1 .q. ' ,. !j j ' CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND TUE GLORf Or THE STATE 15 THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS.' I I BY WJI II BAYXE M9VBL.ISUKU S.TUMtI. TERMS X In advance, per year, 00 ii noi pain tit advinct', 2 5U If uot paid till six months have expiicd, 3 0 If not paid lilt the year lias i xpircd. 3 50 No subscription taKeii for less than a year, un less the price he paid in advance No paper will be pent out of the State unless the subscription price be paid in udtuncel TERMS OP ADVEItTISIXG S One square of 21 lines, or I-ss, I i nsertion, 60 cents ; and for eai h xubjt :quent insciiiun. 31 cts., except it remain in for sevcial month., when it will be. charged S3 fr two month?, 1 f..r tlrce months, and so on; for 12 months $ I o. iC"""P Liberal privileges given to yearly adver tiser. , COMSTOCK S SJlliSAPAMLLJl. Of superior qu.ili!), and half ih" price of any other. For t le cure of scrofula, general nihility, seal ructions ol the skin, pimples or pus.nic-s on the fac-, hi es from an impure habit ol Ihe body, pain ani I i ii ll of i he bod vt and all ill ca-es ari.-i n i iro n an impure state of iho blood, chro .ic rhtuma lintim, cutaneous di:i ases, letter, tncicurial or syphiloid disease, ith-.cralior.s-- of the llnoai and I g, liver all ctions, exposures and imptudence in hie, fxcirss.-s in the use ot 'up-renry, ftc. JSold only by S J llni-daie in Fa ) ctteville. DEAFNESS - DR McN AIR'S ACOUSTIC OIL The d'-af from infincv, often rciwc in a most miraculous manner tbeii hearing when ihey. least expect it, by the use of tl i Oi!, hicli shows th m bow tartly they might inn ;h sooner have had I heir hearing and saved themselves ami their f iends the pain ot conversing in a !ou I tone, wil'iout pleasure, or of Ii log neuh'f l d and s mined, to avoid lliat distress vvlijih is lilt unilii.lly by the ileaf person and his b"aiers. How Sacretl a duty -therefor-- it l-i, tiial iv s; ue all lleccsary means lo nmove such an atil cltoii, and e j-y the social qualities implant ed lit our natures ! This Ear Oil has Ihe viTi cl so to relieve the t iisimi, and bung into use the natural action f" t parts, a to restore the har wli it lost or imp. i.e. I. This is pioved by sso many we' I Knot ii ta-tj, that lirri- known, it needs no praise. 'I'he i: r at wi.-hof the prcprie tor is, that each may sp.-ak to oth r - ol its un C'Miim ni virtu-s, tilt sutr rcrs tiny know and be refeved and rcs'op'd by its use ! Known by m v signature on the flask. Price, Stperfl.rik. DONALD "Vlc"N A I R, Al. D. CJoin-l..ck Co, New Yoik, arc the whole salers ol this Oil. JSol-i in Eaycl tcville by S J Hinsdale. 7 Jl'toii la all Families ami Sufferers. IVoot too plain to be ioiil)ied and loo stroii"; to bo denied is obtained thai all the !o lowin" are cur-d by LIN'S C VLI OF CUl nam ly .- Cnrus, chilblain-, left r, uleer, cuts, sore throat, huber'sitch, sure ey-s a nil Inls, ii: dolort u.v, old sear?, sue iii.'p'eN. wh:to sv- II i n , sen his, ehale, (in h;, fistu'a bruis4.-A, biliou s, eaibuiiclc, soie lip, aenc in fice and bre.isi, ricll heat, rouh Iiui'!, general Mr' s, tro-tee! p.crts, ihaps felon, erysipi ias, sliain, pi'es, eruption, ihenwi itism, le-vi-r sore--, lo ok en orcast, blist r-il sur'a cs. For LI ir ns if is a pt . i lie.- t-4.i t -1 i .n Will a ny bum. no- iii.iii ns I it Ii ot his cliiiiti i.-n ly ne ;;lect to keep th s hahu always at hand? It is ood ('r so in.i'iy ihi-ijis thai no boose should be illi cit! il. L-t - 1 1 ln'd this Marniejr. f'rice 6 c's, or boith s lor Si ji. iSold in Fa cttc i ' !e by S. J. Hinsdale. Unij's I mi in cnl Jbr the 1'ifes. Piles IT clunlly enn d h this ci itau remedy. The sale ol this nilie'e is s-te;nMy i - cri iiMiip, iiol witlis:an 'inu many i tuinti 1 1 it s irol up in jniil.it on ol il. Persons tnoihl- d w th tiiis d.stn s-sin-j, co op ajul, decftue llt.ii lin y would not he wilhou tin's preparation in M. ir honsi s lor the price of I en boxes. The ptih;ic ill ri collect that this is only icmedy 1 11-i d ihcm liat is in italty of any value whatever. In l-u s while it is known, every faiui'y has i( in their bi.ii.-e. i's priee is not eo'isiih red al all. it is aboveidl price. Cmusiock & Co., 23 Court laudl slreit,N- w Vol k. Sole ploplii folS. !Soi I only by S J Hinsdale in Fayetteville. Oldride's Halm of Columbia for the lair. Its positiv qualities ar- as follow s : I st For infant s, ket pmir I hem free from scill I. and eausin a 1 nm i.ml growth o' the hair. 2d - Fo - I after c hi I-f -h i ' t h, r- storing the ski i t ils usiid st rerjih' Ii and ri : in tit ss u lid pre vc iMiijl the' la lin out ot 1'ic h nr. 3 I - F ii a iy person recov- rm j 1" o n any dcbili t, the -anie i fT :i is proilnci d, 4th -l! n-ed in Hilancv ii I a rood :"otll is started, it m iy U" . rescued by altcnti' li to the latest jo ri ol I fe 5 tit - I: fiei s th head from d.indrufl", str-nth-ens the roots i nparts health and vijor lo the cir culation, and invents ih- hair fiom -haning col or or ttiny; i;ray. Gtii -- It causes ihe hair to curl beautifully w hen do ie no t he o ver niijht I adies' toilet should ever he made without it. 7n -Clnldi' n who h iv.- bv any ni'a'if contract ed 'ermoi in th- head, aie i in n edi,-i l : y and per fectly cured of then: bv its use. It is itifalhhl". S .Id only by fcr. J. Hinsdale in Fayetteville. .Milker's IitHtf Indian Discovery. AM expecting to become mothers, and anxiors t avoid lit . pains, ihstress, and dailir'rs child bearing, arc earnestly entreated to culm their tears, allay t!i--ir nervousness, and sooth' 'heir way by the use of this most extraordinary vegetable pm d iction. Th .tie who will candidly observe its virtue?, must approve of it in their hearts; every kind mid utlectionaie husband will feel it lis m st solemn duty to allevi te the distress his w ite i exposed to. by a safe and certain method, which is the us.. t Mother's Relief. urther particuar in Pamphlets intended foi the Feni d-Eye, to be had gratis where this Ini man 0..rd-r,. to be found. IlicMiitWivaclielis prepared, and sold, by th now ... proprietors, Con'stock & Co, fe,"fK e,..ture' ""the Theory and Orders mav be add landt street. New York. "re,n 21 ourt- venincaie, ami turtlier paiticuinro en here the Relief is sold. r ,ar8 Can be Sold only by S. J. Hinsdale in Fayetteville. A Certain and Permanent Cure for Salt It heum, Sf-c. Dr CHURCHILL'S ITALIAN WHITE WASH Will Cure Salt Rheum, Tetters, Ring Worms, onu an uiaeases ot the km. It excels all other medicines nrnitn..;.. . stitutional and last inn cure bv nt!n nn ii,. wcls by absorption thro isrh the pores of the skin. .1 1 . - - wi , 1 onu iijjjpny cuiiiuiiiina locaiana general etlect. Directions with each bottle, sold at 50 trents, by the Druggists senerally Conistock -&. Co, New ."iiv. pota only nv o. j. uinstlale. -t ebruary 6, 1847." - ' - BLACKSMITH SHOP, At the junction of Bridge and l'ei son Streets. THE undersigned would beg leave to return his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their patronage heretofore, and would now inform them that he h. s enonse, the services of Mr Amos Williamson, under whose superintendance the work will be conducted, and in whom the" public will find a competent workman, always ready to serve th-nt with good substantial work, at prices to suit the times. The horseshoeing department will have partic ular attention, and will he executed bv that re nowned colored son ol Vulcan, DavidPookam.who as a horse shoer, is not surpassed by any workman in the place. lie solicits from his old customers a continuance of their patronage ; to all others he desjr s only an opportunity to secure their custom. Coat woik particularly attended to, as well as al! kinds of job wotk. E. C. HALL. Fayeltevtlle, March 27, 1817. 423-if. 'I lie Cheapest Wm. 3VCattliew.s9 WISHING tochaii".? his business, has re duced tin price of Goods, and is deter mined to -ell LOWER than thev con he bought clsewh're, viz: Co;ored and half monrninj: Lawns and Mu.-hns at 15, 17, -2, 25, oO and 40 ceils ; Calorines and Peraies from 2o to 3d cts pei yard; E ."'ish, French and Ameiican Piints !n-w style) from 6 to 2i cts ; English, Fn nch and American Ginuhams, IS to 3n cts ; colored and half inoiirn in Gingham Muslins. 20 to 35 cts ; Grass Chdh forskins, 'J cts; skirts ready made S I lf; Swiss and Cook Ali.slins from 25 to 50 cents per yard ; pi i i j ennct and plaid Cambrics from 15 :o 4 cts ; silk and bernge. Scarfs from $1 25 to 6; piik fringes lor s emits ; silk bullous for Indies dr'-sses from 5 to 50 cts per di zei-; corded Gimps 2i per yard; thread and bobbin E:'o ns from to 25 cts per y;ird; l olton do. at I, I and 2' cts per yard, bv the pie e; worked collars, single atid double, from 4"icts to : superior ktd Gl-.ves, all colors from C5 to 75 cts ; cotton hose, 8 ; hose from I" t 25 cts. prime ; "Howe's"' scdil-heaUd I'ins, the best artiele made, all sizes, 7, cts per paper ; 'Mew VotU" !o. lo. Pins, at 5 ai d fJ cts pi r pa per. A '.Meat vatitty nfm w style Con nets, ami children's bonnets and flowers, at low prices ; a h w ready fniniin d, &e. &.e., with every other ar tiele y u may call for in the Dry Goods line, both for ""tents and Ladies wear, in proportion w ith the above, price-. Call and sec the Goods and we'll make th prices S'.it. No. 3 Green street. May 1, IS 17. 428-4'. The Gracfenberg Vegetable Pills. 3CKOOO Boxes Solrt Kach and Kvcry Weelc. THE GRAEFENCEUG COMPANY Elcrehv ivc notice that ihrir General Auent for the State of North Carolina is Col. WM. JONES, Louis: ore, Frai. k in county . N. C The General A4111I is fu.ly prepared to appoint sub-ajjents wherever there is no branch of the Company; cither on personal application, or by mail, post-paid. The rapid sal of iheseci h bra ted pills, and i h extraordinary cores llo y are eon -staielv iVt ettila, rt'iKWrilicin ,' by Tar, ;iio mosl po- pillar pill of lb. ae. An Agency will cons- quent !y be very valuable. Thi Graclenher.ij Pills are inconceivably superi or to any ever before 'i toveied. In all bilious complaints; in ncrl d-ra ngement of lie ss tetn ; in al! dtsoideis- which result ftomabad state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. In the class of diseases. calh d throne, the Grae fenb r Pills achieve thr ir highest triumphs. Here they bf all eoinp'l it ion. Euti-rmg within the hidden recesses if the sys't in, they quctly hut surely uii'y th- b'o d, lout out tiisea.-e, ad ivc tone and viu-r to the bod v. CUKES ARE CONS I AN1LV EFFECTED Cy I hose Pi! Is. i n a -rs v h- 1 eveiv o'lni means bad utterly failed The most abundant proof of this con'd be jrivin, but a trial ol one single box will convince the patient. .Tin y can beordi 1 ed and s nt by mail, al trflmg expense. The pii e is 25fvi a ll' x. Where two d-d ars worih are ordered and 1I10 money ritniiiid Ihe Company will pay the postage on the Pills. Remittances at the Company's it& VVhttrevcr ibeie is no Ag' n cv 'd the C"inpjrt they can be ordered by mail. ' Tie si: Pil!s'iIaking the p'aee of all others, and no sick 6vg ""Vhould be w ithout l. n. ALL & t t :-1 hrto rntPi aints Dowel Cnif Fi-vi r ami :4 Complaints. Js,, Constipation,, Dyspepsia, f ' Ij adache, Jaundice, Li-ver Vatism, all .Stomach Compi i nls, JfM.Sx.v-, yield at once to these awav oflen'ive humenrv, aritst (rfisense, und at the sane time Sor to the system. In case of iirren aicKne; Piils. They p .1 1 no progress restore tone at .' o era I derail eiirn. it of. the health, they ateSover- t Iv their use. jweak w ill become strong; the fnplexion be restorel to a per hy color ; all the bad syuitoins pnear 433-1 v. 1 ah- 11 in! hi'i-i d'cliy fr sh an will one by or June 5. 1847 ON cVnsignmbnt;. A fi.'ie Hotting MxVRE in harness. Apply to J ACKSON JOHN'S 'N, May 2'J, ISI7. tf. Wayon Yard. Ice cream saloon. II. Eraillherf's Cream Saloon isnowopemd, where ladies and gentlemen can be aceoiii'iiodaletl with Ice Cream and Lemonade. May 15, 1847. FAYETtEVILLE AND WABSAAV STAGE New Arrangement. The Warsaw Stage leaves Fayetteville on Sun days, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, al 2 o'clock, P. M.,'and arrives at WarsavV in time to take the train for North or South. Leaves Warsaw Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays, after the arrival of the Train from both ways, and arrives in Fay etteville next morning in time for the stage going north or south. PASSENGERS enter at Crises' Hotel. JACKSON JOHNSON, Asent. Dec. 26, 1846. 410 if. JUST RECEIVED, 500 lbs prime CHEESE, 500 Iba Candies, ' And a variety of other nic nacs, at ' , H. ERAMBERT'S. May62d, 1847. ; l)n Oonsignment, ydp ,XF-S Virginia Manufactured h-dT 'KBABCD ne a"' common fnr i ?t,', fut;P-m whole and half boxes, fon t atacloJ prices, adding the transrorta 22, ,847. IwTMcLAUR1N. FAYETTEVILLE, CARIUAGE MANUFACTORY. Nearly Opposite Liberty Point. The subserilKcr having tiken the stand lately oceufed by Simpson &. McLaughlin, respfctlnl ly returns his thanks for the liberal patronage here tofore extended to him, and hopes by 'Jtireinitted attention 10 business, To merit a continuance of the same. - I have on hand several vehicles: Carrii2f Barouches, Bgi-s, Rockaways, Wagsons, fee., of the most approved style,, w hich, for lightness and durability, will compare with any made here or elsewhere. Pejsons w i-hing to purchase will do well t call and examine them, a? I am determined to sell very low lor cash, or approved notes. M-ivins had several years experience in one of the largest establishments north, I am prcpaicd to manufacture Carria ges of any description, at the shorte.-t notice. AN work warranted for twelve months ; and repaired, free of charge, should it fail in point of workmanship or material. REPAIRING neatly cxicuted at the shortest notice and most reasonable charge. Orders thank fully received. A.C. SIMPSON. Fayetteville, April 3, 1847. 424-1 f. Prom Boston Direct. 1 Dium Coi'fish, 2 bbls Salmon, 5 bbls each Ao I &. 2 Mackerel 27 bbls No 3 Mackeral 60 bTds Massachusc llfs, Large No 3 .Mackcri 1. 5 cases paim leaf hats 2 cases hnnnets 20 eases SHOES, Comprising a general asortment, and will be offered he ip by the case. A'so a lare and general assorliiienl of DRY GOODS, &C, For sale this day. WM. MclNTYRE. Liberty Point, Fayett' ville, April 21, 1847. 4'27-3m. UNITED STATES Patent Water Wheel, THE subscribers having Purchased ofjJe.U-"jW ert States Water Wlvel Company, the ex':lusi've right ol" making, vending and-usin S. C. Howd's Patent Cast Iron Direct-acting Water Wheel, in that portion of Virginia . lying south of the James River, and east of I he Clue Ride-, with North Carolina This, therefore, ie to inlorm all persons fh-it in iy le interested in the Water Wheel within sa id lerritor , that they hold themselves in readi ness to accommodate all persons that would wish their water power improved upon the mft liberal t- rms. Our patterns have been so improved, that a competent Mill Wright could soon put the wheels in operation The Spout mid Gate, for ihe small Wheels, are all of Iron and fitted at the shop; the shall and gear are also of iron, and ol suitable s' rength io answer the purpose designed. As regards the utility of the Wheel, we refer to th" certificates attached. There are hundreds of I hem running al the north, and a few in Virginia. Some of the Virginia certificates are here attached the northern wi',1 lie sent to anyone ihaf may wish to see. them. These Wheels have displaced all other wheels known to the. subscribers. IRA STANBROUGH, who has been engaged for the last seven ye.ns in putting them up, feels competent to undertake the most important Jobs. The pr'cc of ihe above named Wheels has been P-dnced about one-third since the purchase bv the j subscribers, a nd we fed confident that we shall he able to give satisfaction to all that order our wheels. For further particulars, address eifher of the sub scriber, al P- tcrshnrg, Va or Mr A. P. HURT, our Agent, Fa vetfeville, N. C-, who will attend to all orders with despatch. URIAH WF.LLS, IRA STANBROUGH. June 19, 1847. 335-3m CERTIFICATES. Mr Ira Stanbroiigh, of the State of New York, has pot in operation for the Bat'ersea Manufactur ing Company in this place, one of How d's Patent Water Wheels, 7 feet in diameter, with IS inch buckets, uider the following circumstances: The mills contain 2,7tll Throstle and Dan forth Spind les, yit L'.otis and all neeessarv preparations, which have been driven bv two Breast Wheels, each 12 feet long by 13 diameter, under, a head ami fall of about II feet, but- the location being subject tn back wafer, thess- wheels did not work to advantage. Air Stanbrouh having great con fidence in bis Wheel, not only that it would ob viate the difficulty with back water, but he was willing io guarantee that it would drive all the machinery and save one ibirdthe water then used ; and having executed to the company a bend in S J.oO't for that purpose.it was determine i to let him mike the trial, which I am happy to say has resulted verv satisfactorily, and that lie has fairly and fully ful'nlled his contract, and I would recom mend his wheel to public nr.t'ce. J. B.VARNUM, Agent for the company. Petersburg, November 17, 1845. Petersburg, Oct. 1345. This certifies that the Howd Wh elTput in my mill eighteen months since, that ground, upon trial, 20 bushels of corn per hour, has woiked so well and convinced me so fully that it is the best wheel driven by the force of water, that I have de termined to put up another the pres-nt season- WILLIAM MURRAY. Seadwell Mills, A !bemar!e co., Va , March 15, 1847. $ This is to certify that I have had put in at my cotton mill, at the place aforesaid," containing 2, 040 spindles, 3 dozen Looms and one section of woollen Machinery, one of S B Howd's Patent Water Wheels, 5 feet diameter, 18 inch depth bucket under a head of 20 feet ; that lh said wheel has been in operation about six months, and from the improvement so far made, I regard it a valua ble acquisition to the establishment. JOHN TIMBERLAKE. The subscribers has also a very large Machine Shop and Iron Foundry, employing daily sixty hands and is well prepared to execute, to rdcr all kinds of Mill Gearing, Tobacco Presses, Flatn-in- Mills, Steam Engines. Farming Unpments Si.c URIAH WLLLS. FRIDAY, JULY 2: 1847. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as undertaker and builder,to the citizens or nthers,dispoed to contract tor building rjobbirg Terms liberal. NEW DEY GOODS. CASH BAIIGJ1IJSS STORE Sure 25 per cent ! Sare 25 per cent ! 'IIIIIE subscriber having established himself on -UL Hay street, for the purpose of conducting the Dry Goods business, on the CASH principle, would respectfully invito the attention of the in habitants of Fayett vi le ai:d surronhlin country, to his well selected slock of FRESH SIMtlNCi Ashe is desirous of making Faycltei le his permanent place c4' residence, it is to his advan tage to keep only such Goods as will, by price arid durability, please, and thereby insure a shar--, at least, of the custom of the communis v. Having been transacting business at the North, which cansed him to be constantly in ihe market, purchasers can rest assured of having shewn them such goods only as have latest made llicir appear ance. His stock consists of ladies and gentle men's dress, whit, Muslin, and housekeeping Goods; Shawls; Handkerchiefs; Gloves; .Mitts; Hosier'; and Nen Clothing, together with a lot of Notions, niaki ig in all a stock too tedious to en 11 mr rate. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wi I be supplied on terms so liberal as w ill, we think, obviate the difficulty of going further. Call and see f.r your selves. - JOHN EASTER, Jr., Hay street, north side, a few doors west of the Market, nearly opposite the new Lafayette Hotel. May I, 1817. 428-if. CARTHAGE INSTITUTE, THE Fall Session in ihis Institution will com mence on Thursday the firs! day of July. A. C. McNEILL, Principal Carthage. June 19, 1748 335-2t. 30. & W. iVIcLATJRIlSr Idave just leeeived Ihcir Spring and Summer Gt)0:D'8.' Embracing a great variety of Staple and Fancy Goods, which they will sell at low prices. May 8th, IS47. 529- Hermeticsilly Sealed OYSTERS, Lonsters, Fresh Salmon, Ilallibut, Haddock, and Sardines. Received this day and for sale at TIMOR'S. ALSO 4 boxes Lemons, I half barrel Tamarinds. June 26, 1847. 43G-3w. HOUSES INDIAN TONIC -A saf and sure cure for CHILLS or AGUE& FEVER, in the unpn crdomcd short tim ; oi Five Hours as thousands throughout the West and South can testily, who . have been thus speedily cured by this Great Remedy ! .EVERY one who is afflicted, should be anxious to obtain thai remedy which ofl'-rs the be si, quick est, and safest cure, no mailer from what source il spiings; every honest man being bound lo em brace the truth, w herever found. Therefore, the proprietor, in justice lo the public and himself, feels called upon to state, honrstlv, a few facts, which will establish HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC lo be the best remedy for .CHILLS or Aue and Fever, now known. Fact 1st The article is con venient and pleasant to take is refined from all gross particles, which render other preparations so inuddv, nauseous, and disagreeable to thetasu-; and it the directions he followi d,vv ill core anycase, toa mathematical certainty, in from three to five hours. Astonishing!!! buttu. Fact 2nd By its action upon the I vtr and oth- rorgans concern ed in forming if, the bile is regulated, the morbid action induced by the cause of the disease is des troyed fevei ailaytd and it will be found a power'ul agent in assisting to remove levers gener ally. Fact 3rd It gives lone to the stomach in vigeratislhe body stimulates all the functions toa healthy action and is highly useful, wherever tonics are wanted, p'act 4ih--This Tonic has peifoimed, and is daily performing, cures in CHILLS or AGUE & FEVER, without a parallel in medicine-- Witness a single bottle makinga cureii: aWe.ol'TUN YEARS standing:; another in a cuseiof NINE YEARS standing to cure which hadpreviiusly baffled all skill, and every n-mcdy .--Look ' at the many other asiouishii.g cures set forth in the certificates around the bottle, and Ihen say, if HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC does not deserved I v stand, pre emi i ntly the gieitest remedy of Ihe timej. Read the certificates caie fully; they are from your neighbors and Iriends and wh-never y u meet with any of them, (to as certain the truth,) don't fail to ask them concern in" it. Be sure to ask for HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, and as you value jour health, don't be put off" with any thing tle. Prepared and sold by Geo. W. House, Nashville, Tenn. Price $t per bott'e. HOUSE'S CELECKATCD VEGETABLE PILLS, Superior to any Purgative now known for expel ling Disease from the System. THIS Pill is made of Vejiet able substances on ly, and is prepared w th 1 be greatest care, accord ing to the rules of Pharmacy. To a'l who labor under any lingering or Chronic disease, they are especially recommended. In Gout, While Swelling, Fever Sores, Scrofula.atul Nervous Debi htv, they never fail lo give relief. In RHEUMATISM, Ihey arc the only certain cure ever discovered for ibis painful disease, as hun dreds can testify, who are now rejoicing fiee from paip and in perfect health, after haying been given over by friends and physicians as incurable. .- PILES : HOUSE'S PILES OINTMENT ia most valua ble, safe and certain cure for TILES. ilJ See certificates around the bot'le. Prepa red by Geo. W. House, Nashville, Tenn. Price SI per bottle. For sale in Fayetteville, by S. J. Hinsdale, and Jacob Ramsonr & Son, Lincolnton; Gilmer & Ross, Charlotte ; Allen & eiackwell.Lanesboro, Anson ; Wm- B. McCorkle, Wadesboro, Anson ; R. L. Steele, Rockingham, Richmond. June 26, 1847. . 436-5m. Johnson's Military Walnut Oil Shaving Soap, the best article in use for Shaving a new supply just received and for sale by. S. J. HINSDALE. February 13, 1 847. Rheumatism, Gout, Sr Tie Douloureux. A respectable gentleman called to our effice, as he said, to inform us that he had been afflicted for fifteen years with Rheumatism or Gout, and oc casionally with Tic Douloureux ; that he has been frrrtuently confined to his room for months toge'h er.and often suffered the most intense and exciu ciating pains, but that lately 4ie had been using Jayne's Alterative, horn which he found the most signal and unexpected relief. Spirit of the limes. Life ! Life ! ! Life ! ! " AH that a man hath will he give for his life," so we find recorded in the most ancient and best of books, but as we see thousands dying around us with Consumption, Croup, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spilling blood and other Tulmonary affec tions, we are led to doubt the correctness of the s hove assertions specially since it is So well known that a certain, remedy may he obtained, whiih always ariests those diseases. Dr Jayne's Expectorant never fails to give relic, and cures afiir all other means have faded. Jayne's Sanaiire Pills. Though not re commended as a universal " cure al ," have never theless proved superior to every thing ol the kind, especially in Lier Complaint and Dyspepsia ; and when used in conjunction w ith his Tonic Vermi fuge or Alterative, will not fail one lime in an hundred, of fleeting a permanent cure. Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by S. J. Hinsdale. JUST RECEIVED, ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, a very superior artiele, lor sale by J. &. T. WADDlLL. June 26, 1817. THE Subscriber having been authorized by the County Court of Cumberland, to charge Toll for persons and vehicles passing Black's Diidgc over Big Rockfish, hereby informs the public that said Bridge w ill be kept in Hood order, and lhat the usual rates of Toll will b"? exacti-d Persons who have worked on I he bridge, or who live near it, 111 iy pass over free of toll. JOHN M. CARVER. June 26, 1847. 435-3t. SUPER NATURALISM of NEW ENG LAND. The follow ing Is an extract from a work with ihe above title, recently written by John G. VVhittiet : It h is been said with far more poetry than Huth that " The last lingering fiction of the brain, The Church yard ghost, is laid to ieM again." There is a lui king belief in nearly all minds that there may be some truth in the ide of departed spit its revisiting their earthly friends and places familiar to them while in this life. I am by 110 means disposed t enter nrgumrnt in behalf of thi- belief. ' Il does not, however, lack greater and better namca than mine 111 its suppoit. For five thousand years tho entire human family have givuo it credence. It was a patt of the wild faith of ihe Scandinavian worshippers of Odin. Il gave a niournlul beauty to the battle songs of the old Erse and Gaelic haids. It shook the stout heail of the ancient Roman. It blended with all the wild and extravagant religious of the East. How loin hing is that death scene of Cvrus as told, y Xenophon, when ihe monarch summoned his chiidieu about him entreating them, dying, to love one another, and ! lemernber that their father's ghost would he al Iheii side, lo nj..iee with their rejoicing, &soi row whli their ormw. All nnliolis, all ages, as Cicero justly affirms, hive giveu credit lo ihis ho! doctriue ; and this alone, Dr Johnsn argues coufiuris it The DocTur himself believed in ihe ghit of Cockkiue. Luther saw, talked and fought with spirits. Swedefibcrg made them his f.itniliai acqu liutances. Coletidge and his frieDd, the Apostle of the Unknown tongues were spec treseets. Against as much authmity shall we urpe the common sense view of the subject, that ihe apparition of n disembodied spirit t the .sensual o-gatts of sight, hearing and touch is a solecism jli philosophy, a .-nipc-i veisiou of all knowu laws of matte and mind ? What will that avail with the man who has actu illy seen a gho.-t, wiih grave clothes tuid all ! Fact befoie philosophy always. If the mail is cet'aiu he has seen Ihe thi no, there is an end lo ihe matter.'11 Seeing, as the old adage has it is believing. "Disbelief under such circum stances, would justly subject him to ihe charge; which pious father Baxter brought agaiust those who doubted in lelatiou to Cotton Mather's witches 11 lie must be an obstinate Sadducee who questions; it." To the persons who are subjected lo these illusions, the phantoms are real enough pictutes born wilhiu protected outward by the f'otce of imagination, lhat tyrant of the mind, en-laving ihe sen-es which weie intended for its guard agaiust enor, and making even thei' apparently natural action the medium of false hood. Most readcis will remember the ac count which about a year ag, circulated Ih rough all ihe newspapers, ol a spectre seeo iu Wariier, N. H., two men while watching by ihe bedside of a dyiug ueighbor. A red uuuatural light tilled the loom a si 1 a tiger suddeuly stood beside them, and fixed his eyes upou the dying man, who hiuuk beneath the ghasiiy sciutioy. On the disappearance ot the spectre, the sick man made au effort to speak, and in broken wotds confessed that mauy years before he h id aided in the murder of a man whose spectral image had just left the room This slatemen', if I recollect right ly was made under oath. Il is prope, how ever, to mention; that it has beeu intimated that the spiiit seen on the occasion was none other than one of Deacon Giles's spirits of the distillery one of those bottle imps which plays as fantastic tricks with those who uncork them as Le Diable Boitcux of the old French novelist did with the student of Salainauca- Guilt or remorse for injuries inflicted upou those whose forgiveness can uot be known, I aud whose power ol retaliation iu their uew L Volume 8 Number 437 condition can uot be estimated, is the piolifto mother of upectral anooyaucea. Whomso ever we have injuied, however despicable aud weak while liviug, becomes f.mnidablo by death. I have noticed iu our thrifty moucy loving community, that there is a common notion that the di-posal of an estate contrary to the knowu wishes of the testator is tho most potent spell of ail rubers for raising a Yankee ghost. Among the many ancedutes which coiroborate this opinion, I must cou tent mvself with citing one, the sceue of which happens to be in au adjoining town. Some years ago, an elderly woman, famili arly known as' Aunt Morse,' died, leaving a baudsnme little property. No will was found, although it was understood before bar decease lhat such a document was in the bauds of Squiro S., oue of her neighbors. One cold winter evening. Mime weeks after her departtne, Squire S. sat in his pat lor look ing over his papers, when hearing some ouo cough i:i a familiar way, bo looked up, and saw bcftue him little crooked old woman iu nn oil uut colored woollen frock, blue and white low and linen ap-on, and striped blanket, leaning her j-hurp pinched face 011 one hand, while the other supported a short black tobac co pipe, at which she wns puffing iu ihe most vehement and spiteful maimer conceivuhle. The Squire was a mat) of some nerve ; but his tir:-t thought was to attempt an escape, from which ho was deterred ouly by the con sideration that any effoit to th it effocl would necessarily bring him nearer lo his unwilcotiiu visitor. " Aunt Morse," he said al length, ' lot i!n Lord's sake, get tight back lo Ihe burying- mind ! What ou earth are you here for c" Tho appaiitiou took her pipu deliberately from her month, aud informed him lh it file; care to see justice done with her will ; it ml lhat nobody uecd think of cheating her, dead or alive. Corn-hiding her ic.maik with a shrill emphasis, he replaced, her pipe, and puffed away with renewed vigor. 1 he sqoiiu had lea son - for retaining the document ut issue, which he had supposed conclusive, bi t he had not reckoned upon the intoiferencrj of Ihe testator in ihe matter. Auut Morse, when living, he had always regarded as a vcy shrew of a .woman; and he now begun to .suspect that her recent charge of condition had improved her, like Sheridan's ght, "ihu wrong way." He ,nw nothing belter to bo done under the circumstance, thau to promise to ffK the rrta'ler set right lhat ceiling. The Ghost nodded her head approvingly, and knocking the ashes out of her pi' against the chimney, proceeded lo fill it .mow w ith a handful of tobacco from her side pocket. And now, Squiii'," she said; 'if you il just light my pipe" for ine, 1 II ne a-going." The Squire was. as has been intimated, no coward; he had been out during the war iu .1 Meiriniac ptivalee-, and hud seen sharp work olf Fayal, but as he? said nflc wards, "It was 110 loin h to lighting Aunl Morse's pipe." No slavo of a pipe-bea'er ever hiuded tho chibouque to ih Grand Tu'k wilh mure cato and revuience, th in the Squire manifested on this occasion. Aunt Morse dtcw two or three long preliminary whilf-, Iu see that all was tight, pulled her bhuUet over her head and slowly hobbled out ul ihe door. The Squire being Irtic lo his prorni-e wis never ng.iiu di:dui bed. It is right in conclusion fo say that there were wtrong suspicious at ihu limp th.i the gho.t was in reality of flesh and blood: iu sir one of the living heirs of Aunt Morse, and uot the old lady herself. A PRESERVED CORPSE. 1 11 digging, ihe other day, among the founda tions .( (iiace Church, l-ilely pulled down, a small load colliu was lurned up by the pick axe. Ou opening it, a smaller one was found inide, two feel and a hull' in length, appateti tly of silver' bea'ing date 1767, containing the body of n female child. The coffin had a glass over Ihe fine; lower down, a looking glass was set in Ihe mHal; and, near ihe foot, was au Hpeifure closed by a glu-s stopper. On removing thi-, it uppeared that the coffin inside was filled with spirits of turpentine, in which the body was so well preserved, lhat the features, though somewhat shrunken, were easily distinguishable through the glass. This relic of h i.-!ocratic affection, iu ihe olden times of New Voik, has excited considerable interest hcu, though, as yet 110 attempt baa been made lo nccouut !'' its history, or how ii ciiiiii! into the resting-place where il has just beeu disturbed. All is mystery without a clue. A venerable fiicud, who has lived iu ihis city for the last sixty-seveu years, and for much of lhat lime has been in active life, says lhat he rcmcmbe'S peifectly well, thai, just after the evacuation of New York by the British, in 1783, in pulling down tho old foi t near the Battery, a vault or cell was discover ed, containing the entire finally of a former governor of New York oil in 8iler coffins. A large warehouse then stood where Grace Church.wag afterwards built, and thither tho coffins were removed, aud slowed iu ihe cel lar. What became of ihem afterwards, he never heard; but, from all ihe facts especially Ihe peculiar material silver it is more than probably lhat the coffin just found is ojie of Ihooi, left in ihe warehouse, and not uotictd from its smalluess of size, aud allowed to remain when the church wa erected over the same foundations Aew York correspon dence Washington Union. Bonaparte, in his retreat from Russia, on reaching the Saxou territories, and inquiring whether many fugitives n ad been een there, he was thus ausweied: "No, site, you are tho first." .1