jr y 1 1 Cl & yjOf It &iffi tt g I) t "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES as it is to individuals; and the glory of the state is the common propertt of its citizens. n 1 BY WJI II BAYNE rUBl'tSlIEV EmEWtY &.1TUItI.1 TERMS In advance, per year, .8 2 00 50 I 0 50 K nnt Daid in advance. If not paid Till six months have expired, 3 irn.it rn id fill the vcar has expired. 3 1 iaw f . - - rf m No subscription taken for leas than a year, un less Ibe price be paid in advance Ao paper will be pent out of the State unless the subscription price be paid in advoncel TERMS OP "ADVERTISING I . One square of 21 lines, or Ices, I insertion, GO cuts ; and for eat h subsequent mseilion. 3 ct., except it remain in for several month, when it will be charged 83 fir two months,! tor ihrec montlis, and so on ; tor 12 mouths $K. jrp Liberal privileges given to yearly adver tisers. il COMS TUCK 6 RUM' J 11 ILLA. Of superior qualit), and half the price of any other. For t ie cure of scrofula, gem ral ' bilily, scaly eruptions ot the ski u, pimpM'B r 'pui.ule on the fac, bi es from an impure habit ol the body, pain and swellings of the bod-, and all diseases arising fro n an impure slate ol the boot!, chronic rheuma iii ill ui, cutaneous di-" u.'of, letter, nieiturial or vpii il.,i'ii )i. ;ise, ui' t ralioi t ol the ttnoal anu I g, liv.:r a& clions, exposure? ami impi uiltiice in It to, excesses in tlioi.ee of m renrv, &.c. bold only by S J Hinsdale in Fa tiU.ville. DEAFNESS DR. McN AIR'S ACOUSTIC CIL The df from "mf.inev, often rceeie in a mn.-l miraculous manner Ihcil hearing v li n i Ley Icat expect it, by the use of U i Oil, w h;ch bhows tlx in bow a"iy I hey miirlit mu.;li sooner have had their hMii:i and e.ived tiicmeei'cs ami their friends the l ain ol conversing in a loud tone, without pleasure, tir of b i ig ncglci t d and si tinned, to avoid that 'i-ire.s vhih i fV It mutually by the deaf person and his heaters. How sacred a duty ilu-refor-- it i-t, flmt h u ujie all nece.-sury means lo remove Piich ua ud ciion.and ei j the. social qualifies implant ed in our n.'lun s This Far Oil h s liie effect so lo rei.ee I fur tension, and b-ing ii.t use tin-. fintu.aJ ait.on ol he -arls, as o icstore the hi ar- n w!i'-ii itist or i in ! i : c.I. This is ioved by so uuny el kooii ca-t?, thai vhett: known, it needs no praise. Thi- gr at vib of i lie proprie tor is, ihiit each may sm-ak to otli r ol its un-cnnim-ui virln s, nil full" r-rs urij' know and be rei-eved and rts'ored by its usi ! Known liy my sjiiiiture on llie Husk. Price, 1 peril.,. DONALD McNAlll, M.D. Com-L..ck & Co , New Yo.k, are ihu whole gjle.rs ol this Oil. Sold in Fayeileville by S J Hinsdale. Jl li'ion to all Families and Sufferers. Proof loo pla in to be doubted and too strong to be denied is tltiiucd thai ail I lie to lowing are cur. d l LI N'ci UAL VI OF CUIMA, nam- ly : IJnrns, clu.b! ii;i-, l-!tT, ulcer, cuts, si r-- throat, b uber'a ileh, Fore eyes and lids, tic doloi U., old scars, sre iii.p'es. wh;to . 1 1 1 f , scalds, chale, pimple, fistu'a biuises, whitlows, carbuncle, son li,, a ne in f ice and brc-.s!, prickly heaf, rouli Ii i mis, feneral sups , Iro-ted p.iftF, tln.ps lefm, erysipelas, strain, pi'et, ernpiion, i lictiHi .lisiii, fe ver .sore, broken breast, hlist'-red ?ur!ai es. - For lijrns it is a -pecific. dre-ti..n Will any hum. toe inan ris' tint livra ot liis children by ne .rl.-i in kri'U lti Vtatm iilwavs al haft? it ia ood fr so many thi-'s ihal no bouse thwiild be uilh- cut it. l-i'i "ll hted this aintng. l rue au cs, or 6 boMles for S2 J. Hi is-dak-. 50. St-ld in Favetleiilc by S. Hay's Ijinimenl Jbr the I 'ties. Piles eff dually enn tl by this certain remedy. The sale ol this arlic'e is steadily i' Ci easing, n..-M-ilhstiinHiog the many counter!'; it s got up in imital mi ol ii. Persons troubled with title d:str s sitiii co iipiiint, declare 'l'"' V oulil not he wiihout this prcpamtimi in their hontes lor the price of ten boxes. The juib'ic will r-collect tliai this is only r meily iflti'd them tra! is in nsility of any value whatever. In luces where it is knovn, every family .;,8 ii in their house. I is price is not considered at all. It is above all price. Coinsfock &. Co., 23 Court land str t,N- w York, s.,ie propu'rtors. JSoM only by S J Hinsdale in Fayetteville. Oldt'idge.' lidlmnf Columbia for ihe flair. It p'si.ve qualities are as foi.ows : I st For infants, kei ping them free from scurf, and causing a luxiiiiant growth oi the l.air. 2d - For I ulies after child -bi ri h, r storms the skin t- I usual strengliihai.il firnini ss-anl pre-.-itin.i the la I i u out ot llie h-nr. 3 1 -Firauy nerson recov.'rmg f. om any debili ty, t'.e -ame t IT ct is product d, 4'h -It ued in infancy ti I a ood growth is started, it may be , rtseivcd by aitentiiu to the I ifest peri -d ol bfe 5f:i - I: frees ih-hc::d from dandruff, strenglh :is the roots imparls health mid vigor to the cir culation, and prevents ihe hair from changing cui r or g' tling viray. 6th p causes the ha r to cur! beautifully whin lo'ie up t he over n'i:ht. t J No ladies' loilel should ever be made wo hoot if . 7UI Children who have bv any m ans eonfraef e) vermin in the head, are iiiin ciliaielv and per fectly cured ol them by its use. Il is infallible. Sold only by 8 J. Hinsdale in Fayrllcvillc. .Maker's Iidief Indian Discovery. A'l expecting to become mothers, and anximis t nv.-id !h pains, distress, and dangirs chihi baring, are earnestly entreated to calm their tears, all iy t!i. ir nervoeaue-s, and soothe iheir way by thc use of ;hi most extraordinary vegetable pro duction. 1 h se who will candidly observe its vin ties, must "iijiprove d it in their hearts; every kiml and affect lmo-Ue husband will, feel it his m ist solemn duty soalj. vi ite the distress his wii is exposed to, by a safe and certain method, which is the ol Mother's RelU-f. - V ; r miner particulars in Pamnhlefn intended tot ths Fern il- Eye, iQ be hjd . w . I . jy . . . . . . - where this hu- mane Cordial is to be found. 1 he Mothers Relief is prepared, and sold, by ine now soie proprietors, Uon. stock & Co, ISAAC S. SMITH M D. Graduate of the New York State Medical Col lege, and Public Lecturer on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Orders may he addressed to them, 21 Court Undt street, New York. Certificates, and further paiticulars, can be seen where the Reli f is sold. Sold only by S. J. Hinsdale in Fayetteville. A Certain and Permanent Cure for Salt Rheum, 4c.- " Dr CHURCHILL'S ITALIAN WHITE WASH Will Cure Salt Rheum, Tetters, Ring Worms, and all Diseases of the Ski nil ' It excels ail other medicines, producinr a con stitutional and lasting cure by acting on the bo wels or absorption throjgh the pores of the skin and happily combining a local and general effect. Directions with each bottle, sold at 50 cents, by the Druggists generally Comslock & Co, New York. Sold only by B. J. Hinsdale. February 6, 1847. . BLACKSMITH SHOP, At the junction of Bridge and Peison Streets. THE undersigned would beg leave to return his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their patronage heretofore, and would now inform Ihem that he h; s engaged the seiviccs of Mr Amos Williamson, under whose superintendancc the work will be conducted, and in whom the public Will find a competent workman, always ready to serve them with good substantial work, at prices to suit ihc times. The horse-shoein g department will have partic ular attention, and will he executed bv that re nowned colored son of. Vulcan, Da vidPookam.who as a horse shoer, is not surpassed by any workman in Ihe place, fie solicits from his old customers a continuance of I heir patronage ; to alt others he de?ir s 6'ily an opportunity to secure thi ir custom. Boat work particular'' intended to, as wi ll as all kinds of juuvwoik." E. C. HALL. Fayettevijle, March 27, 1847. 423-if. DAGUERREOTYPE JVlR BRYAN having Le n professionaMy en gaged in the country, has returned again lo tin's ph.ee, and will bt happy to v ait on all who may lavor liiin with a call. He d ems,it '..unnecessary to en'er into a long tletnil ol his approv. d plan of opcr.ilittir, eonfiilei.t'y relying on his specimens as the ! si cr t rtun of his ability. Mr li. returns to the jui'dic his sincere thanks for III'- liberal atronage In relol'oie received. Parlieu.ar attention "ill be given lo al! those who may tv:s'i to engage in tins beautiful' ail. In structions, wilh all the luteM improvi met.ts, ap paratus and soirk furnished on reasonable tcnns. For fiiriln r infomiaimn irquite at his Room, 4 doors wes; of Brings'. Hotel. Tlic mo-t appro veil Da jacr- reiype Apparatus, improvd Grernftfir "cameras, French and American Instruments of Jhe best uualitv, vjih plates, cases, c'leinica's, 'polishing materials, &c , ki ;t eo!ictautry on hand and for sale at ihe lowest piRes. for ci.sh at. llie Daii"erre tne rooms of s J.L.BRYAN. April 17, 1347. 426-tf. NEW AND CHEAP V JOHN C. DYE Is now receiving his st ck ol spiing and summer OOODS, amonj.' which ar.t Bulzo ines and printed iawna; Calicor-s Will assorted ; Irish Linens and Diapers; French Gmihatrs; book, H wis" and J..ck onet iVlusluis ; ln. n anil mi's'ir. Handkt-rchii fs ; ladies and misses S ippers ; gloves and units ; h'te lace Bonn tc, lute and gimp do., Florence do,; fine French cloths and cassimeres ; white linen drilling; AlumeiHes and Si;tin VcsiingF; fine brown and b cached shiri inir and eheciir r; cotton drilling, bed lickinir ; fur, Panama, leghorn, and palm leal flats ; Boots and Shoes, &e. &c; all of which will b ; so d very- low for cash, or on lime to punc ua I customers. Please caii and examine for yoursi Ives. South side of Ha v sticc, JkArn'e buildings. April 17, IS47 ' 426-8 wT TO MILLERS I One pair t'ft'X qM'lty B irr Stnni-n. .am! the irr-.ns i and gearing ot a rtourin mill, complete, for .-ale by tjLo. mc.neill. April 17, IS47. FISH. 23 Barrels Haliiax Hernn. No. 1, 26 do Yarmouth do No. l superior, do For sale l y April 17, 1844. (jeo. McNeill. HENRY BRANSON Has removed into the new brick fire-proof build -ing, just opposite his o'd stand, where he has opened a NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Hardware, Dry ;ools, ami GEOCSRISS. With a large assortment of vell selected line and common CROCKERY, Which he wili sell as low as any house i i the place April 21, 1847. 427-4!. Warms are Sicept awayjrotn Ihe stomach and Bowi-ls by Jayne's Tonic Verm logo, as by the b S' m of destruction. They p-nsh under its searching influence instuntiy, and are expelled i h 'he mucus in which tin v arc imbedded. The cm is in almost allcascs permanent, and if a rcuri cme of he riisoitler h.-u'd take place, a h w Uoses of the preparation wi 1 never full to noduce the de sired objet t. STILL MORE PROOF. Darlii.gn n, B. acr Co., Pa., F. b. IF, IS"9. Dr D. J iyne. Dear Sir, My liitle son, w hen about to inoiiths old, was seized wilh a bowel complaint. It coniiuutd (or two . wweks-wiih-'iil intermission, and not wii hstnr'ing the ' i t un l;es pr scribed by a p f p etable Pbysitiin, ve ga,- up the clyld a victim. a3 wn suppos d, to ,i fatal dis ease. But 1 providentially heard cf '' Jay tie's car minative? as an iff c ual cure tor brwel comphiint, and imniediate'v despfetclod a inesi,e:.ger to a town seen mi es 11 for a bollb-. By Ihe'ltse ftbis medit ine, in less limn ibiny-fix Loiitf the t'isi rrse W'aebeck tl, and by is corslant use for a lew d.iys the child W.IS restored to perfect 'tit alth. t: The sa me child, owing to exposure, w hen recent ly Coming up the Ohiorwas at nicked by that hor riblemalady the Croup. Wc4anded in the nigi t al Beavef Pcifnfj and when our fears were alarm ed lest th-hoarse sepulchral c-ouh was the fore runner of death, we gave him a tt aspoonful of your Expeclorani, and applied some liniment to th? throat ami-breast ; and before many minutes the hoarseness was gone, the child breatln d freely anO slept :sMce!ly. Respecitudv yonrs, ARTHUR B. BRADFORD. JPasfor of the Prcsby lerian Chun b, Darlinton Pa. Prepared only by Lr I). Javnc, rmiaaeipnia, and sold on agency by S. J. HINSDALE .. J. IBAHflSO, Graduate of the Baltimore College of DENTAI SURGERY, ' Respectfully informs the public that he "has return ed from the North, and will now be happy lo watt on all who may requite his services. He deems it unnecessary to enter into a long detail of what he can perform, confidently relying upon his operations, they being the best test of his capability. Dr. B. returns his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received. He mayat all times be found in FavetteviMe, when not professionally engaged out. March G, 1847. JOSEPH 8. DUNN offers his ser vices as u ndertaker and builder,to the citizens or nthers.disposed to contract for building or jobbing Terms liberal. FAYETTE VILLE, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. pearly Opposite Liberty Point. The subscriber having taken the stand lately occuled by Simpson & McLaughlin, renpectfiif ly returns hi thanks for the liberal patronage hcre tolore extended to him, and hopes by unremitted attention lo business, to merit a continuance of the same. I have on hund several vehicles: Carriages, Barouches, Bugaies, Rockaways, Waggons, &c, of the most approved style, which, for lightness and durability, will compare with any made here or elsewhere. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine ihem, as I am determined lo sell very low lor cash, or approved notes. II avins bad several years experience in one of the larsest establishments norih, I am prepared to manufacture Carria ues of any d ecription, at the shortest notice. All work warranted for twelve months ; and repaired, free of charge, should It l.u'l in point ol workmanship or material. REPAIRING neatly executed at the shortest notice ami most reasonable charge. Orders thank fully received. A.'C. SIMPSON. Fayetteville, April 3, 1847. 424-tf. N EWSP STnG & SIJ3I3TER g. & h. McMillan, ARE now receiving from New York and Phil adelphia, a large and splendid stock of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. Consisting of a great variety of French, English, and American prints, muslins, ba'zorines, and bare ges, and oth- r new styles of plaid oods; superfine cloths and cassimeres; Freiuh,English, and Amer ican drap-rle-tes; merino cashmere; and cashme e alpacas and bombazines; Oregon and Monterey Ci.simeres; silk and satin vestings, Marseilles and cashmere ditto; brown and bleached shirting; linen and cotton 10-4 and 12-4 sheeting: silk and kid gloves, corded and grass skirts, and other m:w styles; brown linen and linen drills; white and fancy mils; nankeen andKcn'ucky janns; camlets and coatings of all kinds; black and white mns'ins ginghams; Florence and straw bonnets: fur, Pan ama, and leghorn has; infants' and pedal ditto; hoots and sbo s. And a great many other articles in the Dry Goods line too ledions to mention. All those ishin to purchase at wholesale or retail, wi i p!e:-s call before purchasing elsewhere As Ihe. above G iods were purchased low-, they will be sold uncommonly cheap lor cash, or to those who pay their biiis when presented. March 27, 1847. 423-2m Johnson's Military Walnut Oil Shaving Soap, ihe best article in use for J-having a new supply just received and for saleJty. S.J.HINSDALE. February 13, 1847. From Boston Direct. 1 Drum Codfish, 2 bb!s Salmon, r. bids each Ao I & 2 Mackerel 27 bbis No 3 Mackeral 60 bids Massachusellts, Large No 3 Mackerel. 5 cases paim leaf hats 2 cases bonnets 29 cases SHOES, Comprising a general as-sortment, and will be offered ebeip by the case. A'so a large and general assortment of DRY GOODS, &C, For sale this day. WM. Liberty Point, Fayctti ville, April 2 I, 1847. McINTYRE. 427-3m. DR. WM. P. MALLETT, may be found, when not professionally engaged, at his office near Ee cles's Bn'dge, adjoining the office at present occu pied by She Hon. James C. Dobbin. 4 August 22, 1 846. 392. ly. MARBLE FACTORY-. By George Lauder, Ncariv opposite the Post Office, J in 3 , lS47-Iy Fayelieville, N. C. B. & W. iVEcIiLTXHIU ..;vv- Have just leceived their Spring and Summer ; U 1 O D S . Embracing n great variety of Stap'e and Fancy Goods, width they wili tell at low prices. May Sth, 1847. 523- IC CREAM '- it' Can now be had daily at PRIOR'S. Way 8th, 1847. 429-3'. r NOTICE. AH person indebted by note or account, to the estate of Daniel Meivin, d c'd, vi!l make imme diate payment or their business wi:l be put into an t.flicei's hands. All persons having" claims aai.iet the said estate wi I present thrrr" fr pay ment. ARTHUR MELVIN, DANIEL MELVIN, Executors of Danl. Meivin. May 8, 1847. 423 -3t. Id" A Public Examination of the Students connected with the Carthage Male and Female Institute, will take place cn the last Thursday and Friday in May. The Trustees and patrons of the Institute will be gratified to see the friends of learning presenon that occasion. May 8, 1847. 429-3 w SATURDAY, MAY 22: 1847. ICE CREAM SALOON. H. Erambertfs Ice c renin Saluon is-now opened, where ladies and genllemen can be accommodated with Ice Cream and Lemonade. May 15, 1847. ICE I ICE I ICE! FOR SALE. Just received 100 tons Boston Ice. The pub lic can be supplied at the Ke House every mm n iag from sun rise until bell rin. Teims, cash. . ., H. ERAMBERT. April 24, 1847. 4 7-if. N. B. Families can be supplied with small quantities at ihe store at any hour in the day, for cash. " ID R. GILCHRIST expects to return to Fay etteville about the 2:ith inst May 15, 1S47. 430-2f. ONE - FOUR-HORSE WAUON For sale bv J AS. G. COOK. May 15, 1817. 430-tf POP. THE OREGON HOTF.I.. t T ii.riv p;t v -' t a vuiit Possession given on tie first day of Jim!." Apply immediately to WILL. S. MULLINS. - av 15, lr47, 43'i-tf Por Sale low for Cash, TEN LIKELY NEGROES, viz : A mm 45 and a woman 33, with their six children, fiom I j to 1'? years old ; one woman 18 years old, with her child 9 monlhs old. Apply at this Office. May 15, 1847. 430-3t TKUST SALE Of Valuable Real Estate. In pursuance of the terms of a Deed of Trust, executed by William R Carman, I shall proceed to sell a tract of LAND, suj po-ed to contain 184 acre-, situate about 2 miles southeast cf Fayette vil'e. There is a valuable Saw Aliil on said tract. Persons di sirous of making a good investment, would d well to examine said property. The sale will take place at the Market House in Fay. tte ville, on Monday the 7th day of June next. Terms ol salf, CASH. THOMAS S. LUTTERLOH, May 15, 1847. 430-3t. Trustee. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK THIS DAY, LADIES Fashionible black and col'd Bareoes, for dresses; also, superior Peuil and Straw BONNETS,1 newest st vie. AIo, Gentlemen's 2?gX1riS&iX IHISQj of the best quality and newest slyie. g. & h. McMillan. May 1 1847. 430-3t. THE WAR. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE of the JVey Orleans Picayune tracts : , .' . .T,r !!.-. JLr.ll as, x O i. i he Mexicans here, one and all, denounce Santa Anna for a coward, a triior, and every thing else that is bad ; and I verily believe that a majority of them would rejoice ex ceedingly had Gen. Scott captured him ihe other day and hung him upon the first limb strong enough to bear his weight. I informed you the. other day that I had a story to leil of Santa Anna and his trav elling can iage. In his great haste to leave il he went off without taking any ofhisef fects a small writing case only was found btoken open, for he had no time to unlock it, Horn which he had evidently taken a few papers of great importance ; but the majori ty of his effects his silver pbte, his papers, his money-al! were there in good condition. Two of our officers entered the coach, and what did they find, after rummaging; about, but a most excellent dinner, together wilh delicious wine . and some highly flavored cigars. To say that they did not sit them selves comfortably down on his richly ensh oncd seats, partake of his delicious wine and tinislied it off with his highly flavored cigars, would be departing farther from the" truth than 1 care about doing just now. The names of the officers were Capts. Williams anil McKinstry, and ihe dinner was a perfect wind-fall after a hard morning's work wilh out eating, and wilh slim prospect ahead for food. The first number of the American Star is out to-day, 3iul is completely running over with news and information. The proprie tor deserve all success for Iheir public spirit, ami lam glad to see that their edition of this morning is going off rapidly. It is slili i uncertain when a main move ment of the army is to be made. The want of transportation is severely felt, for with his present means Gen. Scott finds the greatest difficulty in extending his line of operations. In the mean' time, small parties of ladrones and rancheros are committing depredations in the rear, and such i- the nature of the country that they can only be punished with the greatest difficulty. Yours, etc. G. W. K. P. S. Important! 10 o'clock, Jl. .V. The diligencia or stage-coach is just from the city of Mexico, from whence fhey have received pipers up to the 22d inst. The news of the terrible defeat at Cerro Gordo had reached the capital, and while it aston ished and overwhelmed all classes, the tone of ihe papers, of the public men, and of the Congress itself, would also show that it had served to inflame the people still more against the United Slates. From a passenger, a Spaniard, who arriv ed in the diiigencia, we learn that as yet they have done little or nothing- towards fortifying Mexico. He alo says th it there is a strong party in favor of peace although the mem bers hardly dare avow themselves. There are no regular troops of consequence on the route, aud all those who escaped , at Cerro Gordo, with the exception of a portion of the cavalry, have dispersed in every direc Ml BUM tion. On the 2Gth April, immediately afler the reciept of the news ui Santa Anna's de feat, Gen. Mariano Salas called a meeting of officers to devise some measures by. which to preserve the nation from utter obliteration. No one here thinks that the Mexicans can ever make another stand and give another grand buttle, but the impression is prevalent that small parties will be organized to an noy the roads, cut ofTsupplies, and kill strag rlers. G. W. K. Jalata, Mexico, ApMl 25, 1917. I have borrowed the copies of El Repub- licauo for an hout. Thev are dated at the cily of Mexico, April 21 and 22d, and the latter gives a full account of the battle of Cerro Gordo. - The Mexican particulars of the combat, as usual, are peculiarly rich. 1 hey siy thai Sapta Anna sustained the combat with 6000 men against 14,000, and fought vali antly to the last. When, finally, he found himself entirely surrounded by enemies, Le forced a passage through Ios Yankees wilh a column of the 4th llegiment of Infill try of the line! The fact, as every tine knows, is that Santa Anna left eaily all the cultino; he did was to cut the saddle mule Ironi his coach, and then cut and run. The Mexicans admit that they had two generals killed, but give no name save that of Vasquez. Cols. Cosio and Calatayud are also named as amonu- the killed. G'-n. ocott's loss, on the 17th and ISih, is put d.i vn at over 4000, while the loas of the Mexican.' is admitted to be 2000 men in killed and wounded. They say that the Americans fought like hordes of savages, killed all that presented themselves, whether wagoners. old men or women. Gen. Salas who was President ad interim before the arrival ol Santa Anna from exile, has issued a proclamation announcing that he is empowered to raise a guerilla corps, ami calls upon all good Mexicans to join his standard. In his concluding senience he says that "var to death, without - pity, shall be the device of the guerilla warfare of ven geance i- 1 Kepublicano of the 22d inst. contains a long list of those persons who have con tributed voluntarily towards establishing a foundry for the casting of cannon. The same paper mentions the arrival at Orizaba of Santa Anna, bin says nothing of the num ber of troops he had with hint. Yours, &c. G. VV. K. Jalapa, Mexico, April 26, 1847. If possible, 1 intend obtaining a full list ol Jl I. v .....J- 2 I- - ... j Iiv v-.'n part in the noled and successful storming of Cerro Gordo. The name of the hill should also be piaced on the colors of each regi ment engaged. Words cannot describe the strength of the place, nor the immense difficul ty, to say nothing of the danger, attendant upon storming it. It is saidthat Santa An na rema'ked, the evening before it was cap tured. '-Iflie Yankees can storm thts place Ihey can storm hell itself!" G. W. K. Jalapa, Mexico, April 28, 1847. The diiigencia came in this morning from Perole, but from no point on the other side, as the Governor of Puebla has ordered it to cease running this way. Passengers came through, however, bringing papers and ver bal news, and in as concise a form as possi ble, I will give you the amount of the intel ligence. Among other rumors brought by passen gers, is one to the effect that Mr Bankhead, the British Minister, has renewed his offers of mediation between Mexico and the Uiiiieo Stales, and that when the last deligencia left the city of Meixco the Congress was acting upon his propositions, whatever they may have been. Notwithstanding the fixed and denunciatory tones of the public pres, there is certainly a peace party in Mexico, and there may be something in this report of English intervention in the di-stracteJ affjirs of Mexico. An intelligent man wilh whom I have con versed, says that the Mexicans neither will nor can make any opposition at Puebla. A paper pulished at Puebla on the 24th inst., La Verdad Demonslrada, came to hand to-day. I could only obtain the paper for a short time, .but long enough to see that the fierce wrath of the ediior was fairly boiling over. He denounces the Yankees, he denounces every body that will not turn to and help him to denounce ihem. Major Borland and Gains, Capt. Clay, with the other prisoners taken at lucarna cion some months since, are said to be at libertjpnn the city of Mexico. No less than six of the party, as it is reported h3ve alrea dv been assassinated by the" Mexicans. Yours &c , G. W. K. India Rubber Car IVheel Iu London In dia Rubber has lately been applied in a very curious manner to the wheel ofcabs. A hollow tube of about 14 inches in diame ter, "composed of India Rubber, and inflated with air, is made to encircle each v. heel, similar to a tyre, and all springs to the cab are dispensed i with. Thus provided, tho vehicle rolls along without making the slight est noise, with a mo1 ion, it id said, far moie agreeable than If provided with the ordinary spring, being totally free from Ihe raiding and jolting by which they are accompanied, and with this additional advantage, a any one my be satisfied who will submit to the experiment, thai if knocked down, and 'the wheel' uo over you, you will sustain, com paratively, but a trilling injury. Volume S Number 431 EXTRACT fiom a lettet of Lieut. Theodora Talbot, doted City of the Angel, California, 'January 15, 1847. "Since 1 it I wrote you I have bad an ac five liie. Col. Fiemout left Ihe city of the Angels in September, under command 'f Capt A. H. Gillespie with ibi ly odd riflemen, the commodore having entirely withdrawn hii force and proceeded wilh" his squadron to San FraucUeo. We moved to the noith, tho colonel having wuh nim only 40 men, (hi old paity.) the ie.n of the force having in patl preceded in, and part been disbanded, with he exception of two amall parties stationed Miuih of the City of the Angels. I wan left us military romoiaudaul of the towu and juris diction of Santa Barbara, n ptetty place lying on the oceau oue hundred miles noiih of ihe Ci'y of the Angels, and the piiucipal town between thi t place and Montciey. There were only nine men left with me, it being the colonel's intention to recruit at the north. Mini lelurn immediately. The Piefeel, the piincipul civil authority of the southern de paitnieiit, rexided there, aud I was left for the pti'pose of supporting him. My posit iou wna n very pleasant one ; Santa Ruibnra being the residence of tome of the smteliet Dotn and prettiest Senoras in all California. I had beoti here, however, but a few days when I received a Correo, post haste fiom Capt. Gillespie, biingiug news of a rebel lion in the South the Citv of the Angels being surround ed by 5U0 of of (he Calilo ni.ins under arm. i' he couiier had barely escaped wuh his life, and biough: me Gillespie's motto seal, con cealed in a cigaiita, to voutch fr Ibe troth of what he told. Having warned me ho hunied iti to the noith t give this news tn the colonel and commodoi e. I spent several att.xiousdays every moment expecting to be uttucked lo my-bni racks; hearing only through the women, ho, noble and disinterested al ways in ihe hour of need, would give me sorb little inftif nnii ion as they could obtain witb reir od to the motions of the insurgents. ' Here lei me reinatk, that nothing has sur piised me so much, in my little inteicouise with the Mi'xicuiM, us the humanity and chaiity of the women, as com pined wkh the almost biuial ferocity of the men. You will lecollect that Kendall isluiu the same opin ion with leleience lo the Santa Fe expedi tion. "Ahhuogh rny position wa very precarious, 1 kept a fiuii tippet lip, iu order to keep do w the people of Santa Batbara, with some 70 fighting men, and several reside nt Mexican noiih. I soece.-dod in this until the City nf Ihe Angels is lukeo, an-d- Gillespie forced to capitulate). Manvel Garpis, the comtnau der, then marched with two hundred tneu nil S i ut. i Baibaiu. '1 hey surrounded the town, and sent in n letter demanding my sui render, aud guaiatileeing our lives, &tc, &.e. They gave us tvohou:s to deliberate. We had all determined not to surrender our amis; nad, finding the place we then occupied untenable, wilh mi small a force, we dt-letmined to push for the hills, (our bet gtouud lor righting,) or die in the attempt. I accordingly marshalled my little f.nce, and marched 'out of the town wiihout opposition those ho lay ou the road retreating to the maiu force which was on the loM'er side of the town. The few foreigners living iu the town daied riot tssi. nie; and the Californians, ail of cou-se, took arms agaiust us. Having so unexpectedly been allowed to pass Iheir foice, I cariijicd in the hills ovei looking Ihe town, aud determin ed to remain there a few days, and co-operate ith any force that might be landed at Santa it niir.i. I remained heie? eight div-, when the Califoi ii iaus having diseoveied my where abouts, finally determined lo route me out. Not knowing my exact posit ion, they had divided ii to two or three patties; and eno of ihnn, consisting i.f some loily men, happen ed to strike upon the very pot where I was.' I was air- of iheir corning, nud had given my meu oiders not l fire uutil they were in among us. Bot my men were so eager to get a hbot, (hat two of ttiem nbo were posted iu the a-rny, or raviue, nearest the enemy, forgetting my iuHrucliou, fired just aslhef came marching hi on us. Tbey had fi'td too far for iheir own shots even to be effective, killing only tho horse of one, and wounding ibe horse and guizing the hip of another of the enemy. But the Calilot uians fled, nor would they agaitt come within reach of our rifles, pouring a fire fiom their long caibines from the neigboi ing bills. Tbey sent a for eigner to me.oflerinu to allow tne to retain rny arm and fieedoin, giving my parole of honor not to iutefere fanner in the war about to bo waged. "I sent ihe man bark with wod that I prefeired to fight. Finding I would not give up, Ihey put fire iu all round me, and succeed ed in buiuiug me out. 1 eluded, them, however; and after lingering a unther day, in hopes that a force would arrive, I determined to push for MoQietcy. 1 came down oa a rancho, railed Sao Marco, where we got some thing to eat, for we bad been starving 'or sever al dayn. We were also fortunate as to rind an eld soldier of General Michellon-iia, who was naturally inimical to the CalifoMiiau. Ho piloted us across the coast mountain, which is here ninety miles wide, aud very ruined, into the bead of the Tulare valley to the" Lake of Bnena Vuta. Here I wa, fami. liar with ibe cotintry,nd afler a month s travel, coming "'" 600 "'iks. mostly afoot, eudur iug niucb hard-hip and suffering. o at length effected a junction with Colouel Fremont at Monterey. . c c (