JJJJ - tjf W0rtl) "CHAIIACTER IS AS IMfORfA.NT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." BY WM It BAYXE FAYETTEVILLE, SATURN A V, DECEMBER 5: 1846. L Volume 7 atiiiubcr 407 IMPORTANT HOTCIIKISS' Vertical Water Wlicl. THE Subscribers having witnessed She success ful operation of these wheels, were induced to pur-jhas-j the right of u.-:iiig them in the stale of North 'Jarolina; and lliev now ofler f ir sale individual fights, at FIFTY do'Iars, or rights for a whole ro'itity, on reas onable terms. Besides beiiiir generally adopted in the Northern States, these wheels arc e iming into general use In th southern St.tes. We have sold about 1 00 Rights, 10 of which are in successful operation in fjiimberland county. Tb-s wheels are more durable, an I more easily l,i;it i i orJ. r wh.Mi properly put t-.g-ih'T than the illttcr ivhe d. TI.ey will save one-third of the w it r, ail run w il in b ick water, when tle-re is a h:.l il ive. fhi p;ed of the s tw is incr.ascd to in ire Ih in doa'V.e the strokes per minute. Woielcr, am 113 other?, to the following gcniie me.i, soiin of whom hive h id the wheels in opcra lio i Vi in nths or in ire; and from many of tliem, .in I ot!i-! s, we h ive received certificates expressing lhcirhigh approbai ion yf the superior advantages .il" llte.s :.ver the flutter whe. I, ami stating that t iieir saws will ctit 2::l", :VJil ), 3VHI, and even as Sij 'li as-i )') leel per day, and save one-third of the water. Favettf.vii.le. A Graham. Cn mcf.ui wn. Col Alex. M ii chism, OIii'mIo her M unror, Alex Williams Col A N AlciN. i I, Fanpthard Sinit'i, John McD.tnirl J ilin Evans, J W How-II. t Jen. James McKay, Hubert Mc'vin, S N llieliarlsm, Thorn is C. Siuilli, 1 .,i:ic Wri-hJ, John Sm lli. SlMPiDN'. G T llirksda!-. Pal i ii k- M nrphy, John 11 . Speariu in, I lardy Royal. New Havoveu. James M tirphy. Oh irli'S 1 lenry. Onsi.o w. Ro'ie.it Aiimii. G II E E S E . Th una 1 1 ooker. 15e All FIlllT. U Ru-inven, M r Arnold- Dnpi.iv. l.rwi ! lering, j iiiis Jrmaii, Lenoir. Jo'in William, Es. Them is Ilouuc , Jt:ss: Lassitcr. Jon es. James McDanii 1. Craven. John Bryant. Col cm nus. Lot Williamson. Roueso.n. W C McNeill. II 1CI1MON 1) John C. McL.nirtii, J..hn L . Faiiky. A V s O V . J II Heid, Millwright. A Bi ui-hum. C XWEI.I.. Wm. llilael. J T Dodson, Millwright Chatham. Col- Sc Brant ly, Smith Sc I'ultcn, N Coz- W ARE. S B. asly, Johnston. Jesse T Li'itch. Ge ii. For. i'. Dr 5'aulks. 1'lTT. Jo'in Jol IHT, 1 )r. lloli. rt and Kichanl Williams. Daniel Moore. Resides many others in different parts of ti e Stat'. ioi Wiib such a deservedly h:"h i h i r ict rr, t Ik- tsuh scribers feel justified in olT:ri ii those Wheels to the nnblic. tli-V will U.ei. 'i iianu " I.! p'lhllC, tll' V Will lve. till ll.iilil y .hv.ls a lopted" to luh or low heads at Fayctteville Vi'miiiio i, Newb rn and V;tli'.!)':tuii. And IUr I .mi T. H Isnn, of Caswell, his ill in lor sal" We caution all peisons through the State against )ivip,j a iy prrso i but ourselves, or our authorized ji-'enl-T. lor the ri 'lit of using these wheels. i'tCE TO MILLWRIGHTS. If you wish tvu dnvme it, acquaint your-elvcs .vith pull ins i n 1 i-se Whe-l-t, a.s we now wish to employ at least IhiOhii. iIm-i biitonoss in d (Ter iit parts l the State. dii.ncan McNeill.. A ItC i I 'D Mel. A U ("11 LI N. A A McKEl'UAN. rav.-tlevillo, January 31 181G. 3G3-tf Fire Proof ISools. THE undersiened is ready to contract for the cov t:riii'4 1,1 roof's of Soil linga- wit h tn, copper, or ziucfaml will eecuc promptTy any w ork he may (.-ml ract for, and for sma 11 profits. J..n 21, fil.. 3M-tf. F. T. WARD. WUUhU respect tal ly inform the citizens of Fayctteville audtlie public generally, that he has taken the stmil recently oecjpieti by E. J. Clark, on Gr:Mepie Strect,5 iloors South of llie Market Square, where he will "". -jr "'.iianufacture and ke-p con stantly on h ind an assortment of TIN AND SHEfeVP MION WAR E. Persons wishing to purchase would o well to all and examine hisstock before ourchasing else where, as he i determined to sellas cheap as any other manufacturer 1 t h. State, BAIvEHS op. i n .iTitirety new patt'ern. ROOFI.Vt do'ip in the tastcst'st jd, and best m i i er . a iso a u rr : r i cr. Auir. 17, IS44. 2Gt-v. THE subscriber off rs hi sevjees t the citi- -ns of Faye(ti ville, as Carpenter and Contractor, and hopes by prompt attention to business to share a part of the public patronage. G. W . ROSE. July I'J, 1845. 3"5-tf. Tallow Wanted. The highest market price w II be given for 50, 00 U Ihs. of good Tallow, by J. D. WILLIAMS Oct. 10, 181G. 3:i0-if. MO UA' TJ11J B UT TER ! 35 Firkins prime Mountain Butter. to Bushels Cranberri aW Llw.Byk Wheat Flour, 10 Bushels Apples, for sale bv o . i . GEO. McNEILL. October 24, I84G. A .Vfilf SUPPLY OF FRUIT 1"?! .?:..C;u,rar's' Citron, Breseives- October 24, IS4G. 401-tf. "W. TRIOR FIRE CRACKERS 3o boxes Chinese Fire Crackers, received and tmr sale very cheap by v PPino October 24, 1846. 7 w.tuiUU. FRESH RAISINST 50 Whole, Iiatf and Quarter Boxes, j oat ree'd and for sale by W. TRIOR. Oct 3L 1846. - Toys,. Perfumery -& Fancy Goods, A great variety, juat received and for ale rheap by W . TKIUK. October 24, 1846. , T FOR SALE. I WISH toscil my Sand lying on Big Kocktish, bcinjj about 2000 acres of ood turpentine land, with a good stream for carrying It to market, navi gable at any time while there is water enough for boats to run between Fayctteville and Wilming ton. Title indisputable. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. July 12, 1845. 333-tf. Croton Cloth for Coats; Drap- d'ete, brown Linens, Drills anil Stripes for Pants ; cheap Balzoiines and Beragcs ; " Mourning & half do. Muslins j " Lawns and Muslins; Gents' fine black Silk Scarfs ; " " fancy do. urass Skirts and corded ditto, &c. &c., for sale by W. G. MATTHEWS. May 0, I84C, 377 -tf. M 0 N U M E N T A L MARBLE FACTORY. The subscriber respectluily informs hi fellow citizens and the public in geneial, that he has opened, iie.ir'y opposite the Post Ollice, a Factory of the above description, where orders for Monu ments, Tombs, or Grave Stones of any description will meet every attention. Painters can he sup plied with paint stones and inu!lois. From his cx-pt-iieitccin the business, he believes himself com petent to ivo satisfaction to ail who ma' favor til in ith their patronage. " GEORGE LAUDER. Favettevilte, July IH, 4G. 387-Gm-pd DENTISTRY. J. N. BAIRD HAVING detru:iind to locale pcrmanentl v in Faette ille, will devote his undivided attention to the practice of Dentistry in Fayctteville, and the surrounding counties. When in Fayctteville, he will be found at Briggs' Ho'cl, and nil orders from tlie country, for his sur vives, will be rromptly attended to. He can exhibit the most sat ifa-trry references, as to ch.iracttr and practical skill in his profession. Aug. 8, I81G. 33')-ly. tyl)v U.'iirtl is at present ab sent, allerding the Fall Lectures in Balti more. He will retoirn in all Fcbtuaiy. j P. TAILOB IS now receiving direct from New York and rh:!- :idel,hia, a full assorlnient of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Hats, fine and common; Wool do.; Boots &. Shoes; large familv Blanket-; negTo do.; 6-4 Tweeds, su perior; G-4 Wellington Cloth; Swedes and Eng lish iron; Nail-, cut and wrought; new style Bon nets ; misses and children do.; Willow Baskets. Thoye in want of new style Goods, selected for whiib sle and retail, uiMplvasc call and sec tin. Goods :iiid bear the puces. Oitobct -2 J, I84G. 40I-2in. REMOVAL. $?. & W. MCLAURIN have re- moved to tlic opposite side of Ila st n ct into the east tenemetit of t lie granite block of buildings, nearly opposite II. & E. J. Lill'. 1W BrD(DID8a in aiiiiition to our stock, w: arc now opening a General assortment of season.-ib'o aUOl, and ic ceiving a supplv of GROCERIES, Crockery, &c. &c, w bich w e offer low for c;sb, or on time to those who pav their bills piompllv. JJ.&. W.ivlcL. October 24, I S4G. " 4'Jf-tf. AVi assorlment ot FRESH CA.VDV, received and for sale hv W. PRIOR. Orjt.r -24, i S IG. 40 1 --i f. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY THE Subscribers take this method of informiiiir the public, that they have comm. need the Carriage Jlainifactn-ritig Jiusiness. And intend to carry it on hi all its various branches ay Coaches, Coachees, Cliariotces Barouches. Buggies, Gigs and Sulk cvs. tJt the most mooern ana approved siyie. Win? . . . i i i ... . . several years' expeiience bv one of the Principal?, in one of the largest Manufactories i n the Northern Slates, thev feel no hesitation ir. saying that noth ing shall be wajitinrto make their Work ciual to any put up here or clsewliere. I hey iiope that by unremitted attention to business, to merit a gener ous share cf public patronage. 1 hey assure the public that no pains have or willoe spareu lo pro cure the best materia!: the surrounding country af fords. Thev havp completed and in progress o. completion, several Vehicles of the latest fashions, which they offer at prices in conformity with the present pressure of the times. . " All Work n arrnntnl fnr lii ph'P months. Their Establishment isat the foot of the hill, op- 1-oMie iioerlv I'oini. simpson & Mclaughlin. Favetevill Dec. 97 rak s.v REPAIRING done at the horlfrst notice. ..nine nearest manner, andat the lowest prices. 100,000 Acres Valuable FOJR SAJLJE. THE Subscriber has purchased all the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dae'd.. lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES ; a large part finely Timbered, and con venient to Lumber River, where rt large quantity of Timber is now raited to the Georgetown mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a lame part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentineyields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and In quantities to suit purchasers. Information respeetiiiii the title can be obf.-.med by apph ing to the Hor. Robert Stra:i!ie, James C Oobbin, ii.sq., A A I Smiithj Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand thereare many trespassers on these lands, to all of Whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of the Lands es.n Ik? made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make salr of the same. TllOS. J. CURTIS. Fayctteville, N. C, March I, 1845. 314-tf. l'AYETTEVILLE AND WABSAW ST AGEfe LINE. rglHE Subscriber having taken the manageiueni iCinftnlS; !:: lin" UP "all who mav ...ive it a trial vill be better dIp'ispiI tlnn lipr.inf., I pieaseu man Heretofore. - Under the pm.-ont arr.m-emer.t. leave Fayette- ville on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 4 patfies uiana-e the thing bv having a couvcll- mwMns, ,men, ujo.icb v m. c.n .t.w.ir .. ... a . iv v- . monds, Kelly, Long, MarshaH, J Martin, Move, o clock, p. m., and arrive at Warsaw in time to .;., k ,.n.-.nai hh iho n,n,,p vi.....i'.. ,vt A' ..h.-.T'm.. iU-i i.. ' i take t train for North or South. Leave Warsaw Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at rr the arrival of the train from both ways Passengers enter at Bri2s' Hotel. JACKSON JOHNSON, Agent. Fayctteville, July 5, I S4G. 37G-I f. Gardner & 3VEcHletIian9 HAVE lately made considerable improvement in uicir siyie oi vv orK ,anu nave now on hand a Gc.Pi ERAL ASSORTMENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkcys, Waggons, &c. Which for elegance of shape and linisti, and dura bility, will compare w ith any made in the U States. ii ...... ...i.. i, l -eraous lsning ro ouy, woiiiu uo wen 10 can an u cauiii oc o'i i woriv, as we nav e o tTiuiiiiu iu .1 : . t. i. ... : . sell LOW for Cash, or approved notes. Havingin ourempioy first rule feniiths, we are prepared to do any Iron work in the above line on We warrant all onr work to bn ofood and faith- til workmanship and materials, for one year. - - tc3 REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. r a yenc u.e, r coruary to-iu. 1 .i 11.. I.i . I ooi. ComiclPs Pain Extractor. From heo co to eishl limes cheaper than before, if the user is nol delighted icilh it. or not hi n An article that every family must consider in- Lido that every family must consider in- till- when fhfv know its rmirrp :loil v:. loo f MotMiji.i oi i: ivocii liii: u nuiv ua iiiivit tiou value, i .1 .i i dvvhich bas heretofore been sold too high to -' .. . . ' and vnicu uas ncreioiore ueen soin 100 mfii to remh all classes, has now been reduced in uriee with a view rh.it ric'i and poor, .high and low, and - 7 -- - m fact every h nnan being may enj jy its comtorts ; -rn": J'V l T Li-a,vf fn. 1' :f '?:. rnCf,V' lllt.lll II IIICV illC IKH UCII"llll U UII U9 Ui?r. assert itlmut the po-sibi-Iily of contradiction, that all bums and scalds, every external sore, old or Iresh and all external pains and aches, no matter wuere, snan oe reauccu to com.orr ny , ... v? m,n- utes saving life, Itmb or scar. JNo burn ran be fatal if this i" applied unless the vitals are destroy- ed by the accident. It is truly magical to appear - ance iu us f uecis. enquire mr --u.mtm .viaSi- ealPani Extractor Salve," at ConwtocU'4tUo, 21 Courtland St.. New York. Price 25 cents or four linn s as mm h tor 50 ceiits, and near ten times as . ' mncli lor a do! ar. Caiitiov- Re smr an ! ret Connell's, as conn j-. .. i. I t . .. . J . . . . 1 . 1 . . . ..... .,!. iiflinr Mfimna iS.elh.t it is.lin.l (mm C'o.oslo. k & Co.. or never mo. 1. ii For sal-v holesale by Comstock & Co, N Vork; and by S J II nsibile; Atkins & Co. Clinton; Em- f.lr i. r : K!i7,i.ft!,-,, n ' - Tb unparalleled popularity of II AY'S L1NP MENT is a sorely of its virtue 'The genuine lla's LMi'ineni has cured over tvi it i y tbonsond cases-ot Piles in the U-jitrd States. .It is lite only arnc.e useu ami pres-eri'ieo oy im: i.it" --" 1 . ni . .1 i : i i i. .. .l. I Ii.- ,,r.u. Vork, and it is recommended V every i hvskijii in the. country who has user! it, or s.en its eflects on others. The genuine nas Comstock ic Co s name on each wrapper. To be had oi S J IIins - dale; Atkins & Co Elizabethtown; Ei.u-Uin & bro, Kinston; Cass & Sullivan, K-enansville ; P G Pat- terson, Little Rock fi-h; McObwai 4ft. Uo, lmiziuci n- town, where the only genuine can be had. D1L BAliTlIOLOMEW'S IT IS K SYRUP. Is wnrrnnted In be as wood as anv of tbe dollar ar ticles iti use. Il is sold for only 5! cents, and the proprietors, with the consent ofseveral ol me nrsi citizens of New York, have given references to them. It is considered by them the best prepara tion in u?e, for coughs, colds, influenza, sore i ..A..t '. - .... i i:.. ii is 1 1 1 1 1 iiriiiim U..V iiiuunin (,giiriiuiiuii. I unaer ine sanction ol one ol llie tirsi uimiui Countrv.nndhthp Treat merit of being all it fit represented lo be. For sale wholesale n' m - sto.k &Co,et Coertland strecf, N. Y.; aod f.y S. fc"l"B Kenansvihe: D G Patterson Little Rockfish ; and h v r-v . - . . . . . . . l iti':iwwiisi;o, E.'izibclltlown, wnerc ine genuine can be had. JHSP.PW niTMXT iTo his SPr- " " " V" vices as undertaker and builder, to the citizens or oiners. disposed to contract for building orjooomg l erms liberal. CORDIALS, By the bottle or gallon, now receiving ar,d for sale by - w. i'iuuh Also. I "cask Cockin." Win. '- fVf.24 1846. '.- . 401-lf. LIncoura.se Home Manufactures NORTH-CAROLINIAN Win. II. Uayne, Ktlitor and Proprietor. F.lY'ETTF.X'IL.Ijtli Saturday Morning, December 5. I81C. MU CALHOUN ON THE GENERAL TICKET SYSTEM. The Chailctun pnpers pnbli-h he r.piniou of M r Calhoun, n tiv.Mi in :. limr I l'.-sr Orr, Sloan, Evans, and Svmnies. on the nucs- tluti of rhnniri no- ihi nipsciit iiiiK'nuf nnnnint- . . -ii - i ii l- I " . ii iizil i icMucuu.ji electors in ooutn viiuuui, lV Ihe Legislalure. Mr Calhoun takes ground opiiust (he pro- posed chaiigo ol giving ihe elcitioti to the i , , , , - people, ns in this State. He says he has given 11 ' - Ihe subject fhe most mature consideration, He objects to the General Ticket system I because be thinks there -could be uo election - ... , ,l - i c in that way on account ol the absence, of J any system in castiug the Votes. He reas- OUS i,h -f-CnC A? S"l,lh C0-U- Ua. where there Cannot be said to be two . . . , . .,nn ... . f..r ih, nt wr Stntrs ihn Iwn ' ' " " I1'U Ml IIUIIIIIIIM U ...v number of Electors, and these are voted for by the respective patties, democratic and" whig. In fact without this intervention of the leading men ol the two parlies in nom inating a ticket, the system wouW boJimprac- ticable. as Mr Calhoun says. And therefore he thinks that it is better lhat the Lfgisliituro should appoiut the electors, than to have this iutctieiitiou of tho leading noliiicijus.1 1 im. o ;i iK.. i:,10,,i v- I w . ujiung iiimi ii iov ji ,a... J w i I . ... . -1 1. .... .1 :.. C I. ' in was 10 ue noup.cu ... o..u... .w..uo, l'lestdeuttal election would bo, Hhe it is m I ail the other States, managed by a few iutfig- uing politicians of each patty, meeting in ' . .1-1 . u ,, caucus, or convention, 10 uenue wuo mioui.i be the electors. lie argues that t!j mere . ..... i i numerical majority of the people is not the proper test in an election thai il leads to "an .t..l..to n.l rlnotir- d,mnrn.-v." fsoeakilia I . . l: i lot course in reierence to uis own .-?une, aim , .. . , - 4 - . . , I 111X3 ""rtjuauuca uiuicin . aih"c, too ";eu.,.i vole, on account of ihe slave onu!aUoi0 . , . . . .,,, i,;m.f I tL tr .nKItwif mnkitifr ;i thrno ndiimn ir?n. rrBiuuvaw-' a m bbx .ivku . . . . "S"'"1 electili2 Fiesideiitial electors, for within the I k ' - last few vears every State nearly, has dion- ..,!: odontod ihn I1ni.i,.i .isihil nnd 1 'I finally, the whig Cong.ess of 1842, took the liberty of setting aside the Constitution of the j States, (uhiiu savs the Electors thall be f v it fvihii h s:1Va the Electors shall bo - - appointed iu each Slate, "in Mich manner ns i I I- t.-. . i. I. I uj'p'mii ... .....v .. ., t : .... .. .1 I i: x i iit i noihmiiiiH inririii uiii ii i nil in . i b - det log ine Oiaies to cieci o uibinci, tuai is, each Congressional l)i,tiict in the State to chofise iiu elector from among the people of . n- . - . . Vfl fmm . St:,. . . , , ' ' ,o represent me two oenuior. I r.-. i , - . r . u:. .... 1 his law, however, is a sort ol nullity on J the Statute Book : lor it was several years . ...-...., u I ""W'"'1 ,"UW1"1V-""-J " lji,a has Hot vrl dHie it. but defies this Whig , , . , , - .u : " I ...n.l.. .. ..I. .....I f.-n,. MlltriOl.ll' wi.iuc "iiiwui onu o..o. - AMIl.MCAN ISUE.1UII I 1 ill. .isc ti l-a i i. 'I hrii- ki.iiis to jo no end n On; Miouipns I ur Yankee ioenuitv. An article of great . - , lillIliv just bee. .hown U.. which U.obe known by the nam., of IhmimomVs Paled Candle. Maker. . - It is simply a cauo.eM.cK wu.cn v.. a,. I - - . ii .: I-. u:..u .: i. i makes the candle as It Durns, and oy turning I ine fylinder ir icscrvoir contain iug the lal- , ..hh h is tunned in chilli in a melted i - , . i...,,.,i. .. ... i. I ci-.t.. n hiiit nr n lnli'T leliolli lli.1V liu oro- i . o.c.,y . ...... - - r duced as Is destreu. 1 lie - greaiesi p i t tr new notion is, that It lequms lobe 1 .... , ,' ,t.L- n.i v i ...ood " " " " all neat and economical houaekeepe. s I., look ;it I'lcm, lnasniucn as ao or .tit aie .eae ,nal cau jjC hardened may be ucd in them. YC know from experience lhat cauoles made in the Patent Candle Maker, wittbuin at least one-third longer than hose made lu ihe oi dinary way. .. Yl Gazelle. New IAii.r.OAU Invbntion. Air Joseph Cienell, of Ibis city, has ioveuled uudpatenl- .o ol In nu illl Mm nl rnu. I . i . . SUWIlUg i .ci.s ui p w I mies to reduce Hie cosi, at ine .same lime jJrrease ,ncjr tal.llity audM-cuiity. The lhe. advantages, allow, of the .-ame rail being; used on one edge ft.t, and I , . . : . t ii It. hdu tnat m wnru, iu ue imeifvu houi iutr, I nuA hfn won. on one. surfat o to be chanced loP and bottom, and agatu reversed; bv this he . f wearin- sides, or surfaces lo one rail. The mode ol fastening the ends of Ihe rails together i-lr ikes us us alfo.diug peibcf secuj ity naiusl looseness. A nidel l these improvements may be seen by calliug upon the inventor at Vanderwerkeu's carnage factory, Hear the IL R. Depot in Market, street. JVetcurk . Daily Jidv NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE I Vote lor U. S. Sen j tor, to fil! Mr M annum s place alter 4th of March next. In. Senate : For Mr. Mangum Messrs Speaker, Al bright, Barnard, BogIe,Carter, Cowncr, Dan iel, Eborn,, Ehringhaus, Francis, Gilliam, Uilmer,Tilchi-ist, llalsev, Ilogan, Howard. Kellv. Kerr, McMillan, Melclior, Moodv, Patierson, Poindexier, Jlussell, TIionj:js, Wad die, Wood liii -27. - ' I'or Jlr McKay Messrs Ashe, RovJ, Cameron, Irake, Exuni, Keri-uul, Gavin, Graves, Hdigrave, Hawkins, Heifer, Hill, Mdls, Speight, Stowe, Slreel, Tliompoon 1 omiiiison, aru, M$o,i, nouleil Zl. 1,1 lhe 1 IuUse : r or .Mr Slangum .Messrs Speaker, Au- ...... ! a ii 1I 1. !, if u.iimn, 1'iouni, jjii.mmi, liliHVt'l, I VU I I' .. lovv;iy, Charles, Chiinti, Credle, D.iven- port, IJond, Fagi, FauceUe, Feiebee, Fov. Gambit), tieorire, (jilii;un, Cioldin, Guion, wynn, iiackuey, iiarns, iiargrave. Hays, Havnes, Hicks. Ftririijon, Hoover, Hunt, T . , , , N b Jones, Lnssnei, Leathers, Mcb-ine, E- p Miller, G A Milter, McCurrv McKesson. Nicholls, Oburne, Paine, Palmer, Peebles, 1 uryear, Layner, Keid, ltibtltn. kussel, Saunders, Scott, Skinner, Siniw, Stee e, ... ,, .. v i.- I rii . 1V.-H i p . 11,1 Lser. l ishm.Tlnti. V i . lers WeHborn and I VV bite Gl p VfM;-McrsAur,Dias Barnes, troSH.? .Brown Bullock. Cofield, ..ollins, Coons Cox, J f Davis, J IN Davis, Uanccy, KUwanis, :. fc-i .i:.. r-: ijh n. .. r .u.....-, . .Ss-. . v a. . .?u.., IJ.IMIOJjr, .Ut.Lt! II II CI I, LJ till -lVll, i. IMi?, Regan, Ricbarcrson, Shaw, bbeek Huns, souith, Stone, Webster, Ja II White, Whrtaker, Wilder, Wilson,- Wiihams, trr.d Willrarrtsoii 41). SENATE. Tuesday, JSovemOer 2 li. Mr Street offered the following Resolution. Ife.surefikTJjajn- uiessHge be sent to the House of Commons, proposing to raise h Joint Committee of five on the pait of each Jiousei. seeCted fiom mumbera representing the Eastern part of the State, whose duty it shaH by u enquire mto fhe condiiioi, ol hv ljf,ws rrguiaiiug mo itispeciiou or i u-peu - . . rn .1 lino null ipnml liv I kill. r ifniwls- oeli "I "J ' amenimels or nlteratious, as they may un pose necessary and proper. Mr Hogan introduced a IS ill, ci titled "a 15dl to ineorpo.ate Cedar 1 alls Alau.ilnc.u, ing Company ' which was read the mst tune and i 1 na.i?sitli- Mr Cameron introduced a Uill to iucoiimt- 1 ate the IMoilh and South Carolina Uail lio.id i - - I Company;- which passed first readftrg-, suio on " motion, Was leieriCO IU IOO UOiniUlllCe Oil I Intartisil linninvMnnlitl 1 !'" t. .." :..,..i j nm , i ....... i in i i tiuci roil I il ii cu uio i , ui . mm nIe a company JO consmwi a nan uoiiu iiom some point oil the South Carolina Kail liond, lo ihe Town of Charlotte, in Alcckleubu-g I . . 1 ....I.. i. L ...fl.wl I l 44 f hit I if 4 h -.111 I k I B I I i IT . I. . . . M-amUeii itall ifoau company, wuicn ed hrst reading, aiid, ou nis motion, whs i ferred to the Couiiniltec on Internal Imniotc- i- - ments A message was received from the House d .v.... I 1 1 v I imt lit. lima, till I . w Suicil( n ,he J dicial Di-s ri was aofeed to. The Senate then p rut which proceeded in vto i , . n . a i I illr Mriwio tffivrt vii rn o lir A li" - - - 12, Mr Cailletoll 1, alld Mr lll-luvv There was no election TIr Eht iiih.nis introduced n Bill lo lucor- IHaU; n Volunteer Corps of lufautiy of the Hue, styled Ihe Cossacks, which was re en ! . .. . " ed to fhe Cummitlco on ;l Hilary Atl.u I Mr Wooden illlioduced a liill to lay out d !U,ish a Turnpike Uoad from IL.Ieigh . .. . . ,. . , . . .r, , the line ol ihe Slate ol Ceo.gia ; which passed lust reading and, on his motion, Wa re erred to Ihe Uoiimntlee on luleiual lui I ,,!, nrovemcuts. A niessago was receiveo bom the House, proposing to proceed, forthwith, v the elec tion of Solicitor ofthe Fourth Judicial Citeuit; which was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to voic. Mr Poiiidetfer received 2U votes, Mr Ken 17. Mr Nash 0, aud Mr Couitsl. Theie was no election. A message was received Irom the Uoimo , . -. ... proposing lo Vote again lor Solicitor ol llie Fifth Judicial liti ict ; which was agieed lo, and tho Senate p.oceeded l v.ite Mr Sliaoge icceired 22 votes, Mr Ahc 17, and M Cameron y. Theie u;is in elei lion. The Senate then went asntri' into an eh-. lion lor Solicitor of lh Fouilh Judicial Cir cuif, the name of Heioy K. Na-h being withdrawn. The vote stood as billows : For Mr Poitidca,lcr. Mrr Speaker, Albright, Il.uua.d, Bogle, Cameitoi, Com pel, Daniel, Eborn, Ehringbaus, Francis, Cliboer llalscy. Hogan, Mehhr, Moodv, Patterson, Stone, Ward, V nod liu. 19- For JWr Ken: M rsrs, A-he, Boyd, Carter, Kxuin, Fe.iand, Gavin, Cilliuu, Gilch.isl.G.aves, llargr.ive, Havvkms, Hes ter, Hill, Kellv, Kerr. McMillan, Mills, feisscK-, Slight, Stallings, Street, Thou,a, Th.nMoiitTili" U il-on, Wooteu-2G.' John F. Poindexier haviug received a n.a joiiiv of ihe whole number of votes ca?t, was duly election. A uesace was received Irom, the House, propos'ruc i go immediately- ii.tn another election for Solicitor of ihe Fifth Judicial Circuit; and elating lhat the names ol Mers Winslow and Cameron wee withdrawn f.otn the iioioiiiatiou ; wliich was agreed' In, and the Senate proceeded lo vole as follow : For Mr Ashe. Messrs Speaker, Albright. liar nar d, Bogle, Carter, Cowper, Daniel, EhorHjEhringhaua, Francis, GiHiam, Gilmer, Gilchrut, H ilsey, Hogao, Kellyy Kerr, Mc Millm, Mrlrhur, Muodvi rttern. Iinde- tcr, RfissfH, Thotiuis, Woodliu. 26. For Mr Strange. Messrs Ashe Boydf Cameron, D.ake, Exuuij Gavh. Graves Hargiave, ILmkius, Hester, I Jill, Millsy Speight, Mailings, Stone, Street, TbompOD Totnlinson, Ward, Wil.s...i, Woolen. 22. Mr A fhe ha iog received a uiyjorily of ihtf whole number of mles cast, was duly elected. MOUSE OF COMMONS. Mi W. liboru, d Wilkes, intioductd a bill to lay oir a'id cst.ibli.-b u Road (ion. Brown and St-.kes' F d, on theYadkiu River', il. lbo County of Wilkes, to tho top of the Blue Ridge at the Ahe Coon'i line. Referred lo Ciimmittce on iutenial I mpiovemeuls. - 31 1 I) A H.niies, d" Noiih ioplii, from ibo Coiiiuiiuco oti 1'iivau; Bills, r.-jxuled with out amendment the Rill lelalive lo Retailing Spii ilous Ijiridots iu tho Counties of Rich moud iimJ New Ilanovei; which passed s-oeo ml reading. Mr Rrnwer, of Randolph, offered the follow ing RrsoUuion : lltsotecd, That ihe Co.umiftcc mi Educa tion be insliueiid to iu.piiie intu tho cxpodi- ucy of so amendrug the Law on ConMoou Schools, as to chtinge tho lirttu of decriu tho School Committee-men,-and1 that they icpor! by B ill, or otherwise. - Mr Baxter, ol Henderson, intioduced a Bill to divide tho State : into Nino Judicial Distiicts, aud for other purposes, which wns read the first time, and, on motion of Mr Coutts, refemd to a Select Committee, of even uiembets, otto to ho Si let led' from each Judicial Ciicuir. A message wa received fiom ihe Senate, agieeiug logo iiifo an clectitui at 12 u'clock o-moirow for Councillors of State Mr Daucy, of Edgecorna, moVed thai tho 1'owiiig naoies be added lo the uoiniuution, viz: Isaac T. Avery, of Uuike; Thomtia Rragg, Jr. of Noiihantpton ; Kiinbrough Jones, of Wake George I). Backer v lite',' of Warren? W ilium N or fleet, of Ed'cCoinb; Walter F. Leak, of Richtnond; John A. Avet'nt, of Onlov. Mr W addeH, -f Chatham, r ailed up. Ihe bill t- esfabli-h a ri"ew Cooiity, by llva Uitino of Gaston, and lo niin ,v p.nt of ihe County of Cnlawli.i lo the County of Lincoln, when the same was rrleired', on his inotiou,- low S. lcit Committee ol lour member's.' A message was received from fh? StMinle, staling mat their branch of the Joint Select Cotiuoitlee, iniscd on so min i, of Ih.i Govern ors Message as relates to a Geological and Agricultural Smvey, onsi.-ls of Messrs Wood tin, Mills, Keir, Diake and Gilliam ; and lhat Messrs. Oilmer, Cameron, WndtJell, Hal-ey and' A -he, fiom their b.aucti of the Joint Select Commiiiee on the Subject ofar- lafiging tho Distiicts of ihe Mile for the olec- fioo of AIember.r of" Congress. Oo moiioii of Mr Steele, of" Ricrrtnontl, n message wifi sent to ih .Senate, proposing 0 g :g un iinoiediati Iv, rnlo an e lection foi Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Ciu-uit. which wa agieed lo by the Senate and tho Douse proceeded to vo'e. Mr Rubeit Siianj? received 4-J voles; Mr John W Cameion 3T; Mr Thomas S Ashe 2'J; ami Mr I hinas 1) Memos G. jo one received a in iji ily of the wholo uuuilier ol votes east,- and in c:iii-i'(jiieiico ihero was t:o leclhut. On in. .lion of Mr Ad mis, of Guilioid, a message was sent lo She Senate, j r ipofciug to vote, f'lithwiih, for Solicitor of mo Fourth Ju dicial Cicuil. On mot ioti-of Mr (iilliam, of Granville lh name of Calvin II. W ilii-, was withdrawn. The Semite concuned iu thu proposition, aud the House proceeded to vote. Mr Juo. F.' Poiudcxter received LI voles; Mr John Kerr 33 ; and Mr II. K. Nash 25. Mr Smith; lion, the Joint Committee, re po ted there was no election. On motion of Mr Foy, of Jones, a mes sage was sent to the Senate, proposing logo into another election for Solicitor of the. Filth Judicial Ciicuti. immediately : which was agreed to by Iho Senate and the House pro . eeded to vole the name of Air Mvarcs be ing wilhdiaWn from the uouiiualiou. Mf Robl. Siraug'j received 45; and Mr Tims. S. Ashe .'iS , Mr J. W. Cameron 2.j; and Mi J. Win-low 3. Mr Waller-,-fiiHii the J-iul Committee ic poiied there was no i h-clion. The House then Mgain went into an elec tion fr Solicitor for the -I h Judicial Cjict.il. Mr Poiiidex'toi wa- elcclcd ; haviug received 5'J voles, iiud Mi ln.-tr, 5(J the lher candi dates wi Inl ew. On motion yf' Mr I). A. Raines, of Worlh- amptoii. a message was neiil to the Senate, j pn,p.,.siiig lo proceed foilhwitli, , , I,;ti., ur Suilieit.ir of lh- Fill Cm uit : and informing ih.it bu lo anoihet- ifih Judicial ly that Iho" iiaii.iesof John W Cameron and Johu Wins- low, were w itdrawn. The Senate agieed lo the prop.isifion, and the llmise prK;eeded to A' I oie, as follows : . For Fhoiuns S. Ashe Me-s..s. Speaker, Ad.im.s, I). A. Bar ue-, Baxter Rlouut, Bond, Biillou, Blower, Calloway, Cbailes, Chun it, Credle, Deicupoit, Eruin, Fagg, Faucet, Ferebce, Feiguso.i, Foy, (aiololl, Gerge, Gilliam, Guiding, Guioii, Hackney, llanis, Hrgijive, 1 1 ay lies, Hick-, Hoover, Hunt, 'W. F. Jtoprs, f j.isater, Leathers, Ltd.ane, E. P. Miller, G A Miller, .McCm.y, Alt Kes " sou, .Nichols, Ogburu, Paine, Palmer,- Pee-lib-s, Rayuer, Reid, Riteliu, Russel, Safiders, Scott, Ski i. ue, Smaw, Sleele, Trull, Waddell, Walser, Wa-hr'pof.ni, Walter, I. White, Well. brii, and Wilson 62. . For Holei t Strange Messrs. Austin, K. Batuei!, B'ogrfeii, Brown, "Bull ick, Coffield, Collin-, Couiu Cox, Daucy, J. P. Davia, J. H: r-1 1 r A

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