From the Washington Union. MY COUNTRY'S NATIVE GLORY. BT COLUMBUS DREW. They tell of wave anil wateif.ill In foreign clime and story ; But eive oh, give to me o'er all, My country's native glory! My heart is where the waters leap From proud Niagara's dizzy sleep, And where Hie foam di -closes, To spirits in that misty dell, Illusive shapes of snowy shell, Or beds of milky roses. They tell of vale, and mount, and tree, Of cavern deep and hoary ; But give oh, give, o'er all, to me My country's native glory ! Kentucky lialh a mammoth cave NorCycIop's home nor bloody grave Yet where a thousand echoes speak, And hectic steals from beauty's cheek; Where rnns a dark meandering stream. Till torches lend iheir lurid gleam, Whose w aters chant a solemn song, Like Eden's, as they rolled along. They tell of rivers wild and free, With talcs of feudal foery ; But they have not no, not for me, My country's native glory. I've stood be.-ide the "Mansion" old, To view Potamac's breast of i;oId, In summer's calmest weather, And traced in thought its w indings all From rock to rock, from fall to fall, Till madly rush together Two rivers in their giant might, Like fredoom In the strife for right, I,ve turned my gaze alott to see The pendant crags and low'ry, And from my soul exclaimed, for mc O'er all the world beside, for me My country's natfve glory! Der.8, J 845. TO MY SWEETHEART. You're a broth of creature, In form mid feature, It's myself thai now telU you that wmr, And sure, by my troth, I'll not be very wroth, If you'll plaze me by changing your name. What a swato little wife, As a partner for life, My darlint, 'lis you miht be living ; And I'm ju?t the boy, To wish you much joy, When iny heart it's to me you'll he giving. I'm half dead botheration ! With sad consternation Of your flirting it is that I'm speakiug ; So plaze to he thinking, When you're winking and blinking. It's my own honest heart that you're braking The divil a haper, Will I stand of n caper, 'Twonld kill me to find you deceiving. Py my sowl and I'd die, And that sanie is no lie, Hefure I'd be kilt by me grieving. 'I hen .pake but the word, My nate little bird, That you're niver a man'- but mine ; And straight ! the praist. It's myself that'll hasle, To make you my sirale walantine ! Teddy Iagowan. THE BARREL MOVEMENT. A SKETCH OF CAM P LIFE ON the RIO (.RANoE. When Ihe St. Louis Legion was encamped on the Island, at the mouth of tho Hiazos Santiago, tho hoys began, for the fi'st lime, to feel the inconvenience of Uncle Sam's ' fodder a'rnneriieuts not ihey expected to nnu '-chicken hxnis" every momiii"; Iml they at least lelt confident the beans would he nourishing. About n o'clock, a. in., every day, the little round vegetables were put in the camp uetiies, aim in an hour, or probably ati hour and a half, were served out. To those skilled in the matter of dried bt-nus, need not explain how little effect one hour s, boilin" would have upon them. The different nies seges cracked away, however, chewed the hard pebhles up, and left off their meals in a very unsatisfied manner. A few days had scarcely elapsed, when a general grumble was set in ciiculntion against the commissary de partment, Uncle Sain, aud his beans, in par ticular. One tall volunteer swore, in the mess, that he would cross lo the main land and provision himself, if he had to eat a live Rnnchero, before he would starve on such fare; his comrades chimed iu with his rebel lious resolve, and all of them asked leave of the Captain to take a short excursion for a few " - -w Hums, m seercn of game. J.eave was grniit- .A .. .A . .1 .... . .. -uu un me party started, in ine course ji icw uours, one camn srollini into camn -..:.. .. ... ii ... " r wuu minute under his arm, aud as he passed ine seuuy on ,he ay lo their tent) he w accutiru will) Jo, what luck had you?" '';,r,8Jo' "l y "killed sntpe r a "sutler Well." says the sentry. ,hllt he a . r .tl- lAirlYtll4t lr.rv. U. 1 on. ouudie, I ha ive ever ceii. uvi iw iook ai nis bill. T ...... . i-l . r L. iroc uii.utcnu o, auu mere was tlie sn.wii of as fine a young pig as ever poked hU nose into a sw ill tub. Both winked at eaf h othor exchanged quiet griua, and theu the snip was carefully coveied aud carried to quarters. Iu a few moments along came, another of the mess, who reported thai he had only killed a haunch of on? a deer,'' i. e., a young calf ; and to wind up the captured game of the party, three more appeared, carrying a quaitei of a "short aorned e&," which some envious members of other messes declared looked as if it might bave beeu the slow deer's" mam my ! The spoils were put together and cov ered over, after which the mess went iuto a council of war upon how to get something to wash down the game, and make the whole affair a comfortable one. , Do you think you can execute a barrel movement boys?" said an Orderly belonging to the mess. . ... "What is it like?" was Ihe general inquiry. "Simply th.V y the Sergeant ; ihe Commissary General w landing stores down at the beacb, among which is some first rate brand" f' the officers, and if we could only make' one of his half-barrels keep step in a hollow square, we might easily execute ihe new march of a barrel movement.' '' All ihe mess expressed themselres ready for duty inslauler, and having added a few more rnuk and file to the enterprise, off they started on a commeudably earnest march, to practice the new drill. Tho hollow square was admirably formed and re-formed half a dozen times before they reached ihe beacb, and, advancing in line towards Ihe Commis sary's stores, with a rapid evolution they form ed around a liquor cask, and commenced their march across ihe island. The drill was uow full of interest it was new and one of the Lieutenauts, attracted by ihe strange manoeuvre! tig, approached them just as they were performing a hollow square counter match. He observed one of the men carry ing two muskets, aud thought it queer, but a glance al the centre of the squad explained the secret. A strong volunteer was keeping the barrel rolling in the iuside they were representing a squad retreating with stores, and it was really beautiful, the skill with which ihev did ii ! Now the barrel roller would get lired, and the squad would countermarch while another look his place ; again a Discovery would threaten, and hey would close up to receive a charge of cavalry, aud thus, inovib with camion aud steadiness, they reached a small saud hill in Ihe rear of the camp. Now commenced some brilliant slow movements, all in one spot, which were followed by the ritiarl f'nrmino line a?aiu. and moving into -j .. o ' i arnp. At the spot where the squad broke, a fresh hillock of sand might have been discov ered, by those ouly, however, who knew the former levelnesi ol the spot. The Lieutenant, who had critically watched the mancRuvreing of the men, congratulated the Orderly on the perfection of iheir drill. The subordinate looked him in the eye, aud knew, by ihe slight curl in the muscles ofhi face, that he ' smoked " the new tactics ; so, touching his cap politely, he asked the officer if, when they cooked their game, ho would ac cept a slice 1 If the cook in your mess seasons it care fully, and it's not overdone, I wouldn't mind lasting it,'' says the Lieutenant. The Orderly wiuked, and ihey separated. It was refreshing to an old campaigner just to see how "gutler snipe," " shorl-horued elk," and "slow deer'' were disposed of that even ing iu the mess which executed the above described strange drill ; and ever after that night it became a bye-word, when a volunteer was seeu moving in a zigzag fashion, that be was practicing the Legion's new march, cal led ' I rie barrel movement.' St. Louis Re veille. GREAT CURIOSITIES. Some enterprising gentlemen talk of estab lishing a new museum. They have already collected a great many curiosities, among which are the fallowing : A piece of the Philosophers Stone.' The tiller of Noah's Ark. A corner of Othello's handkerchief, which a svbil wove. A branch of Birnam wood. Some of the hairs of the animal that Locke saw iu ihe niooti. A certain cure of the rheumatism. A bottle of the water through which Lean der -warn when he crossed the Hellespont. A brick from the house that Jack built. Cinderella's glass slipper. The Autograph of the man in tho moon. Col. Pluck's commission. A fea'her from Poe's Raven. The oar that Jonah sculled the whale ashore with. Oue of the prongs of Neplune's t ident. Specimens of a glue made from the horns of a dilemma. A walking cane made out of the north pole. The E key of ihe trumpet of fame. The handle of the Odd Fellows gridiron. The eye of the man who saw the original sea serpent. The wings of the Hying Dutchman. The unfolded tale of Handel's daddy's ghost. A stoue from the mountain that brought forth a mouse. The tail of the uight mare. One of the pearls which were cast before swtne. A spoke from the wheel of fortune. Au oalh sworn bv the army iu Flanders. The tail of Ihe fox that would not get the grapes. A comb made oPthe horn of the last moon. Two teeth from the jaw bone which Sam son used so scientifically ou Ihe Philistines. lar scraped Irom the deck of the ship ol Mate. The ideutical saddle which Balaam fasten ed on his ass. Oue of the shoes of Alexander's horse Bucephalus. The basin iu which Macbeth washed his hands after killing Duucan. A claw of a bug bear. Oue of the oars used iu pulling Caesar across Ihe Rubicon. A lock of the hair of the 'Oldest Inhabitant,' very grey. The tail of an Irish Bull. Some sand from Time's hour glass. A torn ruffle, from Love's last shift. The iron, from the plaoe of the ecliptic. A quaudary, with a man in it. Pari of the patch with which O'Conuell's rent was mended. Haifa dozen feathers from a gin-cock-iail. A fishing rod and two walking sticks, made A knock-dowu argument and ihe 'mores- sion it made. -faded" WlldiD miuiature? very old copy A pound of butter from the cream of a joke, and a cheese from the milk of human kicd ness. The march of mind, arranged for a full or- TELE ROffltTTIHE -.u,f. Trnmnet obligato, by fame ' - T .i lT I I." . .u- Some biistles Irom me mi wim mc - Mexicans and a little of Geo. Ampudia's A fl.,L from the anchor ol Hope. " w I W U kLkpr. and uoses, from a masked bat- It p.y I The shadow oi the meai iiwi uo uog saw . . lU fl. J ... I I in the water. A nair of srulls from a White-Hall boat, and a table shewing the phrenological develop- mama . I A bolile of ihe smoke that wr folk's mes- saes euueo in. 1 - I borne teii-penny nails, tnaae ironi a Wag- ment of the irou duke. A finger-post, from the road to ruin. Music of the spneres, origiuai score. The can of a climax. . Musket and powder-norn oi a snooting siar. A L 1 i be tailh mat lieury v ii u-icuueo; ramer the worse lor the scunie. " . i A hoot made on the last oi tne Monegans, witn niie oi mc puio ui in- "vvi; muumoiu i . i . . I 1. . .1 thn -Clrtf ni-nnlini I L on the heel. The pearl that Cleopatra drank; and the two diamonds that cut one another. A silk tassel from the staff of life. The after noou of the day of Algiers. Some of ihe eels that were used to being skinned. A pair ol pointers, irom tne ireai wear , -. f i m r .! well Iraitied. A nioge imm ine gaics oi uenm, nnu some . .- f .1. .... -J .U I I of the snuff that the child was fit quite up to. I hold these things subject to your order, and should 1 find anytniug further worthy ol a place ou the shelves of ihe Museum, shall inform you. Riddle. The following riddle is attribut ed lo Mr Macauley, the essayist : Cut off my head jnd singular I am, Cut off my lail and plural I appear ; Cut off both head and tail, and strange to tell, Although my middle's left.there'u nothing ihere! What is my head, cut oft I A sounding sea What is my tail, cut off? A roaiing river, Within whose eddying deeps 1 peaceful play, A parent of soft sound, though ntute forever A correspondent of the Boston Daily Ad veriiscr furnishes the following answer : Ecnd ! I've guessed it ! Tis a cod ! Cut off his head, he's very od' Cut off his tail, you have a Co, Aud that is (plural,' all men know. Cut off his head and tail, you leave A middle nothing (0), you perceive. What is his head t A sounding- C, What is his tail? The river D, And where's the Epicure but cries Od Zounds,' ' I know the cod produces the most sweet Sounds' Table Talk. "Miss Julia, ollow me to help you to a piece of this pie ? 4 Ouly nart of a niece if you nlease, Mr Jerrell." Mr J. (after cutting the pie neatly ns fine as nitore-meat,) ( I delire, jyiisa Joint, i Hhall be compelled lo give you a whole piece. for cut it wh ca way I will, 'twill be in pteces afler all." Postscript. "Don't be after forgetting, dear Jenny, lo take out this letter directly when it comes to the post-office, or that thiel, Via crony's wife, will know by your looks that there's mouey in it, and so call for it before it gets there.' Hall... Phil, vnn'vo rnt a new hat where did you get it from "W here you couldn't." "How's that V1 "Why, 1 got it from a man who credits nobody.'' " Hush, Phil, I give it up." There is a man down town who talks so tall that ihe people are obliged lo go up to the second storv to hear him, and iheu his words are so large, it is fouud necessary to pare them down with a shaving kuife to fit ihem luiueuifiiu ui iictinu. Two rtfr)in- enrh nrrunvino n room in - I .L . Ml .U .U . I I I ' I J 1 was complaining that the stove did not draw well. The other replied, "I thought it did draw well, for I find it is drawing my wood up stairs very last. Pat amd the Telegraph. Duriug a tremendous shower at Philadelphia, the linhlniuff is said to have coursed alon the lalesrnnhic wires like a rocket ou a line. Among those who saw the phenomenon, was ,- , . an Irishman who had just turned out of his lair, and gone to wrk on a butldiug in Somer set street, over which the wires pass. Och, Jahers," cied Pat, " that's news of a battle with the Mexican spalpeens! Any body can tell that by Ihe blaze aud smell of gun powder." No Tub. A Quakeress, p eaching at IS antucket, said, " every tub must stand on its own bottom." A sailor jumped up and said. (t but, ma ndam, suppose it has n. bot tom V " Then it's no tub," returned she quickly, and went on w ith her sermou. English obstinacy. The late duke of Somerset had a great aversion to beiog looked at or spoken to by inferiors. His servants obeyed him by signs, and when he weut into Ihe country the roads weie previously cleared. His servant one day being employ, ed in the customary service met a countryman driving a hog, whom he haughtily hid to get out of the way. Why ?" asked the farmer. Because my lord duke is cmiog, and he don't like In he looked at. The countryman enraged, seized the hog by the ear, and held him up to the carriage window, exclaiming, ( I wool zee hirn, and my pig shall zee hirn too.' Is that a lightning bug in the street? ask ed a purblind old lady, as she sat gazing out of a wiudow ou a dark night. No granny, was the reply, it's a big bug smoking a segar. Camp Anecdote. A friend, who has just returned from the camp on the Rio Grande, furnishes the following as the manner in which a Dutchman who was on sentry duty, proclaimed the hour. The usual cry is HaIf past ten aclock, and all's well !" . The Dutch man had forgotten the precise words, and sung out at the top of his voice " More as den o'clock, and all ish better as goof !" - CAJftOJLJtElirAKi THE WORD "IT." The nr.nn.rn .,. . : ...t . - - sometimes amusing, it is often absurd : - a . rns na snows--tf is foul, if is fair, is black, it is white ft is long, it is short- -. . . r ... . b iiu men u ia nvugilb , i . . trm.r. ." I - I ? . , ism : u is : I w 1 l.l . . . - moecu me wora u is a nuniuug ana -loiz. A good one. The Springfield Gazette tens a good story about a clersvrmii. who st his horse on Sunday evening. After huu- ,u. -"puuy who a uoy, uuui unuiiigui, an . . . 1 I . : I : J T ! he gave up in dispair. The next day, some what dejected at his loss, he went into the pulpit, and took his text the following pass age torn Job 0 that I knew where I tnkmf find him!' .... . o i he boy, who had just come in, supposing me norse was stIt ,ne burden of thought. cried ouir c i know w,ere he is ! He in Deacon oiiiiui s unrii. . L. 9 I Family Expenses Archdeacon Palev. in a familiar table discourse, touching the expeuses brought bv or initial sin unou hus- bauds aud fathers in the wav of r.imhrirs and satins, savs 1 never let my women, (be it understood, he snoke of Mrs Arrhdiacon yaey arid the Misses Palev,) I never let my - .-' women when Ihev shoo, take credit.- I slwavs Inake them pay ready money. Sir, ready . . ' ' ,i10i.ey is such a check unon the imaoination Bqn Mot A witty limb of the law iu parsing a person engaged in postiug bills on a corner, addressed hirn thus : How are you William, to-day ?" "My name is not William," replied the man, il is John." - Ah !" replied the first speaker, "I thought your name was William for I heard them call you Bill Slicker." CORDIALS, By the bottle or gallon, now receiving and for sale by VV . PltlOR. Also, I cask Cooking Wine. Oct. 24,1846. 40 1 -tf. P. TAI LUB IS now receiving direct from New York and Phtl- tideluhia, a full assortment of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Hats, fine and common; Wool do.; Boots & Shoes; large family lslankets; negro do.; 6-4 I weeds, su perior; C-4 Wellington Cloth ; Swedes and Kng lish Iron: Nail, cot and wrought; new stvle Bon nets : misses and children do.: Willow baskets. Those in want of new style Goods, selected for wholesale and retail, will nUase cull and see the Goods .iiid hear the prices. October 24, 1846. 4t-2m. S EG AKS & TOBACCO. 20,000 Principe, Havana, and Rfgalia Sejar", I Case of Myers &Co's best Aromatic Tobacco, 1-2 Bhl. tine cut chewing Tob;ci o, Scotch and Maccaboy Sou IT, ju.t received and for sale t.y W. PRIOR. October 24, I Bo. REMOVAL. I. Si. W. McLAUKIN have re- moved to the opposite side of Hay stret into the east tenement of the granite block of build:ns, nearly opposite H. & K. J. Lilly. In audition to our stock, we are now oj ening a seneral assortment of seasonable GOODS, and re c.-ivinr a supply of GROCEillES, Crockery, &c &c., which we offer low for cash, or on time to those who pay their bills piomptly. D.&. W. McL.. October 34, 1846. 4lU-tf. MOUMTAKM BUTTER! 35 Firkins prime Mountain Butter. 15 Bushels Cranberries, 200 Lbs. Buck Wheat Flour, 10 Bushels Apples, for sale by geo. McNeill. October 24, 1846. rToys, Perfumery & Fancy Goods, A "real varletv. rust received nni or sa by W. i KlOK f - - . m - - " I rf-V . 1 " I m Q At. ucuiucr 21, lOlU Cheap Fall c Winter WM. IV! ARSH would inform his customers and friends that he is now receiving ar Liberty Point, his NEW GOODS, consisting of Dry Goisls, Hats and Caps, a general assortment of Shoes. Harare sizes lor negroes, i Groceries. Hardware & Cutlery, Castings, Spades and Shovels, Collins' Axes. Simmons broad and turpentine Axes. Trace Chains, INaiis, lron,Orotk ry, &c. &c., all oi which lie wi!l sel! very low for cash. N. B. Those that are indebted to the subscriber had bettiii call and s tt le soon, if ihey wi.-h to save eo-t, as no ionjor indulgence tan be given. WM. MARSH. Oct. 24, 1846. 401-31. An assortment ol FUESii CANDY, received and lor sale by W. PRIOR. October 24, 1846. 401 -tf. State of X. CarolinaCumberland county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Sep- lember lerm, 1846. Eliza Chapman vs. heirs at law of Benj. Chapman. Petition for Dower. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Robert Chapman, Benj. Chapman, Washington Chapman, Arthur L,n wis and wife Isabella, Wm Dickson and wife Marsarel, Geo W Ti lin"hast and wife Mary Ann, Catharine Jordan and Win Jordan, children of Charles and Catharine Jordan. ail heirs at law of Benjamin Chapman, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this Stale, it is there fore ordered that publication be made for 6 weeks in the North Carolinian, a newspaper published in the town of Fayetleville, notifying said non-ren- dents personally to be and apcearat our Court of 1 Fleas and Uuarter Sessions, to be he'd for the countv ol Cumberland at the Court House in Fav erievine, on me nrsi ivionaay in Uecernber next, then and there to shew cause, if any they have why the prayer of Petitioner should not be granted, otherwise it will be taken pro cenfesso and heard fxparre as to rn. m. I Witness. John McLaurin, rlerk of or said Court at office in Favetteville, the first Monday af September, A. D. 1846." I - T IU.T AHDIV Oct. 10, 1846. 399-Ct. prdv$3 25. .ft JVJ5!H SrDD r V pnnr Almonds, Madeira, Brazil, and Pecan Nuts, Tamarinds, Prunes, Currants, Citron, Preserves, just received and for sale hy W. fKlUK. October 24, 1846. 401-tf. FIRE CRACKERS. 35 boxes Chinese Fire Crackers, received and r sale verv cheap by W. PRIOR. October 24, 1846. FALL & WINTER GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received from the Northern cities, his Pali and Winter Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Viz : Ladies' ami Gentlemen's fashionable dress Goods, embracing a great variety; calicoes, low priced to fine ; broad cloths cssslmeres, and sattinels; Kentucky jeans and kerseys; satin, silk, and cassi mere vestings; bleached and hrown sheet ings; Tweed cloths and Gala plaids; blankets, bed, negro, and saddle; tickings, canvass, and padding; silk and alpaca serge; suspenders; Muslin De Lain and cashmere ; cashmere and Muslin DcLain, in the pii ce; ombre, camelion, plaid, and black alpacas; book, mull, jackoncl, and Swiss Muslins ; linen and spool thread ; linen floss ; but tons ; combs; pins; needles; hooks and. eyes; red and white flannels ; French merinoes ; Tay lor and Malcomb plaids -.cloakins and cloak lin ing ; cotton and silk Hags ; hats, caps, and bon nets; shoes and boots; sugar, coffee, molasses salr, iron, indigo, madder, bagging, rope, and twine; cut nails; cut tacks ; coffee mills ; cotton cards; fine and common tobacco; crockery and glassware.; paper, foolscap and letter; fancy soap; sole leather ; painted pails ; brooms : axes; hard ware and cutlery ; fine to low priced cigars ; with many articles not named ; altogether making a ranch larger and bet trr assortment than is usually kpt in one store. Country merchants are espe cially invited to call and examine styles, aialitics and prices. Terms as liberal ar elsewhere. Stand same as last year, Foot of Hay Mount, next above Bn,zgs's Hotel. .1. D. WILLIAMS. September 19, 1946. 396-tf. BEAVER CREEK GOODS. Foi sale by Hall &. Joint son : Heavy flax and cotton Shirtings. " 4-4 &'heetinjs, Cotton Yarn, assorted, 5 to 10. Plough Line Twine. April 10, 1846. 373-ly A. M. CAMPBELL, AUCTIONEER, May he found opposite his o'.d stand, at the store formerly occupied by Mr McCallum. July 25 1846. VERY CHEAP FUR CASH. T Northern-Made Buggies and 3 sets of j HARNESS, complete; all of superior work-j manship, and of the most approved modern style BEVERLY ROSE & SON January 1646. 360-tl REMOVAL AND NEW I HAVE removed to ihe Brick .Store one door east .t -Messrs Charles T. Haigh & Son, and am now leceiving and opening my Fall and Winter stock, comprising a Iarje and extensive assort- ' lor DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Caps, and Shoes, Cotton and Wool Cards, Drills and .Medicines, Paints and Window Glass, Leather and vH31a D0-.33ir.iS3, all of which h.iviii hen purchased at the late reduced prices for cash, will be offered unusually low, cirlitr tor cash or on time fir ap proved paper. JOHN D. STARR. Sepr. 19, 1846. 396-Cw. Prrsons having unsettled business with the un dersi lined will I lease ;ive him a call between now and the first of December. When in town, he may be found bv callinsr at the Wagon Yard. JACKSON JOHNSON. Sept. 19, IS64. 306 it DR. WM. P. MALLE l'T, may be found, when not orofessionally engaged, at his office near Ec- cles's Bridge, adjoining the office at present occu pied by the Hon. James C Dobbin. Augua -Zit is-ib. ms. ly. The unparalleled popularity f HAY'S LINI MENT is a surety of its virtue. The genniiu- Hav's Liniment has cored ov-r tv- ntv tliousiiml cases of Piles in th: U'lited States. It is rhr o.ilv article used and prescribed by tli facilty ofN w York, and it is recommended by every Physirt ;n in the country who has used ir, or s en its effects on others. he genuine nas Comsiock & Co's name on each wrapper. I o be had of S J Hins dale; Atkins & Co, Eliiabethti.wri; Eintrix & bro, n r i-. 1 1 tr 1 1 . t-v r' r. IVinston; oass 4t auuivan, ivenansnne ; 1 u r-ai terson, Little Rockfi-h; McDowal & Co, Elizabelh town, where the only genuine c m be had. REV. DR. BARTHOLOMEW'S PINK SYRUP, Is warranted to be as s;ood as any of the dollar ar ticles in use. It is sold tor only o' cents, and ihe oronrielors, with Ihe consent ol several of the first citizens of New York, have given references lo rhem. It "8 considered by thfin the best prepara- ' tion in use, fir coughs, colds, influenza, sore throat or incipient consumption. It is put forward under Ihe sanction of one ot th fir?t divine ,f the country, and has the great merit of be'inu all it is represented to be. ror sale wholesale by Com- stotk & C, 21 Courtland sf rc t, N. Y.; and by S. T T I I r.i- i . A.I o . a - j. ninsnuieui mis uiatK : atKins ot Ulinton : Ei ntein & Brorhfr, Ivinston ; Bass Sc Pollivan, Kenans-vilte; DG Patterson, Little Rock fish ; and iM:Dowal & Co, E'izabethtown, where the only genuine can be had. State of North. Carolina Robeson county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Aug. Term, 1846. William Blount, Executor, vs. Daniel Blount, David Blount, Benjamin Leo, Alvan Stephens and wife, John Campbell and wife, Alfred Moore and wife, it' ll of kin of Jacob Blount. Motion to admit to solemn and fir:al probate, Ihe last Will and .Testament of Jacob Blount. IN this case it appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants arc not inhabitants of this State, it is ordered by Ihe Court that notice be given for six wetks in the North Carolinian, published in the town of Fayettevill-, to the said defendants to appear at the next term of ibis Oour, to be held fur the said county of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumbcrton, on the fourth Monday in November next, and shew cause, u any rney have, why said last will and icstamenl should not be admitted to solemn probate. Witness. Shadrach Howell, clerk of our said Court at office, the 4ih Monday of August, A. D. IS46 and of American Independence the 71st year. ' S'D'H. HOWELL, C. C. C. Sept 26, 1846. 397-61. pr adv S3 25. 3QOT & SH03 The Subscriber re spect fully informs the public that he has commenced the above busi. ReSS at the Mlnr nf Mr T... t-L Smith, where be will make BOOTS SHOES of the best quality md wsrknumship. His work hss given general satisfaction heretofore, and will be warranted to Lur wfi , 1 SdF Mending done as usual. BENJ E. BUR WELL. Sept. 26, 1846. 397-6m FRESH GOODS. JUST received, Zante Currants, soft shell Al monds, Brazil Nuts, Prunes, Citrons, Mustard' Butter Crackers-, Soda Buiscuits, Mrs Miller's fine chewing Tobacco, Crushed Sugar, Brown Su"tr Cassia, Sporting Powder, in Canisters &e. ' For sale by w. PRIOR. August 29th, 1846. -349-tf. TWO STORES, adjoining the store at prrscnt occupied by Mr John D. William, in the Brie Row, foot of Hay mount. For terms apply to J. C. DOBBIN. Sept. 5, 1846. 394 -tf. PRINTS ONLY. NEW PALL STYLES, At the extensive Establishment of LBS & TEI.a 44 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. Whre arc concentrated nearly all th" NEW STYLES of PRINTED CALICOES which have been produced in this count n, or imported for the fall trade, and are offered lor sale for CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT at Prices Greatly Reduced Within the last few days. Purchasers are guaranteed the prices and allowances mnde for a given period. ftCF Cata'ogiies (renewed and corrected daily) regulating the pnc-s - are placed in ihe hands of buyers and avn with the goods ordered. August, 1846. 330-y. Hall & Johnson, Off er for 100 hhd. Patrio Rico and Cuba Molasses, 250 casks Lime, 500 saiks Liverpool Salt, 10 tons Iron, assorted. April IU, 1846.. . 373-ly. VOLUNTEERS for OltKGOX 1 Attention Rheumatic Jlaltalion ! I n anticipation of a war with England, llio in dividuals composing the lUieuin;itic Battalion are tach and evirv one noli tied and Married loafe;ir (armed as shad heieaficr be directed,! before the Uidcrly Surgeon, al his Dm:; i-tore, un Main st , and purchase a bottle Hews' Linainent and Elixir, which is warranted to cure all the old ci5es f Chronic or lutlaminalory Rheuinatism that have remained uncured up to ihe present lime. This without delay, so that they may he in readiness U m.irch, if called upon. To the Universal Rheuma tic B.itlalion ! Given this dav al Head Lluarters by CO.VI&TOCK&CO., Conimaiider General. The above article is sold at wholtaale by Coin stock & Co., 21 Courtland st reel, N. York; and by S. J. Hinsdale of this place; A" kins & Co., Clin t ui ; Einstein & Bro., Ivinston ; Bass &. Sullivan, K:iiansvit!c; D G Patterson, Little Uocklisli; and .McDowal & Co.. Elizabelhiown. Also the celehrated Council's PAIN EXTRAC TOR, the only genuine article manufactured, and sold at hall price to meet Ire wants of the poor. Also, C. & Co's celebrated Extract of Sarsapiiril a, a splendid article, for 50 cents a bottle, warranted as 2ood as any dollar article. The genuine to he had only of ComstocU & Co., N York, and hy as above. June 27, 1846. S U P K It 1 0 K Q UAIJTY AT IIalF FRICr. FOR THK CUKE OF Scrofu'a, :hronic rlu-uiiiai isin, Mineral rhhility, cutaneous diseases, sca'y erriplions of the skin, t-1-ter, p mples or pustules on ihe face, mercurial und syphiloid diseases, bihs, from an impure halt it dl' body, ulci rations of the throat ami le, pains a;d swellings of rhe bones, liver aftec-rions Bn'' rt,s" eases arising from an impure state of the blool, ex posures and imprudences in life, xcctsi ve ute A mercury, fcic. r I The great popularity of Sarsaparilla, ar d its cs ! tabhshed efficacVi render it suDerfliions to entr-r in to any encomium ol its virtues or adduce any oj. deuce in its favor. The S;irsarariHa is warranted positively as ofd as any other that can he made nt one do lar, at just half the price of those so much advertised, mid as strong and in as large bottles, viz: fifty cents per bottle, or five dollar per dozen. TTii s a rt icle h as cured Scrofula of 30 y ears, after the dollar articles had been used in vain. Tr be had in New York only, at 21 Courtland street; ami of S J Hinsdale, Fayefteville ; Atkins & Co, C inton ; Einstein & Bra. Kinston ; Bass & Sullivan, Kenansville; D G Patterson, Little Rock fish ; iMcDowal & Co, Elizabctlitown ; where the only genuine can be had. To all the world who use leather in any form: Oil of Tannin, or Leather Restorer. A new Chemical Discovery. Most people know, that skins arid hides arc converted iuto Icaiht r l y Ihe use of Tannm, ex tracted from certain harks, &c. When the firce aud strength of the Tannin is worn out, leather becomes dead, hard, dry, brittle, crack d, cov red with a crust, This all know. To restore ihen life, so?:iest-,moUtncss, strength, smoothness, and remwve a a nets, 8y, or blister restore the tannin. Thi. r uhslance the leather never can re ceive the f tt r dtiine ; but the whole virtues ol it are in this article, the OIL OF TANNIN, wI"l" penetrates i i e stillest and haroei-t leather, il it lias been 20 years in use, and if it tears easily vtiih the finder, t imparts at one: a strength that is utterly incredible nnli! seen. Il becomes like new h nther in a'l respects, tvith a delightful softness and poli.-li, and makes all leather completely and perfectly im pervious to water particularly boots, shoes, car riage tops, harness, ho.-e, trunks, and in lact all things made of leather, ivin a splendid polish, rven higher than new leather has, and al least doubling its wear ami durability, in whatever man nci ihe leather is ned. These are Facts. For sale by S J Hinsdale, of tips place ; Atkins &.Co, Clintoi; Einftein & Bro., Kinston: BasH & Sullivan, Keroinsvill"; D G Patlerson .Little Rock fish; and McDowal & Co, Elizabethtown. Balm of CVoliimbia. For restoring the Hair and keeping it from falling out. This celebrated hair restorative, which has been used successfully bv over ten thousand person?, i? uow for sale in this toivn. As there are numerous counterf-it on this article, be sure and sec that Coinstock & Co. is on every wrapper. Buy of th; asrent of this towii and you will be sure to get the true. For sale wholesale by Comstock & Co, N York; SJ Hinsdale; Atkin'& Co, Clinton : Einstein & rro, ivrnseon ; ijass & SsulJivan, Kenansville; uu Patterson, L. Rock fish : McDowal & Co. Eliza- bethtown; where ihe only genuine can be had. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYLE IS now receiving his w inter supply of DRY GOODS, among which are Superfine Cloths and cassiineres, assorted colori, Sattinets, Tweeds, and Kentucky Jeans, Blaakets, assorted qualities, B!eached and brown Domestics, 'rish Linen, Lawns, and Diapers, Silks, plain and figured. Shawls, from 25 cents to ten dollars. Thread, Bob i net, Lace and Edging, Calicoes and Ginghams, very chesp. Cashmere DeEcosse and Mouslin ArVm, Alpacca, black, shaded, and other colors, 75 packages Boots and Shoes, Anker Bolting Cloths, JVo. to 10, &c. &c. With manv other Goods, all of which being pur chased by the packages at the late reduced pr' e, will be offered at uncommon low prices, by v. hole sale or retail October 3, 1846.