,u c i private n stores Mwed awtiv mine .-loop f.oi.kin" at his side-face he i noblemen wno carry re?cci.c.;, cap i , nt)d lhen reUrI1PC to home to take leave ol not unliKc- Biou-ham but his nose is not j maiiHenauce, tne w.u ... "",! "l,u " ;bw we and children. His wile was silling crowu on in goi m ( - mc -ct-u tne nreside, struggllu" in vain lo restrain !..., behind, a ciimson f"e ever- . her ,eurH. yne hat a inaUl a few months oiscussiMi.) so as lo make you alu.o,; person- , hvvn lt.r.1y ,t.(.0,, ally tamdiar with such doings hue, I I ,.j,,iltj iln a h.,r- i uiiiiui oi ucuer man oegm a. n;; '"e . . Therefore, we will imagine ouielve ,u James' paik on our way down to the House about one o'clock in lb day. t . ......i iS i, i. Anion 'he hritish A tirj liJllfil imiiv, - r- H towards the l-"(er eticl ol Jan y, .1?' Parliament or the beginning 'f February; ol late years it lwsalnuM iiivfirhbly been dmiDglho latter month. But tho important quealiotis to he brought before the grel 'ou nc il of the nation, duriiT" the present of Par liainetd, oe-t-Hsioned i this )ear, to take place at so uaily a day ad the 22d oi' January. Such a change of the usual lime is always significant ol a gieat change in our social condition ; and it cannot be denied, in the piesent instance, a very marked and impoitaut cri-is h;s -c-tuiied in the poUtieal history of England. It is u bright, ihctrlul day, cousidcrmg iv.,.1 f tV,. tiMf. anu January mu t lime of our sketch, and ihe I'aik, from Buck ingham Palace to the gate through which the Queen will pass into I'arliaincut-st.eet, i thronged hy hundreds and thousands of well lrssed and ill-diestd and scaicely-diesstd- i.l-ail people, who have all come to indulge in ! a good sta'e at the Qneoil. ct'-ious at Z glance, iaat amongst the ciowd, are vast nuuibers of people lrorn the country, who evince the greatest anxiety to get a good place. I here are iu various silua-ions s-eats crertf d, and benches placed, on which, for a e-hiliini;, you may staud or sit, at a slight elevation over the heads of the crowd. In Whitehall and Parliament-sheet the liades people have removed tho goods ' fiom their window, or erected temporary balconied out side, wheio places may be obtained on pay ment of half a crown. These seats are for the most part, filled by ladies and the "coun try cousins" aforesaid, their chief object bfciiic to see the Queen, whose youth, sex and univt popularity, have made her a lavoihe, and those !o a! p:o essioiis very popular. And year alter year, although theie is no novelty introduced, the teeming thousands ol London pour out to see ihe idiow. As a re cent writer remirks " The stiigu coach now lolls over a level road from .Buckingham Pal ace to the House of Lords; ruts have nut now to he idled with faggots, iu order to ten der the passage more easy, as whs the caso a century but ihe roV piocess-ion aud the luyal speech, have each assumed conven tional forms, from which deviation is ran:. 'I he btate coach and the. State cuuchoiiiu have ricd step, he enters the passage, and disap pears almo-t ;i8 soon a- be is seen by iho-e close to the door. A minute more, aud the cabriolet pulls up. It is driven by a gentleman of rather spaie liarne ; his liht hairlicams over the collar of I his coat behind, in admired dis ader ; and a ! pair of spectacles informs yen that he is short sighted. His features are small, ami intellee ,,,,d but his motions aie so rapid that there ! is no linn: lor any minute examination. ile j jumps likely from the rat, and i nters the j House. it is Sir William Molesworth, the j edit r of llobbes of iVLdme-bury's work j the editor, also, of Ihe Westminister Review, .Hid Member of Pailiameul lor South work. Following him is a gentleman of very striking appearance, but who is not seen to lheirente-t advantage with his hat u, as the latter covets a forehead which is, in its de vel..pemciiis, amort the fine.t I have ever .-eeii. lie, too, i a literary man, as well as a Pnilimeiita. Kin --and his translations, es pecially fiom the Uossian Poels, in addition to his well known i ;!.. I p; ir.cip'es, hav made his name extensively known. It is Doctor Bowling, lo whom I shall hereafter have occasion to refer. Then comes . Colonel Sibthrope, who so f.rqiiolly convulses ihe House with laughter, with bis formidable mu.-t.ichios and imperial Mr JNluntz, the member for Birmingham, with a bedrd reachiug neatly lo his Waist -Mr Miles, who has signalized, if not distinguish ed hijnself, by his opposition to Sir Bobeit Peel't measures and others, of whom par i olar mentions need not be made Listen ! The Paik guns are ; firing, as a signa that the Queen has Lit - Buckingham Palac;, and is on her way to Ihe House. The rtjyal standard is hoisted on the lower of St. Margaiet's Church and the braying of trumpets in the distance is heard. Five to i notes mote, aud Ihe people who are lucky enough to stand in ihe front row exclaim lhal they cn see the royal procession approach ing Jtid wo can hear the hearty huzzas of the multitude, which sound like the roaring of the disiaut ocean. On it comes; first, . u troop of soldiers then several cauiage, con taining different members of the royal family then a body of beefea'ers, luffied frills, slashed hose, and queer little flt huts every one of iheiit not only looking as though he nte eoosiderable quantities of beet', but as it with good "sack, such ihe rich diess. A uaa oi oiamonas. nno the insi.Miia of the otdei of Iho gaifer, com- plcte the regal co-lume. Her majesty leans ! upon Ihe arm of P. icce Albeit, vho weats his ; oiders aud a field marsh uniform ; and the i i.nal oair, .is they piss . ihe throne, ae J.- lovved by the ladies of the hiuchoid and the attendant pages. I .-hall not tax the reader's patience with a desciption of the various ceremonials attend ant on the opening of .the House, and the de livery of the royal speech Such observations ate difficult "'of pottayal with pen and ink so we will imagine that her majesty has deliver ed her usual address, and that vie have left ihe gallery to witness her departure fiom the IJouse. Ha ! we. ate just in limo hi. witness I the. carriage move oil', whilst. the band strikes up the -National Antheoi. Meantime busi ness is about to commence in right "earnest within. Political events rendered tbe lecenl royal speech, atid the subsequent debate, more lhati ordinary interesting. But we will refer heieafler to tbe latter. Not a quaiter, at the very utmost half, au hour cau have elapsed, since the last word of the speech died away upou the royal liu-, and ahcady the evening papers are out, and sell ing in ihu Vtreets, with a lull lepoit ol it. Within four hours aflerwa ds, it was read in every direction, at distances of inoie than two hundred and fifty miles from Loudon most of the. p ipers having made previous ar rangements, aud despatched special expresses. Sharp work, this T Cor. of ihe Boston Jdas. To Light Matches in Damp Veathe. ! It may be useful to our readers to know that matches, when too damp to bo used in the ordinary way, can be readily ignited by rubb ing them gentlv, for a few seconds upou a piece of cork. At alale election iu Illinois, a Dutch wo man went lo Ihe poll at Chester, and i.fiered a vote, giving asa reasou th3t her husbaud was sick and could not atteud the polls. Dr William King was the celebrated prin cipal of St. iMa.y Hall, i Oxford, 1718. In vicdicatiou of himself from his enemies of ihc court, who attributed intrigue, if not treason, to him, he said I inherited a patrimony, which I found sufficient to supply my wunts, aud to leave me at liberty to pursue those liberal studies which afforded me ihe most solid pleasure in my youth, aud are the de light and enjoyment of my old age. Besides, I always conceived n ;ciet honor of a state of servility aud dependence; aud I never yet saw u placeman r a courtier, whether in higher or lower life, whether a priest or a lay man, who was his own master.' nhi iu her arms, and with her foot was ro-k-ii); the cradle in which lay auother little daughter about three years of age, with her cheeks flushed with a burning fever. No pen can describe the anguish of such a part ing. It is almost like the bitterness of death. The departing father imprints a kiss upon the cheek ol bis child. Kour years w ill pass away ere he will again lake that child in his arms. Leaviug his wife sobbing iu anguish, he closes the door of his house behiud him. Four years must elapse ere he cau cross that thres hold again. One sea captain upon this i-laud has passed but seven years out of foity-one upou the land. A iady said to rnc a few, evenings ago, I have been married eleven years, and cmmiing all the days myhusband has been at home since .out mairiage,; it amounts to but 360 days. H is now absent, having beeu goue 15. months : aud. two years mote must uu- doubiedly elapse before his wife cao see bis face again, aud whenhe shall return, it will be merely a visit to bis family for. a few mouths, when he will agcin bid them adieu I'm auother four years absence. I asked the lady '.he other day how many letters she wrote lo her. husband dmiug his last voyage. " Oue hundred," was 'be ran aiiswer. "Aud how many did he receive? ' "Six.! Tho inevitable lute is lo write by eveiy ship thai leaves this poit, or New Bed ford, or any other port that uiav be heard of for ihe Pacific: Ocean. And vet the chances assortment of-such o..ds si-, are uenera ly kept in rs HatclielPs School Will commence for the fall and winter sessions, on the last Monday in September, at thehirtise formerly occupied by Mrs Weeks, a few hundred yards northeast ol" the Masonic Lodge. WATCHES & JEWELRY I 111. Sub.-cntj. r is now receiving a to w supply ol Watches and Jpicpi"?, consisting el" sold and siber Watches of all kind ; go'd and silvi r Pencils ; gold &. silver 1 Ii niMes ; ir,ohJ a"I silver Spectacles; old and fashionable Brea5t Pins : ttr.-iculets ." shut studs, butter Unices, pocket do.. li'nzes, diamonds, it lii'n: lot of pice silver spoon.-, mrhtaiy sootls, hue double bant I g-nns, fix nariei nistols. viable barrel do-of all i r i a icn-ral . i . i iiiiif h ih same aneft as thev nresvniccl t' t nu Wllueu u dl'A " r c a.. . , ;is whs brewed in the time t which tbeir cos .square toed shoes, long flapped waistcoats, bob wigs and bright-buckle, gaz?d on simil.n luiiie belongs. 1 ollow iug them is the Ntale can i.ige, drau ii by eight eream-colured Flan de t rs horses, iu whi:h ate seated the observ ed of all observers Queen Victoria her husband, f'ntice Albert, silling on her left hand. 0:i this occasion, I was struck with the leoinkable lesemhlance of her Majesty's pn.iihi in that of her grand-lather, George the Third. She looked, I thought, very pale and an.l hi. U ith h';r leatuies- every one m.isi be familiar so it is quite needless lor mc It attempt any description of them. I will only say that I, for one, cannot call Ihem pretty. She is wh.d one might describe as iuieiest ting looking but, theu, she is a Queen, and that, after all, has a gieat deal lo do wilh it. Prince Albert appears a "nice" young mill, but he seems delicate aud, were it not for his cheei ful cultivated .moustache, would lock quite effeminate. The state coach itself is a great lumbeiitig, gilded, gingetbread affair, aud not woilh wasting words upon. So let us hurry r:vay anil enter the Ilou-e, to do vhich, we have obtained a ticket from the Lord Chamber lain's office. And, hen', as I wish t blend i utility wilh information, 1 would just say that should any lorcioner visit LuikIoii about tho time of tie opening of Parliament, he will find liitle difficulty iu gaining admission, if he will apply to Ihe Lord Chambe. Iain's offiie, and enclose his card. To respectable per- The Loudon Observer gives the following as a leport aA' a speech of the Duke of Cam bridge, the uncle of Queen Yictoiia, during the recent discussion iu the House of Lords ou ihe corn laws. My Lords and Gentlemen I mean, Mr Chairman and Genllemeu that is, my Lords I think I owe it to my country no,. I dou'i mean that, for 1 can say I never o.ved a shilling lo any body, but it is due to the coun try to state Ihe line I shall take though, thank goodness, I never had a share in any line in my life ou this important question. Heat. I believe no, I don't believe, fori nevei believe any thing ft i 1 1 I see it before my eyes that 1 am tho oldest member of this House. No, not the oldest yes, jes, olJest member ; that is, tho father of the House 1 don't mean thai, but the fa her of the Peerage. Who u I started . in life to go to Hano.-c, 1 made up my mind no, not my mind, ex actly ; but I determined not to vote. jes. No, no I didn't delermiue not to vote yes I tirl ii. .1 ti v.iIk si.miii&t ihe G.ive.i.iiiiUl- ) ... - t ........... uA . 1 I Li!ear, near, me v,overumeui u.uurr.j j hp ,ivo(J , . scenes. Vet earh generation letaius its iu lerest even in an outside show ; for it is the preliminary act which opens tho annual pio ceedings of a legislature, w hose empire ex (ends over nearly fifty colonics, in all paits of the globe, which has annually to raise liny millions steiling of mouey, and to provide l.u tho perpetually varying concerns of a little island, crowded with an ever welling popula tion, andacountiy whose material inteicsts arc every day changing their character aud nature."' V u have emerged throuh the gale of the Horse ( u itds, Itoni St. James's Park into Whitehall; which is lined with spectators who aie confined to the sidewalks by police men and by mounted soldiers, who are pi net at intervals of about twenty yards apait. Anxiety begius now lo be evident ou eveiy countenance; aud to pass awny the time the occupants of the long string of carriages, which extends from Charing Cross lo the door ol tho Home of Lords, are subjected to all kinds of remaik. These vehicles contain, for the most part, peeresses and patties who have obtained tickets to admit the it lo the in terior of the House. Half past one o'clock aud the last of lhal long line of carnages has passed by, aud now the embassadors begin, to appear. A mono their equipages that of tho American Minis ter, paiuted of a deep purple, with the shield j sons, especially sti angers fiom abroad, n re- of stars and stripes, aud the eagle on is pan els, is conspicuous. The appointments ol this carriage are remarkably plain, and con trast strongly with those ol the Austrian Min ister's which is covered with gewgaws and of the Duke of Cambridge's, which blazes in nil the splendor of regal scailet and gold. The members f both Houses are now chopping down fast, one after the other, some iu cabs, others ou horseback, and many on foot. Hark ! what meaus lhal buisl of cheer ing ? Waii a momout, and you will see. The broad way is peifectly clear, and il is edged by two compact, regularly formed lines c! h'.tmuu !e!n?s. A horseman, followed al rate'y given, if the application be lusal is made iu tune. W'e will, then, suppose ourselves iu ihc gallery of ihe House of Lords, which I have on a I nr,cr occasion desciibed, and it will thsiiefotu be only necessary lo say, that at the upper end of lh .oom, ou a slightly elevated platform, are three chairs, t ichly decorated ; the ceutre one is the throiie-r it is a permanent l:,imn of die House ef L nds. The other two chairs are of a tcmpntatv nature, aiisiug out of the personal illations of the reiguiu" sovereign. Une is tor the accommodation of Prince Albert, the other, small one, is re- es. served for tho juvenile Piince of Wal a distance by arecm, also mounted, comes j ht actual presence on these grand occa leisurely along. "No one asks who it i. for om has not yet graiifitd the IcMigiug eyes of every ono knows. His figure ami face are each ns familiar to Loudon eyes as St. Paul's or ihe Monument. He is a little, decrepid Jooking man, and has a sort of rolling motion on bis horse, which makes one fearful lest he should lose his seat. As hj proceeds- along every hat is raised, which the equestrian acknowledges by a quick military salute. Need I say that it is the Iron Duke'. The following description of him, which occurs in a woik just published, entitled "The New the ladies The House at this moment presents a isosl brilliant scene. Lvery uo.k aud corner is radiant with beauty, aud the Peeresses actual ly dazzle one w ith their di'imouds. The large gnllerv in which we are crowded is reserved for those admitted by the Ioid Charnberlam'.s tickets, and its first row is set apatt for ihe use of the reporters of the press, who sit reidy with pencils sharpened and note-books open, f,.r dm ori.ceedios's to commence. A buz ol ,W. . , p. Timon, d Romance of London,.'" and by conversation nits mc atmospne..-, ...... .u uy ...;i.. ;r f-'lviz.,,! I.vio.o ii, ,t nfihn h:m;K is the onlv not of it which Is sb- wer. is 90 clever and correct, that 1 am indue cd to quote it : "Next, vvth lose reins and careless canter view I ur man of men, the Prince of Waterloo ;. O'er the tirtn brow the hat as firmly prest, The firm shape nsfd in the buttoned vet ; Within the iron w hich the fire has proved, And the close Sparta of a mind unmoved ! Kot his toe wealth to some large nature lent, Divinely lavish, even whore mispcnt. solutely empty. I his space, however, soon becomes occupied, for the peers in their rolies begin t assemble, and the judges iu scailet aud cimiue, and the bishops in black and lawn, are conspicuous objects. Hark! Ihera is a flour Uh of trumpets, aud expectation is at its height theu a- burst of cheering is heard close lo the House. The peers, whose duty it is lo cco;t herMnjeety, disjppear. The Nine or ten years ago, when 1 came to settle 0", not to settle, for I never owed a penny, as I said befoie but when I came I wed to ijie Noble Duke no, not y.u no, tli t ye?, you that one the Duke of W elling.iir uhi was theu Pi ime M inisler. Well. I a.ked him if should be right to vote for the G-iVer- J melt ? The Noble Duke, being- at the lead j I" tie Government, said yes. Well, a itlle j while before I had asked the same quest iu no-, ntil Ihe same question- b-it Ihe same hing iu other. wmd 4 1 asked Li. ! Gtey, whwas then the Pi ime Thihgimagig lki i(neuis ler f n-ked him whether I did light lo vote for the Government? Earl Grey said, y:s no I have the satisfaction yes 1 have-no I hain't well I had that is to say, lhave the sati-faction of securing the approbation ., . .-.. .u- 1 Ii... oi niese two yes, two no, mree u" tight," these bvn great characters. WeSi.gen tlemen, I dou'l come to this dinner bvg your paidon this House I dou't c io to change mv conduct at mv titnu of lib. 1 rlon'l care for the measure that might pss it's I object t;, it'sthe consequence of.the ineisure I dou'l like though themei suie's id" no consequence. Not that f oeau that exactly but you know what 1 jnean Cheers fro n the cross benches. I!is(ial Highness, after having whispeied souithiug to the Pish 'p, cowloded by stating tat he could not approve of the measure, he could not vole in its favor, he should nf vole at all. Curious Tale about Paganini Au interesting vvtuk say thai a sitgular tale appeared in the papers, statin that' Paganiui was a violin maker, living h one d" the narrow streets of . Milan. . Hepl a Utile shop with his violius hanging his window, and was so good-looking rljt the lasses of Milan used to pass down th? street to have a look l the handsome fiddld'mnker. One day a geiirieman called with a lo be repaired, aud accidentally left a boot behind hiui on Ihe transmigration of souls, atnhjecl, of all others, th it interested Pagauiti. He-J read it wih avidity. Li a small r..on, at ihe back of his shoprlay his aged aud acr ijnplih ed mother on her death bed. Paganui had just finished a fiue violin, and, iuthe full persuasion of the transmigration of suls ; he placed a leathern tube over Ihe mouh of his mother, at the instant of her departure, and received her last breath at the S hohs of the fiddle. This was his magical viohi, with which he set out upon his travels.' when performing iu the Opera-house, and inttatin" the tones o! the voice,-in a piece vhich he called, "The Witches under Ihe Walnut Trees," a French valet was ihrowi into a state of frenzy. He waited upon laganiui theuexi morning, and lold him thdwhen young he had been a lover of hi, mothe-, aud lhat, with inexpressible delighl. uhit lil teniug to his performance Us! night, ha reco"- are vciy small that any t.vo ships will meet ii this . boundless expanse. , ll sometimes happens that a ship returns, when those ou hoard have not heard one word fiom thei families dmiug the whole period of their ab sence. Imagine then the feelings of a hus band aud faifrer, who returns to tho h ubor of Niintucfcer, the separation of 48 mouths. ) dining which time he has heard no tidings whatever fiom his home. - He sees lu boat pushing off from tho wharves which is to biiug him the tidings of w eal or wo. He stands jni?e . and -t embling pacing tho tlcck with emotions which he in, vain endeavors to conceal. A f.iend in ihe. boat greets him with a smile, and says, Captain, your lamily are all well."' Or peihap's he sys, .kCa plain, lhave heavy news for you, your wife dwd two years and a half ago." r . - . A voung man left this island last summer leaving iu hi- tuiel home a young and beau tiful wife, and no infiot child.' 'Ihe wife and child are now both in ihe grave. Iio ih hushiiod knows not, and probably-vyilf ?, know of it for some mouihs to come. .He perhaps falls asleep every night Ihiukiii" of his hre-side. lillle im- Jewe'ry ston s, cheaper than ever. J. Al. BEASLEV. Sept. 5, IS4G. , 3'Jl-Giv. ICT5 Observer copy. " TWO STOLIES, adjoin i a h: store at present occupied by Mr Joan D. VW ilii iii., in ih ; Dric Row, loot ol'llavu.ouiit. For tem appl;4 t ' J. C. DOBBIN. Sept. 5, IS4G. , 394-tf. 9 agining ihat'they are b th cold in death. Ou a bright summer afternoon, the telegraph announces that a Cape Horn ship has appear ed iu the horizon, and immediately the sta-s a-4 sit ipes of our national banner ate. ou fin led from our ffig staff sending a wave of emotion through the town." Many families are hoping that ii is the ship in " which iheir friends ae to return and all are hoping lot tidings fiom the absent. . Soon ihe name of Ihe ship is announced..- Aud then there is au eager contention with the boys lo be the fust bearer of the j y fol tidings fo Ihe wife of the captain. For which service a silvei dol lar is, Ihe established and invariable fee. And who can desciihe rhe feelings which musi theu agitate ihe bosom of the wife? Pet haps she has heard of no tidings from the ;thip foi more than a year. Trembling with excite ment, she dresses herself to meet her husband. " Is he alive," she says to herself, " or am I a widow, and the poor children orphans ?" She walks about the room unable lo compose herself sufficiently to sit down; eageily is she looking oul of the window and. down ihe street. She sees a man with a honied Mcp torn the corner,, and a little boy hold of his hand. Ifes, it is hi. And her little son has gone down to the boat n-nd found his father. Or, perhaps, in-tend of this, she sees two of her neighbors returnin slowly and sadly, and direc liug iheir steps to her door. , The blood ll'iws back upon tier heart. .They rap upou ihe door. It is the knell of her hubaud's death. And she falls senseless to the floor, as they tell her that . her husband has long ssoce becti eutomed iu the fathomless oteati. This is ik.i ficli.ui These are not ex Itcmc cases which Ihe imagination creates. They are fads of couliuucd occuneiices facts which awaken euiotious to whkh uo pen can do iustice. A few weeks jt go a ship returned to this islaud, biinging the news of another ship-lhot was neatly filled with oil, that all ou board weie well, and that he might be expected iu a neighboring port in such a month. The wife of ihe captain tesided iu Nautuckel, and early in the month, with a heul ihsob bing with affection and hope she wen? to gteel her husbaud on his leium. At length ihe ship apieared, dropped her anchor in the har bor, and the friends of the lady went to the ship lo escort the husband lo the wile fioiiv whom he had been so long separated. Sojn they sadly returned with the tidings that her husband had been seized wi h the coast fever, upon the Island of Madagascar, and wheu about a week out, on his lelurii home he died and was commuted lo his ocean buiial. A few days after I called upon the weepin wid .w and Ii, tie daughter iu their destined home ot bereavement aud auuish. NEW :MttZ STYLES, ' At the exiensivll. Establishment of t 44 C K DA R ST R 15 ET, "NE.V YORK. Where are concentrated nearly all th- NEW STYLES of PRINTED CALICOES w hi. h have bee-a prod- ced in ill's eountn, or iin .or'i-.i for llu lafl tratlt;. nti.i sire often d for sale lor CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT at Iriccs Greatly Reduced Wiihin th last few day5. ' I'iYP Pucha-er.s an: f .laranfi-ed rhe prices and allow ances n. nl- tin a uivim peiiod. ''.Zj Cata iijiir;-! (ienewe'1 aod lorrctt d dailt) resuhi tiller rhe prie s soe placed ia the hands oi buyers arid s -nt with ih1-' goods oriit-rc-d. August, IIS-. 330-y. BEAVER CREEK GOODS. For sate by Hall & Jolinson X Heavy dax and cotton Shiitiiia. " 4-4 Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, assorted, 5 to 10. Plough Line Twine. April 10, 1846. 373-ly flCflD BAGS RIO COFFEE, 'HJ' m j0 Lagnira do. 5 Hhd. Sugar Clarified do. in bbla. Loaf and Pow dered, do. Dupont's Powder, Sbol, and bar Lead, ( , French Brandv, Holland Gin, old whits a'tj red Port, Madeira and Sicily WINES, for sale bv D. & W. McLAURIN. " April 4, 1816. 375-lt: A FACT WORTH KNOWING; " A younff lad, 13 earg of ar, residing at 6- Bayard street, had boihhia h and wrists badly burned by Spirit Gass, to which was applied both Dalley's & Connell't. Magic Salve, which aravat ed rather than frave ease to the burn. 1 then pre scribed Allebasi's. Black Salve, one box .f wh-cht in less than a week, perfectly rcsioud both hands and wrist. The whole of ihe thick cuticle of.the palms oi the ha nils was completely deftre.l, and an en tire n w covering ol healthy skin w as formed in that shurt period." PETER BURNETT, M. D., New York, March, 1846. 1 8 Bayard street. A Physician from Indiana writes, "I am now iv in the Salve and Pills a fair trial, in the euro of one of the worst cancers I i ter knew cored. The sore was healing and the patient improving vvhen 1 daw him hist. HUGH H. PATTEN, "m. D. ess s R. & C, Norfolk, Va., writ. "Our H11 pression is thai jour must have a rapid sale we have the best of grounds for believing so that is the since.-s with which their u.-ch.s be-n attended thus far." Mr D. Williams, of iVl.ui ne City, Ohin, w rilcj, " Your medicines mn&t bf-como very popular here, for they have never fail ed todisga id wheielhey havobecu used; espet ly the Black Salve and the Plasters. Tle Pills m q -rally food. ALLEP.ASpS MEDIC I NFS. It is proved ln-ioiid all cavil that The Dlaek, i.r Alh.-baM's Salic, 25 els. Allebasi's lltallh Pills, 25 Allcba.-i's Too h Aclo Drops, 25 ' Al'ebasi's Poor M in's Hast' r, &c., I2j " are elfecrio" iure cm i-s f old and bootless casts. ml in a greater variety of complaint's ihnn ;.ll th-r proprietary nicdicyrres i!n Ihe coi.ntry.- I"?cac3 (he lol.ow i-.ts : "BETHLEHEM, Conn., Match 2d, If 1C. Sir: Alleb.ifi's Medicines are decidedly tiie best medicines t vur kept lr sa'e here. 1 do not think th- r" was ever two thirds the amount of any other Kind of niedicim s foI.I in thin plaei-. iliat I hate sold of" tin se, and I on'd have sVdil more if I had th:iii. Please semi irmtfii.-r lot, F.L.ALLEN." -w - v . - Havana, (Island of Cuba.) Mr Lvnian V. G Ib rf, i Proprietor td "A lit bnsi's Medicines," r.r. i New Yoiltr Dear Sir, rSom four months while in ftew Ynrk, I vurt-hns d a few boxes of "AI'rtiaFi's Health Pills" to take home with me. In Haturct we find it very "lilhctdt to procure any Mclicinta in the prepared si a e, or t.therwise, that are .ait. Iv ado,.tt;d to cxie Ihe peculiar complain! eil t't-.Vf climate, ("onst ip.iti.m (.f the Bowels, and Clip nie i Diarrboja, are ComAmVand d'lst r.-hsi iir coipl:iint4 '.iiifj I hivn to v. r f. ilnd a mcihtir.r, belre I ob tained thc-e Pills, tltat would remove the conl p.. lion, w iihout r stilling sormer or Liter in n chro ic Ji irihtra Tlie-c Pill ell et the d. sired ol.jitf. I hope you wilil.e aide lo zvl th-m Tiirall io rroclnc d lieie, for I believe, it known, I'liev Aiail be:oni; the f';ii'e medieinc anion pantcrs ami idlers thrioiohout the l.-tand. 1 should lie lad lo have yon -"cnd mc n few tit z--ns of the Piifs, some 'of the 'alve, and a i vv of (lie Plasters. I shall take pleasure in emmm kiim' thes 1 edieines lo mv lrrrii ri) otloiji. Yours, &e., EUWAR P P. Al.M Y, Tiie suhsciiber will h'-renfier be fmnd at the store of Cook & Troy-, wh ic he hopes lo gee and st tile with those who are indebted to him- He is anxious to close, op his old bmdnos. WM. E. KIREPATRICK. Sept. 5, 1516. 391 3t. - Groceries, Dry G-oods, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. JttENRY SANSON Has just reeeiv. d a iod assnriment, .if ihc above atiicles, and also a larc ssoiim ,nt of snpetior CROCKEKY WARK, IU Bis. TANNEKy OIL, p.i.m. , Sept. -VISlti 3Dl-Gf. Oli.-c.v r iopy. VOLUNTEERS for OREGON ! Jlllentwn Rheumatic, liaitalion 1 I i aolieipatiou of, a war with; Enyhind, tliein dividn.its composing tiie Rheumatic Battalion are each anl cv. ry one notified and warned to appear (armed as shad hcu-alier be eiiree-ted,'! before the Orelerly S.ire..n, al his Dmji tOle, on Alain M , and purchase a bot'le o' H:w Liiiament anil E i.xir. ivhicb is wai ranted to cure all the ol.l eases ol'CIno 'ic or Inllaminarory Rheumatism thai have remained uncured up to the' present lime. This w ithout delay, so th;:t they may he iu readiness to mirch, if called upon. To Ihe Universal Bit uma tic B .tlahon ! Given I hi ilav at Head Quarters by COM STOCK & CO . Comma n.ler GenernJ. The above artie'e is snltl at whlr sale by Com. -stock & Co-, 21 Court land stteei, N. York; and by S. J. Uin-mule ol this piece; A kins & Co.. Clin ton; Eins'eiu & Bro., Ki-n-ton ; Bass & Su'liva n, Knanvil!e; D G Patter-on, Little llocklish; and .VleDowal Co.. E ixahelhtown. Alsotlie eelebratcrl ConneTs PAIN EXTRAC TOR, the only renriine article manufactured, and sold at hall price !o m-ct he wants of the poor. A!?0; C. & Co'.- celebrated Extract of Sarsapuil a, a splendid artie'e, for 50 centd a liotile, warranted as good as any dollar-slides. The .-iinine to fe had only of Comstock &C'o:, N Y.irkaud by sain j as above. June 27, I34G. No person need despair until thev have tiiid ikese metlicines their effects are often aHntushin o. Pamphlets 1'nrnjshcd gratip Don't .-!;. ri.t.- si--medieg w ith the meni iri.-.s-ymi fjnH in tbe e-om;try until you have tried Ihem and proved them false L. W. rILBERT, New York. A cent for r he VVoi Uk For stile by Samuel ffinsdafe. April I If ISMJ. 373-Ci. R .rely a tf.ty pas--, s lhal we t!o not ret s mie Irs imonv, either verbal nrwtitten, of the "tear erlit in V of Dr. Jackson's Pile Embrocation. Retol I he ful ow in : New Yohk, 721 Broad wav, ) Sept. in b. r 2, IS IS." D. N. Jackson Dear Sir : Will yon urml mc six botllei of your P.ic Embtoeatmn? 1 w i.-h ihenr p..'t to keep myself, and patt for a bpal pe.ilb ma n, a friend of mine, vhn has found 'leatrtJi.f in using from my bofife two or three times. "Vo't- eniemher, w hen i Phfrndt Iphia , I was stiff. nn tlreadf ifly from this It rr ble sccme. I only lo. k one boltle from yon ; 1 have nor used i cjutle all, and am pertce'ly w. I'. As you1 may suppose, proclaim the virtues of your rnedii iiie w Herey. r l . I fell every fri-ntf about ir ; ami it is . m u i : s to perceive how many are soiT rin in ibis wav 1 h"Iicve Iwlf of in y at quaiiitain t s arc more or less alTltcletl. L;t m.T t.dl you that you can sell here as I .st as voi choose to make. When von w ant a certificate from me yon shall h ave it, and you arc at libel ty to show lids letter if yon wish. Respectfully, vonrs, LEWIS P. ASHFOUD. A real number of persons who have been cme.I, will be referred to, by calling on the A jj.-nts. It ii.-v. r fails ! Prepared onlv hv Dr. Jackson, mid o'.l bv SAVtL. J. ni.VSD.Vi.c-. April 18, IS 13": 374 Stii.- . - ii - .. .. r. ' iiiz.-u uer voice in tne tones ol his vblin. 1 h.ive preseived this ridiculous tale, ai it may teud lo show extent of the ssatiou created by ihis exlraordinaty nian, on bis arrivol here, when juiblic writers could ihiuk it woilh t-whilc td invent such sbrics. PLC Lvyf ACOUSTIC OIL! L-Hilit SUPERIOR QUALITY AT HALF PRICE FOR T CUKE uV S t rrft t ! n -I.F.ttiiv rli..nrn'i t ; o neff I '1 cutaneous diseases, scaiy eruptions ol the skin, V t terpimples or pustules on ihe fcce, mercurial and svAhiloiVl H5eaLB hi I. frotn a "P"re hah't of J " . . nl lair naina sitiI body, ulcerations of the tin swellings of the bones, lier To Kfep Cider ?noM becoming Sock. T ake a pinl of pulverized charoal and put it iuto a bag, theu put it into a barrel of new cider, aud tho cider will uever ferment, w-ill never coutaiu any intoxicating quality, and more and more palatable ihe longer il is kepi; nilec-iious, anil all ebs- ' ...1. ,.f U kl;l ejses aneinz from an im"1 . i j..,..8 in ble, occssive use of posures and imprudent- -K.erpR-'-rfy onrsapardln and its es . u t IK...V render it superfluous to enter in S acSff virfiJ- or adduce any evi- t,CThe,Sa'r3r'ari,la warranted positively as good as -inv other thai can he made at one do lar, at just irV.h orice of those so much advertised, and as strong and 33 ,ar?e boitbs, viz: fifty cents per ..otileT or rive dollars per dozen. This article has cured Scrofula of 30 years, after the dollar articles had been used in vain. . To be had in New York onlv. at 21 CmirtUml street; and of S J Hinsdale, Fayelteville ; Atkins & Co.C.inton ; Einrt. in & Bre.,Kinston ; Bass &. Sullivan, Kenansville; D G Patterson, Little Rock- nan ; iiicuo ai jsc t, Ettzabcthtown ;, -wbero th only genuine can be had. For fie cu e of DEAFNESS, pains, and the .lis-char.- of matter from the Ears. Also, allthne cJMaree.ih'e nojse like the buzzing ol ins. els, falling "f afer wlitzziiij of steam, cc. &c, which are symptoms of approTchin deafnefs, anil alo generally attendant wit h the disease. iVIany per siorn who have been deaf for ten, fifteen, and twenty vears, anu wercomigcci io use ear trumpets, have., ifter nsinj one or two bottles, thrown aside the i f riliiinela lipinw mnHe rurfp tl,f ull Tc and surgeons higldy rccoinrnend its use. ii i .r tPH,LDi-r"iA, Jan. 4, 1845. 1 hereby certify that when I w -.h... io a!.l, I gradually became deaf in both cars, so rh! m iew iii.kti no l.kasH.i - . . i. ... .... ......... . , Jt airnosi impossible , very lomiest. tones of voic . 1 remaineu in mat situation nnt.I last summer, p. nod of IS years, when I heard of Sea i pa's Com pound A const ic Ui . I i.r..,w..t;.i., i..:j bottle, winch I liav used, and am happy to pay il has acted lute n.agic,. and quite cured mc. Any one wishing further information of mv tace, which I think a temarkable one, will find me by cahTii ..i ,,,y ri-Muencr, concord street, first floor ahove oecoiiu Hrect. Mrs. REBECCA BAXTEK. DO" The above Medicine is for s-ae by s. j. hinsdalk: April 18. 184C. 374 6in. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing be tween Drs. CAMERON & A1ALLETT. wasdi. solved by mutual consent on the 1st day of July iast. T N. CAMERON", M. D. W,vr. P. MALLETT. M. D. Assist 22, 1846. 362.-1w.